Attendees: Mike Henry, Jack Pettit, Charlie Daffin, Rudy Strickland, Bill Rolle, Sam Shoge, Michele Anstatt, Harvey called in, Jennifer Lutz called in

1. Projects

AIP-42 – Conduct Environmental Assessment Study FAA Regional office reviewing Draft EA Findings scheduled for 12/5/17 – Meet with FAA 1/8/18 Congressman Harris offer to help

AIP – 44 – Pavement Management Plan and Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) – Pavement Classification Number (PCN) Boring 12/11/17 – Kick off meeting 12/12/17 – Sub base looks good, All FCN 70+

AIP TBD – Land Acquisition Services for Obstruction Removal Easements and Right of Entry – Continuing on schedule $1,035,000.00 grant

MAA TBD – Secondary Weather Instrumentation and LED Lighting Upgrade – 5 Bidders Council approved grant request 12/12/17 - $57,475.00 – Local $14,369.00 – Submitted to MAA 12/13/17 2. Fuel

Comparison of Jet-A as of November 2017 (18 Budget) Company Nov. last Budget Total 2017 Difference % of Change Easton Jet Service 109138 127846 18708 17.1% Flight Support Services 128010 153995 25985 20.3% Trident 0 Hanger Assoc. 23789 20928 -2861 -12.0%

Airport Jet Total 260937 302769 41832 16.0%

Comparison of Avgas as of November 2017 (18 Budget) Company Nov. last budget Total 2017 Difference % of Change Easton Jet Service 25004 29369 4365 17.5% Flight Support Services 21074 17810 -3264 -15.5%

Airport Avgas Total 46078 47179 1101 2.4%

Combined Fuel Totals 307015 349948 42933 14.0%

3. MedStar Hangar EMS back in it for a month or two.

4. ACIP Meeting with FAA/MAA/AECOM 1/8/18 , 2018 - $4,735,000.00 2019 - $2,789.00.00 2020-$315,000.00 - $3.7 M for TBC – 18-3/3/19 Demolition of TBC moved from 2026 to 2023 - Justification document 12/22/18

5. Trident Meeting with ACE Group 12/13/17 – Develop hangar – 1/3/18 Meet with ACE Talbot Spy filming, Training refuelers – Rented two additional tie downs and a t-hangar - Critchow Christmas Party 6. RTR Working with FAA to decommission – PCT agreed to decommission 2/1/18 , savings $684.00 per month

7. RWY 15-33 Airport Road Obstructions Roads will install 4 poles, MAA providing solar lights – clears RWY 15 20:1

8. Talbot County Historical Society Reviewing photos – Plan opening 7/20/18 – 75th anniversary – Presentation $4,090.00

9. Generator Maintenance Taking quotes - $5-6k / year - EMS

10. Airport Day Donated $1000.00 to CAP – Certificate of Appreciation

11. Hangar Associates New partner – Jim De Fancesco - Meeting 12/21/17

12. Marketing $30,000 Budget – Bill’s plan – Community Outreach

13. Talbot Business Center No to soccer fields – VCP estimate $98,450.00, AIP eligible plus another $2,000 – Industrial – Commercial clock ticking 14. Café Fined $2000.00 for parking van in Right of Way

15. Maryland Air New Terminal rugs – Thank you 16. Open Meetings Board response – Resend

17. Pax Noise Office No complaints

18. Hangar 50 4 Interested

19. Trooper 6 Pilot Arrested child porn

20. Public Comments

Next Board meeting – Wednesday, January 17, 2017, 8:00 A.M., Easton Airport Conference Room