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Tel: (+356)2598 3705 / 2598 3706 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Professional Learning Course Booklet 2017 Professional Learning Courses JULY and SEPTEMBER 2017 - SCHEDULED TIMELINE
6th - 10th January 2017 Issue of Circular & Memo from the Institute for Education
Course Booklet available in Word format upon request by Course 30th January 2017 Coordinators
17th February 2017 Course Booklet available online
6th March - 10th April 2017 Course Coordinators to notify prospective trainees
27th February 2017 Finalised Course Descriptions to reach Institute for Education
10th April 2017 Course catalogue available online
15th May 2017 Finalised Course Design Forms to reach Institute for Education
19th May 2017 Final date for applications to attend voluntary courses
Final date for applications from staff to attend compulsory courses on 19th May 2017 a voluntary basis
29th May 2017 Co-ordinators to submit programme for Professional Learning Course
7th, 10th, 11th, July 2017 Professional Learning days
Attendance sheets and other relevant documentation to be sent to 21st July 2017 the Institute for Education
15th, 18th, 19th September 2017 Professional Learning days
Attendance sheets and other relevant documentation to be sent to 29th September 2017 the Institute for Education
2 2 General Information
1. In accordance with the agreement signed between the Government and the Malta Union of Teachers, in-service courses are normally of three days’ duration and all teachers may be requested to attend on an annual basis. Assistant Heads of School and Heads of School are not obliged to attend. The course dates for 2017 are as follows:
July: 7, 10, 11
September: 15, 18, 19
2. The Course Co-ordinator (Education Officer, Principal, Head of School, as the case may be) is required to notify staff officially that they will be attending the Professional Learning Courses, and is also required to be in possession of acknowledgement of receipt of the convocation by prospective trainees.
3. The practice so far has been for these convocations to be issued via conventional postal delivery services. In conformity with reduction of carbon footprint policies, notification to attend Professional Learning Courses will henceforth be as follows:
3.1 Course Co-ordinators will send a notification by email to attend Professional Learning Courses to each individual school, listing the teachers who are being requested to attend (8.2 on Page 7). 3.2 The mail sent to the school will be copied to each individual teacher listed in this email, using the teacher’s ilearn mailing address. 3.3 No paper convocation will be sent. 3.4 Schools will need to notify teachers of the receipt of the email mentioned in (3.1) to school, so as to ensure that all teachers consult their mailbox punctually. Schools are kindly requested to acknowledge receipt of mail. 3.5 In view of the need for Course Co-ordinators to be in possession of acknowledgement of receipt of the convocation by teachers, the practice in the past was to send two copies of the convocation to schools, one of which would be signed by all the teachers listed and returned to the Course Co-ordinator. Trainees used to be asked to keep a copy of the convocation, further increasing the use of paper in the process. The need for this assurance that trainees have been accordingly informed can now be answered differently and with further simplification of procedures. Teachers will only need to reply from their personal ilearn account in acknowledgment of receipt. This will serve in lieu of the signed copy which used to be sent in past years.
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION 3 4. Course Co-ordinators are responsible for : 4.1 adherence to the scheduling outlined in this Booklet; 4.2 the production of the Course Description (which will appear in the Online Catalogue); (See 8.1 on Page 6); 4.3 the timely issue of notifications to trainees to attend inset (see 8.2 on Page 7); 4.4 the completion of the Course Design form (see 8.3 on Page 8 ); 4.5 the completion of the Course programme, for consultation by course participants; 4.6 the production, completion and return to The Institute for Education of attendance sheets and any medical certification that has been presented by trainees (see Page 9); 4.7 the full completion and return to The Institute for Education of remuneration sheets and feedback sheets (see Pages 10 &11).
5. It is important that attendance sheets cover the whole duration of the Professional Learning Courses, and also that they are accurately completed, because The Institute for Education will need to follow up cases of participants who do not attend courses in whole or in part. This process may be hindered if action is not taken in a timely manner.
6. Staff may only be excused from attending compulsory courses by the Director, Department of Curriculum Management in exceptional circumstances. Any correspondence in this regard may be addressed to Ms Joanne Grima, CEO Institute for Education, on joanne- [email protected] who will forward to the Director, Curriculum Management.
7. With regard to Remuneration Forms, Course Co-ordinators are to note the following points:
7.1 One remuneration form is submitted for each trainer. Incomplete or illegible forms will be returned to the Co-ordinator and will not be processed. 7.2 The Institute for Education will not be in a position to endorse remuneration to trainers, unless approval has been obtained for such payment, at the moment when the Course Design Form is submitted. 7.3 All remuneration forms for all animators on their courses must be duly signed by Course Co-ordinators. 7.4 Course Co-ordinators who have done any animation duties are not to sign their own remuneration forms themselves. (The forms will be signed by the CEO, Institute for Education). 7.5 Remuneration forms are to be returned to The Institute for Education within one week of the termination of the course. 7.6 Officers from the Directorates for Education acting as animators during working hours are to be remunerated at the rate of €10.71 an hour. 7.7 Officers from the Directorates for Education acting as animators outside working hours are to be remunerated at the rate of €21.42 an hour. 7.8 Animators from outside the Directorates for Education are to be remunerated at the rate of €21.42 an hour.
4 4 8. The following documents can be found in this booklet in PDF format and attached as WORD documents:
8.1 Course Description Form This template, once completed, constitutes what will appear in the Online Course Catalogue. 8.2 Notification to attend Inset To be sent to individual schools, listing staff from that school being called in for Professional Learning Courses. This form has now been slightly modified to accommodate the points raised above. 8.3 Course Design Form This template, once completed, gives the Institute for Education a complete picture of the infrastructure of the Professional Learning Courses (venues, amount of transport required, the cost of remuneration to trainers ...) and permits detailed planning. 8.4 Attendance Sheet Course Co-ordinators assume responsibility for the correctness of the attendance sheet as returned to the Institute for Education. Further information has been given in 4. 8.5 Feedback sheet This sheet is standard. In this case, it may not be advisable to ask trainees to complete this form after having left the premises. 8.6 Remuneration Form Information is given in 4. and 7. 8.7 Professional Learning Courses 2017 – Gozitan Participants Transport Coupon This coupon entitles Gozitan staff who are doing their Professional Learning in Malta to board transport from and back to Gozo. It is highly recommended that Course Co- ordinators planning training in July and September do issue coupons for their trainees. Transport Coupons are only available on demand from the Institute for Education.
9. All correspondence, queries, completed forms, etc are to be addressed to:
Ms Joanne Grima – CEO Institute for Education – [email protected] Ms Carmen Grech – Education Officer – [email protected] Ms Marisa Schembri – Assistant Principal – [email protected]
COURSE REFERENCE State only whether course is compulsory or voluntary. The Course number will be given later on by the Institute for Education. TITLE Give a short and attractive title. AIMS & OBJECTIVES State aims and objectives of the course as briefly as possible. EXPECTED OUTCOMES State more specifically what the participants are expected to gain from the course. CO-ORDINATOR Name: Grade: Work Address: Telephone Number(s): Email Address: PARTICIPANTS State for whom the course applies. DATES 7, 10, 11 July 2017 : 15, 18, 19 September 2017 (Delete as necessary) TIME 8:30 – 12:30 VENUE Insert venue of your choice.
Date: ______
Dear Head of School, Professional Learning Courses 201 7 - Notification to attend Professional Learning Course In terms of the agreement between the Government and the Malta Union of Teachers, the Institute for Education is organising Professional Learning courses in July and September 2017. It is to be noted that teaching staff who are asked to attend courses are obliged to do so as part of their teaching duties. Any absence has to be justified. The following members of your staff are being requested to attend the course as outlined below. Schools are referred to Letter Circular IfE 07//2017, wherein information was provided concerning acknowledgement of receipt of this notice to the Course Co-Ordinator.
Catalogue Course Title: Ref:
Date July / 7,10,11 / s: September 15,18,19
No. Name (in Block Letters) ID No. Grade
The course will be held at: between 8.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. Kindly bring the above information to the attention of the members of staff concerned. NO FURTHER NOTIFICATIONS WILL BE FORWARDED. THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS AN OFFICIAL NOTICE TO ATTEND.
Acknowl d d m m 2 0 1 7 edgeme nt of receipt of this convocat
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION 7 ion should reach the Course Co- ordinator by
Name of Co- Tel ordinator: No(s):
Address email : :
The Institute for Education within the Ministry for Education and Employment collects and processes information to carry out its functions under the Education Act. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001, the Education Act, other subsidiary legislation and the Privacy Policy of the Department, a copy of which is available on demand. INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Tel: (+356)2598 3705 / 2598 3706 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Course No.
Course Design Form
Course Title: Prepared / Co- ordinated by: Section: Course aimed for:
Number of Mal Goz participants: ta o
Date: commences on: ends on: Venue Hall Room(s : : ):
List of Animators to teach during the course Name of Animator No. of Hours Teaching 1. 8 8 2. 3. 4.
Name of Course Tel. Coordinator: No(s): Address eMail: : Signatu Date: re:
Please complete and return by not later than Monday, 15th May 2017. Kindly note that extra hours will not be paid, Please ensure that the no of hours indicated in this form are reflected in the remuneration form filled in after the course.
The Institute for Education within the Ministry for Education and Employment collects and processes information to carry out its functions under the Education Act. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001, the Education Act, other subsidiary legislation and the Privacy Policy of the Department, a copy of which is available on demand.
Attendance Sheet – Professional Learning Courses 2017
Course Co-ordinator: Course Ref:
Name & Surname ID No Grade Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Use Arial Narrow 11
The Institute for Education within the Ministry for Education and Employment collects and processes information to carry out its functions under the Education Act. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001, the Education Act, other subsidiary legislation and the Privacy Policy of the Department, a copy of which is available on demand.
10 10 Tel: (+356)2598 3705 / 2598 3706 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Cour se Date(s Refer ): ence: Please tick X Strongl as y A applica Agree ble Agree B No C opinion Disagree D A B C D E Strongly disagree E Prep 1.0 arati on I was invit ed for profe ssion 1.1 al learn ing well in adva nce. The aims of profe ssion al 1.2 learn ing were clear ly indic ated. 1.3 Logis tic arran gem ents for profe
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION 11 ssion al learn ing were clear ly indic ated. Cont 2.0 ent 2.1 The objec tives were defin ed at the begi nnin g. 2.2 The topic is relev ant to my day- to- day dutie s. 2.3 Profe ssion al learn ing was at my com pete nce level 2.4 Supp ortin g docu ment ation was provi ded.
12 12 2.5 The docu ment ation provi ded was helpf ul and relev ant. 2.6 Inter activ e parti cipat ion was pred omin ant. 2.7 All area s on sche dule were cove red. Train 3.0 er The train er was know ledg eabl 3.1 e abou t the topic bein g cove red. 3.2 The train er was well prep
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION 13 ared. The train er answ 3.3 ered ques tions clear ly 4.0 Facili ties The meet ing area 4.1 s were satisf actor y. Equi pme nt work ed 4.2 well durin g the sessi on. 5.0 Achi evem ents My expe ctati ons of the profe ssion 5.1 al learn ing cours e have been met. 5.2 I am satisf ied with 14 14 what I learn t and expe rienc ed. I feel that I can appl y the mate rial 5.3 learn t in my day- to- day dutie s. Rem 6.0 arks
Course Title: Venue:
Trainer: ID : Tel (Hm/Mo Office b): :
Address: NI: Paylist:
Employer: Grade VAT: :
Breakdown of service delivered Trainer’s declaration I attest that the attendance sheet attached is correct and that I have Time Calenda Hours Number of performed: r deliver Participan Date ed ts hours within school hours @ €10.71 per hour = hours outside school hours @ €21.42 per hour = amounting to a total of € TRAINER’S REMARKS : (Please include details which may be necessary to clarify the request, such as cancellation of sessions, replacement of other trainers, etc.)
Certified Correct by Coordinator
Name :
Signature: Date:
Signature of CEO
Name :
Signature: Date:
Office Stamp
Total No. of Hours Remuneration Form will not be processed unless complete and accompanied by signed attendance sheets.
The Institute for Education within the Ministry for Education and Employment collects and processes information to carry out its functions under the Education Act. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001, the Education Act, other subsidiary legislation and the Privacy Policy of the Department, a copy of which is available on demand.
16 16 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COURSES 2017 USE OF TRANSPORT FACILITIES – JULY / SEPTEMBER 2017 Mr/Ms is authorised to use the transport facilities provided by the Institute for Education. Departure from Cirkewwa: 07:50 Departure from Training Venue: 12:15
Course Co-ordinator Date
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COURSES 2017 USE OF TRANSPORT FACILITIES – JULY / SEPTEMBER 2017 Mr/Ms is authorised to use the transport facilities provided by the Institute for Education. Departure from Cirkewwa: 07:50 Departure from Training Venue: 12:15
Course Co-ordinator Date
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COURSES 2017 USE OF TRANSPORT FACILITIES – JULY / SEPTEMBER 2017 Mr/Ms is authorised to use the transport facilities provided by the Institute for Education. Departure from Cirkewwa: 07:50 Departure from Training Venue: 12:15
Course Co-ordinator Date
INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COURSES 2017 USE OF TRANSPORT FACILITIES – JULY / SEPTEMBER 2017 Mr/Ms is authorised to use the transport facilities provided by the Institute for Education. Departure from Cirkewwa: 07:50 Departure from Training Venue: 12:15
Course Co-ordinator Date