Lesson Plan Level 4

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Lesson Plan Level 4


 Attached is a lesson plan sheet for each chapter in the “Finding God” series.

 Please follow the Lesson Plan carefully as each session may be covering different chapters on different weeks and in some cases the most important part of two chapters, or attending confessions on different weeks.

 Required Activities - Opening/Closing Masses, Advent/Lent Confessions, Forty Hours, and the Safe Environment Program are listed on the Calendar. It may happen that the lesson plan order may differ from calendar- please refer to calendar for correct chapter/date.

 Significant themes/concepts for a Level 4 student are to learn the Apostles Creed and be able to recite it and explain the purpose of the creed and the various elements of the Catholic faith that are identified. To learn the Eight Beatitudes and be able to recite them and explain that they are a proclamation of how Jesus Christ calls us to live.

 Revised Procedure to obtain COPIES of Unit Assessments, Blackline Masters, activities for the class, material that you want to present to the class, pages of a book, prayers, etc. please contact the PREP office in a timely manner with your request and the copies will be sent to you in your class folder.

 The lesson plans are designed to be a work sheet for you, with blocks available for notes, and additional creative material you may choose to substitute or insert.

 Resources There are a myriad of resources for you on the website www.findinggod.com. You should take full advantage of this and register online with the access code: FG-2013.

 Contact Information for the PREP OFFICE is – 215-343-3139 or via e-mail at [email protected] for Carol Anghelone and [email protected] for Deacon Joe Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of:

Welcome students and distribute ESTABLISH A PRAYER books and folders using labels TABLE. Begin and end each provided for each student. session with prayer. Incorporate the short prayers on first and last page of each session- (praying hand symbol on each page)

Explain that creation is a gift CHAPTER 1: from God and that we are called to give thanks for this gift. GOD CREATES THE WORLD Describe how we can care for the gift of creation.

Define free will, psalm, and soul.

10-15 min Unit Saint: Saint Teresa of ENGAGE Avila, pg. 1-2

God Creates the World, pg. 3

30-40 min God’s Wonderful Creation, pg. 4 If time allows, have the children complete the blackline master, EXPLORE T-293 . Caring for the Earth, pg. 5

Art Print: Tree of Life Use coordinating activity sheet in student books on pg. 229

REFLECT Prayer: God Calls Us to Pray, Use CD 1, Track 6 recorded guided If time allows, play CD 2, Track pg. 6 reflection “God’s Wonderful 3 “ Praise to God” and have 15 min Creation” children sing along with lyrics in Thanking God for Creation, pg. student books on pg. 222 7 Encourage parents to engage their RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 8 child in “With My Family” 5-10 min activity on pg. 8. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week 2 Teacher Notes Teacher Notes Plan Steps Week of: Objective Mass will be celebrated for all afternoon classes this week.

Mass for evening sessions next week. Evening session proceed with next session.





Assignment Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of:

CHAPTER 2: Explain that God listens to our prayers. OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN Describe how we can serve the Kingdom of God.

Define Theological Virtues.

ENGAGE Our Father in Heaven, pg.9 10-MIN

EXPLORE God Listens to Us, pg. 10 If time allows, use blackline master, 30-45 min T-294. The Kingdom of God, pg. 11

Art Print: The Creation Use the coordinating art print activity in student books on pg. 230.

REFLECT Prayer: Our Faith in God, pg. 12 Use the Finding God poster: Acts of 15-20 min Faith, Hope, and Love.

Faith, Hope, and Charity, pg.13

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg.14 Homework: Encourage parents 5-10 min to help their child complete the “With My Family” section on pg. 14 together. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of: OCTOBER & MAY ARE CHAPTER 3: MONTHS DEVOTED TO Retell the story of Adam and MARY Eve. GOD’S PLAN FOR SALVATION SET ASIDE SOME TIME Explain what happens when we DURING THE MONTH OF give in to temptation. OCTOBER TO EXPLAIN AND TEACH HOW TO PRAY THE Identify the Act of Hope as a ROSARY- PG. 198-201 IN prayer that expresses hope and CHILDREN’S BOOKS trust in God.

Define Salvation.

ENGAGE God’s Plan for Salvation, pg. 15 If time allows, use CD 2, Track 1 and have children sing along to 10 min lyrics in their books on pg. 220.

EXPLORE Adam and Eve, pg. 16-17 Play the recorded scripture story, “Adam and Eve”, CD 1, Track 1 30-40 min Have the children complete the blackline master, T-295

Art Print: Use the coordinating art print page Christ the Redeemer in student books on page 231.

REFLECT Prayer: Our Hope in God, pg. 18 15-20 min

Using Our Free Will, pg. 19

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 20 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 20 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of:

CHAPTER 4: Identify the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. GOD CALLS US TO OBEY Explain what we can do to form a good conscience.

Explain why it is important to make a frequent examination of conscience.

Define prudence.

ENGAGE God calls us to obey, pg. 21

10 min

EXPLORE The Fruits of the Holy Spirit, pg. Use examination of conscience on 22 pg. 210 in student books. 30-40 min Examination of Conscience, pg. If time allows, have children 23 complete blackline master, T-296

Art Print: Dove of the Spirit Use coordinating art print page in student books on pg. 232.

REFLECT Prayer: Making Good Choices, pg. 24 15-20 min A Helping Hand, pg. 25

RESPOND Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min Living My Faith, pg. 26 child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 26 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of: Explain when the Church CHAPTER 5: celebrates Ordinary Time. CELEBRATING ORDINARY TIME, pg. 27 State that we are called to share Christ’s light with others.

Define discipleship.

ENGAGE Celebrating Ordinary Time, pg. 27 10 min

EXPLORE We Grow in Virtue During If time allows have children Ordinary Time, pg. 28 complete blackline master, T- 297 25-30 min

REFLECT Mass During Ordinary Time, pg. 20-25min 29

Art Print: Those That Don’t Use the coordinating art print page See in student books on pg. 233

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 30 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 30 for homework.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of: Explain Jesus’ law of love. CHAPTER 6: UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT OR ASSIGNED FOR HOMEWORK Name ways to share Jesus’ love JESUS, LAW OF LOVE, with others. Pg. 33 Explain how the Holy Spirit helps us live out Jesus’ new commandments.

Define fortitude and Torah.

ENGAGE Unit Saint: Saint John Baptiste Vianney, 10 min pg. 31-32

Jesus’ Law of Love, pg. 33

Play CD 2, Track 5, “Open Our EXPLORE The New Commandment, pg. 34 Ears, O Faithful People” using lyrics in student books on pg. 223 30-40 min Help from the Holy Spirit, pg.35 If time allows have students complete blackline master, T-301

Art Print: Use coordinating art print page in Saint Vincent de Paul student books on pg. 234

REFLECT Prayer: A Prayer of Love, pg. 36 15-20 min

Acting with Love, pg. 37

RESPOND Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min Living My Faith, pg. 38 child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 38 for homework.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of: Explain that we help build up the CHAPTER 7: Kingdom of God by living out THE BEATITUDES WILL BE the Beatitudes. THE BEATITUDES, pg. 39 COVERED OVER THE NEXT TWO WEEKS IN AN EFFORT Identify how we can practice the TO MAKE SURE THE Beatitudes in our lives. CHILDREN UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANT MEANING OF Define the Sermon on the THE CONCEPTS. Mount

ENGAGE The Beatitudes, pg. 39 10 min

EXPLORE Jesus Fulfills the Law, pg. 40 If time allows, use the blackline master from pg. T-302 30-40 min Living the Beatitudes, pg. 41

Art Print: Removing the Use the coordinating art print Thorn activity sheet in children’s books on pg. 235

REFLECT Prayer: A Peacemaker’s Prayer, Use the recorded guided reflection, pg. 42 “The Prayer of St. Francis”, CD-1, 15-20 min Track 7

Serving the Needs of Others, pg. Use the Finding God poster, The 43 Beatitudes

Encourage parents to engage their RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 44 Have the children find the Sermon child using the “With My 5-10 min on the Mount in the book of Family” section on pg. 44 for Matthew 5: 2-10 homework.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of:

THE BEATITUDES Use the supplemental materials provided to present and have the (WEEK 2) children gain a better understanding of the Beatitudes.


10 min


30-40 min


15-20 min

RESPOND 5-10 min

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Objectives Plan Steps


ENGAGE Celebrating Advent, pg. 57

10 min

EXPLORE We Prepare During Advent, Have the children complete the pg. 58 activity using the blackline master 25-30 min on pg. T-305

REFLECT Mass During Advent, pg. 59

20-25 min Art Print: The Procession If time allows, complete the coordinating art print page in the student books on pg. 238 or assign as homework.

Encourage the children to pray at RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 60 home with their families using an 5-10 min Advent wreath during Advent.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps


ENGAGE Celebrating Christmas, pg. 87

10 min

EXPLORE We share Christ’s Light During If time allows, use the blackline Christmas, pg. 88 master on pg. T-313 25-35 min

REFLECT Mass During Christmas, pg. 88

15-20 min

Art Print: Adoration of the Use the coordinating art print Magi activity on pg. 243 in the children’s books.

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 90 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 90 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of: Explain the importance of Jesus’ ADDITIONAL APOSTLES’ life, Death, Resurrection, and CHAPTER 8: CREED MATERIAL IS Ascension. PROVIDED ALONG WITH JESUS OUR REDEEMER, PRAYER CARDS FOR EACH Describe how Jesus shares his PG. 45 STUDENT life with us through the Holy Spirit.

Define Ascension, Redeemer, and redemption.

ENGAGE Jesus Our Redeemer, pg. 45

10 min

EXPLORE Jesus, Son of God, pg. 46 Use CD 1, Track 2, “Jesus on the If time allows, use the blackline Cross” master, T-303 to have the 30-40 min children complete the activity. Jesus Died for Our Sins, pg. 47 Use CD 2, Track 7, “Jesus Remember Me”

Art Print: The Ascension Use the coordinating art print activity in children’s book on pg. 236

REFLECT Prayer: Praying the Creed, pg. 48 15-20 min What We Believe, pg. 49

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 50 Encourage parents to engage 5-10 min their child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 50 for homework and help the children to put the Apostles’ Creed to memory.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that Peter was able to CHAPTER 9: carry on Jesus’ work through the power of the Holy Spirit. JESUS SENDS THE SPIRIT, Pg. 51 Identify how we can lie out the Works of Mercy in our lives.

Define Corporal Works of Mercy, and Spiritual Works of Mercy

ENGAGE Jesus Sends the Spirit, pg. 51

10 min

EXPLORE Following Jesus’ Example, Have the children find the passage pg. 52 in the New Testament & read 30-40 min together.

Works of Mercy, pg. 53 If time allows, complete blackline master on pg. T-304

Art Print: Meal Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s books on pg. 237

REFLECT Prayer: Strengthened by the Spirit, pg. 54 15-20 min

Sharing Mercy, pg. 55

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 56 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 56 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that Jesus instructed the CHAPTER 11: disciples to teach others to follow God. THE PEOPLE OF GOD, PG. 63 Name and describe the Sacraments of Initiation.

Identify how Saint Dominic followed Jesus’ example.

Define universal Church. Unit Saint: Saint Louis IX, ENGAGE Pg. 61-62

10 min The People of God, pg. 63

EXPLORE Continuing Jesus’ Mission, Use CD 2- Track 9, “Two by Two” pg. 64 If time allows have children 30-40 min complete the blackline master T- Welcomed into the Church, 309. pg. 65

Art Print: Saint Dominic Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s book on pg. 239.

REFLECT Prayer: Sent by Jesus, pg. 66 Use the recorded guided reflection “Go Forth”, CD- 1, Track 8 15-20 min A Celebrating Community, Order of the Mass on pages T-206- pg. 67 208

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 68 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 68 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that the pope and the CHAPTER 12: bishops are the successors of Peter and the Apostles. THE CHURCH TEACHES US, PG. 69 State that the Precepts of the Church strengthen our relationship with God and with the Church.

Define cast lots, diocese and Precepts of the Church.

ENGAGE The Church Teaches Us, pg. 69

10 min

EXPLORE The Apostles and Their If time allows, have children Successors, pg. 70 complete the black line master on 30-40 min pg. T-310. Shepherds of the People of God, Pg. 71

Art Print: Holy Apostles Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s books on pg. 340.

REFLECT Prayer: An Offering to God, pg. 72 15-20 min Growing with God, pg. 73 Use the coordinating Finding God poster Precepts and Holy Days

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 74 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 74 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that we celebrate God’s CHAPTER 13: forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. GOD IS OUR FRIEND, Pg. 75 Describe what the parable of the forgiving father tells us about God.

Define capital sins, pride, sloth, and envy.

ENGAGE God is Our Friend, pg. 75

10 min

EXPLORE Resisting Temptation, pg. 76 If time allows, have children complete blackline master, pg. T- 30-40 min 311.

God Forgives Our Sins, pg. 77 Play CD 2- Track 11, “Bring Us Back to Your Peace”, lyrics in student books on pg. 226.

Art Print: The Prodigal Son Coordinating art print page in children’s books on pg. 241

REFLECT Prayer: Embraced by God, If time allows, play CD-1, Track 3, Pg. 78 the recorded scripture story, “The 15-20 min Forgiving Father” or view the DVD story of The Prodigal Son provided Forgive Others, pg. 79 with your teaching material.

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 80. Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 80 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Identify what happened at the CHAPTER 14: Annunciation. IF TIME ALLOWS, USE TIME SERVING GOD AND IN CLASS TO PRAY PART OF Explain how Mary became the OTHERS, PG. 81 THE ROSARY, PG. 198-201 first disciple.

State that Mary is both the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.

Define solidarity.

ENGAGE Serving God and Others, pg. 81

10 min

EXPLORE The Annunciation, pg. 82 If time allows, use the blackline master on Pg. T-312 30-40 min The First Disciple, pg. 83

Art Print: The Virgin Use the coordinating art print activity page in children’s books on page 242.

REFLECT Prayer: Mother of Mercy, pg. 84

15-20 min

Listening to God, pg. 85 Play “ Open Your Ears, O Faithful People”, CD 2- Track 5

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 86 OR Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min PRAY PART OF THE child using the “With My ROSARY Family” section on pg. 86 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps State that we celebrate the joy of CHAPTER 16: UNIT 3 ASSESSMENT OR God’s forgiveness in the ASSIGNED FOR HOMEWORK Sacrament of Reconciliation. CELEBRATING RECONCILIATION, PG. 93 Explain how to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Retell the parable of the lost sheep.

Define repentance.

ENGAGE Unit Saint: Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pg. 91-92 10 min Celebrating Reconciliation, pg. 95

EXPLORE God’s Forgiveness, pg. 94

30-40 min The Sacrament of Reconciliation, pg. 95

Art Print: The Good Use the coordinating art print page Shepherd in the children’s books on pg. 244

REFLECT Prayer: Expressing Our Sorrow, Use Finding God poster Act of pg. 96 Contrition & CD2- Track 11 15-20 min If time allows, use CD 1, Track 4 to listen to recording of the parable of the lost sheep.

Return to God, pg. 97 If time allows, have children complete the blackline master on pg. T-317.

Encourage parents to engage their RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 98 child using the “With My 5-10 min Family” section on pg. 98 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that in the Eucharist the CHAPTER 17: bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. THE SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST State whey we celebrate the Mass on Sundays and the Holy Days of Obligation.

Retell the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.

Define compassion.

ENGAGE The Sacrament of the Eucharist, Pg. 99 10 min

EXPLORE We Celebrate, pg. 100 If time allows, have children complete the blackline master T- 30-40 min Jesus Invites Us, pg. 101 318

Art Print: Feeding Five Use the coordinating art print page Thousand in children’s books on pg. 245

REFLECT Prayer: God Provides, pg. 102

15-20 min Holy Days of Obligation, Use the Finding God poster pg. 103 Precepts and Holy Days

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 104 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 104 for homework. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps State that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick brings CHAPTER 18: Jesus’ healing to those who are sick. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK, Explain why we pray prayers of PG. 105 intercession.

Define Anointing of the Sick and oil of the sick.

ENGAGE Anointing of the Sick, pg. 105

10 min

EXPLORE Nick Helps His Neighbor, If time allows, have children pg. 106 complete blackline master on 30-40 min pg. T-319.

Anointing of the Sick, pg. 107

Art Print: Saint James Use coordinating art print page in children’s books on page 246

REFLECT Prayer: asking for Help, pg. 108 If time allows, play CD 2- Track 13 and have children 15-20 min follow along with lyrics in their books on page 227.

Prayers of Intercession, pg. 109

RESPOND Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min Living My Faith, pg. 110 child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 110 for homework.

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that during Lent we CHAPTER 20: prepare to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. CELEBRATING LENT AND HOLY WEEK Identify the important days that we celebrate during Holy Week.

State what we celebrate on Holy Thursday.

Define Holy Thursday.

ENGAGE Celebrating Lent and Holy Week, pg. 117 10 min

EXPLORE We Become More Like Jesus If time allows, use blackline master During Lent and Holy Week, T-321 and have children complete 25-35 min pg. 118 it.

REFLECT Mass During Lent and Holy Play “Jesus, Remember Me”, CD-2, Week, pg. 118 Track 7 20-25 min

Art Print: Jesus Mosaic Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s books on page 248

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 120 5-10 min Encourage parents to engage their child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 120 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that during the Easter CHAPTER 25: season, we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. CELEBRATING EASTER, PG. State that after his Resurrection, Jesus shared the gift of peace with his disciples.

Define gift of peace.

ENGAGE Celebrating Easter, pg. 147

10 min

EXPLORE We Live in Peace During Easter, If time allows, have children 25-30 min Pg. 148 complete the blackline master on pg. T-329

REFLECT Mass During Easter, pg. 149

20-25 min

Art Print: Easter Morning Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s books on page 253

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 150 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 150 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps

CHAPTER 19: UNIT 4 ASSESSMENT OR Explain that in the Sacrament of ASSIGNED FOR HOMEWORK Matrimony a man and a woman SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE receive the grace to love each PG. 111. other.

State that men are ordained bishops, priests, and deacons in the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

Paraphrase the Scripture passage about the vine and the branches.

Define ordained.

ENGAGE A Family Wedding, pg. 112 If time allows have the children complete the blackline master, 10 min T-320 Sacraments of Service, pg. 113

Art Print: Grape Pickers Use coordinating art print page in children’s books on pg. 247

EXPLORE Prayer: I Am the Vine, pg. 114

30-40 min

Called by God, pg. 115

REFLECT Prayer: I am the Vine, pg. 114 Use recorded guided reflection “ A Walk in the Vineyard”, 15-20 min CD1- Track 9 Called by God, pg. 115

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 116 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 116 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Retell the story of the Exodus. CHAPTER 21: Explain that God gave Moses the THE TEN Ten commandments on Mount COMMANDMENTS, PG. 121 Sinai.

Describe the Covenant that God made with the Hebrews.

Define covenant and plagues.

ENGAGE Unit Saint: Saint Francis Xavier, 10 min Pg. 121-122

The Ten Commandments, pg.123

EXPLORE The Exodus, pg. 124-125 If time allows have children complete the blackline master 30-40 min pg. T-325

Art Print: The Ten Commandments Use the coordinating art print page in children’s books on pg. 249

REFLECT Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, pg. 126 15-20 min

Making Moral Decisions, pg. 127

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 128 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 128 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that the Great CHAPTER 22: Commandment calls us to love God and to love our neighbor as LOVING GOD ABOVE ALL, ourself. PG. 129 State that the first three commandments are about our love for God.

Name the first three commandments.

Define Divine Praises and idolatry.

ENGAGE Loving God Above All, pg. 129

10 min

EXPLORE The Great Commandment, pg. Have the children listen to the 130 recorded scripture passage “The 30-40 min Great Commandment” using CD 1, Track 5. If time allows, have the children complete blackline master on pg. T-326

The First Three Commandments, Use Finding God Poster, The Ten pg. 131 Commandments & Play “The Great Commandments”,

Art Print: The American CD2-Track 15 with lyrics in Church children’s books.

Use coordinating art print page in children’s books on page 250.

REFLECT Prayer: Praising God, pg. 132 Finding God poster “The Ten Commandments” 15-20 min Love God Above All, pg. 133

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 134 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 134 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Retell the story of Saint Thomas CHAPTER 23: More.

Explain that the Fourth, Fifth, LOVING OUR FAMILY, and Sixth Commandments help PG. 135 us live in good relationship with out families.

State that Jesus calls us to forgive our enemies.

Define obedience.

ENGAGE Loving Our Family, pg. 135

10 min

EXPLORE Saint Thomas More, pg. 136

30-40 min Relationships with Others, Use the Finding God poster, the pg. 137 Ten Commandments. If time allows have the children complete the blackline master T-327.

Art Print: Love Your Enemies Use the art print page in the children’s books on pg. 251.

REFLECT Prayer: God Be With Us, pg. 138 15-20 min Live the Commandments, pg. 139

RESPOND Living My Faith, pg. 140 Encourage parents to engage their 5-10 min child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 140 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Explain that the Seventh through CHAPTER 24: the Tenth Commandments help us live together peacefully. JESUS CALLS US TO LOVE OTHERS, PG. 141 Retell the story of Moses encouraging the Hebrews to choose life by following the Ten Commandments.

Define covet and temperance.

ENGAGE Jesus Calls Us to Love Others Pg. 141 10 min

EXPLORE Relationships with Our Use the Finding God poster, the Neighbors, pg. 142-143 Ten Commandments. If time 30-40 min allows, have children complete the blackline master T-328

Art Print: The Promised Land Use the coordinating art print page in the children’s books on pg. 252

REFLECT Prayer: Go with God, pg. 144 Have the children listen to the recorded guided reflection “The 15-20 min Ten Commandments”, CD1- Track 10 Follow God’s Plan, pg. 145

RESPOND 5-10 min Living My Faith, pg. 146 Encourage parents to engage their child using the “With My Family” section on pg. 146 for homework

Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps Week of:



Closing masses for all Please bring children to church afternoon and evening sessions as soon as attendance is taken. Please bring attendance folder with you to church.

Dismissal will be from the individual classrooms at regular dismissal time. Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Objectives Plan Steps


10 min


30-40 min


15-20 min

RESPOND 5-10 min Catechist: Level 4 St. Cyril PREP Lesson Week of: Teacher Notes Teacher Notes Plan Steps


10 min


30-40 min


15-20 min

RESPOND 5-10 min

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