Irrawang Public School
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1 The school is located on land traditionally owned by the Worimi people. The land once formed part of pioneer farmer and artist, James King’s property “Irrawang”. This name comes from an Aboriginal term meaning “water view”.
Since opening in September 1968 with an enrolment of 176 pupils, the school has grown with its surrounding community to be one of the largest primary schools in Raymond Terrace.
IRRAWANG PUBLIC SCHOOL 21 Geer Street Raymond Terrace 2324
Phone 49872403 Fax 49874063
Email address: [email protected] School Website address:
Dear Parents and Care Providers,
Welcome to Irrawang Public School.
This information booklet aims to give you some insight into Irrawang Public School and its operation.
It is also a ready reference of school requirements.
I trust that this publication will further the good relationship that exists between the Community and Irrawang Public School
Mrs Stacy Mathieson Principal
Irrawang is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School.
Our expectation for our students is that they are Safe, Responsible Learners who show Respect. Our students follow the Aussie Five rules: I can listen I can follow instructions I can raise my hand and wait I can work quietly I can control what I do and say
Our School Motto is “We Play Our Part”.
3 CONTENTS Welcome to Our School 3 Absentee Forms 13 Administering of Medicine to Students 19 Assemblies 22 Assessment of Students 15 Asthma and Allergies 19 Bell Times 7 Bus Passes 15 Canteen 22 Clothing Pool 8 Consent Forms 13 Diseases Common in Children 20 Excursions 18 General Enrolment 14 Health 19 Homework 10 Immunisation 21 Kindergarten Enrolment 14 Late Arrives/Early Leavers 21 Library 17 Lost Property 9 Medical Emergencies 19 Message from the School Parent Bodies 23 Money Collection 12 Newsletter 13 Official School Hours and Student Supervision 12 Outside School Support Agencies 12 P & C Association 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews 15 Playground 12 Preschool Enrolment 13 Religious Instruction 17 4 School Address 2 School and the Community 11 School Values and Beliefs 25 School Chaplain 18 School Contact 16 School Counsellor 11 School Curriculum 9 School Rules 26 School Song 27 School Uniform 8 Sport 16 Sports Carnivals 17 Sports Houses 22 Staff 6 State Knockout Competitions 17 Student Welfare 24 Students Leaving Our School 15 Students’ Needs 11 Taking Children from School during School hours 13 The Student Body 22 Thou-Walla Family Centre 12 Transition to School 25 Visiting Performances 18 Voluntary Contributions 23
5 The teaching staff has the important task of guiding academic, social, health and physical development of each child given into their care.
Stacy Mathieson Principal Mark Cridland Assistant Principal
Rachael Martin Dionne Boyd Anna Swanson Mark Emery Jodie Edgerton Adam Edwards Mary Anne Isedale Brenton Pobjie Linda Ray Rebecca Griffey Jasmine Obernier Betty De Lore Hylie McEvoy Leanne Green Alison John Barry Hunkin Megan Lysaght Simon Edgar-Jones Linda Finch Merri Brady Jaci Tamsett Michelle Lynch Debbie Coles Amy Twyford Alana Compton Alison Milner Renee Giuffre Margy Cruikshank Johno Bray Lisa Ping Michelle Kay Sarah Pass
ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT Anna Begley Admin Manager Learning Support Fran Edman Admin Officer Cathy Pitkin Kaylene Turner Sue Allen Admin Officer Merri Brady Melissa Beasley Diane Holdom Admin Officer Anne Levido Alex Hay Toni Carroll Rochelle Aylett Gary Kirk General Assistant Lucy Dallas Kelly Cockle Janet Cowan Natalie Davidson Learning Support Kristy Medway Candice O’Loughlin Craig Manhood Michelle Tuxford Brooke Smith Treena McGarry Emily Pascoe Bridget Chojnacki Michelle Godwin Renae Moss Gail Thompson Jeremy Ford
COMMUNITY Gina Ascott-Evans Thou-Walla Phyllipa Elvidge Canteen Supervisor Community Centre
6 Monday to Friday: 8:25am Playground supervision commences 8:40am Bell for K-2 to move from COLA to K-2 area 8:52am Warning Bell 8:55am K-2 line up at K-2 silver seats Yrs.’ 3-6 line up in Primary COLA area in class lines. 9:00am Class 11:15am Scripture (Friday’s ONLY) 11:45am Lunch eating 11:55am 1st Half Lunch Play 12:05pm 2nd Half Lunch Play 12:20pm Warning Bell 12:25pm Class 1:40pm Recess eating 1:45pm Recess Play 2:05pm Warning bell 2:10pm Class 2:55pm End Day
At 2.55pm all classes are dismissed and children should proceed home as soon as possible as no supervision is provided by the school after this time.
Children travelling home by bus will, of course, be supervised until the arrival of the buses.
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the day unless a parent/carer obtains an Early Leavers Pass from the office prior to collection of their child/children.
The School Community believes that uniforms should be worn because: a) it is easier for new children to be assimilated into the school b) it helps maintain the existing school tone & spirit c) it identifies children in a public place d) it is found to be more economical
The uniform for our school is: Girls’ Summer Boys’ summer Dark Royal Skort Dark Royal Shorts White Socks White Socks Dark Royal/Gold Polo Shirt Dark Royal/Gold Polo Shirt Blue with Gold trim Bucket Hat Blue with Gold trim Bucket Hat Black Shoes Black Shoes
Girls’ Winter Boys’ winter Dark Royal/Gold Polo Shirt Dark Royal/Gold Polo Shirt Dark Royal Jumper Dark Royal Jumper Dark Royal Sports Jacket Dark Royal Sports Jacket White Socks White Socks Black Shoes Black Shoes Dark Royal Tracksuit Dark Royal Tracksuit
All students are expected to wear a blue with gold trim bucket hat at school when outdoors and on excursions.
Girls & Boys Dark Royal Blue Shorts Polo shirt of your child’s house colour King-Red, Morris-Blue, Paterson-Green, Armstrong-Yellow White Socks Sand Shoes/or Joggers
8 School uniforms can be purchased from Lowes in the Market Place at Raymond Terrace.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are marked clearly with your child’s name. On the occasion that clothing is misplaced or lost, a look in the lost property basket (located in the Office) is suggested.
Students will undertake studies which fall into six Key Learning Areas (KLAs) determined by the Board of Studies. These learning areas are developed through Stages from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The Stages undertaken at Primary level generally correspond to:
Early Stage 1 Kindergarten Stage 1 Year 1 and 2 Stage 2 Year 3 and 4 Stage 3 Year 5 and 6
Syllabus policies are designed to provide a continuous progression from primary to secondary education.
The Key Learning Areas are: . English . Mathematics . Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) . Science and Technology . Creative Arts (including Music, Art and Craft) . Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
In modern teaching practice, there will be greater emphasis on implementing a variety of teaching styles to solve problems, using skills from all curriculum areas.
Kindergarten to Year 2
All activities at home or in play can assist children to develop a wide range of knowledge and skills including literacy, numeracy and problem solving. It should also be remembered that self-directed play in unstructured time is important. Home readers can also be introduced in Kindergarten. Language and number concepts can be introduced and consolidated in many family activities including:
. shopping . preparation of food . listening to stories, learning songs and nursery rhymes . conversations about what is happening at school . interactive video and computer programs . reading . library borrowing . family outings . collecting items
For Years 1 and 2, some formal homework is usually set. For example, students may be asked to complete some simple computations, to copy letters or words, to complete an activity sheet, or do some home reading.
Year 3 to 6
Teachers will continue to provide guidance and assistance, particularly in the development of study skills, although as students’ progress, they will work more independently on their homework.
Students will experience different types of homework and the amount of time they are expected to spend on homework will be realistic.
Most homework will be set in English, Mathematics and Human Society and Its Environment. However, it can be set across all areas of the Curriculum.
10 All students need a sense of security. It comes from the knowledge that they are loved and from a feeling of self worth. It is nurtured by success. It flourishes when they are helped in solving day to day problems, when their long term needs are fulfilled.
Neither the school nor the home can hope to fulfil these needs in isolation. Each “Plays Its Part.”
There is a school counsellor who visits our school each week to assess students and to advise students, teachers and parents. When a problem of any kind arises, assistance is available. Counselling may be arranged after contact with the parent.
This school endeavours to always involve the Community. The school also involves itself in Community activities. Parents are encouraged to support the education of their children. However, Departmental Policy requires that parents complete a “WWCC number” before helping with any activity at the school.
In addition to the various parent bodies such as the P & C, parents are also involved in such activities as Reading, Craft, and Library, Sporting, Social and Musical activities.
The P & C meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month during school terms. The time and venue is advised in the school newsletter. 11 The Thou-Walla Family Centre is located in the school grounds and has a variety of activities held throughout the year. The centre co-ordinator, Gina Ascott-Evans can be contacted on 4987 4666.
General Points: . Activities dangerous to health and detrimental to social development are not permitted . Students must play in appropriate areas at all times . Respect for and appropriate use of facilities and equipment within the school is to be maintained in all activities and situations . Students are to follow their Aussie 5’s at all times.
Whenever it is necessary to send money to school, please enclose the money in a sealed envelope and mark it with: . your child’s name and class . the amount enclosed . the purpose of the payment . Parents Online Payments (POP)
If your child is absent from school, would you please inform the school by phoning the office, or sending a note explaining their absence on their return to school. This is a protection for your child and reassures those concerned that the absence is approved by the parents.
These are required for a variety of reasons, i.e. Excursions, Sport Representation etc, and are for the protection of your child. You will always be notified of any change in school routine which would necessitate a consent form signed by parents or guardians. Verbal permission carried by the children cannot be accepted.
Late arrivals parents are asked to please: a) Parent/Carer bring child to office for late note b) Child to have a note with date, time of arrival from parent c) Phone call from parent at time of arrival Picking up your child in school hours, you are asked to please: a) send in a note to the class teacher b) obtain an authorised “leave pass” from the school office c) give the “leave pass” to the classroom teacher when personally picking up your child.
The school newsletter is sent home every second Friday with the eldest student in the family. Please read your newsletter carefully as it contains a wide variety of information regarding upcoming events and what is happening in the classrooms.
The Irrawang Public School Preschool is situated on the school grounds and caters for children who will be enrolling in Kindergarten the following year.
13 For more detailed information you can ask for a Preschool Information Booklet at the School Administration Office. Enrolment forms are also available from the Office.
Parents/Carers must meet with the Principal prior to enrolling your child/children. An Application to Enrol form will need to be completed before your child starts school. The forms are available from the School Office.
In cases where “custody” rights are a concern, the school MUST sight and be permitted to photocopy the Court Order. This is essential. Any other legal decisions must also be verified by official documentation.
It is the Department of Education and Communities’ policy that students must be enrolled in the name that appears on their Birth Certificate.
1. Children who will attain the age of five years prior to 1st August in that year may be enrolled at the beginning of the school year.
2. Children who attain the age of five years after 31st July and eligible kinder children not enrolled by the end of Term 2 must wait until the beginning of the following year to start Kindergarten.
3. Before a Kindergarten child is enrolled, the school is required to sight the child’s Birth Certificate to verify correct name and age. This policy will allow the enrolment of children from the age of 4 years 6 months.
4. Immunisation Certificates: Parents wishing to enrol pupils in Kindergarten must produce an Immunisation Certificate for their child/children. A copy of the certificate is kept on your child’s school records. Port Stephens Council advises that immunisation services exist locally at your local Doctor’s Surgery or Council’s free clinic at the Community Care Centre, Sturgeon Street, Raymond Terrace. For an appointment please phone 4987 2078. 14
All children enrolled in Kindergarten, Years 1 and 2 are eligible for free bus travel to/from home and school. To be eligible for free bus travel, Years 3-6 students must reside more than 1.6km radius or 2.3km walking distance from the school.
OPAL cards for a bus pass can be obtained via online application at Opal card brochure is available from school office. Cards are issued by the Transport Ministry and sent to the students home address.
If Opal cards are lost, they can be reported by phone 131500 or visit the above website.
Parents should notify the school in advance, either personally or in writing, if a child is leaving the school. The intended new address and school should be advised if possible.
A variety of assessment and reporting practices are used at Irrawang Public School. For example: observation, testing, work samples and reports.
Reports are given out at the end of each semester. Parents are given the opportunity to come and discuss the reports with the class teacher, mid year.
We are always available to discuss your child’s progress or any matter which may be of concern to you. In order to minimise disruption of class lessons,
15 parents are asked to contact the school to arrange an interview, so that a mutually convenient appointment time can be arranged.
When a teacher considers that some consultation with you will benefit your child, a mutually convenient appointment will be arranged by the school.
Contact with members of other communities, particularly with children of other schools, has an important socialising effect on children. Through sporting and cultural visits, children of our school learn to modify their own behaviour and learn to tolerate others. This is a vital aspect of the School Curriculum.
When children enrol, they will be allocated a Sporting House. Students are evenly distributed between the four houses and they are randomly selected for each house. However, if a child has an older brother or sister attending this school, they will automatically be placed in the same House Group.
The houses are:
All students take part in Physical Education lessons each week. However on Fridays, all students engage in a longer sport session. Students are asked to wear their coloured polo shirt that day.
Students in K-2 generally engage in skill based tabloid activities at school. Years 3-6 participate in a wide variety of activities which may include activities outside school. These activities outside school will generally involve a small cost to cover bus travel, pool or gym entry etc.
16 Early each year, male and female house captains and vice-captains are elected for each of the four houses on which sport is based.
The sport houses are: ARMSTRONG, KING, MORRIS and PATERSON.
Each year the Primary Department holds its Swimming Carnival late in Term 4 and the Athletics Carnival is held in the first half of the year.
The school enters teams in State Knockout Competitions in a variety of sports. Children from senior Primary Grades are chosen for these teams.
The School Library has a very important role in our school. It aims to provide a resource information service to the school community and to assist in the development of reading, viewing and listening skills begun in the classroom.
The Library is open from Monday to Wednesday.
Every child is issued with a borrower’s identity code. We hope all children new to Irrawang will visit the Library soon after arrival and become regular borrowers. The use of a Library bag to protect the books is essential.
Parents are also welcome to borrow.
As we have a large, mobile school community and moves to interstate are frequent, we ask that you help us by checking that all School Library materials are returned to us before leaving.
17 Visiting clergy and volunteers conduct religious instruction classes on Fridays. Children attend the classes nominated by their parents on the enrolment application.
Our School has a Chaplain, who works with the whole School Community to help in areas of need. He can provide spiritual guidance when asked. The School Chaplain attends our school on 2 days each week.
On occasions, arrangements are made for highly recommended performers to visit the school. Parents will be given adequate notice of the performers’ visit, as a cost is usually involved.
Excursions are of great benefit in widening a child’s experience and are an important part of our educational program. All parents are urged to make it possible for their children to attend.
If there are difficulties meeting costs of excursions, you may seek approval for financial assistance. Office staff will be able to make an appointment for you to speak with the Principal or the Administration Manager regarding this.
You will be informed about school functions by way of a note and facebook also via the school’s fortnightly newsletter. If consent forms are required, they must be signed and returned to the class teacher as soon as possible. Any money sent to the school should be put in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and the purpose of the payment on the front of the envelope.
18 Parents are sometimes asked to assist with transport. If this happens, you must show your current driver’s licence and car registration documents at the office. Drivers must hold a full licence & WWCC.
If a student becomes ill at school or has been involved in an accident, the school makes every endeavour to contact parents. For this purpose, you are asked to supply your current telephone numbers at home and work, and those of other persons nominated by you to contact in case of emergency.
If you cannot be contacted and your child is seriously injured, an ambulance will be called to transport your child to the nearest hospital. All students enrolled at this school are automatically covered by Ambulance Cover.
Minor abrasions are treated at school.
Please keep the school informed of changes to your telephone number, address, contact person etc. It is very important that we have accurate information in the event of an emergency involving your child. Please send written details of any change to the School Office so that our records can be kept up to date.
If your child is required to take medication at school, you will need to complete special documentation authorising staff to administer the medication. We ask that the medication be brought to school by a responsible adult and handed in to the Office. It MUST BE clearly labelled with the child’s name, the dosage and time to be administered.
If your child is an asthmatic or suffers from allergies, you will be requested to complete an “Action Plan”written by the GP. This supplies information to enable the school to best support the medicating of your child should they suffer an asthma attack or an allergic reaction.
Please enquire at the school office regarding procedures.
DISEASE WHAT TO DO Chicken Pox Students remain at home for 7 days from the first spots appear or until fully recovered German Measles Students remain at home for 7 days from the appearance of the rash or until fully recovered Measles Students remain at home for 5 days from the appearance of the rash or until fully recovered Mumps Students remain at home for 10 days from the onset of the swelling Ringworms and Students may return when a medical certificate is Scabies produced stating that the lesions are inactive Pediculosis (Head Students may return after treatment with anti-lice Lice) lotion or shampoo and AFTER hair is combed until free of “nits” (eggs). All eggs including dead eggs MUST be removed. Head Lice are extremely contagious and we are not permitted to keep students at school where lice may be conveyed to other students. This is also a protection for YOUR child. Impetigo Students remain at home until sores have healed on all exposed areas. Conjunctivitis Students remain at home until discharge from eyes has ceased Infectious Hepatitis Students remain at home for 7 days from first signs of jaundice or until recovered
20 The school can sometimes arrange for checks on hearing, speech and matters of a similar nature. It is worth an enquiry if your child has a problem of this kind.
This treatment is available at the Dental Clinic in the grounds of Beresfield Public School. Please phone 4966 3333 for an appointment.
The Department of Health insists that children entering school must be immunised against childhood diseases or be removed from school should outbreaks occur. This is especially important as Kindergarten children come into contact with lots of other children and infections can spread easily. Children starting school who have not already had booster immunisation should have: . one booster injection against diphtheria and tetanus (CDT) and whooping cough (Pertussis) . one booster dose of polio vaccine by mouth (Sabin)
A child should also have an injection of measles vaccine, which includes rubella, mumps and measles in the one injection.
The diphtheria/tetanus (CDT), whooping cough (Pertussis) and polio (Sabin) vaccine can be given at the same time. If measles immunisation is also required, it is recommended that this be given one month earlier or later.
Immunisation is available from your family doctor, from local Council Clinics, and from some Community Health Centres. It is important to obtain and keep a written record of immunisation. The Health Department will issue a record of your child’s immunisation which you then take to the School Office so it can be placed in your child’s school record card.
At 10 years of age a student can receive 3 injections over 6 months for Hepatitis B for FREE.
The canteen is open every day from 8:30am until 2:00pm. Please place lunch orders at the canteen before school commences or in your class lunch basket. Please do not ask canteen staff for credit. If an emergency lunch is required, approval must be given by the Principal.
At the end of each year, elections are held to decide student leaders for the following year. Officers consist of male and female captains, vice-captains and student leaders.
This group makes suggestions about the running of the school and the provisions of amenities for students.
During the course of the year, major school assemblies are conducted. Parents and community members are invited to visit the school on these occasions.
A Whole School PBL Assembly is held every Monday afternoon at 2:15pm. This is led by the Student Leaders. Every second Friday at 2:15pm a Whole School Assembly is led by one of the classes, presenting classroom work to the school.
Parents are urged to assist the school by paying the School Voluntary Contribution which is set at $10.00 per child or $20.00 per family. Your contribution will be used to assist in the purchase of consumable materials used by students in their regular learning activities and to enhance the school’s resource base. 22 Please send payment to the School Office in a clearly marked envelope with your child/children’s name, class and amount enclosed. A receipt will be sent home to you with your child.
Welcome to our school and district. As a parent, you automatically belong to the parent support team.
You can assist your children and your school by becoming actively involved.
There are many ways you may choose to become involved: classroom help, library assistance, canteen services, P&C, attending and participating in fundraising, sport and social functions, assisting with working bees, visiting the school regularly, getting to know your child’s teacher, taking office on a team or joining a special committee, to name just a few.
Attendance at the monthly meetings will bring together those who have a common interest in their children’s education and in directly supporting the school.
Regular school newsletters and notices include details of meeting dates and information of interest to all parents. Please read and act on these notices. When school staff and parents communicate effectively, support each other and work together, our children’s education will gain significantly at Irrawang Public School.
23 Irrawang Public School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) School.
Irrawang Staff and Students are Safe, Responsible Learners who show Respect.
Through PBL lessons, behaviours that support safety and promote learning are explicitly taught and reinforced in all settings in the school.
Through its Student Welfare Program, Irrawang Public School aims to help its students to develop: . a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction in learning . an ability to communicate effectively . a coherent set of values to guide behaviour . a sense of personal and social responsibility for their actions and decisions . a sense of personal dignity and worth . self reliance . a sense of cultural identity . a feeling of belonging to the wider community . a caring attitude towards others . an ability to form satisfying and stable relationships
24 The school, in co-operation with parents, will work towards realising these aims. This will be done through learning programs and support services in three major areas: . general measures to promote the personal development of students . preventative measures to ensure the safety and well-being of students . remedial measures to overcome specific difficulties
To assist in a smooth transition from home to school parents can: . provide a secure background . give the child opportunities, before starting Kindergarten, to stay with friends for a few hours while parents are elsewhere . spend time daily with the child in conversation, in play and in the reading of suitable stories . accept that school life is part of the normal growth of an individual . realise that all children are individuals, who develop in different ways, at different rates, and are not to be compared with other children . know that, for healthy development, the child must enter his new world alone
The students, staff and parent bodies of the school have agreed on a set of values, rights and responsibilities by which our school can function at its highest level. These are designed to promote effective learning for all students in a happy and safe environment. These are on signs around the school.
These policies and practices are underpinned by the school beliefs. These beliefs were derived from extensive community consultation and discussion
25 with the entire school community – students, teachers, parents and Community.
At Irrawang Public School we value
. Quality Teaching and Learning . Quality Relationships . Quality Citizenship
At Irrawang Public School . We enjoy and value learning . We have high expectations for all . We respect ourselves and others . We talk and listen . We look after our environment . We get involved in school . We celebrate our successes
26 The School encourages self-discipline, as opposed to enforced discipline. Pupils are encouraged to see the reasons or rules and to choose the appropriate form of behaviour to satisfy their needs. At our school we have 5 rules, known as the Aussie Five.
Let us sing of Irrawang The school we hold so dear May friendship truth and honour And sportsmanship be here
27 Irrawang, Irrawang, Where King first brought his art Our motto proud shall ever be “We play our part”
May we grow with Irrawang And learn the path is clear To live as proud Australians In a future without fear
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read about our School and welcome you to join the Irrawang Public School Community.
Our aim is:
To provide a POSITIVE, SECURE Environment where
ALL MEMBERS of the School Community
PLAY THEIR PART in the development of
28 We Play Our Part