Promenades East Condo Assoc s1

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Promenades East Condo Assoc s1

Promenades East Condo Association, Inc. Annual Meeting Minutes February 15, 2016

Call Meeting to Order: Peggy Riccio The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Promenades East Condominium Association, Inc. is called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Opening of Meeting Peggy Riccio I would like to note that this meeting is being recorded both audio and video and please silence your cell phones.

Proof of Notice of Meeting Terry Owens Proof of notice of this meeting was established with agendas being mailed to the last known address on January 19, 2016 or delivered to each unit owner on or before January 19, 2016 and posted on the bulletin boards in the clubhouse, mailroom and elevator lobbies.

Roll Call and Certifying Quorum Peggy Riccio A Quorum is established with 87 residents in attendance and /or by proxy.

Directors Roll Call Peggy Riccio

Roll Call of Directors:

Present: Peggy Riccio, President, Anne Heinen, Vice-Pres., Joan Meeks, Secretary, Jan Hingtgen, Treasurer, Lila Mollison, Director, Linda Mattison, Director and Sheila Momeni, Director.

Courtesy During Meeting Peggy Riccio During this meeting it is very important for each speaker to stand and loudly and clearly state their name and unit number before speaking. Please do not speak when someone else is speaking.

Reading of Previous Annual Meeting Minutes Joan Meeks

Is there a motion to approve the 2015 annual meeting minutes as read? Peggy Riccio

A motion to approve the 2015 annual meeting minutes as read was made by Sheila Momeni of unit #320 and seconded by Linda Mattison of unit #415. There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Officer’s Reports

President’s Remarks Peggy Riccio Welcome Everyone. It is good to see so many of you in attendance for the annual meeting. There will not be an election at this annual meeting as there were fewer candidates that applied than positions available. I would like to thank my fellow board members, our manager, Terry Owens, and the unit owners who served on various committees for making this a very successful year.

Another mark of success is the ability to maintain and continue improvements while holding down costs. Our monthly assessments have not needed to be increased for eight years! We are financially sound including fully funded reserves to handle future upkeep. It is my hope that the board of directors will continue to build on this success. We have been working diligently on fixing the ongoing occasional leaks in our building. We have addressed every point of possible water intrusion that we could find. Although we can’t guarantee that we won’t have any additional leaks, we can guarantee that we have done our best to eliminate them. We will be bringing a roller in and sod on Wednesday to repair the damage done to the courtyard. I would like to thank everyone involve for the patience and understanding during this repair process.

Complaints received: Leaking windows Dragging trash bags down hallways Contractors making a mess in hallways, elevator lobbies and elevators & not cleaning up Residents letting others in compromising our security system Visitors parking in owner registered parking spaces Leaving a vehicle unattended in the fire lane in the garage Owners parking in guest parking Vehicles leaking fluid Unregistered vehicles parked on property Not showering at pool Unregistered guests Loud radios and TV’s & conversations Smoke from units in hallways, other units Smoke from units lanais Unit doors and trim needing painting Wasp nests

I would like to remind everyone, if you should have a problem with an employee, to take it to the manager or a board member. Please do not direct employees or criticize an employee to another employee. Please be courteous to our employees and treat them with the respect as you would like to be treated.

We have a general trespass in place with the sheriff’s office for the property. If you should see someone trespassing, kids skateboarding on the property or anyone that is trespassing please call the sheriff’s office (911) and they will come and remove them from the property. Also notify the office or a board member.

If you see someone breaking the rules, please report them to our manager or to a board member. Report the name, if you know it, and the time, date and location of the occurrence, so we may follow up with the individual to insure that it does not happen again.

A reminder to all, as an owner you have the right and responsibility to speak up when you see inappropriate behavior or rules being broken in our community.

Please make sure all your contacts know to use your full address, including the unit number, when sending any correspondence, letters, cards or packages.

Please do not leave any food on the benches in the elevator lobbies or any common area. The food will attract insects, mice and other rodents into our building. Please do not put food or pet waste in the elevator lobby trash cans. Also, please do not feed any stray animals.

Treasurer’s Report Jan Hingtgen We have our financial reports for year ending 12/31/15 available to owners. If anyone would like a copy, please sign the sheet on the table in the entryway before you leave this evening to obtain your copy. In Dees and Dees’ opinion, our financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2015, ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Bank Statements as of December 31, 2015 Operating Account checking $58,483.73 Damage Escrow $25,000.00 Total Operating $83,483.73

SG CDAR $130,409.65 SG Reserves Checking $110,744.49 Charlotte State Reserves CD $249,416.07 Total Reserves $490,570.21

1) $4,492.22--- Turned over to AFS. AFS has in collection 2) $1,924.87--- Turned over to AFS. AFS has in collection 3) $1,568.72--- Turned over to AFS. AFS has in collection $7,985.81 Total balance due on delinquent accounts as of December 31, 2015

Committee Reports:

Social and Recreation Linda Mattison Since our last meeting we had our Christmas Pot Luck serving 35 people. A good time was had by all. January 9th we had our first Koffee Klatch for 2016 serving more than 40 people. Our annual Soup Supper was held on January 23rd with 46 attendees. This was our 8th year serving homemade soups and all the fixings. In 2009 we served 3 soups and this year we served 6 kinds including chili. This past Saturday we had another Koffee Klatch with more than 48 in attendance and this coming Saturday we will be doing our first (inside/out) cookout. Cook out, eat in. Hope you can join us. Please remember you must sign up and the sheet is in the lobby.

Owner’s Comments Peggy Riccio Allyn Rotthoff #613- Wanted to commend the board and manager on a job well done. Commented that he feels that Promenades East is the best kept jewel of Charlotte County.

Walter Chaiko #516- Asked about the difference between operating funding and reserve funding, the manager explained the difference.

Mary Huggins #301- Commented about people leaving trash and drinks in the mailroom.

Next regular board of directors meeting is Monday, March 14, 2016 @ 7:00 pm

All board members please remain for the re-organizational meeting and any owners are welcome to stay.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:28 p.m. by Linda Mattison of Unit #415 and seconded by Jan Hingtgen, unit #428.

Linda Mattison #415- Thanked those that have served on the board and are now leaving.

There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned Board of Directors Re-organizational Meeting February 15, 2016

Call Meeting to Order: Terry Owens The 2016 Re-organizational Meeting of the Promenades East Condominium Association, Inc. is called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Proof of Notice of Meeting Terry Owens Proof of notice of this meeting was established with agendas being mailed or delivered to each unit owner on or before January 19, 2016 to the last known address as of this date and posted on the bulletin boards in the clubhouse, mailroom and elevator lobbies.

Roll Call Peggy Riccio Roll Call of Directors:

Peggy Riccio, Anne Heinen, Sheila Momeni, Joan Meeks, Linda Mattison, Pat Vasquez & Bart Proud, all present.

Retain Current Officers

Asked if board wants to retain current President & Vice-President Peggy Riccio

A motion was made by Linda Mattison and seconded by Bart Proud to retain the current President and Vice-President. There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Linda Mattison was nominated for Secretary There was no further discussion, the nomination was voted on and passed unanimously.

Pat Vasquez was nominated for Treasurer There was no further discussion, the nomination was voted on and passed unanimously.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:37 p.m. by Linda Mattison and seconded by Anne Heinen. There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned

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