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ITSC 1405 – (Ch. 5-8) -Prof Michael P. Harris PC Operating Systems Exam #2 Study Notes
More DOS Commands: ATTRIB –S vs. /S
COPY vs. XCOPY vs. DISKCOPY ATTRIB with… XCOPY /S /E /M /I DIR /X (LFN’s & 8.3) “poor mans disk backup?”
(Commands with aliases) XCOPY /S /E (empty) vs. /T (tree) /A (attrib) vs /M (mark) vs /K (keep) CD CHDIR /L (list) vs. /F (full filenames) XCOPY /O (ownership) vs. /X (audit) MD MKDIR XCOPY /U (update) XCOPY /W vs. /P, /V, /Q, or /F RD RMDIR XCOPY [/R] [/Y] [/H] [/V]
DIR \filename.ext /S (search cmd) Topics: DEL /S and DEL /P
MOVE vs. COPY vs. XCOPY /K Program vs. Data files (results and attributes) Meaningful Filenames RENAME a directory (2 ways) Naming Convention REN using wildcards ( * ? ) 10 characters NOT to use in REN –do not specify drive or directory filenames “ / \ : | < > * ? + for the target filename Wildcards * and ? COPY [/V] [/Y] [/-Y] [/B] [/A] .* vs. *.
TREE [/F] [/A] -- TREE vs. DIR Source vs. Target filespecs
ATTRIB [+ | -] [SHAR] [/S [/D]] Using DIR to “pretest” commands Attributes: (S H A R D) Absolute vs. Relative path ATTRIB [+ | -] vs. DIR /AX
ITSC 1405 – Exam #2 Study Notes Page 1 of 3 Default-Drive and its use FAT, FAT32, NTFS
Default-Directory and its use Allocation Units, (clusters)
Why use a leading \ (or not) Redirect ‘>’ to PRN
COPY to PRN (or LPT1) COPY with + (concatenation) [Print Screen] key Un-deleting a file ??? [PRT SCN]
Uses for the /S parameter \\cismaster\VB179-P1
Use of . and .. DOSKEY (TSR) Root Directory files… command history & macros Incremental Backup “Read only” files Full Backup
“Virtual” Drives (SUBST) Disk Organization
ITSC 1405 – Exam #2 Study Notes Page 2 of 3 Examples:
DIR \always.mp3 /s – finds (searches for) files by looking first in the root directory, and then searching all subdirectories
DIR /AH \ – shows system and Hidden files in root directory
RD /S /Q *.* - will removed everything except system and hidden files
CD .. – takes you to your current parent directory
CD /D F:\Homework – changes Drive and directory at the same time
MD \A\B\C\D – creates a directory tree
SUBST B: F:\Data – creates virtual drive B: which is physically F:\Data
SUBST H: F:\Homework - creates virtual drive H: which is physically F:\Homework
SUBST B: /D – Deletes virtual drive B:
SUBST H: /D - Deletes virtual drive H:
ATTRIB +R /D – makes Directories Read-only too
ATTRIB +A *.* /S – turns on the archive bits for all files in all subdirectories
XCOPY *.* D: /SEMI (or /SHREK)
*.* D: -copy all files to the D: drive
/SEMI – /S copies all files in all subdirectories, - /E including all empty directories, - /M copies only files with the archive bit set on and then turns it off - /I assume the destination is a directory (not a file)
/SHREK - /S copy all files in all Subdirectories - /H copy Hidden files - /R overwrite Read-only files - /E copy Empty files too - /K Keep all existing attributes
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