Fine Arts - Music

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Fine Arts - Music

Strand = Roman Numeral FINE ARTS - MUSIC Standard = Underline Scope & Sequence Benchmark = Bullets  Third Grade Articulation = Dash –

V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections 1. Apply skills and 2. Apply skills and 3. All students will analyze, 4. Understand, analyze, 5. Recognize, analyze, and knowledge to perform in the knowledge to create in the describe, and evaluate and describe the arts in describe connections among arts. arts. works of art. their historical, social, and the arts; between the arts  Use developmentally  Create through  Identify round and canon cultural contexts. and other disciplines; appropriate singing voice, exploration, when presented aurally.  Identify and describe between the arts and sing melodies accurately, improvisation, and (ART.M.III.3.1) distinguishing everyday life. and physically composition, rhythmic - Identify round/canon characteristics of  Observe and identify demonstrate macro and and melodic ostinati  Listen to a contrasting styles. similarities and micro beat. accompaniments. recording of a (ART.M.IV.3.1) differences in the (ART.M.I.3.1) (ART.M.II.3.1) round and identify - Identify/describe meanings of common - Voice - Exploration characteristics of  Minor – scary, vocabulary used in the  Vocal timbres:  Exposure to round and canons dark, sad various 3rd grade arts. shout, whisper, various genres of  Play various  Major – happy, (ART.M.V.3.1) speaking, singing, music recordings for the bouncy, bright - Similarities/ silly voices  Experimenting students, some  Tempo – largo, differences for  Solfege: singing with rounds, some with moderato, presto, common vocabulary correct pitches, accompaniment simple harmonies. andante, allegro  Minor/ major syllables and on various Have students  Various tempo rhythms. instruments or identify which  Describe how elements of  Call/response - Steady beat/Macro & body percussion ones are music are used in  Dynamics (pp, p, Micro Beat (play/sing a song/ canons/rounds examples from world mp, ff, f, mf)  On the hand chant create an cultures, using music drum, keep a accompaniment  Use invented or standard performed and presented  Observe and identify steady beat while and asked if it notation to transcribe in 3rd Grade. cross-curricular listening to a song worked; if not increasingly difficult (ART.M.IV.3.2) connections within the 3rd  Vocabulary: what might rhythms and melodies. - Elements of music grade curriculum. macro and micro work?) (ART.M.III.3.2)  Steady beat - (ART.M.V.3.2) beat - Improvisation - Standard notation students should be - Observe/identify  Tapping steady on  Offer individual  Note and rest able to identify  Phonics the body while opportunities to symbols the steady beat (pronouncing listening to a song improvise - Transcribe rhythms within any words)  Internalizing a accompaniments and melodies cultural song  History (history steady beat as (ask other  Begin having  Tempo – can the of song)

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 1 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections well as students to students students identify  Social Studies subdividing evaluate how it transcribe simple the correct tempos (show map of worked) rhythms prior to within various where songs  Continue to develop  Pentatonic Scales melodies cultural works originated from, repertoire. (ART.M.I.3.2) - Composition  When  Rhythm – are information about - Styles  Take individual transcribing they able to cultures)  English ideas from melodies, students identify simple  Counting (count  Foreign language/ students for may want to rhythms quarter notes, or various cultures accompaniment transcribe first including, quarter, beats as marching  Partner songs and try it as a identifying which half, and rhythmic or walking to  Round/canon class notes are higher patterns, such as tempos) and lower and dotted quarter  Sing and play  Create through then associating notes followed by  Discuss the various expressively utilizing a exploration, the correct solfege eighth notes. rationales for using music broader continuum of improvisation, and syllables with  Movement – hand in daily experiences. dynamics and composition, answers that what they hear. signs, sign (ART.M.V.3.3) interpretation. are rhythmic and melodic. language, basic - Music in daily (ART.M.I.3.3) (ART.M.II.3.2)  Describe the music folk dances experiences - Dynamics - Explore performed and presented  Outdoor sounds rd  Loud vs. soft  Exposure/review in 3 grade by moving,  Demonstrate audience (nature)  Recognize and to different drawing, or through other appropriate behavior for  Elevator music use the terms for musical appropriate responses. the context and style of  Radio p (piano: soft) and resolutions/ (ART.M.III.3.3) music presented and  National Anthem rd f (forte: loud) cadenced - Describe music performed in 3 grade.  Church - Interpretation  Experimenting performed through (ART.M.IV.3.3)  Movies  Happy vs. sad with answers to a moving - Audience appropriate  Slow vs. fast melodic question  Dance (folk, hand behavior (tempo) (play/sing a motions…)  Clapping after  High vs. low melody, pause  Inanimate objects each selection/ (pitch) and finish it a ex. scarves performance - Symbols right way and ask  Walking, running  No inappropriate/  Crescendo vs. if it sounded like in place, rude responses to decrescendo it finished/ marching in performance through singing resolved; finish tempo  Inappropriate and playing wrong and ask if - Describe music excessive noises instruments it sounded like it performed through - Stage presence finished/resolved) drawing  Unnecessary

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 2 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections  Sing melodies with - Improvisation  Listening to major movement confidence in a large  Sing/play a short pieces: creating a  Inappropriate group. (ART.M.I.3.4) melody, not story through facial expressions - Sing finish, and ask drawing “happy”  Smiling and  Age-appropriate students to finish representations acknowledging vocal timbre it  Listening to audience when  Posture  Improvise lyrics Minor pieces: clapping  Best performance in answer to creating a story  Eyes on practices melodic question through drawing conductor  Independence - Composition “sad” or “scary”  Correct posture within the  Teacher notates, representations  Bowing ensemble with non-musical - Other appropriate - Melodies symbols that responses  Pitch matching represent the  Tell a story  Rote song musical response (aurally)  Ascending and a student gave, descending identifying each  With teacher guidance, pitches as you go use music vocabulary to  Same and analyze, describe, and different pitches  Create through evaluate music of various  Using solfege exploration, styles. (ART.M.III.3.4) syllables for easy improvisation, and - Music vocabulary songs (Do-Re-Mi- composition, melodic  Tempos Sol- La) embellishments for a  Dynamics  Introduce, familiar song.  Mood recognize, and (ART.M.II.3.3) perform solfeggio - Explore  Identify the timbre of terms and hand  Experimenting specific instruments in signs for ‘fa’ and with melodic string, brass, woodwinds, ‘ti’ embellishments to and percussion families. a familiar song (ART.M.III.3.5)  Blend timbres and match (sing a melody, - Instrument families dynamic levels in pause and finish it  Students will be response to the cues of the a right way and introduced to conductor. (ART.M.I.3.5) ask if it sounded various - Cues like it finished/ instrument  Prep beat resolved; finish families, their

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 3 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections  Cut-off wrong and ask if characteristics,  Volume it sounded like it what the manipulation finished/resolved) instruments look - Conductor - Improvisation like  Student practice  Line by line, how  Students will be being leader could the melody shown a video  Team-building be changed clip of each  Role-sharing/role slightly without instrument being identification changing the heart used as well as (accompaniment/ of the song short audio clips melody, leader/ dramatically? to train their ears follower, - Composition - Instruments of the ensemble/  Students notate band vs. instruments director with guidance of the orchestra from teacher  Students will hear  Play rhythmic and chordal using musical and see (live or ostinati and melodies. symbols that through video) (ART.M.I.3.6) represent the performances of - Play melodic bands and  Orff instruments embellishments orchestras  Percussion - Melodic instruments Embellishments  Devise student-created  Boomwhackers  Melodic freedom criteria for objective (students evaluation of  Expand the complexity of experiment with performances and patterns. (ART.M.I.3.7) slight changes of compositions. - Rhythmic the melodic line (ART.M.III.3.6)  Beat patterns in or responses) - Student-created sets of 2s, 3s and  Add neighboring criteria 4s tones to song that  Dynamics  Improvise and is well-known to  Correct pitches create eight-beat students  Correct rhythms rhythm patterns  Tempos  Read and notate  Create an instrumental the dotted quarter song with lyrics.  Use music vocabulary to note and single (ART.M.II.3.4) express personal reactions eighth note, the - Lyrics for musical works and

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 4 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections dotted half note,  Students create a styles. (ART.M.III.3.7) and 1 beat of story within - Identify personal sixteenth notes specific reactions to a musical barred together guidelines based selection  Review all upon a given  Verbalize how rhythms topic they feel previously - Instrumental  What story did learned and be  Take written you imagine? able to lyrics and create  Mood demonstrate instrumental uses  What was the knowledge of with pentatonic or tempo like? these rhythms bordun  Did you hear any  Practice rhythmic accompaniment. dynamic changes? dictation by  Create a melody deciphering and as a class, line by writing rhythms line with created - Melodic lyrics or a poem  Instrument echo students may be (pitched working on within instrument) their classrooms  Short melodic patterns (hand  Use a variety of signs, solfege) traditional and non-  Solfege (steps and traditional sound sources skips) and electronic media when composing,  Play instrumental parts arranging, and independently while other improvising appropriate to students sing. 3rd grade. (ART.M.II.3.5) (ART.M.I.3.8) - Traditional - Sing a song with instruments accompaniment  Use classroom  Age-appropriate instruments melodies - Non-traditional  Independence in instruments an ensemble  Record classroom  Rote song items/sounds/

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 5 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections  Accompany with ambient one chord, a classroom noise familiar song and then arrange  Sing/play a an ostinato for simple ostinato students to pattern in chant/sing with harmony with  Students create an song instrument of their own using  Use a system to read materials they quarter notes and rests, find at home eighth notes, half notes, - Electronic Media and whole notes.  GarageBand & (ART.M.I.3.9) ProTools (Project - System (symbols the computer shown on board) screen on  Non-musical Smartboard or symbols (two Promethean; barred eighth record students notes= two- singing and make eighths, quarter musical decisions note=quarter, together; students quarter rest=shh can manipulate (half note=half- the software) note, half  Different rest=shh-shh) instruments from  Counting rhythms the keyboard using numbers; family including the double eighth harpsichord, notes (1 &; or Do piano, and organ Day), quarter as well as notes and rest ( 1; listening or Do), half note examples (1, 2; or Doo)  Add vocal, instrumental  Use a system to read pitch and physical responses to notation for a major scale. a selection presented in 3rd grade. (ART.M.II.3.6) Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 6 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections (ART.M.I.3.10) - Vocal responses - System  Students may  Kodaly hand have a question signs for solfege and answer forum syllables with each other.  On staff, with key Students can signature and begin a vocal treble clef, write portion and solfege syllables another group on the right line may “respond” or space, draw a with an note head around appropriate vocal the syllable and a answer. Students stem may also begin with vocal  Perform music with a selection and variety of expressive respond qualities, articulation, and physically or tempo. (ART.M.I.3.11) instrumentally - Mood - Instrumental  Describe/discuss responses how music can set  Students may play a mood or feeling. responses to vocal Work towards or physical setting a mood or selections using feeling for a piece Orff instruments or section of within a music pentatonic scale - Dynamics - Physical responses  Loud vs. soft  Students may  Recognize and respond to given demonstrate their sung or played knowledge of the selection with a symbols meaning choreographed crescendo through movement singing and whether involving playing the entire body or simple hand Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 7 V. Analyze and Make I. Perform II. Create III. Analyze IV. Analyze in Context Connections instruments movement.  Recognize and use the terms for p & f - Articulation  Consonants  Staccato  Legato - Tempo  Fast/slow  Introduce ritardando (rit.)  Walking to demonstrate a series of quarter notes  Skating to demonstrate a series of half notes  Tip-toeing or jogging to demonstrate a series of eighth notes  Skipping to demonstrate the dotted quarter followed by an eighth note

Third Grade Music Scope & Sequence – May 2012 8

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