10 Minutes Welcome/Introductions/Secretary S Report Greg Sturm, President
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Vision Enrich the community and promote a healthy lifestyle by facilitating the creation of a network of public trails and greenways.
Mission Shawano Pathways will plan for and facilitate in the development, implementation and maintenance of a greenway and trails network within Shawano county and adjacent areas for recreation and alternative transportation, while preserving and restoring natural areas and resources connected with the trails.
Tuesday – November 5, 2013 Shawano County Courthouse Meeting Room A 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Minutes Facilitator Greg Sturm, President Note Taker Nancy Schultz, Secretary Members Present Nancy Brown Koeller, Matty Mathison, Carol Westphal, Mary LaMarche , Greg Sturm, Dave Koeller , Gail Bartz, Nancy Schultz, John Brodhagen, Dave Schmidt, Maxine Williams, Chuck Gueths Guest: Christa Behnke, Dave Passehl Members Absent Tim Reed, Steve Sengstock, Carrie Verkuilen, Mark Schulz, Donna Milbauer, Janet Lewellyn, Keith Marquardt , Judy Judd, Jerry Czech.
10 minutes Welcome/Introductions/Secretary’s Report Greg Sturm, President Discussion Nancy S. sent around attendance sheet. Welcome and introductions were made. Welcomed guests: Christa Behnke, Grad Student at UW-Stevens Point who is writing a paper on successful community organizations; Dave Passehl from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans who will be speaking with us later. Members reviewed the September 3, 2013 Shawano Pathway meeting minutes and October 8, 2013 Shawano Pathways Annual meeting minutes. Matty made a motion to approve the minutes and Mary L. second the motion. All were in favor, minutes approved. Conclusions Motions passed. Minutes were approved as written. Action Items None.
10 minutes Treasurer’s Report Carol Westphal, Treasurer Discussion Carol’s shared the treasurer’s report. Income for Shawano Pathways checkbook balance is $1894.21, savings $10,160.00, matching funds $19531.00, and barn quilt $9056.03 for a total of$40,641.24. Gail B. gave Carol a check from the Prairie Trail. Nancy S. made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Gail B. seconded the motion. All were in favor, treasurer’s report was approved.
Conclusions Motion passed. Treasurer’s report approved. Action Items None
20 minutes Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Dave Passehl Discussion Dave is an agent with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. He spoke with the group about Thrivent Choice dollars. Now non-profit organizations can benefit from these Thrivent Choice dollars. They want to keep the money locally. Members can select where they want their Thrivent Choice dollars to go. Dave shared that there is a link on the website for Thrivent Choice. We would need to apply online as a non-profit organization. Carol W. shared her contact information with Dave. John B. made a motion that we should apply to be a Thrivent Choice recipient. All were in favor.
Conclusion Motion passed to approve Shawano Pathways to apply to become a Thrivent Choice Dollars recipient. Action Dave P. will follow up with Carol W to start the application process.
10 minutes Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Matching funds Matty Mathison/Greg Sturm Discussion Matty M. and Greg S. met with Kathy Schutt about doing a matching fund event. Thrivent Financial is planning on giving us $3000 to help us meet our $20,000 Healthy Heart matching funds. On Saturday, December 7, Thrivent will be sponsoring a movie at the Crescent Theater. They are collecting can goods for the food pantries. For every can that is collected Thrivent will match it $10. What is required of us is to have 2 volunteers at the event to help. All members need to bring their can goods to the event and encourage others to help sponsor this event. Make sure it gets on website. Thrivent would like to take a picture of them giving us the $3000 check. Not certain what time. Nancy will check with Kathy S. about the times the event will run from on Dec 7 and share it with Gail so she can get it on the website.
Conclusion We will receive a $3000 matching funds from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans if we help with a Thrivent Financial Event at the Crescent Theater. Action Need 2 volunteers for the Thrivent Financial Event at the Crescent Theater. Everyone needs to bring can goods to the event. Nancy will follow up with Kathy Schutt about the time of the event on Saturday December 7th.
10 minutes Items added to agenda Greg Sturm Discussion 1. East Central Technical Assistance Project Request form. They will assist us with creating maps etc. Greg will fill out the form with the help of other members. 2. Jerry C. questioned what to do with banners. It was decided because they are so expensive we would see if we could get them changed for next year. Nancy will check with Shawano Printing to see if they could help us to change the banner. Greg will follow up with Jerry about our decision. 3. Thank you note from Deb DeFere. 4. Newspaper articles- Ann Freiwald (Note to the editor) and donation made from the Shawano Woman’s Club to Pathways.
Conclusions Greg to fill out form and mail East Central Technical Assistance project request form. We will keep banners and see if we can get them changed. Actions Greg to fill out form and mail East Central Technical Assistance project request form. Nancy will follow up with Shawano Printing to see if they can help us try to get the banners changed.
15 minutes Community Foundation Grant /Crawford Foundation Grant Matty Mathison Discussion Matty shared that we received the Community Foundation grant for $5000. The grant is for park to park loop signage. Two of the three loops will receive signage. The 4.2 mile loop route is not complete, so signage was not applied for this route. A huge thank you to Matty for all her hard work in working on this grant. Others who assisted her were Lauren Lamers and Nancy S. The timeline for this process: Jan 2014: Meet with city officials (Judy J will make sure signs are put up and maintained. Feb 2014: Order signs. Mar 2014: Put up signs, and start awareness campaign. Do a pre survey. April 2014: Do a “Let’s get moving” campaign. Have handouts about healthy foods and exercise. Aug-Oct 2014: post survey on usage of park to park loops. Each park will have a wooden sign at the entrance showing the loop. Other signs will be metal signs. John B. suggested someone he knew who could probably make the wooden signs. Nancy will check with Winnie P. about who made the signs for the community garden. Crawford Foundation Grant. Thank you again to Matty for applying for the Crawford Foundation grant. The grant is for signage around Shawano Lake. Thank you to Greg and Steve C . who went around Shawano Lake to determine what signage is needed around the lake. If you would like to see the grants, please contact Matty or Nancy S. We will order display cases for map routes. Keith M wrote a letter of support and will install and maintain signs. Nancy B.K. shared a brochure from the City of Ashland. Matty feels that Mike Patza would probably help us with designing the map. Gail also shared that the Wal Mart grant is due in December.
Conclusions As a team we will start working on this project(s).
Actions Need a team of members who will assist with this project(s). Please let Matty or Nancy know if you could help with this project(s).
10 minutes Safe Routes to School Nancy Schultz/Matty Mathison Discussion Nancy S. shared that we had a successful Walk to School day on October 9. All 5 schools participated in the event. Each school received incentives from Safe Routes to School. We did not have kids walk in the fall parade this year. Nancy ordered mileage club incentives for each school. We were going to do a Walking, Wheeling Wednesday program at Olga Brener and the Shawano Middle School. Shawano Middle School Assistant Vice Principal Tami Bagistad has taken it to the next level. She currently has 281 middle school age children participating in a mileage program, where they are walking through the states and then around the world. Nancy furnished 100 pedometers for the school kids to use. The pedometers were very cheap and have broken and fallen of the students. Transform WI has agreed to purchase 300 new pedometers for the students. The program is growing each day. We are trying to get a youtube video made of the kids. We are hoping to send it to the National Subway office to see if they would sponsor a sub party for the winners of the walking challenge. This next spring we hope to start a Walking School Bus program at Hillcrest again. This time it will run for 3 weeks. We will need a coordinator and volunteers. Other things we will be doing with SRTS is a Winter Walk to School Day, Bike Rodeo, and Bike to School Day in the spring.
Conclusions Lots of things happening with SRTS this school year. See notes above.
Actions None.
15 minutes Bike the Barn Quilt Event Matty Mathison
Discussion Matty has asked us to take Joel Koenke off the membership list, because he is very busy with other obligations. At one point we thought there was going to be a conflict with the next BTBQ. At this time the BTBQ will be on Sept 27 and Miles of Art and October Fest will be on October 2 together. Matty discussed location for next event. Crawford Center is not available. The Middle school would charge us $25/hour for maintenance and additional for use of the kitchen. John B. suggested maybe using under the bandstand at the fairgrounds. Matty also suggested renting a tent. Gail B. suggested closing off the street for the start of the event. Matty also shared that we might add 1 more route to the event. The route would be the Shawano Lake Route. Matty shared the ½ page ad for the visitors guide. Need to put in Bike Fed magazine by February. We need to start thinking of 2015, and doing the route in the Bonduel, Cecil, Pulaski area. Greg shared that more barn quilts keep going up all the time. Suggested adding more quilts and food stops on the map. Also suggested adding PayPal on our website registration.
Conclusions See notes above.
Actions Start to plan for 2014 BTBQ event.
1 minute Follow- up on 3rd Annual Shawano Pathways Greg Sturm Discussion Jerry C is not present to do the follow-up of the Annual meeting. It was decided that we would postpone it until next meeting. Matty suggested that we do the Annual meeting here in Shawano instead of at the pavilion.
Conclusions Rethink where to have annual meeting next year.
Actions Nancy S will add to agenda for next month
2 minutes Zion Health Fair Follow-up Discussion Thank you to Matty, Greg, Nancy B.K., and Nancy S for helping with the booth at the Zion Health Fair. Gave away about 12 bike helmets. Attendance was down this year. Saw about 125 people.
Conclusions Actions None
5 minutes Long-Range Planning Meeting Nancy Brown Koeller
Discussion Discuss cancelling regular business meeting in January and doing the long range planning meeting. All agreed on cancelling the business meeting.
Conclusions Long range planning meeting January 7, 2014 at 6 pm
Actions Kara to reserve room for Shawano Pathways meeting for 2014.
10 minutes Issue, Ideas, and Concerns All
Discussion Maxine shared that the winter parade will be on December 6. The theme is “Do you hear what I hear?” Nancy B.K. will see if John will let us use his trailer. Maxine asked Greg to pull the float and provide music. Maxine asked Nancy to bring 3 bags of tootsie rolls. All people who are able to help need to meet at the starting area at 5:40 pm. Chuck G. volunteered. We will just throw only candy at the parade. Gail shared that her and Matty will be attending a grant writing workshop on Nov 7th. Dave S. made a motion to approve paying for Gail and Matty to attend the workshop, and Carol W. seconded the motion. All were in favor. Dave K. went to the WI Bike Summit. He said it was educational. He also wanted all members to review the membership list. Is it accurate? How does the membership year run? Nancy S. will check previous minutes to see if she can find the discussion about membership. Greg handed out cards from Tim at the Outfitters.
Conclusions See notes above.
Actions Nancy B.K. to check on the use of their trailer. Greg to pull trailer and provide music for float. Nancy S. to pick up candy for parade. Volunteers needed to help hand out candy. Nancy S. to check previous minutes to find out about membership year.
Next meeting date will be on December 3, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Shawano County Courthouse, Room A.
Sincerely Nancy Schultz, Secretary