Psychology Curriculum Map

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Psychology Curriculum Map


STANDARD 1 - Describe the origin of psychology as a scientific discipline evolving from other fields of study.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is psychology, and how did it Early psychological and biological Define psychology become a science? inquiries that led to contemporary approaches and Construct a timeline of What are the current perspectives in methods of experimentation. events that led to its the study of psychology, and what origin are their fundamental beliefs? Psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, biological, and Compare and contrast What do psychologists do, and sociocultural perspectives in the beliefs of the where do they work? psychology and the leaders of the different approaches in movements psychology to understand aggression Subfields and career opportunities and appetite related to psychology Identify careers in psychology

STANDARD 2 – Describe research strategies used by psychologists to explore mental processes and behavior.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What are the elements of an Components of the experimental Design an experiment in experiment? method which all elements are identified What are the other methods Characteristics, advantages, and psychologists use to study behavior? disadvantages of surveys, naturalistic Explain how surveys, observations, case studies, case studies, naturalistic How do psychologists use longitudinal studies, and cross- observations, and descriptive statistics and sectional studies longitudinal and cross- correlations in evaluating research? sectional studies are Use of mean, median, and mode used by psychologists from a set of data; correlational analysis Compute mean, median, and mode from a set of data; interpret correlations STANDARD 3 – Explain how processes of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system underlie behavior and mental processes, including how neurons are the basis of neural communication.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How do psychologists study the CAT, PET, and MRI scans, EEG and What are the different brain and behavior? research gained through accident ways psychologists study and injury the brain? How do neurons communicate, and what is the role of neurotransmitters Anatomy of a neuron, Diagram the anatomy of in behavior? electrochemical process, a neuron, including the neurotransmitters and their role of What is the effect of drugs and functions neurotransmitters at the toxins on the brain? synapse Different drugs and their How do different parts of the brain physiological effects on the brain and Explain how different affect behavior? resulting behaviors drugs affect the brain

How do genetics affect human Lower brain structures and functions; Identity the different behavior? lobes and hemispheres; parts of the brain and consequences of damage to specific their functions brain parts Describe how both Genetics and how it affects behavior; nature and nurture twin studies; chromosomes, genes, affect behavior; define and DNA; chromosomal the components of the abnormalities; how nature and genetic process nurture work together

STANDARD 4 – Describe the interconnected processes of sensation and perception.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How do the senses work? Sensory systems of sight, smell, Describe how each sense sound, touch, and pain, and how works What is the difference in sensation they function and perception, and what are the Explain how the Gestalt cues we use to perceive Gestalt principles of perception, principles and cues for information? binocular and monocular cues for depth perception help us depth perception perceive the world accurately STANDARD 5 – Explain ways to promote psychological wellness.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is stress, and how does it Stress and its physiological and Explain how stress can affect us? psychological effects; stress affect us hormones; autonomic nervous sytem What are some of the theories that Identify the stages of explain how we react to stress? Cannon’s fight or flight theory; Selye’s general Selye’s general adaption syndrome adaptation theory and What are some of the things that the fight or flight theory cause stress for most people? Types of conflict; life changes and their relationship to illness; daily Name some of the things What are some positive and hassles which cause stress negative ways to cope with stress? Problem-focused coping, emotion- Identify positive and What are anorexia, bulimia, and focused coping, aggression negative ways to cope obesity? with stress Symptions and risk factors for anorexia, bulimia, and obesity Identify symptoms and risk factors for anorexia, bulimia, and obsesity

STANDARD 6 – Describe the physical, cognitive, and social development across the life span of a person from the prenatal through aging stages.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How do the different theorists Theories of Piaget, Erickson, Freud, Identify the different explain the process of human Kohlberg, and how they explain theories of human development? development development

STANDARD 7 – Describe the processes and importance of memory, including how memory is encoded and stored, mnemonic devices, schemas related to short-term memory, working memory, and long- term memory.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What are the different processes of Processes of encoding, storage, and Explain how each memory? retrieval of information process of memory works What are the different types of Sensory, short-term, long-term memory? memory – capacity and duration of Identify the each characteristics of each What factors influence the storage type of memory and retrieval of memory? Flashbulb memory, memory reconstruction, false memories, Understand factors What are the different types of eyewitness testimony which may contribute to amnesia, and what causes them? accurate or inaccurate Psychogenic amnesia/physical memories What are mnemonic devices, and amnesia and what causes them how are they used? Demonstrate a Different kinds of mnemonic devices mnemonic device and and how they work to aid memory how it aids in memory

STANDARD 8 – Describe ways in which organisms learn, including the process of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is classical conditioning, and Components of classical conditioning Diagram an example of how does it help us learn? and examples of how it helps us classical conditioning learn What is operant conditioning, and Diagram an example of how does it help us learn? Components of operant conditioning operant conditioning and examples of how it helps us What is reinforcement, and how learn Identify the effectiveness does it affect behavior? of positive Positive and negative reinforcement, reinforcement, negative Which schedule of reinforcement punishment reinforcement, and works the best for steady punishment on behavior performance? Schedules of partial reinforcement and examples Define each type of How does observational learning partial reinforcement and modeling affect violence? Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment, schedule and how research on television and video resistant it is to game violence and effect on extinction of behavior behavior Evaluate the influence of observational learning and modeling on behavior

STANDARD 9 – Describe how organisms think and solve problems, including processes involved in accurate thinking.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is a concept, and how is it Characteristics and formation of Explain concept formed? concepts What are problem-solving methods, Algorithms and heuristic problem Identify the positive and as well as the factors that inhibit solving methods– the process and negative aspects of creative problem-solving? the degree to which they lead to a algorithms and heuristics correct answer; functional fixedness; in problem solving mental set

STANDARD 10 – Describe the qualities and development of language.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What are the most basic Characteristics of phonemes and Demonstrate knowledge components of language? morphemes of phonemes and morphemes in an What is the sequence of language Pre-linguistic stage; progression from example development in children? words to sentences; holoprases; overregularization; fast mapping Diagram the sequence of How do children learn language? language development Theories of how children learn in children language and examples which support each theory Explain the different theories of how children learn language

STANDARD 11 – Compare various states of consciousness evident in human behavior, including the process of sleeping and dreaming.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What are the stages of sleep? REM, Stages 1, 2, 3, 4 of NREM sleep Identify the stages of throughout the night sleep What are the purposes of sleep? Purposes of sleep – memory Explain the purposes of Why do we dream? consolidation, restorative, dreaming sleep

How do psychoactive drugs affect Theories on the purpose of dreams Identify the theories of us? why we dream Physiological and psychological What is hypnosis, and how is it effects of drugs; addiction; Identify the effects of used? dependence; withdrawal; tolerance various drugs on humans

Characteristics and process of Explain how hypnosis is hypnosis and its uses used STANDARD 12 – Describe the role of motivation and emotion in human behavior.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What are the theories that explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, drive Identify the different motivation? reduction theory, incentive theory, theories that explain arousal theory, psychological motivation What are the components of motives, cognitive dissonance emotion Explain the components Components of emotion of emotion What are the theories that explain emotion? James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, and Identify the different Schacter-Singer theories of emotion’ theories that explain Are facial expressions of emotion facial feedback hypothesis emotion culturally or genetically determined? Ekman’s research on the universality Understand that facial of facial expression of emotion expressions of emotion are universal

STANDARD 13 Describe methods of assessing individual differences and theories of intelligence, including Charles E. Spearman’s general (g) factor of intelligence, Howard Gardner’s multiple inteliigences, and Robert J. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is intelligence? Theories of multiple intelligences Differentiate between the difference theories What are the influence of heredity Flynn effect; twin studies and of intelligence and environment on intelligence correlations with IQ Explain how heredity nd How are IQ tests used? Binet, Weschler, group IQ tests; environment influence IQ formula intelligence

Define what an IQ test measures

STANDARD 14 – Explain the role of personality development in human behavior.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How is personality acquired? Theories of personality, including Compare and contrast psychoanalytic, sociocognitive, trait, the different theories of How is personality measured? humanistic personality

MMPI and other paper/pencil tests, Identify the different projective tests ways personality is measured STANDARD 15 – Describe major and psychological disorders and their treatments.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What is the difference in normal and Criteria for diagnosing abnormal Define abnormal abnormal behavior? behavior; MMPI behavior.

What are the different mental Different categories of disorders – Identify the symptoms of illnesses and their symptoms? mood, anxiety, somatoform, different mental schizophrenic, dissociative, and disorders. How are mental illnesses treated? personality – and specific disorders and their symptoms within each Understand how category disorders are treated from each approach Approaches for treating mental disorders – biological, cognitive, humanistic, psychoanalytical – and which disorders each works best with

STANDARD 16 – Describe how attitudes, conditions of obedience and conformity, and other influences affect actions and shape human behavior, including actor-observer,self-server, social facilitation, social loafing, bystander effect, groupthink, and group polarization.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How do others influence our Experiments in social psychology - Describe ways in which behavior? Asch, Zimbardo, Milgram; formation others affect our of attitudes, components of behavior persuasion; attribution theory

STANDARD 17 – Describe various careers pursued by psychologists, including medical and mental health care fields, the business world, education, law and criminal justice, and research.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills What careers can psychologists Different occupations of Describe different pursue? psychologists, including degrees and careers psychologists can education required for each one pursue?

STANDARD 18 – Explain how culture and gender influence behavior.

Essential Questions Essential Knowledge Essential Skills How are gender roles developed? Theories of gender role Explain how gender development; how it varies in other roles are developed What are the differences and cultures similarities in gender? Explore physical, psychological, social Compare the similarities and cognitive differences and and differences in similaries in gender gender

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