Build Background s3

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Build Background s3

A Review A Activity

Build Background Leveled Reader: The Incredible Alexander Graham Bell As a group, discuss the following: Before Reading Why are secret codes necessary?

A Skim the first paragraph to predict what they will learn and set a P


When the patriots in the thirteen colonies decided that e r purpose for reading. o m they wanted independence from Great Britain, people h t r a

w During Reading who were loyal to Great Britain, as well as British S

, l o o soldiers, lived all around them. Why did the patriots h c Read the book independently and answer the question: S

e need secret plans, secret messages, and secret codes g d e l t What qualities did Bell have that made him “amazing”? u

such as flashing lights? R

e r o

m After Reading h t r a w S

Why are secret codes ,

r Review the concept map and explain how this book helps e

necessary? h c

a answer the weekly question Why are secret codes necessary? e T

e d a

r Why did Bell care so much about teaching people Visible g

h t 4

, Speech? y o r l E c How do codes help people communicate? M

c i r E

Secure information Send messages Keep people safe y b

In what way was understanding and sending sound like the n e t t

i process of creating and sending a code? r w e R

1 1 0 2 Unit 4 Week 3 Day 1 * Unit 4 Week 3 Day 1 A Review A Activity

Sequence Reading Street Book: Navajo Code Talkers

Review the definitions of the strategy of Revisit sequence. Sometimes writers move back and Read Navajo Code Talkers pp. 88-95 and use the

forth in time, using a technique called flashback A P

, comprehension skill and strategy as you read. e r to report on events in the past. If you think o m h t

r Why did the Navajo have to learn to take care of about Chapter 1 of The Inredible Alexander a w S


l radios? o

Graham Bell, you remember that the dog is o h c S

e speaking in the present but tells stories from the g Did this come before or after they developed the code? d e l t u R past. e

r Critical Thinking: o m h t r

Important Ideas a

w Why were Navajos discouraged from speaking their S

, r e

h language in school? c

Review the definition of Important ideas, and a e T

e d

identify them as you read Navajo Code Talkers. a When did knowledge of the Navajo language become r g

h t 4

useful to the U.S. military? , y o r l E c M

c i r E

y b

n e t t i r w e R

1 1 0 2 Unit 4 Week 3 Day 2 * Unit 4 Week 3 Day 2 A Review A Activity

Unknown Words/Dictionary/Glossary Reading Street Book: Navajo Code Talkers Find the word reservation in the first paragraph Revisit: of Navajo Code Talkers. Read Navajo Code Talkers on pp. 96-103. Use A P

, context clues as you finish reading with a partner. I read here that Roy Howthorne lived on a e r o m h t Navajo reservation. The only reservation I r Critical Thinking: a w S

, know about is the kind people make at a l o

o Who decided how the code would work, and why? h c S restaurant. I know that can’t be the meaning e g d e

l What impact do you think the success of the code had here. I’ll find the Rs in the dictionary. Using t u R


r on future ideas about secret codes? guide words and alphabetical order, I’ll find the o m h t r page I need and the word reservation. After a Do you think the success of the code affected the later w S

, r

e lives of those who created and used it? Explain. looking at all the definitions, I see that in this h c a e T

sentence, the word reservation means “land set e d What do you think the code talkers should be most a r g

h aside for a special purpose.” t

4 proud of?

, y o r l E c M

c i r E

y b

n e t t i r w e R

1 1 0 2 *

Unit 4 Week 3 Day 3 Unit 4 Week 3 Day 3 A Activity A Activity

Reading Street Book: Your Own Secret Leveled Reader:The Incredible Alexander Graham Bell Language Reread for Fluency

Before Reading Silently reread passages from The Incredible Read the genre information about how-to articles on Alexander Graham Bell p.108. Preview Your Own Secret Language on pp. Then reread them aloud with a partner or individually.

108-109. Set a purpose for reading. A P

, e r Match your expression to the content. o m

During Reading h t r a

w Retell S

, l

How is the first page different from the second one? o o h c S

Summarize the main idea and key details from each of e After Reading g d e

l the three titled sections of The Incredible Alexander t u R

e Graham Bell. Discuss with your teacher Reading Across Texts. r o m h t

Then do Writing Across Texts independently. r a

w What are the most important ideas in this S

, r e h

c selection? a e T

e d a r What did you learn from reading this selection? g

h t 4

, y o r

l After Reading E c M

c i r

E Complete any unfinished projects. You may share them with

y b

n your classmates with the teacher’s permission. e t t i

Unit 4 Week 3 Day 4 r w e R

1 Unit 4 Week 3 Day 5 1 0 2 *

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