Sub-Saharan Africa

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Sub-Saharan Africa




1. Civil war within Liberia in the first decade of the twentieth century also led to many deaths in: a) Cote d’Ivoire b) Sierra Leone c) Algeria d) Mali

2. What is the approximate population of sub-Saharan Africa? a) 300 million b) 800 million c) 1.2 billion d) 1.8 billion

Physical Patterns


3. The two largest continents are: a) Europe and Asia b) Africa and Asia c) Asia and South America d) Australia and Africa

4. Which is not true of the physical geography of the African continent? a) Its coastline is home to many natural harbors. b) Its physical geography has long hindered transport. c) The continent’s surface is basically a plateau bordered by narrow coastal lowlands. d) It was most likely the center of Pangaea.

1 5. Africa’s lack of mountain ranges can be explained by: a) the erosion process of African rivers wearing away the ancient mountain formations b) the intense heat of the region, which prevents mountain ranges from forming c) weather patterns that deposit silt in the Northern Hemisphere d) a lack of collision of tectonic plates

6. The rain produced by the intertropical convergence zone is most abundant: a) near the Tropic of Cancer b) near the Tropic of Capricorn c) near the Equator d) in South Africa, Swaziland, and Lesotho

7. What process is creating a series of rift features along the eastern flank of the African continent? a) Crustal plates that underlie the African continent are spreading apart. b) The Somali Plate is colliding with the African Plate. c) Subduction is occurring as the Somali Plate dives under the Eurasian Plate. d) Small amounts of molten rock have surfaced and accumulated.


8. Africa’s coastline is home to many rich natural harbors.

9. Tectonic activity continues today in Africa’s eastern flank.

10. As it shifts north and south seasonally, the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) follows the area of the earth’s surface with the highest average temperatures.

Environmental Issues


11. Which two products or technologies supply Africans with most of their domestic energy? a) oil and natural gas b) wood and charcoal c) solar energy and wind energy d) water energy and biofuels

2 12. Most African famines have been caused by: a) drought b) volcanic eruptions c) political instability d) global warming

13. The process by which arid conditions spread to areas that were previously moist is called: a) zone convergence b) zone diversification c) desertification d) savannosis


14. What practice is being adopted in recognition of the rapid loss of forests that emphasizes economically useful trees to take the pressure off of old-growth forests?

15. What is the name of the African region that runs south along the Sahara and is threatened by desertification?

Human Patterns Over Time


16. Which of the following events involving Europe and Africa occurred during in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century? a) Europeans began selling Africans as slaves in the Americas. b) Europe established formal colonies in Africa. c) The Portuguese became the first Europeans to reach West Africa. d) Europeans brought high-yield agriculture to Africa.

17. By what means did nineteenth-century European powers prevent armed conflicts among themselves in Africa in their separate colonial efforts? a) They established distinct boundaries between their territorial claims in Africa to divide tribal groups and weaken them. b) They allowed African tribal leaders to arbitrate their territorial disputes. c) They created a federation of African nations to manage the continent’s resources. d) They urged the United States to mediate conflicts and enforce resolutions.

3 18. Which two natural resources were discovered in South Africa in the 1860s? a) coal and bauxite b) silver and copper c) gold and diamonds d) oil and natural gas

19. Which of the following statements describes the people known as the Boers? a) African Bantu peoples who willingly adopted European practices and values b) British merchants who established early trade between Europe and Africa c) Dutch immigrant farmers who were among the first Europeans to settle in Africa d) African colonial subjects of Germany who resisted the external political control

20. Which one of the following statements accurately reflects the circumstances of the Boer War? a) Boer nationalists attempted to seize control over British diamond mines. b) The Dutch attempted to forcibly acquire South Africa from the Boers. c) The British invaded the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. d) Germany sought to expel the Boers from their native lands in South Africa.


Economic and Political Issues


21. The key motive of European nations in colonizing Africa was: a) profit b) slavery c) increased agricultural production d) religious reform of native cultures

22. The only African country with a strong manufacturing base is: a) Zambia b) Tanzania c) South Africa d) Madagascar

4 23. Which of the following occurred in sub-Saharan Africa during the period between 1961 and 2005? a) Per capita food production declined. b) Value of African currencies increased. c) Foreign investment increased. d) Size of impoverished population declined.

24. Which of the following reflects a problem associated with the informal economy in sub-Saharan Africa? a) Profits are unreliable. b) It produces more tax revenue for the state. c) Profits are stable and have led to increased living standards. d) Incomes of those it employs are increasing.

25. Which of the following is true of trade within Africa? a) It is relatively limited because so many countries produce the same raw materials for export. b) It makes up the bulk of each African nation’s GDP. c) Trade within Africa is high in comparison with other developing regions. d) Trade within Africa is increasing due to the continent’s high industrial capacity.

26. By which of the following means are many of the local transport needs for the village and domestic units in sub-Saharan Africa satisfied? a) women in animal-powered vehicles b) women on foot c) children on bicycles d) men in motor vehicles


27. A raw material that is traded is known as a(n) ______.

28. What policy, often part of a structural adjustment package, did many sub- Saharan African states enact in order to lower the price of their exports on world markets?

5 Democratization and Conflict


28. European colonizers’ policies toward Africa can be summarized as: a) genocide b) local rule c) banana republicanism d) divide and rule

29. Among the following, which is the most obvious European legacy at the root of many armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa? a) national borders b) ethnic discrimination c) environmental destruction d) socialist values

30. Much of Nigeria’s oil wealth lies on lands occupied by the ______people. a) Yoruba b) Igbo c) Hausa d) Ogoni

31. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding present-day Nigeria? a) Its postcolonial history has been peaceful. b) Its primary resource and export is oil. c) Its population is ethnically homogeneous. d) Nearly 90 percent of its citizens live in urban areas.

32. The first country in the world where women make up a majority of the national legislature is: a) Botswana b) Mozambique c) Rwanda d) Liberia

6 Sociocultural Issues


33. Which of the following is not a valid explanation for high birth rates in sub- Saharan Africa? a) Tropical climates lead to higher fertility rates. b) Children are perceived as an economic advantage. c) Due to high infant mortality rates, parents have extra children in the hopes of raising a few to maturity. d) Children do much of the work on family farms.

34. A major cause of slowing population growth rates in Africa is: a) changing attitudes toward the value of children b) HIV-AIDS c) fewer women of childbearing age d) widespread use of contraception

35. The greatest contributor to the rapid growth of cities in sub-Saharan Africa is: a) the high birth rate b) the low mortality rate c) migration d) global climate change

36. The largest city in sub-Saharan Africa is: a) Lagos, Nigeria b) Gaborone, Botswana c) Johannesburg, South Africa d) Nairobi, Kenya

37. About half of all the deaths in sub-Saharan Africa are caused by: a) malnutrition b) heart disease c) stillbirth d) infectious diseases

7 38. The leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa is: a) malaria b) dengue c) AIDS d) narcolepsy

39. What widespread disease in sub-Saharan Africa is associated with standing fresh water? a) AIDS b) ebola c) influenza d) schistosomiasis

40. Which of the following is among the social and demographic consequences of the spread of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? a) Men increasingly choose more mature women as sexual partners. b) Life expectancy in such countries as South Africa is declining. c) More than 50 percent of the population has migrated to other continents. d) Many who succumb to the disease are elderly adults.

41. What is a significant barrier to providing treatment for those with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? a) The cost of the treatment is too high. b) The treatment expires before it can be delivered to all regions. c) Patients are afraid to take Western-style medication. d) Treatments from the United States do not work on Africans.

42. The most economically developed country in Africa is: a) Egypt b) South Africa c) Seychelles d) Cameroon

8 43. In sub-Saharan Africa, in which of the following aspects of agriculture are men most likely to be involved? a) cultivating and growing cash crops b) harvesting and preparing food c) transporting crops to market d) sowing and weeding of the family crops

44. In which African nations are animist beliefs practiced by a large majority of the population? a) Nigeria and Chad b) Egypt and Algeria c) Togo and Benin d) Ethiopia and Somalia

45. The Rwandan ethnic groups that have engaged in mutual genocide over the last twenty years are the: a) Zulus and Ohnis b) Hutu and Tutsi c) Kenyans and Zambians d) Nigerians and Egyptians

46. The country sometimes called the “microcosm of Africa” because it is home to more than 250 different ethnic groups is: a) Ghana b) Congo c) Cameroon d) Burkina Faso

47. The language family spoken by the most people in sub-Saharan Africa is: a) Nilotic b) Bantu c) Zulu d) Guinean


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