Seaton Valley Community Council
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Seaton Valley Council A Community Council
Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 6.30 pm at Seghill Institute. The meeting started at 6.45 p.m. PRESENT: Councillors: L Bowman K Collier S Dungworth (Chair) D Mullen B Nixon A Stanners B Swinhoe
IN ATTENDANCE: D Launchbury – Office Administrator 9 Members of the public
CO553/14 1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from David Swinhoe and County Councillor Bernard Pidcock.
CO554/14 2. Disclosure of interests Cllr. Stanners declared an interest in item 8, Planning Application no. 14/00517 relating to Whytrig School, as her husband works there. Cllr Dungworth declared an interest in the same item, as she is Chair of Governor’s for the Seaton Valley Federation.
CO555/14 3. Chair’s welcome and civic announcements The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. CO556/14 4. Public question time The Chair explained that the public are welcome to ask questions and make comments during the open public session of the meeting but are not allowed to speak during the rest of the meeting. Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to ask questions. Stephen Stanners from Seaton Delaval made an observation that when the old Blyth Valley Council offices on Avenue Road demolished, the only centralised car parking in Seaton Delaval was taken away. He asked that the Members monitor the situation over the coming months. Cllr. Dungworth responded that Arch had been due to review car parking in the locality and we would also contact NCC Planning Department, emphasising that we have now lost the only significant parking amenity in the village.
Lynda Almond of Seaton Delaval requested that more litter bins be made available in the streets (rather than in play parks etc). Cllr. Dungworth advised that monies had been set aside within the budget for litter bins, also there was a proposal to look at this provision within the Partnership Agreement which was due to come into force on 1st April. Using Small Schemes money from the County Council might also be an option next year, but we need to audit the number and condition of what we currently have. It would be monitored in the future.
Lynda Almond also raised the question of the playing field near Linden Road, a footpath there would be beneficial. Cllr Dungworth said we would contact the County Council to find out if this was possible as there had been an issue with designation of the playing field in the past, it was also suggested that she might approach her County Councillor about using monies under their Small Schemes Allowance.
Lynda Almond asked what criteria were being used in considering the Community Chest grants. Cllr. Dungworth said this would be the last year that these grants would be made, but we would Seaton Valley Council Minutes 26 March 2014 Page 1 have a copy of the criteria used sent to her. Essentially these included future events rather than those that had past, for the benefit of the parish rather than the wider area, enhancing tourism, etc, not ongoing payments (although we may look at for example funding meeting room hire for a set period). Standing orders were reinstated.
CO557/14 5. County Councillor Update Cllr. Dungworth conveyed County Cllr. Pidcock’s apologies that he had been unexpectedly called away and therefore unable to attend the meeting.
CO558/14 6. Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the Seaton Valley Council meeting held on 26 February 2014 were agreed as being a correct record and were duly signed and dated by the Chair.
CO559/14 7. Correspondence received since the last meeting on 22 January 2014 The correspondence since the last meeting was received and accepted. 01/02/14 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Spring 2014 Newsletter 01/02/14 NCC/Arch Digital – iNorthumberland Update on Fibre Broadband coverage 12/02/14 NHS Clinical Commissioning Group – Update, Out of Hours Procurement 17/02/14 NCC – Renaming of Property, Shop at rear of 83 Blyth Street, S Delaval 19/02/14 NALC - Hexham Town Council, Shopfront Design Guide 20/02/14 Unity Trust Bank – Proposed changes at Unity Trust Bank 21/02/14 O’Brien Waste Recycling Solutions – Service Rates 26/02/14 Seaton Valley Women’s Institute – SOS for High Streets & Town Centres 04/03/14 Unity Trust Bank – Confirmation of bank signatories 05/03/14 NCC – Planning permission granted, signage, Wheatridge Park, S Delaval 06/03/14 NCC – Highways Act 1980 Section 26 Creation of Public Bridleway on unadopted road near Middle Farm, Seghill 11/03/14 Seaton Valley Community Partnership – Follow-up information on funding 11/03/14 British Gas – Notification of improved services
CO560/14 8. Planning matters and consultations a) The following planning applications had been received:- 14/00517/CCD – Mr Kevin Newbould, Astley Community High School, Elsdon Avenue, Seaton Delaval, NE25 0BP – Re-organisation of Astley Community High School, where Block C will become Whytrig Middle School. This will include refurbishment and reorganisation of classrooms, toilets, offices and circulation space. Construction of new reception entrance between existing building. External works will include a new separate entrance to the school, where re-surfacing and minor landscaping will take place, and a newly defined site boundary to the new school. 14/00591/VARYCO – Mr Kris Furness, Seghill Household Waste Recovery Centre, Seaton Delaval, NE23 7DY – Variations of conditions 2, 3, 4, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 37, 38 and 40 relating to planning permission 08/00176/CCM (Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of planning permission 04/00101/CCMEIA to delay the end date for landfilling) 14/00577/FUL – Mrs Joanne Chandler, 34 Hastings Gardens and Land South of 34 Hastings Gardens, New Hartley, NE25 0RN – 2 storey rear extension and construction of remote garage on owned plot adjacent to dwelling. 14/00523/FUL – Mr Gerald Bell, 7 Martindale Place, Seaton Delaval, NE23 0BT – Construction of single storey rear extension. 14/00636/FUL – Mr and Mrs Brown, 6 The Links, Seaton Sluice, NE26 4HQ – Single storey extension to existing dwellinghouse comprising conversion and extension of existing garage to form new home office with pitched roof. (To replace existing flat garage roof) and additional minor extension of existing kitchen with flat roof. 14/00458/FUL – Mr Terry Hammond, 7 St Ronans Drive, Seaton Sluice, NE26 4JG – Garage extension
Seaton Valley Council Minutes 26 March 2014 Page 2 and utility room and loft conversion. 1400679/FUL – Mrs Valentyna Warren, Former Wilson and Young, Boundary Way, Seaton Sluice, NE26 4DW – Proposal for 6 no 3 bed terraced houses (re-submission). 14/00677/FUL - Star Pubs and Bars, Milbourne Arms, Holywell, NE25 0LL - Installation of extract duct 450 x 450mm x 150 projection, painted finish to east elevation 14/00721/ELEGDO - Northern Powergrid (North East) Ltd, Land North East of Bourne Villa, Station Road, Seaton Delaval - Installation of a cable terminal pole consisting of a single wood pole at 11 metres in height together with an underground cable from the pole to various properties 14/00588/DISCON - Seaton Delaval Hall, The Avenue, Seaton Delaval, NE26 4QR - Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 of application 13/02650/LBC (Listed building consent for external repairs to stone masonry, windows, doors and rain water goods and internal repairs to ground floor tiling)
RESOLVED: No objections or additional comments in relation to any of the above applications.
14/00725/S106A – Mr M Bayliss, Land East of A192 Ambridge Way, Seaton Delaval – Application to modify a Section 106 planning obligation to revise the proposed tenure split of the affordable housing units, pursuant to planning permission ref: 12/03825/FUL – Development of 190 dwellings with associated access, parking, open space and landscaping. The Council requested more information on the modification specified and expressed concern at the reduction in affordable housing to rent under this scheme.
b) Reviewed the proposed stopping up of the highway at 1 Elwin Place, Seaton Sluice, no objections received.
CO561/14 9. Matters of information and for decision a) Received an update on office usage and regular bookings from other organisations. It was suggested that in future, the SVC statistics should include the groups using the offices, which reflected the fact that without the offices being there, the groups would not be there. b) LMAPs - Received an update from Cllr. Nixon and Officers from Northumbria Police submitted a report on crime statistics in Seaton Valley. Details of mobile police office visits in the area were given. Cllr. Nixon raised an issue of a motorcyclist carrying a young child whilst driving, which was dangerous, the Police would alert their patrols to watch for recurrences of this near Concord House. c) Agreed programme of meetings as submitted for 2014/15, but the Planning Meetings are to be open to the Public and advertised accordingly. d) Approved the Seaton Valley Partnership Agreement and specification. Members to try to identify prospective Champions in their villages who would be prepared to monitor the works being taken on by the Partnership, to provide an assessment of the level of satisfaction. Members of the public attending the meeting were invited to put themselves forward. Cllr. Dungworth explained the reviews of bins, shrub beds etc that would be carried out in due course.
CO562/14 10. Financial matters a) RESOLVED that the list of payments to 14 March 2014 totalling £13,872.88 be accepted and approved. b) RESOLVED that the bank reconciliation to 14 March 2014 be accepted and approved. c) RESOLVED that the following donation be made under the Community Chest grant scheme: £550 to 2nd Seaton Delaval Scout Group towards replacing and upgrading kitchen equipment. RESOLVED that the following applicants be requested to provide more information to support their application, to be considered at the next meeting: Credit Union South East Northumberland Amateur Radio Club Seaton Delaval Arts Centre
Seaton Valley Council Minutes 26 March 2014 Page 3 Seaton Sluice Community Association d) RESOLVED that the Assets Register for year ending to 31 March 2014 be approved.
CO563/14 11. Consultations by the County Council a) Revised Northumberland Town and Parish Council Charter – Engagement. Cllr. Dungworth said the Council were disappointed to note that the press release had been issued without taking on board the feedback provided. We would ask Steve Bucknall to explain why this was the case and to emphasise that we need to have confidence in joint press releases that are issued. b) Provision of Post-16 Transport from the Start of the Academic Year 2014/15 – Cllr. Dungworth explained the background to the proposals, in particular a review of the terms of the provision of bus passes and the potential for young people to study as near as possible to their home.
Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to ask questions.
Discussions took place regarding the proximity of educational establishments in Cramlington, Hexham, Berwick etc and the variations in policy of Councils such as North Tyneside and the Borders. Northumberland pays far less for transport than in the Tyne & Wear area, for example, and a lot of issues needed to be taken into consideration.
Cllr. Dungworth encouraged everyone to feed back their views to Northumberland County Council, so that their concerns could be taken into consideration in the consultation process.
Standing orders were reinstated. CO564/14 10. Dates of future meetings 30 April 2014 – Seaton Sluice Community Centre – 7.15 pm – Full Council 21 May 2014 – New Hartley Memorial Hall – 6.30 pm – Annual Meeting & Annual Parish Meeting The meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.
Signed by the Chair: ………………………………………………..
Dated: ………………………………………………..
Seaton Valley Council Minutes 26 March 2014 Page 4