2001 WIAA Football Rules Book

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2001 WIAA Football Rules Book

Racine Youth Sports Football Coaches Manual – 2011

20112011 CoachesCoaches ManualManual Rules,Rules, Policies,Policies, andand ProceduresProcedures forfor allall RYSRYS FootballFootball CoachesCoaches

Giving Kids a Sporting Chance

1 Racine Youth Sports Football Coaches Manual – 2011

Table of Contents

 WHAT’S NEW IN 2011…………………………………………………………..3  ATHLETIC COMPETITION……………………………………………….……..3  OBJECTIVE……………………………………………………………….……...3  COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES………………………………………….…....3  INJURY ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT………………………………….4  ELIGIBILITY OF PLAYERS……………………………………………………..5  EQUIPMENT……………………………………………………………………...5  FOOTBALL SEASON: GAMES & PRACTICES……………………...... 6  PLAYER REQUIREMENTS…………………………………………………….6  PUNISHMENT FOR UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT ……………………7  RYS MIDGET LEAGUE………………………………………………………….8  ON-FIELD FOOTBALL RULES…………………………………………………9  RYS AGE AND WEIGHT REQUIREMENTS…………………………………11  PENALTY SUMMARY…………………………………………………………..12

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I. WHAT’S NEW IN 2011 The following changes have been made to rules, policies, and procedures for the 2011 football season: 1. In 9 man football, 3 or 4 point stance is required for all players on the line of scrimmage for both offense and defense (page 10). 2. NFHS lightning policy has been changed (page 4). a. When thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning. Suspend play and take shelter immediately. b. Thirty-minute rule. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play. c. Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30 minute count, reset the clock and another 30 minute count should begin. 3. Injury assessment and treatment (page 4) 4. Penalty summary (page 12)

II. ATHLETIC COMPETITION Athletic competition is controlled or governed by rules & regulations, which permit little room for individual interpretation; the benefit to youth from participation is largely determined by the role of the coach. Whether youth participation in sports produces a positive or negative result is dependent entirely upon the attitude of the coach & the parent toward the game itself, the respect for rules, the officials, and opposing team. THE COACH IS THE KEY INGREDIENT IN OUR PROGRAM and much of this manual will be dedicated to the proper role of the coach and the importance of presenting sportsmanship & competition in the proper framework.

III. OBJECTIVE The Football Program operates under the overall RYS philosophy of “Giving Kids a Sporting Chance”. The objectives of this program are to develop the physical and mental well being of the individual, to increase self-confidence and self-respect, and to encourage leadership development. We wish to develop better citizens through team play and sportsmanship-like competition. Provide a top quality physical education program, and allow every youth to participate, develop their skills to the extent they desire, and to teach a proper attitude toward competition and discourage the “win at all costs” attitude. The goal is to teach each player that they are a winner if they give their best effort-regardless of the score.

IV. COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES Each coach is responsible for the following: 1. Follow all of the RYS football rules, procedures, terms and conditions for coaches that are given out at the start of the season. 2. Teach and conduct good sportsmanship at all times. 3. All coaches must have on their person a valid RYS coaching certification card. A coach, who is not able to present this card to the officials on game day, will not be permitted on the sidelines. NO EXCEPTIONS. 4. Make sure that all players participate in practices and games. 5. Give all players the best coaching and make sure each player feels important. 6. Be willing to give ample time for practices each week, plus league play on Saturday’s. 7. Be willing to put the players and the RYS ideals before personal goals. 8. Know basic first-aid practices & emergency procedures, reporting all head-related injuries to league office. 9. Keep team rosters up-to-date and inform the RYS Director of any team member no longer participating. 10. Make sure all players are knowledgeable of game rules. 11. Remain at practice sessions and scheduled games until all of their team members are picked up by a parent or guardian, or are taken home by one of the coaches or parents. 12. Make sure all players wear protective equipment, including mouth guard, supporter, & cup. 13. Maintain all players’ composure and behavior during all scheduled practices and games. By the same token, it is the right of the coaches to advise any unruly spectator to cease their action or have them

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leave the playing area. The officials should also provide backup assistance in this nature. Remember that your players look up to you as their leader. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. 14. Follow all rules as outlined in the Violation Procedure and in the Coaches Code of Conduct. 15. Fill out a game day roster and supply it to the opposing coach prior to the start of every game. Coaches should ensure that parents/guardian sign the card if their son/daughter is sitting out of the game for any reason. If there is a coach who does not fill out the game day roster card, the opposing coach may refuse to start the game. Communication regarding this should be addressed to the crew chief on the field. 16. Hold weekly practices for players. Report at least 15 minutes before practice and 30 minutes before the game. If it is impossible for the coach to be present for a practice or a game, the assistant will be required to take over. 17. All coaches must abide by the NFHS / RYS Lightning Policy: A. When thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning. Suspend play and take shelter immediately. B. Thirty-minute rule. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play. C. Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30 minute count, reset the clock and another 30 minute count should begin. 18. Coaches or parents/legal guardian may only record their own game or practice. Any violation of this rule will result in a minimum 1 game suspension for the head coach. Video recording from an elevated position is prohibited. 19. It is strongly recommended that all coaches be covered by “umbrella liability insurance” which can be obtained through their current insurance company. 20. It is the responsibility of the head coach to make sure kicking tees, tackling dummies, and blocking shields are returned immediately following the conclusion of the season.

V. INJURY ASSESMENT AND TREATMENT 1. For the purpose of this section, an injury will be defined as “Any situation in which an RYS official is required to stop the game to verify the well being of a player”. It will be at the sole discretion of an RYS official as to determine the severity of any injury sustained by a player. This call by an RYS official will not be open for debate with either a coach or a parent. RYS and its appointed representatives will ALWAYS and ONLY err on the side of caution and the safety of the player. 2. An injured player (excluding head injury) must be removed from the game for at least three (3) plays. In the event a player receives a head or neck injury, regardless of severity, this player will be removed from the game of that day and not permitted to participate in any future RYS practice or game until written doctor’s approval is submitted to the RYS Director. 3. Any injury sustained during practice or a game that results in the injured player missing a subsequent practice or game must be reported to the RYS director by any member of the team coaching staff within twenty-four (24) hours. The participant’s name, date and time the injury was sustained, any involved players names, nature of the injury and the circumstances involved, must be reported. This provision also applies to injuries deemed serious enough to require medical attention. In this case, the injury should be reported as soon after the occurrence as possible. 4. In no event shall a league coach or representative treat injuries sustained by a participant unless of an extremely minor nature which necessitates very basic first aid applications; or, he/she is a licensed medical practitioner. 5. Other less serious injuries should be dealt with in the most prudent manner. Do not force or coerce a player to re-enter a game. Coaches will not make any decision pertaining to the player’s participation after a serious injury. Have a knowledgeable parent/guardian or qualified person with a medical background analyze and determine the extent of the injury and whether or not re-entry is advisable.

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VI. ELIGIBILITY OF PLAYERS 1. The age of the player will be determined as of September 1st of the registration year. (Clarification: If your birth date is August 31, 1998 you are 13 years old for the 2011 football season. If your birth date is September 1, 1998 you are 12 years old for the 2011 football season.) The football age limit is 6 through 14 years old (14 year old kids can participate along as they are not in High School). 2. No one age 15 and older can participate, even if they are not in high school. 3. All players must register in person and go through player evaluation prior to the start of league play. 4. If a returning player misses the last sign-up, they go into the draft and will not return to their previous team. 5. Players along with their parent(s) or legal guardian must be residents of the State of Wisconsin in order for the player to participate. 6. Players are expected to play in the appropriate league based on their height and weight. A player may not play in a higher league bracket (see RYS age & weight chart) without a parent signing a waiver form stating that they have given approval. Any player wanting to move up to the next league bracket must be within a 10% weight rule. The player must weigh within 10% of the bottom weight of league that they want to waive into. RYS strongly believes every player should play in their own age and weight group but acknowledges that some players for numerous reasons want to move up a league. RYS will allow this if the player’s weight is within 10% of the league they are moving into unless they are in 8th grade. Those players who are going into 8th grade can play in a higher league if they choose no matter what their weight is at registration. A parents’ signature is required, and in doing so, will not hold RYS responsible for any injury or circumstances related to moving up. A player may not play in a lower league bracket. 7. Any player who knowingly disobeys the rules and regulations, or displays a continued action of unsportsmanship-like conduct will be subject to suspension, expulsion or both. 8. All players will be entered into the correct league that their age and weight puts them in, unless they are waiving up. If a player is found to be in an incorrect league the player will be placed into the correct league on a different team, no matter who is at fault and no matter at what point in the season. Parents and coaches must take some responsibility if they know a mistake has occurred and a player is in an incorrect league. If a parent or coach misrepresents the players’ age at registration the player will also be suspended for two games of play. If a coach is involved with any age misrepresentation, they will be immediately dismissed of their coaching duties in all RYS Sports and will receive a lifetime ban as a coach in RYS.

VII. EQUIPMENT 1. If a parent chooses to purchase a player’s helmet, it must be of the hard plastic, meeting NOCSAE standards with a face guard, chin strap, padding inside of the helmet and the six web or better type head protector inside the helmet. This helmet must be presented to the RYS Director and approved before practice starts. 2. Additional head-wear of any kind will not be permitted by any player (bandanas, skull caps, etc.) 3. The shoulder pads should be of good quality plastic construction with padding on the inside. 4. The youth football pants must have the following pads attached or sewn in: tailbone pad, right and left hip pad, right and left thigh pads, and right and left knee pads. 5. The supporter or jock strap must be of the cup type.(Every player, male or female, must wear a cup) 6. A mouth guard, either the soft rubber type or the soft plastic type, must conform to the player’s mouth and be attached to the players face mask, unless medically prescribed by a dentist. Special mouth-guards must be reported to the game referee prior to the start of the game. 7. Shoes may be either the plastic molded cleat type, or the replaceable cleat style. If replaceable cleat shoes are worn, the cleat length cannot exceed ¾”. No steel cleats, or steel tipped cleats of any length will be allowed. Tennis shoes are permitted, but not recommended. 8. The coach will pick up game jerseys before the first game of the season and distribute them to the players. It will be the coach’s responsibility to make sure the player and player’s parents know that only the player’s first name or last name is allowed on the jersey. Players with an illegal jersey (wrong color or incorrect name) will not be allowed to participate. 9. All players must have their equipment thoroughly inspected by their coaches prior to their first practice wearing equipment. Any poorly made or broken equipment will be forbidden and the player

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will not participate until the necessary repairs or replacement is done. All coaches are responsible for exchanging and fitting equipment for their players on their team. Equipment may not be altered from its original state by any coach or parent. Proper equipment is a MUST! 10. Players will be permitted to play with a cast or brace. A doctor’s release must be on file with RYS, and the coach will be responsible for having a copy of the release to show the official prior to each game. The cast or brace must be in compliance with WIAA rules or the player will not be allowed to play. All casts or braces must be covered with no less than ½” thick, high density, closed cell polyurethane or an alternate material of the same minimum thickness and with similar physical properties VIII. THE FOOTBALL SEASON-GAMES & PRACTICES

RYS has a 100% participation policy, which means that all players will play at a designated position on either offense or defense for the entire game barring injury or disciplinary action. In an effort to ensure that all teams are following this policy, RYS officials will be checking team roster cards, a minimum of once per half to confirm each team has the correct players on the field. If an official finds a team in violation of this rule, the offending team will be assessed a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty from the previous spot. Multiple violations of this rule will result in suspension or removal of the head coach from the RYS program.

Midget, Cadet, and Peewee leagues will play with 9 players on the field. Bantam, Rookie, Minor, Junior, and Senior leagues will play with 11 players on the field. The target number for players on a team shall be as follows: 11 man football 20 players per team, 9 man football 16 players per team. Quarter lengths for Senior league will be 9 minutes. Quarter lengths for all other leagues except midget will be 8 minutes. Practices will start three weeks before the first game. No RYS team is permitted to start practice before the date set by the football committee and communicated to the coaches. RYS permits one preseason get-together for equipment hand out and the parent’s orientation meeting prior to the official practice start date. The one preseason get-together is not a practice, fun game, or walk through which involves football. RYS organized scrimmage dates are an exception.

Practices can be held a maximum of 4 times per week during the first two practice weeks of the season, and 3 times per week thereafter. Practice will not be longer than 2 hours (this rule varies for the Midget League). Very long “punishment runs” or “extended runs” are not permitted. The coach must provide enough water and bathroom breaks during the practice and game times. Regular season games will begin the Saturday following Labor Day. Regular season schedules will be available at least two weeks prior to the start of the regular season. Teams are not allowed to practice on game fields in order to keep the fields in the best shape. Controlled pre-season scrimmages are permitted within each league. It is the coach’s responsibility to secure his/her own practice area and communicate that site to the RYS director before their first practice.

IX. PLAYER REQUIREMENTS 1. All players will be placed through the draft system, unless they have played the previous year with a particular coach and can remain with his team under current weight & age defined provisions. A player may remain with the same team as the coach moves up through the leagues. This is totally the option of the player, providing they meet the age/weight requirements for that league. 2. A player will be excused from practice if they have a family emergency, appointment or if the parent sees fit – the parent and / or player must notify the coach well before practice that they need to be excused. The player will not be penalized for excused absence. 3. Any unexcused absences, whereas the parent and / or player doesn’t inform the coach that the player will miss a practice before their scheduled game may result in a loss of playing time. The attendance rule is as follows: a. First occurrence – verbal warning to player and parent / guardian. b. Second occurrence – player may be required to sit one quarter. c. Third occurrence – player may be required to sit one half.

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d. If a player has two absences in one week, excused or not, the player may be required to sit out that week’s game at the coach’s discretion. 4. All Leagues - Every player MUST START on either offense or defense and be on the field when that unit is on unless of injury or disciplinary reasons. This includes punts and punt returns. This does not apply to free kicks which include kick-off and kick-off receiving. 5. Players may be switched from one unit to another at half time however; the opposing coach must be notified. If a player is being disciplined and being held out of the game it must be recorded on the game day roster and the opposing coach notified prior to the game. 6. In the event a player is ill or injured, and is at the game, the parent must sign the game day roster and the opposing coach must be notified before the game begins, or should illness or injury occur during the game, opposing coach should then be notified. This will be a non-charged time out. Any coach who disregards or abuses any of the RYS governed rules will either be placed on probation (duration decided by the RYS Infraction Committee) or dismissed from coaching any RYS team in any sport.

X. PUNISHMENT FOR UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT RYS is committed to providing a safe playing environment for all participants and spectators. The following outlines the unacceptable conduct and action. All players, coaches, spectators and officials must avoid this unacceptable conduct at all times. If someone is ejected from a game, certain penalties will be invoked and they are as follows:

Unacceptable Action Penalty Physical contact with anyone at the playing site. Ejection, no warning necessary Threatening remarks Ejection, no warning necessary Physical gestures Ejection, no warning necessary Profanity Ejection, no warning necessary Any case where a coach instructs a player to do Ejection, no warning necessary something that violates an existing rule Verbal abuse or taunting See process below Any other unsportsmanlike conduct See process below Making a mockery of the game See process below

1. The game official will give a coach a verbal warning first. 2. If the problem continues, a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty will be assessed. 3. If the problem still continues, a second 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty will be assessed, and the coach will be ejected from the game. a) Any coach receiving two unsportsmanlike fouls in the same game (15-yard penalties) must vacate the park immediately, removing himself from view of the game. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in that coaches team having to forfeit the game and a subsequent meeting with the RYS Infraction/ disciplinary committee. b) If the unacceptable action is severe enough, disqualification can occur after the first foul. This will be left up to the judgment of the head official.

No coach, substitute trainer or other team attendant shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner once the officials assume authority for the game. It is understood that the head game official is in charge.

Examples unacceptable unsportsmanlike conduct include, but not limited to:  Using profanity, insulting or vulgar language or gestures.  Attempting to influence a decision by an official.  Disrespectfully addressing an official.  Indicating objections to an official’s decision.  The failure of a team to be ready to start either half.  Instructing a player to disrupt the game during a kneel-down or punting/kicking situation

All unsportsmanlike conduct situations are subject to the rules as defined in the Violation Procedure.

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Any head game official or representative of RYS has the authority to warn or eject any coach, player, or spectator for unsportsmanlike conduct or for defined infractions of the rules. The coach is also responsible for taking charge of the players, assistant coaches and spectators before, during and after the game. The coach must assist the head game official in enforcing ejections and abide by them regardless of their opinion. Play will not continue until the offender has removed themselves from the park and view of the game. Failure of the offending person(s) to leave in a reasonable amount of time will cause the game to be forfeited.

**Any criticism of coaches, officials or our program should be submitted to the RYS Director or Football Committee Chairman and not voiced in front of players or in public. Officials or Coaches can fill out the back of the game day roster card with complaints about the opposing coach or officiating. (Remember, we are here for the kids!)

If a player, coach, or spectator is ejected from a game, they must abide by the following procedure:

Players  First offense – Player is required appear at the Haban Park Office on the Monday following the game between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to talk to the RYS Director. Any player that does not talk to the RYS Director during the specified time cannot play the following game.  Second offense – Player is required talk to the RYS Director as specified in the first offense and cannot play in the following game.  Third offense - Suspension for the entire football season and will not participate in RYS’s other sports. (Basketball, Judo, Baseball, Volleyball, and Football). No appeals are allowed.

Coaches and Spectators  First offense – Offending person will be suspended for the remainder of the game plus the next game.  Second offense – Suspension from all RYS activities until season end. The Infraction Football Committee will conduct a review for reinstatement. Any coach or spectator who gets suspended may request for ‘Appeal’. This request must be in writing and in the league office handed to the Director within three days of the suspension day.

Note: If the violation is flagrant, the Director can take appropriate action for discipline immediately.


Racine Youth Sports (RYS) Midget League is a recreational program that teaches sportsmanship, respect, honesty, dedication, responsibility, being a team player and the fundamentals of football. The competitiveness is not emphasized in the perspective of winning or losing. There are no official standings kept and no championships awarded. The league rules are designed to provide a safe environment for the players while learning the basic fundamentals of tackle football.

The following are exceptions to the RYS rules and apply only to Midget league:

 Games will consist of four, ten minute quarters with a running clock which will only stop in the event of an injury. Games will also include a ten minute half time.  One coach from each team will be allowed on the field in the huddle during the game. Only the coach on the field is allowed to give instructions during the game.  Each team will be allowed 30 seconds to call a play and set your team. Failure to set your team within the 30 second limit will result in loss of 5 yards. The coach can physically set players in position (if needed) on offense or defense prior to the snap of the ball.  Once teams are set at the line of scrimmage coaches must take a position at least 5 yards behind the deepest player on their respective side of the ball. For the remainder of the play no coach on the field will be allowed to give players any further instruction physically or verbally. Failure to follow the “no interference rule” will result in one warning then ejection from the game at the official’s discretion.

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 There are no kickoffs or punts. Opening drives in each half will start on the 20-yard line. If a team tries to convert on 4th down and they do not succeed, the defense will take over where the ball is spotted.  Each player must have a starting position, and be on the field for the entire game when that position is required on the field. Coaches are strongly encouraged to change starting positions from offense to defense and defense to offense at the end of the first half to give all players an opportunity to experience more facets of the game.  A defensive player cannot line up over the center or hit the center until the center initiates the contact. The defensive player may only rush in either or both gaps on either side of the center. If a defensive player makes contact with the center first, the referee will issue a warning and document this player’s number. If the same player commits the same penalty again in the same game, the player will be made to sit out for 3 plays. If the same player commits the same penalty a third time during the game, he will be ejected for the remainder of the game.  The defense can only line up 5 players on the line of scrimmage all of which must be in a 3 or 4 point stance (even if they are outside the tackle box). The 5 players on the line may move anywhere on the field once the ball has been snapped. At least 4 players must be 3 or more yards off the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball. These 4 players do not have to be in a three point stance. The 4 players lined up off the line of scrimmage may move anywhere, once the quarterback either runs with the football, or hands the ball off to a running back. There is NO Blitzing in Midget league. No one on defense moves forward until the ball is snapped.  The purpose of this league is to measure the progress of all teams and ensure the league is being utilized as intended: to teach young players the fundamentals of the game

Officiating will be more lenient:  There may be only one official assigned to Midget league games.  Flags will be thrown and penalties will marked off.

Midget league practice rules:  Practices are limited to 1½ hours per practice.  A team may practice a maximum of 3 days per week during the first two practice weeks of the season, and a maximum of 2 days per week thereafter.  Practices have to be fun with the stress on football fundamentals.  There is absolutely no yelling at practices or games from the coaches or parents!


Racine Youth Sports will exclusively use the National Federation of High School (NFHS) rules governing on-field play, with the exceptions listed below. The football rules book can be purchased from the NFHS at www.nfhs.org.

RYS Specific Rules

1. There is a limit of 5 certified coaches on the sidelines during games for 9 -man leagues. There is a limit of 6 certified coaches on the sidelines during games for 11-man leagues. 2. Only RYS approved helmet team decals will be permitted. No award decals will be allowed. Award decals are the small decals that players typically place on the back of the helmet for on-field performance. This includes such things as footballs, TD stickers, big win stickers, dog bones, etc. This does not include team insignia, team logos, or helmet stripes. The penalty for a player wearing an illegal award decal is the same as the penalty for illegal equipment. The player will be required to remove all award decals before they may enter the game. 3. All leagues except Midget and Cadet: A defensive player will be allowed to lineup over center unless the offense is in a shotgun or punt formation. The center must however, be given a reasonable amount of time after snapping the ball to prepare for contact. After this period of time, a defensive player can initiate contact. The game official will determine the reasonable length of time the center

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has to prepare for contact. Any defensive player who makes contact with the center before the center is prepared for contact, shall be penalized 15 yards. If a center takes an amount of time that the game official deems unreasonably too long to prepare for contact (i.e. purposely keeping head down), the center shall be penalized 15 yards. 4. Midget, Cadet, and Pee-Wee: All players inside the tackle box, will be required to be in a 3 or 4 point stance on both offense and defense. 5. Cadet and Pee-Wee Leagues: Only 6 defensive players will be allowed to line up inside the tackle box (within 3 yards of either side of the center and within 2 yards of the line of scrimmage). These players must be in a three or four point stance before the snap of the ball. Any defensive player who lines up in a two points stance will be penalized 5 yards. 6. There is no Free Blocking Zone in any league. The NFHS rules outline a zone where an offensive player can block a defensive player below the waist. This rule does not apply to any league within RYS football. 7. Pee-Wee, Cadet, Bantam, and Rookie Leagues only: There will be no punting live or otherwise. On fourth down, the offense will have 2 options a. The offense may select to run a play and accept the result of the play, be it a first down or a turnover on downs. b. The offense may select to have the officials walk off 20 yards not to go beyond the receiving team’s 15 yard line and forfeit possession to the defensive team. 8. The following blow-out game rules apply when one team is winning by 25 or more points over another team: a. The clock will run continuously, except for the following situations when it will be stopped: i. Time outs charged to a team ii. After a score iii. Intermission between 3rd and 4th quarters iv. Extended injury time outs v. Any time officials determine it is necessary for safety reasons. b. The winning team cannot execute or attempt a forward pass while on offense. c. The winning team cannot execute or attempt an onside kick. d. The winning team cannot advance the ball on any turnover. e. The losing team can choose two players from the winning team that cannot advance the ball towards the line of scrimmage on offense or special teams. This includes only running with, passing, or receiving the ball. Either of the two chosen players may still snap the ball as the center or handoff as the quarterback on offense and special teams. Either of the two chosen players may also intercept a pass or recover a fumble, but the ball is considered dead at the spot with the defense retaining possession. f. Senior league only: RYS will utilize the WIAA blow-out rule. If one team is winning by 35 points or more, the clock will run continuously except for injuries and time-outs. g. If the losing team scores and is no longer losing by 25 or more points, the blow-out game rules are no longer in effect and normal game rules immediately apply. 9. Overtime format will not be sudden death. A coin toss, called by the visiting team, will determine which team gets to choose first possession or goal to defend. Each team will have four downs to score from the 10 yard line. When one team has outscored the other having had equal opportunities, that team shall be declared the winner. 10. Prior to the start of a game, at the midfield exchange of roster cards, a coach may request that the officials mark the ball ready for play by placing it parallel to the line of scrimmage. However, once the ball is marked ready for play regardless of the orientation to the line of scrimmage, the center will not be allowed to move the ball in any manner not permitted by NFHS / WIAA rules.

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XIII. 2011 RYS Age/Weight Requirements

League Age (As of Sept. 1 st ) Weight (Pounds) 6 >= 50 lbs Midget 7 <= 54.9 lbs 1st year only Cadet 7 >= 55.0 lbs 1st or 2nd year 8 <= 59.9 lbs PeeWee 7 >= 55.0 lbs 2nd year only 8 60 - 79.9 lbs 9 <= 67.4 lbs Bantam 8 >= 80 lbs 9 67.5 - 99.9 lbs 10 <= 77.4 lbs Rookie 9 100 - 139.9 lbs 10 77.5 - 109.9 lbs 11 <= 87.4 lbs Minor 9 >= 140 lbs 10 110 - 149.9 lbs 11 87.5 - 119.9 lbs 12 <= 97.4 lbs Junior 10 >= 150 lbs 11 120 - 159.9 lbs 12 97.5 -139.9 lbs 13 <= 107.4 lbs Senior 11 >= 160 lbs 12 >= 140 lbs 13 >= 107.5 lbs 14 All

Notes: 1. A player cannot participate if they are in High School. 2. Any 13 year old who is in 8th grade can play in Senior if they choose 3. No one 15 years or older can participate, even if they are not in high school.

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Penalty Summary Loss of 5 yards 1. Delay of game. Dead ball - PS 2. Failure to properly wear required equipment just before snap. Dead ball foul - PS 3. Illegal substitution. Dead ball - PS 4. Free kick infraction. Live ball foul – administered at end of play 5. Encroachment. Dead ball - PS 6. Free kick out of bounds. OPTIONS= @ out of bounds spot, 5 yard re-kick or 15 yards from kick (80 yd field) or 25 yards from kick (100 yd field) 7. Invalid or illegal fair catch signal. Dead ball – admin at end of play 8. Snap infraction. Dead ball - PS 9. False Start. Dead ball - PS 10. Illegal formation or procedures at snap. (Midget, Cadet, PeeWee) Player(s) not in a 3 or 4 point stance while aligned within 3 yards of either side of the center and within 2 yards of the line of scrimmage. Dead ball PS 11. Defense Player lined up & rushing over Offense Center (Midget or Shotgun formation) Dead ball PS 12. Less than five (seven for Bantam thru Senior) on Offense Line of Scrimmage. Live ball - PS 13. Illegal shift or illegal motion. Live ball - PS 14. Illegal handing ball forward (also loss of down) Live ball - admin at end of play PS 15. Illegal forward pass(also loss of down) Live ball - PS 16. Intentional grounding (also loss of down) Live ball - POI 17. Ineligible receiver illegally downfield. Live ball - PS 18. Illegal touching (also loss of down) Live ball - PS 19. Aiding the runner. Live ball - PS 20. Non Player outside of the team box, but not on field. Live ball - SS

Loss of 10 Yards 1. Illegal blocking technique. - OPTIONS = POI if beyond L.O.S. or PS if behind L.O.S. 2. Interlocked blocking. Live ball - PS 3. Holding. Live ball - OPTIONS = POI if beyond L.O.S. or PS if behind L.O.S. 4. Runner grasping a teammate. Live ball - POI 5. Illegal use of hands or arms. Live ball - POI

Loss of 15 Yards 1. Unsportsmanlike conduct by player or non-player. Live ball foul – admin at previous spot 2. Illegally kicking or batting ball. Live ball - PS 3. Illegal block after valid or invalid fair catch signal. Live ball – OPTIONS = PS if ball has not been secured by receiving team or SS if ball has been caught (post possession) 4. Kick catching interference. Live ball - SS 5. Forward pass interference (loss of down if by Offense – first down if by Defense). Live ball - PS 6. Illegal block below waist. Live ball - POIP 7. Clipping Live ball - OPTIONS = POI if beyond L.O.S. or PS if behind L.O.S. 8. Chop Block Live ball - PS 9. Tripping (exception: tripping to make tackle is legal) Live ball - PS 10. Illegal personal contact Live ball - SS 11. Charging into an opponent obviously out of the play. Live ball - SS 12. Grasping an opponent’s face mask (or any helmet opening) Live ball - SS 13. Butt Blocking, face tackle or spear. Live ball - SS 14. Roughing the passer (also automatic first down) Live ball - PS 15. Roughing the kicker (also automatic first down) Live ball - PS 16. Roughing the snapper (also automatic first down) Live ball - PS 17. Slapping blocker’s head. Live ball foul –admin at previous spot 18. Illegal participation Live ball foul –admin at previous spot 19. Sideline interference (third and subsequent) Live ball - SS 20. Non-player illegally on field. Live ball - SS

Disqualification Associated With Certain 15 Yard Penalties 1. Fighting by player or non-player SS 2. Any act if unduly rough or flagrant SS 3. Intentionally contacting an official SS 4. A second unsportsmanlike foul by player or non-player SS



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