Call to Worship (From Isaiah 53:1,4-5)

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Call to Worship (From Isaiah 53:1,4-5)

Call to Worship (from Isaiah 53:1,4-5)

Minister: Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? ALL: Surely he took up our pain and carried our sorrows; yet we considered him punished by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. Minister: But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities. ALL: The punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed.

Scottish Paraphrase 54 (1 Tim 1:12)

I’m not ashamed to own my Lord, Firm as his throne his promise stands, or to defend his cause, And he can well secure Maintain the glory of his cross, What I've committed to his hands and honour all his laws. Till the decisive hour.

Jesus, my God! I know his Name, Then will he own my worthless name His Name is all my trust; Before his Father's face, Nor will he put my soul to shame, And in the new Jerusalem Nor let my hope be lost. Appoint my soul a place.

Morning Praise Evening Praise 9a:7-11* (p. 9) 150a:1-6 (p. 195) 40:1-3,13-17* (p. 50) 32:1-6* (p. 38) 59:1-4,14-17* (p. 76) Paraphrase 54 * = Sing Psalms

SERVING ONE ANOTHER Welcome Team: P. MacIntosh, N. MacKenzie, Donnie MacRae, & Rhoda MacDonald. Crèche: 16th - Joan Stewart & Rhoda Urquhart. 23rd - Julia Reid & Iona Forbes. Bus Drivers: 16th – H Reid (863746); 23rd – M Forbes (864010); 30th - M MacArthur (861250). Nursing Homes: Fodderty House at 1.45 pm, 23rd – Peter MacIntosh. To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall.  01349 862183. (Email: [email protected]). CD / Tape Orders:  Sina (01349 865998) or Fred (01349 864297) Youth Work Contacts: James & Vickie Ross:  01349 866546. 13 Tulloch Square, Dingwall. ([email protected]). Disabled Access is via a ramp and internal lift at the back door of the church. Website: Sermons and newsletters are available at

Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143

welcome to DINGWALL & STRATHPEFFER free church God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope. Sunday 16th May 2010 “He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth..” Isaiah 53:7 (NLT)

Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word. Welcome! We meet together for worship today in Dingwall at 11.00 am & at 6 pm. We are learning from Luke’s Gospel on Sunday mornings (Luke 23 – Jesus on trial: God in the hands of angry sinners), and exploring the Bible’s teaching on the Holy Spirit on Sunday evenings (Galatians 5 – In Step with the Spirit). Children go out to their Sunday School and Faith Finders groups after the second singing. A crèche is available - held in the church foyer for the next few weeks. Tea and coffee are served in the foyer after morning service.

EVENTS THIS WEEK Mini Marvels parent and toddler group meets on Tuesday from 10 am. If you can help the group by serving teas, please contact Vickie Ross (01349 866546).

Women’s Bible Study: A Bible study on Peter is held at Rhoda MacDonald’s home, 1 Eastbank (862473). Next at 10.30 am on Tuesday 19th May.

Prayer Fellowship: Peter MacIntosh will lead a prayer fellowship in the hall on Wednesday at 7.30pm.

Road to Recovery: A support group is available in the church hall for folk living with addiction. The group meets every Thursday from 7.30 pm. Those directly affected by addiction including carers and family members are all most welcome.

Friday Youth Club: Children of primary age are welcome each Friday from 7 pm to 8.30 pm for games, sports, Bible stories, music and fun.

COMING EVENTS The baptism of Montserrat Auladell is arranged for next Sunday morning, 23rd May. There will be a “bring and share” lunch in the church hall following the baptism service. All are welcome - please bring a sweet or savoury dish to share.

Informal Service: Join us at 6 pm next Sunday for an informal service. Along with the usual teaching of God’s word, there will be opportunities for testimony, prayer and informal praise. Pass requests for prayer or for praise items to the minister. Free North: Principal Donald Macleod is preaching at the Free North Church, Inverness, on Friday 21 May at 7.30 pm (Christ as Prophet), Saturday 22 May at 7.30 pm (Christ as Priest) and next Sunday at 8.00 pm (Christ as King).

Women for Mission Annual Meeting - Thursday 20th at the Free Church College. To book a place on the bus to Edinburgh call Marie on 01349 883236.

Leadership Training: Training for Deacons and elders is next on Tuesday 25th May (Leadership guide, chapter. 6). The Deacons’ Court will meet briefly that evening.

Home Groups in May: Meeting in various homes on Wednesday 26th May.

ROUND ROSS CYCLE - SUPPORTING KEVIN MACLENNAN Rosskeen Free Church are organising a sponsored cycle relay this Saturday 22nd May. Cyclists will cover over 45 miles of tracks and roads in Mid-Ross and the Black Isle, stopping at various Free Churches on the way. Funds raised will go to SIM UK to support Kevin and the team in Sudan. The team plan to pass the churches as follows (approximate times): 09:30 am, Resolis; 10.45, North Kessock; 12.00 noon, Ferintosh; 12.45, Dingwall; 14.00, Rosskeen. If you would like to donate please look out for the SIM Donations Box. Contacts for the event are: Gordon Mackenzie (trail leader) 0777 400 4161, and Henrietta Calder 07835 874 886.

DOES GOD BELIEVE IN ATHEISTS? John Blanchard: On Monday 7th June in Castle Street Church Hall, internationally known Christian speaker John Blanchard will speak on the topic Does God believe in atheists. He will address many issues that are stumbling blocks for folk coming to faith in God and take questions from the audience. Many of his books will also be available. Come along to this meeting to hear this very special presenter of Christian faith. Bring friends, family members, and work colleagues, especially those who have questions about belief.

MINI MARVELS FUN DAY FUND RAISER Please make a note of Saturday June 12th when we plan a Fun Day from 10 am to 12 noon, with bouncy castle, face painting, etc.

FOR PRAYER The Free Church General Assembly meets in Edinburgh this week from Monday to Friday. The issue of possibly changing the style of public worship will be discussed. The main debate is expected at a Plenary Conference of ministers and elders from every local church planned for later in the year. Pray for wisdom and unity in the Assembly. The moderator is Rev David Meredith from Smithton. Our minister and two local elders (James Ross and Murdo MacArthur) are all attending as delegates this year. The Church of Scotland Assembly also opens on Thursday 26th for a week. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to guide and challenge both churches to obey Christ.

Continue to pray for the newly elected Parliament and for the members of the new coalition government, particularly the Prime Minister. Pray too for the members of the outgoing government and their party seeking to choose a new leader. We ask God to bless our nation with peace, justice and a powerful spiritual reawakening.

Pray for Montserrat as she prepares for her baptism next Sunday.

May is due to travel to China on the 23rd. Keep May and Sing in your prayers.

Mike Thompson (London) is very poorly – remember him and Katherine. Remember Kirsty MacDonald recovering from a fall. Vira MacLean is waiting to go to Clydebank for treatment to replace a heart valve. Iain Alasdair MacDonald (of SASRA) is in hospital in Aberdeen following a heart attack. Pray too for the housebound and those in nursing homes. Give thanks that Frances has settled so well in Strathallan.

Finlay MacKenzie will visit Romania at the end of May. Pray for safe travel.

OMF Diaspora Ministry: Pray for Sandra MacDonald’s work among the Thai people. We commit to God the ongoing violence in Bangkok, asking for his blessing.

Pray for Road to Recovery in the Highlands. Give thanks for some new faces in recent weeks. Pray that those in need of help would come to the meeting in Dingwall. Pray for numbers to increase in Inverness and Dingwall.

Pray for the outreach to Cambuslang by Glasgow City Free Church (St. Vincent St.) The Free Church is committed to starting 4 new urban church plants this year.

John and Elizabeth Ross (South Africa) and Manuel and Patty Reano (Colombia) are back in the UK. Clive and Ruth Bailey will be home in June from Peru.

Remember the Nakahashis in Kinomoto, Japan. Pray for a breakthrough among those who come to church regularly but have not yet made a commitment to Christ.

Pray for Neil & Rachel Rae (Philippines). They are thankful for blessings at Easter including four folk who were baptized from the Ilaya house Church. The family are getting a short holiday this month before school resumes for Ben and Lucie in June.

OMF: The local prayer group meet on the second Friday of the month at 10.30 am at Christine Craig’s home, Fourways, 8 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall (Tel: 864511).

The Youth Kafe meet to offer prayer for the young people of the town on Wednesdays 26th May and 9th June from 6 pm to 7 pm, prior to the fortnightly Gap Christian Youth café. Lynn Roberts can give more information. (01349 867771).

RESPONSE SLIP Please give this form to one of the welcome team or leave in the offering plate.

I would like someone from the church to visit me.  The person below is in hospital (give ward if known).  I would like to join a small group.  I would like information about giving to the church.  I would like information about the Christian faith.  Please note my change of address. 

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