Bridging Justice Information Systems

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Bridging Justice Information Systems

“Bridging Justice Information Systems”

5:00 Tuesday – September 20, 2005 --Hospitality Suite – Pre-registration

Wednesday – September 21, 2005

8:00-8:30 Breakfast and Registration

8:30 – 9:00 Welcome/Opening Remarks Dr. Lee P. Brown, Chairman and CEO of Brown Group International

9:00-9:45 Keynote: Integrated Justice Efforts: Are they making a Difference? - Presentation Paul Wormeli Justice Information sharing efforts have been key components in most justice agency strategic plans for the last decade. These efforts became more visible with the increased focus after September 11. Most jurisdictions have new integrated justice initiatives implemented or in the works; but are they having an impact? Where are we today with the increased emphasis on the importance of these projects? This session will provide an outstanding framework for the rest of the conference as we look at the state of justice information sharing efforts from a national perspective. 9:45-10:00 Break 10:00-12:00 NAJIS Roundtable: Justice IT Projects and Problems This interactive session is a great opportunity to share key initiatives in your jurisdiction and hear what others are doing around the county. 12:00-1:30 Luncheon, Justice Systems Applications Presentations

Breakout Sessions:

Business Focus Technology Solutions 1:30-2:30 Demystifying Service Oriented Designing a Decision Support Database using Architectures - Presentation Criminal Justice Data - Presentation Dr. Tom Clarke National Center for State Thiru Dorai, VP of Strategic Solutions, R Systems Criminal Courts Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is justice data systems provide a wealth of information about more than just the latest buzz word from offenders and the criminal justice process. Business technologists. It offers the promise of real and Intelligence systems provide the tools to look at this data and significant business benefits. That explains why answer a variety of policy questions. To make these systems many government agencies and industry vendors more effective, traditional databases must be transformed are hard at work on several projects in this area. from transactional models into multidimensional databases. Find out what SOA means for you as a business This session will focus on how a multidimensional database manager and why you don’t want to miss out on is designed, how it differs from a transactional database, and it. how criminal justice data is structured using a multidimensional model. 2:30-2:45 Break Break 2:45-3:45 Service Oriented Architecture – A Case Real World Applications of GJXDM Technology Study: Contra Costa County, CA - Presentation A - Presentation B - Presentation Bonnie Locke, NLETS Pam Scanlon, ARJIS We’ve all heard Dwight Hunter, Hunter Research, Consultant Lt. about the importance of GJXDM standards in information Mike Sloan, Contra Costa County District sharing efforts, but has anyone really applied Attorney’s Office Contra Costa County has implemented the these standards to develop real world solutions? You bet. Automated Regional Information Exchange Attend this session to learn more about several GJXDM System (ARIES) based on a services oriented projects (Electronic Rap Sheet, CANDLE, Western architecture. This session will address; why this Demonstration Project) that have a national impact as well architecture was adopted, how this project was as a local implementation. funded, system security, as well as the challenges that arose and how they were addressed. 3:45-4:00 Break Break 4:00-5:00 Privacy Issues in Information Sharing Cyber Crime - Presentation - Presentation Lon Ramlan, Lt. SFPD, Cyber Crime Unit With the Pam Scanlon, Exec Director, ARJIS Erin proliferation of technology in our culture, computers Kenneally, UCSD In many jurisdictions, privacy are quickly becoming the criminal’s tool of choice. concerns have become a barrier to sharing Attend this session to learn more about how this trend information between justice partners. Often has changed crime fighting in the new millennium. Lt. those concerns are valid, so how do we make sure justice professionals have the information Ramlan will discuss the scope of the problem, who the they need to do their jobs? Attend this session to likely victims are, and what law enforcement and other learn how San Diego was able to address this agencies can do to combat the dilemma. divisive issue.

5:30 - ? NAJIS Reception

Thursday – September 22, 2005

8:00-8:30 Breakfast

8:30-9:30 Keynote: Envisioning Technological Advances in the Future Justice World: Within the Realm of Possibilities - Presentation Jeff Langford, Consultant, Midtech Partners, Inc. With a look at the not-to-distant future, this session will explore hot technologies that have practical applications for justice entities. Technologies such as: extreme broadband, RFID, geospatial reckoning, artificial intelligence, and voice recognition are all “Within the Realm of Possibilities”.

Breakout Sessions:

Business Focus Technology Solutions 9:30-10:30 Strategic Planning (Survival Guide Developing a Strong Trust Model for the Government Sector) - Presentation - Presentation Chad Firestone, JNET Executive Director Ancil McBarnett, Mike Amato, Chief Information Officer JNET Chief Architect When relationships are established DeKalb County Government Topics covered beyond what is traditionally considered the justice domain, in this session include: trust must be established not by a “gut feeling” but by solid • Vision or Hallucination? and secure mechanisms. Developing a strong trust model is • Technology and Business an essential foundation for any integrated project. Attend • What would Ben Franklin do? this session to discover how this can be done in a way which • Road map to Utopia or The Twilight Zone increases communication and strengthen relationships • The Moving Target Syndrome between agencies and individuals in the integrated justice • The Art of Negotiation system. • Success Factors – Myth or Reality • An Insider’s Budget Guide • Crossing the Goal Line and missing the Mine Fields • Gambler’s Guide – Increasing the Odds of Success 10:30-10:45 Break Break Business Focus Technology Solutions 10:45-11:45 Digital Mugshots and Facial Consolidated Name Index - Presentation Recognition - Presentation Vani Nandyala, Lead Web Developer for Colorado Phil Tomassini, JNET Business Mgr Harry Integrated CJIS, Accessing criminal justice data from Giordano, JNET Local Law Enforcement multiple systems is one of the primary goals of information Coordinator Digital imaging is setting the sharing. Colorado has developed a single, web-based stage for many computer-based applications, interface into the state’s primary criminal justice information the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has systems that serves as a portal into each agency’s database. achieved a statewide digital mug shot system This session will focus on how this application works and called JNET Web CPIN (Commonwealth Photo some of the lessons learned in developing the system. Imaging Network). Adherence to standards has enabled the development of the JNET Facial Recognition Software (JFRS). Attend this session to see how this state-of-the-art technology is being used today.

12:00 – 1:00 Luncheon Breakout Sessions:

Business Focus Technology Solutions 1:15-2:15 Steps to Successfully Managing Your Using Integrated Systems for Criminal Justice Integration Project Investigations - Presentation - Presentation Karen Aumond, RISS Western States Information Mike Stein, Director of Systems and Network, Director The use of technology for investigative Technology, SEARCH This session will focus purposes increases daily. With the advent of "integrated" on common themes, best practices, critical information systems new facts and data are available for success factors and models in planning and both new and unsolved criminal investigations. Hear how executing successful information sharing some agencies are creatively using technology to solve initiatives. Discussions of governance, strategic crimes and make their jobs easier. planning, information exchange analysis, standards and architecture, will all be covered in this session designed to help business leaders craft a solid organizational foundation for lasting information sharing initiatives. This session will reference important nationwide initiatives to support successful project planning and implementation as well as standards for effective information sharing. 2:15-2:30 Break Break 2:30-3:30 Differentiated Felony Case Management. Part I: Progress Report – Developing GJXDM - Presentation - Presentation Prosecutor Documents - Presentation Sharen Wilson, Judge Scott Hill, Systems Representatives of the Prosecutor IEPD Working Group Manager, Criminal Justice System, Tarrant NAJIS is participating in the national effort to develop data County, TX DCFM categorizes criminal court sharing standards for criminal justice. The focus of this cases according to the severity of the offense. work is to develop reference documents defining the This presentation will focus on the technical, components of key data exchanges initiated by prosecutors. legal, and cultural/ political hurdles that must be This session will outline the national effort to develop addressed for successful implementation. practical applications of GJXDM and the present a report on the work of the committee to date. 3:30-4:30 Federal Funding Changes and the Impact Part II: Feedback Session – Making GJXDM at the Local Level - Presentation Work in Your Jurisdiction Cabell Cropper, Executive Director, NCJA - Presentation A Presentation B NCJA Executive Director Cabell Cropper, will - Presentation C Presentation D provide an overview of federal grant resources This session will continue the discussion of the Prosecutor available to public safety agencies including GJXDM work and present a detailed discussion of the key grants administered by the U.S. Department of documents evaluated by the committee. The session will Homeland Security. In addition, Mr. Cropper focus on the proposed GJXDM reference document for the will discuss the status of federal JAG funds and Prosecutor Charging Document and participants will be the outlook for the future. asked to review and critique the work to date. 5:30 NAJIS Outing –Bay Cruise

Friday – September 23, 2005

8:30-9:30 Keynote: Consolidation of Criminal Records A Case Study from the State of Alabama - Presentation Mike Carroll, Administrative Office of Courts, State of Alabama Terri Schaub, Executive Assistant, Lee County AL District Attorney’s Office The State of Alabama is working toward an integrated justice solution that brings previously disparate data into a single “focus” for the justice practitioner. Once data is available, a variety of methods are used for the user to interact...Internet Browsers, telecommunications, e-mail....Nothing stays the same as agency leapfrog one another for the maximum benefit for their specific needs.

9:30-10:30 Imaging Documents in the Law and Justice Pipeline - A Case Study Jim Parsons (Law Enforcement, WA) - Presentation John Goergen (Prosecutors, MI), - Presentation Attend this panel presentation with representatives of prosecutors, courts, and law enforcement from various jurisdictions to learn about their building block approach to research and install document imaging technology. Learn the political and project challenges most often associated with this technology, including the argument for more electronic applications and less imaging. 10:30-12:00 NAJIS Membership Meeting and Board Elections

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