Intro to Microprocessors Syllabus

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Intro to Microprocessors Syllabus

Dr. R. Rockland Spring, 2010 ECET 300 - 002, Circuit Analysis - Transform Methods

CLASS HOURS Monday 02:30PM – 03:55PM FMH 321 Wednesday 08:30AM – 09:55AM FMH 321

OFFICE HOURS (GITC 2103) Tuesday 01:00PM – 02:30 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Or by appointment: (973) 642-7155 or [email protected]


TEXT William D. Stanley, Transform Circuit Analysis for Engineering and Technology, Prentice Hall, 5th edition, 2003.

Rockland, R., MATLAB Quick Guide for ECET 300

All files, videos and assignments will be found on You will need to login, using your UCID username and password. You can download the syllabus and review your grades, and I will create discussion groups on various topics. I will go over Moodle during the first class. I will be creating a series of short videos on learning objects within the course. You will also be able these at the ECET 300 portion of .

To get a CD of Matlab, you can download it from or obtain it from the library. It is a very large download (almost 1 GB) so if you want to download this program, you should do it from the PC mall. If you have a high speed connection at home, you will need VPN. Make sure that you follow the instructions to download and install Matlab. You will also need the PLP code – that is the code for installation. You should be downloading the Mathworks MATLAB 2009b Student Edition – Windows (unless you have a MAC). Go to Students in this course will be using National Instruments Multisim version 10.1. Those students that were in my ECET 303 class have the software, and I will be handing out copies to the other students for this semester.

COURSE DESCRIPTION Prerequisites: DC and AC circuit analysis (AAS level). Corequisite: Math 322. The principles, theorems and techniques of circuit analysis are reviewed. The technique of waveform and circuit transforms is introduced. Laplace transforms are studied and applied in the solution of circuit problems with a variety of input functions. Fourier analysis also is introduced.

COURSE OBJECTIVE By the end of the course you should be able to do the following:

 Laplace Transforms and other Circuit Theorems. Understand how to apply Laplace transforms to solve cirucuit application problems, and to combine this technique with other circuit theorems, such as Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, Source Transformation, Superposition and Thevenin.  Software Applications. Simulate a circuit with the use of PSpice to obtain a prior understanding of the circuit’s behavior. Incorporate the results of this application, including graphical outputs, in a report. Learn how to utilize Matlab to analyze various mathematical and circuit problems..  Frequency Analysis. To understand the difference between time and frequency analysis of a circuit, and to develop an understanding of Fourier analysis. Also, be able to theoretically and experimentally generate a Bode plot, as well as simulate these results with PSpice.  Communication Skills. Develop an understanding of the elements for an effective laboratory report. .  Problem Solving. Learn alternative methods to problem solving, and the most effective approach to solving circuit problems..


Week Week of Homework Reading Topics 1. 20-Jan Appendix A Introduction to course Complex Numbers (Wed only)

2. 25-Jan 2: 1, 25, 33, 35 pgs. 7-40 Elementary Functions, Addition of Sinusoids, Shifted Functions

3. 1-Feb 2: 53, 61, 71, 75 pgs. 43-53 Impulse Function, Differentiation and Integration of Waveforms Circuit Parameters 4. 8-Feb 3: 19, 23 Chapter 3 - overview Current/Voltage in Capacitors and Inductors 4: 5, 17, 37 pgs. 111-139 Time Domain Circuits 5. 15-Feb 5: 1, 3, 7, 11, 17 pgs. 159-169 Test 1 (Monday)

Introduction to Laplace Transforms

6. 22-Feb 5: 19, 21, 25, 37, 47 pgs. 169-191 Inverse Laplace Transforms

7. 1-Mar 6: 1, 5, 11, 13 pgs. 207-221 Circuit Analysis by Laplace Transforms

8. 8-Mar 6: 31, 43, 51 pgs. 221-236 Circuit Analysis by Laplace Transforms (cont.) Test 2 (Wednesday) 9. 15-Mar SPRING RECESS

10. 22-Mar 7: 1, 3, 7, 21 pgs. 251-270 System Considerations

11. 29-Mar 7: 31, 35, 37, 41 pgs. 271-290 System Considerations (cont.)

12. 5-Apr 8:7,17 pgs. 311-341 Sinusoidal Steady State Bode Plots (Part 1)

13. 12-Apr 9: 1, 5 pgs. 341-348 Bode Plots (Part 2)

Test 3 (Wednesday) 14. 19-Apr pgs. 369-384 Fourier Series

15. 26-Apr 9: 11, 13a-c pgs. 384-397 Fourier Transforms

16. 3-May pgs. 398-406 Fourier Transforms (cont.) (Mon only) Final review

2 GRADING: Homework/Computer 15 % Quizzes 10 % Tests 50 % Final Exam 25 %

There are three tests during the semester. The lowest grade will be dropped. Therefore, there will be no makeup exams. If you achieve the equivalent of an A for all three tests, you will not be excused from the final. Students achieving the equivalent of an A on all three tests will receive 5 bonus points that will count for the final grade.There will be no makeup tests – if you miss one test, then that is the test you will drop. There will be at least 4 quizzes, which will be given on random weeks. They will cover the material for the previous lesson only. These quizzes will be for only 10 minutes, and will be given promptly at the beginning of class. There are no makeup quizzes, nor can you take the quiz later in the class. The lowest quiz will be dropped.

HOMEWORK - IMPORTANT Homework (both the questions at the back of each chapter as well as both the Multisim assignments and MATLAB assignments) is due the week following the date they are assigned (see syllabus), and must be given to the instructor. Note the bolding and underlining – can I emphasize any more that doing homework is important. Answers for the chapter questions (odd-numbered problems only) are in the back of the book. The homework must show how you derived the answers – they will be graded either with a check, or a double check (exceptional). They will not count towards your final grade if they are turned in more than one week late. Homework must be handed in individually, while lab assignments (Multism) can be handed in as a team of no more than three students, rotating among each member. You don’t have to be a member of a team. Lab grades will be reduced by 10 points if one week late, and not graded if more than two weeks late. MATLAB assignments must also be handed in individually, and is subject to the same time deadlines, and grading, as regular homework (will not be accepted after being more than one week late).

SOFTWARE ASSIGNMENTS To help reinforce the textbook concepts, there are two workbooks for these applications – Matlab and Multisim. There is a separate Multisim problem manual that lists several exercises. At the end of the MATLAB manual are several assignments. Besides completing the required steps for each of the applications, you are encouraged to experiment by:changing values of components (Multisim) or elements of an equation (MATLAB)  Adding/deleting components  Changing the measuring points  Changing the amplitude or type of input

You will be required to hand in a report based on the exercises in Multisim, and a printout of the Matlab worksheet with some explanation. I will go over this in more detail during the first two sessions. This report will be due the Monday after it is assigned (see syllabus). In some cases, the theoretical work that you perform can be visualized by a graph, utilizing Matlab, and then by using Multisim. Each assignment is to be done individually. This report should include the following:

Cover page Include your name (and other names of your group), date, my name and the title and number of the assignment. Also, you should state what each team member did for the report Table of Contents Objectives What are the objectives for the experiment. List the main objectives as well as additional objectives you might feel worthwhile.

Pre-lab Detailed calculations (similar to a pre-lab) which will demonstrate what you expect to see. This may involve mathematical proof of responses. Output Graphs/circuits printed from the PSpice assignment, including printout(s) of the schematic(s) and response(s).

Discussion of Results What did you learn from this assignment? What were any difficulties encountered, and and Conclusion how did you overcome them? Are there other ways to have solved this problem? How colose did you come to the “pre-lab” calculations, and why was it different? 3 GRADING OF LABORATORY REPORT

In grading a report, there are five areas that will be graded.

Item Explanation Completion of Lab Performed all parts, answered all questions Grammer and Spelling Use of active vs. passive voice, use of spell check, paragraph formation, correct use of technical terms

Discussion of Results and Conclusion Is the discussion of results complete, understandable, and does the conclusion relate to the results Pre-lab (theoretical calculations) Had the pre-lab completed and correct General appearance, following of format, and Does the lab look presentable and does the flow make sense general flow


The Course Outline may be modified at the discretion of the instructor or in the event of extenuating circumstances. Students will be notified in class of any changes to the Course outline.

HONOR CODE AND BEHAVIOR NJIT has a zero-tolerance policy regarding cheating of any kind and student behavior that is disruptive to a learning environment. Any incidents will be immediately reported to the Dean of Students. In the cases the Honor Code violations are detected, the punishments range from a minimum of failure in the course plus disciplinary probation up to expulsion from NJIT with notations on students' permanent record. Avoid situations where honorable behavior could be misinterpreted. For more information on the honor code, go to

No eating or drinking is allowed at the lectures – get here early enough to finish up breakfast. Cellular phones must be turned off during the class hours, or if you are expecting an emergency call, put it on vibrate. No headphones can be worn in class. Also, class will begin on time, and there may be quizzes during the first 5-10 minutes of the class.

Also, one other behavior item – asking questions. Don’t be shy regarding asking questions during class, and don’t be shy about answering questions, even if you are not sure about the answer. The only way you learn is by making mistakes, and realizing how to avoid them.

MULTISIM AND MATLAB ASSIGNMENTS (BOLDED PROBLEMS WILL BE HANDED IN FOR GRADING) The MATLAB Quick Guide, with assignments in the back, can be downloaded from the WebCT page. In addition, a PSpice primer, derived from the ECET 303 course, is also included in this section. Finally, a Problem Guide for the PSpice Reports is also included. Rather than give you a large number of examples, I have identified the assignments that are critical, and have bolded them. These assignments must be handed in, according to the above mentioned deadline. The other assignments are optional, although I would encourage you to try them on your own. I will not grade these assignments.

4 Week Date Multisim Reports MATLAB Assignments 1. 25-Jan Assignment 1

2. 1-Feb Assignment 2

3. 8-Feb Assignment 3

4. 15-Feb Problem 1

5. 22-Feb

6. 1-Mar Problems 2 and 3

7. 8-Mar Problems 4 and 5 Assignment 4

8. 15-Mar

9. 22-Mar Problems 6 and 7

10. 29-Mar

11. 5-Apr Problems 8 and 9

12. 12-Apr Problems 10 and 11

13. 19-Apr

14. 26-Apr Problems 12 and 13

5 Outcome # 1. Students will understand how to apply Laplace Transforms and other Circuit Theorems. Strategies & Actions Criterion 2 Program Outcomes Assessment Methods Laplace Transforms, and a,b,f 1, 2 Tests, homework, and Circuit theory, along with laboratory reports are applications, are covered graded. in class lectures, homework, and laboratory assignments.

Outcome # 2. Students will have the ability to apply software applications to circuit analysis. Strategies & Actions Criterion 2 Program Outcomes Assessment Methods Background into these a,b,f 1, 2 Specific assignments and applications are provided laboratory reports. in class discussion and instructor developed manuals, and students will utilize these applications in the development of laboratory reports and other homework assignments

Outcome # 3. Students will understand the concepts of frequency analysis, especially Fourier analysis Strategies & Actions Criterion 2 Program Outcomes Assessment Methods Theory of frequency a,b,f 2,3 Tests, Homework, and analysis is covered in laboratory reports. class lectures and homework assignments, as well as laboratory assignments.

Outcome # 4. Students will develop better communication skills. Strategies & Actions Criterion 2 Program Outcomes Assessment Methods Discussions on e, f, k 4 Laboratory reports applications and concepts of written communications and laboratory reports.

Outcome # 5. Students will develop more proficient problem solving skills. Strategies & Actions Criterion 2 Program Outcomes Assessment Methods Lectures in class and b 2 Review of lab notebooks homework assignments and laboratory reports.


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