2011-12 SESR Monitoring Plan
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California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan
Contact Person: Name / Address Telephone / Fax / Email CDS Code Name / Position 1. District:
3. County Office:
SIGNATURES Name / Title Signature Date (Please print)
4. District Authorized Agent
5. SELPA Director
6. Parent Professional Team Representative California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan Monitoring Plan Components
District Information: Total special education student population ______
Total district student population ______I. Parent input:
1. Method(s) used to gather parent input:
Parent input meeting(s): Total Number of Parent Input Meetings Held ______
Total Number of Parents Attending the Parent Input Meeting(s) ______
Date(s) of Parent Input Meeting(s) ______
Surveys: Total number mailed or otherwise distributed ______
Total number of responses/surveys returned ______
Date(s) surveys mailed/distributed ______
Total number of parents providing input (Parent input Meetings and/or returned surveys) ______
Percent of parents providing input (Must equal 20 percent or greater) ______%
California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan
Areas to be Investigated as a Result of Parent Responses Individual Item Title and Description Number Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description: California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan II. Data Analysis: Investigative Criteria
Identify only areas that require further investigation based on the analysis of the district’s State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) data. The “Description” statement should include language from the SPP indicator and include information about the difference between the SPP target and actual district score for each indicator where the district did not meet the target. SPPI 4, 9, 10 are reviewed through other monitoring processes during this SESR cycle and are therefore excluded from the table below.
Identified area for Title Investigatio Description n (mark with an X)
SPP 11
SPP 12
SPP 13 California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan III. Compliance History
The district will identify below issues for review as a result of three years of compliance and due process complaint history. Also include issues related to Fiscal Accountability, Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT), California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA), California Modified Assessment (CMA), other data, or items of particular interest to the local educational agency (LEA).
Identified Items for Investigation Individual Title and Description Item Number Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description:
Title: Description: California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan IV. Student Records
Total number of student files to be reviewed in each category: School age ______Infant/Toddler ______Preschool ______
Note: If the district does not have the required number of Infant/Toddler or Preschool students, please explain:
Special Populations: Based on data (http://data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/), the district will ensure the following special populations are included in the student record review:
Special Populations for Review Selection English language learners Students with a Behavior Intervention Plan Students who are African American Students with Other Health Impairment with Diabetes Students of transition age Students with a severe handicap testing greater than one percent on the CAPA Students that transition from Part C to Part B Other Students receiving mental health services Other: Students suspended or expelled
: California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan
Settings: For the student record review, describe below how the district will include students served in the settings below. If there are no students in a particular category, provide an explanation. Provide the numbers of student records to be reviewed for each setting. Do not leave any category blank.
Continuation schools:
Charter schools (district-sponsored, other district-sponsored, county-sponsored, and state-sponsored):
Nonpublic schools:
Juvenile court schools:
County programs including, but not limited to, infant/toddler programs, community schools and programs for students with severe disabilities:
District community schools:
County jails with students eligible for special education services:
Other districts: California Department of Education SESR Form 1 Special Education Division Submit to CDE Focused Monitoring and Technical Assistance
2013–14 Special Education Self–review (SESR) Monitoring Plan California Department of Education (CDE) Approvals
This Monitoring Plan has been reviewed and requires the following changes before approval:
This Monitoring Plan has been reviewed and is approved as submitted.
Print Name Signature Date
CDE Consultant
CDE Administrator