B. Vice President: Gareth Smythe

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B. Vice President: Gareth Smythe

I. Call to Order A. President: Mariah Watson B. Vice President: Gareth Smythe C. Senate President Pro Tempore: Casey Nguyen D. Senator: Miguel Guerrero E. Senator: Gabriel Johnson F. Senator: Andrea Velazquez G. Senator: Sevan Nahabedian H. Senator: Brendan Chang I. Senator: Danielle Santiago J. Senator: Kamaal Thomas K. Senator: Roman Rivilis L. Senator: Reem Fatayerji M. Senator: Alex Lee N. Senator: Anas Tresh O. ECAC Chair Sean Guerra P. EPPC Chair Brent Rosenwald Q. IAC Chair Abhay Sandhu R. EAC Chair Joe Nazzal S. AAC Chair Ritesh Mishra T. GASC Chair Ivon Garcia U. B&F Joe DeAngelo V. Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe W. Controller: Francisco Lara II. Quorum Roll Call

III. Appointments and Confirmations

A. EPPC – 8:06

a. Where/how do you think campus can be more sustainable?

i. Amy Wang – Our campus is doing pretty good so far in terms of being sustainable, but there’s room for improvement. Could use more street lights, encourage more students to bike.

ii. Alice Beittel – Composting. There’s not compost on every single floor in the dorms, only in the bathrooms.

iii. Hunter Stapp – More drought considerations. I noticed how much water being wasted on sidewalks.

iv. Stephen Schiller – Composting is a big thing, CoHo is all about that. Want to see more possibilities on campus.

b. What ideas do you have to improve upon how campus plans space use?

i. Alice Beittel – More bike paths ii. Hunter Stapp – Natural landscaping

iii. Amy Wang – Drought resistance plants. Also, if we are going to remodel, get density up more by building higher buildings.

iv. Sephen Schiller – Get older buildings retro-fitted to be more sustainable.

c. Confirmed

B. GASC – 8:12

a. Michael Fee

a.i. What are your gender pronouns?

a.i.1. He/him/his

a.ii. Why do you think GASC is important?

a.ii.1. Lack of gender neutral bathrooms, the visibility it brings, lends voice to minorities who don’t have one.

a.iii. Confirmed

C. AAC – 8:14

a. Nahabedian – Recently, there was a change announced that freshmen are automatically assigned 0 credits upon entering, transfers get 90. Do you think AAC has a role in the dialogue that’s happening, or if it should?

a.i. Abigail Edwards – I come from a very small town, didn’t have as many opportunities to take AP classes, placed me lower than most students on this campus, so I definitely agree with the decision because it makes it fair for students. I personally think that if it’s up for debate, the AAC would be a good place to have that debate.

a.ii. Kelly Wen – I’m from SF, so I’m from a big city. From my school, had a lot of students who took AP’s and worked hard for it. AAC represents the students, and some of the students disagree with this. AAC should step up for the students and negotiate if possible.

b. Johnson – What makes you qualified for the role?

b.i. Kelly Wen – I was commissioner for 4 years in high school, would love to see it on a larger scale. I have written bills before, would love to see change in this school.

b.ii. Abigail Edwards – The whole idea of different branches in government in a university really fascinates me. I think this is a good way to engage in student body government.

c. Confirmed D. ECAC – 9:31

a. Guerrero: Elaborate on your experience?

a.i. Katherine Vu – I don’t have any experience with culturally based committees, was the thing that spurred me to apply for ECAC. Came from 2 schools, found out that while there were orgs to celebrate cultures, but not a lot of orgs pushing for change. Have experienced the intersectionality of experiences that affect us as individuals.

a.ii. Esteban Zamora – Worked at Student Recruitment and Retention Center. Worked in MECHA.

a.iii. Ranyu Bo – I love to travel, been to most countries in Asia, some in Africa, 2 in America. Secretary in a Chinese association last year, I believe everyone in UCD should have the opportunity to be who they are.

a.iv. Komal Sharma – President and Founder of Indian club at the college I transferred from. I started the club because the more we know about different cultures, the less hatred there will be. Worked with many other clubs, important for us to learn about every culture.

a.v. Adnan Perwez – VP of Muslim Student Association. Been working with community in a long time, want to continue doing that here. PEACE Act.

b. Thomas: What are some issues we face here on campus and how do we address them?

b.i. Katherine Vu – Davis is actually one of the best schools I’ve seen in divestment and representation, but there’s a lot of criminalization and trivialization of support groups in terms of race. What I remember most is Eugene Willis, he was allegedly called racial slurs, and that incident was pushed under the rug and not addressed by Chancellor Katehi.

b.ii. Esteban Zamora – A lot of different events that have happened in UCD that affect different communities. It’s a lot that’s happened that hasn’t really been addressed.

b.iii. Ranyu Bo – Each minority group really cherishes their own culture, don’t know about other cultures. Important for everyone to know as many as they can

b.iv. Komal Sharma – A lot of minorities don’t have their voices heard. One thing is to have a diverse Senate so that everyone has the ability to have their voice heard. Also, encouraging people to vote more.

b.v. Adnan Perwez – Rising tension between some communities and the campus at large. Especially African American community, they have been engaged in protests, that needs to be addressed because that community is important. Other communities have been silenced, not risen as they should have. c. Confirmed

IV. Unit Director Reports

A. Picnic Day – 8:21

a. Grace: I’m the unit director for Picnic Day. Fall quarter is pretty slow for us, but we have determined our theme and parade marshals. “Cultivating our Authenticity” is our theme, a way for us to celebrate our diversity. Parade marshal Randy is revolutionizing education through media.

a.i. Nahabedian: I know that the board went through a deliberating process when choosing who the marshal is. Is there a way to open up a suggestion box for the community to nominate?

a.ii. Grace: Was something we thought about, the thought process is that it’s a way for the board to thank someone who we think contributed. Last year, parade marshal was someone who did a lot for Picnic Day itself. But it is something to think about in the future.

a.iii. Rivilis: How does board normally choose themes?

a.iv. Grace: Sit down, do a word dump, look at it for a long time. We went to a retreat this year, I went to bed, when I woke up, they came up with a theme. But every year is different. Last year, we really wanted to capture sense of community, this year, it was different.

a.v. Smythe: Tell us what sorts of things you will keep from last year, and what you’ll change or improve on?

a.vi. Grace: Within board itself, lots of room for improvement for applications. Doing them through a different website this year. Last year, we had a first- year forward training program. Looked at it based on feedback and learning outcomes from last year. Non-profit fair from last year will be gone. Exhibits and special events are combined into one. There will be no Picnic Day glassware this year because we took a huge hit with it last year.

a.vii. Guerra: Cultural celebrations?

a.viii. Grace: One event we’ll put on, cultural celebration for kids.

a.ix. Guerra: Applications?

a.x. Grace: Close Feb. 2nd.

a.xi. Johnson: Is there gonna be a space for gender-neutral restrooms?

a.xii. Grace: Do have some bathrooms open, can have a map but most will be Port-a-Potties.

V. Committee Reports VI. Presentations

A. Executive Staff – 8:29

a. Presentation

a.i. Chief of Staff Presentation

a.i.1. Mariah: They have also been conducting a UC-wide evaluation of student governments to help us better determine what will and won’t work for our body.


a.ii.1. Thomas: For Bill Analysis, when do you do it?

a.ii.2. Watson: They do initial analysis beforehand, then after edits. I don’t sign the bill until they’ve done a bill analysis of it

a.ii.3. Johnson: Proposed changes, is it in collab with ASUCD website?

a.ii.4. Louie: Trying to identify different venues on which to post online.

a.iii. Public Engagement Update

a.iv. ASUCD Student Appreciation Week

a.iv.1. Rivilis: Opportunity to add other tests?

a.iv.2. Daniel: Emails have not been sent out yet.

a.iv.3. Nguyen: Reached out to GSA yet?

a.iv.4. Watson: There will be an email sent out tonight, once we get that out we’ll be able to see what we can plan.

a.iv.5. Johnson: So you don’t have a solidified schedule on that day?

a.iv.6. Watson: Going to wait, leave it flexible while we find out what’s also going on that day.

a.iv.7. Kalen: Funding for this?

a.iv.8. Watson: MOU with Student Affairs, technically came out of your tuition.

a.iv.9. Chang: Is the reason why you’re doing this week 7 to promote elections?

a.iv.10. Watson: Part of it is, lots of events happening then including exec. election

a.v. ASUCD Block Party a.vi. Development Updates

a.vi.1. Lee: When are you thinking of having video out?

a.vi.2. Nazeem: A week before scholarships send out.

a.vi.3. Sandhu: How much money do we have in scholarship fund?

a.vi.4. Smythe: A couple different funds, but totals around $600,000.

a.vi.5. Sandhu: Whose jurisdiction is it to increase amount of money?

a.vi.6. Nazeem: No real process, we determine it.

a.vi.7. Nazzal: Where does that money come from?

a.vi.8. Smythe: A bunch of different sources. Endowment, fundraising efforts.

a.vi.9. Rivilis: Nightlife survey question. The city hall meeting, was this the same one as the nightlife panel facilitated with Police Department?

a.vi.10. Watson: No, a meeting I had along with Gareth to help better determine student needs.

a.vi.11. Rivilis: Develop along with legislative branch?

a.vi.12. Smythe: They wanted a better relationship with all of ASUCD, as far as I’m concerned, the sky’s the limit.

B. Center for Student Involvement MOU – 9:40

a. Watson – This is a good one. This is saying that we will get money from CSI in terms of services we provide. We host some of their websites, design maintenance, etc. It breaks down how much money they’re willing to pay. This is a really basic one.

b. Questions in Text

c. Divide the House

d. Passed

VII. Public Announcements – 8:02

A. Fatayerji: update on my new platform, CPR Project. Had meeting with events committee under the Chancellor, we are both very excited to work with each other. The Chancellor fully supports this on-campus CPR event. Resolution coming down the line to establish as an ASUCD supported event. It’s going to happen, very excited about that.

B. Nazzal: Tomorrow is Fall Into Davis on MU Patio. “When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be…” 3-6 pm.

C. Guerra: ECAC Fundraiser tomorrow. D. Smythe: Champagne Award. If you’ve a positive interaction with any of our hourly employees, please nominate them. KDVS fundraiser is still going on. Let’s make sure to encourage others to donate if they can.

VIII. Status of Legislation Previously Passed – 9:43

A. Watson: As per the bylaws, we go to status of leg. previously passed when I veto something. I will also be sending to SGAO so other members can check it out. I also have copies of the resolution in question. With everything, bureaucracy, the resolution you all passed… In clause 1, it says you’re authorizing change in policy for CALPIRG, we can’t do that. Averaging 10% for academic year… academic year goes from Fall to Summer Session 2. It’s not fair, but we can’t change campus policies in resolutions. I vetoed because this is invalid. This won’t hold up in policy negotiations. Campus policy trumps ASUCD resolutions.

a. Public Discussion

a.i. Nahabedian: With any resolution urging anyone to do anything… ASUCD resolutions are symbolic. We’re urging…

a.ii. Watson: The words say authorizing. It says here, it talks about how they can go through a referendum or resolution. Now that 10% hasn’t been met, it doesn’t matter. They have to go through a referendum. Resolutions do matter because the Chancellor thought it was valid, but because it doesn’t say “we support.”

a.iii. Nahabedian: The sentence reads “supports the authorization.” I feel like this resolution is being treated differently than others.

a.iv. Watson: It’s not being treated differently. It’s dealing with a voluntary campus-based fee.

a.v. Lee: What would you advise as a chief negotiator?

a.vi. Watson: I vetoed it. Part of that is because we need a cleaner slate to move forward. What I want, we need to know what CALPIRG needs to not get kicked off of campus. They need to get out a referendum. Right now, I need this to be vetoed. I don’t want campus to say “oh, it doesn’t matter.” I want this to be done, I want this to be worked out. But that contract hasn’t been re-negotiated since 1996, this campus policy was updated 2008.

a.vii. Watson: The Chancellor is the chief executive on UCD, what she says, goes. Because of what has happened with this monster, now you need 7 people in a room to negotiate this. That will not move forward until this is handled.

a.viii. Divide the House

a.viii.1. 0-11-1 (sustained)

a.ix. Nahabedian: Want to make sure this resolution is passed this week. I think we can move forward in this. a.x. Veto

a.x.1. Sustained

B. Watson: Other than that, everything was signed, except the signature one.

IX. Introduction of New Legislation – 8:01

A. SB to revise the eligibility of presidential and senatorial candidates

B. SB to reaffirm the duties and powers of the elections chair

X. Consideration of Old Legislation

A. SB #9 – 10:27

a. Author’s Comments

a.i. Rivilis: During summer, I had a meeting with the library. The library is on a year-long space planning project. Gareth and I met with the librarian, decided the best way to go forward was to create a committee to generate feedback and content on the services the library provides. I wrote this bill, met with Gareth, librarian revised it as well.

b. Commission Recommendations

c. Question in Text

d. Public Discussion

e. Senate Discussion

e.i. Fatayerji: Steve Jobs filibuster

e.ii. Garcia: Who exactly is represented by this committee? Not trans students, because there’s no gender neutral restrooms. Not students with children, because there are no spaces for children in the library. You’re neglecting trans students, students with children…

e.iii. Nguyen: I encourage you all to read the bill, not passing it as fast as possible.

e.iv. Garcia: I would have liked if you could at least include someone from the LGBTQIA Center. I would like to have some representation regarding that. There should be conversations on the lack of accessibility for undergrads with children. I would just like to hear someone refer to them in some way or form. There are people not included. It’s something we should at least consider.

e.v. Nguyen: I would recommend that one of the committee be an LGBTQIARC intern. Or a GASC commissioner.

e.vi. Lara: I think the argument you made can apply to a lot of different entities on campus. I think spreading the word is also important. e.vii. Nguyen: Institutionalizing it would be easier. A lot of students in the queer and trans communities are unaware of these resources.

e.viii. Rivilis: The university representative is actually an ex-officio member of these meetings, they can communicate issues from different communities.

e.ix. Garcia: Voting power is power. Someone elected by LGBTQIARC would be a better fit.

e.x. Nguyen: Recommend that you change one of the representatives to either a GASC member or an LGBTQIARC intern. It’s up to you Roman, it’s your bill.

e.xi. Rivilis: DH Replacing an undergrad representative with an LGBTQIARC intern.

e.xi.1. 6-3-3 (would fail)

e.xii. Nguyen: There have been issues including different communities. I don’t think transfer students and everything else that has been said before are as adversely affected as trans and queer students who feel unsafe in those spaces.

e.xiii. Tresh: As a Muslim, the only reflection room is at the SCC, which sucks. I feel like, I’m not against this in any shape or form, but there are so many other communities. Their difficulties are elevated compared to others, but there are other communities who deserve a voice too.

e.xiv. Rivilis: It’s also worth noting that it’s a special committee, so other recommendations can be submitted to include other communities in this space.

e.xv. Garcia: Voting power is what’s going to be the final decision. To simply feel that a trans student would be welcome into this space, and hope that every single person voting will be swayed… how often do you feel the trans community come in? There’s a reason why the gender group is closed space. They don’t feel safe coming into this space. You all need to think about your privilege in saying that you can ask people to shut down people’s physical health just to use a restroom.

e.xvi. Nguyen: If the issue is that if we add one community we should add all, I personally don’t see a problem with adding them. As of right now, I don’t see an issue with adding that.

e.xvii. Garcia: Forcing someone to make sure their needs are met is a step forward. e.xviii. Thomas: I definitely agree with everything that they said. I think the LGBTQIA community should have a voting voice. They do not feel safe in this space, they are adversely affected. We should go beyond ourselves to make sure these communities have a say. e.xix. Nguyen: Motion to add the language.

e.xix.1. Roll Call Vote

e.xix.1.a. 7-3-2 (passed)

e.xx. Fatayerji: Explain why you want representative from EPPC?

e.xxi. Rivilis: EPPC provides expertise on planning and space use.

f. Call to Question

g. Passed

B. SB #14 – 10:20

a. Author’s Comments

a.i. Chang: Daisy, the elections chair, she got a lot of emails. Even though at the candidate workshop, people talked about platforms, she got emails about what statements and platforms were. This is to make the bylaws more cohesive and definitive.

b. Commission Recommendations

c. Questions in Text

d. Public Discussion

d.i. Nguyen: I just want to make this statement to whoever is working with Daisy. There was a lot of miscommunication, a lot of information wasn’t stated. I’m going to work with Daisy and the next pro-temp to make a list of vital information the candidates should know. If anyone wants to contribute, let me know.

d.ii. Rivilis: It’s supposed say, “hereby adds section 401j.” Motion to amend.

e. Senate Discussion

f. Call to Question

g. Passed

C. SB #15

D. SB #17 – 10:25

a. Author’s Comments

a.i. Rivilis: Clerical fix. We passed a bill for EAC appointed representatives to go to different events. There was an editing confusion, this is to clarify that EAC sends a rep there.

b. Commission Recommendations b.i. EAC: Passed it, didn’t see a problem with it.

c. Questions In Text

d. Public Discussion

e. Senate Discussion

f. Call to Question

g. Passed

XI. Ex-Officio Reports – 10:52


a. Had Dorm Fair event

b. Held office hours

c. Held meeting

d. Went to elections debate


a. Heard from Mikaela Tenner

b. Waiting on tailgating proposal

c. Prepped for Fall Into Davis (crazy Costco run, word play encouraged)

d. Cancelled Monday OH’s


a. Allocated grants to the Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Project

b. Held interviews for ECAC for a new commissioner and 4 alternates to increase our people power, thank you to Gabriel Johnson for showing up

c. Worked on outreach & organizing our fundraiser

d. Attended Lupe Dedication at the AGR of Alumni Center

e. Had privilege of witnessing the Black Lives Matter March in solidarity with Mizzou


a. Booked room for Unpacking Professionalism

a.i. Working with Hart Hall to ensure there is accessible gender neutral restrooms available during the event

b. Met with the ICC for additional free resources to provide to participants of Unpacking Professionalism c. Met with MEChA member to create a gender and sexuality workshop and activity for the upcoming Chicana Conference for middle school and high school youth

d. Radio interview with Access Sacramento about student activism and GASC along with the Women Health Specialists

e. Reviewed grant from the CCC for the Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Retreat

f. Spoke with Ashley from the WRRC about resources available for undergraduate student with children

g. Attended the Women’s Health Specialists RJ (reproductive justice) hour at Mangos

g.i. Discussed the lack of resources available for trans* folx in regards to domestic violence

h. Discussed the WRRC’s motion to change Vagina Monologues: Our Stories to Vagina* Monologues: Our Stories

i. Been speaking with Davis Media Access – the local public radio station – and they just ordered new signage to convert their gendered restrooms to gender neutral restrooms

j. Had a conversation with my own supervisor regarding how to teach current UCD staff how to be an ally and be respectful of trans* colleagues and folx

E. B&F

a. Passed the LRP for Aggie ReUse unanimously and tabled the KDVS Bill as no one was there to speak for it

F. Controller

a. This week, I have worked to schedule meetings next week for INC, Marketing Committee, URSAC. In addition, I have been working on an analysis of Bike Barn’s budget dating back to 2011. It is not pretty.

XII. Elected Officer Reports – 11:03

A. Tresh

a. 11/10 – MAP board meeting, MAPs event, office hours

b. 11/11 – ASU event

c. 11/12 – MAPS tabling, attended silent action for Mizzou students

B. Rivilis


b. LRDP meeting – Lora Jo, Bob Segar

c. Meeting with Parteek d. UCSA board meeting

e. Aggie ReUse Management Meeting

f. CAPS interviews

g. IAC

h. PAC Process Meeting

i. Bike Circle surveillance

j. OASR sign making

k. B&F

l. Meeting with staff member Helen

m. Preparing Millions Student March

n. C-SAG follow up

o. Million Student March

p. LRDP Open House

q. Dorm Fair

C. Lee

a. Meeting with CCE

b. CoHo Debate

c. Senate campaign

D. Velazquez

a. MEChA Statewide

b. Office hours

c. Senate Staff meeting (Chicano/a Conference)

d. CoHo Debate

e. Solidarity with Missouri

f. Million Student March

g. Helping ECAC alternates (my staff)

h. Campaigning Things with Lynn Ayala

E. Santiago

a. Fri-Sun: Students of Color Conference b. Mon: meeting with Greek Life coordinator, Thomas

c. Tues: APSA Delegate meting; OASR teach-in, postermaking; starred in promotion video; CoHo debate

d. Thurs: Action for Mizzou Black Student community; Million Student March

F. Guerrero

a. Fri: COSAF talked about Student Health Center Budget; E-Fund continued to work on Hack-a-Thon, more to come

b. Sat-Sun: Mom & brother

c. Mon: office hours, staff meeting, turned in mentor app for APILR

d. Tues: CoHo Debate

e. Thurs: LRDP today, stopped by Action for Mizzou & Million Student March

f. Fri: Athletic Advisory Meeting, E-Fund, will perform at EAC event

g. Basketball & football this weekend! Come through!

G. Nahabedian

a. Fri: office hours, staff meeting (Puneet + Based presented

b. Mon-Thurs: I am working on three projects – Plan B vending machines (with Parteek), SF Bike Yield Law, elections reform; working on stuff with Brendan

c. Tues: Swung by CoHo debate

d. Thurs: Nelson Hall LRPP

H. Fatayerji

a. Met with Janice

b. Met with Aggies Wears Red Committee

c. Met with Darin

d. Met with Dani

e. Tabled for Alpha Phi

f. Went to Fall Phi’st

g. Waiting to hear back from American Red Cross Club

I. Nguyen

a. Weekend: SOCC, sea caucus, API cacus

b. Mon: SAAAC interviews c. Tues: Filming for OASR, CoHo debate moderating, APSA delegate meeting

d. Thurs: Million Student March, #BlackLivesMatter, The Voice of Hope viewing, Nelsion gallery, meeting with Katehi

J. Chang

a. Met with Alex Park to discuss TRAVC bill

b. Helped Sophie from CM with more election errands

c. Wrote a few bills with Daisy He from elections

d. Went to IAC and OA

e. Went to Dorm Fair

f. Attended CoHo debate

K. Smythe

a. 11/6-12: Chancellor Meeting, meeting with staff about survey, Athletic Advisory Committee meeting

b. 11/9: Big 3 meeting, C-SAG meeting, TGIF meeting

c. 11/10: Library websites meeting

d. 11/12: Aggie referendum, Janice update

XIII. New Student Court Cases/Prior Weeks Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

XIV. Closed Session

XV. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes – 11:25

A. Approved

XVI. Public Discussion

A. Internet and Networking Committee

B. Marketing Committee

C. Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee

D. Office of Advocacy and Student Representation

E. Nahabedian: I spoke to Ritesh about this earlier this evening and we stand united on this. We are supposed to be the voice of ASUCD. We ought to be the voice of students. There is a lot of dialogue online & also campus about the decision the registrar’s office made regarding AP units and pass times. How can we be the voice of students without listening to them? Regardless of our opinion on the matter it is our responsibility and duty to listen to students. This is a decision that literally affects all students. AAC and I talked about having an open forum where AAC presents objectively answers and questions and listens to students. Ritesh can elaborate.

a. Mishra: To work off of that, AAC’s main objective is to provide an academic insight to students. When we’re not able to make our voice heard to Academic Senate, we’re not really able to connect with decision makers. It’s important for us to call out and hold responsible the people who are delegates for Academic Senate. People come to this school for an experience. It’s important for us to start engaging in that dialogue. I don’t expect us to change decisions and policy, but it’s important to engage and understand how students expect us to represent their voice.

b. Chang: Were either Watson or Smythe aware this was happening?

c. Watson: Prior to them making the decision, no. We hadn’t put people on Academic Senate committees before this decision was made, which is why we were so speedy on putting students on there. I would say tread lightly when talking about this. You would be remiss to not bring up the realities of our education system K-12.

d. Chang: In terms of transfers, the 90 unit thing doesn’t really apply to us. I don’t know why they included that in there, and they don’t apply it until our first quarter.

e. Nazzal: I agree this is a contentious issue, and the main issue is that students were not consulted. That applies to a lot of things, like the fact that IR majors won’t be able to graduate with honors for the next 2 years. To gain credibility….

f. Lee: The change was proposed by Counsel of Deans, which undergraduate council was supposed to sit on. But there’s no one on there. We were entitled to be there, but we weren’t.

g. Nazzal: When we do ultimately make a statement, it gives us credibility if we do hold a forum. Can be easily done through the forums. Public forums are the way to go.

h. Nahabedian: This conversation can evolve really quickly to something really ugly. We all have the capability to understand the inequality in the k-12 education system. I was talking to Ritesh about this, going through a commission, it’s not politicized. In order for this to be objective, it would be removing ASUCD Senate and saying, “AAC, this is under your jurisdiction.”

i. Rivilis: Regarding this issue, this is a broader concern with communication with Academic Senate, which is why we need student participation in those discussions. Students need to be on the committees. There was no undergraduate representative?

j. Watson: From my records, the people who were sitting on the committee were not present. There was a list, they were invited and informed. Did they have the forethought to get involved? I’m going to let the policy passing speak for itself. k. Rivilis: Us taking points on contentious issues. We shouldn’t stop discussing something just because it’s contentious. It should be the motivation behind specifically discussing this issue.

l. Fatayerji: I think a big part of this topic is also not, the actual controversy, there are people entering at a disadvantage. We need to be grandfathered in. We’re under the assumption knowing that our units are being accepted. That was a big topic, where the frustration may be coming from. That’s a big thing to highlight as well. It affects current students as well.

m. Joe: Also the effect on graduation rates. Becomes common for people to not get into classes they need until next quarter.

n. Fatayerji: Student opinions should be taken into consideration. It’s still an open topic, we can still keep discussing this.

o. Nguyen: I understand where everyone’s coming from, but I don’t want us to deviate from the actual conversation, which is that students need to have a voice in these decisions. I’m going to encourage us to bring the conversation back to the original concern. How you all are feeling now is probably how people without AP credits feel all the time.

p. Mishra: AAC would not like to be political in this. We try to do our job. We make sure students are represented. If that means we need to go to Academic Senate, I’m okay with that.

q. Rivilis: If your commission doesn’t feel comfortable making a controversial vote, they can vote by secret ballot.

r. Nahabedian: The point Casey made, I totally understand, but the conversation doesn’t have to be, “Okay, how do we prevent this from happening next time?” There were no student voices in that room. I agree with the decision but I think the decision was made completely in the wrong way. If the student body comes to us against the decision, is it up to us to make their voice heard?

s. Chang: I don’t think we know the statistics of who gets affected behind this decision.

t. Watson: If you all want the attendance sheet of who was there, the resources that were presented, I am going to the Undergraduate Council tomorrow, I can request that information.

u. Chang: When they made the decision, maybe they felt it didn’t affect the majority of students on campus. That’s a maybe. I don’t know, but I think we need the statistics behind that to make a decision.

v. Guerrero: I think we should forward this to the next AAC meeting in the interests of speeding up this conversation. XVII. Any Other Business XVIII. Adjournment – 11:25

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