Associated Students Legislative Council Meeting

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Associated Students Legislative Council Meeting

COASTAL FUND AGENDA Associated Students 6:00 pm AS Conference Room Minutes Recorded By: Sara Rosenblatt



Note: Note: absent (excused/not excused) absent (excused/not excused) Name arrived late (time) Name arrived late (time) departed early (time) departed early (time) proxy (full name) proxy (full name) Marissa Bills Present Omead Poure Present Kelsey Bisson Present Sara Rosenblatt Present Taylor Debevec Present Megan Roy Present Samantha Fulgham Present Kylie Taylor Present Gad Girling Present Anh Tran Present Aaron Jones Present Marina Vance Present

A-2. Acceptance of Excused Absences and Proxies

MOTION/SECOND: Debevec/Bills Motion to approve absences and proxies. ACTION: Consent

G- Announcements A. CF board and staff sweatshirts have been designed, which will be emailed out to see how many people would like to order one. B. Bisson emailed Ben Werner from Ecologiocal and Economic Feasibillty Study for a Sustainable Coastal Development to inquire about when CF may visit his environmentally friendly home. She let him know that allowing us to see his house will not affect the funding decision. Bisson, Testa, and Bills were able to check out Gray Whales count and saw whales.

C. Acceptance of Action Summary and Minutes

MOTION/SECOND: Testa/Bills Motion to approve action summary and minutes from 5/5/14. ACTION: Consent

D. Acceptance of Agenda

1 | P a g e MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Testa Motion to approve agenda for 5/12/14. ACTION: Consent

E. Budget Announcements

E-1 Outreach Budget A. Outreach and Education has $8613.10 left for the year.

F. Reports Announcements in this section are informational. Do not include any requests for financial allocations.

F-1 Advisor A. The paperwork for the Gala will be signed by the executive director soon. B. The job announcement for the environmental advisor position went out and half a dozen people have already directly contacted Jones. CF members in Santa Barbara for the summer should contact Ali Guthy if they are interested in being on the hiring committee for this position. C. Several BCC’s presented a joint letter with a list of demands to the senate this past week. They feel that they are being ignored and decisions are being made without them. They would like to have BCC representation in the senate. D. The food bill was passed and will go into effect in the fall. E. New locks will be put on the doors in the building next week.

F-2 Chair A. The retreat is on Friday from 4-7 in a surprise location. B. Board members need to fill out honoraria by tomorrow.

F-3 Senate None.

F-4 IV Surfrider A. IV Surfiders biggest event of the year, Concert for the Coast, is May 31st. It will be held at Anisq’Oyo’ park in Isla Vista and will feature many locals bands.

F-5 EAB A. EAB has elected new officers for next year. Last week they held standard weekly activities.

F-6 EVPLA None.

F-7 Administrative

2 | P a g e A. Jones, Poure, and Cindy Lopez met to discuss the technical assistance workshop, which will take place next week. Poure will send out the final presentation to the board for review before then.

F-8 Coastal Service Program A. Things are going well this quarter! B. Rosenblatt will be paying groups this week.

F-9 Outreach and Education A. Roy would like to purchase some new merchandise for CF and has offered the following items for suggestions and would like to hear the board’s opinion. a. Water bottles i. Cost: $7.30 each ii. Roy would like to purchase them because they have a larger surface area than stickers so there is more advertising but they are not as heavy or bulky as shirts so are easier to take to tabling events. iii. The board likes that the bottles look unique. iv. Smaller bottles are cheaper and easier to carry but people may not like them as much because they hold less water. v. The board feels strongly that Roy should look into more environmentally friendly bottles even though they might be more expensive. They suggest that Roy call some companies, specifically Pura, to see if they have deals for large orders. vi. Higher quality bottles will make people who receive them (example: funded interns) feel special and will take better care of their bottle. b. Tote bags i. In comparison to sunglasses totes last longer and are sturdier as well as more environmentally friendly. ii. Roy is planning on ordering from the same company as last time and using the same design. Examples are in the CF cabinet on the CSP shelf. c. Tank tops i. Roy has suggested turquoise tanks with a white pocket that features the CF logo. ii. Jones asks that Roy look into using a company that is sweatshop free. iii. The board has concerns because outreach just ordered a large order of new t-shirts and do not feel that ordering tank tops would be a good idea just now. d. Sunglasses i. Roy feels that they are unique because CF has never had sunglasses before. ii. Cost: $2.25 each pair. iii. The board feels that CF should not be funding easily breakable plastic and that these are not the most environmentally friendly option. e. Stickers

3 | P a g e i. Cost: $0.49 each ii. Roy is planning on ordering from the same company as last time and using the same design. B. Gala Updates a. Roy is working with the A.S. art director, Beth, on the program for the gala. b. Taylor is waiting to hear back from the entertainment with the required performance contract.

F-10 Subcommittees A. Project Visitation: Bills has been talking to Owen at EDC and CF is planning on visiting the EDC office on May 23rd at 4pm. B. Special Events: No update. C. Intern: A plan has been made for contacting projects and their interns. Fulgham looked into the funded project from last quarter and calculated that CF funded ~37 interns for spring and summer. D. Green Bill: Some board members met with Lauren from Green Bill to finish up the certification on 5/12/14. The Green Bill mixer is May 15th from 6-8pm in the MCC lounge. Bisson, Girling, Vance, Rosenblatt, Roy, and Debevec will be attending. Lauren will be announcing CF’s certification and presenting the bulletin board. Roy and Debevec will present about what CF does and explain that groups can come for funding.

G. Action Items

G-1 Old Business

G-2 New Business A. Kayak Event a. This event was scheduled for earlier in the quarter and was pushed back to May 18th from 11-1 pm b. It will cost $15 a person for staff time from Adventure Programs to run the event. c. Roy is requesting up to $350.

MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Testa Motion to approve up to $350 for Adventure Programs staff time to lead the kayaking event. ACTION: Consent

B. Cupcakes a. Roy would like to order 100 cupcakes for the gala at $1.25 each. b. She is requesting up to $150.

MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Testa Motion to approve up to $150 for cupcakes for the gala.

4 | P a g e ACTION: Consent

C. Stickers a. They will cost $0.49 each so Roy is requesting up to $130 for 200 stickers. MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Testa Motion to approve up to $130 for 200 stickers. ACTION: Consent

D. Tote bags a. They will cost $439 for 50 totes at $8.28 each. b. Roy is requesting up to $500. MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Vance Motion to approve up to $500 for 50 tote bags. ACTION: Consent

G-3 Project Update None. G-4 Project Review A. SPR 14-12: Coastal Cleanup Day and Watershed Resource Center Management Internship a. This grant will fund UCSB student interns to assist Explore Ecology (EE) staff at the Watershed Resource Center (WRC). The objective is to raise public awareness about Santa Barbara’s unique watersheds and ocean environment and impart the importance of practicing pollution prevention to maintain clean water quality. UCSB interns will be instrumental in the development and management of community programming and will work as liaisons with UCSB students and faculty, involving them in WRC activities, and in administering the Santa Barbara County Coastal Cleanup Day event and Creek Week activities. b. The board feels that this project lines up with the CF mission statement, especially the access and research components. It sounds like the interns will be a great help because it’s a big undertaking to coordinate for an entire area and well as a great experience for the interns. However, there seemed to be no concrete details about what the requested $2000 for advertising will be used for. Possibly the interns will figure this out. This event occurs before fall quarter begins so not many students will be around to partake and it should be taken into consideration that UCSB may not have a large impact on the clean up.

MOTION/SECOND: Bills/Fulgham Motion to table in full until the final meeting of the quarter. ACTION: Consent

5 | P a g e B. SPR 14-13: Developing New Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Sandy Beach Ecosystems to Climate Change a. Coastal ecosystems are not adequately considered in climate change adaptation planning, particularly at local scales. Sandy beaches make up most of Santa Barbara’s coastline providing vital economic, recreational and ecological benefits. A critical impediment to assessing vulnerability of beach ecosystems to climate change is the lack of information on the elevations of key ecological zones relative to standard elevational metrics (mean sea level, mean high tide) used in modeling coastal hazards. To fill this critical gap, this project will collect elevation data for key ecological features of beaches that can be integrated with standard elevational metrics used in coastal models. b. The proposed budget in section two of the application is incorrect but is correct in section four. c. The board questioned the value of buying the backpack proposed in the budget and it was determined to be easier to rent it. Dugan stated that she believes she will be able to rent it for cheaper than listed on the application. d. The board has concerns about whether her last final report was turned in. Other than that they feel it is a good project and that Dugan did a good job of making it clear how important this information is as well as clarifying the specifics of her project.

MOTION/SECOND: Testa/Vance Motion to table in full until the final meeting of the quarter. ACTION: Consent


ADJOURNMENT 8:18 MOTION/SECOND: Testa/Fulgham Motion to adjourn the meeting. ACTION: Consent

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