CS 152 Final Project

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CS 152 Final Project

The Moron

CS 152 Final Project Professor Kubiatowicz Superscalar, Branch Prediction

John Gibson (cs152-jgibson) John Truong (cs152-jstruong) Albert Wang (cs152-albrtaco) Timothy Wong (cs152-timwong)

1 of 18 John Gibson, Albert Wang, CS 152 – Section 101 Tim Wong, John Truong Page 2

Final Project I. Abstract

The goal of this project is to construct a working superscalar processor, with branch prediction. The memory module from lab 6 needed to be reworked to properly functioning. This phase we decided to emphasize robustness and functionality (ie, a working processor) rather than speed, so the memory was scaled back to a direct mapped, write through cache. Although the superscalar architecture itself was straightforward, the primary complication lay in increasing the number of ports in the register file and cache to support 2 pipelines. We introduced “striping” in the cache to handle this situation with relatively few stalls.

II. Division of Labor

Datapath Enhancement – This part involved updating the datapath to include 2 pipelines, adding additional forwarding logic, and updating the memory / register modules to support dual input/output, when necessary.

Initial revision: Albert, John G.

Cache, Striping, Dual Issue – This part involved writing a direct mapped, write- through cache with bursting, striping instructions within the cache, and adapting the cache for reading 2 instructions at once.

Initial revision: John G., Tim Testing: John G.

Branch Predictor – This part involved writing and

Initial revision: John T. Testing: John T., Tim

Distributor – This part consisted of a VHDL component that distributes the instructions between the two pipelines based on dependencies and other constraints.

Initial revision: Tim Testing: Albert

Forwarding/Hazards – This involved updating the forwarding and hazard units to support the two pipelines.

2 of 18 Initial revision: Tim Testing: Tim, Albert

Integration – Integration primarily involved updating the toplevel modules to support the new modules introduced by superscalar.

Integration: Everybody

Overall Testing – Testing was done on each element that we implemented followed by thorough testing of the datapath after integration of each component, as well as ensuring that it worked on the board correctly.

Testing: Everybody

III. Detailed Strategy

Sections: 0: Superscalar 1: Stall Arbiter 2: Dual Issue 3: Memory Subsystem 4: Instruction Distribution 5: Forwarding 6: Hazards 7: Branch Prediction

Section 0: Superscalar superscalar.sch

Because our 5-stage pipelined processor was already working reasonably well, extending it to a superscalar architecture was relatively straightforward. The two pipelines are referred to as the EVEN and ODD pipeline. Alternatively, the control signals distinguish between the two pipelines as Pipeline 1 (EVEN) and 2 (ODD) (this is slightly confusing, however we were able to distinguish the names between ourselves, and decided that going back to change all the names would be tedious and could cause annoying bugs if we were not careful).

Each pipeline maintains their own copies of the instructions, PCs, and control signals they process. The goal of this is to isolate each pipeline as much as possible in order to simplify the debugging process and minimize complexity.

With this project, we had the opportunity to use many of the lessons we learned from Lab 6’s non-functioning cache. Most notably, we kept the “Keep It Simple, Stupid” motto in mind throughout the design process. Because we wanted to reduce the complexity of our design, we decided to limit the functionality of the pipelines. For

3 of 18 instance, all branch and jump instructions must be processed in the EVEN pipeline, whereas all memory instructions must be process in the ODD pipeline. We also kept an invariant that the earlier instruction must always be in the EVEN pipeline. The rationale behind this decision was that we wanted to keep the pipelines “synched” so that forwarding, hazards, and prediction mechanisms would be easier to design and test. Although this invariant inevitably increases our CPI, our goal was to have a working processor first and then include additional “features.” Keeping this in mind, we tried to design our processor so that it would be easy to integrate optimizations later.

Restricting the pipeline reduced the number of corner cases we had to worry about. The “branch pipeline” was intentionally set as the EVEN pipeline (the earlier one), so that branch delay slots could be handled more cleanly. Since branch and jump instructions will always be sent to the EVEN pipeline with their delay slots in the ODD pipeline, our distributor doesn’t have to keep states and remember that a delay slot instructions has to be fetched.

Restricting the pipelines also reduced the complexity of forwarding between the pipelines because data does not need to be forwarded to the memory stage of the EVEN pipeline and nor does data have to forwarded to the decode stage of the ODD pipeline.

Section 1: Stall Arbiter stallarbiter.v

When multiple components request a stall or a bubble the stall arbiter decides which stall has precedence. Until the final project stalls had been handled in an ad hoc manner with several simple logic gates and latch signals. While it was easy to use the ad hoc system for lab 5 (only the hazard unit could stall, so no arbitration was necessary), we began to see stalling issues in lab 6 when we created two additional components (the data and instruction caches) that needed to stall the processor. However, with a few more gates we were able to retain our old stalling system. Unfortunately this system became inadequate during the development of lab 7 when we created three new stalling signals that needed to be handled. The first is bubble, which is asserted when the instruction in the decode stage of the ODD pipeline is dependent upon the instruction in the decode stage of the EVEN pipeline. The second and third signals are jumpflush and branchflush, which are asserted when a jump is detected or bad guess is made by the branch predictor. This proved to be far too many signals to handle with simple logic gates so a new module was created to give preference to the various signals.

1. Data Cache Stall – Freezes the entire pipeline 2. Hazard Stall – Freezes the fetch and decode stages, inserts bubbles into the execute stage. 3. Instruction Cache Stall – Freezes the fetch and decode stages, inserts bubbles into the execute stage. 4. Bubble – Inserts a bubble into the execute stage of the ODD pipeline. It also fills the decode stage of the EVEN pipeline with the decode instruction from the ODD

4 of 18 pipeline. Finally it fills the decode instruction of the ODD pipeline with the instruction from the even fetched instruction unless the even fetched instruction is a jump or a branch. 5. Jump Flush / Branch Flush (Only one of these should ever be asserted at once, so they have equal priority) – The flush signals reset the instructions entering the decode stage.

The stall arbiter selects the stall signal with the highest priority and propagates it to the rest of the processor. The actual reset and write enable signals to instruction and PC registers are determined by a set of OR and NOR gates which have the appropriate stall signals being fed into them. This probably should have been done in another behavioral verilog module, but because the signals could be decided with a single level of gates we decided that it was easiest to just place the gates on the pipeline.

Section 2: Instruction Issue

A superscalar processor requires two new instructions every cycle, therefore we had to modify our 32 bit-wide write through cache to create a wider cache that could provide 64 bits of data to the pipeline. Fortunately the instruction cache never has to accept stores from the pipeline, this made developing the new instruction cache substantially easier.

We widened the instruction cache to fetch two instructions in one cycle. The original design was a BRAM with a single 64-bit port. We used Coregen to create a BRAM with 64 bit entries, and we halved the number of entries to keep the size of the instruction cache constant. This had the side effect of making our loads from RAM 4 cycles faster because now a cache line could be filled in just four writes to cache instead of eight. The downside to this design was that we could only load even/odd pairs of words, not odd/even pairs. Unfortunately, the distributor is designed to fetch words in odd/even pairs as well as even/odd pairs (because of a jump/branch or a stall because of a memory instruction in the EVEN pipeline). Without modification, we would have incurred a 1 cycle penalty every time we wanted an odd/even pair. We thought of several solutions to this problem.

First, Prof. Kubi suggested that we build a stream buffer that would always be a few cycles ahead and then we could select both odd/even and even/odd pairs as long as the buffer was full. To keep the buffer full, we would have had to keep the fetch stage a few cycles ahead of the rest of the processor. This would have made branches and jumps very costly, however our branch prediction unit would have offset this penalty. Unfortunately, managing a stream buffer sounded complicated, because we wanted to keep our design as simple as possible, we decided not to use this approach.

An alternative would have been to use a dual-ported BRAM with port widths of 32 which would allow us to select any two words we wanted simultaneously. However given Prof. Kubi’s disdain for dual-ported BRAMs and the fact that using dual porting

5 of 18 here would rob us of the opportunity to use dual-porting to enhance the loading speed of DRAM requests, we decided not to go this route either.

The final option was to stripe the instructions across two separate BRAMs with one containing odd words and the other containing even words. This way we could always select both an odd and an even word in a single cycle regardless of the word’s position in cache. This modification was straightforward and we were able to make the change without touching the cache controller.

Unfortunately, we encountered another significant problem: loading words across cache lines. If the processor requested word 7 of line x and word 0 of line x + 1 then we would be unable to fulfill the request in a single cycle for a number of reasons. The first was that we still could only lookup a tag for a single line in one cycle. To fix this problem we either would have to dual-port the tag file or keep two copies of it so that we could query different entries simultaneously. A more serious issue would arise in the event of a double-cache miss. Handling a double-cache miss would have altered our cache controller greatly and given our earlier trouble with the cache controller we felt that it was safer not to attempt this solution. Instead we decided to make a separate controller that would handle a load across cache lines over multiple cycles. This controller would act as a supercontroller for the instruction cache; it would detect a load across cache lines and then freeze the rest of the processor while it hijacked the cache and simulated two separate load requests. This way we were able to quickly resolve the load across cache lines issue without having to substantially alter our cache controller. We did pay a performance penalty however, a load across cache lines would always take at least two cycles. We decided that this was an acceptable tradeoff because functionality is more important than performance. To reduce this penalty we could increase the length of our cache lines (thus making requests across cache lines less frequent). This improvement would require changes to the DRAM controller.

Section 3: Memory Subsystem memorysubsystem.sch

The memory subsystem is just a schematic that wires together several major components. It contains the Memory Mapped I/O, the Instruction Memory Wrapper, the Instruction Cache, the Data Cache, the Cache Arbiter, and the DRAM Interface as well as a few shift registers and logic gates. The MM I/O unit sits above the Data Cache and is in charge of intercepting requests to the Memory-Mapped I/O space before they can reach the Data Cache. The Instruction Memory Wrapper performs a similar task. It prevents the Instruction Cache from attempting to load instructions while the Boot Rom code is executing. The Cache Arbiter is connected to both the Instruction Cache and the Data Cache and routes their requests to the DRAM Interface. Data transfers to and from DRAM are done through the shift registers. We decided to implement the Memory Subsystem as a schematic because it makes it easier to visualize the connections. Note that we re-worked Lab 6’s cache architecture to correctly function. In doing so, we simplified it into a direct-mapped, write-through policy.

6 of 18 Section 4: Instruction Distribution superdistributor.v

With dual issue and the restrictions we put on our pipeline concerning memory and branching instructions, the processor needs a way to distribute instructions to avoid possible structural hazards. The purpose of the distributor module is to distribute instructions in such a way to avoid these structural hazards. It does a simple decode of the opcode and functcode of the instructions coming from instruction cache. If the earlier instruction coming from cache is a memory instruction it sends it down the ODD pipeline, sends a NOP down the EVEN pipeline and requests that the cache load the 2 instructions following the memory instruction. For a branch or jump detected as the later instruction, the earlier instruction is sent down the EVEN pipeline, a NOP down the ODD pipeline, and the distributor requests that the branch or jump be fetched again with its delay slot instruction (Figure 4.1). The effect of refetching the branch or jump instruction with its delay slot instruction helps particularly when dealing with branch prediction. Normally, when a branch is predicted after the instruction is fetched, the new predicted PC is immediately sent into the instruction cache. If a branch happens to be in the ODD pipeline there would be an issue of having to fetch the delay slot instruction before predicting a branch.

We also extended the distributor’s responsibility by allowing it to detect jumps (j and jal) in the early instruction and send the new jump PC to the PC unit (our branch predictor). In this way we saved a cycle whenever there was a j or jal instruction because we did not have to wait until ID stage to decode a jump.

More functionality was added to the distributor to handle dependant instructions in the same cycle as well. This is discussed in Section 6: Hazards (RAW).

We tested this unit with directed vectors. Instructions were placed in a file for our testbench to read from. The testbench imitated the cache, sending the instructions to the distributor. Output from the distributor was displayed and verified.

Figure 4.1: Distributor

7 of 18 Section 5: Forwarding superforward.v

The forwarding unit for our superscalar processor was built primarily from the forwarding unit from our 5 stage pipeline. Our design decision to have branches and jumps serviced only in the EVEN pipeline meant that we did not have to forward to the ID stage of the ODD pipeline. Likewise, since memory instructions can only be serviced in the ODD pipeline, we did not have to forward to the MEM stage of the EVEN pipeline. Other than this, for each conditional clause that determined the selection of a forwarding mux, all that needed to be done was to add 2 additional else statements that took into account the extra forwarding sources and the order in which forwarding should be considered. For example, among the instructions in the same stage, the forwarded data from the instruction in the ODD pipeline should take precedence over the data from the EVEN pipeline, because the ODD pipeline always has the later instruction and thus, should always have the most recent data. (Figure 5.1)

Figure 5.1: Forwarding Paths

Section 6: Hazards superhazard.v (handles stall signals to the pipeline when a hazard is detected) superhazardbrains.v (detects hazards within and between pipelines) superdepend.v (detects dependencies within the same cycle)

The superscalar processor must deal with many of the same hazards that occur in the 5-stage pipelined processor of labs 5 and 6, but again like the forwarding unit also must consider the other pipeline.

8 of 18 Read After Write (RAW) hazards: Just like the regular 5-stage pipeline forwarding cannot solve all RAW hazards. Fortunately, these hazards are easily quantified because they only occur when branch, jump, or memory instructions occur in the pipeline(s). All that needed to be done then was to adapt existing code to identify which pipelines these instructions occur in and to duplicate code to consider instructions in the opposite pipeline. The fact that our design stipulated that only branches and jumps could occur in the EVEN pipeline and that only memory instructions could occur in the ODD pipeline, made this task easier.

A special case that occurs is when two instructions that are dependant appear in the decode stage. In this case the instruction in the ODD pipeline is dependent on the instruction in the EVEN pipeline because the EVEN instruction always contains the earlier instruction. In our original design, the hazard unit stalls the fetch stage, sends the earlier instruction down the EVEN pipeline, sends a NOP down the ODD pipeline, and asserts a NOP in the EVEN pipeline in the decode stage. In this way, the problem is reduced to a forwarding issue and processor is unstalled. We initially chose this design because we thought that handling this dependency in the distributor unit would force the distributor to have to do extra decoding and logic in the fetch stage which we wanted to avoid in order to keep from extending the cycle time for that stage.

However, we found a way around this. In our new design, the processor still detects the dependency in the decode stage, but instead of stalling the processor and NOPing the EVEN pipeline, the hazard unit sends a request to the distributor to send the dependant instruction to the EVEN pipeline’s decode stage, and send the earlier of the two instructions that the distributor already fetched from the cache to the ODD pipeline’s decode stage (See Figure 6.1). This only works however, when the dependant instruction is not a memory instruction and the earlier instruction is not a branch or jump instruction. superdepend.v

Since our optimized distributor was added late in the project, we only tested this distribution with integrated testing. Furthermore, since we were simultaneously running versions of the processor on the board and in simulation, this optimization was not running on the board, but was running in simulation.

9 of 18 Figure 6.1: Optimized Distributor

Write After Read (WAR) hazards: The way that the 5-stage pipeline handles write after read hazards with equal length stages, last stage write back with asynchronous reading and negative edge writes to register file (in our implementation), and a single memory stage also applies to our superscalar processor, so these hazards never had to be dealt with explicitly.

Write After Write (WAW) hazards: Like the regular 5-stage pipeline our superscalar processor only has one true memory stage so that this type of hazard can’t occur with memory. However, unlike the regular 5- stage pipeline, our superscalar processor allows 2 instructions to write to the register file during the same clock cycle. This brings up the problem of two instructions requesting to write to the same register at the same time. The way that the processor deals with this case is by always choosing to write from the ODD pipeline since our design ensures that the instruction in the ODD pipeline is always contains the later instruction (of the parallel instructions) and thus contains the most recent data.

Section 7: Branch Prediction branchpredictor.v

Its responsibilities are three-fold: 1. Make branch prediction using the current PC. 2. Update its table when a branch has been resolved in the ID stage. 3. Send the new PC (even when there is no branch) to the instruction cache.

The branch predictor was implemented as described in lecture. It combines a Branch Target Buffer (BTB) and Branch History Table (BHT). The BTB stores the branch PC and the branch target address to be branched to, should the branch be taken. Meanwhile the BHT is the component that actually makes the prediction.

The branch predictor is a table with the BTB and BHT sitting side-by-side. It is a fully associative table with 8 entries. We chose this configuration over a large direct mapped table because we figured that for the types of programs we would be running, any loops that we came across would not be very deep (nested loops) that would warrant such a large history table. See Figure 7.1 for a representation of the branch predictor.

The BHT uses 2-bit saturating counters as its predictors. A value of 0 or 1 means the branch is predicted to be taken, whereas a value of 2 or 3 predicts that the branch will not be taken. Figure 7.2 shows how the 2-bit predictors are updated.

The replacement policy for the branch predictor table is one that merely replaces entries in sequence. It fills in new branch entries in order from 1 through 8 using a

10 of 18 counter, and then jumps back to 1 again. This design was chosen over a policy such as LRU for simplicity.

Here are some things to notice about our branch predictor. First, our branch predictor has ultimate say on what the next PC will be. Even the distributor has to go through the branch predictor, in case we have just fetched a branch or must recover from a mispredicted branch. The branch predictor is also responsible for flushing IF/ID stage when a branch has been predicted incorrectly. The first time the current PC of a branch is used to fetch the instruction, the branch predictor will not have the instruction in its table and the branch is predicted to be not taken. If the branch is resolved in the ID stage as a branch that should be taken, then the predictor flushes the IF/ID stage and sends the new branch PC to the instruction cache. In this way, the branch predictor should always have the final say in what the next PC should be.

We wrote a test bench to test our branch predictor, using directed vectors. branchpredictor_tf.tf

The test cases include: 1. Empty branch table a. add entry 2. Branch table with elements, not full a. Access/prediction b. Increase predictor (branch Not Taken), from 0 to 1, 2, 3 c. Decrease predictor (branch Taken), from 3 to 2, 1, 0 d. Flush, when predicted incorrectly. e. Add entry 3. Branch table with elements, full a. Access/prediction b. Increase predictor c. Decrease predictor d. Flush, when predicted incorrectly e. Add entry

Valid Branch PC Branch Target Predictor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 7.1: Branch TargetT Buffer and History Table

11 of 18 Figure 7.2: Branch Predictor State Diagram

IV. Testing Methodology

Because the superscalar processor was built on top of the functional 5-stage pipelined processor, we could rely on the individual pipelines being functional for testing. Thus, we knew that many of the bugs that would appear would be a result of integrating the pipelines. Even so, we tried to do as much individual module testing as we could. This included testing the distributor for simple functionality as well as the branch predictor. Learning from the Lab 6, we knew that our cache’s main problem would be timing correlation with the processor. To test the bare cache controller, we first integrated the cache and DRAM controller into our normal 5-stage pipelined processor to ensure single issue functionality. It was then just a matter of implementing and testing our cache with dual-issue, striping, and loading across cache lines integrated into the superscalar processor. Modules such as the forwarding unit, the hazard unit, were built upon previous units which we knew could stand up on single pipeline testing, which meant that any problems we would find would occur when the processor was integrated. The stall arbiter, likewise, depended on other components to see true functionality.

Knowing that the cache would be the origin of many of our problems, we decided that time could be better spent if we could split our efforts and test the processor with and without the cache simultaneously. To do this, we made an SRAM version of the processor that had SRAM blocks as in lab 5 in for cache. This way we could test distribution, forwarding, and hazard units separately from the cache

12 of 18 . Like in other labs, we automated the tests as much as possible. After testing for some basic functionality (add, beq, ori) we run one or several instructions designed to test specific functionality. After each “micro-test,” the result is compared to the desired result. If the result is undesired, a flag is set in a designated register. After completion of the tests, the flag register is then output to I/O space and/or a break signal set, indicating a problem.

While performing integrated testing, after each set of large changes, we re-ran our suite of regression tests to verify that no new bugs were introduced. The regression tests consisted of all the tests from the prior labs, the new tests provided by the TAs, and a new superscalar test that tested forwarding between the different pipelines and ensured the correct distribution of instructions was being sent down the pipelines.

Initially, we re-ran the original multicycle pipelined processor test (mipstest.s) from Lab 5 to test the processor. We then created 2 new tests specifically for the superscalar architecture (ss_test1.s, ss_test2.s), which were designed to test inter- and intra- pipeline forwarding, the distributor, and branch predictor modules. For instance, it ensures that only memory operations are sent down the odd pipeline, and the branch / jump instructions were only sent down the even pipeline.

Noteworthy Bugs As expected, our integrated testing revealed timing and stall priority problems with across cache line loads. However, the bugs were painstakingly solved by John G., who wrote the supercontroller and stall arbiter for those responsibilities.

Our integrated tests were also able to turn up a forwarding bug. The quick_sort test was able to reveal a bug where a forwarding path between the end of the MEM stage and EX stage for the store word register was missing. This path was not a problem in lab 5, but became a problem in lab 6 when we reworked the timing on memory instructions for the data cache.

V. Results

About half an hour before the final project demo, we were finally able to get a version of the processor running corner.mem running on the board. This version has a DRAM clock running at 27MHz and a processor clock running at 4MHz. Unfortunately, the debouncers are implemented strangely, so some “pre-processor initialization” (hammering the pushbuttons – our buttons toggle instead of the normal behavior) needs to be done. The main problem we discovered was the clock boundary between the DRAM and main processor interfaces. Out primary concerns are that the arbiter sometimes will fail to read the DRAMdone signal output by the DRAMinterface.

13 of 18 Device utilization summary:

Number of External GCLKIOBs 1 out of 4 25% Number of External IOBs 173 out of 512 33% Number of LOCed External IOBs 153 out of 173 88%

Number of BLOCKRAMs 52 out of 160 32% Number of SLICEs 7134 out of 19200 37%

Number of GCLKs 3 out of 4 75%

Test results (CPI) Without memory stalls (perfect memory) Base (no optimizations) mipstest 295/322 = .916 corner 195/235 = 0.83 mystery_test 690/464 = 0.672

With memory stalls (direct-mapped write-through cache) Base (no optimizations) With Branch Predictor

Quick_sort 14115 cycles / 6582 13857/6582 = 2.106 instructions = 2.144 CPI Base 2348/1221 = 1.923 2348/1221 = 1.923 Corner 2478/1488 = 1.665 2478/1488 = 1.663 Cachetest2 3275/1879 1.743 3263/1877 = 1.738

With Branch Predition and With branch prediction, jump Jump Prediction prediction, bubble optimization Quick_sort 13843/6582 = 2.103 13825 cycles /6582 instructions = 2.100 Base 2348/1221 = 1.923 2348/1221 = 1.923 Corner 2473/1488 = 1.662 2473/1488 = 1.662 cachetest2 3276/1879 = 1.743 3262/1877 = 1.738

14 of 18 2.5 Perfect Memory 2 Cache (Base) 1.5 w/ BP

1 w BJP

0.5 w/ BJP, Dist Opt

0 mipstest mysterytest corner quick_sort base cach etest2

Unfortunately, we were unable to re-run all the tests for the perfect memory processor. A large amount of clock cycles were devoted to memory stalls. As a result, the branch prediction, jump prediction (tested for performance, but not included because we had insufficient time to verify correctness) and bubble optimization had very little effect on performance. The branch prediction had very little effect on these tests, most likely either because of the lack of branches or because the branch history table size needs to be increased. Also, some last-minute tests revealed that bubble optimization decreased the total cycle count of Jason Ding’s quick_sort from 5000 cycles (base) to 4500. Most likely, however, the largest performance gains would have been achieved by increasing the set associativity of the cache, or moving to a write-back cache.

VI. Conclusion

Taking the extra time to properly and thoroughly design the entire superscalar processor in the beginning definitely paid off for this project. The primary problem we needed to resolve was the cache line boundary issue, which we solved with a supercontroller. Very few bugs occurred that had to do with the parallel pipelines, rather, the majority of time was spent implementing a write-through cache that supported dual issue and loading across cache lines and attempting to get the processor working on the Calinx boards. However, by sticking to a simple design, we were able to have a functioning processor in simulation and somewhat functioning processor in the board as well as adding a few optimizations.

VII. Time Spent

15 of 18 John Gibson: 55.5 hours John Truong: 46 hours Albert Wang: 75.5 hours Tim Wong: 60 hours

VIII. Appendix

Online notebook


Schematics Superscalar Datapath


Memory Subsystem


Data Cache


Instruction Cache

16 of 18 instcacheWT.sch

Verilog Modules Branch Predictor


Cache Controller




17 of 18 Forwarding Logic


Hazard (Stall) Logic


Stall Arbiter


18 of 18

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