Afg - Eu Human Rights Dialogue

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Afg - Eu Human Rights Dialogue

AFG - EU HUMAN RIGHTS DIALOGUE Kabul, 1 June 2016 (follow up meeting 30 November)

Agreed table of deliverables and indicators

Civil and Political Rights

Women's Rights Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible:1 Status:2 AFG commits to full implementation of the EVAW Law report by May 2016 MoWA, MoJ R EVAW Law. AFG law enforcement agencies trained on and Provide report by end of October 2016. MoI, NDS, R fully understand their responsibilities in MoWA accordance with EVAW Law. AFG commits to full implementation of the NAP Implementation plan, including MoFA, MoF R 1325. financing in consultations with donors, approved by the end of 2015 (SMAF 12) Implementation started by the first half MoFA A of 2016 (SMAF 12a) AFG incorporate criminal provisions from EVAW Law criminal provisions MoJ A EWAV Law into the revised Penal Code, and the incorporated in draft by December 2016 non-penal provisions of the EVAW Law remain (SMAF 10) in force. AFG incorporate penal provision on sexual Penal provision on sexual harassment MoJ A harassment into the revised penal code. incorporated by December 2016.

1 AFG institutions, specify which lead institution. 2 Status: Achieved (A), Retain (R), Obsolete (O), to be modified (M), new (N).

1 AFG work to ensure meaningful participation of Full participation of women in all President's A women in the political decision making, including aspects of peace processes by July 2016. Office the peace talks, security and justice sectors, legislative processes and the economic NAP on Women Economic MoLSAMD, R empowerment of women. Empowerment launched before or MoWA during gender side event October 2016

Children's Rights

Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible: Status: AFG implement the concluding observations and Child Act draft completed by MoJ, MoJ A recommendations of the Committee on the Rights Taqnin by December 2016. (SMAF 11) MoLSAMD of the Child in regards to strengthened legal, Child Act draft, including a prohibition MoJ, A policy and institutional framework with drafting a of the harmful practice of "Bacha Bazi", MoLSAMD comprehensive Child Act and create a NAP on the to Parliament by 2017. protection of children. Child Act penal provisions incorporated A in the revised penal code by December 2016. NAP on protection of children launched MoLSAMD R by May 2017 AFG commits to ensure implementation of the Report on cases of offenders that are AGO, R Law on prohibition of recruitment of children prosecuted in 2015 by September 2016.

AFG ensure due process and full protection of the Procedures and regulations in MoJ, MoI, R rights of children detained on allegations of accordance with national and MoD, NDS national security related charges international juvenile justice standards are developed by November 2016

2 Torture and ill-treatment

Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible: Status: AFG – in accordance with the National Action Draft law on prevention of torture MoJ R Plan to prevent torture- drafts a law on prevention finalised by MoJ by February 2017 of torture AFG has committed to ratification of the UN CAT President signs OPCAT at UNGA in MoFA R Optional Protocol and create an oversight and September 2016 monitoring body, in line with UN recommendations. Ratification of OPCAT by February MoFA R 2017 Independent Oversight Mechanism MoJ R (National Preventive Mechanism) established within 1 year of ratification AFG strengthens the role of the Ombudsman MoU on Ombudsman is signed by MoI, MoI, MoD, A Office within the AIHRC MoD, NDS and AIHRC by July 2016 NDS MoI, MoD, NDS Internal instructions to MoI, MoD, R all units on Ombudsman issued by NDS September 2016

3 Access to Justice Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible: Status: AFG energetically drive forward reform, combat Justice Sector Reform Plan launched by MoJ R corruption and enhance the capacity of the December 2016. (SMAF 9) judiciary in all levels of the justice sector with a special emphasis on women and marginalized Justice reforms contain special emphasis MoJ A groups. AFG enhance the cooperation between the on women and marginalized groups. actors in the justice sector Justice reforms contain part on the SC, AGO, A cooperation between actors in the justice MoJ, MoI sector. AFG draft a revised Penal Code consistent with Draft completed by MoJ, Taqnin by MoJ A the Afghan Constitution and guided by its December 2016. (SMAF 10) international commitments AFG ensure fair application of law of women The Committee to review cases on AGO, SC, R accused of moral crimes (Supreme Court Approval imprisoned women has reviewed all MoI No. 527 (2010) and AGO Directive 92/202 on cases by September 2016. "Running away").

AFG combat Violence Against Women EVAW Prosecution units established in AGO A Prosecution units and ensure knowledge of and 26 provinces by December 2016. adherence to the EVAW Law. (SMAF 14) AFG cooperate with ICC and facilitate ICC`s visit Official invitation to ICC is forwarded Office of 2nd R to Afghanistan. by September 2016 VP

4 Freedom of Expression Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible: Status: AFG take concrete actions to enforce respect of Instructions to ANSF on the freedom of MoI, MoD R freedom of expression, freedom of the media, expression and freedom of the media by NDS including social media and networks, and to August 2016 recognize and protect human rights defenders. Instruction to ANSF on protection of MoI, MoD R HRDs by August 2016 NDS AFG to establish adequate information sharing on System for information sharing on MoI, NDS R threats to Journalists and HRDs. threats to media outlets, CSOs and individual journalists and HRDs established by end of 2016. AFG will provide status on implementation by August 2016. AFG extends an official invitation to the UN Official invitation forwarded by July MoFA A Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders 2016

5 Treatment of socially vulnerable and/or persons with disabilities Deliverable: Verification/Indicator: Responsible: Status: AFG establish a NAP on socially vulnerable Draft NAP ready March 2016 MoLSAMD A persons and persons with disabilities to promote the goals of an inclusive, barrier free and rights NAP launched by end 2016 based society in Afghanistan. AFG implement the UN Convention on the Rights Draft NAP ready Mar 2016 MoLSAMD A of Persons with Disabilities with special attention to accessibility as a precondition for persons with NAP launched by end 2016 disabilities to participate in Afghan society, including in the formulation and implementation of all legislative proposals and policy initiatives.


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