Solar Hydro Wind and Waves

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Solar Hydro Wind and Waves

Solar, Hydro, Wind and Wave power (8.4) Standards (to guide you) are in black and tasks for you to carry out are in red. Complete this document so that you have comprehensively covered the standards by completing the tasks set and supplementing them with anything else that you feel necessary or useful. This should be answered in a typed Word document under the sub heading of the standard and/or question. REMEMBER: All sources used should be appropriately references in your work.

You have the internet as a resource. Be sure you aren’t pulling information from “Joe Some” web site. Make sure they have some sort of academic credibility.

You also have the Topic 8 chapter from “Physics” by Michael Dickinson.

8.1.3 Construct and analyse energy flow diagrams (Sankey diagrams) and identify where the energy is degraded. Find out what a Sankey diagram is, and what it is used for. 8.4.12 Distinguish between a photovoltaic cell and a solar heating panel. (a) Draw a non-quantitative Sankey diagram for both a Photovoltaic cell and a solar panel. (b) Write yourself a brief note to explain how the two are different in terms of the energy transfers that go on in them. 8.4.13 Outline reasons for seasonal and regional variations in the solar power incident per unit area of the Earth’s surface. (a) Draw a labeled diagram to explain why the intensity of radiation received by the sun is different in summer from winter (b) List any factors that affect the intensity of solar radiation received locally at the Earth’s surface. 8.4.14 Solve problems involving specific applications of photovoltaic cells and solar heating panels. (a) The power emitted by the Sun is 3.84 x 1026W, the radius of the Earth is 6.4 x 106m, and the average radius of its orbit is 1.5 x 1011m. What is the power incident per unit area (m2) of the Earth’s surface? (b) What is the maximum value of electrical energy that could be generated by a 2m2 array of solar cells in 1 hour? (c) Find out what the typical efficiency is for solar cells and use this to estimate the actual electrical energy output in an hour. Complete the past paper question on solar power 8.4.15 Distinguish between different hydroelectric schemes. Write yourself brief notes to explain the following hydroelectric schemes: Dammed river (, Pumped storage (, Run-of-the-river and Tidal barrages ( 8.4.16 Describe the main energy transformations that take place in hydroelectric schemes. Draw a non-quantitative Sankey diagram to show the energy transfers involved in a dammed river hydroelectric power station. 8.4.17 Solve problems involving hydroelectric schemes. Complete question 13 from page 290 in the HL Hamper textbook

8.4.18 Outline the basic features of a wind generator. (a) What are horizontal and vertical axis turbines? What are the advantages of a vertical axis turbine? ( (b) What factors influence the siting of a wind farm? 8.4.19 Determine the power that may be delivered by a wind generator, assuming that the wind kinetic energy is completely converted into mechanical kinetic energy, and explain why this is impossible. Read through the derivation from page 291 in the HL Hamper textbook. Write out the derivation for your own notes and learn it. 8.4.20 Solve problems involving wind power. The density of air at 25ºC at sea level is 1.15kgm-3. If a single wind turbine needs to produce a power output of 30kW then what must be the radius of its blades at the following wind speeds… (assume 100% efficient) (a) 4ms-1 (b) 9ms-1 (c) 20ms-1 (d) Comment on how realistic these wind speeds and blade lengths are. (http://www.wind-power- Complete the past paper questions on wind power 8.4.21 Describe the principle of operation of an oscillating water column (OWC) ocean-wave energy converter. Use page 293 in the HL Hamper textbook to write an explanation of how an OWC generator works. Find yourself a diagram on the internet to support your notes. ( 8.4.22 Determine the power per unit length of a wavefront, assuming a rectangular profile for the wave. Read through both the derivation from pages 292-293 in the HL Hamper textbook and page 72 in the Kirk study guide. Write out the derivation that you are most comfortable for your own notes and learn it. 8.4.23 Solve problems involving wave power. Calculate the maximum amount of energy that can be generated in one day by a 50m long Pelamis wave generator assuming that the speed of the waves is constant at 6ms-1 and the amplitude remains at 1.2m for the whole time period (density of water = 1gcm-3 = 1000kgm-3)

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