Tornos Technologies 08/31/99
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Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 1/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Follow these steps when setting the appropriate parameter. When manually referencing an axis, note that the parameter is always #1815, & each axis is designated by a line number. For example, X1 is the “X” axis of channel 1, X3 is the “W” axis of channel 2 and X2 is the “U” axis of channel 1. Soft keys are the keys under the CRT and will be designated as [ SOFT KEY ] in the following text. See the attached sheet for translation between Fanuc & Deco axis names.
First steps when referencing any axis.
Set “PWE” (parameter write enable) to a 1, & put machine into the metric mode. To do this, follow these steps: Select the MDI mode. Press the OFFSET key twice to get to the SETTING (HANDY) page. Move the cursor to 1st line that reads PARAMETER WRITE, and change the zero (0) to a one (1) by pressing 1, then INPUT. (100 alarm is ok). Press the SYSTEM key. Press the [ PMC ] soft key. Press the [ PMCPRM ] soft key. Press the [ DATA ] soft key. Page down until you get to D600. Change D600 from 1 to 0. (machine is now in metric)( 0 = metric & 1 = inch).
Changing the actual reference parameter for each axis
Press the SYSTEM key. Press the [ PARAM ] soft key. Make sure you are in the correct channel for the axis you will be referencing. Type in 1815. Press the [ NO.SRH ] soft key. This will bring you to parameter 1815. Move the cursor to the 4th bit (under APZ) for the axis you want to reference. Change the 1 to a 0 by typing 0, then input. (you will get an alarm telling you to turn off the power). Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, then the NC (300 APC alarm is ok). Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 2/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Upon completion of the referencing procedure, go back to the inch mode, & reset PWE by changing the one (1) to a zero (0). When you are completely done with all referencing procedures, you MUST turn off, then on the machine. This will put the tool wear (offsets) page back into the inch mode. Referencing the X1 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Put a bar of stock into the guide-bushing, allowing it to stick out about 2 inches. Measure the stock diameter. Secure the master that came with the tool presetter in T11. Select channel 1. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “X” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, then the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the X1 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Slowly, jog/increment the X1 axis in the negative direction until the master touches the bar. Note the value of the X1 position on the position screen (write it down). Pull the bar back so it is inside the bushing. Subtract the exact diameter of the bar stock (not half) from the position of X1 on the screen, & jog/increment the axis in the negative direction to that position. This should put the edge of the master at X0 (center of bushing). Add 38mm to the present value of X1 on the screen, & jog/increment the axis in the plus direction to that new position. This should put the X1 axis 38mm in diameter (19mm in radius) from X0. This is now the correct reference position of X1. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “X” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the X1 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 3/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete. Referencing the Z1 axis.
Please execute the instructions in the User Interface Operation manual, under the chapter titled Change Guidebush. This procedure works well.
Referencing the X2 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Put a bar of stock into the guide-bushing, allowing it to stick out about 2 inches. Measure the stock diameter. Secure the master that came with the tool presetter in T21. Select channel 1. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “U” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the X2 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Slowly, jog/increment the X2 axis in the negative direction until the master touches the bar. Note the value of the X2 position on the position screen (write it down). Pull the bar back so it is inside the bushing. Subtract the exact diameter of the bar stock (not half) from the position of X2 on the screen, & jog/increment the axis in the negative direction to that position. This should put the edge of the master at X0 (center of bushing). Add 38mm to the present value of X2 on the screen, & jog/increment the axis in the plus direction to that new position. This should put the X2 axis 38mm in diameter (19mm in radius) from X0. This is now the correct reference position of X2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “U” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the X2 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 4/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete.
Referencing the Y1 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Put a bar of stock into the guide-bushing, allowing it to stick out about 2 inches. Measure the stock diameter. Secure the master that came with the tool presetter in T11. Select channel 1. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “Y” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the Y1 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Slowly, jog/increment the Y1 axis until the bottom of the master touches the top of the bar stock. Note the value of the Y1 position on the position screen (write it down). Pull the bar back so it is inside the bushing. Take half the bar diameter, & subtract that amount from the position of Y1 on the screen. Jog/increment the axis in the negative direction to that position. This should put the bottom of the master at Y0 (center of bushing). This is now the correct reference position of Y1. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “Y” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 5/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the Y1 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete.
Referencing the Y2 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Put a bar of stock into the guide-bushing, allowing it to stick out about 2 inches. Measure the stock diameter. Secure the master that came with the tool presetter in T21. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “V” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the Y2 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Slowly, jog/increment the Y2 axis until the top of the master touches the bottom of the bar stock. Note the value of the Y2 position on the position screen (write it down). Pull the bar back so it is inside the bushing. Take half the bar diameter, & add that amount to the position of Y2 on the screen. Jog/increment the axis in the positive direction to that position. This should put the top of the master at Y0 (center of bushing). This is now the correct reference position of Y2. Select channel 2. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 6/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “V” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the Y2 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete.
Referencing the X4 axis
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “B” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the X4 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Put an indicator in the counter-spindle. Remove the guide bushing. Go to channel 1 and press the POSITION key. JOG the “Z4”, & “X4” axis towards the empty bushing so the indicator touches the taper of guide bush seat. Rotate the counter spindle by hand to tram the indicator around this taper to check centering. Using the INCREMENTAL mode, move the “X4” axis until the counter-spindle is on center with the guide bushing. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 7/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
After the counter spindle is centered, JOG the “Z4” axis in the plus direction so it’s way away from the bushing, & clears the tooling in T41- T44. Write down the value of “X4” on the position screen. You must ADD 444mm to the value of “X4”, and JOG/INC the “X4” axis in the plus direction UP to that position. EXAMPLE : “X4” position on screen = 440.012mm. (440.012mm) + (444mm) = 884.012mm. JOG/INC “X4” UP to this position. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “B” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch & servos. JOG/INC the “X4” axis to 0mm on position screen. Check center again. Slowly jog the X4 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete. Referencing the Z3 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “A” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the Z3 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). You will need a rod about 7 to 8.5 inches long, that is flat on both ends. Measure this rod to the thousands, & note its exact length. Make sure you have an empty tool position on slide 2.. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 8/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Put this rod between the face of slide 2 & the steel non-painted face of the Z3 axis, & slowly, jog/increment the Z3 axis in the negative direction until the Z3 casting touches the rod. Note the value of the Z3 position on the position screen (write it down). You now know the distance between the Z3 axis & slide 2 (length of rod). The goal is to put the Z3 axis 225mm from the face of slide 2 (8.858”). Now subtract the length of the rod from 225mm (8.858”). Add or subtract that value from the position of Z3 on the position screen, & jog/increment the Z3 axis in the direction needed to put Z3 at 225mm from slide (8.858”). Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “A” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the Z3 axis plus & minus to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete.
Referencing the Z4 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Secure the master that came with the tool presetter in any tool position on either slide. Remove the counter spindle collet, & screw the collet cap nut back on to the counter spindle tight. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “C” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). Turn on the servo power. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 9/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
(you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the Z4 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Slowly, jog the axis with the master in the negative direction until the master goes past the center of bushing. Slowly, jog/increment the Z4 axis in the negative direction until the face of the empty collet cap touches the outside of the master. Note the value of the Z4 position on the position screen (write it down). From the face of the slide, to the outside of the master is 23mm (15mm + 8mm). The goal is to put the face of the cap nut of the Z4 axis 115mm from the face of either slide. The cap nut is now 23mm away from the slide. 115mm – 23mm = 92mm. Add/Subtract 92mm from/to the present value of Z4 on the position screen, & jog/increment the Z4 axis in the plus direction to that new value. This should put the face of the collet cap nut 115mm from the face of the slides. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “C” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 1. Turn off the servos. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. Slowly jog the Z4 axis in the plus direction to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Procedure complete.
Referencing the X3 axis.
Please execute the instructions on the 1st page of this procedure. Put an indicator in the guide bushing. Remove the collet & its nut from T31. Unplug the air supply to the machine. You will now have an air pressure alarm. This alarm will not let you Jog any axis. Now you must change a keep relay so the air alarm will go away. Select the MDI mode. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 10/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Press the SYSTEM key. Press the [ PMC ] soft key. Press the [ PMCPRM ] soft key. Press the [ KEEPRL ] soft key. Put the cursor on line K11, & change the 4th bit to a 1(no more air pressure alarm). Pull out T31 towards the guide-bushing, to extend it to its normal M124 position. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “W” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. (300 APC alarm is ok). (you now have NO overtravel soft limits for the X3 axis, please be careful when Jogging the axis around). Go to channel 1. Jog “Z3” up to indicator and, using the JOG and INCREMENTAL modes, move the “X3” axis until it is on center with bushing. See chapter 4 in book 300236 for the mechanical lateral adjustment of drill block. After position T31 is centered, JOG the “Z3” axis in the plus direction so it’s away from the indicator. Note the value of “X3” on the position screen. You must subtract 120mm from this value, and JOG/INC the “X3” axis down to that position. EXAMPLE:) “X3” position on screen = .0124mm. (.0124mm) – (120mm) = -119.987mm. JOG “X3” down to this position. EXAMPLE:) “X3” position on screen = -.0124”. (-.0124mm) – (120mm) = -120.0124mm. JOG “X3” down to this position. Select channel 2. Go to parameter 1815, cursor down to the “W” axis, & change the 4th bit to a 0. Turn off the main switch. (wait about 20 seconds). Turn on the main switch, & the NC. JOG/INC the “X3” axis up to 0mm on position screen. JOG “Z3” back up to indicator and check center again. If all is ok, push T31 spindle back to the M125 position, & slowly jog the “X3” axis in the plus & minus direction to check that the soft overtravel limits work. Select the MDI mode.
Continuation of X3 Reference procedure. Tornos Technologies 08/31/99 Deco-10 axis align. Page 11/11 { M.P.C. } R 09/28/00
Press the SYSTEM key. Press the [ PMC ] soft key. Press the [ PMCPRM ] soft key. Press the [ KEEPRL ] soft key. Put the cursor on line K11, & change the 4th bit to a 0 (this step must be done, or the machine will not stop if the air pressure drops too low). Put machine back into the inch mode (if you are done with all axis). Close PWE. Turn off servos & main switch. (wait 20 seconds). (this will put the offset page back to inch). Turn NC & servos back on. Check the alignment of T32 – T33. Procedure complete.