Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering
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DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGSCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMINATIONS III Semester Subject Name of the Instruction Total Scheme of Examination Code Subject period / week Perio End Practic Duratio Session Exa d / Total Theory al/Tutor n al m Sem Marks ial (hours) Marks Mark s THEORY: EC- 301 Engineering 4 - 60 3 20 80 100 Mathematics - Electronic Devices & EC -302 Circuits 4 - 60 3 20 80 100 Electronic Measuring EC -303 Instruments 4 - 60 3 20 80 100 Analogue EC-304 Communication 4 - 60 3 20 80 100 EC-305 Digital Electronics 4 - 60 3 20 80 100
EC-306 Electrical Technology 4 _ 60 3 20 80 100
PRACTICAL: EC-307 Electronic Devices - 6 90 3 40 60 100 &Circuits lab EC-308 Analogue Communication Lab - 3 45 3 40 60 100 practice EC-309 Digital Electronics & eCAD tools lab practice - 6 90 3 40 60 100 EC-310 Electrical Technology Lab practice - 3 45 3 40 60 100 TOTAL 24 18 630 280 720 1000 Note: 1. Five local industrial visits / Interaction, one from each of the courses listed from EC 302 to EC306 may be arranged to enable the students to have industry exposure 2. Duration: One week. 3. The students should submit a write up of two or three pages mentioning all salient learning experiences or observations like advances in technology, its evaluation, application, advantages & disadvantages, expected future changes etc.,. 4. Industries: Assembly unit, Fabrication unit, PCB units. III SEMESTER
Subject Title : Electronic Devices & Circuits Subject Code : EC-302 Periods/Week : 04 Periods/Semester : 60
Rationale: Electronic devices and circuits is a core subject since Semi Conductor Devices and circuits form the basis of Electronics & Communication Engineering , Knowledge of semiconductor devices and their applications is very much essential for an Electronics and communication engineering student not only from the industry point of view but also from knowledge perspective also. Stress is laid on study of the behavior of various devices and circuits including practical applications. This course serves as a foundation for other advanced courses. TIME SCHEDULE Period Weightage Short Answer Essay Type Sl Major Topics s of Marks Questions Questions Transistors & Field 1 10 13 1 1 Effect Transistors Biasing and Small signal 2 16 29 3 2 Model of BJT and FET. Feedback Amplifiers , 3 Power Amplifiers, 18 29 3 2 Oscillators Special Semiconductor 4 10 26 2 2 Devices 5 Practical Applications 6 13 1 1 TOTAL 60 110 10 8
1.0 Understand the working principle of BJT and FET 1.1 Explain the formation of transistor 1.2 Draw the symbols of NPN and PNP transistors. 1.3 Mention the Terminals of a Transistor . 1.4 Explain the difference between Emitter , Base and Collector regions. 1.5 Explain the meaning of arrow in the symbol. 1.6 Explain the working of PNP and NPN Transistors. 1.7 Give reasons for popularity of NPN Transistor 1.8 Draw the different transistor configurations. 1.9 Explain cut off, saturation and active regions of transistor 1.10 Draw the input/output characteristics of CB, CC and CE configurations. 1.11 Define alpha, beta and gamma Factors. 1.12 Give the relation between alpha, beta and gamma Factors. 1.13 Write collector current expression in CB and CE modes of transistors in terms of α, β, γ, IB, IC and ICBO, ICEO 1.14 Compare the performance characteristics of CB, CE and CC configurations 1.15 Explain the use of Each configuration a) CB configuration for impedance matching b)CE configuration for amplification and switching c) CC configuration for low output impedance, boot strapping and as current source 1.16 Give important specifications of Transistor 1.17 List 6 important applications of Transistor 1.18 Classify different types of JFETs 1.19 Explain the constructional details of the JFET . 1.20 Explain the working of n channel JFET. 1.21 Draw the drain characteristics of JFET. 1.22 Explain the drain characteristics of JFET 1.23 Define pinch off Voltage of JFET. 1.24 Draw the mutual characteristics of JFET. 1.25 Explain the mutual characteristics of JFET. 1.26 Define the parameters of JFET and obtain the relation among them. 1.27 List the important specifications of JFET. 1.28 List the merits of JFET over BJT. 1.29 Explain the use of high input impedance characteristic of JFET in Electronic circuits. 1.30 List any 6 applications of JFET.
2.0 Understand transistor biasing and working of small signal amplifiers 2.1. Explain the basic amplifier concept using BJT–CE mode. 2.2. Explain the reasons for wide use of CE amplifier. 2.3. Explain the concept of DC and AC load lines. 2.4. Explain the selection of operating point on the DC load line with wave forms. 2.5. List the factors effecting the Q point 2.6. Explain thermal runaway 2.7. Explain the need for proper biasing in amplifier circuits and List the types of biasing circuits. 2.8. Explain the need for stabilization. 2.9. Define stability factor and derive an expression for stability factor of CE configuration. 2.10. Explain collector to base resistor method of biasing and explain its advantages and disadvantages. 2.11. Explain potential divider method of biasing and explain its advantages. 2.12. Draw the practical transistor CE amplifier and explain the function of each component(such as Cin,Cc,Ce,R1,R2 and Re) 2.13. Define h parameters of a transistor 2.14. Classify the amplifiers based on frequency(AF,RF), period of conduction(Class A,AB, B, C), and coupling(DC,RC,TC). 2.15. Explain the need for Multistage amplifier (Cascading of amplifiers). 2.16. Define gain, frequency response and bandwidth of an amplifier. 2.17. Explain the principle of operation of two-stage RC coupled amplifier with circuit diagram. 2.18. Explain the frequency response of RC coupled amplifier. 2.19. Explain the principle of operation of two-stage transformer coupled amplifier with circuit diagram. 2.20. Draw the frequency response of transformer-coupled amplifier. 2.21. Explain the frequency response of transformer-coupled amplifier. 2.22. Explain the working of direct coupled amplifier with circuit diagram. 2.23. Explain the operation of Darlington pair with the help of circuit diagram. 2.24. Give the formula for the current gain 2.25. List 3 applications of Darlington pair 2.26. Draw the frequency response of tuned amplifier(single, double tuned) 2.27. Explain the frequency response of tuned amplifier(single, double tuned) 2.28. Compare different types of couplings. 2.29. Explain the circuit of common source FET amplifier 2.30. Explain the frequency response of Common source FET amplifier.
3.0 Understand working of Feedback amplifiers, Power Amplifier and oscillators Feedback amplifiers 3.1 Explain the concept of feedback 3.2 Explain the Positive and Negative Feedback . 3.3 Compare Negative and Positive feedback. 3.4 Draw the block diagram of negative feedback amplifier and explain 3.5 List the 4 types of negative feedback amplifiers 3.6 Draw the block diagrams of voltage series ,current series, current shunt and voltage Shunt feedback amplifiers 3.7 Derive the expression for the gain of negative feedback amplifiers 3.8 Explain the effect of negative feedback on gain, bandwidth, input and output impedances. 3.9 List important merits of negative feedback amplifiers. 3.10 Compare characteristics of above feedback amplifiers Large signal Amplifiers 3.11 Explain the need for Power Amplifier 3.12 Draw the block diagram showing various stages of power amplifier 3.13 Compare Voltage amplifier and Power amplifier 3.14 List 3 performance measures of power amplifier 3.15 Classify power amplifiers based on conduction (Class A, B, AB, C and D) 3.16 Explain the operation of Class A, Class B, Class AB & Class c with waveforms. 3.17 Explain the working of Transistor Push-pull amplifier circuit. 3.18 Explain the effect of distortion in amplifiers 3.19 List 6 distortions in power amplifiers 3.20 Explain Amplitude distortion and Cross over distortion in amplifiers. 3.21 Explain the choice of Class A , Class B Class AB Amplifier and Class C Amplifiers. 3.22 Mention the applications of Class C Amplifiers as Harmonic Generator and Frequency multiplier 3.23 Compare Efficiency of different types of amplifiers(A,B,C,D)
Oscillators 3.24 State the condition for an amplifier to work as an oscillator. 3.25 Mention the requisites of an Oscillator 3.26 Explain the Barkhausen criteria in oscillators. 3.27 Classify oscillator circuits. 3.28 Explain the working of an RC phase shift oscillator with a circuit diagram 3.29 Explain the working of tuned collector oscillator with a circuit diagram 3.30 Explain the working of Hartley oscillator with a circuit diagram 3.31 Explain the working of Colpitts oscillator with a circuit diagram 3.32 Write the expressions for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillations of the above circuits 3.33 Give the reasons for instability in oscillator circuits. 3.34 Suggest the remedies for instability in oscillator. 3.35 List the advantages of crystal oscillators over other types 3.36 Draw the equivalent circuit of crystal and explain. 3.37 Explain the working of transistor crystal oscillator with a circuit diagram 3.38 Explain the merits and demerits of RC and LC oscillators.
4.0 Understand working of special semiconductor devices 4.1 Explain the construction and principle of operation of depletion type n channel MOSFET. 4.2 Explain the construction and principle of operation of enhancement type n channel MOSFET. 4.3 Compare JFET and MOSFET. 4.4 Explain the principle of operation of CMOSFET. 4.5 Explain the working principle of Varactor diode 4.6 Draw the characteristics of Varactor diode 4.7 List the applications of varactor diode. 4.8 Explain the construction, operation and characteristics of photo diode. 4.9 Explain the construction, operation and characteristics of photo transistor. 4.10 List the applications of photo diode and photo transistor 4.11 Explain the principle of photovoltaic cell. 4.12 List 3 important specifications of photovoltaic cells. 4.13 List 3 applications of photovoltaic cells. 4.14 Explain the working of opto-coupler 4.15 Explain the construction, working principle and characteristics of LED 4.16 Explain the construction and working principle of LCD. 4.17 Explain the applications of LED and LCD in discrete displays, dot-matrix and seven segment displays.
5.0 Understand the Transistor/JFET Practical Applications (with circuit diagrams and component values) 5.1 Explain the operation of transistor series voltage regulator. 5.2 Explain the disadvantages of series Voltage Regulator 5.3 Explain the operation of transistor shunt voltage regulator 5.4 Explain the working of a transistor as a switch in CE and CC configurations. 5.5 Draw a Transistor circuit to drive a relay 5.6 Give design rules for fixing base current. 5.7 Draw a Twilight Switch circuit using LDR/Photo Diode , Transistor and Relay 5.8 Explain the operation of above circuit. 5.9 Draw the circuit of Mains operated lamp using Opto-Coupler and relay. 5.10 Explain the operation of above circuit 5.11 Explain the use of JFET as current source. 5.12 Explain the operation of Transistor Astable multivibrator circuit to generate square wave. COURSE CONTENT: 1.0 Transistors & Field Effect Transistors Formation of transistor- Symbols of NPN and PNP transistors- Terminals of a Transistor - Difference between Emitter , Base and Collector regions- Meaning of arrow in the symbol- Working of PNP and NPN Transistors- Reasons for Popularity of NPN Transistor- Different transistor configurations- Cut off, saturation and active regions of transistor- Input/output characteristics of CB, CC and CE configurations- Alpha, Beta and Gamma Factors- Relation between alpha, beta and gamma Factors- Collector current expression in CB and CE modes of transistors in terms of α, β, γ, IB, IC and ICBO, ICEO- Performance characteristics of CB, CE and CC configurations- Use of Each configuration -CB configuration for impedance matching -CE configuration for amplification and switching - CC configuration for low output impedance, boot strapping and as current source- Important specifications of Transistor- applications of Transistor-Classify different types of JFETs- Constructional details of the JFET - Working of n channel JFET-Draw the drain characteristics of JFET- Drain characteristics of JFET- Pinch off Voltage of JFET-Draw the mutual characteristics of JFET- mutual characteristics of JFET- Define the parameters of JFET - Relation among them- important specifications of JFET- Merits of JFET over BJT- Use of high input impedance characteristic of JFET in Electronic circuits- applications of JFET.
2.0 Understand transistor biasing and working of small signal amplifiers Basic amplifier concept using BJT–CE mode- Reasons for wide use of CE amplifier- Concept of DC and AC load lines- Selection of operating point on the DC load line with wave forms- Factors effecting the Q point- Thermal runaway- Need for proper biasing in amplifier circuits Types of biasing circuits- Need for stabilization- Stability factor and derive an expression for stability factor of CE configuration- Collector to base resistor method of biasing its Advantages and disadvantages- Potential divider method of biasing - Advantages- Practical transistor CE amplifier - The function of each component(such as Cin,Cc,Ce,R1,R2 and Re)- h parameters of a transistor- Classification of amplifiers based on frequency(AF,RF), period of conduction(Class A,AB, B, C), and coupling(DC,RC,TC)- Need for Multistage amplifier (Cascading of amplifiers)- gain, frequency response and bandwidth of an amplifier- Principle of operation of two-stage RC coupled amplifier with circuit diagram- frequency response of RC coupled amplifier- Principle of operation of two-stage transformer coupled amplifier with circuit diagram- Frequency response of transformer coupled amplifier- Frequency response of transformer-coupled amplifier- Working of direct coupled amplifier with circuit diagram- Operation of Darlington pair with the help of circuit diagram- Formula for the current gain- applications of Darlington pair- Frequency response of tuned amplifier(single, double tuned)- Frequency response of tuned amplifier(single, double tuned)- Different types of couplings- circuit of common source FET amplifier- frequency response of Common source FET amplifier.
3.0 Understand working of Feedback amplifiers, Power Amplifier and oscillators Feedback amplifiers Concept of feedback- Positive and Negative Feedback - Block diagram of negative feedback amplifier - 4 types of negative feedback amplifiers- Block diagrams of voltage series ,current series, current shunt and voltage Shunt feedback amplifiers- Expression for the gain of negative feedback amplifiers- Effect of negative feedback on gain, bandwidth, input and output impedances- Important merits of negative feedback amplifiers- characteristics of above feedback amplifiers. Large signal Amplifiers- Need for Power Amplifier- BLock diagram showing various stages of power amplifier- Voltage amplifier and Power amplifier- Performance measures of power amplifier-Classification of power amplifiers based on conduction (Class A, B, AB, C and D)- operation of Class A, Class B, Class AB & Class c with waveforms- Working of Transistor Push-pull amplifier circuit- Effect of distortion in amplifiers- Distortions in power amplifiers- Amplitude distortion and Cross over distortion in amplifiers- Choice of Class A , Class B Class AB Amplifier and Class C Amplifiers- Applications of Class C Amplifiers as Harmonic Generator and Frequency multiplier- Efficiencies of different types of amplifiers(A,B,C,D) Oscillators- Condition for an amplifier to work as an oscillator.- Requisites of an Oscillator- Barkhausen criteria in oscillators- Oscillator circuits- Working of an RC phase shift oscillator- Working of tuned collector oscillator- Working of Hartley oscillator- Working of Colpitts oscillator- Expressions for frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillations of the above circuits- Reasons for instability in oscillator circuits- Remedies for instability in oscillator- Advantages of crystal oscillators over other types- Equivalent circuit of crystal – Working of transistor crystal oscillator- Merits and demerits of RC and LC oscillators. 4.0 Special semiconductor devices construction and principle of operation of depletion type n channel MOSFET- construction and principle of operation of enhancement type n channel MOSFET- JFET and MOSFET- Principle operation of CMOSFET- Varactor diode - Characteristics- Applications of varactor diode- Construction, operation and characteristics of photo diode- Construction, operation and characteristics of photo transistor- Applications of photo diode and photo transistor- Principle of photovoltaic cell- Important specifications of photovoltaic cells- Applications of photovoltaic cells- working of opto-coupler- Construction, working principle and characteristics of LED - Construction and working principle of LCD- Applications of LED and LCD in discrete displays, dot-matrix and seven segment displays.
5.0 Applications -Practical Circuits Operation of transistor series voltage regulator circuit - Disadvantages of series Voltage Regulator- Operation of transistor shunt voltage regulator circuit - Working of a transistor as a switch in CE and CC configurations- Transistor circuit to drive a relay-Give design rules for fixing base current- Twilight Switch circuit using LDR/Photo Diode , Transistor and Relay- operation of above circuit- Circuit of mains operated lamp using Opto-Coupler and relay- operation of the above circuit- JFET as current source- Transistor Astable multivibrator circuit .
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Electronic Devices and Circuits by .David A.Bell 4th edition PHI
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits – T.F. Bogart Jr, J.S.Beasley and
G.Rico, Pearson Education,6th edition, 2004.
3. Electronic Principles by Albert Malvino. – J Bates. 7th edition Tata McGraw-Hill Education (TMH) Publishers.
4. Principles of Electronics by V.K. Mehta. S Chand & Company, 2008 ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS
Subject Title : Electronic Measuring Instruments Subject Code : EC-303 Periods/Week : 04 Periods/Semester : 60
Rationale: Electronic Measuring Instruments is introduced in III semester to make the students understand the principles of Electronic measurements which is essential for Instrumentation industry and also to provide necessary cognitive inputs to handle equipment in the laboratory/Industry.
Short No. of Weightage Essay Sl Major Topics Answer periods of Marks Questions Questions 1 Analogue instruments 12 26 2 2 2 Digital instruments 12 21 2 1 ½ Cathode Ray 3 12 26 2 2 Oscilloscope 4 Signal generators 12 21 2 1 ½ 5 Testing Instruments 12 16 2 1 Total 60 110 10 8
OBJECTIVES On completion of the study of the subject a student should be able to comprehend the following:
1.0 Understand the working Analogue instruments 1. 1 List the characteristics of ideal Voltmeter and ideal Ammeter. 1. 2 Explain the construction and principle of operation of PMMC instrument. 1. 3 Explain the principle of extending the range of DC ammeter 1. 4 Explain the principle of extending the range of DC voltmeter. 1. 5 Explain the principle and working rectifier type voltmeter and ammeter. 1. 6 Explain the construction and principle of series and shunt type ohmmeters. 1. 7 Explain the use of Megger for measuring the insulation resistance 1. 8 Explain loading effect with an example. 1. 9 Explain the need for high input impedance for Voltmeters. 1. 10 Explain the working of FET input voltmeter with a circuit diagram 1. 11 Explain the drift problem in FET Voltmeters 1. 12 Explain the working of differential voltmeters. 1. 13 Explain the use of high voltage probe and clamp-on current probe. 1. 14 Explain the construction of AC Bridge. 1. 15 State the conditions for AC bridge balance. 1. 16 List 4 types of AC bridges. 1. 17 Mention the use of above bridges 1. 18 Explain the resistance measurement using Wheat Stone Bridge. 1. 19 Explain the inductance measurement using Maxwell’s Bridge 1. 20 Explain the capacitance measurement using Schering Bridge 1. 21 List 4 important errors and their prevention in bridge measurements
2.0 Understand working of Digital instruments 2.1 List the 4 advantages of digital instruments over Analogue instruments. 2.2 Explain the working of Ramp type digital voltmeter with block diagram. 2.3 Explain the working of successive approximation type digital voltmeters with block diagram. 2.4 List the 4 important specifications of digital voltmeters. 2.5 Explain the working of digital frequency meter with block diagram. 2.6 List the 4 important specifications of digital frequency meter. 2.7 Define Accuracy and Resolution of a meter. 2.8 Explain factors effecting the accuracy and Resolution of a frequency meter. 2.9 Explain the working of digital LCR meter with block diagram 2.10 List the 4 specifications of digital LCR meter.
3.0 Understand construction, working principle and use of CRO 3.1 Draw block diagram of general purpose CRO and describe the function of each block. 3.2 Explain the necessity of time base and deflection amplifiers. 3.3 Define deflection sensitivity of CRO 3.4 List the conditions for stationary waveforms. 3.5 Mention the conditions for flicker free waveforms. 3.6 Explain triggered sweep with necessary circuit, 3.7 Mention the advantages of triggered sweep. 3.8 Explain the function of various controls on front panel of CRO 3.9 Explain the procedure for measurement of a) voltage (DC & AC) b) frequency c) phase angle d) time interval e) depth of modulation, 3.10 Define a pulse 3.11 Draw the waveform of a pulse 3.12 Define the pulse parameters a) Pulse width b) Rise time c) Fall time d) Duty cycle e) delay time 3.13 Explain the procedure for measuring above pulse parameters with CRO. 3.14 List different types of probes and connectors used in oscilloscopes.
4.0. Understand the construction, working principle of AF, RF signal generators and power meters 4.1 Explain the working of AF Oscillator (sine & square) with block diagram. 4.2 List the front panel controls and specifications of AF Oscillator. 4.3 Explain the working of function generator with block diagram. 4.4 List the applications of AF oscillators and function generators. 4.5 Explain the working of RF signal generator. 4.6 List the specifications of RF signal generator. 4.7 Mention the 3 important applications of RF signal generators 4.8 Explain the importance of shielding in RF generators. 4.9 Explain the working of AF power meter. 4.10 List the applications of power meters.
5.0 Understand the construction and working of test instruments 5. 1 Mention the limitations of AC bridge method for measurement of small inductances and capacitances 5. 2 Define Stray inductance and stray capacitance of a coil. 5. 3 Explain the working of Q meter with a block diagram. 5. 4 List various parameters that can be measured using Q meter 5. 5 Define distortion factor. 5. 6 Explain the working of Distortion Factor Meter with block diagram. 5. 7 Explain the working of digital IC tester with block diagram. 5. 8 Explain the working of logic analyser with block diagram. 5. 9 Explain the basic working principle of spectrum analyser and mention its use. 5. 10 State the need for plotters and recorders. 5. 11 Explain the working of XY recorders. 5. 12 Explain the working of plotter. 5. 13 Explain the working of logic probe.
COURSE CONTENT 1.0 Analogue instruments Characteristics of ideal Voltmeter and ideal Ammeter- Construction and principle of operation of PMMC instrument- Principle of extending the range of DC ammeter- Principle of extending the range of DC voltmeter- Principle and working rectifier type voltmeter and ammeter- Construction and principle of series and shunt type ohmmeters- Use of Megger for measuring the insulation resistance- loading effect with an example- Need for high input impedance for Voltmeters- working of FET input voltmeter with a circuit diagram- Drift problem in FET Voltmeters- Working of differential voltmeters- Use of high voltage probe and clamp-on current probe- Construction of AC Bridge- Conditions for bridge balance- Types of AC bridges- Use of above bridges- Resistance measurement using Wheat Stone Bridge- Inductance measurement using Maxwell’s Bridge- capacitance measurement using Schering Bridge- important errors and their prevention in bridge measurements 2.0 Digital instruments Advantages of digital instruments over Analogue instruments- Working of Ramp type digital voltmeter with block diagram- Successive approximation type digital voltmeters with block diagram- Specifications of digital voltmeters- Working of digital frequency meter with block diagram- Important specifications of digital frequency meter- Accuracy and Resolution of a meter- Factors effecting the accuracy and Resolution of a frequency meter- Working of digital LCR meter with block diagram- specifications of digital LCR meter. 3.0 Working principle and use of CRO Block diagram of general purpose CRO - Function of each block- Necessity of time base and deflection amplifiers- Deflection sensitivity of CRO- Conditions for stationary waveforms- Conditions for flicker free waveforms- Triggered sweep with necessary circuit- Advantages of triggered sweep- Function of various controls on front panel of CRO- Procedure for measurement of - Voltage (DC & AC) b) frequency - Phase angle - Time interval - Depth of modulation-Define a pulse - Waveform of a pulse-Define the pulse parameters - Pulse width - Rise time - Fall time - Duty cycle-delay time- procedure for measuring above pulse parameters with CRO- Different types of probes and connectors used in oscilloscopes.
4.0 working principle of AF, RF signal generators and power meters Working of AF Oscillator (sine & square) - Block diagram- Front panel controls and specifications of AF Oscillator- Working of function generator with block diagram- Applications of AF oscillators and function generators- Working of RF signal generator- Specifications of RF signal generator- Important Applications of RF signal generators- Importance of shielding in RF generators- Working of AF power meter- Applications of power meters.
5.0 Test instruments Limitations of AC bridge method for measurement of small inductances and capacitances- Stray inductance and stray capacitance of a coil- Q meter with a block diagram- Parameters that can be measured using Q meter- Distortion factor- Distortion Factor Meter with block diagram- Digital IC tester with block diagram- Working of logic analyser with block diagram- Working principle of spectrum analyser and uses- Plotters and Recorders- XY recorders- plotter- logic probe.
1. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement techniques - Albert D. Helfrick William David Cooper-PHI Publications 2. Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation - A.K.
Sawhney , Puneet Sawhney Dhanpat Rai & Company, 2010 3. Electronic Instrumentation - HS Kalsi ,-Tata McGraw Hill ANALOGUE COMMUNICATION
Subject Title : Analogue Communication Subject Code : EC-304 Periods/Week : 04 Periods/Semester : 60
Rationale: Analogue communications is another core subject which forms the basis for Analogue Communication Hence the understanding of Analogue Communication is very much essential for an electronics and communication engineering student not only from the industry point of view but also from knowledge perspective also. Stress is laid on study of fundamentals . This course serves as a foundation for other advanced courses.
TIME SCHEDULE Short No. of Essay Weightage Answer Sl Major topics period Question of marks Question s s s Basics of 1 Communication 10 16 2 1 System & Noise Analogue modulation 2 14 26 2 2 techniques 3 Transmitters & 12 26 2 2 Receivers 4 Antennas 14 26 2 2 5 Wave propagation 10 16 2 1 Total 60 110 10 8
OBJECTIVES On completion of the study of the subject a student should be able to comprehend the following:
1.0 Understand basics of Communication systems. 1.1 Describe the basic elements of a communication system with block diagram. 1.2 Explain frequency spectrum and mention the usage of frequencies for different applications 1.3 Define modulation 1.4 State the need for modulation in communication systems. 1.5 Define amplitude modulation 1.6 Draw the wave form of an AM wave 1.7 Define Frequency modulation 1.8 Draw the waveform of FM Wave 1.9 Define phase modulation 1.10 Distinguish between baseband, carrier, and modulated signals and give examples. 1.11 Explain the relationship between channel bandwidth, baseband bandwidth and transmission time. 1.12 List causes of distortion in transmission and measures for distortion less transmission. 1.13 Explain the terms time domain and frequency domain. 1.14 Classify different types of noise 1.15 Distinguish between internal and external Noise 1.16 Define signal to noise ratio, noise figure and noise temperature
2.0 Understand the principles of Analogue Modulation Techniques 2.1 Derive the time-domain equation for an AM signal. 2.2 Define the modulation index of an AM signal. 2.3 Draw the frequency spectrum of an AM signal. 2.4 Describe the effects of over modulation. 2.5 Calculate the bandwidth of an AM signal. 2.6 Derive the relation between total power and carrier power in AM 2.7 Solve simple problems 2.8 Explain the need for DSBSC and SSB modulation 2.9 List the advantages and disadvantages of SSB 2.10 List applications of SSB. 2.11 Explain Vestigial side band transmission 2.12 State the need for angle modulation 2.13 List two types of angle modulation 2.14 Derive the time domain equation for FM signal 2.15 Define the modulation index of an FM signal 2.16 Explain noise triangle in FM 2.17 Compare AM , FM and PM 2.18 Explain narrow band and wide band FM 2.19 Define pre-emphasis and de-emphasis 2.20 State the need for pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM
3.0 Understand the working of transmitters and receivers. 3.1 List the requirements and specifications of transmitters. 3.2 Draw the block diagram for high level modulated transmitter and explain 3.3 Draw the low level modulated Transmitter and explain. 3.4 Distinguish between low level and high level modulation 3.5 Draw the block diagram of basic SSB transmitter 3.6 Explain the function of each block. 3.7 Draw the block diagram of indirect FM transmitter (Armstrong method). 3.8 Explain the function of each block. 3.9 Draw the block diagram of TRF receiver 3.10 Explain the function of each block. 3.11 State the limitations of TRF Receiver. 3.12 Explain the need for super heterodyning in radio receiver. 3.13 Explain the working of super heterodyne receiver with a block diagram. 3.14 Explain the choice of IF. 3.15 Define sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity, image rejection ratio 3.16 Explain the need for AVC (AGC). 3.17 Explain the process of demodulation in AM receivers. 3.18 Draw the block diagram of FM receiver . 3.19 Explain the function of each block. 3.20 Explain Foster-seely discriminator.
4.0 Understand the methods of wave propagation 4.1 Explain the properties of electromagnetic waves (Absorption, attenuation) 4.2 Define power density and electric field intensity 4.3 Calculate power density and electric field intensity for waves propagating in free space. 4.4 Define polarization of EM waves 4.5 Explain vertical and horizontal polarization. 4.6 Define the characteristic impedance of free space. 4.7 Explain reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference of EM waves. 4.8 List 4 types of wave propagation methods 4.9 Explain ground wave propagation 4.10 Explain sky wave propagation 4.11 Explain different layers in ionosphere 4.12 Define the terms critical frequency, MUF, skip distance and virtual height in sky wave propagation. 4.13 Explain space wave propagation 4.14 Define the term line of sight 4.15 Give the expression for LOS 4.16 Define fading 4.17 Explain the methods of diversity to reduce fading effects 4.18 Explain duct propagation 4.19 Explain tropospheric scatter propagation.
5.0 Understand the working Principle of antennas 5.1 Explain the principle of an antenna 5.2 Define radiation pattern 5.3 Define isotropic antenna and draw its radiation pattern 5.4 Explain an elementary doublet 5.5 Explain half wave dipole and give its radiation pattern 5.6 Define the terms power gain, directivity, beam width, radiation resistance and front to back ratio of an antenna.. 5.7 Explain the terms antenna impedance and polarization. 5.8 Explain the concept of grounding. 5.9 State the need for folded dipole. 5.10 State the need of antenna array. 5.11 Explain the operation of broadside and end fire arrays. 5.12 Define resonant and non-resonant antennas 5.13 Explain the construction and working of Rhombic antenna. 5.14 Explain the working of Yagi-Uda antenna. 5.15 Explain turnstile antenna 5.16 State the need for binomial array 5.17 Explain the principle of parabolic reflector. 5.18 Explain different feed arrangements 5.19 Explain the working of Horn and Loop antennas 5.20 Explain the working of Helical and Log periodic antenna 5.21 List the applications of dish antenna
COURSE CONTENT 1.0 Basics of Communication systems. elements of a communication system - block diagram- frequency spectrum - frequencies for different applications- modulation- need for modulation in communication systems- amplitude modulation- wave form of an AM wave- Frequency modulation - waveform of FM Wave- phase modulation- baseband, carrier, and modulated signals - relationship between channel bandwidth, baseband bandwidth and transmission time- causes of distortion in transmission -measures for distortion less transmission- time domain and frequency domain- types of noise- internal and external Noise- signal to noise ratio, noise figure and noise temperature
2.0 Analogue Modulation Techniques time-domain equation for an AM signal- modulation index of an AM signal- frequency spectrum of an AM signal- effects of over modulation- bandwidth of an AM signal- relation between total power and carrier power in AM-Solve simple problems- need for DSBSC and SSB modulation- advantages and disadvantages of SSB- applications of SSB- Vestigial side band transmission angle modulation- types of angle modulation- time domain equation for FM signal- modulation index of an FM signal- noise triangle in FM-Comparison of AM , FM and PM- narrow band and wide band FM- pre-emphasis and de-emphasis- need for pre- emphasis and de-emphasis in FM
3.0 Transmitters and Receivers. requirements and specifications of transmitters- block diagram for high level modulated transmitter - low level modulated Transmitter -Distinguish between low level and high level modulation- block diagram of basic SSB transmitter - block diagram of indirect FM transmitter (Armstrong method)- block diagram of TRF receiver - limitations of TRF Receiver- need for super heterodyning in radio receiver- working of super heterodyne receiver - block diagram- choice of IF- sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity, image rejection ratio- AVC (AGC)-Explain the process of demodulation in AM receivers- block diagram of FM receiver - Foster-seely discriminator.
4.0 Wave propagation properties of electromagnetic waves (Absorption, attenuation)- power density and electric field intensity- power density and electric field intensity for waves propagating in free space- polarization of EM waves- vertical and horizontal polarization- characteristic impedance of free space- reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference of EM waves- types of wave propagation methods- ground wave propagation- sky wave propagation- different layers in ionosphere- critical frequency, MUF, skip distance and virtual height in sky wave propagation- space wave propagation- line of sight - expression for LOS- fading- methods of diversity to reduce fading effects- duct propagation- tropospheric scatter propagation- 5.0 Antennas principle of an antenna- radiation pattern- isotropic antenna - radiation pattern- elementary doublet- half wave dipole and give its radiation pattern- power gain, directivity, beam width, radiation resistance- and front to back ratio of an antenna- antenna impedance and polarization- concept of grounding- need for folded dipole- antenna array- operation of broadside and end fire arrays- resonant and non-resonant antennas - construction and working of Rhombic antenna- working of Yagi-Uda antenna- turnstile antenna- binomial array- principle of parabolic reflector- different feed arrangements- working of Horn and Loop antennas- Helical and Log periodic antenna - applications of dish antenna
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Electronic communications systems by Roy Blake, Thomson Delmar,2002. 2. Electronic Communication System by George Kennedy- Bernard Davis Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
3. Principles Of Electronic Communication Systems by Herbert Taub & Donald L Schilling, 3rd Edition-2009. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited 4. Radio communication by G.K.Mithal- khanna publishers 5. Antennas and Wave propagation by K.D.Prasad- Sathya Prakasahan Publications. DIGITAL ELECTRONICS
Subject Title : DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Subject Code : : 305 Periods/Week : 4 Periods/Semester : 60
Rationale: Digital Electronics is a core subject as Digital Electronics form the basis for Digital Communication and Microcontrollers .Hence the understanding of Digital electronics and their applications is very much essential for an electronics and communication engineering from the industry point of view Stress is laid on study of the behaviour of various devices and circuits including practical applications. This course serves as a foundation for other advanced courses.
No. of Short Weightage Essay Sl Major topics period Answer of marks Questions s Questions Basics of Digital 1 18 29 3 2 Electronics 2 Logic Families 6 13 1 1 Combinational Logic 3 12 26 2 2 circuits 4 Sequential Logic Circuits 16 29 3 2 Registers and 5 8 13 1 1 Semiconductor Memories Total 60 110 10 8
OBJECTIVES On completion of this unit the student shall be able to
1.0 Understand the basics of Digital Electronics 1.1 Explain Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems . 1.2 Compare the above with Decimal system. 1.3 Convert a given decimal number into Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal numbers and vice versa. 1.4 Convert a given binary number into octal and hexadecimal number system and vice versa. 1.5 Perform binary addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division. 1.6 Write 1’s complement and 2’s complement numbers for a given binary number. 1.7 Perform subtraction of binary numbers in 2’s complement method. 1.8 Explain the use of weighted and Un-weighted codes. 1.9 Write Binary equivalent number for a number in 8421, Excess-3 and Gray Code and vice-versa. 1.10 Explain the use of alphanumeric codes (ASCII & EBCDIC) 1.11 Explain the importance of parity Bit. 1.12 State different postulates in Boolean algebra. 1.13 Explain the basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT gates with truth table. 1.14 Explain the working of universal logic gates (NAND, NOR gates) using truth tables. 1.15 Explain the working of an exclusive – OR gate with truth table. 1.16 State De-Morgan’s theorems. 1.17 Explain De-Morgan’s theorems 1.18 Realize AND, OR, NOT operations using NAND, NOR gates. 1.19 Apply De-Morgan’s theorems related postulates to simplify Boolean expressions (up to three variables). 1.20 Explain standard representations for logical functions (SOP and POS form) 1.21 Write Boolean expressions from the given truth table. 1.22 Use Karnaugh map to simplify Boolean Expression (up to 4 variables only)
2.0 Understand different logic families. 2.1 Give the classification of digital logic families. 2.2 List the important characteristics of Digital ICs 2.3 Explain logic levels and Voltage requirements of TTL and CMOS ICs 2.4 Define propagation delay and Noise margin, 2.5 Explain Fan-in and Fan-out capacity of a digital IC. 2.6 Explain Power dissipation. 2.7 Explain figure of merit of a logic family 2.8 Explain the working of open collector TTL NAND gate with a circuit diagram. 2.9 Explain the working of Totem pole output TTL NAND gate with a circuit diagram. 2.10 Explain the working of CMOS NAND gate with a circuit diagram. 2.11 Compare the TTL, CMOS and ECL logic families. 2.12 Give IC numbers of two input Digital IC Logic gates. 3.0 Understand the working of combinational logic circuits 3.1 Give the concept of combinational logic circuits. 3.2 Draw the Half adder circuit 3.3 verify its functionality using truth table. 3.4 Realize a Half-adder using i) NAND gates only and ii) NOR gates only. 3.5 Explain the operation of full adder circuit with truth table. 3.6 Realize full-adder using two Half-adders and an OR – gate 3.7 write truth table for the above circuit. 3.8 Explain the working of 4 Bit parallel adder circuit using full adders. 3.9 Explain 2’s compliment parallel adder/ subtractor circuit. 3.10 Explain the working of a serial adder circuit. 3.11 Compare the performance of serial and parallel adder. 3.12 Explain the working of 4 X 1 Multiplexer circuit. 3.13 Give the IC numbers of TTL & CMOS Multiplexer ICs 3.14 Mention any 3 applications of multiplexer circuit 3.15 Explain the working of 1 to 4 demultiplexer circuit. 3.16 Give the IC numbers of TTL & CMOS De-multiplexer ICs 3.17 Mention any 3 applications of De-multiplexer 3.18 Explain the working of 3 X 8 decoder circuit. 3.19 Mention any 3 applications of decoder IC 3.20 Explain the working of BCD to decimal decoder circuit. 3.21 Explain the working of Decimal to BCD encoder circuit. 3.22 State the need for a tri-state buffer 3.23 List the two types of tri-state buffers with IC numbers 3.24 Mention the use of Tristate buffer in digital circuits. 3.25 Explain the working of digital comparator circuit. 4.0 Understand the working of Sequential logic circuits 4.1 Explain the concept of Sequential logic circuits. 4.2 Explain NAND and NOR latches with truth tables 4.3 State the necessity of clock 4.4 Explain the concept of level clocking and edge triggering, 4.5 Explain clocked SR flip flop circuit using NAND gates. 4.6 Explain the need for preset and clear inputs . 4.7 Explain the circuit of level clocked JK flip flop (using S-R flip-flops) with truth table 4.8 Explain the race around condition. 4.9 Explain the working of master slave JK flip flop circuit with necessary diagrams 4.10 Explain the level clocked D and T flip flops with the help of truth table and circuit diagram and timing diagram. 4.11 Draw the symbols of above Flip Flops. 4.12 Give the truth tables of edge triggered D and T flip flops 4.13 List two applications for each type of flip flop. 4.14 State the need for a Register 4.15 List the four types of registers. 4.16 Explain the working of 4 bit shift left and shift right registers with a circuit and timing diagram 4.17 Explain the working of 4-bit bi-directional shift register with a circuit and timing diagram 4.18 Explain parallel in parallel out shift register with a circuit and timing diagram 4.19 Explain the working of Universal shift register (74194 ) with a circuit and timing diagram 4.20 List the four common applications of shift registers. 5.0 Understand working of Counters and Semiconductor memories 5.1 Define modulus of a counter 5.2 Explain the working of 4-bit asynchronous counter with a circuit and Timing diagram. 5.3 Explain the working of asynchronous decade counter with a circuit and Timing diagram. 5.4 Explain the working of 4-bit synchronous counter with a circuit and Timing diagram. 5.5 Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous counters. 5.6 Explain the working of asynchronous 3 bit up-down counter with a circuit and Timing diagram 5.7 List any 2 commonly used IC numbers of flip flops, registers and counters for each. 5.8 Explain the working of ring counter 5.9 Give three applications for the above circuit 5.10 Classify various types of memories based on principle of operation, physical characteristics, accessing modes and fabrication technology.. 5.11 Explain the terms memory read operation, write operation, access time, memory capacity, and address lines and word length. 5.12 Differentiate between ROM and RAM 5.13 Explain basic principle of working of diode ROM 5.14 Distinguish between EEPROM and UVPROM. 5.15 Explain the working of basic dynamic MOS RAM cell. 5.16 Compare static RAM and dynamic RAM 5.17 Explain the working principle of NVRAM 5.18 State the difference between Flash ROM and NV RAM
COURSE CONTENT 1.0 Basics of Digital Electronics Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems –comparison with Decimal system- Conversion of a given decimal number into Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal numbers and vice versa- Conversion of a given binary number into octal and hexadecimal number system and vice versa- binary addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division- 1’s complement and 2’s complement numbers of a binary number- subtraction of binary numbers in 2’s complement method- Use of weighted and Un-weighted codes- Binary equivalent number for a number in 8421, Excess-3 and Gray Code and vice-versa- Use of alphanumeric codes (ASCII & EBCDIC)- importance of parity Bit- Different postulates in Boolean algebra- Basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT gates with truth table- universal logic gates (NAND, NOR gates) - exclusive – OR gate with truth table- De-Morgan’s theorems- AND, OR, NOT operations using NAND, NOR gates- De-Morgan’s theorems related postulates to simplify Boolean expressions (up to three variables)- standard representations for logical functions (SOP and POS form)- Boolean expressions from the given truth table- Karnaugh map to simplify Boolean Expression (up to 4 variables only)
2.0 Different logic families. Classification of digital logic families- Important characteristics of Digital ICs-Logic levels and Voltage requirements of TTL and CMOS ICs - Propagation delay and Noise margin- Fan-in and Fan-out capacity- Power dissipation- Figure of merit of a logic family- explain TTL NAND gate with open collector- TTL NAND gate with Totem pole output- CMOS NAND gate circuit - TTL, CMOS and ECL logic families- IC numbers of two input Digital IC Logic gates.
3.0 Combinational logic circuits Concept of combinational logic circuits- Half adder circuit -truth table- Half-adder using NAND gates only &NOR gates only- Full adder circuit - Truth table- Full-adder using two Half-adders and an OR – gate - a 4 Bit parallel adder using full – adders- 2’s compliment parallel adder/ subtractor circuit- Serial adder -Performance of serial and parallel adder- Operation of 4 X 1 Multiplexers- Operation of 1 to 4 demultiplexer- IC numbers -applications- 3 X 8 decoder- BCD to decimal decoder- Decoders- Decimal to BCD encoder- IC numbers -Applications - Tri-state buffer - Types of tri-state buffers- Applications - Digital comparator. 4.0 Sequential logic circuits Concept of Sequential logic circuits- NAND and NOR latches with truth tables Necessity of clock - Concept of level clocking and edge triggering, Clocked SR flip flop circuit using NAND gates- Need for preset and clear inputs - Circuit of level Clocked JK flip flop (using S-R flip-flops) with truth table Race around condition- Master slave JK flip flop circuit - Level clocked D and T flip flops - Truth table, Circuit diagram and timing diagram- Symbols of above Flip Flops- Truth tables of edge triggered D and T flip flops - Applications for each type of flip flop- Need for a Register - Types of registers- 4 bit shift left and shift right registers - 4-bit bi- directional shift Register - Parallel in parallel out shift register - Universal shift register (74194 ) - Applications of shift registers 5.0 Counters and Semiconductor memories Modulus of a counter- 4-bit asynchronous counter - Asynchronous decade counter with a circuit - 4-bit synchronous counter –Differences between synchronous and asynchronous counters- asynchronous 3 bit up-down counter - IC numbers of flip flops, Registers and counters - Ring counter- applications - Types of memories - Memory read operation, write operation, access time, memory capacity, address lines and word length- ROM and RAM- Diode ROM- EEPROM and UVPROM- Dynamic MOS RAM cell- static RAM and dynamic RAM- NVRAM- Differences between Flash ROM and NV RAM. REFERENCE BOOKS:
1. Digital Computer Electronics by Malvino and leach. 3rd edition Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2. Modern Digital Electronics By RP JAIN TMH 3 Digital Electronics: Principles & Applications by Roger L. Tokheim -McGraw-Hill Education, 2008 4. Digital Electronics by GK Kharate, Oxford University Press.
Subject Title : Electrical Technology Subject Code : EC-306 Periods/Week : 05 Periods/Semester : 60
Rationale: Electrical Machines subject is reintroduced in the iii semester as the Knowledge of electrical machines is essential for the student to survive in the industry and also understand subjects like Industrial electronics as per the suggestions of industrial experts. Emphasis is laid on Fundamental concepts. TIME SCHEDULE
Short No of Weightage Essay Sl Major topics Answer periods of marks Questions Questions 1 AC Circuits 22 26 2 2 2 DC machines 15 26 2 2 Polyphase 3 6 13 1 1 Circuits 4 Transformers 8 16 2 1 5 AC machines 9 16 2 1 Total 60 110 10 8
Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to
1.1 Understand the behaviour Of AC Circuits 1.2 Recap RL and RC series circuits 1.3 Explain mathematical representation of vectors in a) Symbolic notation ,b) trigonometric c) exponential and polar forms 1.4 Solve simple problems using J notation 1.5 Explain series RLC circuits 1.6 Solve problems on Series RLC circuits 1.7 Explain resonance in RLC series circuit 1.8 Derive the formula for series resonance 1.9 State the conditions for series resonance 1.10 Draw the characteristic curves for series resonance. 1.11 Define bandwidth of a resonant circuit 1.12 Define lower cut off and upper cut off frequencies 1.13 Give formula for lower cut off and upper cut off frequencies 1.14 Solve simple problems on series Resonance. 1.15 Explain Parallel AC circuit containing RLC 1.16 List the 3 methods a) Vector or phasor method b) Admittance method c) Vector algebra method. for solving AC parallel circuits. 1.17 Solve problems using above 3 methods 1.18 Explain Resonance in parallel circuits 1.19 State the conditions required for parallel resonance 1.20 Derive Equation for resonant frequency. 1.21 Give graphical representation of parallel resonance. 1.22 Compare Series and parallel resonance 1.23 Solve problems on Resonance 1.24 Explain effect of Resistance on Bandwidth.
2.0 Understand the working of DC Machines 2.1. State Faraday’s laws of electro - magnetic induction 2.2. Explain dynamically and statically induced E.M.F 2.3. State Lenz’s law 2.4. State and Explain Fleming’s right hand rule 2.5. State and explain the Fleming’s left hand rule 2.6. Explain the principle of DC Generators. 2.7. Explain the constructional features of DC generator with a sketch. 2.8. Explain the function of commutator and brushes. 2.9. List the two types of windings used in DC generators and state their use. 2.10. Classify DC generators based on the type of excitation and field winding connections 2.11. Write the emf equation of DC generator. 2.12. Explain the characteristics of DC shunt Generator 2.13. Explain the principle of DC Motor. 2.14. Explain the significance of back EMF 2.15. Derive voltage equation of DC motor and condition for maximum power. 2.16. Derive equation for armature torque of dc motor 2.17. Derive equation for speed of a) DC series motor b) DC shunt motor 2.18. Define speed regulation of DC motor 2.19. Explain torque-speed behaviour of DC motor 2.20. Explain DC motor characteristics a) DC series motor b)DC shunt motor 2.21. Compare DC series motor and DC shunt motor 2.22. Explain power stages in DC motor 2.23. Mention the Losses in a DC Motor 2.24. Explain speed control of DC motors and factors affecting the speed. 2.25. Explain speed control of DC shunt motor by armature voltage, field control and armature resistance control 2.26. Solve simple problems related to DC motors 2.27. Explain the need for starter. 2.28. Explain with a circuit the working of a 3 point starter 2.29. Give 4 important specifications of a motor 2.30. Explain the choice of particular motor for a given application. 3.0 Comprehend the Polyphase Circuits 3.1 Define a power plant 3.2 List the 4 types of power plants (Hydel , Thermal, Nuclear and Solar) 3.3 Explain the basic principle of operation of above power plants 3.4 Explain With a line sketch how power from a power plant reaches the consumer 3.5 Explain generation of 3 phase voltages. 3.6 List the merits of 3 phase system over single phase. 3.7 Write the emf equations for R, Y, B phases and draw the vector diagram. 3.8 Explain the concept of phase sequence. 3.9 Explain star Delta configurations with diagrams. 3.10 Give the relation between Line Voltages, Phase voltages and Line currents &Phase currents in Star configuration 3.11 Explain the formation of Neutral at the junction in Star connections 3.12 Give the relation between Line Voltages, Phase voltages and Line currents &Phase currents in Delta configuration 3.13 Solve simple problems in 3 phase circuits
4.0 Understand the working of Transformers 4.1 Explain the concept of self and mutual inductance 4.2 Derive the expressions for self and mutual inductances 4.3 Define co-efficient of coupling 4.4 Explain the total inductance with series connections with reference to direction of flux. 4.5 Explain the working principle of transformer 4.6 Give constructional details of a) Core type transformer b) Shell type transformer 4.7 Give reasons for using laminations in transformer core 4.8 Derive the emf equation of a transformer 4.9 Explain voltage transformation ratio 4.10 Explain the operation of transformer on NO load and write the equation for no load current 4.11 Explain the operation of transformer on LOAD with the help of vector diagram under leading, lagging and unity power factor 4.12 Solve problems on the above 4.13 Explain the Iron loss and Copper loss in a transformer 4.14 Solve simple problems to determine copper and iron losses for a given load 4.15 Explain open circuit and short circuit tests and their purpose. 4.16 Derive equation for equivalent resistance of a transformer. 4.17 Define efficiency and regulation of transformer 4.18 Solve simple problems to determine efficiency and regulation. 4.19 Classify transformers based on power rating, construction and applications 4.20 Mention the specifications of a transformer and explain their importance. 4.21 Explain the construction and working of an auto transformer 4.22 Explain copper saving in an auto Transformer. 4.23 Mention any 3 uses of Auto transformer 4.24 Explain the three phase connections of transformer, star-star, star-delta, delta-delta, delta star 4.25 Mention the applications of 3 phase Transformers . 4.26 Explain the applications of a transformer as a a)potential transformer b) current transformer c) impedance matching transformer d) isolation transformer
5.0 Understand the working of AC Machines
5.1 Classify ac motors based on the principle of operation type of current and structural features 5.2 Explain the principle of induction motors 5.3 Explain the production of rotating magnetic field 5.4 Explain the constructional features of squirrel cage motor 5.5 Define slip, synchronous speed of an induction motor and give the relation 5.6 Write the equation for the frequency of rotor current 5.7 Draw the torque speed characteristics and explain 5.8 Explain the principle of Alternator 5.9 Mention various parts of an alternator and explain 5.10 Give equation for induced emf in an alternator 5.11 Explain the principle of synchronous motor 5.12 Explain the effect of excitation 5.13 Give applications of synchronous motors 5.14 List important specifications of an ac motor and explain 5.15 List the various applications and choice of particular ac motor for a given application 5.16 Explain the working principle of capacitor start single phase induction motor. 5.17 Explain the principle of universal motor 5.18 Explain the working principle and constructional features of Servo motors 5.19 Explain the choice of selecting a motor for a particular application 5.20 List 3 applications for each of above.
COURSE CONTENT 1.0 AC Circuits RL and RC series circuits- Mathematical representation of vectors in a) Symbolic notation ,b) trigonometric c) exponential and polar forms- simple problems using J notation- Series RLC circuits - Problems on Series RLC circuits - resonance in RLC series circuit - Formula for series resonance- Conditions for series resonance- Characteristic curves for series resonance- bandwidth of a resonant circuit- Lower cut off and upper cut off frequencies- Formula for lower cut off and upper cut off frequencies- Simple problems on series Resonance- Parallel AC circuit containing RLC- methods a) Vector or phasor method b) Admittance method c) Vector algebra method for solving AC parallel circuits-Simple problems using above 3 methods- Resonance in parallel circuits- Conditions required for parallel resonance- Equation for resonant frequency. Graphical representation of parallel resonance- Series and parallel resonance-Problems on resonance- Effect of Resistance on Bandwidth.
2.0 DC Machines Faraday’s laws of electro - magnetic induction- Dynamically and statically induced E.M.F- Lenz’s law - Fleming’s right hand rule- Fleming’s left hand rule- Principle of DC Generators-constructional features of DC generator - Function of commutator and brushes- Types of windings used in DC generators and state their use-Classify DC generators based on the type of excitation and field winding connections- Emf equation of DC generator- Characteristics of DC shunt Generator - Principle of DC Motor- Significance of back EMF- Voltage equation of DC motor - Condition for maximum power- Equation for armature torque of dc motor- Equation for speed of a) DC series motor b) DC shunt motor- Speed regulation of DC motor- Torque-speed behaviour of DC motor- DC motor characteristics a) DC series motor b)DC shunt motor- DC series motor and DC shunt motor- Power stages in DC motor - Losses in a DC Motor- Speed control of DC motors and factors affecting the speed- Speed control of DC shunt motor by armature voltage, field control and armature resistance control- Simple problems related to DC motors- need for starter- Working of a 3 point starter- Specifications of a motor - Choice of particular motor for a given application.
3.0 Polyphase Circuits
Power plant- Types of power plants (Hydel , Thermal, Nuclear and Solar)- Basic principle of operation of above power plants-Transmission of Power from Power plant to consumer - Generation of 3 phase voltages- Merits of 3 phase system over single phase- Emf equations for R, Y, B phases - Vector diagram- Concept of phase sequence- star Delta configurations - Relation between Line Voltages, Phase voltages and Line currents &Phase currents in Star configuration- Formation of Neutral at the junction in Star connections- Relation between Line Voltages, Phase voltages and Line currents &Phase currents in Delta configuration-Solve simple problems in 3 phase circuits.
4.0 Transformers Concept of self and mutual inductance - expressions for self and mutual inductances - co-efficient of coupling- total inductance with series -Connections with reference to direction of flux- principle of transformer- constructional details of a) Core type transformer b) Shell type transformer- reasons for using laminations in transformer core- emf equation of a transformer- voltage transformation ratio- transformer on NO load equation for no load current- operation of transformer on LOAD -vector diagram under leading, lagging and unity power factor-Solve problems - Iron loss and Copper loss in a transformer-Solve simple problems to determine copper and iron losses for a given load- open circuit and short circuit tests and their purpose- equation for equivalent resistance of a transformer- efficiency and regulation of –Transformer-Solve simple problems to determine efficiency and regulation-Classify transformers based on power rating, construction and applications- specifications of a-transformer -their importance- construction and working of an auto transformer- copper saving in an auto Transformer- uses of Auto transformer - three phase connections of transformer, star-star, star-delta, delta-delta, delta star- applications of 3 phase Transformers - applications of a transformer as a a)potential transformer b) current transformer c) impedance matching transformer d) isolation transformer
5. AC Machines Classification of ac motors -Principle of induction motors- Production of rotating magnetic field- Constructional features of squirrel cage motor- Slip, synchronous speed of an induction motor - Equation for the frequency of rotor current- Torque speed characteristics - Principle of Alternator- Various parts of an alternator and explain- Equation for induced emf in an alternator principle of synchronous motor- Effect of excitation- Applications of synchronous motors- important specifications of an ac motor - Various applications and choice of particular ac motor for a given application- Working principle of capacitor start single phase induction motor- Principle of universal motor- Principle and constructional features of Servo motors - Choice of selecting a motor for a particular application- Applications .
1. Electrical Technology by B L Theraja, S, Chand publishers 2. Basic Electrical Engineering by Prof Sunil T. Gaikwad - Wiley publishers 3. Basic Electrical Engineering By V. K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta S. Chand publishers Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Practice
Subject title : Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab Practice Subject code : EC-307 Periods per week : 6 Periods / Semester : 90
S.N No. of Major Topics o Periods I. Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers 15 II. Transistors & Field Effect transistors 12 III. Transistor Amplifiers and Oscillators 15 IV. Special Devices 12 V Circuit simulation using Pspice or equivalent 30 VI Industrial Training/Visit 6 Total 90 Rationale: Electronic Devices &Circuits lab is a core lab as the student is expected to understand and demonstrate practical skills in handling, identify and using different instruments and various Electronic components with ease .Emphasis is laid on imparting essential skills that are required for subsequent learning.
List of Experiments: Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers 1. Draw the forward & reverse characteristics of Silicon diode i) a) Determine Knee voltage, b) Identify Cutoff, and Linear regions ii) Test the diode with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals iii) Connect a 6V lamp in series with diode and observe the behaviour a) under forward and Reverse biased conditions. b) On low voltage AC supply iv) Observe the effect of temperature on diode reverse current by heating the diode with a soldering Iron
2. Draw the forward & reverse characteristics of Zener diode and determine Breakdown Voltage i) Test the Zener diode with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals ii) Produce different reference voltages by using a 12V Zener diode and Resistance ladder network iii) Produce higher reference voltage by connecting two Zener diodes in series
3. Implement Rectifier circuits using Diodes and observe the effect of Filtering a) Implement Half wave rectifier with and without filter b) Implement Full wave rectifier with and without filter 4. Implement Bridge rectifier with and without filter a) Implement Voltage Doubler circuit b) Connect a diode IN4007 in series with a 60W 230V Lamp and test it.(Record your observations)
5. Build a Regulated power supply and draw the regulation characteristics a. i) using Zener diode ii) using 3 Terminal +ve Regulator b. i) implement a –ve 3 Terminal Regula r ii) Implement a Dual regulated power supply using both +ve and –ve 3 terminal regulators
6. Build an adjustable +ve Regulated power supply using LM 317 and Test
II. Transistors & Field Effect transistors
7. Draw Input and output characteristics of NPN Transistor and determine Beta of the transistor a) Plot Input & Output characteristics for CB configuration b) Plot Input & Output characteristics for CE configuration c) Test the Transistor with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals and Type of transistor and find the β 8. Use Transistor as a Switch a) Turn on and turn off a relay using Transistor ( BC148 as a switch.) b) Connect a 6v lamp in series with BD139 and observe the effect of base current variation on lamp brightness .
9. Determine the effective current gain of a Darlington Pair a) Connect two BC148 transistors in a Darlington pair and calculate the effective Beta b) Find out the device specifications of TIP 120 from the data sheets and compare the hfe with that of BD 139. c) Connect a 6V lamp in the collector circuit of TIP120 transistor and apply few micro amperes current at the base and observe the effect.
10. Draw the input and output characteristics of JFET and determine pinchoff voltage and transconductance. a) Test the JFET with DMM &Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals 11. Use JFET as a current source a) Implement a constant current source with a FET by applying appropriate gate bias b) Practically Verify High input impedance characteristic of the gate circuit.
12. Plot the frequency response characteristics of a RC coupled Amplifier. a) Observe the effect of connecting and disconnecting the emitter bypass capacitor on gain, and distortion. b) Observe the effect of emitter bypass capacitor Ce on voltage across Emitter Resistance using CRO. c) Measure the output power using ac power meter
13. Implement a) Colpitt’s oscillator b) Hartley oscillator and verify the effect of Vary the tank circuit component values and observe output waveforms on CRO. 14. Implement transistor Astable multivibrator circuit and observe the waveforms on CRO. IV. Special Semiconductor Devices 15. Plot the characteristics of a) Photodiode b) photo transistor 16. Implement a Twilight switch using a Phototransistor and a Relay a) Replace Phototransistor with LDR and Test 17. Plot the VI characteristics of different color LEDs & determine the Vf (forward voltage drop) a) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals 18. plot the characteristics of i) LDR ii) Thermistor iii) VDR a) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multimeter b) Implement a simple Temperature controller using Thermistor and a Relay c) Use a VDR /Trigistor for protection against high voltage surges and verify 19. Plot the characteristics of optocoupler MCT2E a) Test the given optocoupler and identify its terminals b) Use MCT 2E to switch on a 6V lamp connected to RPS by applying a Low voltage 1.5 V signal from a cell at input 20. Implement a simple timer using 1 M Ω Resistor , 1000 mfd capacitor ,Transistor BC148 and a Relay
Part 2: Circuit Simulation using pspice
1) Familiarize with the PSPICE modelling using eCAD software Representation of passive elements Representation of active elements Representation of time Vary signals Representation of nodes 2) Simulate half wave and full wave rectifier circuits with filters and assess the performance 3) Simulate 12v Zener regulator circuit and assess the performance for various loads 4) Simulate of CE amplifier and observe the effect of disconnecting bypass capacitor. 5) Simulate Single stage RC coupled Amplifier circuit and observe the effect of change in component values on output waveform 6) Simulate JFET Common Source Amplifier circuit & observe the effect of change in gate bias. 7) Simulate Colpitts oscillator circuit and observe the effect of change in component values. 8) Simulate Hartley oscillator circuit and observe the effect of change in component values. 9) Simulate transistor Astable multivibrator circuit and observe the effect of change in component values. 10) Design a PCB for the RC coupled amplifier circuit with built in power supply.
Competencies and Key Competencies to be achieved
Ex Name of the Experiment p Competencies Key Competencies (No of Periods) No. 1 To draw the forward & reverse Identify meters . Assemble the circuit characteristics of Silicon diode and equipment as per the circuit and i) Determine Knee voltage, Use DRB, DIB, diagram (3) DCB and measure . Identify Diode ii) Identify Cutoff, and Linear Voltage and current terminals by regions Interpret diode observation and a) To test the diode with DMM & datasheets and find also with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the specifications of Analogue the Terminals components used in Multimeter b) To Connect a 6V lamp in the experiment series with diode and test it on DC power supply c) To Heat the diode with a soldering Iron and observe the effect on reverse current
2 To draw the forward & reverse Test the Zener . Assemble the circuit characteristics of Zener diode diode using DMM as per the circuit and determine Breakdown identify Zener diagram Voltage (3) Diode terminals by . identify Zener Diode a) To test the Zener diode with observation and with terminals by DMM & Analogue multimeter DMM observation and and identify the Terminals Prepare Resistor with DMM & b) To produce different reference ladder network. Analogue voltages by using a 12V Zener Connect Zener Multimeter diode and Resistance ladder diodes in series network Rig up the circuit c) To produce higher reference Find the voltage by connecting two specifications of Zener Zener diodes in series diode from datasheets
3. To implement Half wave rectifier Draw the . Assemble the circuit with & without filter circuits and symbols of as per the circuit observe the ripple on CRO Transformer , Diode , diagram (3) Inductor and Capacitor . Use the CRO to b) To implement Full wave Read the circuit observe the rectifier with and without filter and Diagram waveforms observe the ripple on CRO Identify Diode . Assess the Power terminals supply performance select meters in terms of ripple and equipment and % Regulation Observe the polarity of capacitors. Interpret diode datasheets 4 To Implement Bridge rectifier with Read the circuit . Select meters and and without filter (3) Diagram equipment a) To Implement Voltage Identify Diode . Rig up the circuit Doubler circuit terminals . Observe the polarity b) To Connect a diode IN4007 Select meters of capacitors. in series with a 60W 230V and equipment . Measure & Observe Lamp and test it Rig up the circuit the ripple on CRO . Observe the polarity of capacitors. Measure & Observe the ripple on CRO 5 To build a Regulated power Identify . Identify 3 terminal supply and draw the regulation Regulator terminals Regulator and its characteristics (3) Find the output package &pin A. i) Using Zener diode ii) using voltage and type from Configuration 3 Terminal +ve Regulator the IC Regulator . Find the output B. i) Implement a –ve 3 Terminal number voltage and type Regulator ii) Implement a Dual select meters from the IC regulated power supply using both and equipment Regulator number +ve ad –ve 3 terminal regulators Measure Voltage . 4. Use the CRO to C) i) Obtain a voltage above 30V and current. observe the using Dual RPS in the laboratory Observe the waveforms and measure polarity of capacitors. . 5. Assess the Use the CRO to Power supply observe the performance in waveforms terms of ripple and Interpret IC %Regulation Regulator datasheets 6 To build an adjustable +ve Identify . select meters and Regulated power supply using LM Regulator terminals equipment 317 and Test Select meters . Measure Voltage (3) and equipment and current. Rig up the circuit . Observe the polarity Measure Voltage of capacitors. and current. . Use the CRO to Observe the observe the polarity of capacitors. waveforms Use the CRO to observe the waveforms Interpret IC Regulator datasheets 7 To draw Input and output Identify . characteristics of NPN Transistor Transistor type & . Identify Transistor and determine Beta of the terminals with DMM type& terminals with transistor (3) Select meters DMM a) To plot Input & Output and equipment . Select meters and characteristics for CB Rig up the circuit equipment configuration Measure Voltage . Rig up the circuit b) To plot Input & Output and current. . Measure Voltage characteristics for CB Note the and current. configuration CE package &differences configuration between BC148A, b) To test the Transistor with 148B, 148C and DMM & Analogue multimeter BF194 from the data and identify the Terminals sheets. and Type of transistor and find the β
8 To use Transistor as a Switch Identify . Rig up the circuit &Test Transistor type & . Measure Voltage a) To Turn on and turn off a relay terminals with DMM and current. using Transistor ( BC148 as a Rig up the circuit . Test the circuit switch.) (3) Measure Voltage b) To Connect a 6v lamp in series and current. with BD139 and observe the Test the circuit effect of base current variation on Note the lamp brightness . package of BD139 & specifications from datasheets 9 To determine the effective current Identify . Identify Transistor gain of a Darlington Pair (3) Transistor type & type & terminals a) To Connect two BC148 terminals with DMM with DMM transistors in a Darlington Rig up the circuit . Rig up the circuit pair and calculate the Measure Voltage . Measure Voltage effective Beta and current. and current. b) To find out the device Test the circuit . Test the circuit specifications of TIP 120 Note the package of from the data sheets and BD139 & TIP120 compare the hfe with that of specifications from BD 139. datasheets c) To Connect a 6V lamp in the collector circuit of TIP120 transistor and apply few micro amperes current at the base and observe the effect.
10 To Draw the input and output Draw the . 1.Determine the characteristics of JFET and symbols of FET, pinch off voltage determine pinchoff voltage and Identify the JFET . Identify the ground, transconductance. (3) terminals using DMM drain, gate and a) To test the JFET with DMM and multimeter source terminals &Analogue multimeter and Rig up the circuit using multimeter identify the Terminals Interpret the (DMM and JFET characteristics Analogue) also by and determine the physical pinch off voltage observation Interpret JFET datasheets and finding the specifications.
11 To use JFET as a current source Identify the JFET . Rig up the circuit a) To Implement a constant terminals using DMM &Test current source with a FET by and multimeter . Measure voltage & applying appropriate gate bias Rig up the circuit current (3) Measure voltage b) To practically Verify High & current input impedance characteristic finding JFET of the gate circuit. current rating from data sheets
12 To Plot the frequency response 1.Identify the . Assemble the circuit characteristics of a RC coupled coupling and bypass as per the circuit Amplifier. (3) capacitors and noting diagram a) To observe the effect of their values . Identify the coupling connecting and Measure the and bypass disconnecting the emitter amplitude and capacitors(types, bypass capacitor on gain, frequency on CRO values) and distortion. Observe the 3db . Observe the b) To observe the effect of points distortion(clipping ) emitter bypass capacitor Ce Apply correct of signal on CRO on voltage across Emitter level of input signal to and adjusting the Resistance using CRO. produce the distortion input for distortion c) To Measure the output less output less output power using ac power meter
13 To implement a) Colpitt’s Identify Tuned . Identify different oscillator b) Hartley oscillator circuit sections in the and verify the effect of Varying Identify the Oscillator circuit the tank circuit component active component and Identify the Type of values and observe output amplifier circuit . oscillator waveforms on CRO. (3) Identify feed . Measure amplitude back circuit and frequency of Observe the waveforms on CRO waveforms on CRO. Vary the core of inductor & observe the effect on o/p frequency Identify the crystal in the circuit & note the component number
14 To implement transistor Astable Identify transistor . Select correct multivibrator circuit and type & Terminals with values for observe the waveforms on DMM components CRO. (3) Select correct . Rig up the circuit values for components . Change R & C Rig up the circuit values & observe Change R & C the effect on output values & observe the frequency on CRO effect on output frequency on CRO 15 To plot the characteristics of 1.Identify the . Plotting the a) Photodiode b) photo transistor devices characteristics of (3) 2 Draw the the Photo diode, symbols Photo transistor and 3.Note down the LED Identify the component values device from the 4.Identify photo characteristics. diode terminals with . Test the devices DMM/multimeter with 5.Assemble the circuit DMM/multimeter 6.Measure . Assemble the circuit Voltage &Current . Measure Voltage 7.Note the &Current specifications 16 To Implement a Twilight switch Select the . Identify the Photo using a Phototransistor , BC 148 , devices diode and Relay 12V Relay & Test Identify the terminals with a) Replace Phototransistor with Photo diode and Relay DMM/multimeter LDR and Test (3) terminals with . Assemble the circuit DMM/multimeter . Test the circuit Assemble the circuit Test the circuit
17 a) To Plot the VI characteristics of .Identify the . 1.Identify LED different color LEDs & devices terminals with determine the Vf (forward 2 Draw the DMM/multimeter voltage drop) symbols . Determination of b)To test the above devices with 3.Identify LED series Resistance DMM & Analogue multimeter terminals with 3.Assemble the and identify the Terminals (3) DMM/multimeter circuit 4. Determination . Measure voltage of series Resistance &Current 5.Assemble the circuit Measure voltage &Current 7.Note the specifications from the datasheets 18 To plot the characteristics of a) Identify LDR , . Test the devices LDR b) Thermistor c) VDR Thermistor & VDR with a) To test the above devices Test the devices DMM(Resistance with DMM & Analogue with DMM(Resistance Test) multimeter Test) . Rig up the circuit b) To use a VDR /Trigistor for Rig up the circuit . Measure Voltage & protection against high Measure Voltage Current voltage surges and verify (3) & Current Note the device specifications from data sheets 19 To plot the characteristics of Identify the . Identify the optocoupler MCT2E (3) terminals of terminals of a) To use MCT 2E to switch on Optocoupler MCT2E Optocoupler a 6V lamp connected to RPS with DMM MCT2E with DMM by applying a Low voltage Rig up the circuit . Rig up the circuit 1.5 V signal from a cell at &Test &Test input Measure the . Measure the voltage and Current voltage and Current 20 To implement a simple timer using Identify the . Identify the 1 M Ω Resistor ,Transistor and components components a Relay Observe polarity . Observe polarity Rig up the circuit . Rig up the circuit Test the circuit . Test the circuit . PARTB 1 Familiarize with the PSPICE Use pspice . Use Pspice/or modelling using eCAD software interface eCAD tools for A.Representation of passive Define circuit circuit simulation elements parameters and debugging B. Representation of active Model the circuit . .Set circuit elements Simulate the parameters C. Representation of time Vary circuit signals Observe and D.Representation of nodes interpret results Saving the files 2 To simulate half wave and full Define circuit . Use Pspice/or wave rectifier circuits with filters parameters eCAD tools for and assess the performance Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . Setcircuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 3 To simulate 12v Zener regulator Define circuit . Use Pspice/or circuit and assess the parameters eCAD tools for performance for various loads. Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . .Setcircuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 4 To Simulate of CE amplifier and Define circuit . Use Pspice/or observe the effect of parameters eCAD tools for disconnecting bypass capacitor. Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . .Setcircuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 5 To simulate Single stage RC Define circuit . Use Pspice/or coupled Amplifier circuit and parameters eCAD tools for observe the effect of change in Model the circuit circuit simulation component values on output Simulate the and debugging waveform circuit . Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 6 To simulate JFET Common Define circuit . Use Pspice or source Amplifier circuit and parameters eCAD tools for observe the effect of change in Model the circuit circuit simulation gate bias. Simulate the and debugging circuit . Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 7 To simulate Colpitts oscillator Define circuit . .Use Pspice/or circuit and observe the effect of parameters eCAD tools for change in component values. Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 8 To simulate Hartley oscillator Define circuit . Use Pspice/or circuit and observe the effect of parameters eCAD tools for change in component values. Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . .Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files
9 To simulate transistor Astable Define circuit . .Use Pspice/or multivibrator circuit and observe parameters eCAD tools for the effect of change in component Model the circuit circuit simulation values. Simulate the and debugging circuit . .Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files 10 Design a PCB for the RC coupled Define circuit . Use Pspice/or amplifier circuit with built in power parameters eCAD tools for supply Model the circuit circuit simulation Simulate the and debugging circuit . .Set circuit Observe and parameters interpret results Save the files ANALOGUE COMMUNICATION LAB PRACTICE
Subject Title : Analogue Communication Lab Practice Subject Code : EC-308 Periods/Week : 03 Periods/Semester : 45
Rationale: Analogue communication lab is included to comprehend the concepts of Analogue communications , Network theorems and also to impart skills of using software tools No. of S. No. Major Topics Period s I. Verification of Network theorems 6 II. Electronic measuring equipment 3 III. Measurements using CRO 12 IV. Modulation , Demodulation Techniques &Antennas 6 V. Pulse and wave shaping circuits 9 VI Resonance & Filters 6 Total 45
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS I. Verification of Network theorems
1. a) Verify Thevenin’s theorem. B) Determine the Thevenin’s Resistance of a Potential divider network C) Verify Norton’s theorem
2. A) Verify Super position theorem. B) Verify Maximum power transfer theorem. C) Connect Four 4 ohms speakers to obtain 4 Ohms Impedance and test for maximum power output by Audio amplifier at 4 ohms output terminals
II. Electronic measuring equipment
3. Measure the component values using special equipment A) Use DMM/ Multimeter to measure DC current , AC Current ,Beta of transistor B) Use the AC bridge/Digital LCR meter to measure Resistance , Inductance , Capacitance and Q C) Measure the Distortion factor using Distortion Factor Meter. III. Measurements using CRO 4. Familiarize with CRO front panel controls and observe the effect of different settings A) Set intensity , Astigmatism and Focus controls to display i) Medium frequency ii) Low frequency iii) High frequency. B) Apply different waveforms using function generator and produce flicker free waveforms C) Set the output of function generator to desired amplitude and frequency (say 20 milli volts and 1.5 khz) by observing on CRO. 5. Determine Vertical and Horizontal deflection sensitivity of CRO by applying standard signal provided on CRO A) Observe the effect of Trigger control on the waveform and display the waveform from the set point B) Measure signal amplitude using x10 CRO probe. 6. Use dual mode for simultaneous observation of two signals . A) Use ADD mode observe the resultant wave form B) Measure the Time period and frequency of a signal in Time base multiplier mode 7. A) work with various controls on Digital CRO B) Practice with i) Manual measurements ii) Cursor measurements iii) Automatic measurements By repeating sub experiments in experiment number 4& 5 . C) Observe charging and discharging curves of a capacitor using digital CRO and determine time constant of given RC circuit IV. Modulation & Demodulation Techniques &Antennas 8. A) implement and observe AM signal and determine Modulation index using CRO I) Using Envelop method Ii) Trapezoidal Pattern method Iii) observe the effect of Over modulation and under modulation B) Implement diode demodulator circuit and observe the detected waveform 9. Identify different sections in AM/FM radio receiver B) Observe the different types of inductors used in the radio tuned circuits.(Local oscillator coils, IFT coils, Ferrite cored) 10. Generate FM signal and determine Modulation index A) Demodulate F.M signal and compare the output signal with original modulating signal . IV. Pulse and wave shaping circuits 11. A) Measure the Rise time, Fall time , duty cycle, Pulse width, Pulse amplitude , Overshoot of Pulse on CRO B) observe the effect of Offset control on function generator on output waveform 12. A) Design and implement RC integrator circuit B) apply a square wave and observe the output waveform on CRO. C) use a differentiator circuit to convert a long Push button trigger signal into a pulse for use in Timer circuits D) Use integrator circuit for producing triangular wave / Ramp E) Design a Low pass filter Using Integrator circuit for a given cut off frequency F) Design a High pass filter Using Differentiator circuit for a given cut off frequency 13. Realize Clipper and Clamper circuits and observe the waveforms on CRO A) Realize Series and Parallel clippers B)Assemble Positive and negative clipper circuits with and without bias C) Connect a Zener diode in place of diode and measure the output voltage with DMM and also observe waveform on CRO D) Realize a Clamper circuit and observe the input and output waveforms on CRO V. Resonance &Filters 14. Plot resonant curves of a tuned circuit A)Series Resonance., b)Parallel Resonance. C) Wind a small coil and determine its inductance 15. Design and construct constant K filters of 1st order A) Design and implement a Low pass filter with a cut off frequency of 10 khz(or any other frequency) and evaluate the performance B) Design and implement a High pass filter with a cut off frequency of 10 khz (or any other frequency) and evaluate the performance Competencies & Key Competencies
Ex Name of the Experiment Competencies Key competencies p (No of Periods) No 1 a) To Verify Thevenin’s Assemble the . Select meters and theorem. (3) circuit components b) To Determine the Observe the . Open and short the Thevenin’s Resistance of a polarity of sources and . Circuit terminals Potential divider network meters with care c) To Verify Norton’s theorem Use voltmeter and . Use voltmeter and ammeter correctly ammeter correctly Choose correct Ranges Follow the sequence of procedure Verify theoretical & Practical results Troubleshoot any faults 2 a) To Verify Super position Assemble the . Use voltmeter and theorem.(3) circuit ammeter correctly b) To Verify Maximum power Observe the polarity . Observe Polarity transfer theorem. of sources and . Find out correct c) To Connect Four 4 ohms meters series parallel speakers to obtain 4 Ohms Use voltmeter and combination to obtain Impedance and test for ammeter correctly desired impedance maximum power output by Choose correct Audio amplifier at 4 ohms Ranges output terminals Troubleshoot any faults 3 To measure the component Identify the RLC . Identify RLC values using special bridge/Digital RLC meters equipment(3) meter and note the . Use the RLC a) Use DMM/ Multimeter to front panel controls. meter and Distortion measure DC current , AC Measure factor meter Current ,Beta of transistor component values by . Use AF power b) To Use the AC bridge selecting the proper meter /Digital LCR meter to mode and range . Use AC voltmeter measure Resistance , Use distortion in dB scale Inductance , Capacitance and factor meter for Q measure percentage of c) To measure the Distortion distortion factor using Distortion Factor Use AF power Meter. meter Use function Generator Use AC voltmeter in dB scale 4 To familiarize with CRO front Use Function . Use Function panel controls and observe Generator generator the effect of different Use various . Use CRO controls settings(3) controls and select and selecting a)To set intensity , appropriate ranges on Correct Ranges Astigmatism and Focus Analogue CRO . Produce flicker controls to display i) Medium Connect BNC free waveform and frequency ii) Low Probe measure the frequency iii) High amplitude , Time frequency. Test the BNC Cable before applying period and b) To apply different the signal frequency of signal waveforms using function generator and produce Observe Positive flicker free waveforms and Negative peaks of a wave form. c) To set the output of function generator to desired amplitude and frequency (say 20 milli volts and 1.5 KHz) by observing on CRO.
5 To determine Vertical and Apply standard . Apply standard Horizontal deflection signal & calibrate signal & calibrate sensitivity of CRO by Display the . Display the applying standard signal waveform from set waveform from set provided on CRO (3) point using Trigger point using Trigger a) To observe the effect of control control Trigger control on the Determine Vertical . Determine Vertical waveform and display the and Horizontal and Horizontal waveform from the set point deflection sensitivities deflection b) To measure signal and carryout accurate sensitivities and amplitude using x10 CRO measurements carryout accurate probe. Measure the measurements amplitude and frequencies of small and high level signals using CRO Probes 6 To use dual mode for Select XY mode in . Select XY Mode in simultaneous observation of CRO CRO two signals (3) Apply signals to . Measure phase a) To use ADD &INVERT correct channels angles by Lissajous modes observe the resultant pattern method wave form . Measure phase Compare b) To use XY mode to angle by lissajous frequencies by measure phase angle and pattern method and interpret Lissajous compare frequencies using interpret them pattern Lissajous patterns method
Compare frequencies by Lissajous pattern method
7 a) To work with various Use Controls on . Use Controls on controls on Digital CRO (3) Digital CRO Digital CRO b) To practice with i) Manual Use different . Use different measurements ii) Cursor modes of modes of measurements iii) Automatic measurement measurement measurements by repeating Use storage . Use storage sub experiments in function of Digital CRO function of Digital experiment number4& 5. to capture transient CRO to capture c) To observe charging and characteristics transient discharging curves of a characteristics capacitor using digital CRO and determine time constant of given RC circuit 8 To implement and observe implement AM . Perform the AM signal and determine Circuit and Test Experiment as per Modulation index using Identify maxima procedure and CRO(3) and minima on the calculate modulation i) Using Envelop method displayed waveform index. . Identify maxima ii) Trapezoidal Pattern Overmodulate and method under modulate the AM and minima on the displayed waveform iii) To observe the effect of signal . Over modulation and under Use CRO in XY Use CRO in XY modulation mode to determine mode to determine modulation index modulation index b) To implement diode Identify diode demodulator circuit and demodulator circuit observe the detected components waveform
9 Identify different sections in Note down the . Identify different AM/FM radio receiver Radio frequency Bands sections n Radio a) identify the different types by observe the Dial. receiver and of inductors used in the radio Identify the tuned measure the signal tuned circuits.(Local oscillator circuits corresponding at test points coils, IFT coils, Ferrite core(3) to different bands Observe Band selection switch connections in AM receiver Identify different sections in Radio receiver . Measure the Voltages at Test points with multimeter 10 a)To generate FM signal and Observe the FM . Identify FM signal, determine Modulation index signal on CRO on CRO b)To Demodulate F.M signal Measure the . Measure the and compare the output amplitude and amplitude signal with original frequencies of carrier &Frequency of modulating signal (3) and Modulating Signal baseband & Carrier Measure the on CRO Frequency Deviation . Measure frequency Identify FM deviation Detector circuit and note down the IC numbers Identify the amplitude limiter section on FM detector 11 To Measure the Rise time, Identify the Pulse . Identify the Pulse Fall time , duty cycle, Pulse waveform waveform width, Pulse amplitude , Measure pulse . Measure pulse Overshoot of Pulse on parameters using CRO parameters using CRO(3) by selecting correct CRO by selecting b)To observe the effect of Timebase and correct Timebase Offset control on function Volts/Div and Volts/Div generator on output waveform 12 To Design and implement RC Identify Passive . Choose correct integrator/Differentiator circuit Differentiator and values for (3) integrator circuits. components a) To apply a square wave Choose correct . Rig up the circuit and observe the output values for components . Observe input waveform on CRO. Vary the Time /Output waveforms b) To use a differentiator constant on CRO circuit to convert a long Push Use the button trigger signal into a Differentiator and pulse for use in Timer circuits integrator circuits for c) To Use integrator circuit for wave shaping producing triangular wave / applications Ramp d) To Design a Low pass RC filter Using Integrator circuit for a given cut off frequency e) To Design a High pass RC filter Using Differentiator circuit for a given cut off frequency 13 To Realize Clipper and Choose correct . Rig up the circuit Clamper circuits and observe values for components . Observe & the waveforms on CRO(3) Rig up the circuit Measure a)To Realize Series and Observe & Input/Output Parallel clippers Measure Input/Output waveforms b) To Assemble Positive and waveforms . Vary the Time negative clipper circuits with Vary the Time constant and without bias constant c) To Connect a Zener diode Use clipper and in place of diode and Power clamper circuits measure the output voltage for protection with DMM and also observe waveform on CRO d) To Realize a Clamper circuit and observe the input and output waveforms on CRO
14 To plot resonant curves of a To identify the . Identify tank circuit tuned circuit (3) TUNED circuit components a)Series Resonance., components . Identify the b)Parallel Resonance. connect L and C to resonant frequency form a series and by observing parallel resonant circuit waveform peak on c) To observe the effect of Identify the CRO change in RLC Values resonant frequency by observing waveform peak on CRO Determine theoretical Resonant frequency 15 Design and construct Identify the Filter . Design the Low constant K filters of 1st order circuit components pass & high pass (3) Design the Low Filter for a given cut A) Design and implement a pass & high pass Filter off frequency Low pass filter with a cut off for a given cut off frequency of 10 KHz(or any frequency other frequency) and Observe and evaluate the performance locate 3db points on B) Design and implement a the response curve High pass filter with a cut off frequency of 10 KHz(or any other frequency) and evaluate the performance DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB PRACTICE & eCAD TOOLS LAB PRACTICE
Subject Title : Digital Electronics & eCAD Tools Lab Practice Subject Code : EC-309 Periods/Week : 06 Periods/Semester : 90
Rationale: This is a core lab . student is expected to understand and demonstrate practical skills in handling , identify and using different instruments and various Digital ICs with ease .Emphasis is laid on imparting practical skills useful in the industry. CAD tools part is also included to enable the students learn latest software tools used in the industry . No. of S. No. Major Topics Period s
I. Basic Gates and Logic Families 12
II. Realization of Boolean Functions using Gates 12 Realization of Boolean Functions using Multiplexers III. 12 and DeMultiplexers Flip Flops & Timing Circuits IV. 12 Counters & Shift Registers V. 12 VI Digital Circuit simulation using eCAD tools 30 90
I. Basic Gates and Logic Families
1. Identify Digital ICs and noting down pin details from data sheets a) Identify the given digital ICs and draw the pin diagrams. ( use TTL and CMOS ICs of AND, OR,NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR gates with two and three inputs) b) Realize basic gate functions using toggle switches and a bulb
2. Verify the truth tables of AND, OR,NOT, NAND, NOR Gates a) Measure threshold voltages resulting in change of a state of a NAND gate b) Verify the truth table of 7403 IC (open collector quad 2input NAND gate). c) Verify the Truth table of 4073 IC 3. Realize AND, OR, NOT, functions using 2 input NAND and NOR TTL Gates a) Implement Wire AND & Wire OR circuit and verify the truth table b) From the data sheets find out CMOS Equivalent of above ICs
II. Realizing Boolean Functions
4. Implement XOR Logic using 2 input Nand Gates and NOR Gates and verify the truth table
a) Implement a 4bit complement generator using 7486 quad XOR IC b) Realize a simple comparator using XOR Gate c) Realize a NOT gate using XOR gate
5. a) Implement the given logic function with 3 variables using 2 input CMOS NAND Gates only b)Implement given logic function with 3 variables using 2 Input CMOS NOR Gates only.
6. Implement Half adder and full adder circuits using TTL/CMOS gates and verify the truth tables.
a) Verify the truth table of BCD to 7 segment Decoder 7448 IC
7. a) Verify the Truth table of Decoder and Explore the Features of 74138 Decoder IC
b) Combine two 3 to 8 decoder to realize a 4 to 16 Decoder
8 . Verify the Truth table of 74148 Encoder IC a) Verify the function of 74148 Encoder and write the truth table b) Combine two 74148 Encoder and Verify the truth table
III. Realization of Boolean Functions using Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
9. Verify the Truth table and Function of Multiplexer IC 74153 a) Verify the truth table of IC 74153 b) Combine two 74153 Multiplexers ICs to realize 8:1 multiplexer c) Implement the given function using IC 74150 16:1 line multiplexer
10. Verify the Truth table and Functions of De multiplexers (Using IC 74154)
11. Verify the function of 4-bit magnitude comparator 7485IC. a) Verify the effect of giving different logic inputs to pins 2,3,4 of IC b) Realize a simple 2bit comparator using XOR Gate
IV. Flip Flops & Timing Circuits
12. Construct and verify the truth tables of NAND & NOR latches a) Realize a Bistable element with two NOT gates and a Feedback Resistor b) Implement a bounce Elimination switch using the above Gates c) Realize a clock circuit using 4093 CMOS Nand Gate , Resistor and capacitor and observe the waveform on CRO
13. Construct clocked RS FF using NAND gates and Verify its truth table. a)Verify the truth table of CD 4013 Dual D flip Flop b)Verify the functionality and truth table of 74L71 RS flip flop with Preset and Clear c) Verify the Truth table of JK FF using 7476 IC. d) Construct D and T flip flops using 7476 and verify the truth tables.
V . Counters and Shift Registers
14. Construct and verify the function of decade counter using 7490 ICs. a) change the modulus of the counter b)Cascade two 7490 decade counter ICs to count up to 99 or any other modulus c) Display decimal number using 7447 d) Cascade two 7447 ICs to count up to 99
15. Verify the function of up/down counter using 74190, 74193 a) change the modulus of the counter and verify b) Verify the Functionality of CD4029 up/down counter c) Load the Preset inputs of CD4029 Counter with a binary number
16. Verify the function of shift register (ICs like 7495, 74194 etc.)
17. Verify the function of Johnson counter using CD 4017 IC a) Change the modulus of the counter b) Design a Frequency divider circuit using 4017 IC c) Implement running LED circuit with 4017 IC
18. Identify Various Memory ICs and Note their pin Configuration from the datasheets a) RAM b) ROM c) EPROM d) EEPROM
Part 2:eCAD TOOLS LAB PRACTICE ( 30 Periods) 19.Familiarization of usage of ORCAD suite of tools for the design and layout of printed circuit boards (PCBs).(3) 20.Simulate a 4 bit full adder /subtractor and test. 21.Design and simulate code converters using logic gates (i) BCD to excess-3 code and vice versa (ii) Binary to gray and vice-versa 22.Design and simulate 16 bit odd/even parity checker /generator using IC74180 23.Design and Simulate 4 bit ripple counter with Mod-10 and Mod- 12 24. Produce PCB layouts for above circuits 25. Design a PCB for the DAC80 circuit Competencies and Key competencies :
Ex Name of the Experiment Competencies Key competencies p No 1 To Identify Digital ICs and Identify digital IC from . Identify digital IC noting down pin details from the number printed from the number data sheets(3) Give Pin out diagram printed a) Identify the given . Identify +ve and digital ICs and draw the pin Identify +ve and -ve Power supply pins -ve Power supply diagrams. ( use TTL and pins CMOS ICs of Insert and remove the iC . AND, OR,NOT, NAND, into and from the socket by Insert and remove NOR and XOR gates with two observing starting (1) pin the iC into and from and three inputs) the socket by b) Realize basic gate Make switch connections observing starting functions using toggle (1) pin switches and a bulb 2 To Verify the truth tables of Write the truth table for . Apply correct AND, OR,NOT, NAND, NOR any Logic gate Logic level Voltages Gates(3) Apply correct Logic . Test the IC for its a) Verify the level Voltages correct functionality Functionality of Different logic Find out IC details from by verifying the truth gates and Write the table corresponding truth table the datasheets . b) Measure threshold Test the IC for its Test the IC by voltages resulting in change correct functionality by feeling the heat by of a state of a NAND gate verifying the truth table touching c) Verify the truth table of 7403 IC and give your Test the IC by feeling observations the heat by touching d) Verify the Truth table of 4073 IC 3 To Realize AND , OR , NOT , Substitute 2 input . Substitute 2 input functions using 2 input NAND or NOR gates to NAND or NOR gates NAND and NOR TTL obtain the functionality of to obtain the Gates(3) any logic gate with any functionality of any number of inputs logic gate with any a) Implement Wire AND & Use open collector number of inputs Wire OR circuit and verify the logic gates with pull up . Use open truth table resistor collector logic gates a) From the data with pull up resistor sheets find out CMOS Read the data sheets Equivalent of above ICs 4 To Implement XOR Logic Realize simple Boolean . Verify truth table using 2 input Nand Gates functions using NAND by observing inputs and NOR Gates and verify &NOR gates and outputs the truth table(3) Verify truth table by . Use XOR gate in observing inputs and simple logic circuits b) Implement a 4bit outputs complement generator using 7486 quad XOR IC Use XOR gate in simple c) Realize a simple logic circuits comparator using XOR Gate d) Realize a NOT gate using XOR gate 5 a)To Implement the given Realize simple Boolean . Realize simple logic function with 3 variables functions using karanaugh Boolean functions using 2 input CMOS NAND maps method using karanaugh Gates only(3) Applying correct logic maps method b)Implement given logic voltages to CMOS ICs . .Applying correct function with 3 variables Follow precautions logic voltages to using 2 Input CMOS NOR CMOS ICs Gates only. Read data sheets to . check Fan-in and Fan- Follow out capacity precautions 6 To Implement Half adder and Realize simple Boolean . Design Half full adder circuits using functions using karanaugh adder/Full adder TTL/CMOS gates and verify maps method circuit the truth tables.(3) Design Half adder/Full . Use 7448 IC in b) Verify the truth table of adder circuit the circuits BCD to 7 segment Decoder 7448 IC Use 7448 IC in the circuits 7 To Verify the Truth table of Develop logic for . Use 74138 in 74138 Decoder IC(3) Decoder Circuit digital circuits a) Verify the function Use 74138 in digital . Combine Decoder of 74138 decoder IC. circuits ICs to handle more b) Combine two 3 to 8 bits decoder to realize a 4 to 16 Combine Decoder ICs Decoder to handle more bits 8 To Explore the Features of Develop logic for . Use 74148 in 74148 Encoder IC(3) Encoder Circuit digital circuits a) Verify the function Use 74148 in digital . Combine Encoder of 74148 Encoder circuits ICs to handle more b) Combine two bits 74148 Encoder Combine Decoder ICs to handle more bits 9 To Verify the Function of Develop logic for . Combine Multiplexer IC 74153(3) Multiplexer Multiplexer ICs to a) Verify the truth table Use 74153 in digital handle more bits of IC 74153 circuits . Use Multiplxer ICs b) Combine two Combine Multiplexer to realize given sections of 74153 function Multiplexers ICs to realize 8:1 ICs to handle more bits multiplexer Use Multiplxer ICs to c) Implement the given realize given function function using IC 74150 16:1 line multiplexer 10 To Verify the Truth table and Develop logic for . Combine Functions of De multiplexers ( DeMultiplexer DeMultiplexer ICs a) Verify the truth table of IC Use 74154 in digital Use DeMultiplxer 74154(3) circuits ICs to realize given b) Combine two function sections of 74155 Combine DeMultiplexer DeMultiplexers ICs to realize ICs 1:8 Demultiplexer Use DeMultiplxer ICs to c) Implement the given realize given function function using IC 74154 16:1 line multiplexer 11. To Verify the function of Develop logic for . Verify the function 4-bit magnitude comparator magnitude comparator of Magnitude 7485IC.(3) Verify the function of comparator a) Verify the effect of Magnitude comparator . Use 7485IC in giving different logic inputs to digital circuits pins 2,3,4 of IC Use 7485IC in digital b) Realize a simple circuits 2bit comparator using XOR Gate 12 To Construct and verify the Develop logic for Latch . Use Not gates for truth tables of NAND & NOR circuits Latch circuit latches(3) Use Not gates for Latch applications a) Implement Latch circuits circuit applications . Use latch circuits with 7400 and 7402 Ics Use latch circuits for de for de bouncing b) Realize a Bistable application element with two NOT gates bouncing application and a Feedback Resistor . Use Schmitt c) Implement a bounce Use Schmitt trigger trigger NAND gate Elimination switch using the NAND gate for clock for clock circuits above Gates circuits c) Realize a clock circuit using 4093 CMOS Nand Gate , Resistor and capacitor and observe the waveform on CRO b) Interpret the specifications of 4093 IC from data sheets 13 To Construct clocked RS FF Develop logic circuit for . Verify the truth using NAND gates and Verify Clocked RS flip Flop using tables of CD4013 its truth table.(3) 7400 IC and 74L71 IC a)Verify the truth table Verify the truth tables of . Use Preset and of CD 4013 Dual D flip Flop CD4013 and 74L71 IC Clear Inputs b)Verify the functionality and truth table of Use Preset and Clear . Verify the Truth 74L71 RS flip flop with Preset Inputs table of 7476 IC and Clear Verify the Truth table of . Modify 7476 to c) Verify the Truth 7476 IC function as D flip table of JK FF using 7476 IC. Flop and T Flip Flop d) Construct D and T Modify 7476 to function flip flops using 7476 and as D flip Flop and T Flip . Use octal latch verify the truth tables. Flop 74LS373 e) Verify the function of Use octal latch octal latch 74LS373 74LS373 14. To Construct and verify the .Develop logic for . Change the function of decade counter implementing Up/down modulus of the using 7490 ICs.(3) counter counter a) change the modulus Change the modulus of . Connect Counter of the counter the counter IC 7447 IC to b)Cascade two 7490 display the count decade counter ICs to count Connect Counter IC up to 99 or any other modulus 7447 IC to display the . Cascade Counter b) display decimal count ICs number using 7447 Cascade Counter ICs c) cascade two 7447 ICs to count up to 99 15 To Verify the function of Develop logic for . Change the up/down counter (3) implementing Up/down modulus of the a) Verify the truth table of counter counter 74190 change the modulus of . Load the Preset a) change the modulus the counter inputs of CD4029 of the counter and verify b) Verify the Load the Preset inputs Functionality of CD4029 of CD4029 up/down counter c) Load the Preset inputs of CD4029 Counter with a binary number 16 To Verify the function of shift Develop logic for . Verify the truth register (3) implementing shift table of 7495Ic in all a) Verify the truth table of Registers modes 7495 Verify the truth table of . Verify the truth b)Verify the truth table of 7495Ic in all modes table of 74194 74194 Universal shift register Universal shift in all modes Verify the truth table of 74194 Universal shift register in all modes register in all modes 17. To Verify the function of Develop logic for . Set the modulus Johnson counter using CD implementing of counter to 4017 IC(3) Verify the truth table of required value a) Change the Johnson counter . Use 4017 in modulus of the counter frequency divider b) Design a Frequency Set the modulus of counter to required value circuits and other divider circuit using 4017 IC digital circuits c) Implement running Use 4017 in frequency LED circuit with 4017 IC divider circuits and other digital circuits 18. To Identify Various Memory Identify memory chips . Find out the ICs and Note their pin from other Integrated memory capacity Configuration from the circuits by observation and from the IC number datasheets(3) IC number . .Identify different a) RAM b) ROM c) Find out the memory memory chips EPROM d)EEPROM capacity from the IC number Identify different memory chips 19 Familiarization of usage of Use ORCAD . Select ORCAD /kiCad suite of tools suite/similar software and Components for the design and layout of its features . Draw the circuit & printed circuit boards (PCBs). Select Components , simulate (3) Draw the circuit . Debug the errors &simulate Debug the errors 20 Simulate a 4 bit full adder Develop logic for . Select /subtractor and test.(3) implementing 4 bit full adder /subtractor Components Select Components , . Draw the circuit & Draw the circuit & simulate simulate . Debug the errors Debug the errors 21 Design and simulate code Develop logic for . Select converters using logic gates implementing 4 bit full Components (3) adder /subtractor . Draw the circuit & (i) BCD to excess-3 code and Select Components , simulate vice versa (ii) Binary to gray and vice- Draw the circuit & . Debug the errors versa simulate Debug the errors 22 Design and simulate 16 bit Develop logic for . Select odd/even parity checker implementing 4 bit full Components /generator using IC74180 (3) adder /subtractor . Draw the circuit & 2.Select Components , simulate Draw the circuit & . Debug the errors simulate Debug the errors 23 Design and Simulate 4 bit Develop logic for . Select ripple counter with Mod-10 implementing 4 bit full Components and Mod- 12 (3) adder / subtractor . Draw the circuit & Select Components simulate Draw the circuit & . Debug the errors simulate Debug the errors 24 Produce PCB layouts for Prepare a PCB layout . Place the above circuits(12) for the above circuits Components Place the Components . Draw the & Draw the circuit & produce PCB layout produce PCB layout . Debug the errors Debug the errors 25 Design a PCB for the DAC80 Prepare a PCB layout . Select circuit(3) for the DAC80 circuit Components Place the Components . Draw the circuit Draw the circuit & & produce PCB produce PCB layout layout Debug the errors . Debug the errors ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY LAB PRACTICE
Subject Title : Electrical technology Lab Practice Subject Code : EC-310 Periods/Week : 03 Periods/Semester : 45
Rationale: Electrical Technology lab is included to enable the student to supervise and handle electronically controlled electrical equipment with confidence when they join the industry. Sound knowledge in electrical engineering greatly helps the students in understanding the concepts in subjects like Industrial electronics. Emphasis is laid on basic electrical engineering skills. No. of S. No. Major Topics Period s I. Basic electrical equipment and Instruments 21 II. DC Machines 12 III. Transformers 6 IV. AC Motors 6 Total 45
List Of Experiments I. Basic electrical equipment and Instruments 1. Identify Electrical Machines and Equipment, wires cables etc
2. Identify & test Single phase Transformer b) Auto transformer c) single phase Induction motor d) 3 Phase induction motor e) DOL Starter f) Star Delta starter g) Loading Resistance h) Electric Lamp Load i) Water load Identify and test Electrical Instruments.
3. Identify A)Moving coil Volt meters B) Moving coil Ammeters c) Moving Iron Voltmeters d) Moving Iron Ammeters e) Dynamo meter type watt meter .
4. Convert and extend range of PMMC meters a) Extend the range of voltmeter using multiplier b) Observe the Loading effect of volt meter on high impedance circuit c) Open and identify the following parts a) Permanent magnet b) Coil c) Former d) Phosphor bronze springs e) Pointer, Multiplier/Shunt etc a) To convert an ammeter into Voltmeter 5. Extend the range of ammeter using a shunt Resistance a) Measure current using voltmeter and standard Resistance.
6. Measure the power consumed by a 100 watts incandescent lamp using Voltmeter and ammeter method a) On AC 230V b) DC 220V
7. Apply a Low voltage to an Incandescent lamp using auto Transformer and observe the effect of voltage on Light output (Measure the Voltage and current)
8. Measure the power consumed by an Electric motor (Fan) and Lamp load separately using wattmeter , Voltmeter and Ammeter and Determine power factor
9. Connect a 2500 ohm 1A Rheostat in series with a 100 W Lamp and observe the effect of Variation of Resistance on the input current and Light output 10. Draw the OCC Characteristics of Shunt generator
11. Control the speed of a DC shunt motor using a) Armature control method b) Field control method b) Reverse the direction of a DC shunt motor
12. Plot the Load characteristics of DC shunt motor
13. Start a DC Series motor Using a 2 point/4 point starter
14. Determine the transformation ratio of a 1 phase transformer a) Apply rated Voltage to the secondary terminals of transformer using auto transformer and measure the Voltage across primary winding
15. Perform OC and SC tests on transformer to determine Efficiency and Regulation at any given load 16. Start a single phase AC motor with DOL Starter and determine Power factor 17. Start a 3 phase AC motor with star/ delta starter and also reverse the direction of rotation 18. Run the AC 1 Phase motor in forward and reverse directions using DPDT switch Competencies and Key Competencies
Exp Experiment name Competencies Key Competencies No (No Of periods)
1 To Identify Electrical Identify the Control . switch on/Switch Off Machines and Equipment, Panel and Correct Mains the correct mains wires cables etc. (2) switch switch in the panel a) Identify a) Electrical Identify DC power corresponding to the Control Panel a) SCR Source experiment location. Power Rectifier unit b) Identify DC machines . Identify the correct DC shunt Generator , c) by their Size ,Shape and Machine in the DC Shunt Motor d) DC Name plate details d) laboratory by Name Series Motor e) 3 point Identify the DC Motor . Identify the starter f) 4 point starter e) Starters by their appropriate starter DC Motor Generator Sets construction. for the DC motor 2 To Identify Single phase Identify the 1 phase . Identify the Transformer b) Auto transformer & Auto transformer/Auto transformer c) single Transformer transformer phase Induction motor d) Interpret the name plate capacity by size and 3 Phase induction motor details b)Identify AC weight e) DOL Starter f) Star motors and Interpret . Interpret Name plate Delta starter g) Loading name plate details c) details and Estimate Resistance h) Electric Identify AC motor starters the fuse wire rating . Lamp Load i) Water d) Identify Different load(2) electrical loads and operate them
3 To Identify Electrical Identify MC and MI . Identify different Instruments. (2) Ammeters by observing types of meters and the dial , Symbol , Polarity Use Marking . Identify the Range Identify the Range . Select Correct Identify Wattmeter meter with correct Range. 4 To practice using PMMC identify the PMMC . Identify PMMC meters (3) meters by observing the meters a) To convert an ammeter linear scale. . Extend the range of into Voltmeter Measure meter meters. b) To Extend the range of Resistance Calculate . Identify the parts of voltmeter using multiplier Multiplier and shunt PMMC meter c) To extend the range of Resistor values ammeter using a shunt Measure current using Resistance voltmeter. e) To observe the Loading effect of volt meter on high impedance circuit f) To open and identify the following parts a) Permanent magnet b) Coil c) Former d) Phosphor bronze springs e) Pointer , Multiplier / Shunt etc 5 To Measure the power Select Correct meters . connect Voltmeter consumed by a 100 watts and Ranges (Both AC and and ammeter in the incandescent lamp using DC) for measure Voltage circuit Voltmeter and ammeter and Current . Choose Correct method a) On AC 230V Substitute Lamp load meters and select b) DC 220V(3) for Resistive load correct Ranges Verify power consumption for both AC and DC reading the meter scale without parallax error 6 To Apply a Low voltage to Identify autotransformer . Use the Auto an Incandescent lamp terminals & Make transformer and using auto Transformer connections adjust to produce and observe the effect of adjust the Auto required Low/ High voltage on Light output transformer to required Voltage (Measure the Voltage and Voltage current) (3) 7 To Measure the power Connect Wattmeter for . Use the Wattmeter consumed by an Electric power measurement b) to measure the motor (Fan) and Lamp choose correct ranges , power load separately using Type for wattmeter , wattmeter , Voltmeter and Voltmeter and Ammeter Ammeter and Determine Verify the effect of power factor (3) Powerfactor 8 To Connect a 2500 ohm Familarize with the . Use the rheostat as 1A Rheostat in series with construction and operation variable Resistance a 100 W Lamp and of Rheostat , . Setting rheostat to observe the effect of Set rheostat to minimum , Maximum Variation of Resistance on minimum and Maximum and to desired the input current and Light positions values of Resistance output (3) Use the rheostat as a variable Resistance 9 To Connect the Rheostat Familarize with the . Use the rheostat as as a potential divider and construction and operation variable Resistance produce a variable voltage of Rheostat , . Use the rheostat as ( 3) Setting rheostat to potential divider minimum and Maximum positions Using the rheostat as a Potentiometer d) understand the heating effect of Electric current 10 To Draw the OCC Interpret name plate . Identify field and Characteristics of Shunt details armature winding generator (3) Identify the Terminals terminals. on shunt generator with . Make connections multimeter Set the Rheostat to minimum and maximum Resistance positions Identify the following parts 1)Yoke 2)Pole shoes 3. Field winding 4)Armature 5) Commutator 6)Brushes 7) Coupling 8) Bearin 11 To Control the speed of a Interpret name plate . Make connections DC shunt motor using details as per circuit i) Armature control method Identify 3 Point starter diagram ii) Field control method Set the Rheostat to . Vary the speed with minimum and maximum field Rheostat and b) To reverse the direction Resistance positions armature Rheostat of a DC shunt motor (3) Make connections as . Measure the speed per circuit diagram with tachometer Measure the speed with . Reverse the tachometer direction of motor Interchange armature/ field connections 12 To Plot the Load Change the load on with . Change the load on characteristics of DC shunt Brake arrangements. with Brake motor (3) Choose appropriate arrangements. wires (Gauge and . Measure the speed Colours) and Correct with tachometer meters. . Follow the Measure the speed with precautions tachometer Follow the precautions 13 To Start a DC Series Identify 2/4 point starter . Make connections motor Using a 2 point/4 Make connections as as per circuit point starter per circuit diagram diagram (3) Reverse the motor . Reverse the motor direction direction Follow precautions . Follow precautions 14 To Determine the Interpret name plate . Identify the transformation ratio of a 1 details transformer windings phase transformer Identify Primary and . Interpret name plate b) Apply rated Voltage to secondary windings i) by details and know the the secondary terminals of observation ii) by test with transformer rating transformer using auto DMM . use transformer for transformer and measure Making connections as Step down and Step the Voltage across primary per circuit diagram up applications winding (1) Measure AC current . Determine and voltages transformation Ratio Performing experiment as per procedure Interpret the results f) Determine transformation Ratio Verify the step up and step down functions of transformer. 15 To Perform OC and SC Interpret name plate . Make wattmeter tests on transformer to details connections determine Efficiency and Identify Primary and . Determine Regulation at any given secondary windings transformer losses load and Power factor (3) Using Autotransformer Practically to apply desired voltage Short circuit the secondary winding Connecting Wattmeter, choosing correct range and finding Multiplication factor Interpret the results and determining the copper loss Calculate % Regulation , total losses , Efficiency at any given load
16 To start a single phase AC Make connections to . Make motor with DOL Starter starter and start /Stop the connections to (1) Motor starter and Follow precautions start /Stop the Motor 17 To start a 3 phase AC Make connections to . Make motor with star delta starter and start /Stop the connections to starter and also reverse Motor starter and the direction of rotation (1) Follow precautions start /Stop the Motor
18 To Run the AC 1 Ø Servo Identify AC servomotor . Identify AC motor in forward and To familiarize with the servomotor reverse directions using operation of AC . Reversing the SPDT Switch (1) servomotor Interpret direction of name plate details rotation. Using SPDT switch for reversing the AC servomotor direction