Sixth Donor Steering Committee Meeting
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Sixth Donor Steering Committee Meeting BMUB, Berlin, Germany 29 March 2017
Draft Summary of the Meeting
1 I) Synopsis of Key Points and Conclusions
The Sixth meeting of the PAGE Donor Steering Committee (DSC6) was attended by key funding partners, which included representatives from the European Commission, Finland, Germany, Norway, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, and United Arab Emirates, as well as five PAGE agencies and the Secretariat. A list of participants is attached in Annex 1, and the Agenda of the meeting is attached in Annex 2. The meeting was held back to back with the Second PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin, Germany. The meeting reviewed PAGE progress with emphasis on the PAGE Midterm Evaluation, highlights from 2016 and forward planning for 2017.
Key points of the meeting included:
1. Expression of continued confidence and enthusiasm by DSC members in the potential of PAGE to support transformational change at the national, sub-national and global levels. 2. DSC members expressed appreciation for the successful delivery of the Ministerial Conference, noting the two offers to host subsequent PAGE Conferences from South Africa and UAE. 3. Positive reception of the Midterm Evaluation draft report, and request for a Management Response and next steps to incorporate the evaluation’s recommendations. 4. Overall appreciation for the increasing levels of communication between the funding partners, PAGE agencies and the Secretariat, as well as implementing suggestions by the funding partners, with a special reference to detailed annual report, public annual report, and the online annual report ( 5. Acknowledgement of the selection of two new PAGE countries joining in 2017, and request by some funding partners to be further engaged in the selection process in the future. 6. Agreement that going forward, two DSC meeting per year will be held as follows: one face- to-face meeting, to be held in a central location (if possible back to back with a major event) which will serve as the primary meeting where decisions that are not time sensitive will be made, and a second one in a PAGE country with the possibility of tele participation. Meetings in PAGE countries should offer opportunities for site visits.
II) Proceedings of the Meeting
1) Key Messages from Funding Partners’ Preparatory Meeting on 28 March PAGE funding partners met on 28th March, ahead of the DSC6 meeting, and shared the following points with PAGE agencies at the DSC meeting:
- PAGE funding partners are very pleased with the work of PAGE both at global and national level and support its continuation and visibility. - The funding partners suggest to improve the monitoring framework, specifically the relation between indicators and outcomes, and request additional information on country work, including why specific countries are chosen to join the partnership. - Funding partners commend country reporting, but request additional information on outcomes and impacts, and structures of implementation, which vary from country to country. - Country Exit Strategies merit further attention in all countries.
1 - The country selection process could be reviewed. PAGE can maximize its impact by reaching out to more countries with a large number of inhabitants, and by extending the partnership to a wider range of national level institutions and ministries. - - Information sharing has improved a lot during the last couple of years. - Funding partners have taken note of the recommendations coming out of the Midterm Evaluation and look forward to a Management Response. - PAGE should strengthen its inclusion of gender aspects in its work and provide explanation of how PAGE supports gender equality. - The Ministerial Conference was well received, and fostered interesting discussion. Some members suggested that subsequent conferences could give a bit more attention to results and achievements of PAGE, and consider additional participation from the business and private sector. - PAGE is in very good shape to be more visible, and better known to the broader public.
2) 2016 Highlights The Secretariat provided an update on the country and global level activities with results achieved in 2016. Funding partners gratefully acknowledged the sharing of information.
- A number of policy reform processes were informed through analytical reports and multistakeholder consultations in PAGE countries during 2016, taking the total number of policies informed by PAGE to 26 and number of analytical reports completed by PAGE to 32. - Three new countries joined the Partnership in 2016, bringing the total number to 11. - More than 1600 people from 68 countries have now benefited from PAGE capacity building activities. - The Secretariat highlighted that the Multi-Partner Trust Fund is fully operational since 1 January 2017 and has already received a contribution from Germany. - In total, PAGE has mobilized/received intentions of contributions, including in-kind, of USD 35 mil. The funding gap for 2016-2020 operational strategy is down to USD 20 mil. - Following up on the recommendations of the funding partners at the 4th DSC, a public annual report, an online annual report, and a technical progress report with details on country results and reporting against outcomes, outputs and indicators of the results frame were prepared. The latter is available on the workspace on the PAGE website that is dedicated to funding partners. - PAGE continued to improve its outreach and communication efforts, with several global events in 2016, including the Global Green Economy Academy in Turin, and side events at UNEA2 and GGGI’s Global Green Growth Week. Till the end of 2016, PAGE has organized 18 major events, many of them together with funding partners.
3) Midterm Evaluation Results
The Chair of the Management Board summarized the Management Board’s perspective on the Midterm Evaluation draft report. The Board is pleased with the overall “satisfactory” rating, which indicates that PAGE is well on its way to achieve the desired results. However, PAGE partners had expected the Midterm Evaluation to consider the following:
- PAGE as a unique partnership in the UN, bringing together five agencies at an operational level;
3 - The excitement of both, the agencies and funding partners for exploring a new theory of change that does not rely on extensive “boots on the ground”; - The inspiration for greening of economy that is catalyzed by events like the Learning Forum in Paris in 2015, the PAGE Academy in Turin in 2016, or the 1st PAGE Ministerial Conference in Dubai; - The trust that funding partners have put in PAGE not only through their financial contributions but also by jointly shaping its governance mechanisms, and contributions made through the Donor Inception Review.
Funding partners noted the recommendations made by the Midterm Evaluation, and desire a Management Response from PAGE to the recommendations ahead of the next DSC meeting. Some funding partners drew attention to the challenges highlighted related to financial administration and country delivery especially in Ghana.
The Chair also reviewed some of the steps taken during the last six month to address key challenges noted in the 1st Draft of the Evaluation Report:
- To overcome the administrative challenges imposed by UN General Assembly’s decision to move UN Environment to UMOJA, a PAGE Trust Fund was established at the Multi Partner Trust Fund Office. - With the support of PAGE Secretariat, many PAGE Funding partners have singed (or are planning to sign) multi-year funding agreements, which will provide a more stable planning horizon. - At the time of evaluation, activities in Ghana were not on track but progress has been made since late 2016. This includes renewed government ownership, a revised workplan, and stronger coordination between all stakeholders.
4) Looking Forward The PAGE Secretariat presented planning for country and global work in 2017, including the selection of two new countries: Uruguay and Guyana. The Secretariat invited funding partners to indicate potential synergies with other programmes, specific areas to engage country delegations, and global events in which funding partners may wish to engage with PAGE on co-hosting of side events.
Funding partners noted several events and opportunities, which may be strategic for PAGE, including the High Level Political Forum in New York, the OECD Global Forum on Development, the European Development Days, and the next Global Green Growth Week. They also suggested further engagement with the private sector, for example, through the activities and events of the UN Global Compact and the Caring for Climate Initiative. PAGE agencies requested that funding partners indicate their interest for being involved in the High Level Political Forum ahead of the 10 May deadline for application for side events.
In addition to engaging with funding partners to co-host events, PAGE Secretariat took note of the following suggestions - Consider engaging a media partner for PAGE for coverage of future activities in a systematic manner. - To share work plans for the upcoming year in advance of subsequent DSC meetings so that the planning can be shared with country offices of funding partners. This planning should also include events and global outreach.
1 - For funding partners to be more actively engaged in the country selection process, prior to selection - e.g. by holding video conferences before critical decisions are made. This will allow the Committee to play its “steering” role more effectively. - For funding partners to receive a clear indication when countries have been selected by the Management Board, e.g. by sharing the minutes of the Management Board meeting. - To provide details of key contacts in the PAGE Secretariat and PAGE country work.
5) Reflections on the Conference All participants commended the organizational team and the co-hosts, Germany, for exceptional quality of substantive discussions and logistics at the Conference. The participants noted some of the Conference highlights, as well as points to take into consideration for future Conferences.
Highlights - There were a range of players and voices represented - Successful outreach, including through social media (reaching #4 trending on Twitter in Germany) - High-level participation - Media Debate - Keynote conversation on Green Investment - Three different Conference themes
Suggestions for future events - Inclusion of more critical voices - Increase participation of business voices and youth - Output-orientation - Increase time for social interaction i.e. through longer coffee breaks - More emphasis on presentation of PAGE results and PAGE work - To consider how many conferences will be optimal between 2017-2020 - Invite more potential donors for PAGE
6) AOB, Closing and Next Steps The PAGE agencies and Secretariat expressed sincere thanks to the funding partners who’s guidance, thoughts and contributions have been integral to the expansion and continuous progress of PAGE at national and global levels.
The Chair of the Management Board highlighted that 2016 was a year of continued and enhanced clarity on outcomes and impact of PAGE in reporting. PAGE improved external communication and outreach, beyond the immediate green economy community. The PAGE Conference especially was a catalyst for making PAGE known by a broader group of stakeholders and communicating results. There is a strong partnership in place, well established among the five agencies, and continued strong support and constructive guidance from funding partners is essential.
Next steps
The Management Board will develop a Management Response to address the Midterm evaluation recommendations, which will be shared in advance of the next DSC meeting. Funding partners have expressed interest in receiving the response soon. The Secretariat intends to share the response in July.
5 PAGE will consider engaging a media partner for coverage of future activities in a systematic manner.
Work plans for the upcoming year will be shared in advance of subsequent DSC meetings so that the planning can be shared with country offices of funding partners. This planning will include events and global outreach.
Funding partners will be more actively engaged in the country selection process going forward, and there will be a clear indication of when countries have been selected by the Management Board.
The Secretariat will provide details of key contacts in the PAGE Secretariat and PAGE country work and will upload them on the workspace.
The Secretariat will share country logframes on the PAGE workspace, available here (once logged in): logframes
Members of the DSC agreed to hold the next DSC meeting in Mongolia on 20 September 2017, back to back with a series of national events. Some funding partners indicated that they might not be able to travel in person. Secretariat will inform closer to the meeting about possibilities to participate by teleconference.
Members of the DSC agreed that going forward, two DSC meeting per year will be held as follows: one face-to-face meeting, held preferably in a central location, and a second DSC meeting held in a PAGE country with the possibility of a tele participation. In addition, for interested funding partners, opportunities can be sought for visits to a PAGE partner country.
Annex 1: PAGE Sixth Steering Committee Meeting, 29 March 2017 Participants List
Name Country/Organization
Thibaut Portevin European Commission – DG International Cooperation and Development Mika Vehnamaki Finland – Ministry for Foreign Affairs Marjaana Kokkonen Finland – Ministry for Foreign Affairs Annika Lindblom Finland – Ministry of Environment Stephan Contius Germany - Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Energy Katharina Peschen Germany - Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Energy Alena White Germany - Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Energy Heesun Lee Rep. of Korea – Ministry of ENvironment Mads Lie Halfdan Norway – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Lauren C. Naville Gisnås Norway – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Philipp Ischer Switzerland - State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Laura Platchkov Switzerland – Federal Office for the Environment Gunilla Blomquist Sweden - Ministry of the Environment Aisha Al Abdooli UAE – Ministry of Climate Change and Environment Fatma Al Habshi UAE – Ministry of Climate Change and Environment Tim Kasten UN Environment Steven Stone UN Environment Asad Naqvi UN Environment Vera Weick UN Environment Alex Galef UN Environment Amrei Horstbrink UNITAR Vic Van Vuuren ILO Dorit Kemter ILO Moustapha Kamal Gueye ILO Tim Scott UNDP Sarwat Chowdhury UNDP Claudia Linke-Heep UNIDO Stephan Sicars UNIDO
7 Annex 2: Provisional Agenda
Sixth PAGE Steering Committee Meeting
29 March 2017 Venue: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) Stresemannstrasse 128-130, 10117 Berlin room 5.131. Berlin, Germany
Wednesday 29 March 8:00-8:30 Coffee and Croissants 8:30-9:00 Setting the stage Session 1 Co-moderated by: Tim Kasten, Chair of the PAGE 30 min Management Board and Mads Lie Halfdan, Norway - Welcome to new partners and colleagues - Opening remarks, and tour de table - Adoption of agenda - Reflections from Donors’ internal consultation 9:00-10:00 2016 Highlights Documents: Session 2 Co-moderated by:, Stephan Sicars UNIDO and Philipp - Detailed Annual Report 60 mins Ischer, Switzerland - Public Annual Report - Updates by PAGE followed by discussion 10:00-11:00 Midterm Evaluation Results Documents: Session 3 Co-moderated by: Vic Van Vuuren, ILO, and Marjaana - Midterm Evaluation 60 Min Kokkonen, Finland Report - Presentation of final results and discussion - Reflections by Gunilla Blomquist, Sweden - Moderated discussion 11:00-11:15 Group Photo and Coffee break 11:15 - Reflections on the Conference Documents: 11:45 Co-moderated by: Steven Stone, UN Environment, and - Ministerial Conference Session 4 Stephan Contius, Germany Agenda 30 min - Reflections on the Conference - Discussion on maintaining the momentum 11:45-12:45 Looking Forward Session 5 Co-moderated by: Tim Scott, UNDP, and Thibaut Portevin, 60 mins EC - Summary of planned country and global level work - Outreach and events, including UNEA3, COP23 and others 12:45-13:30 AOB, Closing remarks Session 6 Co-moderated by: Tim Kasten, Chair of the PAGE 45 min Management Board and Aisha Al Abdooli, UAE - Date and venue for next DSC meeting, - AOB and Closing remarks 13:30-14:30 Lunch in the BMUB Cafeteria
1 For further details
Secretariat of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) D502- International Environment House | 11-13 Chemin des Anemones, CH-1219 Geneva, Switzerland | Tel: 0041-22-9178620. [email protected] |
Photos and videos of recent PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin Flicker account : Overview of the PAGE Ministerial Opening and Welcome Message Keynote by Minister Barbara Hendricks Speech by Marc Chardonnens and High-Level Panel Inclusive Growth and Full Employment Policy in Practice Session 1 Green Investment (Keynote Conversation) Inclusive Growth Session 2 Moving from Reflection to Action Changing Course (Keynote and Panel) Lifestyles and Green Investment Session 3 Insights, Awards and Outcomes