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Logical Framework Matrix 2014 – 2017


OVERALL OBJECTIVE To develop a vocational education and Increased employability of graduates and, Labour Force Survey Serbia is politically stable and training system with strong links to the more specifically, the employment rate of its path to EU membership is labour market to support sustainable VET completers. National Employment statistics remains on track economic and employment growth, and Follow-up/tracer surveys improve social cohesion. Key Serbian actors are familiar with EU The Government is able to policy objectives and targets in VET, Statistical Office of the Republic legislate, implement and invest employment and social inclusion and of Serbia (SORS) in VET reform priorities (e.g. participate in EU reporting (e.g. Bruges) NQF and Sector Skills and strategic meetings (e.g. ACVT, DGVT 2014 Bruges Communique VET Councils) and in active labour and TWGs). policy report, including on short- market policies term deliverables Increase of jobseekers/ participants in adult training measures

Increase in employment of trained jobseekers

PROJECT PURPOSE Increased public and private investments in Government decisions related The Government increases the To support the strategic development of VET to adoption of VET- and labour pace of reforms of the VET human resources to contribute to market-related laws and system (e.g. by mainstreaming sustainable development, in particular Increased employability of VET graduates regulations pilot project results) and competiveness and social cohesion. employment policy. Harmonisation of the two qualification Statistics from Statistical Office To support a modernised approach to systems, introduced in legislation and of the Republic of Serbia Progress towards EU accession HRD in the country to ensure the implemented (SORS), the Ministries of continues. education and training system conveys Education, Labour and Youth relevant transversal skills and knowledge Skills recognition and mobility on the and from the NES. The Copenhagen Process and (including the key competencies identified European labour market Bruges reporting drives by the EU) as well as ensuring the Data on private investment in modernisation of the VET system better meets the concrete skills Dynamic, active sector skills councils VET provided by government system. needs of employers. 1 (SSCs) articulate the skills needs of at least agencies and private Strengthening links between the VET four sectors companies Serbian participation in regional system and the labour market and and EU initiatives such as the economy, in particular with the private. Support the VET strategy to focus on both National strategy and related Regional Cooperation Council, initial and continuing VET; learners have monitoring reports. the Education Reform Initiative By paying attention to: open pathways of learning; recognisable of South Eastern Europe, etc. - skills development and VET reform qualifications enabling employment or self- State of development of the further support VET reform. needs; employment; lifelong learning is facilitated; NQF and SSCs in Serbia. - capturing and disseminating information and creativity, innovation and Increased inter-Ministerial and lessons from pilot initiatives; entrepreneurship is fostered. Number of participants in Active cooperation and involvement of - gathering actors in joint learning and Labour Market Policies the social partners and civil decision-making processes; Increase in number of young people and society to address HRD needs – - assisting national authorities in adults receiving formal and non-formal Evaluation reports analysing progress and making better- training at different levels. and to reform E&T and labour informed decisions; and Tracer studies market systems to be more - supporting the EU in tailoring Improving the availability, quality and responsive, flexible and assistance. relevance of active labour market policies entrepreneurial to contribute to (ALMPs). Serbia’s competitiveness, growth and social cohesion. 1.1. Strategy for Development of Education in RESULTS Serbia 2020 and National Employment Strategy 2011-2020 reviewed to ensure ETF advice to the EUD, 1. National actors’ capacities for alignment with relevant EU 2020 and SEE including reports, papers, Current cooperation 2020 docs. effective evidence-based policy statistics, written arrangements between key 1.2. TRP 2014 will contribute to national policy feedback/advice etc. officials at the Ministries of making and implementation of public capacity, and SEET reg report. Education, Labour and policies for human resource 1.3. Validation of FRAME Roadmap with Bruges Report 2014 and Youth and the ETF are development strengthened. concrete actions to achieve the skills 2020 vision for Serbia. following years maintained. 1.4. FRAME Review of Institutional Arrangements. Torino Process report 2014 There will be a degree of 2. Improving effectiveness and 1.5. FRAME Monitoring plan, including indicators continuity in the area of efficiency of EU support via IPA VET. linked to the EU 2020 and SEE 2020 goals Input to EC Regular progress and targets and in line with Serbia’s strategic 2014-2020 programming in the HRD report for Serbia sector in the country. objectives. Adoption of an 1.6. Active Serbian input and participation in implementation plan and regional FRAME project activities and FRAME deliverables: national legislation in order to outputs. validation of Skills Vision 2020, establish a unified National 3. VET system reform supported 1.7. ETF support for active Serbian participation presentation of RIA results and Qualifications Framework. by ensuring institutional capacity and in relevant EU processes such as Bruges action plan, and development reporting, the ACVT, DGVT and TWGs. inter-institutional cooperation are of monitoring plan Cross-Ministry cooperation 2.1. ETF contribution to the EC services for with the Ministry of Labour strengthened. finalising IPA HRD projects, and for planning for and monitoring IPA 2014-2020 projects. Unification of NQFs in Serbia (and the NES) and with the into one Ministry of Economy for 2 2.2. Annual ETF contribution to EC progress skills councils. report, including update of statistics on HRD, Governance structure in line with EU/ ETF guidelines and established by unified NQF analytical frameworks. 2.3. Integration of Serbian actors in relevant EU reporting, monitoring and dialogue Governance structure processes. established for Sector Skills 3.1. Support to the “VET Council” to develop a Councils comprehensive NQF where descriptors for levels 1 to 5 are integrated with levels 6- List of participants and other 8.and for drafting legislation and developing a sustainable governance structure with the materials from ETF-organised EQF as its main reference. workshops and roundtables

3.2. Further definition of role, function and Mission reports sustainable governance structure for Sector Skills Councils to ensure input to the NQF, and to HRD elements of the country’s Self-evaluation of institutions in sectoral growth strategy. VET

3.3. Support for development of a system for the Peer Review Handbook recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning SBA Assessment for Serbia 3.4. Support to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy to further develop procedures for selection & accreditation of training providers for adults.

3.5. Authorities responsible for HRD develop institutionalised partnerships to better align education and training system with needs of the economy and labour market;

3.6. improved VET planning to meet development objectives

3.7. Further development of legal framework and implementing structure for a systematisation of qualifications and Sector Skills Councils.

ACTIVITIES 2014 1.1. Support Integration of Serbian MEANS stakeholders in relevant EU reporting, Agreement with key Serbian monitoring and dialogue processes (i.e. €92,000 country budget stakeholders (e.g. MOESTD 3 Bruges 2014 VET policy report, ACVT, €18,000 mission budget and MOLESP), the EUD, bi- DGVT and TWGs). 1. Evidence based policy making lateral donors and international 1.2. Presentation and validation of FRAME 0.4 FTE country management, organisations on activities, skills 2020 Serbia strategy and roadmap. 0.3 FTE country team member (CoP QUAL 2. Support to the including scale, timing, etc. ETF 1.3. Finalise FRAME Review of institutional expert on NQF and SSC), priorities have been discussed arrangements 0.25 FTE country assistant commission with the first three key 1.4. Finalise FRAME Monitoring plan, stakeholders but the details and - International experts 3. VET system reform including indicators timing of implementation is not - National experts 1.5. 2014 Torino Process report for Serbia finalised. and one dissemination event. 2.1 ETF contribution to EC progress report, including update of statistics on HRD, and ETF input into monitoring IPA I projects and developing IPA 2014-2020 project, in line with EU/ ETF guidelines and analytical frameworks. 3.1 Two events to support the new NQF working group to unify the two NQFs in Serbia and develop a sustainable governance and institutional support structure for the NQF. 3.2 Two events to support development of Sector Skills Council and sustainable governance and institutional support structure. ACTIVITIES 2015 1.1. Support Integration of key Serbian MEANS Agreement with key Serbian stakeholders in relevant EU reporting, As above. €92,000 country budget stakeholders (e.g. MOESTD monitoring and dialogue processes (i.e. €18,000 mission budget and MOLESP), the EUD, bi- Bruges 2015 VET policy report, ACVT, lateral donors and international DGVT and TWGs). 0.5 FTE country management, organisations on activities, 1.2. FRAME Skills for the Future monitoring of 0.3 FTE country team member (CoP QUAL including scale, timing, etc. ETF skills vision roadmap and SEE 2020 HRD expert on NQF and SSC), priorities have been discussed components. 0.25 FTE country assistant with the first three key stakeholders but the details and 2.1 ETF contribution to EC progress report, - International experts timing of implementation is not including update of statistics on HRD, and finalised. ETF input into monitoring IPA I projects - National experts and developing IPA 2014-2020 project, in line with EU/ ETF guidelines and analytical frameworks. 3.1 Support for development of NQF and

4 referencing levels nationally. 3.2 Support for the development of Sector Skills Councils to ensure intelligence for NQF and VET curriculum development to meet labour market needs. ACTIVITIES 2016 MEANS Agreement with key Serbian 1.1. Support Integration of key Serbian stakeholders (e.g. MOESTD stakeholders in relevant EU reporting, €92,000 country budget As above. and MOLESP), the EUD, bi- monitoring and dialogue processes €18,000 mission budget lateral donors and international (Bruges 2016 VET policy report, ACVT, organisations on activities, DGVT and TWGs). 0.5 FTE country management, including scale, timing, etc. ETF 0.3 FTE country team member (CoP QUAL 1.2. FRAME Skills for the Future monitoring of priorities have been discussed expert on NQF and SSC), skills vision roadmap and SEE 2020 HRD with the first three key 0.25 FTE country assistant components. stakeholders but the details and - International experts timing of implementation is not 1.3. 2016 Torino Process report for Serbia finalised. and one dissemination event. - National experts 2. 2.1. ETF contribution to EC progress report, including update of statistics on HRD, and ETF input into monitoring IPA I projects and developing IPA 2014-2020 project, in line with EU/ ETF guidelines and analytical frameworks. 3. 3.1. Support for development of NQF and referencing levels nationally and with the EQF. 3.2. Support for the further development of Sector Skills Councils to move beyond the four sectors and develop capacity to provide LM intelligence for NQF, VET curriculum development and other HRD policies and measures to meet labour market needs and enhance national competitiveness. ACTIVITIES 2017 MEANS Agreement with key Serbian 1.1. Support Integration of key Serbian stakeholders (e.g. MOESTD stakeholders in relevant EU reporting, €92,000 country budget As above. 5 monitoring and dialogue processes (i.e. €18,000 mission budget and MOLESP), the EUD, bi- Bruges 2017 VET report, ACVT, DGVT & lateral donors and international TWGs). 0.5 FTE country management, organisations on activities, 1.2. FRAME Skills for the Future monitoring of 0.3 FTE country team member (CoP QUAL including scale, timing, etc. ETF skills vision roadmap and SEE 2020 HRD expert on NQF and SSC), priorities have been discussed 0.25 FTE country assistant components. with the first three key stakeholders but the details and 2. - International experts timing of implementation is not 2.1. ETF contribution to EC progress report, - National experts finalised. including update of statistics on HRD, and ETF input into monitoring IPA I Serbian authorities will manage projects and developing IPA 2014-2020 the monitoring (FRAME) project, in line with EU/ ETF guidelines process without external and analytical frameworks. support 3. 3.1. Support for further development of NQF and referencing levels nationally and with the EQF. 3.2. Support for the further development of Sector Skills Councils to move beyond the four sectors and develop capacity to provide LM intelligence for NQF, VET curriculum development and other HRD policies and measures to meet labour market needs and enhance national competitiveness.


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