Montgomery Elementary School Faculty Handbook

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Montgomery Elementary School Faculty Handbook

Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

Montgomery Elementary School

Faculty Handbook 2014-2015

“The Mission of Montgomery Elementary School is to strive for personal excellence in a cooperative and nurturing environment which fosters the growth of the whole child.”

Principal – Marianne Serratore Assistant Principal – Matthew Canino

1 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

Table of Contents Beginning of Year Procedures 3 General Office Related Procedures: Student Attendance 3-4 Teacher Absences 4-5 Substitute Teachers 5 Mailboxes 5 Daily Bulletin 5 Opening Exercises and Morning Announcements 5 Office Procedures 5-6 General Faculty Regulations and Classroom Procedures 6-9 Housekeeping Expectations 9 Overall Building Safety Procedures and Disciplinary Expectations: MES Safety Plan 10 Health Office Procedures 10 Heimlich Maneuver 10 Blood Borne Pathogens 11 External Arterial Defibrillator (EAD) 11 Accidents/On-the-Job Injuries 11 Smoking Policy 11 General Student Regulations/Expectations 12-13 Statement on Discipline 13-14 Respect and Self-Discipline 14-15 Corporal Punishment 15 Lunch Procedure/Free, Reduced and Purchased 15-16 Breakfasts/Lunches/Miscellaneous Information Regarding Lunch Rules of the Cafeteria 16-17 Information Regarding Teacher Responsibilities: Books, Lesson Plans, Faculty Meetings, Records, Grades and More: Textbooks 17 Lesson Plans 17 Faculty Meetings 18 Permanent Records 18 Grading Procedures/Progress Reports and Report Cards 18-19 Standardized Test Results 19 Appropriate Dress Code-Staff 19 Subpoenas, Lawsuits (Serving of Legal Documents) 19 Field Trips 19-20 Homework 21

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BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PROCEDURES Classroom teachers please post your class list near the inside entrance of your room.

Each teacher should keep an up-to-date seating chart of his/her room in his/her plan book at all times. (Update this as necessary.)

Kindergarten students must wear their bus tags for the first two weeks (longer, if the child can still not express where they are to go).

Please be sure fire drill/take shelter map is posted in your classroom. Your Red Safety Folder must be readily available at all times in case of an emergency. If you need assistance, please see the Main Office. In familiarizing yourself with the building, please be aware of the nearest fire alarm pull station.

All staff members are asked to fill out emergency contact cards and file them with the nurse. These will be kept in a confidential file.

Please have students enter name and year in all textbooks that are distributed. All books must be covered immediately and should be kept covered throughout the year.


STUDENT ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Consistent and punctual attendance should be a cooperative goal of parents, teachers, administrators and students. The benefits of good attendance habits are directly related to a meaningful school experience. The procedure outlined below is designed to facilitate this goal.

Montgomery Elementary School uses a computerized attendance system, which will necessitate quick and accurate daily attendance taking by teachers. Teachers are to sign on to eSchoolData/NexGen daily to take attendance unless otherwise told. Refer to instructions given at NexGen training.

Teachers have also been supplied with an attendance folder for their class. Attendance folders are only to be marked for attendance when the system is not working or if there is a substitute teacher. All attendance folders must be sent daily to the Main Office by 9:30 a.m. If there are any additional changes, please notify the Main Office.

Refer to the inside cover of the attendance folder for the correct attendance symbols and codes.

EXCUSES Accurate marking of daily attendance is the professional responsibility of the teacher and should not be done by teacher aides or students. If a note comes in from a parent stating that the student is to be excused at a particular time to go to the dentist, doctor, etc., send the note down with the attendance folder in the morning.

We should diligently try to get excuses. They must be kept on file. If an excuse comes in not dated, please date it on the day that you receive it. All excuses must be sent to the office in your attendance folder daily.

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If the School Nurse or the administration determines that a student should go home, the slip from the Health Office will be made out. The teacher will be asked to send the student’s coat and book bag to the main office.

Students who arrive after 9:15 a.m. are tardy and must report to the Greeter Desk for a late pass before admission to their classroom. Students who are signed out early will be marked as an early dismissal by the office.

HABITUAL ABSENTEES: Classroom teachers are to report cases of suspected truancy or cases of habitual absenteeism, early leaves or late arrivals. These cases will be followed up and findings will be reported to teachers.

CHANGE OF DISMISSAL ROUTINE: Notes sent by parents regarding changes in a student’s normal dismissal routine must be sent to the office with the attendance folder. Notes should be picked up from the office prior to the end of the day. The approved note or the pink form entitled, “I am being picked up today!” is to be distributed to the student to carry at dismissal. If a notification of a student’s dismissal is received over the PA system, the pink form should also be completed and given to the student to carry at dismissal.

SUSPENSION: After a student is suspended, it is suggested that the parent have a conference with the principal before the student is reinstated. The classroom teacher will be invited to participate in this conference.

TEACHER ABSENCES Sick, Personal, Bereavement, Illness in Family, Conference Day

It is mandatory for employees to notify the district in the event of an absence from work, including sick, family illness, school business, conference, personal days, etc. Failure to notify your employer could result in loss of pay or your absence charged to vacation time, if applicable. It is in the best interest of the school to call for a sub as soon as possible or before 6:00 a.m. on the day you will be absent. If the absence is known after 8:00 a.m., you must call the school directly.

Employees involved in long-term absences that have been scheduled and approved are excused from the daily notification procedure. Examples of this type of absence would be:

• Scheduled Surgery • Child Care • Extended Hospitalization • Approved Conference Attendance • Leaves of Absence • Excused Absence

Absences for illness before a holiday or in excess of five consecutive days, require medical documentation. Please discuss specific problems with your building principal. However, major problems should be referred to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.

Personal day requests must be submitted through AESOP 48 hours in advance. Teachers must arrange for a substitute as soon as possible so there is adequate classroom coverage. Personal

4 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook days may not be taken either the day before or after a holiday without prior approval from the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Substitute teachers are expected to follow the normal daily routine of the regular classroom teacher including all extra duties and activities conducted during the school day. Completed lesson plans as outlined by the regular teacher are to be followed as closely as possible. Classroom teachers may want to list a buddy teacher who can consult with the substitute for miscellaneous information.

It is the professional responsibility of the classroom teacher to leave adequate, legible plans for the substitute to follow. Substitute Information should be left within your plan book, including the location of pertinent information (such as your Red Safety Folder, etc.) It is the professional responsibility of the substitute to follow those plans as closely as possible, and to leave feedback information for the teacher upon his/her return. Teachers may report a substitute teacher who neglects to meet reasonable expectations of effectiveness in the classrooms. Forms are available from the main office for such complaints.

The office will supply the substitute teacher with the appropriate forms, I.D. badges, etc. to be completed and any other pertinent information. Any questions or feedback regarding substitute teachers should be directed to the Main Office.

MAILBOXES All mailboxes should be checked periodically throughout the day. Students should not collect a teacher’s mail due to confidential or personal notes requiring restricted access and/or personal attention from the staff member.

DAILY BULLETIN A daily bulletin listing important information, upcoming events, deadlines, etc… will be emailed to you each morning. It is important that you read it so that you are award of what it taking place in the building.

OPENING EXERCISES AND MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS The Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence will be announced via the P.A. system. All staff and students are expected to respect this exercise by actively participating.

If any teachers want announcements made, the announcements should be dated and submitted in writing, and should be placed in the Main Office.

OFFICE PROCEDURES The office is the hub of the school's daily operations and functions. It is also the workspace of other MES employees. It is a place to welcome and inform parents. It is a place of service for faculty, staff and students. In keeping with these functions, the office must operate in an efficient, courteous and professional way. Please be respectful and mindful of this in your office use and expectation. Some thoughts to guide us:

1. Respect the office staff’s personal space and privacy by not using office computers, phones or desks without permission. Office desks may contain personal property, and office computers include sensitive files.

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2. Supplies may be requested at any time from the secretary. Orders will be filled as soon as possible.

3. Personal calls cannot be received during instructional time. If a family emergency arises, please have your family call the Main Office. We will come to your room and relieve you of your instructional duties.

4. It is your professional responsibility to check your voice mail as frequently as possible but not less than once per day. If a community member has made the effort to contact you, please make every effort to return their calls in a timely fashion. Remind parents in your correspondence to press the # sign when leaving a message on your voice mail to ensure that the voice mail is finalized.

5. Please check your mailbox on arrival in the morning, at midday or prep time, and at dismissal for important messages.

6. Please respect the overall tone of the office. Personal calls should be made on your room extension, at home or in the faculty room, not from the Main Office extensions.

7. Please do not congregate in the office area for extended periods of time and maintain appropriate noise levels at all times.

8. Guide your students through a role-play of proper behavior when visiting the office. They should stop at the counter, wait to be recognized and greet office personnel by name: Mrs. Troy, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Terribile, etc.

Thank you in advance for your careful attention to this matter and for modeling courteous behavior for our students.

GENERAL FACULTY REGULATIONS AND CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1. Teachers are to be at their stations at the time designated (please refer to your schedule for arrival/dismissal assignments). Classroom teachers are expected to be in classrooms to greet the students’ arrival no later than 8:55 a.m.

2. At 9:00 a.m., students are to go directly to classrooms when they leave the bus or breakfast. Be at your door in the morning to greet each student by name, and remain there until corridors are clear. Students should not be allowed to go anywhere without your permission.

3. Beginning the very first day, set a tone and level of expectation that each child will prepare for the day upon arrival in the class, get organized and get busy on an engaging problem to solve or interesting question or activity (also known as a Do Now). Including such a warm-up in your daily routine from the beginning of the year will serve in getting the day started quietly and effectively all year long.

4. Take attendance. Follow the attendance procedure outlined in the beginning of this handbook.

5. Instruction should begin immediately after the opening exercises.

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6. Students should never be left unattended. It only takes a second for an accident to occur. This especially refers to before and after school, noon hours and special subjects. Call the Main Office for assistance if you must leave for an emergency purpose.

7. Students in the hallway should be signed out from class on the MES Primary or Intermediate sign-out sheet. Sign-out sheets will be available in the main office.

8. Whenever your children leave your room as a group, please walk with them and have them remain silent. It is best for you to be at the back of the line, and assign a responsible line leader at the front who knows the appropriate places to stop in the hall. Time spent in the beginning of the year to practice this will pay off later. Children should be taught to always keep to the right, double file. (Of course, it may be necessary to merge to single file on a staircase.)

9. No student is to be kept after school without previous arrangements with the child’s parents or guardian.

10. All teachers are asked to give instructions to their children on the proper behavior on the playground, on buses, and in the building. This is extremely important.

11. Please park your car in the parking lot in designated areas. Parking will be on a first come, first served basis except for the administrators. Teachers are not to park in the fire lanes. Please display your assigned parking pass.

12. Please restrict your phone calls to parents before or after school hours or during prep time. Faculty members are not to make long distance personal calls from school phones and charge them to the school. If it is necessary to make a personal long distance call, it should be charged to your home.

13. If a teacher or paraprofessional must leave the building during the school day, the main office should be notified. Except for personal emergency or illness, all staff are “on call” in the event of a building emergency.

14. The Teacher’s Association and the District agree that the established workday is seven (7) hours unless otherwise noted or in the case of an emergency. Permission to leave the building prior to the end of the day must be requested in writing to the Principal.

15. Teachers and paraprofessionals are not to leave collected money in desk drawers or closets. It is to be placed in an envelope, properly labeled and locked in the main office.

16. It is the responsibility of the classroom teachers to send all students who are absent five or more consecutive days to the Health Office. The school nurse must check them and have their notes signed by her in order to return to regular classes. If they do not have a note, please give them an "Excuse for Absence" form which the nurse will sign.

17. Animal cages, aquariums, paintbrushes or containers are not to be cleaned in any bathroom sinks. Ask the custodian for access to a custodial sink.

18. Teachers are not to allow students to bring animals to or from school on the school bus. Prior to parents visiting with pets, please check for student allergies in your

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classroom. Allergies are listed on the Confidential Health List. If you have any questions, please consult our school nurse.

19. Teachers are not to give animals or fish to students for caretaking, without written approval from the parent. Please request that a parent come to school to pick up the animal.

20. Coffee pots, hot plates, microwaves or other electrical appliances are not allowed in any classroom areas used by students at anytime. The teacher’s room is available for these conveniences.

21. In order to avoid spills or burns, all coffee mugs used in instructional areas should be lidded containers.

22. Use masking tape only on woodwork or blackboards. Clear fun tack should be used on walls.

23. Keep your rooms as attractive as possible. Have displays on your bulletin boards and change them often. Displays should reflect the creative, cognitive, individual and shared interests and accomplishments of the children.

24. At the close of the day, secure the room by closing and locking all windows, leaving shades in uniform position, even with the aluminum crosspiece at the lower part of the window. Turn off lights and fans and lock your door when you leave the room. Please email the head custodian if any shades are not in working order with a cc to the principal.

25. Before students leave school, supervise them in removing paper and other objects from the floor, clearing desks, and placing chairs on top of their desks. Each classroom should have a “materials manager” who checks to make sure floors are clean and desk areas are tidy.

26. Have students clean out their desks at least once a week.

27. Chalkboards and whiteboards should be cleaned daily.

28. Dirty and dusty erasers should be replaced. Ask for new ones or ask the custodian to vacuum them.

29. Teachers are to use good judgment in viewing video material. Unless you have purchased public viewing rights (upwards of $700), videos must reflect the current teaching objectives and must be documented in the plan book. No commercial movies with rating higher than “G” may be shown to students.

30. Each week, our Thursday Folder is to be sent home with any pertinent school news. There are still some parents who call us and tell us they have never received certain memos, and other notices which should have been distributed. It is absolutely imperative that each teacher hand out all memos and notices on the day which they are put in your boxes. Have a time of day when they are passed out and try to be vigilant to see that they go home, and that Thursday envelopes are returned signed on Friday. (Collecting these can be a student task.)

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31. At dismissal and at all other times please remain vigilant as it pertains to parents picking up children. All parents MUST report to the office and children are only to be released early through the Main Office. Parents are not permitted to come to your classroom to pick up children. Remind them it is District and School Policy that parents are to report to the office and the release process goes from there. Any exception to this rule requires office approval.

32. Please email the head custodian with a cc to the principal for any request for repairs within your classroom.

HOUSEKEEPING EXPECTATIONS 1. Good housekeeping practices must be followed in each room. That means that books should be properly stored on shelves, in desks and closets. There are to be no books on the floor. Children's outer clothing must be properly stored in the closet or locker set aside for that purpose. Coats, sweaters, book bags, etc. must not be on the floors. Passage into and out of the room must be clear at all times. Unless there are heavy pieces of furniture such as file cabinets in the space behind the door, all items should be removed so that the doors can be opened during an emergency. Computers, desks, chairs, movable bookcases, science kits, etc., which are kept in the area which would be behind a door, should be moved to another location.

2. One window in your room is designated as an emergency escape window, and there should be a sticker on the lower fourth of that window. If you have no clearly marked “emergency” window, please notify the head custodian immediately. The sticker must be visible; and this window must be kept clear AT ALL TIMES. (This means that there must be free and quick access to it). No divisions in the room should be in front of the fire exit which would restrict the occupants of the room proper access to it in an emergency; and NOTHING should be on the windowsill or on the floor in front of this window.

3. Each teacher has received an updated floor plan of the building. Please post this floor plan next to the door in your room.

4. Plants are permitted on the windowsills (except in No. 2 above) as are some books; however, these should be kept to a minimum. Due to fire code, the univent and radiator must not have anything on them at any time.

5. No extension cords are to be used in your room except for the three-prong safety cords, and there should be no paper cutters in your room. These are clear hazards, which can cause harm, and may result in personal and/or district liability for injury.

6. Displays in the corridors must not block visibility to the exit signs.

OVERALL BUILDING SAFETY PROCEDURES AND DISCIPLINARY EXPECTATIONS Montgomery Elementary School Safety Plan 9 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

Please take the time to read over the MES Safety Plan and Quick Reference Guide that has been provided to you in your Red Safety Folder.

HEALTH OFFICE PROCEDURES 1. Any student absent with a communicable disease such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, etc. should report to the Health Office the morning they return to school. Any student with sutures, crutches, cast, or ace wrap, should also report to the Health Office upon returning to school.

2. It is against the state law to dispense medicine of any kind in the school without proper authorization, therefore, students with medication should be sent to the Health Office. A student cannot carry medicine to school. The parent must bring in all medication.

3. It is also against the state law to treat or diagnose, except as allowed through the School Nurse Practitioner. Initial first aid is the only medical service that is allowed.

4. If a student is sick to her/his stomach, send her/him with another student, to the nearest lavatory and then to the Nurse. Some rooms are quite a distance from the Health Office. Call the Nurse at extension 14700 if you have a medical emergency. For immediate response to a critical emergency, dial “4911”.

5. If a student is injured or shows evidence of fainting, convulsion, broken bones, or head injury, contact the Health Office or the Main Office immediately. If there is any doubt in your mind about the seriousness of the injury or if a student shows signs of fainting or convulsion, do not send the student to the Health Office. When it is reported, the nurse will come to the area of the building where the student is located and the student will be taken to the Health Office in the proper manner.

6. Health forms, dental forms, notes from doctors or any other pertinent health information should be sent to the Health Office labeled with grade and room number. These should be sent as soon as received.

HEIMLICH MANEUVER The person whose trachea (windpipe) is obstructed (blocked) by a bolus (piece) of food can't breathe, can't speak, turns cyanotic, and collapses. He has only four minutes to live -- unless you save him!

If the victim is standing or sitting:

 Stand behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.  Grasp your wrist with your other hand and place the fist against the victim's abdomen, slightly above the navel and below the rib cage.  Press your fist forcefully into the victim's abdomen with a quick upward thrust. Repeat several times, if necessary .

BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS All staff will receive training annually on the topic of blood-borne pathogens and the specific safeguards to be followed to protect oneself from infection.

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Staff will also be issued medical gloves to keep handy for such emergencies, and should be certain to keep these handy at all times, especially recess time.

EXTERNAL ARTERIAL DEFIBRILLATOR The building is equipped with an External Arterial Defibrillator (AED) machine for emergency use. The AED is to only be used by certified personnel. Additionally, the machine is kept in an alarmed box outside of the Nurse’s Office. Anyone tampering with the box in a non-emergency situation shall be disciplined according to school policy.

ACCIDENTS STUDENT - If a student is injured, it is the responsibility of the teacher or supervising adult to see that the child reports to the Health Office. The school nurse will make out the proper form, part of which has to be made out by the person on duty at the time of the accident.

ON-THE-JOB INJURIES STAFF - In order to have an accurate record of job-related accidents, the District requires that all employees report their accidents immediately to their supervisors, completing the accident report form with the school nurse entirely. Make sure your direct supervisor is aware of your accident as soon as possible and that (s)he sees and signs your accident report.

Upon receipt of your report, it will be forwarded to your supervisor or Principal for his/her comments. A copy will then be mailed to Central Office.

SMOKING POLICY (DISTRICT) To clarify the policy:



This smoking policy shall be prominently posted in the workplace and a written copy of this policy will be given upon request to any existing or prospective employee.

Smoking or no smoking signs, or the international non-smoking symbol, which consists of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a circle with a bar across it, must be posted and properly maintained where this law regulates smoking.

The Valley Central School District prohibits the serving of alcoholic beverages to any person in attendance at all school sponsored or school affiliated events on or off school property when students are in attendance.

Chewing Gum- Gum chewing is forbidden at all times in the school building. This includes the lunch period. Teachers are not to make any exceptions to this rule. (This means that adults, also, should not chew gum.)

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GENERAL STUDENT REGULATIONS/EXPECTATIONS 1. The telephones in the office are for school business use only. Students may use school telephones with permission. The pay phone in the lobby is not for student use during the instructional day. Cell phone use is prohibited in school at all times. Visitors to the school will also be asked to turn off cell phones when they are in any instructional area.

2. No student will be permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day without a note from the parents, signed by the principal. Do not permit any child to leave the building even when accompanied by a parent unless the parent states that she has reported to the office.

3. Please remind children to have everything with them when they leave at night. No child is to get off the bus and re-enter the building without telling a teacher. If you will enforce this, no child will miss his/her bus.

4. Walk inside the building at all times.

5. Please encourage the children to take pride in the appearance of our building, the grounds, the furniture and equipment, and textbooks. Take immediate measures should there be any writing or scratching on desks, walls, etc. Papers should be put in proper receptacles.

6. Teachers should have sign-out sheets available to students who need to leave the room. No student, under any circumstances, should be in the corridor without signing out of class.

7. All students are to report to their classrooms in the morning before preceding any place in the building, with the exception of a student whom may be hand-carrying a musical instrument to the Music Room or those going to breakfast.

8. Students may not bring toys, games, radios, walk men, video games or trading cards to school (show and tell purposes would be an exception, with parental permission).

9. Students are to go through the lunch line once only.

10. If a student is to be picked up by parents they must wait in the designated area, and parents must come into the building for them.

11. All students are expected to dress appropriately for school, remembering that there are certain ways to dress for different types of places that we go to, i.e., church, going out to dinner, casual for parties, etc. We at Montgomery feel there is an appropriate way to dress for school. Shorts may be worn when the weather is warm but should be of a decent length. Halter tops or excessively bare tops are not appropriate for school. Clothing must not distract from the serious business of teaching and learning. Flip- Flops also create a safety risk and are not permitted in school.

12. Students should not wear coats or hats in the building. All coats, hats, book bags, boots, etc. must be put in the coat closet or locker first thing in the morning and must remain there. Coat closets and lockers should be kept neat.

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13. Students, unaccompanied by an adult, are not to enter the building or wander the halls before the designated time.

14. Students should be discouraged from sitting on desks, worktables, or counters.

15. Students should be discouraged from bringing money to school for purposes other than buying breakfast or lunch. If students do bring money to school, it should be kept on their person or given to a teacher to hold. In no case should the child be allowed to keep unsecured money in his/her desk.

16. Students should not be allowed to leave recess, outdoors or in the gym, without permission. They should be encouraged to go to the bathroom before these activities, and it should only be a rare case when a child should have to be excused to the lavatory. Students should be instructed to report back to the teacher from whom they sought permission when they return. A restroom pass should be used if possible.

17. When the students are coming in from gym or recess they should be instructed that when they enter the building it should be done in an orderly line and they should refrain from talking.

19 Do not allow students to answer the intercom. Silence must be maintained in the classroom when the office is trying to communicate with the room or visa versa. However, do train one or two responsible students on how to call for help via the phone.

20. The physical condition of the lunchroom is of constant concern. The custodians are there to wash the tables and take care of the trash and any large spills. Teachers should remind their children that they are responsible for their own trash, for throwing out paper bags, milk cartons, etc., for picking up anything they drop on the floor (including straw wrappers) and for keeping their place reasonably clean. Before lining up the children, have them check the tables and floor. Convey that you expect them to clean up after themselves. Expect them to keep their place clean.

STATEMENT ON DISCIPLINE Discipline in Montgomery Elementary School is the responsibility of teachers, administrators, secretaries, custodians, aides, and any other adult person directly employed by the Board of Education. As adults and professionals we have been given the responsibility of educating children to the best of our ability and with as little disruption as possible. Consistency with rules and discipline provides all the children and adults in the building with a sense of safety and security when behavior becomes an issue in non-classroom and classroom spaces. Consistency on the part of all adults in the building, from teachers to office personnel, paraprofessionals to custodial staff, and specialists to cafeteria workers also enhances the spirit and cooperative engagement of the adult community in carrying out its mission to teach and care for the children in the school.

It may be necessary, at certain times, to suspend students from school for inappropriate behavior. This suspension will be done under the guidelines of the laws of the State of New York and the policy of our own Board of Education. Generally speaking, a suspension will only take place in serious situations or after many other things have been attempted by the school personnel in order to change the unacceptable behavior. The exception to this, of course, is when a student, without any previous history, behaves in a way that cannot be tolerated in our school. Please become familiar with our district Code of Conduct manual.

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In the classroom - good discipline begins in the classroom and at the beginning of the school year. Build with your students a few, positively stated rules that will guide your classroom community. These rules must be prominently posted in your classroom. Logical consequences should be established for behavioral infractions.

In the Corridors - the corridors are "common" ground shared by all students and teachers. Classes passing through the halls should do so in an orderly fashion - quickly and quietly while respecting the rights of those students and teachers still in their classrooms. Establish a bathroom pass AND sign-out system for your class. When students are in the hallway, they should be able to produce a pass at all times.

The Disruptive Child - when a child becomes a severe discipline problem and disrupts the normal classroom atmosphere, he should be referred to the Main Office. Work must be sent with the student. Call the office; give the student's name and the reason for his being sent to the office. A student Disciplinary Referral form should be sent to the office with the student or immediately following the incident.

Teachers and administrators should find it quite easy to deal with most of the students. However, some students' uniquely challenging attitudes and behavior patterns make it necessary for all of us to use a variety of approaches in order to motivate the student to more desirable behavior and learning patterns. Teachers are reminded to contact the parents if a child is a discipline problem, and to establish that contact early in the year with a positive message asking for their help and cooperation.

Kindness, patience and understanding usually can help to motivate this type of student in more positive ways. However, when improper behavior patterns disrupt the learning atmosphere of others, the adult(s) in charge must take strong steps to see that this student is given the help necessary to regain self-control.

RESPECT AND SELF-DISCIPLINE RESPECT- for others, their feelings and their property will help us become better human beings.

1. We can show respect by using kind and decent language, even when angry or upset.

2. We can show respect by not attacking others, physically or verbally.

3. We can show respect by not destroying, defacing or taking property which belongs to others.

4. We can show respect by considering the feelings of others--adults and children -- at all times.

SELF-DISCIPLINE- helps a person to experience success and satisfaction in many ways.

1. Self-discipline means knowing the correct way to move through the school building.

2. Self-discipline means stopping to think about consequences before acting.

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3. Self-discipline means working hard to meet the expectations and standards of others and, most of all, of ourselves.

4. Self-discipline means setting standards for our own behavior, study and work habits.

Students who remember and practice these rules show that they are proud to be citizens of Montgomery Elementary School.

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Students in the Valley Central School District shall not be subjected to corporal punishment.

From the School Executive's Bulletin of the University of the State of New York, State Education Dept. January 1985.

"The Board of Regents defines corporal punishment to mean any act of physical force upon a pupil for the purpose of punishing that pupil".

Specifically exempted is the use of reasonable physical force for the following purposes if alternative procedures have not been successful:

• To protect oneself from physical injury

• To protect another pupil or teacher or any other person from physical injury

• To protect the property of the school or others

• To restrain or remove a pupil whose behavior is interfering with the orderly performance of school district functions, if that pupil has refused to comply with a request to refrain from further disruptive acts. All staff must adhere to this policy. Do not leave yourself open to criticism (or more) by students and/or parents in this regard.

LUNCH PROCEDURE All Grade K-5 teachers are expected to escort their students to the Cafeteria for lunch at the specific times posted on the lunch schedule provided to you. Please do not be late when picking up your students from the Cafeteria as it causes unnecessary confusion and disorder. Orderliness is to be maintained in moving to and from lunch and during the lunch period by teachers and the staff on duty. (Please see the lunch/recess duty schedule).

At MES we have a contained lunch program - no students are allowed to leave the school grounds at lunchtime, unless they are “signed out” by a parent.

FREE, REDUCED AND PURCHASED BREAKFASTS/LUNCHES Free and reduced meal forms were mailed to district families. Additional forms will be available during the first few days of school for students who qualify for a free or reduced breakfast and lunch. These forms should be sent to the office as they are returned with the teacher's name and room number on them. Based on established guidelines, a decision will be made as to who qualifies. Confidentiality must be maintained regarding those students who receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch.

15 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

Students who do not qualify for free/reduced lunch may purchase lunch tickets which will be held in the cafeteria. Those students wishing to buy lunch by prepaying may do so in blocks of 10 or 20 meals by paying the Cafeteria Manager. Checks may be made out to: Valley Central Cafeteria Fund. Students can also pay daily or bring their lunch and buy milk or extras.

The cost of student and adult breakfast and lunch changes each year. We will inform you, in writing, of the costs by the first day of school.

Lunch Charges are to be discouraged, but will be allowed on an emergency basis. Children should repay charges the next day.

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION REGARDING LUNCH Reduced lunches: (students must purchase weekly or monthly) Students should go down to the kitchen before 9:30 A.M. to make this purchase.

Pre-paid lunches may be purchased weekly or monthly. Students should go down to the kitchen before 9:30 A.M. to make this purchase.

RULES OF THE CAFETERIA Proper conduct expectations by the classroom teachers and the lunchroom supervisors will have a beneficial carryover throughout the school day. The rules as outlined below should also be reviewed by the teachers and paraprofessionals on lunch duty and enforced to the best of their abilities.

Please review with your classes the following rules of the lunchroom:

IN THE LUNCH LINE: 1. Have your money ready if you are buying lunch. Try to have exact change. 2. Stand in line and talk quietly. 3. Be polite. Use your best manners. 4. Be prepared. Take utensils, napkins and straws that you need. Plan ahead. (You won't be able to return to the kitchen after you have been seated.)

IN THE CAFETERIA: 1. Walk. 2. Use an "inside" voice. 3. Sit at the assigned tables for your group. 4. Remain in your seats. 5. Enjoy your lunch and conversation with those around you. 6. Stay in the lunchroom. 7. Clean up what you drop or spill. 8. Leave tables and chairs clean-clean up all your lunch items. 9. Throw your trash in the correct barrel and stack trays at the end of the table. 10. Throw out recyclable materials in appropriately marked containers. 11. If you have a problem, raise your hand. 12. Stop talking the moment an adult begins to speak or gives you a quiet signal.

LEAVING THE CAFETERIA: As directed by the supervisor: 1. Stand up. 2. Check table and floor. Make sure everything is picked up. 3. Walk to line. 16 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

4. Stand QUIETLY in line and wait for further directions.

Teachers and lunchroom supervisors are responsible for the behavior of the classes they monitor. If a serious misbehavior is observed, it will be handled immediately by the person on duty and/or referred to administration, if necessary, for further action (on a Disciplinary Referral Form).


TEXTBOOKS One of our school’s major budget items is the amount allocated for books. All textbooks are purchased by the Board of Education and given to students on a loan basis. It is important that care be taken in the distribution of textbooks. Teachers are being supplied a sufficient number of textbooks for their classroom. If they are not in your room please get in touch with the Main Office.

Please advise all students that all books are to be covered and remain covered for the entire school year. Tattered covers should be replaced as needed.

Teachers should make frequent, informal checks on the condition of textbooks. Please report abnormal wear and tear and/or missing books to the Main Office. Replacement costs will be charged to the parents and followed through by the Main Office. Missing/abused library books will be handled in the same manner.

LESSON PLANS Planning is essential. Lesson plan/grade books are being provided for your use; however you may devise your own. Plan books are tools of our trade, living works in progress. Since we are teaching students to plan and prepare, our plan books become even more important models of best practice and authentic life skills. Plan books should contain long range plans and goals and an outline of how these goals will be achieved and assessed on a short term basis. It is very important that plans include the CCSS standards for math and ELA. Objectives should include behavioral terms as well as a level of mastery. Please refer to the calendar section of this handbook for planbook due dates and other guidelines. Plan books are reviewed regularly and must be submitted when requested. At the close of school each day, plan books should be left in the teacher's desk in a place of easy access for substitute teachers should a situation arise when the regular teacher will be absent. Plans must be available for a substitute teacher.

FACULTY MEETINGS Faculty meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month, whenever possible. It is very important that teachers reserve the first Monday of the month for this purpose (refer to the calendar of events for dates). Please plan ahead and do not schedule doctors, dentists or other appointments for faculty meeting dates. Teachers who wish to speak or add items to the agenda should contact the administration in advance of the meeting so that these items may be included.

17 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

PERMANENT RECORDS Each student entering Montgomery Elementary School must have a Permanent Record Form. The Main Office will make the initial permanent record card (green) and cumulative folder. Thereafter, each classroom teacher maintains the permanent record by updating these annually.

Under no circumstances should a teacher leave a student’s permanent record lying around in the classroom or in any other location where students may be. The information in these is not for public viewing by students, and, in fact, is protected by law (Family Educational Rights Privacy Act.)

Only teachers should make entries in the permanent records. Paraprofessionals should not be used for this purpose.

Student cumulative folders are kept in locking file cabinets in the office. If signed out for a parent conference or Instructional Support Team meeting, the cumulative folder must be returned to the file cabinet for safekeeping by the end of each day.

Following any parent conferences, teachers must note such on the record card in each student folder.

Report Cards become part of each student’s permanent record. Comments on report cards should be reflective of the student’s achievement, or efforts, and should be encouraging the student’s improvement. The comments must be legible and concise.


REPORT CARDS Report Cards go home quarterly. It is important that you have documentation to validate the grades you give a student. Please include something positive in every comment.

PROGRESS REPORTS (5 - WEEK NOTICES) Several points should be remembered before issuing these reports. First, these reports should be sent for those students who are not working up to their ability. They must be sent for students who are presently failing or who are in danger of failing, as well as those students whose behavior is unacceptable. All students should receive a progress report for the first 5 week period.

Before a failing mark is recorded on the report card, there should be documentation in the pupil's file that the teacher has had contact with the parent during the report period and has explained the reasons for the potential failure and the constructive recommendations that were made to avoid failure. The 5-week progress notice is a clear record of such contact. A documented phone conference also constitutes such “contact”.

In addition, teachers (including Special Areas) should contact parents during the second half of the ten-week marking period if a student performs in a manner which puts him/her in jeopardy of failing or receiving an unsatisfactory mark in effort or behavior. The form of contact used could be a letter, supplementary progress report, or parent/teacher conference.

**If a student receives a “U” in a special area subject, the Special Area Teacher is required to complete and submit a report to the classroom teacher to be sent with the report card. This

18 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook form is available in the main office and should be used to clarify the reasoning for the unsatisfactory grade.

In summary, the preceding simply states that if a student is going to receive an unsatisfactory grade in effort or behavior, a parent contact must be made and documentation of this contact must be recorded in the student's file.

Communication between the home and school must be ongoing--not just through these progress reports. If a child has not been handing in assignments (and that seems to be a common problem) the parent should be contacted as soon as the second assignment is missed through a phone call (which is the best way) or sending home a note, which must be signed and returned to you. Hopefully, all teachers have sent a letter home to communicate expectations for each one of the students in the class. Sending home multiple progress reports each marking period should not be necessary if the teacher tries to catch problems as they are developing, and communicates the problem, behavior or academic, with parents.


Many parents are interested in finding out the results of standardized tests. It is a responsibility of the classroom teacher to share this information with parents when asked. This information is to be given on an individual basis and/or during a parent conference. The November Parent- Teacher Conference is a good time to review this. Our new standardized testing program provides a report to parents, which is distributed to the parents as directed by Central Administration. The interpretation of this is the responsibility of the classroom teacher.

APPROPRIATE DRESS CODE - STAFF All staff members are expected to dress professionally for school. Although there is no specific dress code for teachers; jeans, sneakers and sweatshirts should be reserved for dress-down days.

SUBPOENAS, LAWSUITS (SERVING OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS) Be advised that Process Servers should be directed to Central Office to serve any legal documents. Individual school buildings or employees should not accept these papers unless authorized by Central Office to do so. Thereafter, they will be sent immediately to the Central Office with the appropriate transmission form, which is available in the Principal’s office.

FIELD TRIPS Please complete a Field Trip Request Form for Administrative approval. Upon approval, you will then receive the updated field trip packet for a complete field trip checklist. This entire packet is also available on the MES administrative web pages.

1. Money collected for trips should be kept locked in the office. Please label a large envelope with your name, grade, date and location of the trip and give this to the office.

2. A special effort should be made to collect the designated money from each child. In the event of financial hardship, please let the office know if a particular student requires assistance. Our wonderful PTA provides a certain amount of scholarship money to assist. 19 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

3. Parent letters and permission slips should explain money, date, time, lunch, rules and all other pertinent information. All forms must be approved by an administrator.

4. All permission slips should be collected well before the day of the trip. A parent or guardian must sign slips. Phone calls should be made 2-3 days prior to the trip, if needed.

5. Bag lunches must be ordered 2 weeks before the trip. Please inform the cafeteria ASAP if bag lunches will be needed for the trip. If leaving very early in the morning, please let the cafeteria know. They will tell you where the lunches will be stored.

6. If you are coming back from the trip later than school time, please let the custodians know.

7. Teachers must carry a class list with home phone numbers on all trips.

8. Teachers should have a small group of students with them at all times.

9. Teachers, Paraprofessionals and chaperones are prohibited from bringing any other child/children on class trips. Only MES students are to be transported.

10. Please remind students and chaperones of proper behavior and bus safety rules.

11. Parents who follow the buses in their cars are welcome to join the group, but are not chaperones. Only those adults who travel on the bus are Board approved chaperones. A list of chaperones for each trip must be provided to the office one month prior to the trip!

12. All children must travel on the bus going to the trip. Parents who drive and want to bring their child home in their car must write a note to the teacher prior to the trip.

13. Staff members may not join the trip of another class, unless prior approval is received from the administration.



Homework should be assigned to all children (Grades K-5) Mondays through Thursdays. This homework should be reviewed and should include long-term projects. Parents should be directed to sign all homework. Please note this to parents in correspondence home.

All students should be assigned 15-20 minutes of reading each night as part of their homework. A reading log needs to be kept by each student. We have examples of this log for both primary and intermediate students. 20 Montgomery Elementary School – Faculty Handbook

Homework should reinforce school learning through further practice or through actual application of what has been learned at school.

Homework should encourage the use of initiative and responsibility.

Homework can bring about more effective learning when it ties in with the interest of the child - when the child sees meaning and use in his/her homework. In other words, when the assignment is more individualized, it will have greater learning value for the pupil.

When homework assignments are effectively carried out, the child should receive approval for his/her accomplishment. Children may lose enthusiasm for learning when little or no notice is taken of successful accomplishment.

What kind of homework should be assigned in the elementary school? "If home conditions are favorable, and if the teacher's purpose is to further learning, homework should be adapted to individual learning needs. Homework should reinforce school learning. It should be based on sound principles of learning." All homework should be corrected and returned the next day for student correction.

The above is quoted from a publication of the New York State Department of Education.

SUGGESTIONS  Homework should serve a purpose.  Homework should be corrected.  Homework in the primary grades should not exceed 20-30 minutes and one hour in intermediate grades.  Homework assignments may be remedial, reinforcement of skills, enrichment activities or make-up work, due to absence.  Homework should be assigned to meet the needs of the individual.  Homework should help teach responsibility.  Never use homework assignments as a form of punishment.  Never give students an excessive amount of homework.  Never give more homework than you can check or grade.

Never have a child assigned homework that is not educationally sound ... such as writing spelling words more than 5 times each ... giving a large number of math problems.


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