Castle College Nottingham - Scheme of Work

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Castle College Nottingham - Scheme of Work


Awarding Body: Author: Caroline Glorioso Date: January 2008 Full Course Title: Btec National ITP NFQ Level: Divisional Head: Barbara Mercer Approval Date: Tutor: Caroline Glorioso

Academic Year 2007/08 Evaluated By: Barbara Mercer Date: Unit/subject: e-Commerce




2 Introduction to unit Go through spec explaining Students listen, question, Handouts Students input and

k specification, criteria and outcomes and how unit will and answer in order to gain contribution to class e e assessment. be assessed. clarity about unit. Whiteboard discussion W Students participate in PowerPoint Presentation e-commerce group discussion, taking presentation Formative E-Commerce and Society and society. notes. Task sheet assessment through Hot potatoes interactive Timed activity set Students use notes to Hot potatoes targets set and revision quiz complete timed activity. group activity. student’s progress. Group interactive quiz to Facilitate set task on “S” Folder: e- e-bay case study. consolidate knowledge. drive commerce Week Groups complete interactive 1 Morning / Brain Storming activity. quiz. Afternoon. Week 23 Week 22 TIMELINES Easter Holidays assessment. Timedactivities towardsunit commerce ventures differenttypes of e- e-Commerce entities commerce e-Drawbacks of Airlinecase study. Benefitsof e-commerce lesson Re-cap on last weeks TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC / assignment 1 task 1. drive and Facilitatetask on “S” set commerce. the drawbacks of e- PowerPointpresentation on mappingactivity. Facilitate mindgroup studentunderstanding. techniquesto confirm questioningDirect the benefitsof e-commerce. PowerPointpresentation on TEACHINGACTIVITIES signpost work towork question and answer. Studentstake notes, listen, assignment assessment. activities unittowards Studentscomplete two “S” drive Studentscompleteon task question and answer. Studentstake notes, listen, “S” indrive groups. Studentscompleteon task LEARNINGACTIVITIES entities. commerce Drawbacks& e- Folder: Task sheet presentation PowerPoint Whiteboard Handouts Handout sheet Week 2 Folder:Benefits RESOURCES student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative STRATEGIES ASSESMENT Week 25 Week 24 TIMELINES Tracking sheets targets criteria tasks.and Re-cap on assignment /Identity Theft. Security/ Hacking Extensionavailable tasks targets Tracking Individual sheets / Marketing & Promotion Assignment 1 OUT Revision quiz. Hot Potatoes Interactive entities. Benefits/ Drawbacks / E-Commerce/ & Society covered. Re-cap on whathasbeen TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC tasks. progress on assignment so students canmake Facilitate individual targets task. Signpostassignment to materials for Research taskscase study / Identity theft. transactions hacking / and Securityof e-commerce Powerpointpresentation on Makeavailable task. Signpostassignment to MarketingPromotion / / Powerpointpresentation on each session. monitor madeprogress Issue sheetstracking to and inconfirm hand date. Makeclear what is required understanding. to confirm student questionDirecttechniques Go assignmentthrough 1/ covered. recap on previous subjects interactive Facilitate revision TEACHINGACTIVITIES Timed activityTimed

quiz extension to ensure to

answer takeandpart in Studentsquestion and assignment tasks. and onmake progress task completefindings to tracking sheets useand set Studentsset targets in assignment tasks. consolidate knowledge for tasks groupandto tasks Studentscomplete research notes. group discussion/ take Studentsparticipate in activity. notesand timed complete group discussion/ take Studentsparticipate in progress on assignment 1 docs/ Maketargets. Studentscomplete tracking assignment brief. guidelinenoteson and andanswer take Studentslisten question / covered. re-cpon previous areas interactive revision tasks to LEARNINGACTIVITIES network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 1 Tracking sheets. whiteboard / presentation/ Powerpoint network. ‘ Handouts whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 1 Tracking sheets. interactive quiz. Hot potatoes whiteboard / presentation/ Powerpoint s’Drive and s’Drive and RESOURCES studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and STRATEGIES ASSESMENT Week 28 Week 27 Week 26 TIMELINES Opportunity 2 Assignment 1IN Tracking sheets targets criteria tasks.and Re-cap on assignment Certificates. /RSA SSLHTTPS / / techniques. Firewalls Security/ prevention nd TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC Marking Workshop/ session highergrades. where to for re-work the studentsand guidance on Individual givenfeedback to subject depth. the Internetfurther for additionalOffer materials on studentssubmit. assignments before andcompleted review Provide onone supportone tasks. progress on assignment so students canmake Facilitate individual targets task. Sign assignment post to quiz group / work Research tasksinteractive / /RSACertificates. HTTPS /Firewalls SSL PowerPoint presentation on TEACHINGACTIVITIES group discussion/ take Studentsparticipate in assignments. outstandingorcurrent Studentsworkon any for assignment 1. Studentsworkon re-works assignment. submitting completed deliverablesbefore Proof readingand checking assignment tasks. and onmake progress task completefindings to tracking sheets useand set Studentsset targets in assignment tasks. consolidate knowledge for tasks groupandto tasks Studentscomplete research notes. LEARNINGACTIVITIES Grading sheet network. ‘ network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 1 Tracking sheets. network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 1 Tracking sheets. whiteboard / presentation/ Powerpoint S’Drive and S’Drive and S’Drive and RESOURCES studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and STRATEGIES ASSESMENT Week 30 Week 29 TIMELINES Tracking sheets targets Timed criteria tasks.and Re-cap on assignment accounte-cheques. / MerchantPaypal / Payment/ methods Assignment 2OUT and Download storage. Database // Shopping cart e-commercerequired for Hardware Software and TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC Researchactivity. tasks. support on assignment and provide ononeone Facilitate individual targets tasks. signpostedto assignment Timedresearch activity payment. differentmethods of andreference visual to Powerpointpresentation Issue sheetstracking and inconfirm hand date. Makeclear what is required tasks criteria.and Go assignmentthrough 2 hardwareresources Groupactivities using commerce. requirementsfor e- cross unitlecturer on the Demonstrationand talk by TEACHINGACTIVITIES and participate the in Studentslisten question / assignment tasks. and onmake progress task completefindings to tracking sheets useand set Studentsset targets in assignment tasks. consolidate knowledge for tasks groupandto tasks Studentscomplete research notes. group discussion/ take Studentsparticipate in progress on assignment 2 docs/ Maketargets. Studentscomplete tracking and activity.complete Studentsget intogroups demonstration. LEARNINGACTIVITIES network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 2 Tracking sheets. Tracking sheets Assignment 2 websites software/ Hardware / S’Drive and RESOURCES studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and STRATEGIES ASSESMENT Week 33 Week 32 Week 31 TIMELINES Assignment 2IN Tracking sheets targets criteria tasks.and Re-cap on assignment 2 TermHalf Tracking sheets targets criteria tasks.and Re-cap on assignment Act. Information Freedom of Computer Misuse act / Data / Act Protection / Legislation / Copyright TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC subject depth. the Internetfurther for additionalOffer materials on studentssubmit. assignments before andcompleted review Provide onone supportone assignment tasks. for students working on Provide toone supportone tasks. support on assignment and provide ononeone Facilitate individual targets tasks. signpostedto assignment Timedresearch activity regarding e-commerce. legislationforms of PowerPointondifferent TEACHINGACTIVITIES group discussion/ take Studentsparticipate in assignment. submitting completed deliverablesbefore Proof readingand checking assignment tasks. and onmake progress task completefindings to tracking sheets useand set Studentsset targets in assignment tasks. consolidate knowledge for tasks groupandto tasks Studentscomplete research notes. LEARNINGACTIVITIES network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 2 Tracking sheets. network. ‘ whiteboard. Interactive Assignment 2 Tracking sheets. S’Drive and S’Drive and RESOURCES studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative studentprogress. and observation of One onone support student’s progress. targets set and assessment through Formative activities. discussion and contributionto class Studentsinput and STRATEGIES ASSESMENT SafeLearner Concept and using pcbethe resources on drive for located‘s’reference.can assignment informativeproduce tasks Interactivefor learning activities whiteboard and presentations. Students both fun used e-Learning takesubjectto the mattergreater depths. feedback eachevidence of session. ofreference made at taskstoand theExtension for wantbeginning learners available who for support sheets a each learner. writtenrange Trackingprovide ofIndividual and tofeedback both orally to usedprovide Differentiation resourcesAll arelearning and neutral. gender race & DiversityEquality sheetsstructurethe help progress. individual and next support on tracking learning forsession. student Comments to feedback Individual given conversationencourage feedback every and betweenduring to student studentIndividual session. Every MattersLearner Outline the strategies you will employ in each of the following areas:eachinoffollowing will theemploy youthe strategies Outline Week 35 Week 34 TIMELINES Tidy Tidy /Up Review Unit 2 nd TOPIC AND CONTENT ANDTOPIC Marking Opportunity Marking assignment. outstandingorcurrent studentscomplete all environmentto support Facilitate workshop Workshop session highergrades. where to for re-work the studentsand guidance on Individual givenfeedback to TEACHINGACTIVITIES for assignment 2. Studentsworkon re-works assignments. outstandingorcurrent Studentsworkon any assignments. outstandingorcurrent Studentsworkon any LEARNINGACTIVITIES spreadsheet. Grading network. ‘ spreadsheet. Grading network. ‘ s’Drive and s’Drive and RESOURCES STRATEGIES ASSESMENT All learners are aware of safe behaviour while in class and report faults with workstations and damaged furniture to the tutor immediately.

Health & Safety All learners are aware of health and safety guidelines in the class. Bags are put away under tables and no drinks or food allowed in the class.

Additional Learning Support No ALS assigned in this session.

End of Course Evaluation - State any recommendations for the use of this scheme of work in future years. For best practice use information from action points raised in the lesson plans

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