Catholic University Project (‘CUP’) Symposium 2009

Identifying Opportunities for Academic Cooperation Collegio S. Bonaventura (‘Seraphicum’), Rome

Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) Catholic University in Ružomberok (RUZ) Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE)

 Catholic theology  Philosophy (mostly political philosophy and  Family law and social sciences (gay marriage,  Canon law metaphysics) labor laws in favor of women  Philosophy, including philosophy of nature  English and (North) American Literature of the with children)  Studies in the Slavonic religious literature 20th century  Legal/social situation of the churches in  Teaching English to blind children  Political Science, especially the war and peace Central Eastern Europe v. US  Celtic studies theories  Security policy/international law/ new World  Didactics of the Social Teaching of the Church Order Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU)  Applied Mathematics (and other Natural  European Union and the United States as soft Sciences) in Teacher Training and hard powers  Eastern Christian Studies (Kyivan Christianity  Poverty in an interdisciplinary approach  Environmental law and ethics and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as  Ecumenical Dialogue, theological, pastoral, example of communication between Eastern social aspects University of Notre Dame (ND) and Western Christianity)  Actual Bioethical Challenges in Healthcare  Medieval Studies  Philosophy (Medieval; Continental; Phil. of  Modern and Contemporary History of Central Religion, Action; Kant; other campus centers) and Eastern Europe (European religious,  European Languages and Literatures, esp. cultural, and intellectual phenomena, Italian (Dante), Early modern English especially European context of the Ukrainian Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) (Shakespeare), French, Russian and East history) European  Public and Applied Ethics (family studies, Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP)  Law (comparative, natural) public ethics, business ethics, issues of  European integration, immigration religious freedom and human rights, bioethics)  Business ethics and management  Architecture  Film