Discover How an Electro/Permanent Magnet Works

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Discover How an Electro/Permanent Magnet Works

Lesson Plan Seven

Discover how an electro/permanent magnet works

Name: Erica Paproski Date: Subject: Science Grade: 4

Content: Students will learn about electromagnets.

Teaching Strategy: Experimental Learning Objectives: Assessment for student learning: Students will be able to: - Exit slip. - Experiment with electromagnets. - Compare electromagnets to permanent magnets. Common Essential Learnings: - Communication - Critical and Creative Thinking - Personal and Social Values and Skills - Numeracy Prerequisite Learning: - Students will need to be familiar with magnets; how they attract and repel each other. - Electromagnets - Know how to use a graphic organizer Lesson Preparation Materials/Equipment: - Presentation Classroom Management: - Use a music triangle. I will hit the Set: triangle three times softy to gather - Hide a bunch of paperclips in sand. students’ attention. Begin by asking the students what they - State expectations at the beginning of think is going to happen without class so students understand what I am showing the magnet. expecting (ex: use inside voices, raise - Bring out the magnet and use the hand, respect others). magnet to bring out the paper clips from below. - Had out magnets to a group of students. Have the groups go around the room to see how many and what things stick to the magnet. - Discuss some of the things that was attracted to the magnet. Tell the students, “Did you know that a doorbell and a compass uses a magnet called, an electromagnet.” - Discuss what an electromagnet is and where is can be found.

Development: - Have student try making their own compasses. OR

- Have students create magnets of their own and see how strong their magnet is by having a competition. Closure: - Talk about magnets Extension: - Have students create their own motor. Adaptive Dimension: - Field trip - Working as a whole group Resources:

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