Swavesey Parish Council
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Page 1 of 3 23rd July 2013 Over Parish Council
7.30pm Minutes of the meeting of Over Parish Council Over Parish Council Meeting, held in the Town Hall, Tuesday 23rd July 2013 PRESENT Mrs H Hyde(Chairman) Councillors : Mrs S Bridgman, Mr B Burling, Mr G Fenn, Mr Lewis, Mr G Twiss, Mrs R Wayman, Mrs C Bidwell, Mr D Monks and Mr T Sutton. Clerk : Mrs L Poulter In attendance Parishioners : Two Parishioners were present County Councillor: Cllr Manning District Councillors: Cllr Burling Item 1 TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Mr R Robinson and Mr D Monks. 2 TO SIGN AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18th JUNE 2013 2.1 Matters of accuracy arising from the previous minutes-for information Following a minor typographical amendment the minutes were signed. 3 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mrs Robinson, one of the parishioners present was invited to address the meeting. She expressed her concerns over the fact that the Parochial Church Council (PCC) were proposing to restrict the chiming of the church clock to between 9am and 5pm. This matter was discussed generally and Councillors recommended that Mrs Robinson instigate a petition and present this to the PCC. Mrs Robinson had also drafted an item for inclusion in the Over News. 4 GREEN INCLUDING DRAINAGE, ENCROACHMENT, REGISTRATION AND REPORT FROM GROUNDSMAN ALONG WITH VILLAGE MAINTENANCE REPORT (i) Encroachment-Mr Twiss will look through old minute books to map the history of the Green encroachment issues etc. Boundary markers to be put in by Mr Bridgman with assistance from Mr Burling and Mr Lewis. Mrs Wayman will try to obtain some historical photographs of the area for information. We will email Adam Weston, our solicitor, to let him know the position. (ii) Green-It was agreed the parts of the hedge which had been missed on the last cut be trimmed back during autumn and a general trim will also be undertaken. The scheduled verti-draining will go ahead when appropriate. The drains from the Pavilion had blocked up during the carnival and it was agreed we ask Mr I Warrington if he could hire a camera and carry out investigative work to ascertain the extent of the problem. Some of the trees on the Green are showing signs of weakness and we will ask Atlas Tree Surgery to inspect and recommend a course of action. (iii) General village areas-Dog fouling and litter continue to be a problem at Overcote and it was agreed we purchase a dog litter bin and associated signage for erection in this area, Mr Bridgman to empty. The Cramp has been cleared and we need to address the issue of the obstructions in Randall’s Lane, Mr Burling has contact details for the owners and he will pass these to the Clerk. The kissing gate needs erecting at the top end of the Recreation Ground, Mr Sutton to liaise with Mr Bridgman re location and access to gate. Mr Bridgman has rubbed down the bench at Church End and we will ask the Custersons if it would be possible to have the hedge overhanging the bench trimmed back. (iv) Pavilion Repairs-Costs not yet assessed. There is however a leak in the roof and it was agreed we ask Mr Bridgman to contact Mr C Wayman in the first instance. 5 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS 5.1 County Council-Cllr Manning reported that there is to be a transport exhibition on 29th July at Bar Hill and another at Swavesey in September. He now has some photographic evidence of the subsidence in Willingham Road and will take this matter further, he will also draw the matter of the overhanging hedge along Willingham Road to the attention of the Council. It was noted that the ditch is also becoming blocked in this area due to the overhanging vegetation. Mr Twiss commented that both Glover Street and King Street are both in dire need of repair. Mr Burling noted that Long Drove is in an almost impassable state and recently an HCV had been damaged whilst travelling along the Drove. He had reported this to the County Council but had not received any response as yet, Cllr Manning agreed to look into this and also the state of Overcote Road, although he did note that such minor roads would not be placed very high on the list for repair due to funding restrictions. He is also looking into ways of getting the bollards in Fen End removed. 5.2 District Council- Cllr Burling reported that the Local Development Framework consultation is underway and there will be a display at Swavesey on 10th September, he encouraged all Councillors to attend. He had attended a recent meeting relating to the possible instatement of the Great Ouse area as an area of outstanding natural beauty and is now on the steering panel for this group. He has also booked a place at a meeting relating to the Ouse washes landscape scheme. 5.3 PCSO-Nothing to report. 6 PLANNING Page 2 of 3 23rd July 2013
6.1 Applications S/1431/13/FL-Erection of industrial units and associated infrastructure at site 5 Norman Way for Universal Fencing Ltd. Mrs Bridgman proposed “no recommendation” seconded by Mr Bidwell, 8 for. We will also ask that the hedge here be maintained as an effective screening and that it be kept well managed and clear of the highway. Recent public presentation by Bloor Homes-We have received nothing official in relation to this proposal. C/11/40/076-Tree works at 58 High Street, no comments. S106-Duly signed by Councillors Hyde and Wayman in relation to 65 Willingham Road South Cambridgeshire Local Plan-Received. 6.2 Permissions-Double garage at 35 James Wadsworth Close, replacement buildings and change of use on land opposite 55 Fen End, changes to Berry House-including listed building consent and extension at 18 King Street. 6.3 Refusals-Extensions at 42 High Street and for change of use to travellers site on land at Hayden Way. 6.4 Appeals-None received. 7 FINANCE-To approve payment of outstanding accounts (i) It was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously to approve the invoices and cheques as listed: Clerk’s Salary 500.50 D Bridgman-Green, Pavilion etc-May 445.92 -June 489.34 S Aves-cutting grass at Overcote 70.00 I Warrington-Tap in Pavilion 28.00 (ii) Receipts-Use of Green and Pavilion £30.00 (iii) Review of accounts to 30th June 2013-These had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting, there were no questions. 8 QUOTES FOR RESURFACING PLAY AREA The following quotes had been received: Remove and relay Overlay Repairs as per 3 areas 3 areas RoSPA report RTC Safety Surfacing £8,666 plus VAT N/A £3,566 plus VAT Pentagon £11,695 plus VAT N/A N/A Associated Surfaces £7,536 no VAT £4,536 no VAT £2,123 no VAT Wickseed Leisure £11,889 plus VAT N/A £5,070 plus VAT Mr Fenn stated that all those who had quoted had advised that this would be a stop gap measure and full re- surfacing would most likely need to be undertaken in two to three years time. Mr Burling proposed we accept the quote from Associated Surfaces for the repairs as required by the RoSPA report, seconded by Mr Lewis, 6 for, 2 against, 1 abstention. The Work will be scheduled for mid September, Mr Fenn to contact contractor. 9 CHURCH CLOCK This matter had been covered under the Public Participation agenda item and no further discussion was deemed necessary. 10 COMMUNICATIONS AND WEBPAGE-FURTHER UPDATE ON PROGRESS Mr Twiss is making progress but is now waiting for a draft website. We will write to congratulate the Carnival committee on another successful carnival. 11 REPORTS FROM PC REPRESENTATIVES ON OTHER BODIES OCA-Mr Burling had raised the issue with OCA at their recent meeting that the agreement between OCA and the Parish Council was in need of updating, he suggested this could perhaps be achieved by way of a letter between the two parties. The Clerk had contacted Ian Dewar who had offered to come to talk to Councillors. It was suggested he be invited to come and talk informally in the first instance to Councillors and we will look at dates for this. It was noted that OCA do have some documents which may be of use and Mr Burling offered to try to get sight of these. Northstowe-Mr Twiss had circulated notes from the previous meeting to all Councillors, he will continue to do this. He noted that there had been problems with the recent traffic survey. 12 RE-INSTATEMENT OF DITCH AT DOLES GREEN LANE Only two quotes for the re-instatement of the ditch had been received, we will await receipt of the third one before considering this matter further. 13 PROPOSED FISHING LAKE We have asked Hanson for a lease but have received no response as yet. 14 PARISH COUNCIL LAND IN OUTLAYING VILLAGE AREAS INCLUDING MAPPING We need to try to obtain deeds of the various pockets of land so they can be registered. 15 PARISH PLAN UPDATE 16 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE Traffic calming request-we have received a letter from the resident at 29 West Street asking us to consider the possibility of installing traffic calming in West Street. We will write to the resident and refer them to the County Council. 17 REQUESTS FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR COMING MEETINGS
Next meeting dates: Full Council – 10th September
The meeting closed at 9.50pm Page 3 of 3 23rd July 2013