Central Area Committee s1

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Central Area Committee s1


To each member of Area 3, Central incorporating the electoral area of North Inner City.

Notification of the monthly meeting of the above Committee to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Dublin 2 on 12th January, 2016 at 10.00 a.m. to deal with the items on the agenda attached herewith.

Rose Kenny Executive Manager Central Area

Dated this 7th January, 2016

Please Note: Tea and Coffee will be available for members before the meeting.

Central Area Headquarters, 51-53 Sean MacDermott Street Lower, Dublin 1.

Telephone: 222 2932, 222 2253, 222 5331

Contacts: [email protected] [email protected]

1 | P a g e [email protected]



Tuesday 12th January, 2016 at 10.00 am.


6202 Minutes of the Central Area Committee meeting held on 8th December, 2015 (Attached) pages 4-6

6203 Questions to the Area Manager (Attached) pages 67-68

Planning and Development Matters

6204 With reference to Derelict Sites Quarterly Report (Report & Maps Attached) pages 9-12

6205 With reference to the proposed disposal of site at Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1. (Report & Maps Attached) pages 13-15

6206 With reference to the proposed grant of a three year licence in a building within the Dorset Street Flats Complex to Lily’s Adventures Playschool Company Limited By Guarantee. (Report & Maps Attached) pages 16-18

6207 With reference to the disposal of a site to the rear of No. 7 First Avenue, Dublin 1 (Report & Maps Attached) pages 19-20

6208 With reference to the proposed granting of a three-year Sublease in Unit 3, Killarney Court, Buckingham Street Upper, Dublin 1. (Report & Maps Attached) pages 21-23

Roads & Traffic Department Matters

6209 With reference minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting of 15th December, 2015. (Report Attached) pages 24-47 Central Area Matters

6210 With reference to the Area Budget 2016

6211 With reference to Central Area Sport and Recreational report (Report Attached) pages 48-49

6212 Updates on the following: Environmental Services Unit pages 50-54 North East and North West Inner City Housing Issues pages 55-60 Grangegorman Development page 61-62 Central Area Age Friendly Update pages 63-64

3 | P a g e Community Development Section pages 65-66 (Reports Attached)


6213 Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Committee agrees that at the Casual Trading Review (ACU) Moore Street traders be given the option of Sunday trading. 6214 Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Committee agrees that for 2016 all name plates be renewed where needed in the North Inner City.

NEXT MEETING 9th February, 2016


12 noon on Wednesday 27 th January, 2016.



Tuesday 8th December, 2015 at 10.00 am.


Standing Orders were suspended in order to discuss the ban on filming in Henrietta Street implemented by the Assistant Chief Executive. The Members expressed their concern with the implementation of the ban and were informed that a Mediator is in place and the outcome of the mediation is due in mid January, 2016. Members also requested that a copy of the protocol for filming in the Public Domain be sent to them.

6186 Minutes of the Central Area Committee meeting held on 10th November, 2015 ORDER: Agreed.

6187 Questions to the Area Manager ORDER: Noted.

Planning and Development Matters

6188 With reference to compliance with the provisions of Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) and in compliance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2001, notification of intention to carry out the proposed development at the Point Roundabout, Dublin 1. ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. The Councillors emphasised that the report being brought to the January City Council meeting must include confirmation that this development will not adversely impact the residents of Castleforbes Road.

6189 With reference to Planning Enforcement Quarterly Report. ORDER: Report Noted.

6190 With reference to the proposed grant of a Lease of the premises at 28 Stoneybatter/30 Arbour Place, Dublin 7. ORDER: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.

Roads & Traffic Department Matters

6191 With reference to a presentation on Traffic Division’s Age Friendly Dublin strategy. ORDER: Presentation Noted.

6192 With reference minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group Meeting of 24th November, 2015. ORDER: Report Noted.

Culture Recreation Amenity and Community

6193 With reference to an update on Mountjoy Park ORDER: Report Noted.

5 | P a g e Central Area Matters

6194 With reference to North East Inner City Action Plan ORDER: Report Noted.

6195 With reference to Central Area Sport and Recreational report ORDER: Report Noted. The Committee asked that their congratulations be sent to Treacy Byrne and the staff of the Ballybough Youth Community and Fitness Centre for their recent win in the Chambers Ireland Award for Excellence in Local Government under the Health and Wellbeing category.

6196 With reference to a report on Moore Street ORDER: Report Noted.

6197 Updates on the following: Environmental Services Unit North East and North West Inner City Housing Issues Grangegorman Development Central Area Age Friendly Update Community Development Section ORDER: Reports Noted. Councillors comments are as follows; (1) That a monthly update be included in the agenda for the Sophia Housing project on Sean MacDermott Street. (2) That a list of outstanding voids in the Central Area be sent to the Members (3) That a list of “buy back” properties acquired in the Central Area in 2015 be sent to the Members (4) That an update be given on Castleforbes social housing (5) That the Planning Department to be requested to clarify if the SDZ would need to be amended in order that a municipal swimming pool be included in the Grangegorman Campus. (6) That Professor Norton, DIT be invited to the February meeting of the Central Area Committee to discuss the Grangegorman Campus and what it has to offer. (7) That a copy of the Age Friendly Action Plan Update for the Central Area be sent to each Member. (8) That Declan Wallace and Brian Hanney be invited to the January meeting of the Central Area Committee to discuss the EU Directive on Prioritisation of Waste and how it will impact on the North Inner City.


6198 Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Committee agrees that if there are any vacant units at Fr. Scully Complex, Dublin 1 that Dublin City Council acquires these units. ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor. The Councillors requested that their concerns were expressed to the Housing Department over the vacant units in Father Scully House and that these units are vacant in the complex because of the high rent cost.

6 | P a g e 6199 Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Committee sends its condolences to the family of the late Marion Steenson of Leinster Avenue and acknowledges her immense contribution to the Republican cause over her lifetime. ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the family of the late Marion Steenson.

6200 Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan

That this Committee has serious concerns about the Governments proposals to sell off City Council houses, we want to ensure that any monies raised from their sale is ring fenced and used to supplement funding from the Department of the Environment for the building of social housing. ORDER: Report to Councillor.

6201 Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Committee calls on the City Council to ensure the protection and development of 41 Parnell Square. ORDER: Report to Councillor. Attendance

Cllr. Nial Ring (Chairperson) Cllr. Ciaran Cuffe (Vice Chairperson) Cllr. Ray McAdam Cllr. Eilis Ryan Cllr. Christy Burke Cllr. Gaye Fagan Cllr. Gary Gannon

Apologies Cllr. Janice Boylan

Officials Rose Kenny, Executive Manager, Central Area Eileen Gleeson, Senior Executive Officer, Central Area Eoin Walsh, Assistant Engineer, Traffic Division Mary Hussey, Senior Executive Engineer, Roads and Traffic Planning Claire French, Assistant Engineer, Roads and Traffic Planning Karen Hosie, Senior Executive ITS Officer, ITS Section Chris Butler, Area Housing Manager, Central Area Sean Smith, Area Housing Manager, Central Area John McPartlan, Public Domain Officer, Central Area Cathy Cassidy, Senior Staff Officer, Central Area Sandra Walley, Assistant Staff Officer, Central Area

Councillor Nial Ring Chairperson 8 th December, 2015 Motions with Replies Central Area Committee Meeting 8 th December, 2015

7 | P a g e Item 6198

Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Committee agrees that if there are any vacant units at Fr. Scully Complex, Dublin 1 that Dublin City Council acquire these units. Report

Catholic Housing Aid (CHAS) has reported that 92 of the 99 units in Fr Scully House are tenanted. All 90 one- bedroom units are occupied. The seven unallocated units are two- bedroom units some of which are in the process of allocation to those with special needs. These units were built at public expense using CAS (Capital Assistance Scheme) funding. Dublin City Council exercised its nomination rights during tenancy selection.

As these units are already funded conditional on them being utilised for social housing purposes the acquisition of them by Dublin City Council would result in public funds being used twice for the same units. Dublin City Council will continue to work with CHAS to ensure the units are allocated as quickly as possible.

Item 6199

Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Committee sends its condolences to the family of the late Marion Steenson of Leinster Avenue and acknowledges her immense contribution to the Republican cause over her lifetime. Report

This is a matter for the members to agree or otherwise.

Item 6200

Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan

That this Committee has serious concerns about the Governments proposals to sell off City Council houses, we want to ensure that any monies raised from their sale is ring fenced and used to supplement funding from the Department of the Environment for the building of social housing. Report

The incremental Tenant Purchase Scheme for existing local authority houses is set out in Part 3 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014 and will commence on January 1, 2016. Local authority tenants will be given the opportunity to purchase their houses on a discounted basis subject to certain criteria. If a tenant purchases a dwelling under the scheme a charge, equal to the value of the discount they qualified for, will be placed on the dwelling which will wither over time.

It is proposed that any monies received will be used towards the refurbishment and or development of future social housing stock.

Item 6201

Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Committee calls on the City Council to ensure the protection and development of 41 Parnell Square. Report

8 | P a g e Title to this building is currently registered to Dublin City Council. Ownership of this building is due to be transferred to Mr Lynskey and Mr Bermingham by Order of the High Court in 2008 on completion of an agreed schedule of works and on the placement of €75,000 on joint deposit. Whilst these conditions were met at the time, the City Council have been frustrated in attempts to conclude the transaction as a result of Mr Lysnsky and Mr Bermingham failing to engage. Counsel Advice is now being sought by the Law Department as to the best way to conclude this transaction.

On receipt of Counsel’s opinion the City Council will be in a better position to consider options for any future use of this property. It should be noted however that any project to restore the main building and reconstruct the hall would be expected to cost in excess of €3-€4M.

9 | P a g e Planning & Property Development Department

An Roinn Pleanála & Forbairt Maoine

To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee


I attach details of sites in the Central Area where action has been taken in November, under the following headings :

- Number of new complaints. - Number of sites inspected. - Sites where formal action has been taken under the Derelict Sites Act 1990. - Sites currently under investigation with a view to formal action under the Derelict Sites Act 1990. - Sites on the Derelict Sites Register

Please contact the Derelict Sites Section, details below, if further information is required. [email protected]

Nial Dully, Grade 7 and Tom Vaughan, Grade 6 (Derelict Sites Section, Building Control & Enforcement) tel 222 3941, 3315 Fiona Devlin, Grade 5 (Levies & Case Management) tel 222 3381 Eoin Lawlor, Grade 5 (Case Management & Inspections) tel 222 3385 Suzanne Lacey, Grade 4 (Case Management/Administration) tel 222 3015 Dermot Rowe, Investigation Officer (Derelict Sites Inspections, Bonds Inspections, Development Contributions Inspections) tel 222 5170

P. Clegg Executive Manager

10 | P a g e Central Area Derelict Sites Report

(1) Number of new complaints : 2

(2) Number of sites inspected : 17

(3) Sites where formal action has been taken under the Derelict Sites Act 1990

Location Update

Amiens Street, 49-51, D.1. Section 8(2) Notice served. Section 8(2) Notice served.

Brunswick Street North, 22- Updated Reference of Ownership requested from Law Department. 27, Dublin 7.

Church Road / East Wall Building has been demolished - works ongoing. Road - former Cahill's Printers site, D.3.

Church Road, 130, D.3. Updated reference requested.

Oxmantown Lane, site at rear of 6-11 Hendrick Street, Overgrowth and litter largely removed – subject to ongoing review. D.7.

Ravensdale Road, 31-51, New Planning Application lodged by An Post - subject to ongoing D.3 review.

Rawlton House, Sherrard Owner requested to carry out improvement works. Street, D.1

Seville Place 45, D.1. Owner requested to carry out improvement works

**[S.8(2)] Notice of Intention to enter on the Derelict Sites Register. [S.8(7)] Entry on the Derelict Sites Register with resultant imposition of a levy equating to 3% of market value of the derelict site. Unpaid levies attract interest of 1.25% per month.

11 | P a g e (4) Sites currently under investigation with a view to formal action under the Derelict Sites Act 1990.

Location Update

Annesley Place, 2, North Strand, D.3. Recent planning applicant requested to carry out improvement works.

Bargy Road, 52, East Wall, D.3. Owners asked to cut back overgrowth Owners requested to carry out improvement works. in garden.

Benburb Street, 25, D.7. Owners written to and asked about Timetable for development/refurbishment sought from their timetable for owner. .

Blessington Court, 5, D7 Owner requested to carry out improvement works.

Coke Lane - site at (formerly No.4 Development works at an advanced stage - subject to Works have started at this site - being ongoing review. kept under review. Coke Lane), Smithfield, D.7.

Devery's Lane (rear 138-139 Phibsboro Road), D7 Structures demolished and site secured. fronts site.

Manor Street, 30, D.7. Owner requested to carry out improvement works.

North Strand Road, 174/1 Seville Estate Agents requested to carry out improvement works. Letter sent to Estate Agents asking that remedial works be Terrace, D.1. carried out

Strangford Road, 16, East Wall, D.3. Improvement works carried out. No further action required.

12 | P a g e Talbot Street, No.2 & adj. & rear of, D.1. Reference of ownership requested.

(5) Sites on Derelict Sites Register (DSR).

Location Owner Date of Entry

22B Ballybough Road Annesley Motor Company Ltd. (Dissolved) 25/06/2009

32 Great Charles Street Daniel Byrne 15/08/2011

Oxmantown Lane, (rear 6-11 Hendrick Street) Mr. Jim Hamilton Receiver, BDO Ireland, 21/12/2010

Terrace Place (6), rear 23 Rutland Street Bryan Reilly & Philomena Kennedy c/o N. 20/10/2008 Lacy Solicitors

6 Nelson Street May Costello 12/03/2015

13 | P a g e Development Department Civic Offices

4th January 2016 To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee

With reference to the proposed disposal of site at Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1.

Dublin City Council holds the freehold title in the site at Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1. An application was received from Carrowmore Property Limited, the owners of the adjacent business centre (former IDA site) to purchase this site. This company have received planning permission for the student accommodation on their site and intend to use the Councils site for student accommodation also (subject to Planning Permission). The Chief Valuer has advised that agreement has been reached with Mr Patrick Cox acting on behalf of Carrowmore Property Limited in respect of this disposal. It is therefore proposed to dispose of the site at Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1 to Carrowmore Property Limited subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. That the subject property is as shown outlined in red on the attached map index no.SM-2015-0792 having an area of approximately 0.1 ha/0.25 acres or thereabouts.

2. That the consideration in full and final settlement shall be in the sum of €600,000 (six hundred thousand euro) plus VAT which shall be payable as follows: a. 10% deposit on signing of contracts, which must take place within three months of receipt of the requisite approvals of the City Council b. 70% payable upon entry on site c. 20% balance on transfer of title when the building has reached practical completion d. Interest at the rate of 12% per annum compounded shall apply to outstanding amounts which have not been paid as they have fallen due.

3. In the event whereby planning permission is granted for less than, or more than, 100 student bed spaces, the disposal price will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis to reflect this.

4. That the applicant must lodge a planning application within four months of receipt of the requisite approvals of the City Council to this proposed disposal. If this does not occur the City Council, at its absolute discretion, may decide not to pursue this agreement.

5. That the applicant will be allowed one opportunity to submit a planning application to Dublin City Council and, if necessary, an appeal to An Bord Pleanala. In the event that a satisfactory planning permission is not achieved or planning is refused the full deposit paid will be returned (without payment of interest).

6. That if planning permission for a development is either refused (by Dublin City Council or An Bord Pleanála), or granted subject to onerous conditions, then either party may rescind the agreement within four weeks of the refusal or final grant of planning permission without penalty or compensation due to the other party, at that stage the deposit shall be returned without payment of interest. All related costs to be borne by the applicant.

7. That the applicant must commence work on site under licence from the City Council within two months of the date of final grant of planning permission and must complete the development under one building contract within twenty four months from that date.

8. That this agreement is non-assignable or transferable to any other party, save in the case of a Financial Institution which has entered into a mortgage with the purchaser for the purposes of financing development of the site, which mortgage must be approved by the City Council in writing,

14 | P a g e and must have been entered into specifically for the purpose of financing the purchaser to undertake the development of the site.

9. That all site investigations (including archaeological investigations), ground works, services connections, planning fees, development and associated professional costs incurred in the delivery of the completed development on the site shall be paid by the applicant.

10. That in the event of the applicant failing to commence and/or complete the building works in accordance with the granted planning permission, or within the specified period, the Council shall be entitled to take possession of the site, together with any building or structures erected thereon, at no cost to the Council.

11. That the applicant shall ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken in accordance with Health & Safety Regulations and all other statutory requirements.

12. That during the building period, the applicant will insure the buildings against fire and all other insurable risks with an appropriate insurance policy and pay all necessary premiums or in the event of the purchasers bankruptcy or insolvency save in the case of a Financial Institution which has entered into a mortgage with the purchaser for the purposes of financing development of the site.

13. That the insurance shall be in the joint names of the applicant and the City Council and will be for such an amount as will provide cover for full reinstatement value of so much of the building as is erected at any time together with a sum for Professional Fees and removal of debris charges. The applicant’s financial institution may be a mentioned party on this insurance policy.

14. That the applicant and his design team shall also indemnify the City Council against any claim for compensation which may be made by any party arising out of building works being carried out on the site, or any working areas or on any access points thereto.

15. That the fee simple title to the subject lands shall be transferred when the building has reached practical completion of the approved development, as certified by the City Architect.

That any of the dates/time frames outlined above may be extended by the Executive Manager at his absolute discretion and all notices must be given in writing.

That the above proposal is subject to the necessary approvals and consents being obtained.

Please note that no agreement enforceable at law is created or intended to be created until exchange of contracts has taken place.

The above terms shall include any amendments and/or other conditions as are deemed appropriate by Dublin City Council’s Law Agent.

Paul Clegg A/Assistant Chief Executive

15 | P a g e 16 | P a g e Development Department Civic Offices

17th December 2015 To the Chairperson and Members of The Central Area Committee

With reference to the proposed grant of a three year licence in a building within the Dorset Street Flats Complex to Lily’s Adventures Playschool Company Limited By Guarantee. ______The Central Area Office has requested that a 3-year licence be granted to Lily’s Adventures Playschool Company Limited By Guarantee of a building within the Dorset Street Flats Complex to provide a childcare service and a community facility in the local area. The subject building is shown outlined in red and shaded pink on Map Index Number SM-2015- 1039.

It is proposed to grant the licence subject to the following terms and conditions: -

1. The duration of the licence shall be for a period of three years only commencing 6th January 2015.

2. The licence fee shall be €8,000 (eight thousand euro) per annum abated to €127 (one hundred and twenty seven euro) per annum provided that the premises continue to be used as a childcare service and community service facility only.

3. The applicant shall be liable for any rates and taxes on the premises for the period of the licence.

4. The applicant shall not be liable for the payment of VAT on the creation of the licence.

5. No structural works shall be carried out at the premises.

6. The applicant shall not assign or sublet the demised premises.

7. The premises shall be handed over on termination in no poorer state of repair and condition to that which exists at present.

8. Each party shall be responsible for their own legal fees in this matter.

9. The licensee shall sign a dead of renunciation.

The dates for the performances of any of the requirements of the proposed agreement may be amended at the absolute discretion of the Executive Manager.

The disposal shall be subject to any such covenants and conditions as the Law Agent in his discretion shall stipulate.

17 | P a g e No agreement enforceable at law is created or intended to be created until an exchange of contracts has taken place.

Paul Clegg______Executive Manager

18 | P a g e 19 | P a g e Development Department Civic Offices

18th December 2015 To the Chairperson and Members of The Central Area Committee

With reference to the disposal of a site to the rear of No. 7 First Avenue, Dublin 1 ______

An application has been received from O’Hanrahan Lally Solicitors on behalf of Gemma Hogan to purchase a plot of ground to the rear of No. 7 First Avenue, Dublin 1. The plot of ground in question is shown outlined in red on Map Index No. SM-2015-0911-03 and has an area of approx. 7 sq.m.

It is proposed to dispose of the City Council’s interest in the plot of ground to Gemma Hogan subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. That the Council dispose the subject plot for the consideration of €250 (two hundred and fifty euro) plus VAT if applicable.

2. That the subject plot comprises an area of 7 sq. m or thereabouts.

3. That the land is disposed of with full freehold title and vacant possession.

4. That the subject land is not encumbered by any services.

5. That the applicant holds the freehold or equivalent interest in No.7 First Avenue, Seville Place, Dublin 1.

6. That the applicant shall pay Valuers fees of €250 plus VAT.

7. That the applicant shall pay the Council’s legal fees.

The dates for the performances of any of the requirements of the proposed agreement may be amended at the absolute discretion of the Executive Manager.

The disposal shall be subject to any such covenants and conditions as the Law Agent in his discretion shall stipulate.

No agreement enforceable at law is created or intended to be created until an exchange of contracts has taken place.

Paul Clegg______Executive Manager

20 | P a g e 21 | P a g e Development Department, Civic Offices.

23rd December 2015

To The Chairman and Members of the Central Area Committee

With reference to the proposed granting of a three-year Sublease in Unit 3, Killarney Court, Buckingham Street Upper, Dublin 1. ______

The property known as Unit 3 Killarney Court, Dublin 1 is held by Dublin City Council under an Indenture of Lease from Clúid Housing Association for a term of 999 years from 1st January 2003.

By way of Agreement dated 21st November 2013 the property which is more particularly delineated on Map Index No. SM2010-0464, was let by Dublin City Council to the Community Policing Forum for a term of 3 years from the 1st January 2013.

This letting is due to expire on 31st December 2015 and the Community Policing Forum has applied to Dublin City Council for a further letting in the property. It is proposed to grant a further letting of Unit 3, Killarney Court, Buckingham Street Upper, Dublin 1 to the Inter- Agency Drugs Project Limited (on behalf of the Community Policing Forum), subject to the following terms and conditions.

1. That the letting shall be for a period of 3-years with a commencement date of the 1 st January 2016.

2. That the letting shall be on a full repairing and insuring basis at a rent of €7,000 (seven thousand euro) per annum abated to €4,800 (four thousand eight hundred euro) per annum exclusive of all outgoings.

3. That the rent shall be payable quarterly in advance by direct debit mandate.

4. That the tenant shall be required to sign a Deed of Renunciation whereby any entitlement to a new tenancy which may be acquired under the provisions of landlord and tenant legislation is renounced.

5. That the tenant shall be responsible for utilities and all charges applicable to the unit including taxes, service charges etc.

6. That the tenant shall not assign or sublet the premises.

7. That the tenant shall be responsible for fully insuring the premises and that the insurance policy shall be to the satisfaction of the Council.

8. That the tenant shall keep the premises in good condition and repair during the term of the letting.

22 | P a g e 9. On termination of the letting, the tenant shall at its own expense remove all materials not belonging to the Council and shall leave the property clean and cleared to the satisfaction of the Council.

Paul Clegg ______Executive Manager

23 | P a g e 24 | P a g e 25 | P a g e 26 | P a g e Traffic Service Requests, Status Report at 15 th December, 2015 Central Area Committee Meeting, Date 12 th January, 2016.

Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) Service Request Statistics 201 5 Total TAG Requests received 189 Total of TAG Requests Completed 73

No. Requests received since previous report of 15th November, 2015 13

Total Requests currently open on Sharepoint 152

Breakdown of Requests currently open on Sharepoint Stage 1 6 Stage 2 110 Stage 3 3 Stage 4 22

27 | P a g e Stage 5 11

Non TAG Service Requests Statistics 201 5 Total Non- TAG Requests received 2015 489 of which Requests Completed 252 Requests currently open on Sharepoint (received since 2013) 301

Traffic Advisory Group Status Reports

Explanation of Stages:

 Stage 1 - Set up file, Assignment to Engineer, etc  Stage 2 - Assessment, Site surveys, review statutory orders, etc  Stage 3 - Consultations, with Garda, Dublin Bus, Luas, NTA, Local residents / businesses, etc  Stage 4 - Decision, TAG group, statutory orders, etc  Stage 5 - Implementation, signs, lines, construction, signal changes, certifications, etc

Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 1 6001 STONEYBATT D7 Yellow Box at the junction of 24/01/2013 Stage 4 ER (C-EA) Stoneybatter and Arbour Place.

28 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 2 7737 MARY STREET D1 requires additional 20/06/2013 Stage 2 (C-EA) pedestrian safety measures. 3 8417 CHURCH D1 Right Turn from Church Street 23/08/2013 Stage 4 STREET (C- Filter Light onto King Street EA) North. 4 8664 KING STREET D7 Traffic at the junction of 12/09/2013 Stage 2 NORTH (C- Calming Queen Street. EA) 5 9577 CLONLIFFE D3 One-Way Request for one-way 20/11/2013 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- System system on Clonliffe EA) Avenue. 6 9652 SAINT D7 Pay & Display Request to extend Pay 26/11/2013 Stage 5 MARY'S & Permit and Display and TERRACE (C- Parking Permit Parking Bays EA) (extension of on St Mary's Terrace. area) 7 10430 HALSTON D7 Disabled Request for general 30/01/2014 Stage 5 STREET (C- Parking Bay use Disabled Parking EA) (General) Bays (x 2 requested) outside St. Michan's Church. 8 10552 GARDINER D1 Pedestrian at the junction 06/02/2014 Stage 4 PLACE (C-EA) Crossing 9 11085 WILLIAM D1 Yellow Box at the junction of 11/03/2014 Stage 2 STREET Catherine Court. NORTH (C- EA)

29 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 10 12065 PRUSSIA D7 Right Turn From Prussia Street 13/05/2014 Stage 2 STREET (C- Filter Light onto North Circular EA) Road 11 12066 CHURCH D3 Traffic Request for measures 13/05/2014 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Calming to reduce speeds and levels of traffic 12 12067 ABERCORN D3 Traffic Request for measures 13/05/2014 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Calming to reduce speeds and levels of traffic 13 12087 NORTH WALL D1 No Left Turn Rescind 'No Left Turn' 15/04/2014 Stage 2 QUAY (C-EA) (Rescind) for buses only, From North Wall Quay onto Samuel Beckett Bridge 14 12515 RICHMOND D1 School Keep Yellow zig-zag lines 20/05/2014 Stage 2 STREET Clear o/s the gates of O' NORTH (C- Connell Christian EA) Brothers Secondary School, North Richmond St. 15 13241 AUGHRIM D7 Double on the southeast side 03/07/2014 Stage 5 PLACE (C-EA) Yellow Lines of the road. 16 13247 MARY'S LANE D7 Single Yellow at the Fruit & 16/07/2014 Stage 5 (C-EA) Line Vegetable Market at (Rescind) the front gate only, as you step outside on the left.

30 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 17 13774 BUCKINGHA D1 Engineer Request to examine 28/07/2014 Stage 2 M STREET Query the road in relation to LOWER (C- cars parking nose to EA) kerb 18 13921 DORSET D1 Disabled For back entrance to 08/09/2014 Stage 2 STREET Parking Bay "Kelly's Way" shop at LOWER (C- (General) Mater Hospital. EA) (laneway behind the shop) 19 13954 BELVIDERE D1 Double Request to remove 10/09/2014 Stage 2 COURT (C-EA) Yellow Lines dyls at above. (Rescind) 20 13956 BELVIDERE D1 Pay & Display Request for pay and 10/09/2014 Stage 2 COURT (C-EA) Parking display parking at above 21 14108 CHURCH D7 Yellow Box at East Road junction. 08/09/2014 Stage 2 STREET EAST (C-EA) 22 14190 MEMORIAL D1 Bus Lane from the junction of 18/09/2014 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Busárus to Custom House Quay. 23 14264 OSSORY D3 Double on the south side of 23/09/2014 Stage 4 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines Crosbie’s Yard (Rescind) Apartments. 24 14302 SEAN MAC D1 Pay & Display Pay and display and 15/09/2014 Stage 5 DERMOTT Parking rescind clearway. STREET LOWER (C-

31 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status EA)

25 14408 MANOR D7 Yellow Box at the junction of 14/10/2014 Stage 2 STREET (C- Manor Street and EA) Manor Place.(extend existing yellow box on Manor Street at junction with Kirwan Street) 26 14452 BACHELORS D1 Bus Stop moving of bus parking 14/10/2014 Stage 4 WALK (C-EA) (General away from the narrow Query) stretch of footpath outside No. 13A Bachelors Walk. 27 14561 NORTH D3 School Ahead Request for additional 07/10/2014 Stage 2 STRAND Sign sign at St Columba's ROAD (C-EA) School. 28 14571 WESTERN D1 Bus Lane Rescind bus land and 10/10/2014 Stage 2 WAY (C-EA) (Removal) relocate the central white line 29 14678 SHERIFF D1 Zebra near the junction of 09/10/2014 Stage 2 STREET Crossing Castleforbes Road. UPPER (C-EA) 30 14708 SUMMER D1 Double Near laneway 17/10/2014 Stage 4 STREET Yellow Lines entrance accessing NORTH (C- rear of Sean O'Casey EA) Avenue.

32 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 31 14959 PORTLAND D1 Pay & Display on the road. 29/10/2014 Stage 3 STREET & Permit NORTH (C- Parking EA) 32 15087 SHERIFF D1 Zebra close to Castleforbes 11/11/2014 Stage 2 STREET Crossing Road UPPER (C-EA) 33 15088 CASTLEFORB D1 Zebra at the junction of 11/11/2014 Stage 2 ES ROAD (C- Crossing Sheriff Street Upper EA) and Castleforbes Road 34 15203 BERKELEY D7 Loading Bay outside "Selections" 11/11/2014 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Newsagents, No.22A. 35 15826 BERESFORD D1 Pedestrian crossing from 05/12/2014 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) Crossing Gardiner Street Lower to Custom House. 36 15855 CLONLIFFE D3 Bus Cage rescind all bus cage 15/12/2014 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Marking markings on Clonliffe (Rescind) Road as bus stop poles have been removed re Dublin Bus. 37 16016 ECCLES D7 Parking outside No. 57. 02/01/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Prohibition EA) 38 16030 CLONLIFFE D3 One-Way on the road. 13/01/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- System EA)

33 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 39 16085 GARDINER D8 Advance Requesting advance 06/01/2015 Stage 5 STREET Cycle Stop stop box for cyclists LOWER (C- Line EA) 40 16283 DENMARK D1 Bus Stop Bus stop for Denmark 23/01/2015 Stage 2 STREET (General Street outside Barrys GREAT (C-EA) Query) Hotel and The Belvedere Hotel 41 16467 NORTH D1 No Right Turn from North Circular 30/01/2015 Stage 2 CIRCULAR Road onto Dorset ROAD (C-EA) Street Lower. 42 16493 CLONLIFFE D3 Intelligent request review of 03/02/2015 Stage 4 ROAD (C-EA) Traffic Signals filter light from Clonliffe Road onto Jones's Road. 43 16512 SAINT D7 No Right Turn From St. Joseph's 04/02/2015 Stage 2 JOSEPH'S Road onto Prussia ROAD (C-EA) Street, during morning peak. 44 16588 KILLARNEY D1 Pay & Display on the road. 09/02/2015 Stage 3 AVENUE (C- & Permit EA) Parking 45 16671 ARRAN D7 Road Introduce road 10/02/2015 Stage 2 STREET EAST Markings markings for existing (C-EA) Pay & Display & Permit spaces on Arran St West.

34 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 46 16676 MARLBOROU D1 Double Query re recent 12/02/2015 Stage 5 GH PLACE (C- Yellow Lines installation of DYL's at EA) 1A Marlborough Place in the Pay and Display Parking Area. 47 16759 NORTH D3 Yellow Box at the main entrance 17/02/2015 Stage 2 STRAND to The Strand ROAD (C-EA) apartments. 48 16830 MARLBOROU D1 Loading Bay Loading bay for front 20/02/2015 Stage 2 GH PLACE (C- of Star Print Signs, 1A EA) Marlborough Place. 49 16960 BOLTON D1 Pedestrian At the junction of 26/02/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Crossing Bolton EA) Street/Henrietta Street. 50 16984 SAINT D7 School Keep and rumble strips 26/02/2015 Stage 5 MARY'S Clear outside St. Mary's PLACE Primary School. NORTH (C- EA) 51 17084 BROADSTON D7 Pay & Display Requesting disc 07/03/2015 Stage 4 E AVENUE (C- & Permit parking to be put in EA) Parking place. 52 17226 HARBOUR D1 Double on the laneway. 18/03/2015 Stage 2 COURT (C-EA) Yellow Lines (Rescind) 53 17356 GLOUCESTER D1 Parking outside 10 Gloucester 27/03/2015 Stage 5 PLACE Prohibition Place.

35 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status LOWER (C- EA) 54 17432 WELLINGTON D7 Traffic on the road. 07/04/2015 Stage 2 STREET Calming UPPER (C-EA) 55 17500 BELVIDERE D1 Loading Bay in vicinity of 12-12A 01/04/2015 Stage 2 COURT (C-EA) (Offices of MTS Security) 56 17517 TALBOT D1 Stop Sign At junction with 13/04/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Marlborough Street. EA) 57 17634 PRUSSIA D8 Filter Light from prussia street 17/04/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- onto the NCR EA) 58 17699 EAST WALL D3 Yellow Box at junction of West 14/04/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Road. 59 17827 SAINT D7 Disabled adjacent to no.21. Pay 24/04/2015 Stage 4 BENEDICT'S Parking Bay and Display and GARDENS (C- (Residential) Permit Parking will EA) have to be rescinded. 60 17847 GRENVILLE D1 3 Tonne Limit on the road. 25/04/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- EA) 61 17850 BALLYBOUGH D3 No Right Turn from Ballybough Road 27/04/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) onto Clonmore Road during evening peak. 62 17886 SEVILLE D1 Double on the road. 28/04/2015 Stage 2 TERRACE (C- Yellow Lines

36 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status EA)

63 17908 ARBOUR D7 request for safety 29/04/2015 Stage 2 TERRACE (C- review by visually EA) impaired resident at top of Arbour Terrace. 64 17933 CHURCH D7 Coach To increase the 29/04/2015 Stage 2 STREET NEW Parking maximum stay time (C-EA) restriction on the Coach Parking. 65 17946 WESTERN D7 Pedestrian Request for a 01/05/2015 Stage 2 WAY (C-EA) Crossing pedestrian crossing to be installed on Western Way. 66 17947 GEORGE'S D1 Pay & Display From 0700-1000 hrs 05/05/2015 Stage 4 PLACE (C-EA) Parking (current hours) to (change of 0900 to 1200 hrs hours) Monday to Friday. 67 17948 KINGS D3 Disabled Request to extend the 05/05/2015 Stage 4 AVENUE (C- Parking Bay bay outside No. 26. EA) (Residential) 68 18042 GREEN D7 Disabled at the Macro 07/05/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Parking Bay Community Resource EA) (General) Centre, No. 1. Pay and Display Parking will have to be rescinded. 69 18043 BUCKINGHA D1 Disabled at Unit 4 Killarney 07/05/2015 Stage 2 M STREET Parking Bay Court.

37 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status UPPER (C-EA) (General)

70 18061 CLONLIFFE D3 Speed Ramps on the road. 07/05/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- EA) 71 18108 MANOR D7 Pay & Display Extend hours of 12/05/2015 Stage 3 PLACE (C-EA) & Permit Resident's Parking Parking Scheme at Manor (change of Place, Stoneybatter to hours) 7.00-24.00 all week. 72 18114 CLONLIFFE D3 Parking at the junction of 12/05/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Prohibition Orchard Road. 73 18158 SAINT D7 Disabled outside No. 21. 14/05/2015 Stage 2 BENEDICT'S Parking Bay GARDENS (C- (Residential) EA) 74 18282 PARKGATE D8 Loading Bay outside Nancy Hands 21/05/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Bar & Restaurant, No. EA) 30-32, from 9am to 12noon. 75 18414 GRANBY D1 Double outside No. 43. 28/05/2015 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) Yellow Lines (Rescind) 76 18475 COMMONS D1 Pay & Display on Commons Street. 03/06/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- & Permit EA) Parking (Rescind)

38 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 77 18492 SUSANVILLE D3 Double at the side of No. 150, 04/06/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines Clonliffe Road. (Extend) 78 18571 QUEEN D7 Clearway Amend the hours on 09/06/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- (Amend the street EA) Hours) 79 18712 SAINT D3 Disabled outside No. 9. 16/06/2015 Stage 4 BRIGID'S Parking Bay AVENUE (C- (Rescind EA) Residential) 80 18807 STONEYBATT D7 Pedestrian Pedestrian crossing 22/06/2015 Stage 2 ER (C-EA) Crossing for junction of Stoneybatter, Brunswick St North & Arbour Hill.

81 18825 POPLAR ROW D3 Filter Light Request for filter light 19/06/2015 Stage 2 (C-EA) 82 18860 BERKELEY D3 Double at Father McSweeney 23/06/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Yellow Lines House on Berkley EA) Street and to the side of the building (beside No. 12/13 Berkley Street) 83 18915 CAPEL D1 Engineer Problems at this 26/06/2015 Stage 4 STREET (C- Query junction with cyclists EA)

39 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 84 18928 LUCKY LANE D7 Double Request for Double 25/06/2015 Stage 5 (C-EA) Yellow Lines yellow lines on above 85 18950 QUARRY D7 Pedestrian Request for 30/06/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Crossing Pedestrian crossing (traffic lights ) at Quarry road D7 86 18957 BOTANIC D9 Yellow Box Request for yellow 30/07/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) box at junction of the Smurfit site on Botanic Road 87 18983 HOPE D3 Yellow Box Request for yellow 02/07/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- box at junction of EA) Hope Road/East Wall Rd 88 18984 FAITH D3 Yellow Box Request for yellow 02/07/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- box at junction of EA) Faith Ave/Eastwall Rd 89 18986 STONEY D3 Yellow Box at the junction of 02/07/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Stoney Road/East Wall Road. 90 18993 ARKLOW D7 Pay & Display on the road. 02/07/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- & Permit EA) Parking 91 19046 FITZROY D3 Pay & Display on the road. 06/07/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- & Permit EA) Parking

40 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 92 19094 COMMONS D1 Pay & Display on Commons Street. 09/07/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- & Permit EA) Parking (Rescind)

93 19183 GLENGARRIF D7 Children in Phibsborough area, 10/07/2015 Stage 2 F PARADE (C- Crossing Sign particularly at EA) junction of Glengarriff Parade & St. Ignatius Rd. 94 19199 BRUNSWICK D7 Pedestrian at the junction of 16/07/2015 Stage 2 STREET Crossing Stoneybatter, crossing NORTH (C- from Walsh’s Pub to EA) Centra. 95 19231 O'DEVANEY D7 Double on the road. 20/07/2015 Stage 2 GARDENS (C- Yellow Lines EA) 96 19331 CLINCHS D3 Parking at the rear of No. 41, 23/07/2015 Stage 2 COURT (C-EA) Prohibition North Strand Road. 97 19387 MONTPELIER D7 Traffic request for ramps 24/07/2015 Stage 2 HILL (C-EA) Calming &/or signage. 98 19405 DISTILLERY D3 Double Requesting double 27/07/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines yellow lines be (Rescind) removed from Distillery Road

41 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 99 19420 CHARLES D1 Double Request for Double 30/07/2015 Stage 2 STREET Yellow Lines Yellow Lines at the GREAT (C-EA) bottom of Nth Great Charles St, as Garda told her it is not permitted to park where there is an unbroken white line. 100 19460 TOLKA ROAD D3 Traffic on the road. 20/07/2015 Stage 2 (C-EA) Calming 101 19510 ORIEL STREET D1 Traffic on the road. 05/08/2015 Stage 2 LOWER (C- Calming EA) 102 19511 ORIEL STREET D1 Double Request for traffic 05/08/2015 Stage 2 LOWER (C- Yellow Lines calming at this EA) location. 103 19596 PHIBSBOROU D7 Bus Lane Bus Time 10/08/2015 Stage 4 GH ROAD (C- Improvement EA) measures on Constitution Hill and Phibsborough Road. 104 19606 SEAN MAC D1 Yellow Box at the junction of 12/08/2015 Stage 2 DERMOTT Cumberland Street STREET North, going south. UPPER (C-EA) 105 19645 SEAN MAC D1 Pay & Display on road. 13/08/2015 Stage 5 DERMOTT Parking STREET (Rescind)

42 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status LOWER (C- EA) 106 19662 AUSTINS D3 Double on the entrance road. 13/08/2015 Stage 2 COTTAGES (C- Yellow Lines EA) 107 19682 AUGHRIM D7 Double on the road. 14/08/2015 Stage 2 LANE (C-EA) Yellow Lines

108 19695 NORTH D7 Parking Parking prohibitions 17/08/2015 Stage 2 CIRCULAR Prohibition for 281 North Circular ROAD (C-EA) Road. 109 19737 ARBOUR HILL D7 One-Way Request for one way 20/08/2015 Stage 2 (C-EA) System system at narrow Eastern end of Arbour Hill 110 19738 GRANGEGOR D7 One-Way Request for one way 20/08/2015 Stage 4 MAN UPPER System system on (C-EA) Grangegorman Upper and Rathdown Road. 111 19747 LEINSTER D3 Disabled outside No. 7. 21/08/2015 Stage 4 STREET EAST Parking Bay (C-EA) (Residential) 112 19798 DORSET D2 Yellow Box Request for yellow 24/08/2015 Stage 2 STREET (Extend) box to be extended at UPPER (C-EA) above junction. 113 19939 NEW D1 Double Request for double 02/09/2015 Stage 4 WAPPING Yellow Lines yellow lines at rear of STREET (C- 1 to 6 upper Mayor

43 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status EA) Street

114 19941 JERVIS D1 Clearway regularise Clearways 03/09/2015 Stage 4 STREET (C- (Amend on Jervis Street. EA) Hours) 115 19991 SAINT D7 No Entry Request for NO ENTRY 04/09/2015 Stage 4 BENEDICT'S on Saint Benedict's GARDENS (C- Gardens at junction EA) with North Circular Road. 116 19993 GOLDSMITH D7 Speed Ramps Request for ramps on 04/09/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- above road EA) 117 20121 MONCK D7 Speed Ramps Request to have 11/09/2015 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) speed ramps and also ban on trucks on Monck Place. 118 20124 KILLARNEY D1 Disabled outside No 9 Killarney 14/09/2015 Stage 4 AVENUE (C- Parking Bay Avenue. EA) (Residential) 119 20156 PORTLAND D1 Double along by the 08/09/2015 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) Yellow Lines apartments 120 20286 ARKLOW D7 Pay & Display Request for pay and 21/09/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Parking display parking on EA) above street

44 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 121 20330 SHERIFF D2 Yellow Box at turn from Sheriff 21/09/2015 Stage 2 STREET street into Amiens St LOWER (C- and taxi lines EA) repainted 122 20461 NORTH D7 Bus Stop North Circular Rd Stop 29/09/2015 Stage 2 CIRCULAR Approvals 812 can it be built out ROAD (C-EA) (Alterations) to allow buses access passengers kerbside.

123 20462 MONTPELIER D8 Traffic Lights Request for traffic 29/09/2015 Stage 2 GARDENS (C- lights for buses EA) coming out from O Deavaney Gardens turning right onto Infirmary Rd. 124 20556 DISTILLERY D3 Double Request for double 02/10/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines yellow lines to be (Rescind) removed 125 20596 AUGHRIM D7 Double Request to have 06/10/2015 Stage 2 LANE (C-EA) Yellow Lines double yellow lines (Extend) extended to both sides of lane up to lamp standard No. 1. 126 20598 DISTILLERY D3 Yellow Box Request for yellow 06/10/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) box or double yellow lines at entrance to Richmond Road industrial estate.

45 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 127 20841 CHURCH D3 Bus Cage No bus stop road 14/10/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Marking markings at two locations on this road. 128 20867 ORIEL STREET D1 Double Near jct. with Sheriff 19/10/2015 Stage 2 UPPER (C-EA) Yellow Lines Street Lower on CIE Side of the road. 129 21060 GREEK D1 Electric Car Provision of Electric 28/10/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Bay Only Vehicle EA) Bays. 130 21086 PORTLAND D1 Pay & Display on the road. 25/10/2015 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) & Permit Parking 131 21098 PRUSSIA D7 Traffic Lights at junction with St 13/10/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- Joseph's Rd. EA) 132 21105 PRUSSIA D7 Filter Light from Prussia St onto 13/10/2015 Stage 2 STREET (C- NCR. EA) 133 21111 SHERIFF D3 Double at the jucntion of 29/09/2015 Stage 2 STREET Yellow Lines Abercorn Road. UPPER (C-EA) 134 21183 DORSET D1 Yellow Box at the junction of 30/10/2015 Stage 2 STREET (Extend) Wellington Street UPPER (C-EA) Lower. 135 27726 CHURCH D3 Double on Church Road, East 11/11/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines Wall, on the bend past Killan Road. 136 27760 JERVIS D1 Loading Bay outside The Zipyard 11/11/2015 Stage 2

46 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status STREET (C- shop. EA) 137 27780 PROSPECT D9 Bus Lane Relocate the Bus Lane 10/11/2015 Stage 2 WAY (C-EA) to the middle lane. 138 27786 CHURCH D3 Yellow Box at its junction with 10/11/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) the gated lane opposite the entrance to the proposed Lidl store. 139 27787 EAST WALL D3 Yellow Box at junction with West 10/11/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Road 140 27788 PORTLAND Double along by the 10/11/2015 Stage 2 PLACE (C-EA) Yellow Lines apartments 141 27791 CHURCH D7 Yellow Box at junction 10/11/2015 Stage 2 STREET with Linenhall Terrace UPPER (C-EA) 142 27868 NORTH WALL D1 No Left Turn from North Wall Quay 12/11/2015 Stage 2 QUAY (C-EA) (Rescind) onto Samuel Beckett Bridge. 143 28118 FITZROY D3 Pay & Display on the road. 24/11/2015 Stage 2 AVENUE (C- & Permit EA) Parking 144 28196 GRANGEGOR D7 request for traffic 01/12/2015 Stage 1 MAN LOWER signs at Educate (C-EA) Together School. 145 28198 GRANGEGOR D7 Traffic at Educate Together 01/12/2015 Stage 1 MAN LOWER Calming School (C-EA)

47 | P a g e Item Date No. SR Road Postcode Topic Request Description Received SR Status 146 28199 GRANGEGOR D7 School request for School 01/12/2015 Stage 1 MAN LOWER Warden Warden/Beacons at (C-EA) Educate Together School. 147 28239 AUGHRIM D7 Traffic at Aughrim Court 08/12/2015 Stage 1 STREET (C- Calming EA) 148 28240 BALLYBOUGH D3 Right Turn onto Clonliffe Road, 08/12/2015 Stage 1 ROAD (C-EA) Filter Light coming from East Wall 149 28246 CHURCH D3 Double on the road. 03/12/2015 Stage 2 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines 150 28310 CONSTITUTIO D7 Yellow Box at the junction of 04/12/2015 Stage 4 N HILL (C-EA) (Extend) Constitution Hill and Broadstone Gate LUAS works and provide Stop sign. 151 28408 FARRELL'S D7 Stop Sign for new temporary 09/12/2015 Stage 4 LANE (C-EA) access road to Broadstone Garage, Constitution Hill. 152 28457 CHURCH D3 Double full length of the road 02/12/2015 Stage 1 ROAD (C-EA) Yellow Lines from East wall road to East Wall credit union, on the south side

48 | P a g e Sports & Recreation Services Culture, Recreation, Amenity and Community Dublin City Council

Floor 4, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2 23rd December, 2015.

Central Area Committee Sport & Recreation Report

 The Bronze Phase of the StartBox programme will commence in the following schools/centres in January 2016: St Pauls CBS Brunswick Street, Scoil Catriona Glasnevin, Marino College Marino, St Pauls BNS Brunswick Street, D7 Educate Together Grangegorman, Christ the King BNS Cabra, Rutland NS Rutland Street, Youthreach CDETB Cabra / Sherrard Street / Transition Centre Parnell Street.

 Our Cricket Officer will be back in schools in the Central area in early/mid February.

 Tai Chi: Taking place in the Central Library Ilac Centre on Tuesdays the 12th, 19th, 26th January and 2nd February from 11 – 12pm for people over 55.

 Yoga: Taking place in Ballybough Community Centre on Fridays the 15th, 22nd, 29th January and 5th February from 12 – 1pm.

 Bowls: Taking place in Ballybough Community Centre on Mondays the 18th, 25th January, 1st and 8th February from 11 – 12pm

 Walking Group: Starting from Ballybough Community Centre on Thursdays the 14th, 21st, 28th January and 4th February at 11am

 Soccer: Emerging Talent Programme as part of the Dublin District School boys League on Sundays 17th & 24th January

 School Soccer programmes: Taking place in St Vincent’s Girl’s School and Larkin College Football. New school programme starting in mid-January for St. Laurence O’Toole Girls School, Sheriff Street, on Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon.

49 | P a g e Contact details Niamh Redmond, Communications Officer: [email protected] Igor Khmil, Sports Officer: [email protected] Fergal Scally, Sports Officer: [email protected] Treacy Byrne, Ballybough Centre Manager: [email protected] Ian Hill, Soccer: [email protected] Tommy Carberry, Soccer: [email protected] Paul Quinn, Boxing: [email protected] Fintan McAllister, Cricket: [email protected] Billy Phelan, Rugby: [email protected] Stephen Maher, Rugby: [email protected]

Niamh Redmond Communications Officer Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership

50 | P a g e To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee

January, 2016. Environmental Services Unit Report

Litter Warden Statistics

There were a total of 30 Fines issued by the area based Litter Wardens in the Central Area for littering offences in the period 1st December 2015 – 31st December 2015

179 Streets were inspected 516 Dumped bags were removed 546 Dumped bags were investigated 154 Dumped or wrongly presented bags were labelled with warning stickers

Quarterly Comparison

Streets Bags Bags Bags Fines Column1 Inspected removed Investigated Stickered Issued October 1 152 433 433 189 24 November 163 532 593 238 31 December 152 433 433 189 46

Update on North City Litter Action Group Surveys

Door to door compliance surveys were carried out by the litter wardens in 2015. In total 4438 premises were called to and of those 2208 were deemed to be in need of a call back. A priority call back programme will begin in early 2016 targeting high priority areas first. These areas include Summer Street North, North Circular Road, Belvidere Avenue, Simmons Place, Rutland Place North, Emmet Place, North Great Charles Street, Portland Street, Sherrard Street and more.

Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) Report

The results of a recent nationwide IBAL survey were published on the 4th January 2016. Regarding the North Inner City it was noted that “the improvement of earlier this year has been maintained. The number of heavily littered sites has been reduced further, which is promising, with Gardiner Street Business Park and Rutland St Lr the only litter blackspots”. The area maintained it littered status. The areas highlighted will be included in the priority

51 | P a g e call backs in the North City Litter Action Group Surveys. Rutland Street Lower is included in the daily area route for inspection and clearance. Bags in this area are routinely investigated by our Litter Wardens.

Litter Hotline/CRM

Group Name Service Request Type Count of Incidents Illegal Dumping 163 FYS: Illegal Dumping 11 FYS: Litter and Illegal Dump 3 Overflowing Skips 1 Central Area Office Report Graffiti 5 Report Litter Offence 15 Sweep Your Street 4 Weed Control 1 Remove Hazardous Waste 1 Grand Total 231

Graffiti Removal

Graffiti has been removed from the following areas using Dublin City Council Waste Management Services from 1st December – 31st December 2015

Great Strand Street, D.1 North Lotts, D.1 Ryders Row, D.7 187 NCR, D.7 Drumalee Estate, D.7 Oxmanstown Lane, D.7 Benburb Street, D.7

Graffiti has been removed from the following areas using the Corporate Contractor from 1st December – 31st December 2015

Sheriff Street Upper, D.1 Wolfe Tone Quay, D.1 83 – 84 North Strand Rd, D.1 1 Carnew Street, D.7 Kevin Barry House, D.7 Linenhall Street, D.7 Arbour Hill, D.7 71 Glengariff Avenue, D.7

Total Graffiti removed 283 SQM

52 | P a g e Fly- tip Removal

Belvidere Avenue



53 | P a g e Community Forum Update

Mountjoy/Fitzgibbon Street Local Community Policing Forum

The last meeting of the Mountjoy/Fitzgibbon Street Local Community Policing Forum was held on 29th September, 2015. The main issues raised were:

 Anti-social behaviour  Illegal dumping  Dog Fouling  Private landlords  Halloween  Derelict Sites

The date for the next meeting to be confirmed.

Bridewell Local Community Policing Forum

The last meeting of the Store Street Local Community Policing Forum took place on 30th September, 2015. The main issues raised were:

 Anti Social Behaviour  Halloween  Drug Dealing  Policing  Illegal Dumping

54 | P a g e The date for the next meeting to be confirmed.

Store Street Local Community Policing Forum

The last meeting of the Store Street Local Community Policing Forum took place on 1st October, 2015. The main issues raised were:

 Anti Social Behaviour  Halloween  Drug Dealing  Policing  Illegal Dumping

The date for the next meeting to be confirmed.

Central Area Joint Policing Sub-committee

The last meeting of the Central Area Joint Policing Sub-committee was held on 28th September 2015. The main issues raised and discussed were:

 Halloween  Various ongoing Garda operations  Various issues relating to crime and anti-social behaviour

The next meeting will take place on 18th January, 2016.

John McPartlan Public Domain Enforcement Officer

55 | P a g e To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee

January, 2016. North and West Inner City Housing Update

Chris Butler – Area Housing Manager

St. Mary’s Mansions

Cluid met with residents and DCC officials in December and presentation was made by the project architects, Coady Architects. This presentation set out 3 redevelopment options. The options proposed were as follows:

 Full refurbishment of the existing building, providing 56 units.  Full refurbishment of the existing building with the addition of 2 extra floors, providing 80 units  Demolition of the existing building with replacement by a new building, providing 142 units.

The preferred option for Cluid and DCC was the refurbishment of the existing building with the addition of 2 extra floors. This option provided the lowest unit cost and will provide a similar amount of units as already exists in the complex, while bringing them up to much higher standard for residents. Residents were happy with this proposal and the architects will now complete detailed designs for the complex and hope to present these to the residents early in 2016.

No further detenanting moves have taken place but it is hoped this can be progressed quickly in the New Year as Cluid bring alternative units on stream.

Gloucester Place/Former IDA site

The former IDA site on Summerhill/Gloucester Place has been a centre of anti-social activity for the last number of years. The site has been used by rough sleepers and drug dealers and is the cause of great disturbance and annoyance to local residents. The site is not owned by DCC but we have secured it on a number of occasions and have been working with the Gardai and the owner to address the issues. A Planning application to build Student Accommodation on the site was submitted in December 2014 and, following the submission of further details from the developer, Planning approval was issued on 22nd May, subject to some conditions. An appeal against was this decision was lodged to An Bord Pleanala but this appeal was rejected in late September and it now possible to progress the redevelopment. The project has now gone out to tender and it is expected that works will commence in early 2016.


In relation to the units that DCC are acquiring a meeting took place with the receiver on Nov. 3rd. The receiver has now appointed a contractor to carry out outstanding works on the apartments.

In relation to the units that Tuath are acquiring it is hoped these will close in early 2016. However there are still planning compliance issues which need to be addressed before the transfer can be finalised.

Fitzgibbon Court

Painting of this complex is underway. It is likely to take a number of months to complete the work

The Kiln/Forge

Following issues with water pooling and a slippy surface, work was undertaken on a number of stairwells in September. An evaluation as to the effectiveness of the anti-slip cementicous product

56 | P a g e which was installed took place and following a positive assessment, work to complete the rest of the stairwells will now comence. It has been agreed that all stairwells will be coloured, or re-coloured, black.

Sophia Housing, Sean McDermott Street

Sophia Sean McDermott Street is long-term supported accommodation for couples. All 18 units have now been occupied. Couples were selected following referral by the Central Placement Unit and would have been rough sleeping or in one night only hostel beds. A Support Team of eight full time staff provide 24 hour support and this will be maintained unless any future reviews indicates such support is no longer required. The Support Team work with the individuals to enable them to maintain their home and to live independently. Each person has a Key Worker and support provided is tailored to meet the needs of each person which can be on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. All residents will live in the complex on a long-term basis and will not be moved into standard Social Housing in the immediate future.

Housing Advisor

As previously advised the Sean McDermott Street office currently has no Housing Advisor in place. It is not possible to fill the position from current staff resources within the NEIC Housing office. Customers are therefore being referred directly to the Housing Advisors in the Allocations Section in Civic Offices, in the first instant. It is hoped that a replacement Housing Advisor will be appointed soon.

Brian Kavanagh – Area Housing Manager

Poplar Row, Taaffe Place, Annesley Avenue & Place – Pyrite Issues

The Pyrite remediation works are being carried out in three 10/12 week phases. The remedial works commenced on 12/01/2015 and the Contractor is McCallan Bros Ltd.

Phase 1 of these works has been completed successfully and all 6 residents have returned to their homes.

Phase 2 of these works has been completed with 7 residents having returned to their homes outstanding snagging works are currently been dealt with by the contractor and DCCs Clerk of Works.

Phase 3 residents were moved to their temporary accommodation within the area and works for this phase commenced in early September. These works were completed by Christmas and all residents will be returning to their homes week ending 8th January 2016.

Croke Villas There are 9 dwellings out of 79 occupied in Croke Villas. Liaison continues with the remaining residents in trying to source alternative/suitable accommodation for them.

Talks with Croke Park in relation to the disposal of a portion of the site and the widening of Sackville Avenue have concluded and the disposal agreement was approved by the City Council at it’s meeting of 2/11/2015.

The Part 8 submission for the redevelopment of 2-6 Ballybough Road was approved by City Council at it’s meeting of the 2/3/2015. Clearing and de risking of the site is currently underway. The Main Tender is in preparation and will issue early in 2016 with a start on site envisaged for the second quarter 2016 on an estimated contract of twelve months.

57 | P a g e A scoping study on the Sackville Avenue element of the site is currently underway

Ballybough House

Housing Maintenance Division is continuing to refurbish the void dwellings in the complex.

The problem of youth’s congregating on the stairwells in this complex is ongoing. The Estate Manager is continually liaising with An Garda Siochana to identify the individuals causing these problems in the complex and to take whatever action is required to resolve this problem. A number of interviews have been carried out to date.

An Garda Siochana are continuing to carry out raids in the complex and a number of people are before the courts. Dublin City Council has carried out a number of interviews for anti social behavior as a result of these raids.

A trial of Choice Based Lettings in this complex has been successful with a number of people applying for the units advertised. Sixteen units were let as a result of this course of action with a high number of applicants applying. Further units will be advertised for letting in this complex when repairs are completed shortly.

The Area Housing Manager & Estate Manager is continuing to meet with the Resident’s Association monthly and good progress has been made through the Community Development Section with residents working with DCC to bring about improvements at the complex.

Poplar Row Flats

Staff from the area office and staff from the Community Development Section have held a number of meetings with residents from Poplar Row flats around the revamping of play facilities in this complex. Further meetings will be arranged in the coming weeks with a view to progressing this project.

Vacant Site at Poplar Row

Oaklee relodged a planning application ref: 4124/15 on 3th November, 2015 for a development of 29 units of accommodation ( 4 no. 2 beds and 25 no. 1 beds) at Poplar Row (formally Block 2) Ballybough. This application is currently in the statutory planning process,

Tom Clarke House

Work commenced on site on the 2/11/2015 converting bedsits into one bedroom apartments. The Contractor is D&S Higgins Construction Ltd. These works are progressing well and are expected to be completed by end of February 2016. . Wellesley Place

Housing Maintenance Division have completed these works on improving the building energy rating (BER) by carrying out insulation works on these units.

St. Agatha’s Court

The Peter McVerry Trust was asked by Dublin City Council to bring forward proposals for the site at St. Agatha’s Court. The proposal put forward is to convert 16 units into 8 larger units and construct 4 additional units giving a total of 12 units. The units have been vacant for some time so it would bring

58 | P a g e them back into use. The Department of Environment Community and Local Government in May granted approval in principle to the construction of the 12 units at a cost of €1,170,000 with a view to starting on site in 2015.

Planning permission has been granted for this development. Site investigations have been carried out on this site by consulting engineers and the Peter McVerry Trust retendered following Public Procurement Process for a contractor to carry out the works. It is anticipated work will commence on site early 2016

Seán Smith Area Housing Projects Manager

Dominick Street Lower The Council has planning permission from An Bord Pleanala for 58 housing units, a community facility and shops on the eastern side of Dominick Street. The accompanying Masterplan provided for a new road and the closure of the existing roadway at Dominick Place and the provision of a site for a Gael Scoil.

In order to make the project economically viable and procure funding it has been necessary to re- design the project to provide for additional housing. The number of units has increased to 73, with a reduction in the number of commercial units and alterations to the community facilities. Provided funding from the DOECLG for the housing is forthcoming, the Council (Planning and Development Department) has agreed to use alternative funding for the commercial and community facilities element of the project.

The Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government has requested that a cost benefit analysis be carried out on this project as it exceeds €20m. Meetings are ongoing between the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and Dublin City Council.

Luas Cross City Works Residents of Constitution Hill, Dominick St Lower, Dominick House, Dominick Court and Dominick St Upper have been kept updated on the progress of the Luas Cross City (LCC). LCC staff and the Contractor (SSJV) have discussed the programme of works with local residents. Contractor is currently on-site in Constitution Hill, Dominick Street Lower/Upper, Mountjoy St, Dorset Street/Bolton Street and Parnell Street.

To facilitate works required for the Luas Cross City Main Works contract on Dominick St Upper and Dominick St Lower, it will be necessary to restrict traffic in the area. Dominick St Upr between the junctions of Mountjoy St and Dorset/Bolton St has been closed since October. In addition Dominick Street Lower will operate one-way southbound between the junctions of Dominick Lane and Parnell Street. Updates for all diversions and disruptions are distributed to residents once approved by DCC and An Garda Síochána.

GMC finished their element of the Luas works around the Dominick St Area in early December. The contractor SSJV has set up fencing in Dominick St Lower, works have commenced on drainage and the team have completed trial holes, removal of redundant services and obstructions and full track excavations. Planned work during the coming weeks will include the construction of drainage, ducting, concrete pours and the commencement of rail track slab. The teams finished work on Wednesday 23rd December and recommenced work on the 4th January 2016.

Luas Cross City Works, change of fences and access to Constitution flats. Sisk Steconfer JV (SSJV) are working on behalf of Luas Cross City. Their local team will soon change some of the set-up of the site fences and road layout at Broadstone to allow access during the next stage of the works. Before the traffic switches there is also some alterations to be made to the current access into Prebend Street, which will require a change in the pedestrian route while the

59 | P a g e works take place. This new layout is now operational. SSJV’s site representative can be contacted on ph: 01 5397979

Constitution Hill Ongoing meetings with Residents, An Garda Siochana, Luas Cross City Staff, the Housing Manager and Project Estate Officer to keep Residents up-to-date on the proposed plans for Broadstone Gate.

There are no outstanding issues and antisocial behaviour in the complex is continuously monitored by Estate Management and the Gardai. The last Residents Association meeting took place on the 8 th December 2015 and meetings will re-commence this monthe

Dorset Street & Saint Marys Terrace Downey and McConville Architects have been appointed as the design team for the pilot project in St Mary's Place (39 units). The concept is to bring these units into the 21st Century. It will take approximately 12 months to get to the end of the part 8 procedure. The housing project team have been working closely with the residents. Ongoing meetings with Residents, Estate Management and the Gardai in relation to antisocial behaviour in Dorset Street and Saint Marys Place complex.

Blackhall Place/Marmion Court A glazing contractor is currently engaged in repairing all windows and doors in Blackhall Place and Marmion Court, works are ongoing.

Saint Michans House A specialist contractor, Mc Keon Group, have been appointed to carry out a programme of repair works to internal party walls in St. Michan’s House. The assessment phase is ongoing and these works will commence in 2016.

Kings Inn Street Apartments/Smithfield Block D Kings Inns Street Apartments/Smithfield Block D have been Nominated as part of an EU initiative, to be included in the Horizon 20/20 Project. The Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) in conjunction with Glen Dimplex and SSE Airtricity are running a programme to upgrade electric storage heaters in different schemes around the country.

Representatives from SSE Airtricity will be calling to all apartments in Kings Inn Street over the coming weeks, to explain in detail about this initiative and how it will work.

Sheridan Court/Sheridan Place The Painters are currently in Sheridan Court touching up on external window frames, doors, stairwells and balconies. They will be working in the complex continuously into the New Year.

Contractors are currently in Sheridan Court, installing a new guard rail on the roof. This will involve drilling into the concrete structure which may cause minor disruption/noise throughout the building. Residents have been notified in advance of these works.

Christmas Events All four senior citizen Christmas dinners were a great success. Each of the recreation centres catered for up to fifty local pensioners and community volunteers by providing a full traditional Christmas dinner and refreshments free of charge. Numerous Christmas events and outings were organised for the children in the NWIC area. Community Garda Richie O’Donnell organised a loan of the Garda bus to take the children to Tayto Park. Santa Claus visited the Centres for their Christmas parties and distributed selection boxes to all children.

The Following Complexes have regular meetings between residents and Estate Management and there are no outstanding issues. - Chancery House - Henrietta House - Dominick Court

60 | P a g e - Dominick House/Palmerston Place - Dominick Street Upper - Eccles Court - Saint Peters Court - Kevin Barry House - Sheridan Place/Court - Hardwicke Street - North King Street - Saint Michan’s House

Eileen Gleeson Assistant Area Manager

61 | P a g e To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee 23rd December, 2015

GGDA Update for January 2016 meeting of C entral Area Committee

Grangegorman Labour and Learning Forum

The Grangegorman Labour and Learning Forum (GLLF) was set up to ensure that local communities benefit from the Grangegorman Development project through education/training, employment and enterprise opportunities. The GLLF is a group made up of representatives from a range of statutory and voluntary organisations and stakeholders working within the North West Inner City. The GLLF is chaired by Brigid McManus, former Secretary General of the Department of Education and Skills

Grangegorman Employment Charter As part of the commitment to ensuring that local people have access to any jobs that may arise from the project, the Grangegorman Employment Charter was developed. This Charter sets out the requirements for Grangegorman contractors and sub-contractors to employ local labour. The Charter seeks to ensure that a minimum of 20% of new jobs created on projects will be first offered to people living in the Grangegorman neighbourhood and then to residents of surrounding areas.

Contractors are also required to use all reasonable steps to fill 10% of any new jobs created with people who are long-term unemployed or new entrants to the labour market. Contractors are encouraged to support the local economy by using local businesses as subcontractors and suppliers where possible.

GGDA Employment Skills Register Some changes have been made to the GDA Employment Skills Register to streamline the process of advertising and filling vacancies for people seeking employment and for contractors/ employers. For unemployed people living in the Grangegorman Area, recruitment will be done via Intreo Navan Road (Dublin 7), Intreo Parnell Street (Dublin 1) and the LES Manor Street. Anyone registering with Intreo should specifically mention if they are interested in jobs at Grangegorman.

Grangegorman area residents currently employed who are interested in jobs in this area can register interest directly with the GGDA Employment and Training Coordinator.

62 | P a g e 63 | P a g e Contact Information:

If you would like to know more about the Grangegorman Labour and Learning Forum, the GDA Employment Charter or the GDA Employment Skills Register please contact Kathleen McCann, Employment and Training Coordinator. telephone: 01 402 4262 email: [email protected]

Brian O’Connell Administrative Officer

64 | P a g e To the Chairperson and Members of the Central Area Committee 23rd December, 2015

Central Area Age Friendly Update - January 2016

Update from the November meeting of the Central Area Age Frendly Alliance

NASCADH Presentation

 NASCADH gave a presentation on their inter generational activities .

 A query was raised regarding contradiction in the SICAP funding received by CDP’s and Age Friendly strategies as there is a cut off of 67 years of Age for funded participants.

Feedback on Older Persons Convention

 Approx 100 people attended for presentations and discussions, from all over Ireland. It was agreed it was a good opportunity to network and see how others were progressing .Main issues that arose were security, isolation and fear and a discussion took place around this. Friends of the Elderly match volunteers with isolated people and would like to examine the impact on health of isolation and loneliness. The idea of a directory of services available for Older People in the area would be helpful – The PPN are looking at this but it was felt that this would be a very big job and difficult to keep up to date.

Road & Footpaths

A large number of utility companies etc. are digging in the area and it was felt that they were causing unnecessary hazards and insufficiently re-instating footpaths.

 Friends of the Elderly will be doing a survey with Transition Year Students around Dominic Street recording Hazards and will send the details on to the Central Area Office.

 Look into a link in with Disability Federation of Ireland for any future footpath audits/surveys.

 www.fixmystreet.ie is a website where people can report Public Domain issues – look at promoting this initiative.

65 | P a g e  Older Persons Council raised the issue of having the steps at Broadstone Park looked at with the possibility of getting a ramp provided for ease of access for Older People, the disabled and buggy access.

Transport Dublin Town will contact its members again regarding the Taxi Company in Ballyfermot who have a successful programme providing free Taxi services for Older People three mornings a week to see if this initiative can be replicated in the Central Area. The NTA cannot lobby Drivers/companies.

Home and Community

Croke Park is aiming to become an Age Friendly Stadium by the end of 2016 and will be looking for volunteers from the Older Persons Council to help with this process.

Brian O’Connell Administrative Officer

66 | P a g e Central Area Office 51/53 Sean Mc Dermott Street Dublin 1. 4th January 2015

The Chairperson and Members of Central Area Committee

Community Development Report

Christmas Tree Lighting

Christmas Trees provided by Dublin City Council in the Central Area, were lit at the following locations:

 Smithfield  O’Connell Street  Sean MacDermott Street /Buckingham Street  Sherriff Street  Prussia Street / Manor Street  Blessington Basin  East Wall

1916 Commemoration Preparation

A number of Environmental Initiatives have begun, been established, and are further planned to improve the overall appearance of areas that will host celebrations during the 1916 Anniversary Celebrations. Improvements such as tree and flower planting, and community clean ups are planned with the support of local community and environmental groups.

Central Area - 1916 Commemoration Grants Fund

The Grants to a total of €50,000 were approved by Area Committee – a total of 46 Groups have been notified and are responding positively to their allocation. Grants are due to be paid in the New Year.

Croppy Acre

Parks Dept has commenced the first phase of developing this park. The work to be carried out in phase 1 involves the installation of paths around the park and the upgrading of access points and has commenced.


The Community Development team is also supporting the community initiatives with the various community groups in relation to the Litter Action Plan for the Central Area and the recent IBAL report acknowledged that some progress was being made.

67 | P a g e Winter / Christmas Plant Sale

Took place in Liberty Park on Tuesday 15th December with Christmas Wreaths, flowers and plants for sale along with winter flowering bedding plants.

Public Realm Improvements/Initiatives

Working in conjunction with the local Communities, Public Realm improvements have commenced and will continue in the following locations;

 Sean McDermott Street  Thor Place  Stoneybatter  Phibsboro  Ballybough/Clonliffe  North Strand, East Wall (Berkeley Road)  Hanlons Corner / Halliday Square:  Popular Row  Portland Place  Five Lamps

The Community Environmental Programme is promoted on a voluntary and low cost, high impact basis and it is helping to considerably improve the image of the area. As part of this Villages Project, additional and supplementary planting was done in the Ballybough, East Wall and Sean McDermott Street areas.

Niall Byrne Community & Social Development Officer

68 | P a g e Question to Chief Executive Central Area Committee Meeting 12 th January 2016

Q1 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q2 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q3 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q4 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q5 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q6 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q7 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q8 Councillor Christy Burke

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q9 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q10 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q11 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q12 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q13 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q14 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

69 | P a g e To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q15 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q16 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q17 Councillor Ciaran Cuffe

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q18 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q19 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q20 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q21 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q22 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q23 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

Q24 Councillor Ray McAdam

To ask the Chief Executive (details supplied)

70 | P a g e

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