The 1 and 1 Beginning Pitch Count Will Be in Effect
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. The St. Louis Softball League is an adult league. All league participants must be at least 18 years old.
. The first scheduled team is the home team. The home team is responsible for game balls. There should be at least one new and one good used ball per game. The home team is also responsible for keeping score in their game.
. The 1 and 1 beginning pitch count will be in effect.
. No new inning will start after 55 minutes, but if an inning starts before 55 minutes, it will be completed.
. Grace period – For the early (6:00 or 6:30 p.m.) games only, an up-to-ten (10) minute grace period to either wait for or obtain a player will be allowed for a team that is short of the required number of players to start a game—nine (9)—as long as both teams agree. (If this is a Coed game, the right sex person must show up or volunteer to play). The game clock will start at the regular time and the game will not exceed fifty-five (55) minutes minus the grace period time that is used. If a player does not show up within this ten minute grace period, the team that is short a player will forfeit the game.
. No courtesy third foul ball.
. No metal or screw-on spikes are allowed. Players found to have them on during the game will be ejected along with the manager/coach.
. The runs ahead rule is as follows: 20 runs after 2½ or 3 innings, 15 runs after 3½ or 4 innings and 10 runs ahead after 4½ or 5 innings.
. The home run limit rule (over established fenced fields) is as follows: Men’s Competitive – 6, Men’s Competitive/Recreational and Coed Competitive – 3, Women’s Recreational – Unlimited, and Men’s Recreational and Coed Recreational – 0. If a ball is hit over an established fence, in any given category, over the limit that is allowed, the batter is out and the half inning is over. Also, on any fair batted bat hit over an established fence for a home run (within the limit that is allowed for any given category) or on a four base award, the batter and all runners are credited with a run and are not required to run the bases.
. In all leagues, teams must start a game with at least nine (9) players with the tenth spot in the lineup being an automatic out until an eligible player shows up. He or she can take a defensive position as soon as he or she arrives if their team is on defense or can bat in the tenth spot whenever it comes up in the order. Teams can bat up to eighteen (18) players if they wish, however, they need to be aware that if a player on their team is ejected or leaves for whatever reason, that spot in the lineup will become an automatic out unless there is an eligible substitute to move into that spot. The exception to this rule is a game injury. Teams will not be penalized if a player has been injured during the course of the game and an eligible substitute is not available (to a minimum of nine (9) players). If a team ends up with only eight (8) eligible players to play, for whatever reason, that team will forfeit that game.
. In Coed Competitive play, there must be an equal ratio of guys and gals in the lineup (they can start and finish the game with five (5) guys and four (4) gals or five(5) gals and four (4) guys and an automatic out in the tenth spot if there is no eligible (correct sex) substitute.
. In Coed Recreational play, a team can play with a minimum of four (4) gals and up to fourteen (14) guys, but the compressed lineup will be in effect (a guy-gal-guy-gal batting order). The fifth (vacant) spot is an automatic out. A Coed Recreational team cannot drop below four (4) gals in the starting lineup. On defense, if a guy pitches, a gal must catch. If a gal pitches, a guy must catch. With a minimum of four (4) gals in the lineup, two gals must be on the infield and at least one (1) in the outfield. In this same situation, there can only be two (2) guys in the outfield.
. A team may designate one (1) player at the beginning of the game (who is playing injured so that the team has at least a minimum of nine (9) players to have a courtesy runner run for them if they reach base. The runner must be the last out (batter/runner). In Coed, the runner must be the last out of the same sex. In addition to this runner, if a player gets injured and must stay in the game to keep their team from forfeiting, that player, too, can have a courtesy runner with the same setup as the designated runner.
. The ASA rulebook will govern in all situations related to league play with the exception of stated in-house rules (Exceptions: Coed – No sliding at any time. All leagues – compressed lineup batting due to game injury, roster batting up to eighteen (18) batters, and pitching height – maximum 12 feet, minimum 6 feet.
. Rosters There is a 20 player limit per team. Each player should fill out the information on the roster sheet and sign for themselves. Teams should make a copy of their roster before turning them in and should keep a copy on hand during the games in case a question of a player’s eligibility comes up. A team that does not have a roster on hand when a player’s eligibility is questioned, risks losing that player for the game and could possibly lose the game itself. Teams that have played during the 2013 Spring Summer Session and changed more than one player, or new teams, need to turn in a roster prior to the second doubleheader. The roster can be dropped off at the Main Office (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), or at the Concession Stand when it is open, or fax it in at (314) 535-3901.
. Forfeits Teams that forfeit two (2) games in the single game leagues or four (4) games in the doubleheader leagues due to a lack of players (minimum to nine players to start a game) will be dropped from the league and the remaining games will be rescheduled amongst the remaining teams.
. Bats Each team is being given the most current ASA banned bat list available. Players should not bring these bats to the game. Prior to the game, teams should check with their umpire about their bats. Players can keep up with the current ASA banned bat list by going to Players found to be using illegal bats during the game will be called out and ejected from the game along with the manager/coach.
. Scores It is the responsibility of the winning team to make sure their score agrees with the one the game umpire has. Only the scores given to the St. Louis Softball League by the umpires will count as official. No team should call in their scores. It would be wise for the losing team to make sure that the score the game umpires has agrees with the one they have because the overall scores of games can be a tie-breaking factor for first place at the end of the season.
. Rainouts Only the COACH of a team should call to find out if the game(s) for that particular day are called off and they should not do so until at least 3:00 p.m. If it is apparent that there will be no games because of rain, a message will be on the recorder as early as possible. The number is (314) 289-5307. Also, games will not be called off in advance because it MIGHT rain. If the field is dry, the teams should plan on playing. After the game starts (6:00 p.m. on the non- lighted fields and 6:30 p.m. on the lighted fields), the power to halt or continue a game lies with the game umpire.
Games that have been stopped prior to the completion of the minimum number of innings (4½ or 5) or the minimum amount of time allowed for a game (55 minutes) due to rain, lightening, etc., will be continued from the point that they were stopped when they are rescheduled. It is the responsibility of the home team to keep the game’s scorebook information legible for future scheduling.
. Manager/Coach Responsibility – Conduct The team manager/coach will be responsible for the conduct of themselves, the other coaches, their players and their fans. Ejection and/or forfeit could result if, in the opinion of the game umpire, one or both teams have gotten out of control. They are also responsible for cleaning up of their bench after the game.
Team managers/coaches are responsible for informing their team members and fans/spectators about the topics on the “Points of Interest” sheet. It is their duty to help the St. Louis Softball League enforce these rules.
. Game Ejection’s and Suspensions Players that are ejected from their games for inappropriate comments, profane language, or unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended for two (2) weeks for their first incident. This two- week suspension will not include byes and/or rained-out games, but will include part or all of the playoffs. If these same players are ejected a second time during the same session, they will automatically be suspended for the remainder of that session plus the playoffs. If a player is on suspension and attends any games for teams that he or she is listed on the roster for, these games will automatically be forfeited. Players that are ejected from games are expected to leave the entire playing area in a timely manner. Those that do not will cause their team to forfeit their game(s).