Curriculum Vitae For

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Curriculum Vitae For


School Address: Home Address:

Department of Geosciences 3419 Summer Lane Tomanek Hall Hays, Kansas 67601 Fort Hays State University (785) 625-6774 Hays, Kansas 67601 (785) 628-5096


1972-1978 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 1978. Ph.D. in Geography, 1978 Dissertation Title -”An Assessment of the Validity of and East - West Cultural Dichotomy in Kansas”

1961-1967 Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois B.S. Biology (1965), M.S. Geography (1967) Thesis Title - “The Toledo, Peoria and Western, A Bridge Line Railroad.”

Professional Improvement Efforts:

A. Extensive Travel within the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. B. Participated in Wingspread Conference sponsored by the Association of American Geographers, Exxon Education Foundation and the Johnson Foundation. The Purpose of this conference was to foster international understanding through world geography, by developing world geography courses which would foster international understanding. C. Participated in the “Boundaries and Borderlands Summer Institute,” Williamstown, Massachusetts. The seminar was sponsored by the American Association of Colleges and Universities. 1994. D. Malone Fellowship from the National Council on US - Arab Relations: Traveled to the United Arab Emirates during January 1992.

College Teaching:

A. 1960s: During my early years of teaching (1960’s) I taught a variety of courses, including Human, Economic, Physical, Latin American, European, Soviet, African, Kansas and United States Geography. B. 1970s: Preparations were reduced and a summer field studies course was introduced. C. 1980s: Thematic courses including Cultural, Agricultural, and historical geography of the United States. D. 1990s: United States Geography, World Geography & Cultural Geography. A new course, U.S. Human Geography: Issues for the 21st century, will be introduced in Fall 1996.

Research and Other Scholarly Activity:

1 A. Articles Published in Refereed Journals:

1. “Relationship of Environmental Factors to Healthfulness: Kansas 1850-1900,” Kansas Geographer, No. 13, pp. 5-16, Spring 1978. 2. “West of the 98th Meridian: Kansas Midwestern Culture as Modified by Aridity and Isolation,” North American Culture, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 87-125, 1986. 3. “Geography: Beyond the Textbook,” Geographic Insights, Vol. 1, no. 1. May 1991.

B. Scholarly Presentations with Published Abstracts:

1. “Magazine Circulation as an Index of United States Culture Regions in Kansas,” (Abs.), Association of American Geographers Program Abstracts, p. 99, 1980. 2. “Kansas and the Western Image: The Spatial Distribution of Western Attitudes in Kansas,” (Abs.), Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, vol. 84, No. 3, p. 165, August 1981. 3. “Place Perception and A.M. Radio Call Letters,” Abstract of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. 2, p. 25, December 1983. 4. “Vernacular Place Geography and Radio Station Call Letters,“ (Abs.), National Council For Geographic Education, Program Abstracts, 1987.

C. Articles in Non-Refereed Journals and Other Publications:

1. “The Use of Relationship Geography in a Geography Fair Project,” Mini Journal, Publication of the Kansas Council for Geographic Education, Vol. 8, p. 2, Fall 1975. 2. “Place Perceptions and A.M. Radio Station Call Letters,” University Forum, Fort Hays State University, No. 37, Spring 1986. 3. “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Facts: An Activity in Geographic Interpretation,” The KCSS Journal, Kansas Council for the Social Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 1990. 4. Articles on Iraq and Saudi Arabia for the Kansas Council for the Social Studies Newsletter, 2003.

D. Scholarly Presentations at Scholarly Meetings:

1. “The Distribution of Cowboyism, Nomadism, and Megalophilia in Kansas,” Kansas Academy of Science, 1972. 2. “The Perception of Healthfulness in the Kansas Territory,” Kansas Academy of Science, 1973. 3. “Perceived Economic Opportunities of the Kansas Territory,” Kansas Academy of Science, 1974. 4. “Classroom techniques for Developing and Retaining Interest in Cultural Geography,” National Science Foundation Symposium for the Improvement of Geography Teaching, 1974, Manhattan, KS. 5. “Magazine Circulation as an Index of United States Culture Regions in Kansas, “ Association of American Geographers National Meeting in Louisville, KY. April 13-16, 1980. 6. “Kansas and the Western Image: The Spatial Distribution of Western Attitudes in Kansas,” Kansas Academy of Science, March 20, 1981. 2 7. “The Kansas Cultural Region,” 1982 Annual Meeting of the Society for North American Cultural Survey, Stillwater, OK. 8. Panel Participant: “Geography in Single Person Departments,” Association Of American Geographers National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. April 9, 1988. 9. “Cultural Landscape Identification and the Regionalization Process as Assessed Via Photo Illustrations,” National Council for Geographic Education Annual Meeting, Hershey, PA. October 11, 1989. 10. “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Facts: An Activity in Geographic Interpretation,” The Kansas Council for the Social Studies Annual Convention, Topeka, KS. October 18, 1989. 11. “Five Themes to Geography: A Voyage of Discovery,” Fifteenth Early Childhood / Elementary Conference, Hays, KS. September 23, 1989. 12. “Geographic Illiteracy and the Significance of Geography,” Convocation Lecture Series 1990, Kansas State University, March, 1990. 13. “Out of the Woods and Onto the Prairie: Kansas Place Images,” Kansas Studies Conference, Topeka, KS. October 21-22, 1990. 14. “Webbs’ Great Plains Thesis and Its Application to Teaching Kansas Social Studies,“ Rocky Mountain / Great Plains Regional Social Studies Conference, Overland Park, KS. April 11-13, 1991. 15. “After the National Geographic,” Panel Discussant, Rocky Mountain / Great Plains Regional Meeting Association of American Geographers, Laramie, WY. Sept. 5-7, 1991 16. “The United Arab Emirates: Making a 20th Century Landscape out of Sand and Petroleum,” Rocky Mountain / Great Plains Regional Meeting Association of American Geographers, Manhattan, KS. Oct. 10, 1992. 17. “Captivating Geography for Grades K-12: A Primer for the 21st Century,” Rocky Mountain / Great Plains Regional Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Manhattan, KS. Oct. 10, 1992. 18. “Effective Use of Visuals in Geography,” Kansas Council for the Social Studies, Salina, KS. Oct. 26, 1992. 19. “The Five Themes Approach to Teaching Geography,” Teaching Geography Workshop sponsored by the Smoky Hill In-Service Center, at Salina KS. Jan. 22, 1993. 20. “Geography and the Kansas Social Studies Outcome Process,” Outcome Based Education Conference sponsored by the Essdack In-Service Center at Hutchinson, KS. Feb. 15, 1993. 21. “The U.A.E.: A Petrodollar Sand Castle,” Gamma Theta Upsilon Chapter Meeting at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. March 30, 1993. 22. “The Five Themes Approach to Teaching Geography,” National Diffusion Network’s Teaching Geography Workshop, Wichita, KS. Sept. 24, 1993. 23. Panel Discussant: “Integrating the National Geography Standards and the Kansas Social Studies Standards,” Emporia, KS. Mar. 8, 1994. 24. “The Five Themes Approach to Teaching Geography,” National Diffusion Network’s Teaching Geography Workshop, Wichita, KS. March 12, 1994. 25. “Aging in Kansas: Not all Counties are Created Equal,” Fall Conference, Kansas Council for the Social Studies, Wichita, KS. October 30, 1995. 26. “Kansas Water Usage: How Much Is Enough,” Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional Social Studies Conference, Overland Park, KS, April 10-12, 1997. 27. “Saudi Arabia, Oil, The House of Saud & Wahhabism,” Kansas Council for the Social Studies, 2003

3 28. "Using the Internet to Locate Kansas' Vernacular Regions," Kansas Council For the Social Studies, 2006.

E. Publications:

1. Nellis, Duane & Paul Phillips: The Kansas Geography - National Resources Curriculum For K-12. 1995. 2.. Field trip guide: “I-70 Roadside Geography” for the fall 2004 meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, Kansas City, 2004.

F. Book Reviews:

1. Blaten, Bradley H., Nebraska (Boulder: Westview Press, 1985): Book review in Journal of the West, Vol. 25, No. 4, Oct. 1986, pp. 91-92. 2. Socolosky, Homer E. and Huber Self, Historical Atlas of Kansas, 2nd ed. Homer E. Socolosky and Huber Self, (Oklahoma Press, 1989): Book review in The American Cartographer, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 1989. 3. Cable Ted T. and Wayne A Maley, Driving across Kansas, A Guide to I-70 , Book Review in Great Plains Newsletter, a publication of The Center for Great Plains Studies at Emporia State University, Fall 2004 4. Birdsall, Stephen S, sixth edition of the text Regional Landscapes of The United States and Canada, for John Wiley and Son, Spring 2004. 5. Kansas, a book is the state series of Highlights for Children Inc, reviewed and updated, 2004

Teaching and Professional Responsibilities: A. Chair of department: 1999 - 2005 A. 9 hrs of teaching preparation per semester (Cultural, World and U.S. Human Geography). B. 9 hrs. of virtual college courses (United States and World Geography). C. Kansas Council for the Social Studies Board Member D. Numerous campus committees, including Faculty Senate, and Arts and Sciences Promotion Committee

Leadership and Participation in Professional Societies:

A. Associate Editor of North American Culture: 1985-86. B. Kansas History Curriculum Task Force: Kansas Department of Education. 1989-90. C. Geographic Consultant : 1990 Kansas Historical Society and Kansas State Department of Education’s Committee to develop “Learner Outcomes for Kansas History and Government,” Kansas Social Studies Curriculum Development. 1990. D. Executive Council Member of the Kansas Academy of Science: 1991- 1994. E. National Council for Geographic Education’s “Geographic Excellence in Media” Awards Task Force 1994 - 1995. F. Social Studies Advisory Council for Curricular Standards and Assessment: 1994 - 97. G. Board Member: Kansas Council For the Social Studies: 1990 - 2007 a. President Kansas Council For the Social Studies: 2003..

4 Awards, & Achievements:

A. Grants:

1. $ 300 Grant for Key Punching and Statistical Package, FHSU Graduate Council Research Grant: 1975 2. $ 750 Computer time: FHSU Graduate Council Research Grant: 1976 3. $ 300 Mailing and Production of Radio Station Call Letter Questionnaire: FHSU Graduate Council Research Grant: 1980 4. $ 12,000 Geography Bee Grants: 1988 - 1999 5. $418,000 National Geographic Alliance Grants: 1988 - 1999 6. $400,000 Kansas Water Office Alliance Grants: 1991 – 1999 7. $500,000 Endowment for the Kansas Geographic Alliance 1999 8. $ 12,000 Malone Fellowship: National Council for Arab - American Understanding: 1991 9. $ 25,960 University of Northern Colorado and U.S. Department of Education to conduct a Summer Geography Institute: 1992 - 1993

B. Academic Honors:

1. Malone Fellowship: Travel to United Arab Emirates, National Council on U.S. Arab Relations 2. Wingspread Fellowship: Fostering International Understanding Through World Geography 3. Phi Delta Kappa: National Honor Society 4. Phi Kappa Phi: Educational Honor Society 5. Gamma Theta Upsilon: Geography Honor Society 6. Fellowship to attend “Borders and Borderlands” Summer Institute, American Association of Colleges and Universities 7. “Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award, ”National Council For Geographic Education, 1996


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