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Local Government Association

Local Government Association of South Australia

Model Waste Management Contract

Section D Specification

Management & Operation of Resource Recovery Centre

Version 3 (January 2014)

[Click here and type Council name and/or logo]


CONTRACT NO: [Click here and type Contract number]

Management & Operation of Resource Recovery Centre [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]

CONTENTS RRC Management Specification

Resource Recovery Centre Specification Page 4 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]

1. INTRODUCTION This Specification defines requirements for the management and operation of a resource recovery centre.

The Contractor must ensure that Services provided under this contract address the requirements of the Specification and all Services provided under this Contract are to comply with relevant Australian standards except where this Specification requires otherwise in which case this specification takes precedence.


2.1 General

The final design and operational parameters of a particular Council’s Resource Recovery Centre will be the result of a individual assessment and evaluation of the range and scope of materials able and/or intended to be received.

This module is intended to provide a basic guide only, and Councils are advised to seek additional specialised assistance when planning any resource recovery facility.

The proposed Resource Recovery Centre (RRC) is to receive solid waste and recyclable materials from within the Council area. The RRC will accept waste from non kerbside collection areas and also industrial and commercial waste streams.

Services provided under this contract must be delivered in a manner that maximises these resource recovery activities and promotes continuous improvement.

Include any specific waste sources to be received such as: Accept at the RRC all Kerbside Waste and Recycling Collections from inside the Council area.

Include any other specific service requirements here. For example, bin banks or road-side collection points in rural areas, and provision of smaller volume Mobile Bins for elderly Customers.

Include any specific service requirements, and a description of any sharing arrangements available for multi-occupancy Premises such as: Two or more multi-occupancy Premises may share a Recyclables Mobile Bin with the approval of Council and the Strata Management Company, Housing Trust, or relevant Body Corporate.

2.2 Location The Council owned Resource Recovery Centre is located at: Include relevant details including road, Section No, and Hundred.

2.3 Licences and Approvals The Council will be responsible for obtaining and holding all relevant development approvals and operational licences, and any agreement with Council will be conditional on the Contractor performing the Services in accordance with these licences and approvals.

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Council currently holds EPA Licence for the Resource Recovery Centre site:  Include site name and location and EPA Licence #

3. WASTE CATEGORIES TO BE ACCEPTED Waste categories for which provision shall be made to accept are the following: Include details of any specific conditions applicable to receival.

A range of additional references for specific materials is provided for information in the Annexure

 Domestic solid waste  Domestic recyclable materials (plastic, glass, paper, cardboard)  Garden organics  Scrap metals (including empty drums, white goods)  Timber and pallets  Construction and demolition (C&D) – domestic quantities  Electronic waste  Used batteries  Tyres  Asbestos - subject to licensed disposal facility available  Waste oil - subject to collection facility  Other waste streams subject to EPA Licence and facilities

4. PROHIBITED WASTES Certain wastes are prohibited on the site due to restrictions in Council and/or EPA rules, regulations or permits and are prohibited at the Resource Recovery Centre. Where possible provide details of any alternative disposal options for materials NOT accepted at the Resource Recovery Centre.

A range of additional references for specific materials is provided for information in the Annexure

Special wastes that are considered unacceptable include:  Hazardous wastes  Medical or infectious wastes  Asbestos containing materials – arrange through RRC for direct delivery to ####### Landfill that is licensed to receive asbestos.  Animals (live or dead), animal carcasses, fish wastes, and offal  Liquid waste, including paint in any form  Wastes generated from agricultural activities  Contaminated soil  Radioactive wastes

5. GENERAL DESIGN In addition to the infrastructure required to receive specific waste streams, there are various other facilities that have been put in place or established by Council. These include but are not limited to the following:

 Gatehouse and Amenities – a suitable building to house toilet, office, washroom facilities and an emergency eye wash.

Resource Recovery Centre Specification Page 6 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]

 Access and Traffic Management – consideration has been given to public access, smooth traffic flow, and the ability of large trucks to access receival bin/structures for changeover.  Stormwater and Wastewater Management – consideration has been given to control and treatment where required of both stormwater and wastewater.  Site Services – water (all sites) and telecommunications are available.  Fencing – a 2 metre high chain mesh fence will be erected around the perimeter of the Resource Recovery Centre.


( a ) The Resource Recovery Centres incorporate sufficient large storage bins for various waste types. Each site is proposed to have 4 large skip bins (either 30 or 40 cubic metres) and 2 spare/changeover bins, to be supplied by the Contractor. Easy access for predominantly light vehicles and trailers, enabling direct unload into the bins shall be provided. ( b ) Appropriate number of containers (eg. 240 MGBs) shall also be provided, by the Contractor for domestic recyclable materials. ( c ) In addition to the above bins or structures, the RRC will also have the capability to appropriately receive: a.i. Garden organic material – the organics will be stockpiled and processed (mulched) approximately twice a year. a.ii. Construction and Demolition materials (domestic quantities). This material may include concrete, rock, bricks and rubble. Full loads or large quantities shall be processed directly at the processing location. Material will be processed onsite using a mobile crushing plant, subject to any alternative arrangements approved in writing by the Council. a.iii. General metals. a.iv. Drums and chemical Drum-Muster containers. All drums must be triple washed before entering the facility as per the Drum-Muster guidelines. Tenderers should note that specific training requirements exist for management of Drum-Muster activities. a.v. Batteries in an area designed to contain spills (bunded) ( d ) Materials collected under Council’s Kerbside Waste and Recycling Collection Contract are transported directly to Adelaide for processing. ( e ) Ownership of all materials received at the RRC will be with the Contractor. ( f ) Responsibility for sorting, disposal, transport, processing of all material received at the RRC is with the Contractor. ( g ) Hours of opening are contained in Annexure 1: Environment Management Plans. ( h ) All gate fees will be approved by Council.

1. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 6.1 Council Prepared Plans

A draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP) setting out environmental objectives and standard operating procedures has been prepared by Council. See Annexure 1 to this Specification.

Resource Recovery Centre Specification Page 7 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]

This Plan must be reviewed by both the Council and Contractor and adopted as the standard operating procedures to ensure the RRC performs efficiently, cost effectively, and in compliance with all applicable occupational health and safety and South Australian Environmental Protection Authority EPA rules and regulations.

6.2 EMP Minimum Standards The following is a schedule of the details to be provided within the EMP:  Site Operations o Operating hours o Waste accepted o Unacceptable waste o Waste handling o Traffic control patterns o Signage

 Site Controls o Litter control o Dust and odour control o Noise control o Pest and vermin control o Spill prevention procedures o Health and Safety o Fire fighting facilities o Security arrangements

 Facility Inspections

 Environmental Reporting Procedures

7. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY, WELFARE The Contractor shall meet all Occupational Health & Safety and Welfare obligations as detailed in the Conditions of Contract, Clause ##.

8. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise agreed by the Council, the Contractor will be required to provide facilities for electronic transfer of information to and from the Council. As a minimum requirement, the Contractor will be required to provide the following reports and data for each service:

Timing Reporting Requirements Daily (Telephone) 1* Urgent (within one (1) hour) notifying the Council of serious personal injury or damage to property, or any significant interruption to the Services for whatever cause; 2* Immediate (within two (2) hours) notifying the Council of any major malfunction of Contractor’s equipment, industrial situations, non-availability of facilities that has the potential to interrupt service; Weekly 1* Notifying the Council of any service problems, industrial action, or serious complaints including complaints about Contractor Occupational Health and Safety, and service deficiencies that have occurred in the past week. Monthly  Quantities of materials received, broken down by type;

Resource Recovery Centre Specification Page 8 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]

Timing Reporting Requirements  Occupational Health and Safety reporting requirements;  Any other relevant issues relating to the past month’s Services;  Graphical reports of service provision over the preceding twelve (12) months, showing trends;  The number of vehicles using the RRC as per agreed categories. Annually upon 2* Resource Recovery Centre audit results; anniversary of RRC 3* Occupational Health and Safety Management Commencement Date System/updates; 4* Environmental Management Plan updates; 5* Insurances review and update;

9. VARIATIONS AND BETTER PERFORMANCE 9.1 Innovations and Trials During the term of the contract the Contractor is encouraged to propose innovative arrangements to the provision of Services. Trials may be undertaken provided the Council is satisfied that improved performance will result. Approval in writing from the Council is required prior to commencement of any trial.

Prior to any trial the Contractor and Council must set evaluation criteria, and performance measures for the trial.

Resource Recovery Centre Specification Page 9 Version 3: January 2014 [Click here and type Council name] [Click here and type Contract number and name]


(Include copies of any completed Environmental Management Plans and EPA Licences)

Additional References

Mobile Phones / batteries: www.mobilemuster.com.au

E-waste: environment.gov.au/ewaste

Light globes: www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/e-waste/recycle-used-light-globes-for-free

Hazardous wastes: www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/at-home/hazardous-waste

Zero Waste SA: www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au

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