Course Outline Science 10
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Lockview High School Phone: 860-6000 ext. 7721248 Ms. Cooper Email: [email protected]
Technology Education April-June 2015
Students will Be able to assess social, cultural, economic and environmental relationships on a local and global level Be able to use various symbols, concepts and visuals to communicate effectively Be able to use various equipment safely to solve problems Be able to use scientific, mathematical and language strategies and processes needed to solve problems Be able to use and apply a variety of technologies to solve problems
Major topics this semester
Communications Technology Inventions and Innovations The Design Process The Design Process Principles of Design Evolution of Technology Different Communication Medias Simple Machines Careers in Communications Careers In Technology Invention
Energy and Engineering Production Technology The Design Process The Design Process Green Technology Prototype Construction Environmental Impact Careers in Production Careers in Engineering
Assessment and Evaluation at Lockview:
For all of our courses, lessons include a broad range of balanced assessment strategies that give students multiple opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and attitudes. Assessments are no longer limited to just testing what student have learned at the end of a lesson or unit. There is an increased focus on “formative assessment”, where students receive regular feedback directing them the knowledge they need to improve.
There are several types of assessments that will be used for evaluating student performance. Assessments for and as learning (worksheets, everyday in-class assignments, journal reflections, etc.) are those assessments given to students to give the students time to practice new skills without receiving a numerical mark. They will receive feedback so that they may better develop their skills and knowledge. Assessments of learning (some major assignments, tests, quizzes, exams) are meant to provide singular event evidence of a student’s academic ability and knowledge of the curricular outcomes. Since learning takes many forms and many factors influence learning, it is important to recognize that every student needs to be working to their full potential and that they have repeated opportunities to demonstrate that they have met the outcomes.
All projects constitute major assessments for purposes of formal extension policies.
The mark in Tech Ed 9 will consist of:
Communication Technology 22.5% Energy and Engineering 22.5% Production Technology 22.5% Inventions and Innovations 22.5% Final Project 10% TOTAL 100% Lockview High School Phone: 860-6000 ext. 7721248 Ms. Cooper Email: [email protected]
1. Attendance in all classes is mandatory as a large amount of material is covered daily.
2. Students are required to be on time for class. Those showing up late should make minimal disruption when entering.
3. We will on occasion be using the computers, therefore the students are required to have their computer login and password. Also a working email must be already set up or will need to be set up by the student.
4. In cases of absenteeism, students are responsible to get caught up on all missed work. Students should take ownership in ensuring they complete any evaluation they missed through absenteeism. When absent check my calendar on the website to see what you missed and check the folder box for any missed sheets that will be put in the folder for that day of the week.
5. Each student is required to have a binder, loose leaf, pen/pencil, eraser and a ruler
6. Extra help is available by setting up an appointment. IF this is done you are EXPECTED to be on time.
7. Cell phones, mp3 players are allowed in class but are only used for in class activities at the discretion of the teacher.
8. NO EATING or drinking in class. Only water is allowed.
9. A duotang, pencil, ruler and looseleaf are recommended for this class. Duotangs will be kept in the classroom.
PLEASE NOTE: If a student is having difficulty with the assessment, be sure to talk to me and/or request an extension using the request form. Students missing tests, quizzes, or labs without a valid excuse or without making up the major assessment will be given a zero for that assessment event.
Students are expected to submit work at the beginning of the class when it is due. If work is not passed in at that time, students are expected to speak to Ms. Cooper before class or as soon as possible to arrange an alternative date.
Parents and students are expected to continually check Powerschool to monitor marks, progress and attendance.