Campus: Clayton, VIC Faculty: Engineering

Department: School of Physics and Materials Engineering

Building: 37 Room No: Assessment Date :

Investigator Phone # Signature

1. Authorisation  Authorisation from academic-in-charge, Dr Chris Hutchinson is required to undertake work in the metallography laboratory  Potential user should complete the risk control worksheet and assessment  Potential user should be trained by a qualified or licensed user (see Dr Chris Hutchinson)

2. Hazards associated with equipment/machinery/technique/process:  Operating and viewing the metallurgical microscope may involve sustained awkward postures and repetitive movement  Visual environment may be harsh for the eyes during continual operation of the metallurgical microscope. Glare, reflection, uneven/excessive/poor illumination and poor contrast/resolution could contribute to eye strains and fatigue.  Electrical hazards associated with the use of 240 VAC electrical appliances  Thermal hazard associated with the integral illuminator lamp (i.e. tungsten-halogen incandescent bulb) in the microscope. The light bulb (thus heat sinks and enclosing housing) can generate large amount of heat during operation.

3. Before you start work:  Training by a qualified or licensed user before undertaking task.  Familiarise yourself with other risks associated with the laboratory;  Visually inspect cables and electrical connections for signs of wear and tear; check that a Work Cover inspection tag is fixed to any cables. 4. Personal protective equipment to be used: None required. 5. The environment where the task is to be undertaken:  Working bench and floor should be dry and clean.

6. Step by step procedures for task  Remove microscope and lens covers  Turn lamp intensity to low  Turn on power  Set objective to lowest magnification  Ensure stage and sample are at focal point  Increase lamp intensity  Take a five minute break every 30 minutes  On completion, turn off power, replace covers 4 7. Clean-up procedures  Ensure to clean and tidy bench after work has been completed.

8. Waste disposal procedures N/A

9. Emergency procedures N/A.

10. After hours access procedures  After-hours access is restricted; contact Dr Chris Hutchinson for after-hours authorization.  Register your details in the after-hours log book if the metallography lab is to be used after normal working hours.  Only trained and licensed user of the equipment is allowed to enter the log book.

11. Associated Documents This document is to be used in conjunction with the Risk Control for the microscope.

Prepared by: ……………………………..Date: ……………………Signed:……………………..