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-Graduate students can take up to TWO 4000 level courses for their Master’s Program -Other 4000, 5000, and 6000 level courses can be accepted upon approval of Program Director
* = Course prerequisites are required.
Behavioral Theory
ANT4302 Sex Roles from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
ANT4309 Conquest of Americas
ANT4323 Peoples and Cultures of Mexico and Central America
ANT4640 Sociolinguistics
GEO5425 Cultural Geography
GEO5605 Urban Geography
GEO5908 Politics of Latin America
SOP4722 Prejudice & Stereotypes
SOW4620 Diversity in Social Work
SOW4627 Mental Health of Diverse Populations
SOW5628 Mental Health of Diverse Populations
SPC4710 Interracial/Intercultural Communication
SYD4700 Race and Minority Group Relations
SYD5705 Race/Ethnicity
SYO4374 Gender and Work
THE5437 Gender, Race, and Performance Business and Marketing Strategy
ADV5416 Multicultural Marketing Communication
ECS4013 Economies of Development
INR4244* Studies in International Politics: Latin America
INR5007 International Relations Politics
INR5014 Contexts and International Relations
INR5036 International Political Economy
INR5037 Politics and Inequality
MAN4605* Cross-Cultural Management
MAN4631* International Strategic Management
MAN4680r* Explorations in International Management
MAN5601 Multinational Business Operations
MAR4156* Multinational Marketing
SYP5446 Sociology of National Development Hispanic History and Culture
ANG5169 Ancient Mesoamerica
ANG5309 Conquest of the Americas
GEA4405 Latin America
LAH4430 History of Mexico
LAH4470 History of the Caribbean
LAH4723 Race and Class in Latin America
LAH4748 Social Revolution in Latin America
LAH5475 History of Caribbean (4 credits)
LAH5727 Race/Class in Latin America (4 credits)
LAH5749 Social Revolution in Latin America (4 credits)
MUH5546 Music in Latin America I
MUH5547 Music in Latin American II
MUH5548 Music in the Caribbean
PET5258 Race/Ethnicity in Sports
REL4564 Modern Roman Catholic Religion
REL5565 Modern Roman Catholicism
SPN4540 Regional Cultural Studies
SPW4140 Hispanic Love and Violence
SPW4150 Transatlantic Encounters
SPW4301 Hispanic Culture and Performance
SPW5195 Transatlantic Encounters Spanish Language Literature and Practical Language Application
AML5296 Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature
AML5637 Studies of Latino/a Literature
LIS5566 Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
SPN4420 Advanced Spanish Composition and Translation
SPN4440 Business Writing in Spanish
SPN4740 Hispanic Sociolinguistics
SPN4780 Spanish Phonetics
SPN4930r Studies in Hispanic Language
SPN5795 Phonology of Spanish
SPN5805 Spanish Morphology and Syntax
SPN5845 History of the Spanish Language
SPN5855 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition
SPW4190 Special Topics in Hispanic Languages and Literatures
SPW4481 Contemporary Spanish Women Writers
SPW4491 Spanish-American Women Writers
SPW4770 Caribbean Literature
SPW5216 Spanish Gold Age Prose
SPW5269 19 th Century Spanish Novels
SPW5275 20 th Century Spanish Novels
SPW5325 20 th Century Spanish Drama
SPW5356 Early Modern Spanish American Poetry
SPW5357 Contemporary Spanish American Poetry
SPW5365 Spanish American Prose (Non-Fiction)
SPW5386 Contemporary Spanish American Prose Fiction Since 1927 SPW5496 Spanish-American Women Writers
SPW5497 20 th Century Spanish-American Drama
SPW5757 20 th Century Mexican Prose
SPW6934 Hispanic Language and Literature
Behavioral Theory
ANT4302- Sex Roles from a Cross-Cultural Perspective -Sex roles in anthropological perspective with emphasis on data from archaeology and ethnology. -Special emphasis on the interpretation of sex roles by anthropologists in the field.
ANT4309- Conquest of Americas -This course examines the conquest of the Americas. -It explores the arts of domination, power, and resistance and specific historical encounters where such arts are employed.
ANT4323- Peoples and Cultures of Mexico and Central America -Provides an overview of Mexico and Central America and the multiplicity of cultural and linguistic groups within the developing modern nations from an anthropological viewpoint. -Discusses cultural values and the problems of reconciling modern society with traditional peasant and indigenous ethnic groups, as well as institutions such as kinship and family; technology, work, and ecological adaptations; social organization, political integration, religion, and ceremonial life.
ANT4640- Sociolinguistics -This course provides students with an understanding of the role language plays in society as a means of communication and as a social diacritic, as well as a primary vehicle of enculturation and acculturation. -Topics include the methodology and theoretical foundations of sociolinguistics, linguistic variation in a social context, social and geographical dialects, bi- and multilingualism, and literacy and language planning, as featured in case studies from around the world.
GEO5425- Cultural Geography -The study of the processes by which various cultural features have diffused throughout the world. -Emphasis is on the contemporary cultural landscape, particularly that of the United States.
GEO5605- Urban Geography -Close reading of recent literature in urban geography, stressing the urban division of labor and restructuring, urban social theory, suburbanization, the crisis of the inner city ghetto, urban politics and policies, and world cities.
GEO5908- Politics of Latin America -No description currently available.
SOP4722- Prejudice & Stereotypes -This course explores the nature of prejudice and stereotyping in our society using a social psychological perspective. SOW4620- Diversity in Social Work -This course will enhance student's understanding of human diversity and will prepare them to work with ethnic minorities, women, gays and lesbians and people with disabilities. -Students will understand the connections between diversity issues and social and economic justice.
SOW4627- Mental Health of Diverse Populations -This course examines various factors that impact the mental health of minorities, women and other diverse populations; special focus on mental health needs, accessibility and services will be addressed.
SOW5628- Mental Health of Diverse Populations -This course focuses on the circumstances of minority group members and women in contemporary American society and the effects of these circumstances on their mental health.
SPC4710- Interracial/Intercultural Communication -An exploration of interracial and intercultural communication and the philosophies that underlie the concept.
SYD4700- Race and Minority Group Relations -An introduction to prevalent sociological concepts and theories utilized in the study of dominant- subordinate relationships between groups. -The social significance of minority status is emphasized. -Once introduced, concepts and theories are applied to the experiences of several nonwhite ethnic groups in the US with special attention being devoted to contemporary black-white relationships. -The reemergence of white ethnicity is discussed in relation to the above.
SYD5705- Race/Ethnicity -This seminar examines sociological concepts and theories utilized to explain dominant-subordinate relations in society. -Applies various frameworks to the study of contemporary U.S. ethnic and race relations.
SYO4374- Gender and Work -This course is an introduction to the cultural and structural mechanisms that reproduce gendered outcomes in the workplace. -It addresses occupational segregation, the wage gap, sex differences in promotions, unpaid family work, explanations of inequality, strategies for change and resistance to change, and the intersections of gender, race, and class.
THE5437- Gender, Race, and Performance -An advanced introduction to the contemporary theories and practices regarding the performances of race and gender upon the stage and in everyday life. -Utilizing feminist theories of performance students will read play text written by women of color, by white women, and by one African-American male. Business and Marketing Strategy
ADV5416- Multicultural Marketing Communication -This graduate seminar is for students who envision being involved in any multicultural marketing efforts in their careers.
ECS4013- Economies of Development -Economic development as a process, description and analysis; alternative theories of development; particular problems and policy responses to them; strategic choices in development policy. -Main focus is on third world economies.
INR4244*- Studies in International Politics: Latin America *Prerequisite: INR 2002 or consent of instructor. -Latin America in the international political system. -With emphasis on the United States and Latin America.
INR5007- International Relations Politics -A comprehensive survey of hypotheses, models, and theories relating to the analysis of international politics.
INR5014- Contexts and International Relations -This course considers the impact geographic and historic factors exert on the events and phenomena related to international relations. -It looks at the many ways that such contextual forces may influence national and international processes.
INR5036- International Political Economy -Analyzes the basic issues surrounding the interaction of politics and economics in international relations, including arguments that economics determines political outcomes and vice versa, theories regarding the interaction of political policies, and economic policies.
INR5037- Politics and Inequality -Analyzes the impact of the interaction between politics and economics on the distribution of wealth within and across nations. -Various theoretical explanations of the role of international politics in the process that determines the distribution of wealth in the world will serve as its principle themes.
MAN4605*- Cross-Cultural Management *Prerequisite: MAN 3240. -Course studies the unique issues of managing in non-native culture. -Discusses management situations where members of more than one cultural group are included, along with strategies for maximum effectiveness in such situations.
MAN4631*- International Strategic Management *Prerequisites: ECO 2013, 2023; MAN 3600. -Course focuses on the international dimensions of strategic management, including environmental and political issues affecting global competition. -Special emphasis is given to the multinational enterprise and strategic options available for effective worldwide competitive advantage.
MAN4680r*- Explorations in International Management *Prerequisites: ECO 2013, 2023; MAN 3600. -May be repeated to a maximum of six (6) semester hours. -Selected topics in international management will vary depending upon the instructor for the course. -Topics such as cultural influences on management, international personnel management, and other related management topics will be discussed.
MAN5601- Multinational Business Operations -Graduate survey of international business. -Concepts of international economics blended with thee marketing of goods and services in international markets. -Current international events discussed.
MAR4156*- Multinational Marketing *Prerequisites: MAR 3023; MAN 3600. -Introduces the student to marketing management decision making in international environments through the use of cases and/or business games.
SYP5446- Sociology of National Development -Seminar on theories, processes, and problems of national development. -Considers societal evolution, industrialization, capitalist expansion, modernization, dependency, inequality, and related topics. Hispanic History and Culture
ANG5169- Ancient Mesoamerica -Each topic focuses on a regional civilization of Mesoamerica (such as the Maya, Olmec, or Mixtec). -Aspects of prehistoric society covered include trade, social and political organizations, ideology, calendars and astronomy, language and writing, artifacts, architecture, sculpture and painting. -Format is seminar with presentations, research reports, and discussion.
ANG5309- Conquest of the Americas -This course examines the conquest of the Americas. -It explores the arts of domination, power, and resistance and specific historical encounters where such arts are employed.
GEA4405- Latin America -The contemporary Latin American landscape, its historical formation, societies and problems.
LAH4430- History of Mexico -Covers the history of Mexico from the great Indian empires to the present -Emphasizes the 19th and 20th centuries. -Deals with cultural and social history as well as political movements.
LAH4470- History of the Caribbean -Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean societies are the subjects of this course. -European and United States colonialism and local Caribbean forces are studied to help understand the area's social, economic, and political problems and prospects.
LAH4723- Race and Class in Latin America -This course is a comprehensive examination of Latin America from 1492 to 1830, with emphasis on native and African reactions to colonial rule and the creation and growth of multi-ethnic groups and their solidification into classes.
LAH4748- Social Revolution in Latin America -Thematic coverage of the history of social revolutionary movements in Latin America, using specific case studies drawn from, among others, the Mexican, Bolivian, and Cuban revolutions.
LAH5475- History of Caribbean (4 credits) -A survey of the history of the Latin American Caribbean. -Special attention given to such topics as the Cuban Revolution and recent United States-Puerto Rican relations.
LAH5727- Race/Class in Latin America (4 credits) -Comprehensive examination of Latin America from 1492 to 1830, with emphasis on native and African reactions to colonial rule and the creation and growth of multi-ethnic groups and their solidification into classes. LAH5749- Social Revolution in Latin America (4 credits) -Thematic coverage of the history of social revolutionary movements in Latin America -Studying such revolution as the Mexican, Cuban, and Bolivian examples. -Special emphasis on the historiography of revolutions within and outside the area.
MUH5546- Music in Latin America I -A study of the musical cultures of Latin America, including Native American, European, African, and Asian derived and syncretic or mestizo forms.
MUH5547- Music in Latin American II -A study of the religions and art music of Latin America from the Colonial Period to the present.
MUH5548- Music in the Caribbean -A survey of the music of the Caribbean Basin: from Cuba to Trinidad-Tobago; the coastal regions of northern Venezuela and Colombia; and the eastern coasts of Central America and Mexico.
PET5258- Race/Ethnicity in Sports -This course examines the role and impact that ethnicity and racism have had in the world of sport; it also seeks to develop an understanding and appreciation for diversity in sport. -Students and future teachers are introduced to the realities of bias and prejudice that exist and perpetuate within sport. -The varied experiences of numerous ethnic minority groups in the United States are examined.
REL4564- Modern Roman Catholic Religion -The Catholic Church from the Council of Trent to the present day. -Special consideration given to Vatican II, current problems, and leading thinkers.
REL5565- Modern Roman Catholicism -The Catholic Church from the Council of Trent to the present day; special consideration given to Vatican II, current problems, and leading thinkers.
SPN4540- Regional Cultural Studies -No description currently available.
SPW4140- Hispanic Love and Violence -This course explores poems and other forms of expression that address the complexities of the sentiments of love and violence in the manner that it has been expressed in Hispanic culture. -It will introduce and engage these topics as they relate to issues of gender, national politics, and culture from Latin America to Spain.
SPW4150 & SPW5195- Transatlantic Encounters -This course emphasizes the cultural and historical connections between Spanish America and Spain. -Topics of study may include the subaltern in early Spain and Spanish America nineteenth-century nation identities, and Modernismo/Generacion del 98.
SPW4301- Hispanic Culture and Performance -The study of dramatic works or performances from a Spanish-speaking region within a particular period including its socio-historical, literary, biographical, and cultural contexts. -Students may participate in a workshop production of the work(s) studied.
Spanish Language Literature and Practical Language Application
AML5296- Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature -Intensive study of a particular ethnicity, period, or topic in ethnic literature of the U.S.
AML5637- Studies of Latino/a Literature -Course covers various approaches to the study of Latino/a literature, including the work of Mexican- Americans (Chicano/a), Puerto Rican-Americans, and Cuban-Americans.
LIS5566- Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults -Offered ONLINE -Course identifies and evaluates multicultural literature and information resources for children and young adults in relation to ethnicity and culture of ethnic minorities in the United States. -Students will locate access, read, evaluate, and develop strategies to use multicultural literature and other resources to meet information needs of children and young adults.
SPN4420- Advanced Spanish Composition and Translation -Stresses composition in Spanish with less emphasis on translation from Spanish into English.
SPN4440 Business Writing in Spanish -Letter writing and business terminology for conducting business in the Hispanic world.
SPN4740- Hispanic Sociolinguistics -This course provides students with a cultural and linguistic awareness of the Spanish language and of the various and numerous societies in which it is spoken. -Topics that relate to Spanish may include linguistic variation, language and gender, the sociology of language, the rights of linguistic minorities, language movements, and language policy.
SPN4780- Spanish Phonetics -Training in the production of acceptable speech sounds in Spanish and a knowledge of when to use those sounds (allophonic distribution). -Class meets both in the classroom and in the language laboratory. -The nonnative speaker can profit most from this course.
SPN4930r- Studies in Hispanic Language -May be repeated when content varies for a total of six (6) semester hours.
SPN5795- Phonology of Spanish -Introduces the student to articulatory phonetics and the theory of Spanish phonology as a set of phonological rules determining allophonic distribution. -Entails partial analysis of various dialects of Spanish during class and an assignment to make an analysis of the Spanish of some native speakers’ dialect.
SPN5805- Spanish Morphology and Syntax -Deals with syntactical and morphological rules based on early transformational grammar. -Rules are tested in class discussion, and attempts are made to analyze prose and poetry according to the rules. -Students make a syntactical analysis of one or more literary works, or parts of works, of their choice. SPN5845- History of the Spanish Language -A study of the various phonetic, lexical, and syntactic changes that led to the development of modern Spanish from Classical Latin through vulgar Latin, old Spanish, and Renaissance Spanish, including the changes undergone by American Spanish.
SPN5855- Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition -Upgrades the student's knowledge and application of Spanish grammar in the areas of speaking, writing and teaching.
SPW4190- Special Topics in Hispanic Languages and Literatures -Variable topics chosen from Spanish language movements, periods, figures, and problems.
SPW4481- Contemporary Spanish Women Writers -Course introduces the student to the works of 20th-century Spanish women writers and the critical attention they have received.
SPW4491- Spanish-American Women Writers -No description currently available
SPW4770- Caribbean Literature -This course focuses on the reading, discussion and analysis of works by Hispanic Caribbean authors, with an emphasis on the history, cultural life and social conditions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic as it is reflected in the literature.
SPW5216- Spanish Gold Age Prose -Reading and discussion of the great prose works from La Celestina to El Criticon. -All Golden Age prose on the Spanish division graduate reading lists, with the exception of Cervantes works, will be covered.
SPW5269- 19 th Century Spanish Novels -Novel dings of representative works of Alarcon, Galdos, Pardo-Bazan and others. -Emphasis on textual analysis, and literary and social trends of the nineteenth century.
SPW5275- 20 th Century Spanish Novels -Spanish novels from the Generation of 1898 through the Post-Civil War period.
SPW5325- 20 th Century Spanish Drama -A study of literary and representational trends in modern Spanish theater. -Plays of Valle-Inclan, Lorca, Buero Vallejo, and other leading figures.
SPW5356- Early Modern Spanish American Poetry -Study of the major tendencies and representative poets from the sixteenth century to the Modernist period. SPW5357- Contemporary Spanish American Poetry -A comprehensive study of the major trends, figures, and schools of Spanish American poetry since Modernismo. SPW5365- Spanish American Prose (Non-Fiction) -Study of the major tendencies and representative non-fictional prose writers up to the Contemporary period.
SPW5386- Contemporary Spanish American Prose Fiction Since 1927 -A comprehensive overview of Spanish American prose since the advent of Jorge Luis Borges’ short stories and the genres of the novel and short story. -Covering trends form the avant-garde to neorealism, neo-naturalism, cosmopolitanism, and sociopolitical content.
SPW5496- Spanish-American Women Writers -The study of Spanish-American women writers, focusing on prose fiction, non-fiction and/or drama. -Supplementary readings from critical and theoretical works.
SPW5497- 20 th Century Spanish-American Drama -A study of literary, presentational, and theoretical trends in contemporary Spanish American Theater.
SPW5757- 20 th Century Mexican Prose -An analysis of the novels, stories and essays of the outstanding writers of 20th-century Mexico.
SPW6934- Hispanic Language and Literature -Designed to cover topics not otherwise available in the curriculum. -Topics will vary and a particular topic will be announced at least one semester in advance.
SPW6939- Seminar on Spanish-American Authors -An in-depth study of the life and works of a major Spanish American author. -The subject of this seminar will vary from year to year.