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Mayor Rick Boschee called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM with those present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were present: Rex Gab, Ashley Haar, Shane Hanson, DJ Hardison, and Amy Kappenman. Tim Thomas arrived at 7:20PM. Also present: Finance Officer Marjean Gab, and Jason Bishop and for a portion of the meeting Sandra Schlechter, Brooke Heilman, Rodney Schlecht, Candice Kusler and Sadie Omland.
Motion by Gab, seconded by Kappenman, to approve the agenda. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Motion by Hanson, seconded by Kappenman, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 7, 2016 with the deletion of refund to Rick Rohrbach for $1,760 printed in error. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Receipts for the month of October: Cortrust Bank, Interest, $7.52; First State Bank, Interest, $81.02; Midcontinent Communicati ons, Franchise Fee, $256.46; Midcontinent Communications, Rent, $525.00; Venture Communications, Franchise Fee, $156.35; State of SD, Sales Tax, $5,445.04; Edmunds County, Taxes, $342.91; Penalties and Interest, $0.00; State Shared Revenue, Count y Shared Revenue, $2,132.19, State Shared Revenue/Hwy Bridges; $5,896.57, State Shared Revenue, Liquor Tax, $1,704.15; Lucky Bandits, Lease, $76.00; Rubble Site Fees/Tax, $726.48; Misc Revenue, $0.00; Rent, $8,920.00; Pet Licenses, $0; Golf Cart, $0.00; Library Donations, $108.14; Water/Sys Maint/Late Fees/ Reconnects/Meter Deposit, $10,467.90; Sewer/Late Fees, $5,835.00; Nursing Home/ Hospital, $712,770.00.
The following claims were presented: NOVEMBER PAYROLL: Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic Wages 279902.85 City Financial Administration Wages 1788.75 Library Wages 1094.25 Rubble Site Wages 622.25 Streets Department Wages 1840.07 Water Wages 920.04 Sewer Wages 920.04 IRS/CorTrust Bank, N.A. Payroll Taxes 60413.10
Accounts Management Employee Payroll Deductions 50.00 AFLAC Employee Payroll Deductions 1879.20 Ameriprise Financial Employee Payroll Deductions 595.00 Bowdle Healthcare Foundation Employee Payroll Deductions 338.70 Credico Inc. Employee Payroll Deductions 93.44 Delta Dental Plan Employee Payroll Deductions 3878.20 Department of Justice Employee Payroll Deductions 115.38 Office of Child Support Employee Payroll Deductions 648.00 Midwest Credits Employee Payroll Deductions 100.00 Royal Neighbors of America Employee Payroll Deductions 500.00 Secure Benefits Systems Employee Payroll Deductions 3130.92 South Dakota Retirement Employee Payroll Deductions 31614.02 VSP Employee Payroll Deductions 245.80 Washington National Employee Payroll Deductions 73.06 Wellmark Health Plans Employee Payroll Deductions 63621.53
Allegiant Emergency Services, Inc City-Fire Dept 270.39 Beck Law Office City-Professional Fees 285.00 Bowdle Building and Hardware City-Library/Shop Supplies 52.49 Bowdle Healthcare City-November Payroll 9726.48 Bowdle Economic Development City-Christmas Bucks 370.00 Bowdle Post Office City-Postage Stamps 196.00 CNA Surety City-Bond Insurance DJ 100.00 Dakota Radio Group City-Bowdle Show 200.00 DENR City-Wastewater Fee 50.00 Drake’s Place City-Shop Misc 11.11 FEM City-Airport Utilities 46.00 G&O Electric City-Fire Dept 59.13 Gab, Marjean City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 Geier, Joe City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 HF Jacobs & Sons Const City-Fine Sand 68.60 Hanson, Shane City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 Hoffman, Maurice City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 Kates Floral City-Misc 30.00 McCarlson, Cheryl City-Water Deposit Rtn(Jay McCarlson) 100.00
Montana-Dakota Utilities City-Utilities 2149.64 North Central Farmers Elevator City-Supplies/Fuel/Gas 819.91 Oxner, Jeff City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 Petty Cash City-City Other 49.25 Pride of the Prairie City-Advertising 289.65 SD Dept of Health City-Water Sample Fees 15.00 SD Municipal League City- Dues 732.30 Weiszhaar, Scott City-4th Qtr Zoning Mtg 50.00 Venture Communications City-Phone Service 92.41 Vilas Superstore City-Shop/Library Supplies 35.09 Visa City-Supplies/Books Library 450.49 WEB City- Purchased Water 4524.50
A&B Business Solutions Admin-Maint/Svc Agreements/Supplies 1870.72 Avera Ecare Emergency Unit Contracts 9208.33 Avera Health Pharmacy/Radiology Contracts 597.50 Avera Home Medical Equip NH Supplies 12.22 Avera Queen of Peace Administration Accredit 81.90 Avera St. Luke’s Fees/Supplies/Agreements 32151.31 Axis Capital Inc. Loan Payable/Interest 3306.60 Baxter Healthcare Med Surg Svc Agreements/Supplies 1556.06 Beckman Coulter Lab Supplies 596.37 Beitelspacher, Tara Rent 850.00 Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc Nutrition Supplies 89.04 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc Lab Supplies 2670.66 Bollinger, Curtis Repairs & Maint 2702.76 Bowdle Building and Hardware Supplies 442.90 Bowdle, City of Water 1136.40 Bowdle Postmaster Supplies 86.00 C & C Magnet Advertising 275.00 Cam-Wal Electric HH Billable Supplies 161.00 Cardinal Health Medical Lab Supplies 1509.28 Cardinal Health Rx Pharmacy-Drugs 11351.49 Carefusion Solutions Pharmacy Supplies 492.00 Compquest Technology Maint Info Tech 474.00 Conn, Shannon OT Mileage 55.44 Conlon, Joan M. Transcript 1135.09 Covidien ER Equipment 334.30 Covidien ER Equipment 2861.16 Dakota Broadcasting LLC Administration Advertising 373.00 Dakota Radio Group Administration Advertising 520.00 Division of Criminal Investigation Admin Recruiting 96.00 DMS Health Technologies Radiology 4033.45 Drake’s Place Supplies 193.20 Dr. John Ottenbacher Professional Fees 4550.00 E. Provider Solutions, Inc Administration Book & Subscription 662.54 Eberhart, Kristi L. Nutrition Foods 112.50 Ecolab Dietary Equip Rental 84.82 FFF Enterprises Pharmacy Drugs 1523.38 GE Healthcare Radiology Maint Contracts 280.63 Grainger Inc Supplies 604.59 Grau, Sharon Home Health Mileage 14.84 Haas Plumbing & Heating Supplies/Maint & Repairs 866.42 Heilman, Brooke Administration Advert/Mkting 25.00 House of Glass Supplies 13.75 Jacobs, Karen Home Health Mileage 13.10 Johnson Controls Repairs & Maint 2348.68 Kaiser, Barbera Lab Mileage 19.32 Kaiser, Melanie Travel Reimb 189.48 Kate’s Floral Activities-Spec Events 215.00 Ken’s Food Fair Eureka Dietary Foods 90.45 KCI USA Inc Med Surg Supplies 2746.15 Kortleever, Chelsea PT Mileage 15.54 Kreisers, Inc Supplies 474.58 Land & Wheels NH Supplies 21.08 Larson, Hope Travel 50.40 McFee, Phillip M. Administrative Purchase IT 534.70 Medical Information Tech Software 2531.00 Medical Review Consultants Accredit/Credential 121.00 Medical Waste Transport Maint-Garbage 323.46 Mehlhaff, Heather Home Health Mileage 136.78 Midco Maint-Utilities 205.00 Mobridge Tribune Advertising 80.00 Montana-Dakota Utilities Utilities – NH/Hosp 5883.22 Network Services Co Laundry Housekeeping/Nutrition Supplies 2901.35 Northern X-Ray Co Radiology Maint Contracts 7012.50 Northwest Blade Advertising 120.08 Olympus America, Inc Maint Contracts 1088.50 Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Lab Supplies 375.76 Owens & Minor OR/Med Supplies 9397.85 Patterson Medical Supply PT Supplies 83.31 Peacock Imaging Ultrasound 2730.55 Penner Patient Care Inc. Nursing Supply 272.00 Petty Cash Supplies 120.67 Peterson, Kenneth Clinic Physician 598.05 Praxair Oxygen-Supplies 3838.38 Pride of the Prairie Advertising 650.53 Prorate Services LLC Lab Supplies 319.66 Quality Quick Print LTC Nursing Office Supplies 148.47 Reuer Sanitation Waste Disposal 246.00 Roeker, Kent A Radiology Professional Fees 500.00 Schlechter, Sandra Travel Reimb 132.72 Schnaible, Lydia Home Health Mileage 25.70 SD Association of Health Education Seminar 300.00 SD Board of Nursing License and Permits 300.00 SD Healthcare Assoc Nursing Seminar 159.50 SDN Communication Minor Equip 1050.40 Servall Housekeeping Supplies 245.95 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Lab Supplies/Contracts 5386.10 Soil Technologies, Inc Construction in Progress 6900.00 Titan Medical Holdings Inc Lab Professional Fees 10144.43 Turner Drug Drugs/Pharmacy Consultant 5478.28 Ulrich, Melody Radiology Travel 194.04 United Blood Services Blood Products 246.96 UHS ER/Med Surg Equip Rental 1770.00 US Bank COP Lease Payment 5945.83 US Foodservice Dietary Food 8096.59 Venture Communications Telephone 2090.64 Verathon ER Supplies 386.58 Vilas Superstore Nutrition Food 293.97 Vilas Pharmacy Pharmacy Drugs 423.07 Visa Supplies 2456.61 Walz Carpet Cleaning Repairs & Maintenance 907.50 Web Bottling Company Supplies 97.50 Zimmer, Mary Med Surg-Travel Reimb 94.08
Motion by Hanson, seconded by Kappenman, to approve the payment of claims. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
Sadie Omland was present to report to the board an issue she is having with Reuer Sanitation. The bigger items she places in her garbage can that are not bagged, they simply will not take. She pays her father’s garbage bill also, and they are showing him past due and bill has been coming to the wrong address. Phone calls are never returned so she can talk to him about the issue’s. Mayor Boschee informed Sadie that anyone with a water bill does need to have garbage pick-up, however if they would contact a different company, possibly Heartland Waste in Mobridge, it would be okay for them to discontinue using Reuer Sanitation. F/O will talk with Gary regarding Sadie’s issue’s.
Rodney reported that Justin Bieber still has some equipment on the lot where he needs to push snow. The rental agreement ended October 1st. Council member Hanson said the hired man, Bennette Kingsley is in town so Rodney said he would give him a call tomorrow. Board said to give him a week to remove the equipment or it will be towed.
Council reviewed the CJ’s flooring bid from Erv’s furniture. The bid came in at almost $12,000 for materials and installation. Board members asked F/O to get bids from Mobridge and Aberdeen before a decision is made. F/O met with Judy Weishaar from Hosmer at CJ’s to look at the bar stools to get an idea of what it would cost to recover 12 bar stools. Judy submitted a bid with estimated cost of each stool around $57 to $67 each. F/O reported she called Erv’s and new bar stools would cost $77.00 each. Council decided to research a little further and a decision will be made at our January 3, 2017 meeting. F/O mentioned that Carrie from CJ’s questioned if something will be done with the ceiling before the flooring is put in. Council agreed that it needs to be done, and asked F/O to contact Jeff Oxner or Curt Bollinger.
A motion by Kappenman, seconded by Hanson to renew the SD Titles to Go 2017 membership from the State Library in Pierre for $600.00. All present voted yes. Motion carried. CFO Brooke Heilman, presented the October financial statements and statistics. They were reviewed by the council.
Sandy Schlechter, CEO informed the council that starting in January Bowdle Healthcare will be using Sanford Telehealth Services and Dr. Enesi Momoh, MD will be the physician.
Schlechter shared the Medical Staff Meeting Minutes from November 15, 2016. They were reviewed by the board. The area regarding Mikala Deibert who is a respiratory therapist was here and held an in-service for the hospital and nursing home staff. Medical Staff would like to see her employed here at Bowdle Healthcare. Because she would be interested only in a full-time position Sandy plans on visiting with her further for she feels she would be a big asset to Bowdle Healthcare but we cannot justify full-time employment at this time.
Patient Health Stream survey was gone over. Sandy started visiting with each patient before discharge and informing them that they will be asked to complete the survey and gets an idea of how the patient feels their stay was with us.
Council member Kappenman asked CEO Sandy Schlechter what will be done with the current Public Health Office building. The building will need to be moved by the first part of April to begin the new clinic project. The board members all felt that we need to keep the building verses selling it. Various possible lots where it could be moved were discussed and board asked Sandy to get an estimate of what it would cost to move the building.
Motion by Thomas, seconded by Hardison, to approve the following new hire: Alizebeth Brande, PT Nurse’s Aide, $10.79/hr. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
The following wage adjustments were noted: Lindsay Diewitz, PHLS Certification, RN Clinic $21.00/hr; Jodi Matott, CNA Certification, $11.29/hr; Pam Schmierer, 25 yr Step Increase, CNA $13.54/hr., Surg Tech, $15.04/hr.
Council reviewed the overtime hours.
F/O presented the council with the October Statement of Accounts and Monthly Receipts, Year to Date Budget Worksheet and the water usage and loss report. They were review by the council.
The Council approved F/O’s vacation request for Thursday, December 22, 2016. F/O will also be gone Monday, December 26, 2016, Christmas Holiday which was approved at November 7th meeting.
F/O informed the council that on November 8th DENR was out and inspected the rubble site and the report came back that our facility is operating in an acceptable compliance manner. No special requirements were issued as a result of the inspection.
F/O informed the council that our permit with DENR for the Rubble Site is due and F/O has it completed, just needing Mayor Boschee’s signature in front of a notary. Mayor Boschee informed F/O he would come in the morning to sign the permit.
F/O informed the council she has the 4th quarter zoning board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, December 07, 2016 in the Community room at 7:30am.
Council member Shane Hanson informed the council that he is moving to Faulkton and will be able to fill his position as Ward III Council member through March. Mayor Boschee asked the council to let him know if they talk to anyone who would be interested in filling Shane’s position.
The next regular council meeting will be held Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6:30 pm.
Motion by Hanson, seconded by Thomas to adjourn at 8:30 pm. All present voted yes. Motion carried.
______Rick Boschee Mayor Date Attest: ______Marjean Gab Finance Officer - City of Bowdle Published once at the approximate cost of ______.