Governemnt of Andhra Pradesh

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Governemnt of Andhra Pradesh



Office of the Director,Ground Water Department, 7th and 8th floors,B-Block,B.R.K.R.Govt.Offices Complex, Tank Bund Road,Hyderabad-500063


1 Chapter Topic Page No No.

Preamble 3 Back ground and introduction of the Department 3 I The particulars of organization, functions and duties 8 II The powers and duties of its officers and employees 18 III The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels 46 of supervision and accountability

IV The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions 48 V The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or 60 under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions VI Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or its control 62

VII The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or 67 representations by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; VIII Statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of 69 two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or minutes of such meetings are accessible for public. IX Directory of its officers and employees 72

X Monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, 76 including system of compensation as provided in its regulations

XI Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, 79 proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made XII The manner of execution of subsidy programme, including the amounts 81 allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programme.

XIII Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted 83 by it XIV Details in respect of information available to or held by it, reduced in an 85 electronic form XV The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, 88 including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use XVI The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information 90 Officers XVII Such other information as may be prescribed 94



2 The “Right to Information Bill, 2005” which replaces “The Freedom of Information Act, 2002”, received the assent of the President on 15 June 2005 following which “Right to Information Act, 2005” (RTI), has been published in the Gazette of India on 21 June, 2005.

At the backdrop of the RTI Act, the present manual has been prepared to place on record all the information related to the functioning of Andhra Pradesh State Ground Water Department, Irrigation and Command Area Development Department, Hyderabad.

The RTI Act envisages “setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto”.

The "Information" means any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, e- mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force.

The ‘Right to information’ means information accessible under this act which is held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to (i) inspection of work ,document, records (ii) taking notes, extracts, or certified copies of documents or records (iii) taking certified samples of materials and (iv) obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or any other device. The manual has been compiled as a single document with separate chapter on each item.


Groundwater is great hidden component of the hydrological cycle comprising the most important natural resource of our planet. The history of ground water utilization goes as far back as the history of mankind itself. But the stupendous growth of population, agriculture and industry has compelled an indiscriminate exploitation of this resource. Utmost care has, therefore, to be exercised in the management of this precious resource.

(1) Ground Water Development Projects have not been taken up hither/to in this country on such a massive scale as is being presently done. To enable a proper and planned development and to render these Ground Water developmental projects successful, in as large a measure as possible the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Government of India have been pressing the State Governments to establish Ground Water Organisations, which will be capable of conducting the required investigations for determining the potentiality of the various areas, which in turn will depend on the respective areas themselves and on the individual as well as the combined effect of the various natural causes and forces acting in those areas(copy of guidelines Issued by the Govt. of India., Ministry of Food And Agriculture is enclosed vide appendix-I).

(2) The part played by natural phenomena like the geology of the area, topography, climatology , Hydrology(surface Water and Ground Water) , land use etc. and the occurrence, movement and quality of Ground Water available in any area and the nature of investigations undertaken are all briefly explained in Appendix II


(1) A large part of the state lies in what is called the “Hard Rock” Area. Here the rocks lying concealed below the soils which are seen at the surface are very hard and compact i.e. with no pores in the rock bodies,water is contained in the weathered zone of these rocks i.e. in the soil mass and in the fractured and fissured zones below. Thus the water contained below is limited (a) to the

3 thickness of this weathering and (b) the degree i.e intensity of fracture, both of which required to be determined for the area. Free flow of Ground water in these layers are affected by the dips of the rocks and even arrested by the presence of dykes, intrusions etc,

(2) It is also common knowledge that the quantity of Ground Water available is influenced largely by the direct infiltration from rainfall, streams, lakes etc. present in that area. In addition to the above contributory factors owing to movement of Ground Hater, certain quantity of ground water enters any particular area from the surrounding areas and likewise drains out from the area also i.e. flows out of the area into lower geological horizons, The aim of the investigations/studies are directed towards determining the Quantity of water contributed to any area by factors like infiltration from rain, seepage from rivers, canals, lakes, irrigated lands, etc of the quantity of subsoil water contributed to the particular area by adjoining areas and also that draining out from, the area under investigation.

(3) In addition to the above, aspects requiring study, it is essential to know the extent and degree of present utilisation of Ground Water in the areasunder consideration for Ground Water Development, to know if a saturation point has been reached or is likelyto be reached it is well known that in parts of our/state decline of water levels has been occurring in the wells due to a large scale and unrestricted development of the limited Ground Water resourcesofthat area. Corrective measures may be possible sometimes but will be expensive generally. A fairly correct data on the well population in the area and information on the number of mhotes or those operated by power, the total number of hours used,the type-and extent of crops grown each season is required to compute with some accuracy the amount of present utilisation of the available Ground Water resources of the area.

(4) Every one knows that on a hot day, the heat and the wind dries up the soil fast and more water is required,whereas on a cloud, humid, day it is not so. Thus, theWater losses are controlled by these climatic factors.Large extents of our State lie in the Semi-Arid Zone and the others in the humid zones. Water losses occur due to evaporation from surface water bodies and transpiration of the plants, which is considerable and for utilisation of the limited Ground Water resources, it is the international practice to determine these losses due to Evaporation and Transpiration “both for crop planning, and also for knowing the quantity that will be lost when applied on the field. It will be seen that if the loss is heavy in a particular area, it has to be made up from the available and limited Ground water resources to prevent the crop withering and much more so if optimum yields are to be got.

(5) As has been explained in the paras above, minimal investigations of the geology of the area, aimed at determining the quantum (Q) of water bearing stratum lying concealed below the Ground Level and of the water contained therein and how the geology controls and affects the occurrence and movement of Ground Water should be done. Next the net contribution to the Ground Water reservoir by factors like infiltration (I) from rain, seepage from surface water bodies, and by basal inflows and outflows have to be determined. The present draft i.e. level of utilisation(U)has to be also ascertained. The losses (L) occurring due to evaporation and transpiration, too will need to be found out. The investigations are directed towards finding these absolutely essential and minimal data for the various areas taken up for development. As without ascertaining these essential data, it is not possible to offer any reasonably correct technical advices it is the standard practice in all the countries of the world to conduct investigations in this direction before launching on any large scale Ground Water development. It will be pertinent to point out in this connection that all these aspects are gone into in great detail in the several surface storage projects constructed in the various states of India. Only after these investigations are over and technical and economic feasibility of the surface water projects established, the projects are being executed. A beginning has been in this direction in respect of Ground water development projects also in this country, though rather belatedly.

(6) As such investigations are time consuming, some short cut methods for rapidly determining the available Ground Water resources of an area at least approximately have been developed, depending on already available even if extremely meagre data relating to that area or elsewhere. This at best is only an interim arrangement and this procedure should not be continued as a routine.

4 (7) Surface water Projects (diversion or storage projects)have canal systems, which convey the water generally at the rate of about 0.3 metres/sec(1 foot/sec), to 0.6 metres/sec( 2 feet/Sec )or about 0.45 metres/sec(1.5 foot/sec, i.e. about 1620 metres/hour( 5400 feet/hour). Thus the quantity of water supplied to the field’s can be tapped at this rate. But in the case of Ground Water development projects, the normal rate of Ground Water movement in the formations below is at the rate of 1.5 metres/year (5 feet/year) to 1.5 metres/day (5 feet/day). Even taking the general upper limit of 1.5 metres/day (5 feet/day), this corresponds to about 0.06 metres/hour (1/5 th foot/hour )as compared to 1620 metres/hour (5400 feet/hour) with a surface canal. Water can not be extracted at a much faster rate, than that at which nature can replenish it. If this is attempted, the wells will just dry up.

It is hence of paramount importance that, each area is studied carefully and development is gone ahead with cautiously. Without doing so, if we go in a hurry for too many wells in an area or if the wells are too closely spaced, it is likely to result in considerable wasteful expenditure, not only by way of the wells sunk in that area going dry but the expenditure incurred on other items like land levelling, the various agricultural operations, construction of transmission and distribution lines etc. on the presumption of large availability of Ground Water, are all likely to be infructuous leading also to considerable frustration among the people. There is thus no ‘Short Cut ‘ and if the development is to be scientific and economical it is imperative that technical studies are under taken quickly and in an organized fashion and that scientists and, technologists are allowed to play their part fully in the country’s development. It is very necessary that a careful review of our activities in this direction is done and steps also taken to ensure quick implementation of such decisions once taken. Sufficient authority for decision making at various levels without too much concentration of authority and decision making at one source alone will also be necessary for speedy implementation of the objectives.

©.National Water Policy (April, 2002)

Government of India, Ministry of water Resources in its National Water Policy (April, 2002) broadly prioritized water allocation as follows:  Drinking water  Irrigation  Hydro-power  Ecology  Agro-industries and non-agricultural industries  Navigation and other uses.

It was emphasized that there should be an integrated and multi disciplinary approach to the planning, formulation, clearance and implementation of projects, including catchment area treatment and management, environmental and ecological aspects, the rehabilitation of affected people and command area development. The involvement and participation of beneficiaries and other stakeholders should be encouraged right from the planning stage itself.

In respect of Ground Water Development, the National Water Policy stated as follows:


 There should be a periodical reassessment of the ground water potential on a scientific basis, taking into consideration the quality of the water available and economic viability of its extraction.  Exploitation of ground water resources should be so regulated as not to exceed the recharging possibilities, as also to ensure social equity. The detrimental environmental consequences of over exploitation of ground water need to be effectively prevented by the Central and State Governments. Ground water recharge projects should be

5 developed and implemented for improving both the quality and availability of ground water resources.  Integrated and co-coordinated development of surface water and ground water resources and their conjunctive use, should be envisaged right from the project planning stage and form an integral part of the project implementation.  Over exploitation of ground water should be avoided especially near the coast to prevent ingress of sea water into sweet water aquifers.


 Irrigation being the largest consumer of fresh water, the aim should be to get optimal productivity per unit of water. Scientific water management, farm practices and sprinkler and drip system of irrigation should be adopted where ever possible.  Reclamation of water logged/saline affected land by scientific and cost-effective methods should form part of command area development programme.


 Both surface water and ground water should be regularly monitored for quality. A phased programme should be under taken for improvements in water quality.  Effluents should be treated to acceptable levels and standards before discharging them into natural streams.  Minimum flow should be ensured in the perennial streams for maintaining ecology and social considerations.  Principle of ‘polluter pays’ should be followed in management of polluted water.  Necessary legislation is to be made for preservation of existing water bodies by preventing encroachment and deterioration of water quality.


1. A well developed information system, for water related data in its entirety, at the national, state level, is a prime requisite for resource planning. A standardized national information system should be established with a net work of data banks and data bases, integrating and strengthening the existing Central and State level agencies and improving the quality of data and the processing capabilities. 2. Standards for coding, classification, processing of data and methods/procedures for its collection should be adopted. Advances in information technology must be introduced to create a modern information system promoting free exchange of data among various agencies. Special efforts should be made to develop and continuously upgrade technological capability to collect process and disseminate reliable data in the desired time frame. 3. Apart from the data regarding water availability and actual water use, the system should also include comprehensive and reliable projections of future demands of water for diverse purposes.



An organizational chart showing the set up of the various posts in the Department both in the Head Office and in the Subordinate i.e. District Offices is prepared and appended, As The occurrence movement and extractable quantity of Ground Water is controlled by several natural factors, which are of an interrelated nature, the staffing pattern proposed is such as to enable the Department to conduct investigations/studies in the various specialized fields and in determining the effect caused by these natural factors on the quantum of Ground Water that can be obtained in the various areas. ORGANOGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT




Hydrogeology Wing Hydrology Wing Geophysical Wing Drilling Wing Chemical Wing Administration Wing Deputy Director[Hg]- Deputy Deputy Director[Gp]- Executive Deputy Director[WA]- Administrative Officer 3 Director[H]–2 1 Engineer[M] – 1 -1 Asst.Director[Hg] – Asst.Director[H] Asst.Director[Gp] 1 1 Asst.Director[WA] Asst.Accounts Officer - 4 - 3 Supporting Staff- 4 Deputy Executive -1 1 Supporting Staff Asst.Director[Stat Engineer[M] Supporting staff - Supporting Staff-106 -19 ]-1 -1 6 Asst.Director[WM] Supporting staff- –1 3 Asst.Director[HM] –1 Supporting staff – 9


9 Srikakulam Vizianagaram Visakhapatnam East Godavari West Godavari Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Gp]-1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Rajahmundry Kakinada Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Asst.Director[Gp] - 1 Asst.Director[Gp] –1 Deputy Asst.Director[Hg]–1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Asst.Director[Gp] - 1 Asst.Director[Hg] -1 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 Director[Hg]-1 Supporting Staff- 13 Supporting Staff –28 Supporting Staff -22 Supporting staff –26 Supporting Staff –29 Dy.Ex.Engineer[M] –1 Asst.Director[H] - 1 Asst.Director[Gp] –1 Administrative Officer - 1 Supporting Staff - 56

Krishna Guntur Prakasam Nellore Chittoor Cuddapah Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Gp]-1 Deputy Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Asst.Director[H] - 1 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Dy.Ex.Engineer[M] –1 Supporting Staff -28 Supporting staff –22 Supporting Staff –27 Asst.Director[Hg] Supporting Staff - 31 Asst.Director[H] -1 -1 Asst.Director[Gp] –1 Supporting Staff – Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 35 Administrative Officer - 1 Supporting Staff –71

Anantapur Kurnool Mahabubnagar Rangareddy/Hyderabad DPAP.Anantapur CUFU.Anantapur Kurnool SRBC.Nandyal. Deputy Director[H]- 1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[H] - 1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[H]- Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Dy.Ex.Engineer[M] –1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Supporting staff –15 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 1 Supporting Staff - 29 Asst.Director[H] - 1 Supporting Staff -34 Supporting Staff –42 Asst.Director[H] - Asst.Director[Gp] –1 1 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 Supporting Staff– Administrative 14 Officer - 1 Supporting Staff –75

Medak Nizamabad Adilabad Khammam Warangal Karimnagar Deputy Director[H]- 1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Deputy Director[H]- 1

10 Asst.Director[H] – 1 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 Asst.Director[Hg] - 1 Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Asst.Director[H] - 1 Supporting Staff - 40 Supporting staff –21 Supporting Staff –24 Asst.Director[Hg] Supporting Staff- 40 Supporting Staff –33 -1 Supporting Staff – 32

Nalgonda Deputy Director[Hg]-1 Asst.Director[Hg] –1 Supporting Staff -40


(1). The Ground Water Department was constituted in March’71 which had also to attend to the contractual obligations as per the agreement entered into with the I.D.A. for area development schemes serving 1106 mandals(the then78 taluks) of the State

(2) Relevant extract of the contractual obligations as per the I.D.A agreement is given below;

(a) Loans for minor irrigation shall be granted only for investments to be made in the 1106 mandals

(b) Loans for tube wells shall be granted only if the State Ground Water Directorate has certified that it has no objection to the technical feasibility of such wells provided however that loan for tube wells to be located within ten miles of the coast shall be granted only on the approval of the State Ground Water Directorate as to the technical feasibility of each such tube well.

© The State Ground Water Directorate shall determine the areas in respect of which any loans for dug wells (either new or improvements of existing one’s) would require its prior approval with regard to their technical feasibility. In such areas the LMB’s and participating banks shall initially finance only minimum size trial pits to prove whether adequate water resources exist.

(3) In addition to the above Area Development Programmes this department was entrusted with the following works

(a) Preparing and initiating the Ground Water Monitoring programme in Pochampad Project area. This was as per the agreement entered into with the I.D.A. separately by the I.B.(P.W.D.)for that project. This AGREEMENT STRESSED THE NEED FOR THE ABOVE Monitoring Programme.

(b) Preparing the Ground Water Monitoring programme and initiating conjunctive use studies in Nagarjunasagar Left and Right canal command areas.

(c) Preparing the Ground Water Monitoring programme and initiating conjunctive use studies in Tungabhadra project complex command areas.

(d) Preparing the Ground Water Monitoring programme and initiating conjunctive use studies in Srisailam Right branch canal command area. The World Bank agreement stressed the need for the above Monitoring Programme

12 (4) This department was also asked to draw up perspective plan for a planned and rational development of the Ground water Resources in the Telangana Region.

(5) The Government also meanwhile launched a scheme called the S.F.D.A. and M.F.A.L. in 3 Districts of Srikakulam, Cuddapah and Nalgonda in which the Minor Irrigation works i.e. sinking wells, installation of pump sets etc. being of the order of about Rs.6.5 crores. This Department was also entrusted with the scrutiny of schemes formulated under Rural Electrification Programme and was called upon to certify, on the ground water availability in those areas.


In National Water Policy it was mentioned for effective and economical management of our water resources, the frontiers of knowledge need to be pushed forward in several directions by intensifying research efforts in various aspects in respect of Ground Water Development suggested the following:

 Hydrometeorology  Surface and Groundwater Hydrology  River morphology hydraulics  Assessment of water resources  Water harvesting and ground water recharge  Water quality  Water conservation  Evaporation and seepage losses  Recycling and reuse  Better watermanagement practices and improvements in operation technology  Crops and cropping systems  Economic designs of water resource projects  Risk analysis and disaster management  Use of remote sensing techniques in development and management

 Use of static ground water resource as a crisis management measure  Use of sea water resources  Prevention of salinity ingress

13  Prevention of water logging and saline lands  Environmental impact  Regional equity

Some of the issues covered include identification of the state-of-the-art techniques for geohydrological parameter estimation, acquisition of data, analysis of flow in the unsaturated zone, studies of contaminant migration and augmentation of ground water. All these are essential pre- requisites for reliable estimation and rational management of this vital resource. Cost-effectiveness of these techniques is especially important for developing countries.

a. Geohydrologic parameter estimation: recent advances in conventional techniques; use of tracer techniques, Geophysical methods; stochastic methods; inverse techniques.

b. Groundwater flow in unsaturated zones: Soil moisture studies; Recharge estimation; interaction between Ground Water and Surface water.

c. Acquisition of Geohydrologic data.

d. Management of Ground water resources particularly in hard rocks: Parameterization of Groundwater flow regime; modeling of complex aquifers; simulation of flow in fractured rocks; assessment of dynamic potential of aquifers.

e. Pollution of aquifers: Groundwater quality monitoring; modeling of migration of non- reactive / reactive chemicals, radioactive nuclear waste etc.; remedial measures.

f. Augmentation of water resources: Artificial recharge; Rain Water harvesting; constraints and limitations.

(D). Functions and Duties:


The main duty of the Department is to address all the issues related to exploring ground water, its assessment, regime monitoring, augmentation and regulation. The important duties can further be grouped into following categories:- 1ζ Status of Ground Water occurrence. 2ζ Periodic assessment of Ground Water Resources of the country.

14 3ζ Ground Water Exploration. 4ζ Ground Water Regime Monitoring. 5ζ Feasibility for Artificial Recharge. 6ζ Source finding under Short Term Water Supply Investigation. 7ζ Standardization of different methodologies. 8ζ Establishing a Ground water Information System in collaboration with State Governments and other agencies. 9ζ Supporting the efforts of State Ground Water Organizations for planned development of ground water resources 10ζ Promoting awareness on various issues related to ground water development and geogenic contamination. 11 Functions: To perform the duties as mentioned above and pursue the agendas as laid down in the National Water Policy, Ground Water Department perform following functions:-

Hydrogeological Surveys:

Ground Water Department carries out regional hydrogeological studies which provide information on ground water occurrence in different terrains. First level Systematic survey on 1:50,000 scale was completed for the entire state by March, 1991.This has generated basic information on various hydrogeological parameters. Reappraisal Hydrogeological Surveys are being taken up now to know the change in ground water regime in respect of occurrence, availability and utilization at a regular interval. Findings of these surveys are presented in the form of Systematic and Reappraisal Survey Reports. These reports are further compiled in the form of District and State Reports which facilitate scientific planning of ground water development and management.

Assessment of Ground Water Resources

Ground water being replenishable and dynamic in nature, it is essential to conduct periodic assessment of the resources quantitatively. CGWB has played vital role in preparing suitable methodology for ground water assessment. The ground water resource of the country is jointly assessed by APSGWD in close coordination with the C.G.W.B and other State Government departments related to waters. The same is periodically updated and published in the form of reports for dissemination to various user agencies.

Ground Water Exploration

15 Ground water exploration aided by drilling is one of the major activities of the Department with an objective to identify potential aquifers in different hydrogeological setup and to evaluate. More than 25,000 wells have been drilled by the Department throughout the state by March 2005. The successful exploratory wells have been offered to the State Governments for their utilization. APSGWD also assist the other State Governments for mitigating the drinking water problems in the drought-affected areas of the state. Findings of the exploration are published in the form of Basic Data Reports and Exploration Report. These reports facilitate scientific planning of ground water development.

Ground Water Regime Monitoring

The ground water being dynamic in nature, its response to the natural and artificial condition of recharge and discharge in the different domains needs to be recorded. To understand and manage its dynamic behavior Ground Water Monitoring commenced in 1972 with a few observation wells established by the Ground Water Department. Gradually, the number of the observation wells, spread all over the state, increased to about 5,000 as on March 2005. Ground water levels are being measured six times a year during January, March, May, July, September and November. In addition to 5,000 observation wells, 916 piezometers are fitted with Digital Water Level Recorder (DWLR) to record ground water levels at higher frequency intervals. This data is used for assessment of ground water resources and changes in the regime consequent to various development activities. Ground water samples are collected through these observation wells twice in a year during the month of May/November to generate information of ground water quality changes on a regional scale. The findings of the monitoring work are documented annually in the form of the Ground Water Year Book for each district.

Feasibility studies for Artificial Recharge

Schemes on Artificial Recharge to Ground water have been taken up by APSGWD on pilot basis under State/Central Sector Scheme. The objective of these schemes was to demonstrate the feasibility of the different artificial recharge structures in the various hydrogeological terrains especially in ground water stress areas. APSGWD has prepared a master plan for artificial recharge to ground water for different districts.

Short Term Water Supply Investigation

APSGWD has taken up short term water supply investigation on request from various Government agencies. Based on the investigation feasibility report is prepared and submitted to the concerned department. Ground Water Information System

As envisaged in the National Water Policy, APSGWD has developed a Ground Water Information system named as Ground Water Estimation and Management System (GEMS) in collaboration with Central Ground Water Board and other state ground water organizations under Hydrology project phase-I. The GEMS is GIS based modular software for data Entry, validation, comprehensive data processing, statistical analysis, data retrieval, reporting, Graphic/map Outputs, Data Transfer & Dissemination, Data Security and Backup facility in respect of Water Level, Water Quality, Hydro meteorological & Geophysical parameters and Exploratory details.

Ground Water Balance Study Projects

Apart from the normal activities, APSGWD has taken up bilateral projects with the assistance of UNDP, UK, World Bank etc. between 1974 and 2005. APSGWD has carried out detailed water balance studies through 16 pilot projects and another 16 critical basins covering entire Andhra

16 Pradesh State. The objective of these projects was to carry out water balance studies and assessment of ground water potential of the critical basins and pilot projects in order to develop ground water development technologies. Voluminous data was generated through such projects and the technology developed was provided to the other water departments to help them prepare plans for scientific development and use of ground water resources for various purposes.

Conjunctive Use Studies

The feasibility studies for the conjunctive use of surface and ground water are being conducted to evolve suitable plan for controlling the problem of water logging and salinity in the major project canal command areas in order to demonstrate the optimum ground water and surface water utilization to maximize the irrigation efficiency.

Research and Development

The District Magistrates of the concerned notified areas have been issued directives under section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to ensure that no ground water development is done without prior approval of the Authority. In case of violations, they have been advised to seal the tube well/seize the drilling equipments. Abstraction of ground water in these notified areas for sale and supply has also been banned. APSGWD is according limited permission for construction of new tube wells/replacement of existing tube well to Government water supplying agencies, Institutes, and hospitals to meet their drinking and domestic requirements. In addition to above, under APWALTA, the Commissioner, Rural development has notified 4005 overexploited villages in the state for registration of ground water structures for future regulation. The list of these areas is presented separately

More over-exploited areas are being identified through micro level studies for registration of ground water structures. More areas are being identified by APSGWD for regulation of ground water development and management.

Regulation of ground water withdrawal by industries

Matter related to Ground water pollution from geogenic sources:

Based on field studies by APSGWD as well as from other sources/news items, the incidence of ground water pollution are being examined by APSGWD on case to case basis, and depending upon the merit of the individual cases, specific directives are being issued to the State Government for taking up suitable action.

Registration of persons/agencies engaged in construction of water well

In order to develop data base on drilling activities being carried out for regulatory measures, country wide registration of drilling agencies are being undertaken by APWALTA. Such data base not only provide information on current pace of ground water development scenario but also decipher micro level site specific information on ground water availability and technology advancement for development of the same. As regulatory measures the drilling agencies have been prohibited to take up the work of construction of water well in the notified areas. They are also required to submit the details of drilling undertaken by them within one month of water wells.

Proactive approaches:

Rain water harvesting is an activity to facilitate ground water recharge especially in ground water stressed areas, and public participation is essential for promotion of this activity. Identifying

17 inevitable need for rain water harvesting country wide mass awareness programme and training programme on the same are organized by APSGWD and HMWS&SB on regular basis to create public awareness about importance of rain water harvesting in recharging ground water. Training on rain water harvesting are undertaken for dissemination of cost effective technologies to diverse spectrum of users like private sector organizations, government agencies, NGO’s, educational institutes, individuals etc. So far 239 Mass awareness Programme and 157 Training Programme have been organized by APSGWD. Effective utilization of electronic and print media have also been made to promote this activity. Response to these programme observed to be overwhelming, and calls for further stepping up of such activities on large scale with active involvement of various stakeholders. Beside this, APSGWD has so far provided technical guidance for design of more than 2000 rain water harvesting to private agencies, Govt. Organizations, road and flyover projects, individuals etc. Active persuasion is being undertaken with State Governments to ensure mandatory inclusions of provisions of rain water harvesting in building bye-laws, its implementation in overexploited areas, government buildings etc.



18 The total strength of the A.P. State Ground Water Department is 1061, out of which 369 and 296 technical officers are from Scientific and Engineering stream respectively. 396 Ministerial staff supports the technical streams in furtherance and implementation of the plans of the Department. For the functioning of the A.P. State ground Water Department, various functionaries have the different powers and duties. The administrative and the financial powers have been delegated by the I &CAD Dept under A.P. Ground Water Service rules to the Director and his subordinate officers. The duties of the important functionaries of the A.P. State Ground Water Department are given below:- [A] AT HEAD OFFICE: Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post

19 Class-I/ 1. Supervises, scrutinizes, looks after on all Technical / Administrative and Financial Category-1 matters. 2. Plan groundwater development throughout the state by way of conducting DIRECTOR systematic Hydrogeological, Geophysical and Hydrological surveys with selective exploratory drilling to assess groundwater Potential. 3. Monitors groundwater development and management specifying control and development of the areas as to the extent and intensity of groundwater development / Potential. 4. Co-ordinates Developmental activities of groundwater in the State with other agencies / Departments like Rural Water Supply of Panchayat Raj Department, Rural Irrigation Corporation, Irrigation Development Corporation, Minor Irrigation Department, Remote Sensing Application Centre in Energy, Science and Technology Department, Watershed Development programme in Agriculture Department, Electrification Corporation and State Electricity Board, Scheduled and Commercial Banks etc. 5. Co-ordinates with Irrigation Department, Government of A.P. and Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India on all aspects of groundwater estimation, development and management. 6. Advises State and Central Governments and Universities on the performance, equipment, manpower, networks, specific schemes related to groundwater clearance and other related projects for environment, hydrological, disaster proof, conjunctively, useful and pollution freeness. 7. Guides in formulation, co-ordination and conducting field programme of other states and Central Government Departments in respect of groundwater potential. 8. Advises in preparation of Five Year and Annual Plan Schemes. 9. Conducts review meetings of District office State Level Meetings, Seminars, and Workshops etc. 10. Attends all Meetings connected with Groundwater Department 11. Makes field visits, conducts inspection and surprise field Checks etc.

Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post

20 Category-2 1. Assists Director in all Technical aspects & formulation of plan schemes. Joint Director 2. Co-ordinates inter wing, inter-departmental activities both in department and state 3. Supervises procurement of different kinds of equipment’s on LCB/ICB, duly arranging evaluation in all aspects of technical features. 4. Involves in conducting review meetings of District Officers/ Assistant Directors, State Level Meetings / Seminars and workshops etc. 5. Supervises over all drilling activities, study of acquifer characteristics by pumpings of wells for long durations. 6. Supervises works connected to Hydrological, Hydrogeological, Geophysical, Hydrometeorological and Chemical wings. 7. Conducts field visits / checks to study the overall drilling programme and problematic areas. 8. Plans manpower training for both technical and non-technical staff of the Department. 9. Arranges to provide information sought by committees of legislature, Parliament, CAG and other statutory bodies.

Class-II/ 1. Assists the Joint Director and Director in Hydrogeological aspects. Category-I 2. Controls and supervises the work of Assistant Directors, Assistant Hydrogeologists, Deputy Technical Assistants(Hg) and monitors the progress of staff. Director [Hydrogeology 3. Assist the Joint Director, Director in finalisation of Field Programme, Preparation of annual and Five Year Plan Schemes, conducting review meeting of District Offices periodically. 4. Consolidates monthly and other periodic progress reports of District Offices 5. Assist the Director in conducting State Level Meetings, Seminars, Work shops. Organises for Exhibitions, training to new recruits and Refresher Courses 6. Assist to procure Hydrogeological / Geological Equipment, Topographical, Geological, Hydrogeological Reports, Maps published by different Agencies / Departments of Central / State Governments beside purchasing technical books / Reports / Journals on Groundwater and related subjects for Department Library. 7. Scrutinises Hydrogeological / Basic Data Reports received from District Offices / Other Organisations to prepare area/formation specific reports. Compiles State / District level Reports / Maps duly updating the existing data periodically. 8. Arranges for preparation of Hydrogeological Map incorporating Satellite Imageries, Air Photos and ground truths for different areas of the State for action programme by district field teams. 9. Updates and prepares periodical estimation of groundwater potential and assessment of watersheds/ mandal/Taluk/ District/State for arriving at the available potential.

10. Arranges Training programmes to students of Universities / State Government Departments/Organisations for imparting basic / Hydrogeology and guiding in submission of Dissertation Thesis. 11. Arranges for conducting specialised problem is specific surveys of emergency kind i.e., famine Cyclone / Flood-

21 affected / Earch quak-affected, Areas, leak surface-water Reservoirs, in the State. 12 Organises/Compiles are and formation specific data for computer analysis and dissemination of information to District offices. 13. Undertakes computerised modelling of acquifers of variable geological setup in both soft and hard rock geological environment - Class.II/ Assists Deputy Director in report processing, Category-2 consolidation of District Reports / Basic Data. Assists Deputy Director in finalisation of well ASSISTANT Subsidy schemes and drawing up of plan schemes. DIRECTOR Involves in finalisation of Annual field programme for the constituent Officers, Monitors the [HYDRO- progress through the diaries of field officers. GEOLOGY] Processes data of drilling activities of the Department to incorporate in the District/maps for updating purposes. Attends to preparation of District Hydrogeological Maps on the basis of information collected from multi-source and multi-wings outside/within department Preparation and consolidation of Monthly Progress Reports for onward transmission to Government. Preparation and publication of Maps/Reports concerning to groundwater exploration and exploitation. Procurement of Hydrogeological equipment, Cartographic, Technical stores, Topographical, Geological and Hydrogeological Maps/Reports. Conducts special type of investigations i.e., areas of intensive sand-mining, Groundwater pollution, leaky Reservoirs, Cyclone Ravaged areas, Earth-quake affected areas and any specific kind of investigations concerning public at large. Procurement of Technical Books, Reports, Journals on groundwater for Library. Creation of Hydrogeological data base/reports for State-wise use in Collaboration with sister State/Central organisations.

Class-II/ 1. Assist the Assistant Director in preparation of notes, scrutinise Category-3 and analysis of monthly progress reports received from district offices. ASSISTANT 2. Prepares Hydrogeological maps, assesses groundwater HYDROGEO- potential in according clearances, interprets LOGIST hydrogeological data with the aid of aerial photos and satellite imageries. 3. Initial scrutiny and analysis of all Technical Reports including basic data reports received district offices. 4. Scrutiny of monthly diaries of field officers, consolidation of achievements for state level review meetings.

Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post Class-III 1. Assists the Joint Director and Director in the matter of Hydrological aspects. Category-1 2. Controls and supervises the work of Assistant Directors(H), Assistant Hydrologists and Technical Assistant (H) and also monitors the progress of the staff of Agronomy, Deputy Hydrometeorology and Statistical wings. Director 3. Assists the Joint Director and Director in the finalisation of field programmes and in (Hydrology) the preparation of Annual and Five Year Plan Schemes. Assists also in conducting Review Meeting of the District Offices periodically.

22 4. Consolidates monthly and other period progress reports obtained from the District Offices, Scheme-wise, reviews the progress achieved by field officers through the monthly diaries and monitors progress vis-à-vis targets of field programme. Consolidates progress reports of Command area for sending to Government, Special Officer, The Commissioner, Command Area Development Authority. 5. Assists the Director in conducting State Level Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions, organises training to new recruits and refresh courses to in-service personnel. 6. Assists in procuring hydrological, meteerological, drawing, engineering equipments, survey equipments, tents etc., required for the Department. Oversees the timely supply of and repairs to the equipment requried in the field offices. 7. Scrutinises the hydrological reports and basic data reports received from the district offices and other organisations for preparations of area and formation specific reports. Compiles State/ District Level Reports and maps after periodically updating the existing data. 8. Arranges for preparation of reconnaissance, Hydrological maps, for basins and small watersheds, incorporating existing data, for detailed coverage by field teams in the districts 9. Updates and makes periodical esttimation of groundwater potential on Watershed/Mandal/ Taluk/District/State-wide scale for arriving assessment of the available potential. 10. Arranges training programmes to student of Universities and sister State Government Departments / Organisations for imparting basic hydrology and also acts as guide to students for submission dissertation work. 11. Arranges for preparation of environmental and hydrological clearance reports for Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects referred by Irrigation Department, including preparation of Plans for conjunctive use of surface water with groundwater. Conducts agronomical studies on proper water management in respect of groundwater and other water resources. Undertakes aquifer modelling of different watersheds for computerised analysis for forecasting trends of use, stage of groundwater development and water levels for different areas like specific formation, administrative division and type of command etc.Arranges for preparation of reports on water balance in different pilot basins periodical. Also arranges for monitoring all the observation wells in the State for study of regime in command, non-command and other specific areas.

23 Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post Class-III/ Assists Deputy Director in report processing,consolidation of District Reports and Category-2 basic data.Involves with Deputy Director in drawing up of plan schemes and monitors the progress through the diaries of field Officers at the District.Involves ASSISTANT in finalisation of annual field programme and communicates field programmes for DIRECTOR implementation.Engages in preparation in District Hydrological maps.Attends to [HYDROLOG the preparation and consolidation of monthly progress reports for onward Y transmission to the Government.Assists the Deputy Director in editing and finalising the preparation and publications of hydrological reports/maps concerning groundwater exploration and exploitation.Attends to the procurement of hydrological equipment, tents etc required for the field offices.

Organises estimation of groundwater resources in the state and other smaller areas of interest at regular intervals. Arranges for systematic monitoring of observation well network to study the behavior of the regime in different areas. Arranges for calculation of water balances in different pilot basins periodically by obtaining data from field. Conducts special kind of investigations affecting public at large. Attends to the creation of database/reports related to groundwater using computer techniques. Class-III/ 1. Scrutinises the field reports submitted by District Offices on basins/percolation Category-3 tanks, check dams, sub-surface dams, command area, reports pertaining to Dark and Grey areas well field testing, environment clearance etc., ASSISTANT 2. Prepares new schemes pertaining to hydrological investigations. HYDROLOGI 3. Scrutinises the field diaries of field officers. ST 4. Prepares environmental reports for the major and medium irrigation projects referred by irrigation Department. 5. Prepares technical papers for work shops and seminar conducted by various organisations and institutions. 6. Attends groundwater modelling studies of various prepares drought management reports. 7. Prepares drought management reports. Class-IV/ Assists the Joint Director and Director in the matters of Geophysical aspects. Category-1 2. Controls and supervises the work of Assistant Director(Gp) , Assistant Geophysicists and Technical DEPUTY Assistants(Gp) and also monitors the progress of the DIRECTOR staff. [GEOPHYSIC 3. Assists the Joint Director and Director the finalisation S] of field programmes and in the preparation of annual and Five Year Plan Schemes. Assists also in conducting Review Meetings of the District Offices periodically.

4. Consolidates monthly and other periodic progress reports obtained from the District Offices Scheme-wise. Also assists in reviewing the progress achieved by field officers through the monthly diaries and monitors progress vis-à-vis targets of field programme. 5. Assists the Director in conducting State Level Meetings, Seminars, workshops,

24 Exhibitions. Organises training to new recruits and refresher courses to in-service personnel 6. Assists in procuring geophysical, display and other electronic equipments required for the Department. Arranges and oversees timely supply and repairs to the equipments required by the field offices. 7. Scrutinises the Geophysical reports and basic data reports received from the district offices and other organisations for preparation of area formation specific reports. Compiles State/ District Level Reports and maps after periodically updating the existing data. 8. Arranges for preparation of reconnaissance maps and traverses, Incorporation existing data, for detailed coverage by field teams in the districts. 9. Analyses the available information on aquifer and non-aquifer formations for providing necessary inputs into the estimation and augmentation of groundwater resources. 10. Arranges training programmes to students of Universities and sister State Government Departments/Organisations for imparting basic knowledge on hydrogeophysics and also guides students in submission of dissertation theses. 11. Arranges for specialised geophysical surveys for problem specific and emergency kind, like Teaky reservoirs, earthquake affected, drought and famine relief operations. 12.Organises and compiles geophysical and hydrogeological data for geo- statistical analysis and dissemination of information to District Offices. 13. Undertakes computerised analysis of local structures of relevance in groundwater out of regional gravity, magnetic and other potential field maps prepared by Central Government Organisations like NGRI, G.S.I., ONGC., MEC., NRSA., and AMD.

Class-IV/ Attends to the review work of field officers Assistant Geophysicists and Technical Category-2 Assistants(Gp) and imparts training to new recruits and refresher course to in- service Junior Officers in field and lab. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 1. Analyses and reinterprets geophysical data submitted by Assistant [GEOPHYSIC Geophysicist and Technical Assistant(Gp). S] 2. Attends to scrutiny of reports and preparation of reports of specific nature such as District Reports/ formation-wise reports. 3. Attends to the job of collection of data from other Organisations like GSI, NRSA., NGRI., AMSE., Universities etc., and preparation of maps/notes concerning groundwater exploration and exploitation. 4. Undertakes conducting of geophysical well-logging for formation evaluation. 5. Attends to the procurement of Geophysical, display and other electronic equipment arranges repairs and returning back of instruments to field officers. 6. Conducts specific kind of investigations affecting public at large.

Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post Class-IV/ 1. Attends to interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso Resistivity and other Category-3 maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas. ASSISTANT 2. Makes an analysis of data on regional scale for different geological formations GEOPHY- statistically. SICIST 3. Attends to the review of field offiers’ work, preparation of quarterly, half yearly, annual review reports. 4. Attends to office work concerning procurement of equipment, arranging of geophysical surveys and putting up of technical notes in the files.

25 5. Attends to procurementof geophysical equipment and attending to their maintenance, repairs by sending to the suppliers and checking of repaired instruments before sending to Deputy Director’s/Assistant Director’s Offices. 6. Assists Deputy Director[Geophysics] and Assistant Director[Geophysics] in the preparation of reports like District Reports/Formation wise reports and othe roffice work.

Class-V/ 1. Programmes for conduct of hydrochemical studies in the State to study the short Category-1 term and long term trends in the chemical quality regime. 2. Arranges to anlayse systematically quality of surface and groundwater, springs and DEPUTY seeps collected at required frequency and assists the Director in the study of DIRECTOR chemical geohydrology. [WATER 3. Controls and supervises the work of Asst. Director [WA], Asst. Chemists and Lab ANALYSIS] Assistants for smooth functioning of chemical laboratory. 4. Supervises the procurement of equipment and chemicals required for labs in the districts and assistants in procurement of Lab equipment to the Directorate. 5. Inspects field level chemical labs periodically and reviews the work carried out and guides them. 6. Scrutinises the reports and chemical analysis data and formulates guidelines for analysis of samples and interpretation of results of analysis. 7. Guides in preparation of reports/maps based on statistical analysis of chemical quality data with the aid of computer. 8. Imparts training to new recruits & refresher course to in-service personnel. 9. Undertakes special kind of studies on chemical analysis of problems areas like those causing health hazards as in high fluoride incidence areas of industrial polluted areas of State.

Class-V/ 1. Assists Deputy Director [Water Analysis] in finalisation of programmes for conduct Category-2 of hydrochemical studies in the State, to study the long term trends in groundwater chemical quality regime. ASSISTANT 2. Scrutinises and supervises the chemical analysis work done by the Assistant DIRECTOR Chemists and Lab Assistants in the entire State. [WATER 3. Processes the correspondance relating to procurement of equipment and ANALYSIS] chemicals required for the Laboratories in the Regions/districts and the Directorate. 4. Interprets analytical data prepared by Assistant Chemist and Lab Assistants for preparation of maps/diagrams on chemical data. 5. Undertakes inspection of field level chemical labs periodically and advises on the operation of equipments and analysis of complex radicals.

6. Organises the Laboratory at the Head Office to complete chemical analysis of all regular monitoring type work of all observation wells, streams, and those of wells/streams covered during surveys and exploratory drilling according to schedule. 7. Attends to disposal of un-serviceable articles in the lab.

Class-V/ 1. Determination of pH, Specific Conductance, Total Dissolved Solids, Colour Carbidity, Category-3 Carbonate, Bicarbonate Calcium, Magnesium [Mg], Pottasium [K], Sodium [Na], Fluoride[f], Nitrate[NO3], Total Hardness and other radicals of water samples. ASSISTANT 2. Supervises Laboratory analytical instruments for upkeep and safe operation. Handles CHEMIST pH meter, specific conductance meter, flamephotometer, spectrophotometer, turbidity meter and neflor meter and attends to periodic calibration of the instruments. 3. Classical methods of determination of radicals by volumetric methods. 4. Conversion of radicals, determined by volumetric analysis into PPMs[ parts per millions] and EPMs [equal parts per millions].

26 5. Calculation of SAR [Sodium Adsorption Ratio] and RSC[Residual Sodium Carbnate] for determining suitability of waters for irrigation. 6. Attends to the preparation of quality maps like EC, Chlorides, TDS and Fluorides etc., and Piper diagrams, Willcox Diagrams for specific areas of interest. 7. Preparation of Formatised Analytical Reports for the water samples analysed at the chemical lab of the Region/Directorate. 8. Maintenance of stock registers and history books of laboratory instruments and different chemicals.

Class-VI/ 1. Plans on agronomical studies, with reference to water use management and updating Category-1 with research data on State wide. 2. Works out suitable cropping pattern which is economically viable with varying unit ASSISTANT drafts in different parts of the State. DIRECTOR 3. Plans and undertakes soil survey and amelioration measures in problem soils in [WATER coordination with Soil Correlator in Command areas of Sriramsagar/Srisailam Right MANAGE- Branch Canal/Nagarjunsagar Project/K.C.Canal/Mylaravaram project. MENT] 4. Plans and guides in the preparation of [a] soil maps for various zones depicting varying hydrological characteris with the coordination of Soil Correlator. 5. Involves in the preparation of technical papers/notes/reports for workshops/seminars related to Water Management and allied fields. 6. Undertakes intensive evaluation studies in specific areas of the State. Class-VII/ 1. Assists Director in matters of Hydrometeorology as applied to groundwater. Category-1 2. Supervises the work of the Hydomteorology Section at the Head Office. 3. Advises in selection of sites and establishment of Hydrometeorological Stations in the ASSISTANT representative basins, watersheds and other areas as required. 4. Issues guidelines to the field officers on the maintenance of 20 Hydrometeorological Stations DIRECTOR equipment and analysis of hydrometeorological data relevant to hydrological studies and [HYDRO- groundwater resource evaluation. METEOROLO 5. Organises receipt in the Department of Hydrometeorological data from the field offices of Ground GY] Water Department and Indian Meteorology Department’s meteorological stations and Watersheds. 6. Inspects the Departmental hydrmeteorological stations periodically and advises field offices suitably. 7. Guides and involves in preparation of status maps showing location of rain gauges and hydrmeteorological stations maintained by various agencies in the State and reports on drought related hydrometeorological phenomenon. Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post Class-VII/ 1. He attends to the jobs of calculation of different meteorological parameters such as evaporation, Category-2 rainfgall, relative humidity etc., on daily basis. 2. Preparation of monthly totals and means of hydrometeorological data of stations established by ASSISTANT Ground Water Department throughout the State. 3. Preparation and mainteiance of monthly register showing the diffeent meteorological parameters HYDROME- daily basis. TEOROLOGI 4. Establishment of rainfall-runoff relationship of small basins on the basis of meteorological data ST under watershed development programme. 5. Day to day correspondance relating to collection of data from field officers of the Ground Water Department and other Agencies of the State. 6. Data publication of the Stations Departmentally maintained for 20 stations for 6 menteorological parameters. 7. Compilation of rainfall data of Mandal and Revenue Divisions [1104] from the rain guage stations maintained by various Agencies like Public Works Department, Revenue and Indian Meteorology Department in the State. 8. Analysis of available rainfall and other hydrometeorological data for estimation of the trend and potential evapotranspiration for various zones in the State. 9. Study Preparation of district wise rainfall and analysis of the same in relation to hydrometeorological aspect. 10. Study of drought and its effect on groundwater levels on a State wise scale.

27 Class-VIII/ 1. supervises the preparation of district wise reports concerning the impact of droughts and floods Category-1 on groundwater regime prepared by subordinate staff and other works assigned by the Director from time to time. ASSISTANT 2. Arranges collection, compilation and analysis of weekly/monthly water level data from District Offices of the Department and issue of consolidated reports. DIRECTOR 3. Arrange collection and compilation of rainfall data of all the Stations/Mandals in the State and [STATISTICS] preparing a report on the seasonal condition. 4. Arranges compilation and analysis of agricultural and irrigation statistics and preparation of reports on the District-wise trends existing and with past records. 5. Attends to orderly maintenance of data collected by the different disciplines of the Department and other Agencies for interpretation of hydroscientific data as statistical variables and analysed for different purposes. 6. Consolidates all the District wise information obtained on groundwater abstraction structures from village wise base maps and compares the same with the census data conducted from time to time. 7. Conducts spot checks concerning data collected during field surveys and also of observation well water level data. 1. Arrange collection and compilation of rainfall data of all the Stations/Mandals in the State and preparing a report on the seasonal condition = 1 report per annum. 2. Arranges compilation and analysis of agricultural and irrigation statistics and preparation of reports on the District-wise trends existing and with past records = 1 report per annum. 3. Conducts spot checks concerning data collected during field surveys and also of observation well water level data = 40 days per year. Class-VIII/ 1. Supervises the analysis of monthly, weekly water level data of observation wells and Category-2 arranges to issue brochure giving the seasonal trends of groundwater regime in different areas of the State. He guides in the preparation of other reports by Junior ASSISTANT Technical Assistants and Analysts at the Head Office. STATISTICIA 2. Makes tours to the field officers in the State to make random checks on the water N levels collected by local observers and also in connection with preparation and procurement of necessary base maps in district offices. 3. Inspects the field officers under his jurisdiction for advising the Analysts/Junior Technical Assistants on maintenance of data on hydrological, hydrogeological, chemical analysis of water samples/drilling data etc. 4. Guiding the Regional Staff and for coordinating the activities, involving collection, compilation of agricultural and irrigation statistics Mandal wise required for analysis of data in Head Office in respect of economic cropping pattern with reference to groundwater.

Class-IX/ 1. Assists the Joint Director and Director in the matters of Mechanical and Drilling on these Category-1 aspects. 2. Assists in planning of exploratory drilling programme for the entire State. EXECUTIVE 3. Assists on procurement of drilling rigs, compressors, trucks, light vehicles, pumping equipment, gensets and other allied machinery required for drilling. ENGINEER 4. Assists in allocation of budget for each district under drilling programme and other [MECHANICAL budgetary requirements. ] 5. Coordinates and maintains drilling acvitivites, performance of machinery and allied equipments like pumping equip-ments for aquifer tests, heavy and light vehicles. 6. Formulates various schemes under drilling like drilling scheme, deposit programme and other schemes connected to drilling including energisation of wells. 7. Inspects periodically the District Offices, drilling sites, and reviews progress of works, issues guidelines to subordinate field staff on drilling problems; maintenance of machinery and equipment from time to time. 8. Assists the Director in the sanction of technical estimates pertaining to major and minor repairs to rigs, vehicles and other machinery. 9. Attends to verification of cost estimates of bore/tubewells, engineering design & preparation of specification for bore/tubewells, pumping & other engineering items. 10. Monitors State wide progress of drilling, scrutiny of audit objections, inspection reports of Deputy Executive Engineer/ Assistant Executive Engineers, Revenue Receipts etc.

28 11. Guides and arranges for trouble shooting of problem areas in respect of drilling, well construction, well completion and well testing jobs. 12. Imparts training to new recruits and refresher courses in drilling techniques to inservice personnel, in collaboration with State and Central Organisations.

Class-IX/ 1. Supervises and controls over Assistant Executive Engineers/ Assistant Category-2 Engineers/Drilling Section etc. 2. He will be incharge of drilling operations and responsible for planning an DEPUTY uninterrupted programme region-wise. EXECUTIVE 3. Undertakes inspection of rigs, machinery, vehicles, and other requirements ENGINEER connected to drilling operations periodically and assists Executive Engineer[M] in [MECHL] field work. 4. Takes up jobs of preparation and scrutiny of cost estimates for borewells/tubewells, repairs and renewals of rigs and other allied machinery and scrutiny of repairs of vehicles and rigs. 5. Attends to preparation of budget estimates at regional level for maintenance of rigs and vehicles and other machinery and assists Deputy Director in Districts/Executive Engineer[M] in Directorate. 6. Attends to procurement, commissioning of rigs, machinery, tools, spares, accessories connected to drilling activities like genset, welding sets, verification of specifications of materials like casing pipes, pumping equipment and other engineering goods, maintenance of progress, scrutiny of progress reports, scrutiny of log reports WLR/WPR, DLR, DPR etc. 7. Attends to disposal of un-serviceable stores.

Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties) Post Class-IX/ 1. Assists Deputy Executive Engineer/Executive Engineer in monitoring of drilling Category-3 operations, rigs, compressors, vehicles and other machinery. 2. Supervises the works of Assistant Engineers at Head Office. Reviews diaries of ASSISTANT Deputy Executive Engineers/Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers of EXECUTIVE districts. ENGINEER 3. Analyses and verifies the cost estimates of bore/tubewells. Monthly progress [MECHANICAL reports/weekly log reports/weekly progress reports, log extracts of machinaryt and ] vehicles of districts. 4. Attends to the verification of estimates for major repairs, renewals of rigs and other machinery of the district offices sent to Head Office. 5. Attends to the inspection and repairs and renewals of rig and machinery at site and guides the field staff/technicians on problems of drilling, maintenance of machinery etc.

Class-X/ 1. Assists Director at Head Office/Deputy Directors in the Districts on all Establishment Category-1 matters of recruitment, regularization, declaration of probation, promotion, seniority, transfers and postings, court matters etc. ADMINIS- 2. Exercises general supervision over the whole administration and in regard to TRATIVE enforcement of discipline. OFFICER 3. Opens and marks tappals to the concerned every day and sees that they are properly accounted for. 4. Appointing authority in respect of Ministerial and Last Grade Services, sanctions of leave, increments etc., to them. 5. Countersigns TA bills, LTC bills of all Non.Gazetted employees. 6. Inspects the Personal Registers and sees that they are punctuality, neatly and properly maintained. 7. Inspects and reviews the personal registers of Establishment Section and Sections other than Establishment and sees that they are neatly, punctually and properly

29 maintained. 8. Keeps in touch with the work in all Sections of the administrative set up. 9. Makes himself conversant with the more important files pending in each section and sees that they are not delayed. 10. Brings to the Director’s notice any serious delay or other irregularity and any other indication that any member of Establishment is obviously not suitable for his work. 11. Watches incoming reminders especially those received from Government and looks into the causes of delays that have evoked them. 12. Advises the other Ministerial staff/Superintendents on difficult or intricate questions in cases where they seek or need his advice. 13. Acts as Legal Officer-cum-Liason Officer to deal with Court cases of the department and proper implementation of rule of special representation. 14. Watches prompt and timely submission of periodicals.

Class-X/ 1. Acts as Drawing and Disbursing Officer in the Directorate and responsible for drawal of all Category-2 kinds of bills, such as salary bills, TA bills, contingent bills, loans and advances bills etc. 2. Advises the Director on all financial matters and works under the administrative control of the ASSISTANT Head of the Department. ACCOUNTS 3. Advises other departmental officers who seek advice in all caes involving expenditure of OFFICER Government money and offers advice of his initiative wherever he considers such advice is necessary to prevent the Commission or any financial irregularity. 4. [a] Fixation of pay: advices in cases pertaining to fixation of pay on appointment, promotion etc. [b] Internal check parties: conducts internal audit of offices under the control of Director, Ground Water Department including own office in respect of Departmental Revenue/Receipts and Expenditure and Supervises the work and performance of internal audit party. [c] Disposal of inspection report, draft paras/objection items: Responsible for timely compliance of audit inspection reports, clearance of objection book items and assists Director in prompt disposal of audit paras. 5. [a] Budgetting: Responsible for preparation of budget estimates, revised estimates of revenue expenditure and performance budget in time. Also scrutinizes the proposals for new expenditure. [b] Assists the Head of the Department in allotment of funds and control of expenditure. [c] Examines proposals for supplementary grants, re-appropriation etc., and ensures timely preparation of statement of savings and excess. [d] Member of Committees: Acts as member of the Departmental stores, Purchase Committee, where constituted and also of condemnation/disposal and auction committee, Tenders advice regarding procedure to be adopted in these matters and purchase of articles. [e] Maintenance of accounts: Exercises control and ensures that complete accounts of the Department are maintained. Responsible to see that detailed contingent bills are sent to the Accountant General in time and to bring the cases of delay to the Director’s notice. [f] Responsible for watching expenditious disposal of pension cases with in the Department. 6. [a] Tenders advice on pension, leave and other establishment cases referred to him. [b] Writes performance reports of the staff working under his control. [c] Resposible for timely recovery of Government dues and brings the reasons for delay to the notice of Director promptly. [d] Responsible for proper operation of budget by keeping expenditure within the grant, timely reconciliation of expenditure with Accountant General’s office and to comply with the directions issued by Government in respect of Budget Control. [e] Sees that sanctions for grant of loans, scholarships and sanctions for payment out of non-Government funds are., issued as per rules. 7. Reconciliation: responsible for departmental figures with Accountant General’s figures. 8. Responsible to report the serious financial irregularities in following provisions of the financial rules and procedures or with regard to propriety of any expenditure. 9. Checks cash book and allied registers such as treasury bill register, UD Pay register, acquittance registers, cheque books etc. A.P.GROUNDWATER SUB-ORDINATE SERVICE RULES

30 Category-1 1. Assists the Assistant Director in preparation of notes, and progress reports, scrutinizes and analyses the monthly progress reports received from District TECHNICAL Offices. ASSISTANT 2. Prepares hydrogeological maps, assesses groundwater potential in according [HYDROGEO- clearances and interprets hydrogeological data with the aid of aerial photos and LOGY] satellite imageries. 3. Attends to initial scrutiny and analysis of all technical reports including basic data reports received from District Offices. 4. Attends to the scrutiny of monthly diaries of field officers and consolidation of achievements for the State Level Review Meetings.

Category-2 1. Scrutinises the field reports submitted by District Offices on basins/percolation tanks, check dams, sub-surface dams, command area, reports pertaining to Dark TECHNICAL and Grey areas well field testing, environment clearance etc., ASSISTNAT 2. Prepares new schemes pertaining to hydrological investigations. [HYDROLOGY] 3. Scrutinises the field diaries of field officers. 4. Prepares environmental reports for the major and medium irrigation projects referred by irrigation Department. 5. Prepares technical papers for work shops and seminar conducted by various organisations and institutions. 6. Attends groundwater modelling studies of various prepares drought management reports. 7. Prepares drought management reports.

Category-3 1. Attends to interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso Resistivity and other maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical TECHNICAL characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas. ASSISTANT 2. Makes an analysis of data on regional scale for different geological formations [GEOPHYSICS] statistically. 3. Attends to the review of field offiers’ work, preparation of quarterly, half yearly, annual review reports. 4. Attends to office work concerning procurement of equipment, arranging of geophysical surveys and putting up of technical notes in the files. 5. Attends to procurementof geophysical equipment and attending to their maintenance, repairs by sending to the suppliers and checking of repaired instruments before sending to Deputy Director’s/Assistant Director’s Offices. 6. Assists Deputy Director[Geophysics] and Assistant Director[Geophysics] in the preparation of reports like District Reports/Formation wise reports and othe roffice work.

1. Undertakes verification of weekly/monthly water level data of general observation wells received Category-5 from the field offices and compares the same with normal water levels and rainfall at district level and consolidating the same for the entire State. ANALYST 2. Attends to the verification of a sample of all hydrographs received from field offices, correlating them with rainfall.

3. Attends to scrutinizing and consolidation of pre and post monsoon water levels received from field offices, comparing the same with that of previous year for studying trends of groundwater levels in all areas with special reference to the areas prone to drought 4. Consolidates after verification of rainfall data and other statistical data pertaining to agricultural and irrigation as related to groundwater and surface water from the reports received from field offices. 5. Attends to maintenance of registers containing data on water levels, rainfall, basic data reports, chemical quality, and agricultural and irrigation statistics received from field offices.

Category/ Nature of Functions ( Duties)

31 Post Category-6 1. Procurement of scientific equipment. ASSISANT 2. Analysis of groundwater levels. ENGINEER 3. Analysis of base flow studies [2 times a year] [CIVIL] 4. Construction of hydrographs and preparation of depth to water level contour maps.

Category-9 1. Incharge of Drawing and Tracing section. 2. Supervies the work of Draughtsman Grade.II and Tracers. DRAUGHTSMA 3. Preparation of publication maps. N 4. Preparation of exhibition maps. GRADE.I 5. Preparation of charts and diagrams.

Category-12 1. Consolidates weekly/monthly water level data received from all the field officeces in the State for the 1800 number of general observation wells. JUNIOR 2. Undertakes random verification of a sample set of the hydrographs received from field TECHNICAL offices correlating them with rainfall. ASSISTANT 3. Attends to the compilation of monthly rainfall data received from all field offices in the State for different hydrological analysis. 4. Attends to the compilation of the State level statistical data on land use, existing irrigation wells of all types, cropping pattern etc., received from all field offices. 5. Attends to the job of orderly maintenance of hydrological, hydrogeological, chemical quality data of groundwater samples, drilling data etc., [600 wells] received from all the field offices for future use and guidance. 6. Undertakes to consolidate village wise inventory of all types of wells received from field offices during cross-checking sample survey for extrapolation purpose atdistrict level for the entire State.

Category-18 1. Takes out stencil copies of circulars, memorandao etc., on Gestner duplicator and AMMONIA print outs on Ammonia Printing Machine. PRINTING AND 2. Cleans duplicating machine and oils it regularly. RONEO 3. Brushes the machine every day morning before commencing the work. OPERATOR 4. Keeps the impression rolls quite clean to get improved results. 5. Changes the ink cloth when existing one on the duplicator is clogged too much with ink. 6. Takes care to see that copies taken are not spoiled and wasted due to defective inking or use of bad inks. 7. Oils and Cleans the machine one in amonth. 8. Records particulars of repairs in machine card from time to time. 9. Maintains receipt and issue register.

Category-20 1. He is held incharged of Xerox machine, being responsible for its care and up keep. 2. Takes out copies of important and urgent references on Xerox machine. BLUE PRINT 3. Takes out blue prints. AND XEROX 4. Brushes and cleans the machine every day morning before commencing the work to OPERATOR get improved results. 5. Maintains register of Xerox paper received and used and obtains acknowledgement from the Officers/Staff concerned. ANDHRA PRADESH GROUNDWATER SERVICE - A.P.GROUNDWATER SERVICE RULES. [B] AT DISTRICT OFFICE: Class-II, III and IV/ 1. Supervises all administrative, Accounts and Technical maters at District level. Category-1 2. Controls and supervises the work of both Technical/Non-technical Officers/Staff in the district. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 3. Finalises the field programme proposals, inspects the work carried out in [HYDROGEOLOGY]/ different disciplines and organises for the achievement of the targets.

32 DEPUTY DIRECTOR 4. Attends Review Meetings at district level / Directorate, monitors field work. He [HYDROLOGY]/ is responsible for timely submission of monthly reports, other periodicals etc. DEPUTY DIRECTOR 5. Assigned field duties to Technical Officers & Staff, [GEOPHYSICS] scrutinises and approves technical reports. 6. Acts as a liason Officer in between Directorate and District Administration, Co- ordinates with user agencies (i.e) District Rural Development Agency, District Scheduled Castes Service Co-operative Society Ltd., etc. 7. Prepares Budget / Revised Estimates for his office, attends to the submission of monthly and other periodic returns of Establishment/Accounts/ Budget and other technical matters. 8. Acts as Appointing Authority to Ministerial and last grade services. Attends to the sanctions of leave/increments/ advances etc. to them. Draws amounts on A.C. bills and forwards D.C Bills. 9. Acts as Drawing & Disbursing Officer, authorised to receive deposits from the District authorities to execute the specified work, duly obtaining sanctions from the Head of the Department (i.e) Directorate, duly furnishing Accounts to the depositing agencies. 10. Countersigns the T.A Bills of Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted Establishment of the office. 11. Organises Hydrogeological and Geophysical Surveys for selection of sites for construction of different types of wells (i.e) dug-wells, dug-cum bore wells, tube wells, filter points and artificial recharge structures under various programmes of other sectoral offices (i.e) JRY, NSFDC, DRDA, IRDP, SFDA, ITDA, Corporations/Private parties for different purposes. 12. Arranges for establishment of Observation well network and to collect seasonal water level fluctuation date, water samples in pre and post monsoon periods for monitoring of groundwater quality. 13. Arranges to monitor all observation wells for water levels and quality, streams for their discharge and quality, delineation of areas prone to water logging as a result of over irrigation. 14. Organises Hydrological Investigations for selection and construction of artificial recharge structures like Percolation Tanks, Check dams, High-level Bridges. 15. Organises collection of field data on existing wells structures, well yields, command under wells, cropping pattern, acquifer parameters of wells, for using in the periodical evaluation of groundwater potential. DRILLING : Arranges keeping the rig fully engaged by obtaining various programmes from the District Authorities, provides necessary inputs like fuels, pipes and other accessories in consultation with Head Office.

PUMP TEST : Arranging pumping test for acquifer parameters in various formations and different areas by providing man power and equipments Submission of Basic Data Reports, Handingover of wells, Realisation of Cost within reasonable time i.e., 6 Months. VEHICLES : Provides Vehicles for surveys, includes in maintenance, upkeep, 33crutinizes movements for economical deployment with minimum trips to Head quarters. Conducting every month field checks for physical verification of quality and quantity of work for various works of Hydrological, Hydrogeological, Drilling, Geophysical and Chemical. Submits Inspection Reports each month to Head office. Checks the works other officers like Assistant Director, conduct field checks in detail in selective fields such as Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Hydrology and Drilling and submit inspection report once in a month to HO.

33 Class-II/III/IV 1. Assists Deputy Director in all Technical and administrative aspects Category-2 2. Involves with the Deputy Director in formulation of field programmes. 3. Review the work and scrutinizes reports submitted by all field officers. ASSISTANT 4. Collects data from other organisations for preparation of Notes/Maps DIRECTOR concerning to Groundwater exploration and management. [HYDROGEOLOGY] 5. Analyses, Re-interprets, consolidates investigation reports, drilling data, basic data reports submitted by field officers and validates all data coming under ASSISTANT HIS. DIRECTOR 6. Attends field checks to up-keep all types of equipments. [GEOPHYSICS] 7. Scrutinises field reports and helps reports of specific ASSISTANT Nature i.e district reports, formation-wise reports. DIRECTOR 8. Processes Monthly diaries of field officers. [HYDROLOGY] 9. Conducts special kind of investigations affecting public at large.

Class-II/ He takes up field work involving :- Category-3 Hydrogeological Mapping : ASSISTANT a) In hard rock areas, delineation of zones on the basis of weathering HYDRO- characteristics, Joint pattern solution features etc, as the case may be, GEOLOGIST disposition of acquifers on the basis of attitude of beds. b) In softrock areas delineation of contact between hard / soft rocks to reflect the extent of zones saturation in soft rocks, water bearing properties of acquifers and aquicludes. c) Collection of soil samples, for determination of infiltration properties and aquifer samples for hydrologic properties. d) Collection of water samples for chemical analysis to obtain a clear picture depth-wise and aerial extent of various quality zones. e) Collection of date by inventory of wells for preparation of depth to water table, water table contour and quality maps and areas showing different degrees of potentiality, groundwater exploitation level, well densities, areas feasible for further exploitation and areas suitable for different types of wells.

2 Measurement of water levels of Observation wells established to study the fluctuation of water levels and interpretation of data. 3. Carrying out pump tests, slug tests for determination of aquifer parameters like co-efficient of permeability, transmissibility, storage, specific yield of wells etc., 4. Attending to drilling, collection of representative samples, preparation of lithological log, drilling time log, recommending well design on the basis of grain size, analysis and electrical log etc., attending to development of well, carryingout pumptests on the completed well and all other related works. 5. Carryingout laboratory studies of the soil, aquifer materials, determination of preliminary water quality by conductivity bride, PH determination etc., 6. Collection of data such as land utilisation particulars, well densities, status of work carried out by other agencies in the areas surveyed and all such other related information required for making a technical appraisal of the groundwater resources, existing level of exploitation, further available potential for development in consultation with other deciplined in the department. 7. Working out cost benefit ratio of groundwater schemes. 8. Preparation of consolidated reports on the various aspects of groundwater investigations and development possibilities. 9. Such other duties assigned from time to time.

34 Class-II/ He takes up field work involving Category-3 Evaluation of watershed characteristics : a) Delineation of regions into various river basins, sub-basins and watersheds for ASSISTANT planning hydrological data compilation and analysis programme. HYDROLOGIST b) Classification of various watersheds in the region for establishment of rainfall- run off relationship for each watershed and for better understanding of groundwater resource potential and its distribution vis-à-vis surface water resources. c) Compilation of data pertaining to soil characteristics collected by various organisations for preparation of soil maps, river basin-wise on a large scale. Stream flow measurements : Compilation and interpretations of stream guaging data from various organisations in the region, to arrive at base flow (groundwater)component. Establishment of stream check points in the region, collection and analysis of river bed material for grain size distribution and infiltration characteristics and collection of water samples for chemical analysis. a) Collection of data regarding surfacewater resoruces development through lift irrigation schemes, diversion channels etc., and development of sub-surface flow through infiltration galleries, collector wells etc., to account for changes in the river flow. b) Analysis of stream discharge data and computation of groundwater discharge into the stream from various basins in the region, demarcation of zones of influent and effluent seepage.

c) Carrying out field investigations to arrive to seepage rates from stream beds.

Study of evapotranspiration, soil misture and other parameters havingt bearing on hydrological aspects. a) Evapotranspiration studies by installation of tubes, determination of paddy field infiltration ratio, water requirement of crops in various agro climatic zones etc. b) Determination of soil moisture in various seasons in selected localities, specially in project areas.

Survey work : a) Levelling and other types of survey work to determine the attitude of groundwater table etc., and preparation of maps.

Class-IV/ He takes up field work involved: Category-3 1. Reconnoissance and detailed type of geophysical investigations including [a] seismic [b] electrical [c] other type of geophysical surveys. ASSISTANT 2. Connection of existing well data to geophysical profiles, test soundings at the GEOPHYSICST site of existing wells wherever necessary. 3. Determination of anisotrophy by radial soundings. 4. Collection of water samples from wells along profiles for conductivity or resistivity determination, as the case may be and for correlation of results. 5. Connection of profiles to nearest bench mark 6. Interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso-resistivity and other maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas etc. 7. Geophysical well logging and correlation of geophysical observations with borewell characteristics, demarcation of lithology, salinity and other formations characteristics and qualities of water in them. 8. He attends to headquarters work consisting of analysis of data on regional scale for different geological formations statistically.

35 9. Laboratory studies, study of resistivity of various formations with variations in water content, salinity of water, comparison of lab data with field data etc. Seismic methods - single or two channel seismic timer: Geophysical personnel 2 [one Asst.Geophysicist, one Technical Assistant[Gp] out in number of soundings =4 per day, line kilometers covered per day 0.4 to 0.5 km. [depending on the strength of signal generated by hammer in the given area]. - 12 channel seismograph: Geophysical personnel [1 Assistant Geophysicist and 2 Technical Assistants, Tecnhnical Bearer, non geophysical; one shooter and one Dark Room Assistnat [for developing seismic records]. Output in spreads [distances of 10 m. between geophones] is 2 per day. - Electrical methods [a] Electrical profiling: Geophysical personnel: one Assistant Geophysicist and one Technical Assistant[Gp]. Output in no.of stations [for station intervals from 25 to 50 m.] per day. {with one separation = 100 stations} {with two separations = 55 stations}{with three separations = 33 stations} - Vertification Electrical Soundings: [a] Geophysical personnel: one Assistant Geophysicist and one Technical Assistant[Gp]. Output in no.of VES: {5 [maximum AB upto 300 m.]}{4 [maximum AB from 500 to 1000 m.]} {2 [maximum AB from 1000 to 2000 m]}

Class-V/ 1. Determination of pH, Specific Conductance, Total Dissolved Solids, Colour Category-3 Carbidity, Carbonate, Bicarbonate Calcium, Magnesium [Mg], Pottasium [K], Sodium [Na], Fluoride[f], Nitrate[NO3], Total Hardness and other radicals of ASSISTANT water samples. CHEMIST 2. Supervises Laboratory analytical instruments for upkeep and safe operation. Handles pH meter, specific conductance meter, flamephotometer, spectrophotometer, turbidity meter and neflor meter and attends to periodic calibration of the instruments. 3. Classical methods of determination of radicals by volumetric methods. 4. Conversion of radicals, determined by volumetric analysis into PPMs[ parts per millions] and EPMs [equal parts per millions]. 5. Calculation of SAR [Sodium Adsorption Ratio] and RSC[Residual Sodium Carbnate] for determining suitability of waters for irrigation. 6. Attends to the preparation of quality maps like EC, Chlorides, TDS and Fluorides etc., and Piper diagrams, Willcox Diagrams for specific areas of interest.

7. Preparation of Formatised Analytical Reports for the water samples analysed at the chemical lab of the Region/Directorate. 8. Maintenance of stock registers and history books of laboratory instruments and different chemicals.

Class-VIII/ 1. Scrutinizes analysis of monthly/weekly water level data of observation Category-2 wells and issues brochures giving the seasonal trends of groundwater regime, specially those with declining trend suggestive of strain in the ASSISTANT regime. STATISTICIAN 2. Arranges collection, compilation and analysis of rainfall data of all the district stations with reference to groundwater levels. 3. Arranges for collection and compilation of agricultural and irrigation statistics Mandal-wise and analysis of trends in the cropping pattern with

36 reference to groundwater. 4. Inspects the field officers under his control and advises the Analysts/Junior Technical Assistants on maintenance of data on hydrological, hydrogeological, chemical analysis of water samples and drilling data etc., Random checking of water levels in observation wells monitored by local observers. 5. Conducts cost effective surveys from time to time to arrive at a cost benefit ratio for well irrigation for different crops and in comparison with other sources of irrigation.

Class-IX/ He is overall incharge for- Category-3 1. Uninterrupted drilling programme, operation of drilling machinery lime compressors, engines, tractor, trucks, light vehicles and other equipments ASSISTANT in his jurisdiction. EXECUTIVE 2. Supervision of the works of Assistant Engineer/Drilling Section and ENGINEER verification of progress reported in the log reports, weekly and daily reports [MECHANICAL] on drilling. 3. Preparation of estimates for repairs, cost of borewells and tubewells. 4. Construction, testing, operation and lowering of well assembly, development, energisation work of wells etc. 5. He assists the Deputy Executive Engineer in arranging of repairs, renewals of machinery, in inspection of rigs, vehicles and other allied machinery. A.P.GROUNDWATER SUB-ORDINATE SERVICE RULES Category-1 He takes up field work involving :- 1. Hydrogeological Mapping : TECHNICAL a) In hard rock areas, delineation of zones on the ASSISTANT basis of weathering characteristics, Joint pattern [HYDRO- solution features etc, as the case may be, GEOLOGY] disposition of acquifers on the basis of attitude of beds. b) In softrock areas delineation of contact between hard / soft rocks to reflect the extent of zones saturation in soft rocks, water bearing properties of acquifers and aquicludes. c) Collection of soil samples, for determination of infiltration properties and aquifer samples for hydrologic properties. d) Collection of water samples for chemical analysis to obtain a clear picture depth- wise and aerial extent of various quality zones.

e) Collection of date by inventory of wells for preparation of depth to water table, water table contour and quality maps and areas showing different degrees of potentiality, groundwater exploitation level, well densities, areas feasible for further exploitation and areas suitable for different types of wells. 2 Measurement of water levels of Observation wells established to study the fluctuation of water levels and interpretation of data. 3 Carrying out pump tests, slug tests for determination of aquifer parameters like co- efficient of permeability, transmissibility, storage, specific yield of wells etc., 4 Attending to drilling, collection of representative samples, preparation of lithological log, drilling time log, recommen- ding well design on the basis of grain size, analysis and electrical log, attending to development of well, carrying- out pumptests on completed well and all other related works Carryingout laboratory studies of the soil, aquifer materials, determination of

37 preliminary water quality by conductivity bride, PH determination etc., Collection of data such as land utilisation particulars, well densities, status of work carried out by other agencies in the areas surveyed and all such other related information required for making a technical appraisal of the groundwater resources, existing level of exploitation, further available potential for development in consultation with other deciplined in the department. Working out cost benefit ratio of groundwater schemes. Preparation of consolidated reports on the various aspects of groundwater investigations and development possibilities. Such other duties assigned from time to time.

Category-2 He takes up field work involving 1. Evaluation of watershed characteristics : TECHNICAL a) Delineation of regions into various river basins, sub- ASSISTANT basins and watersheds for planning hydrological [HYDROLOGY] data compilation and analysis programme. b) Classification of various watersheds in the region for establishment of rainfall-run off relationship for each watershed and for better understanding of groundwater resource potential and its distribution vis-à-vis surface water resources. c) Compilation of data pertaining to soil characteristics collected by various organisations for preparation of soil maps, river basin-wise on a large scale.

Category-3 He takes up field work involved: 1. Reconnoissance and detailed type of geophysical investigations including [a] TECHNICAL seismic [b] electrical [c] other type of geophysical surveys. ASSISTNAT 2. Connection of existing well data to geophysical profiles, test soundings at the [GEOPHYSICS] site of existing wells wherever necessary. 3. Determination of anisotrophy by radial soundings. 4. Collection of water samples from wells along profiles for conductivity or resistivity determination, as the case may be and for correlation of results. 5. Connection of profiles to nearest bench mark 6. Interpretation of field data, preparation of Iso-resistivity and other maps, preparation of depth profiles, correlation of various geophysical characteristics with hydrogeological properties, indication of potential areas etc. 7. Geophysical well logging and correlation of geophysical observations with borewell characteristics, demarcation of lithology, salinity and other formations characteristics and qualities of water in them. 8. He attends to headquarters work consisting of analysis of data on regional scale for different geological formations statistically. 9. Laboratory studies, study of resistivity of various formations with variations in water content, salinity of water, comparison of lab data with field data etc.

Category-5 1. Attends to the compilation of pre and post monsoon water levels and comparing the same with previous years for observation wells [60 to 100 per district]. ANALYST 2. Attends to the preparation of well hydrographs of weekly water levels and correlating with rainfall 3. Undertakes collection and compilation of rainfall data for all the Stations in the district and collection of agricultural and irrigation statistics related to groundwater and surface water. 4. Prepares a report on the rainfall data with discussions on seasonal conditions and also comparing the same with previous years 5. Undertakes technical verification of village base maps, updating the wells newly

38 constructed from time to time [once in 2 to 3 years] 6. Takes of the work of compilation of weekly water level data of general observation wells and analyzing the same with normal water levels and rainfall. 7. Looks after maintenance of data on water levels, rainfall, basic data reports, chemical quality of water samples, agricultural and irrigation statistics and updating them, periodically. Category-6 1. Monitors groundwater through observation wells in the area of jurisdiction. 2. Collects and interprets data of surface water utilization in relation to the groundwater ASSISTANT recharge. ENGINEER [a] compiles and interprets data pertaining to surface water resource potential and present exploitation in the region through tanks, reservoirs etc., and estimates [CIVIL] groundwater recharge. [b] carries out field investigations to arrive at seepage rates from canals, tanks, etc., in representative locations. [c] collects particulars of various irrigation command areas in each basin for planning conjunctive utilization of surface and groundwater resources. 3. Conducts study of infiltration characteristics of soils for groundwater recharge estimation. 4. Carries out field infiltration tests at representative locations in various soils within the area of jurisdiction. 5. Studies the effect of soil conservation measures in recharging the groundwater basins. Conducts studies to assess feasibility of groundwater augmentation by artificial recharge in critical locations by methods such as the basin method, recharge through wells etc. 6. Construction of meteorological stations, stream gauging stations, installation of water level recorders and other miscellaneous works and preparation of estimates therof. 7. Undertakes laboratory analysis of soil aquifer materials for determination of aquifer characteristics like permeability, specific yield, soil texture and other physical properties Category-7 1. Operation of drilling rigs in the field with supporting equipments. [a] DRILLING 2. Construction of tubewells, lowering of casing pipes, gravel packing and SUPERVISOR development of wells. 3. Checking of oils, lubricants, change of filters and routine maintenance of all machinery and equipments and trouble shooting in respect of minor problems. 4. Conducting pumping tests with submersible pump, generator set, turbine pumps etc.

5. Maintenance of welding set, generator set, rigs, compressor, trucks, tractors etc. 6. Maintenance of log books, history books for repairs, renewals, DLR/DPR/WLR/WPR etc., Tools and plant register, stock register etc., at site. 7. Submission of detailed reports on repairs, performance reports on machinery, bits, hammers etc. Category-8 1. Engages in the determination of radicals such as pH, Specific Conductance, Total LABORATORY Dissolved Solids, Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, ASSISTANT Sodium, Fluoride, Nitrate, Total Hardness. 2. Involves in Laboratory work of operation of pH meter, specific conductance meter, flamephotometer, spectrophotometer for chemical analysis. 3. Attends to the classical methods of volumetric analysis by titrations. 4. Conversions of volumetric analysis results into PPMs and EPMs and calculation of SAR and RSC for determining irrigation suitability. 5. Helps in the preparation of quality maps and plotting of data for preparation of diagrams like Piper, Wilcox. 6. Helps in tabulation and preparation of analytical reports for samples analysed.

39 Category-10 1. Assists the Driller in operation of drilling machinery, compressors etc. ASSISTANT 2. Assists the Driller in construction of borewells/tubewells, lowering of well DRILLER assembly, gravel packing, bentonite mixing etc. 3. Assists the Driller in repairs to rigs, diesel engines, compressors, servicing of hammers, grinding and dressing of bits and other machinery. 4. Assists Driller in installation of pumping test equipment, conducting of pumping test, recording data connected to above operations. 5. Attends to the job of checking of oils, lubricants, recording meters etc. of drilling. Category-11 1. Tracing of geological and mineral maps on topographical base with cartographical details, DRAUGHTSMAN pattern and colouring. GRADE.II 2. Compilation of geohydrological, geological, mineral maps of different sizes. 3. Compilation of geophysical and engineering geology maps of different scales. 4. Reduction and enlargement of maps. 5. Tracing of hydrographs of observation wells. 6. Countouring of different parameters on maps of different themes. 7. Preparation of project command area maps. 8. Preparation of DPAP., National Watershed, Watershed Agricultual Maps. 9. Preparation of depth to water level/water table, isohyets, countour maps.

Category-12 1. Attends to the job of compilation of weekly/monthly water level data of all the JUNIOR observation wells in the district [60 to 100 per district] and preparation of monthly TECHNICAL reports. ASSISTANT 2. Draws hydrographs correlating with rainfall data, attends to the collection of monthly rainfall data for all the Mandal Rainguage Stations in the district [40 to 60 Manals per district] 3. Attends to the job of updating statistics on land use, existing wells of all types, cropping pattern etc., on mandal level. 4. Undertakes collection and technical verification of village base maps and updating the base maps with data on new wells received from Mandal Revenue Officer concerned from time to time [once in 2 to 3 years] 5. Attends to the job of orderly collection and maintenance of hydrogeological, hydrological, chemical quality data of groundwater samples, drilling data etc. and compilation of basic data reports for future use and guidance. 6. Undertakes to conduct a sample survey for types of well structures in a group of villages for cross checking purpose.

Category-13 Operator pumpsets of various types of the office concerned. Maintenance of pumps OPERATOR FOR [submersible jet, compressor and centrifugal equipment], accessories, generator sets, PUMPSET maintains stock registers, log books and engages in installation of pumpsets. Category/Post Nature of Functions ( Duties)

Category-14 1. Tracing of geological and mineral maps on topographical base. TRACER 2. Colouring of all kinds of maps. 3. Tracing of hydrographs of observation wells. 4. Tracing of gemoprhological maps.

Category-15 1. Attends to the maintenance of workshop at regional level. MECHANIC 2. Attends to minor repairs, replacement to rigs, vehicles, petrol/diesel trucks, tractors, light vehicles, maintenance of machinery. 3. Attends to repairs at field level machinery and allied equipments in case of emergency. 4. Prepares estimates for minor repairs and renewals. 5. Attends to threading, cutting, turning, fabrication work connected to drilling.

Category-16 1. Attends to the maintenance of welding and generator sets and relevant records. WELDER 2. Attends to repairs and replacements of welding and generator set.

40 3. Attends to welding operation of casing pipes during drilling of borewells/tubewells. 4. Attends to fabrication works connected to drilling at site and regional workshop.

Category-17 1. Attends to the maintenance of workshop at regional level. 2. Attends to minor repairs, replacement to rigs, vehicles, petrol/diesel trucks, tractors, light ASSISTANT vehicles, maintenance of machinery. MECHANIC 3. Attends to repairs at field level machinery and allied equipments in case of emergency. 4. Prepares estimates for minor repairs and renewals. 5. Attends to threading, cutting, turning, fabrication work connected to drilling

Category-19 1. Assists Lab Assistant in mixing the chemicals. LABORATORY 2. Engages in cleaning of glassware after completion of analysis for a batch of ATTENDER samples. 3. Involves in an orderly maintenance of lab equipment, including glassware, analytical instrument etc.

Category-20 1. Assists the Geophysical team in field work. [a] HELPER AND 2. Attends to upkeep of geophysical accessories. TECHNICAL 3. Assists Drillers and Assistant Drillers in drilling operations. BEARER 4. Attends to loading/unloading of drilling materials like rods, hammers, casing pipe and other items. 5. Helps in servicing, repairs to rigs, compressors, hammers, pumping equipments, trucks, vehicles etc. 6. Attends to the handling of machine tools, spares, accessories of different drilling rigs. 7. Attends to the digging of mudpits required in rotary drilling. 8. Attends to collection of lithological samples and water samples during drilling operations, labeling samples depth wise for litholog. 9. Attends to jobs like receiving and mixing of bentonite and other muds used in Rotary and other combination drilling methods. 10. Attends to jobs like gravel packing for Rotary drilled wells in soft rocks and lowering of well assembly after the electrical logging.


Category-1 & 2 1. distributes tappals to the clerks and sees that they are properly accounted for and put up by them promptly. SUPERINTENDE 2. Examines the distribution register and sees that the clerks invariably and promptly NT acknowledge the papers entered in it. 3. Exercises general supervision over the Section both in regard to dispatch business and in regard to discipline. Takes the necessary steps to ensure that no avoidable delay, occur and no paper is shelved. 4. Inspects Personal Registers every month and sees that they are punctually, neatly and properly maintained. 5. Keeps a watch on incoming reminders, especially from Government and other Heads of Departments and looks into the cause of the delays that have evoked them. 6. Advises the Senior Assistants/Junior Assistants working under his control on difficult or intricate questions and examines from time to time the actual files in the clerk’s custody. 7. Reports grave delay or irregularity to the notice of higher authorities. 8. Examines the Registers of fair copying and dispatch at frequent intervals and sees that these are regularly and properly maintained. 9. Sees that no delay occurs in submission of papers, files, periodicals, returns etc., and the rules in DOM and Office Orders are strictly obeyed. 10. Indicates on the top of the draft the date on when the first reminder should issue and sees that the order which has been superseded or has since become obsolete as the case may be is removed from the Stock File.

Category-8 & 9 1. Must deal with all the subjects allotted to his seat.

41 SENIOR 2. Must submit all papers/currents received by him promptly. ASSISTANT 3. Receives tappals and acknowledges them promptly. 4. Registers the tappals in the Personal Register regularly. 5. Maintains the Personal Register punctually, neatly and properly. 6. Submits the Personal Register alongwith run on note for checking on the due dates without fail. 7. Arranges the papers in chronological order and sees that the papers are numbered neatly. 8. Brings forward the cases of previous year remaining un-disposed as on the 1st April, in the pages at the commencement of Personal Register. 9. Maintains periodical registers for the incoming and outgoing periodical returns. 10. Puts up reminders periodically on the due dates. 11. Maintains stock files of important orders and carefully keeps them upto date. 12. Deals with all kinds of establishment matters including pay fixation, pension cases and cases of disciplinary proceedings. 13. Prepares different types of bills such as contingent, advance, pay bills, AC and DC bills. 14. Maintains Cash Book, Increment Register and Service Registers. 15. Prepares Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates, Reconciles Departmental Expenditure figures with those recorded in the Accountant General’s Office, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. 16. Deals with correspondance of the Technical Sections under the guidance of Technical Officers with required urgency.

Category/Post Nature of Functions ( Duties) Category-10 & 1. Must deal with all the subjects allotted to his seat. 11 2. Receives tappals, acknowledges, arranges on chronological order and registers them in JUNIOR the Personal Register regularly. ASSISTANT 3. Must submit all papers/currents received by him promptly. 4. Maintains the Personal Register properly and submits the personal register punctually for check on the due dates. 5. Puts up reminders on the due dates and maintains stock files subject-wise of the Section concerned. 6. Enters all th tappals reeived in the Tappal Registers every day and distributes them to concerned. 7. Attends to dispatch and maintains stamp account. 8. Maintains registers of Attendance, Casual Leave, Holiday Turn duty etc. 9. Assists Senior Assistants in comparing fair copies. 10. Maintains and monitors head-wise and office wise monthly unreconciled expenditure figures and arranges to forward them to Government etc. 11. Attends any other work entrusted to him.

Category-12 1. Operates telephone board and its extensions. TELEPHONE 2. Receives incoming calls and connects to the concerned officers. OPERATOR 3. Connects all outgoing calls, books and issues trunk calls, phonograms to the District Offices and maintains Registers connected to them. 4. Watches recovery of personal calls made by the officers and staff members as per schedule. 5. Keeps long cord and dial cords in tact, and sees that board, telephones and accessories all function properly and gets them repaired/replaced, whenever required. 6. Acts as Receptionist and observes proper courtesies while dealing with officials and general public. Category-14 1. Acts as a Personal Assistant to Joint Director and Deputy Director. JUNIOR 2. Attends to all types dictations given by them. STENO 3. Maintains register of incoming and outgoing files. 4. Attends to incoming and outgoing telephone calls of the Officer concerned.

42 5. Types drafts, D.O.Letters, U.O.Notes and Fair Copies them. 6. Types tour programmes and inspection notes 7. Is held incharge of the typewriters and responsible for its care and upkeep.

Category-14 1. Types all drafts, U.O.Notes etc., and fair copies drafts and all communications. He types TYPIST his initials on the fair copies. 2. Keeps the machine clean and handles carefully with cloth or brush slightly moistened with cleaning fluid. 3. Is held incharge of the typewriters and responsible for its care and upkeep. 4. Maintains the Typist diary regularly. 5. Records the particulars of each repair to type machine from time to time in the card. 6. Avoids extravagant spacing. All communications are typed with single space instead of double space. 7. Notes, drafts and communications are typed on both sides of the paper. A.P.GENERAL SUB-ORDINATE SERVICE-A.P.GENERAL SUBORDINATE SERVICE RULES Category-I.A 1. Assists the record keeper in the scrutiny of the pages of files for signs of stamps RECORD ASST. having been removed.

2. Detaches index slips and pastes them in their proper order, and arranges them according to teir numbers or chronologically. 3. Arranges different kinds of periodical returns in bundles and filing records. 4. Destroys records punctually after the prescribed currency. 5. Collects the borrowed records from the concerned clerks. 6. Obtains signatures of the Clerks in the Records Issue Register in respect of old files. A.P.GENERAL SUBORDINATE SERVICE SPECIAL RULES Category-I 1. He keeps driving of Departmental vehicles like jeeps, crs, matadors etc. DRIVER [HEAVY 2. Attends to the up keep of vehicles and the cleaning, servicing jobs regularly. VEHICLE] 3. He attends to the proper maintainance of vehicles allotted. 4. Maintains log books properly and inspects oil level check in engine, gear oil, differential oil, break oil etc. Coolant in radiator, belt tension, electrolyte in storage battery, wiring connection, dynamo charge, self starter and horns etc. 5. Attends check up of tyre air pressure and stepny-wheel, check up of upholstery, seats etc. 6. He has to drive the rigs and supporting trucks of the Department. Category-1I 1. He keeps driving of Departmental vehicles like jeeps, cars, matadors etc. DRIVER [LIGHT 2. Attends to the up keep of vehicles and the cleaning, servicing jobs regularly. VEHICLE] 3. He attends to the proper maintainance of vehicles allotted. 4. Maintains log books properly and inspects oil level check in engine, gear oil, differential oil, break oil etc. Coolant in radiator, belt tension, electrolyte in storage battery, wiring connection, dynamo charge, self starter and horns etc. 5. Attends check up of tyre air pressure and stepny-wheel, check up of upholstery, seats etc. A.P.LAST GRADE SERVICE-ANDHRA PRADESH LAST GRADE SERVICE RULES Category-5 1. attends to the Officers and Sections to carry files, tappals etc. ATTENDER 2. Keeps the waste paper basket at convenient places and sees that waste paper is thrown into it and keeps stationary and records in Almirahs without exposing to dust. 3. Clears all rubbish and obselete forms, publications and waste papers. 4. Cleans and dusts the tables and chairs etc., of Officers and Staff. Brings drining water to Officers and Staff 5. Maintains silence in sections and corridors keeping neatly and dealing with public courteously.

Category-4 1. goes round the office as soon as they come to duty. Sees that all doors have been

43 WATCHMAN locked. Takes turn in going round the office every half and hour and keeps a patrol on verandahs and corridors. 2. Observes for possible out break of fire and sounds the fire alarm bell in that case. Category-6 1. Sweeps rooms of officers and sections and corridors including stair case properly MALI/SWEEPER every day. 2. Removes waste paper from the baskets. Washes the floor once in a week. 3. Removes dust lying on walls and windows by using vacuum cleaner. 4. Waters trees and plants in the garden.


The procedure followed in the decision making process including channels of supervision and accountability

44 1. The Works in the Districts (Survey and Investigation of site selection, Drilling of Bore wells/ Tube Wells) monitoring of GW levels in the established Observation wells and piezometers, GW quality monitoring at periodic intervals specified by the Government from time to time periodical estimation of Ground Water resources.

2. In addition to the above, surveys / investigation for pin pointing will points to SC/ST and BC beneficiaries as per the instructions of the District Collector, Project Officer, ITDA.

3. Deputy Director in the districts, are empowered to accord permission for well site recommendation and artificial recharge structures having capacity of 0.5 mcft.

4. If any tech.issues are involved in sand mining clearances, deep drilling, environmental clearances for Lift Irrigation schemes, industries and other major and medium projects will be cleared by the Directorate basing on the studies of the investigations conducted by the District Deputy Director’s as per guidelines issued from time to time.

5. The expenditure incurred the above investigations by the Deputy Directors are responsible for the expenditure incurred and account will be rendered to the concerned. The expenditure incurred under normal investigations like GW level monitoring, quality monitoring will be met from the regular budget.




1. DIRECTOR 1) He is Head of the Department. Overall control and Supervision of the entire Department. 2) Conducts inspection of District Offices / Surprise field checks. 2. JOINT DIRECTOR: 1) He is next to Director. State-wide Jurisdiction, Supervises and scrutinizes the work of 8 to 10 Senior Level Officers of Deputy Director’s Cadre. 2) Conducts field visits / checks – 60 days per annum. 3. DEPUTY 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTORS 2) District-wide jurisdiction. (HYDROGEOLOGY). 3) Supervises the 12 to 15 work of Technical Officers. 4) Supervises the work of Ministerial Section = 1 Section. 5) Supervises the work of Technicians = 10 to 12. 6) Conducts Field Checks. a) Integrated surveys = 20 sites per annum. b) Drilling = 5 sites per annum. c) Observation well, Water level data = 20 wells per annum. d) Problematic areas identified by the District Authorities = 10 per annum. 7) No.of Review Meetings at District/Head Office Level = 100 to 120 per annum. 8) Scrutinizes the survey reports = 1600 to 1800 per annum. 9) Reviews the diaries of officers and staff = 250 per annum. 4. ASSISTANT 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR 2) District wide jurisdiction = 5 to 7. (HYDROGEOLOGY). 3) Supervises the work of technical officers = 5 to 7. 4) Supervises the work of Technicians = 3 to 4. 5) Supervises the work of Ministerial Section = 1 Section. 6) Integrated surveys = 25 to 30 sites per annum. 7) Problematic areas = 5 per annum. 8) Attends District Review Meetings = 30 days per annum. 9) Supervises drilling sites = 5 per annum. 10) Scrutinises the survey reports (short term) = 1500 to 1800 reports per annum. 11) Reviews the diaries of Officers and technicians = 100 to 120 diaries per annum.

5. ASSISTANT Hydrogeological Surveys (with vehicle). HYDROGEOLOGIST: 1) Assessment of groundwater potential: Out turn per day for one field officer 3 villages or 10 Sq.Km. 2) Fixing of observation wells: Out turn per day for one field officer: a) Continuous Villages = 4 Villages. b) Spread Villages = 3 Villages. 3) Seasonal water level measurements: Out turn per day for one field officer: a) Continuous villages = 6 villages. b) Spread villages = 4 villages. 4) Site selection for wells: Out turn per day for one field officer: a) Complicated areas = 1 site. b) Ordinary area = 2 sites. N.B:- Without vehicle the out turn will be 50% of the

47 proposals given above. Field days = 120 days per annum. 1) Hydrogeological surveys (based on 120 days with vehicle) for delineation of potential areas. The field officer shall cover 10 Sq.Km. per day. i) The field officer shall examine 480 sites per year for construction of different types of wells under normal programme. Or ii) The field officer shall examine 250 sites per year under integrated Hydrogeological and Geophysical surveys for feasible sites selection. Or iii) The field officer shall examine 600 sites per year under Hydrogeological surveys in case of Schedules Caste land holdings. iv) Preparation of investigation reports, basic data reports, litho logs and other technical reports. 6. DEPUTY 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR 2) District-wide jurisdiction. (HYDROLOGY). 3) Supervises the 12 to 15 work of Technical Officers. 4) Supervises the work of Ministerial Section = 1 Section. 5) Supervises the work of Technicians = 10 to 12. 6) Conducts Field Checks. a. Integrated surveys = 20 sites per annum. b. Drilling = 5 sites per annum. c. Observation well, Water level data = 20 wells per annum. d. Problematic areas identified by the District Authorities = 10 per annum. 7) No.of Review Meetings at District/Head Office Level = 100 to 120 per annum. 8) Scrutinizes the survey reports = 1600 to 1800 per annum. 9) Reviews the diaries of officers and staff = 250 per annum. 7. ASSISTANT 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR 2) District wide jurisdiction. (HYDROLOGY). 3) Supervises the work of technical officers = 5 to 7. 4) Supervises the work of Technicians = 3 to 4. 5) Supervises the work of Ministerial Section = 1 Section. 6) Inspection of Observation Wells = 15 per annum. 7) Inspection of Pilot Basins = 5 per annum. 8) Inspection of Grey/Dark Area = 5 per annum. 9) Inspection of Stream Check Points and Springs = 3 per annum. 10) Inspection of problematic areas = 5 per annum. 11) Reviews the diaries of Officers/Staff = 100 - 120 per annum. 12) Scrutinises routins and detailed specific reports = 40-50 reports per annum. 13) Attends District Review Meetings = 30 days per annum.

48 8) ASSISTANT Measurement of flow at stream check points, collection of stream flow HYDROLOGIST. samples, drain samples etc., (a) Stream discharges should be measured once in each month for the non-monsoon period. (b) Stream discharge should be measured once in two months for monsoon period. (c) The check point sites need not be visited again during non- monsoon period, if no stream flow is observed during previous visit. Fly leveling: Out turn per day for one officer: Plain area = 5 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 2.5 Kms. Thick jungle area = 1.25 Km. Check levels and fixing of bench marks: Out turn per day for the field officer: Plain area = 1.5 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 0.75 Km. Thick jungle area = 0.4 Km. Chain survey with prismatic compass: Out turn per day for one field officer: Plain area = 3 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 1.5 Km. Thick jungle area = 0.75 Km. Conducts hydrological surveys / studies in the field for (120) days in a year. 1) Demarcation of water sheds and compilation of climatological data, soil mapping = 20 per annum. 2) Stream flow monitoring 2 times a year = 10 per annum. 3) Monitoring of observation wells 2 times a year = 30 per annum. 4) Surveys for check dams, percolation tanks = 30 wells per annum. 5) Fly leveling survey = 30 days per annum. 9. DEPUTY 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR 2) District-wide jurisdiction. (GEOPHYSICS). 3) Supervises the 12 to 15 work of Technical Officers. 4) Supervises the work of Accounts and Administrative Section(s) = 1 Section. 5) Supervises the work of Technicians = 10 to 12. 6) Conducts Field Checks. a. Integrated surveys = 20 sites per annum. b. Drilling = 5 sites per annum. c. Observation well, Water level data = 20 wells per annum. d. Problematic areas identified by the District Authorities = 10 per annum. 7) No.of Review Meetings at District/Head Office Level = 100 to 120 per annum. 8) Scrutinizes the survey reports = 1600 to 1800 per annum. 9) Reviews the diaries of officers and staff = 250 per annum.

49 10. ASSISTANT 1) Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR 2) District wide jurisdiction. (GEOPHYSICS). 3) Supervises the work of technical officers = 5 to 7. 4) Supervises the work of Technicians = 3 to 4. 5) Supervises the work of Ministerial Section = 1 Section. 6) Inspection of Integrated Surveys = 25 to 30 sites per annum. 7) Inspection of Problematic areas = 5 per annum. 8) Attends District Review Meetings = 30 days per annum. 9) Supervises drilling sites = 5 per annum. 10) Reviews the diaries of Officers/Staff = 100 - 120 per annum. 12 Scrutineses the survey reports = 1000 to 1200 short term investigation reports per annum. 11. ASSISTANT Seismic Methods GEOPHYSICIST. (a) Single of two channel seismic timer: Geophysical Personnel –2 (one Asst. Geophysicist, One Technical Assistant (GP) output in number of soundings = 4 per day, line kilometers covered per day 0.4 to 0.5 Km. (depending on the strength of signal generated by hammer in the given area). (b) 12 Channel Seismograph. Geophysical personnel – 1 Assistant Geophysicist and 2 Technical Assistants, echnical Bearer; non Geophysical; One shooter and one Dark Room Assistant (for developing seismic records). Out put in spreads (distances of 10m. between geophones) is 2 per day. Electrical Methods: a) Electrical Profiling Geophysical personnel: One Assistant Geophysicist and One Technical Assistant (GP). Output in No.of stations (for station intervals from 25 to 50 m) per day: With one Separations = 100 stations. With two separations = 55 stations. With three separations = 35 stations. b) Vertical Electrical Soundings: Geophysical Personnel : One Assistant Geophysicist and One Technical Assistant(GP). Output in No.of VES: 5 (Maximum AB upto 300 m.) 4 (Maximum AB from 300 m. to 500 m.) 3 (Maximum AB from 500 to 1000 m.) 2 (Maximum AB from 1000 to 2000 M.) 12. DEPUTY Supervisory category. DIRECTOR State=wide Jurisdiction. (WATER Supervises the work of 10 to 12 Officers and Technicians. ANALYSIS) Laboratory (field visits 20 to 25 days per annum. Scrutiny of Analytical work (Analysed by 4 labs) of about 7200 samples for pre and post monsoon periods. 13. ASSISTANT Supervisory category. DIRECTOR State-wide Jurisdiction. (WATER Supervises the work of 4 to 6 Officers and Technicians. ANALYSIS): Visits to field laboratory units 20 to 25 days per annum. Scrutiny of analytical work analysed by 3 Regional Labs = 4700 samples per annum. Analysis and scrutiny for samples at Directorate of about 2500 samples for pre and post monsoon period in a year.

50 14. ASISTANT 50 Samples per month (difficult radicals). CHEMIST: Scrutiny and Supervision of work of 1 to 2 Lab Assistants. 15. ASSISTANT Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR State-wide jurisdiction. (WATER Supervises the work of Officers and Technicians 1 to 2. MANAGEMENT): One Schedule for Andhra Pradesh per year. Five reports of selected projects per year. Six Basin reports per year. Six Papers / reports per year. 50 days per year. 16. ASSISTANT Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR State-wide Jurisdiction. (HYDROMETEO- Supervises the work of Officers and Technicians = 2 to 3. ROLOGY): Inspection of HM Stations 30 days per annum. 17. ASSISTANT For 20 Stations in the State. HYDROMETEO- For 20 Stations in the State. ROLOGY): 3 Registers per year. 1 number for each basin (7 numbers per year). Monthly reports for 20 Stations in the State. One Report. 1 number for each District per year. One Monthly Reports for all Mandals. One report each for the 20 Basins per year. One number for each district per year. 18. ASSISTANT Supervisory Category. DIRECTOR State wide jurisdiction. (STATISTICS) Supervises the work of Officers and Technicians = 4 to 6. 2 per annum. One report per annum. One report per annum. 20 days per year. 19. ASSISTANT Jurisdiction 6 to 9 districts, Supervises the work of 7 to 9 Technicians. STATISTICIAN. 12 Monthly districts reports per annum. One report for the region (6 to 9 districts) per annum. One report of Region covering the Districts under his control per annum. 30 days per annum. 5 days per annum. 0. EXECUTIVE Supervisory Category. ENGINEER: State-wide Jurisdiction. Supervises the work of Technical Officers and Technicians 5 to 6. Supervises the work of one Ministerial Section. Conducts field checks and visits for verification and guidance = 60 days per annum.

21. DEPUTY Supervisory Category. EXECUTIVE Region wide jurisdiction. (6 to 9 districts). ENGINEER Supervises the work of technical officers and technicians = 10 to 14. (MECHANICAL). Field days = 30 days per annum. Conducts inspection of vehicles, trucks, rigs, compressors on an average of 35 units per annum. 22. ASSISTANT Supervisory Category.

51 EXECUTIVE Zone wide jurisdiction ( 4 to 6 districts ). ENGINEER Supervises the work of Technicians 4 to 6. (MECH). Conducts inspection of machinery, such as rigs, trucks, jeeps, matadors and tractors on an average of 60 days per annum. 200 numbers per annum. 600 bore wells per annum. 40 vehicles per annum. 10 to 15 vehicles per year. 4 to 6 rigs per annum. 30 days per annum. 23. ADMINIST-RATIVE Checks the Personal Registers of )2) Sections of Establishment, consisting OFFICER: of 4 Senior Assistants and two Junior Assistants every month.

Checks the Fair Copy and Dispatch Registers at frequent intervals and sees that these are regularly and properly written up and that there is no delay.

Examines the distribution register and sees that Clerks invariably and promptly acknowledge the currents.

Checks the diaries of Junior Steno and 2 to 3 Typists.

Conducts inspection of District Offices on Administrative maters = 30 days per annum.

Checks the balance of stamps at periodical intervals and sees that account is properly maintained. 24. ASSISTANT Supervisory Category. ACCOUNTS State wide Jurisdiction. OFFICER. Supervises the work of Ministerial Section(s)=2 Sections. Checks the Personal Registers of 4 Senior Assistants and 2 Junior Assistants. Checks the cash book and allied registers = on each day of transaction. Verifies Cash on hand with reference to cash book = At the close of business on every working day. Conducts internal audit on all accounts matters = 60 days per annum. 25. TECHNICAL Hydrogeological Surveys (with vehicle): ASSISTANT 1) Assessment of ground water potential: (HYDROGEOLOG Out turn per day for one field officer: 3 villages or 10 Sq.Km. Y) 2) Fixing of observation wells: Out turn per day for one field officer: a) Continuous villages = 4 villages. b) Spread villages = 3 villages. 3) Seasonal water level measurements: Out turn per day for one field officer: a) Continuous Villages = 6 Villages. b) Spread villages = 4 villages. 4) Site selection for wells: Out turn per day for one field Officer: a) Complicated area = 1 site. b) Ordinary area = 2 sites. N.B.: Without vehicle the out turn will be 50% of the proposals given above. Field days = 120 days per annum. 1) Hydrogeological surveys (based on 120 days with vehicle) for delineation of potential areas. The field officer shall cover 10 Sq.Km. per day.

52 i) The field officer shall examine 480 sites per year for construction of different types of wells under normal programme. Or ii) The field officer shall examine 250 sites per year under integrated Hydrogeological and Geophysical surveys for feasible sites selection. Or iii) The field officer shall examine 600 sites per year under Hydrogeological surveys in case of Schedules Caste land holdings. iv) Preparation of investigation reports, basic data reports, litho logs and other technical reports.

26. TECHNICAL Measurement of flow at stream check points, collection of stream flow ASSISTANT samples, drain samples etc., (HYDROLOGY): (a) Stream discharges should be measured once in each month for the non-monsoon period. (b) Stream discharge should be measured once in two months for monsoon period. (c) The check point sites need not be visited again during non- monsoon period, if no stream flow is observed during previous visit. Fly leveling: Out turn per day for one officer: Plain area = 5 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 2.5 Kms. Thick jungle area = 1.25 Km. Check levels and fixing of bench marks: Out turn per day for the field officer: Plain area = 1.5 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 0.75 Km. Thick jungle area = 0.4 Km. Chain survey with prismatic compass: Out turn per day for one field officer: Plain area = 3 Km. Ordinary jungle area = 1.5 Km. Thick jungle area = 0.75 Km. Conducts hydrological surveys / studies in the field for (120) days in a year.

1) Demarcation of water sheds and compilation of climatological data, soil mapping = 20 per annum. 2) Stream flow monitoring 2 times a year = 10 per annum. 3) Monitoring of observation wells 2 times a year = 30 per annum. 4) Surveys for check dams, percolation tanks = 30 wells per annum. 5) Fly leveling survey = 30 days per annum.

27. TECHNICAL Seismic Methods ASSISTANT (a) Single of two channel seismic timer: (GEOPHYSICIST). Geophysical Personnel –2 (one Asst. Geophysicist, One Technical Assistant (GP) output in number of soundings = 4 per day, line kilometers covered per day 0.4 to 0.5 Km. (depending on the strength of signal generated by hammer in the given area). (b) 12 Channel Seismograph. Geophysical personnel – 1 Assistant Geophysicist and 2 Technical Assistants, echnical Bearer; non Geophysical; One shooter and one Dark Room Assistant (for developing seismic records). Out put in spreads (distances of 10m. between geophones) is 2 per day. Electrical Methods:

53 a) Electrical Profiling Geophysical personnel: One Assistant Geophysicist and One Technical Assistant (GP). Output in No.of stations (for station intervals from 25 to 50 m) per day: With one Separations = 100 stations. With two separations = 55 stations. With three separations = 35 stations. b) Vertical Electrical Soundings: Geophysical Personnel : One Assistant Geophysicist and One Technical Assistant(GP). Output in No.of VES: 5 (Maximum AB upto 300 m.) 4 (Maximum AB from 300 m. to 500 m.) 3 (Maximum AB from 500 to 1000 m.) 2 (Maximum AB from 1000 to 2000 M.)

29. ANALYST. 2 Reports per annum. 65 Hydrographs per annum. One report per annum. 360 Maps per annum. 12 reports per annum.

30. ASSISTANT Assessment of Ground Water Potential: ENGINEER Out turn per day for one field officer: (CIVIL). (a) 3 villages or 10 Sq.Km. Fixing of Observation Wells: Out turn per day for one officer: (a) Continuous Villages = 4 Nos. (b) Spread villages = 3 Nos. Seasonal water level mearements: Out turn per day for one officer: (a) Continuous villages = 6 Nos. (b) Spread villages = 4 Nos. Note:- Without vehicle the out turn will be 50% of the proposed. Conduction of infiltration tests: Collection of soil samples: (a) Execution of pits of depth less than 1.5 mtrs.

31. (a) DRILLING 1) 1 No.of field days = 200 days per annum. SUPERVISOR 2) To drill bore wells (on DTH Rig) = 40 bore wells or 1600 metres per annum. 3) To drill Tube wells (on Rotary Rig) = 6 numbers or 1600 metres per annum.

32. LABORATORY 900 Samples per annum. ASSISTANT. 900 Analytical reports per annum.

33. DRAUGHTSMAN Preparation of Publication Maps = 12 (GRADE-I) Preparation of Exhibition Maps = 24 Preparation of Charts and Diagrams = 50.

34. ASSISTANT 1) 1 No. of field days = 200 days per annum. DRILLER. 2) To drill bore wells (on DTH Rig) = 40 numbers or 1600 metres per annum. 3) To drill tube wells (on Rotary Rig) = 6 numbers or 1600 metres per annum.

54 35. DRAUGHTSMAN All units are per year. (GRADE-II) Tracings of Geological and Mineral Maps on topographical base with cartographical details, pattern and colouring = 30. Compilation of Geohydrological, Geological, Mineral Maps of different sizes = 30. Compilation of Geophysical and Engineering Geology Maps of different scales = 30. Reduction and enlargement of maps = 60. As may be required. Preparation of project command area maps. Preparation of DPAP, National Watershed, Watershed Agricultural maps. Preparation of depth to water level / water table, isohyets, contour maps. Tracing of hydrographs of observation wells = 100. Contouring of different parameters on maps of different themes = 20.

36. JUNIOR 12 Reports per annum. TECHNICAL Hydrographs for 65 wells per annum. ASSISTANT. One district report for all Mandals per year. One report per annum. 360 Maps per annum. 30 villages per annum.

37. OPERATOR FOR Conducts pumptests for 120 days per annum. PUMP SET.

38. TRACER. Tracing of Geological and Mineral Maps on topographical base = 60 per annum. Colouring of all kinds of Maps = 60 per annum. Tracing of Hydrographs of Observation Wells = 60 per annum. Tracing of Geomorphological Maps = 60 per annum.

39. MECHANIC: Attends to repairs to vehicles, rigs, tractors, compressors and welding sets = 15 to 18 units on an average per annum.

40. WELDER: No.of field days = 120 days per annum. To attend welding operation and repairs / replacement = 40 borewells or 8 tubewells per annum.

41. ASSISTAN Assists in attending to repairs to vehicles, rigs, tractors, compressors and MECHANIC. welding sets = 15 to 18 units on an average per annum.

42. AMMONIA Roneos 1,00,000 copies per annum on an average. PRINTING AND Ammonia prints of 120 to 160 originals per annum. RONEO Machine should be inspected by a Ministerial Head monthly once. OPERATOR.

43. LABORATORY Attends to 2 Lab Assistants, and one Assistant Chemist in the Laboratory in ATTENDER: mixing chemicals etc.,

44. HELPER AND Helps the Driller and Assistant Driller during drilling operations, Field duty TECHNICAL 200 days per annum. BEARER.

46. BLUE PRINT AND About 80,000 copies per annum.


47. SUPERIN- 1) Supervisory Category. TENDENT. 2) Supervises the work of 2 Senior Assistants and one Junior Assistant. 3) Checks up the Personal Register of 2 Senior Assistants and one Junior Assistant every month and sees that they are neatly and properly maintained. 4) Checks up balance of stamps at periodical intervals and sees that stamp account is maintained properly. 5) Checks up Typists diary every day and sees that the prescribed out turn is achieved. 48. SENIOR 1) must put up a currents per day in addition to maintenance of other related ASSISTANT Registers. 2) When reminders are issued their dates should be entered in red ink in Col.8 of Personal Register. 3) Must put up Personal Register regularly every month on due dates. 4) Questions asked in the run on notes are to be replied within 48 hours. 50. JUNIOR 1) must put up 6 currents per day in addition to maintenance of periodical and ASSISTANT other related registers etc., 2) When reminders are issued their date should be entered in red ink in respective column of the Personal Register. 3) Must put up Personal Register regularly on the due dates. 4) Questions asked in the run on note are to be replied within 48 hours. 51. TELE-PHONE Shall sit on Board from 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM with interval. OPERATOR 52. JUNIOR STENO. Types draft D.O.Letters, Letters, U.O.Notes of confidential nature that may be dictated. Watches the movement of PFs and maintains register of Personal Files. 53. TYPIST. Each Typist types 25 pages of foolscap size in double line spacing per day. 54. RECORD Goes round the Office once or twice a day to collect the borrowed records ASSISTANT. from Clerks and gets Col.7 of the R.I. Register filled and obtains the signatures of Clerks in Col.8 of the Record Issue Register. 55. DRIVER (HEAVY To accompany the technicians / drilling crew to attend the field work = 200 VEHICLE). days per annum. To run the Vehicle = Minimum 7500 Km. per annum.

56. DRIVER (LIGHT To accompany the Officers / staff to attend the field work = 200 days per VEHICLE). annum. To run the vehicle = 20000 Km. per annum.

57. ATTENDER. 1) Must attend Office from 9.30 AM to 5.00 PM. 2) Must be able to read and write the local languages. 3) Must be able to ride a cycle if the appointment is to the post in an office to which bicycle is supplied. 58. WATCH-MAN. They will be on duty from 6 PM to 6 AM every day. Carries a whistle and stout bamboo 5’ long. Carries duplicate keys in a sealed bag.

59. MALI / SWEEPER. Sweeps 12 Rooms, 4 Halls once in a day. Washes 12 Rooms, 4 Halls once in a week.



57 15.1 Rules and Regulations: 2 The scientific functions of the department is governed by the rules and regulations made by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, I&CAD Dept. The Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules (FR&SR) and General Financial Rules (GFR) issued from time to time by Government is used by employees of CGWB for discharging the administrative functions.

5.2 Manuals / Guidelines and records :

Results of investigations carried out by the Department are documented as technical reports, scientific papers, maps, manuals and Atlases. Based on the experiences gained through various studies and experiments in the field of ground water, the AP Ground Water Department has brought out number of manuals / guidelines which, help in further scientific studies. The list of important manuals and guidelines are given below: Manuals :

0 • Rotary Drilling Handbook on Accident Prevention and Safe 1 Operating Practices 2 • Methods of Collection and Analysis of Water Samples and 3 Interpretation of Water Analysis Data, 1974. 4 • Modern Methods of Ground Water Analysis, 1976. 5 • Evaluation of Aquifer Parameters, 1982. 6 • Manual on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, 1994. 0 • Manual on Hydrograph Network Stations 1 • Manual on surface Geophysical surveys for ground water 2 exploration. 3 • Manual on geophysical logging of water wells 2 25.3 Besides the following manuals are also used by APSGWD employeEs for discharging their functions. Manuals 1• PWD Code 2• Accounts code vol-I,II,III 3• Treasury Code vol-I,II 4• District Office Manual 5• ICB’s,NCB’s and Local Shopping Procedure’s 6• DGS&D manuals 7• B.I.S. Specifications for various equipment and stores. 8• Norms issued by the GOI/MOWR in respect of life of machinery & equipment 9• Norms of vehicles issued by Government of A.P. Guidelines 10. Guidelines for Reappraisal Hydrogoelogical studies – March 2003

58 . Guidelines for ground water exploration – 2003 .Guidelines for Artificial Recharge to Ground Water.



59 6.1 As per the mandate of APSGWD as well as the priorities fixed by the Government from time to time, the identified activities are executed through Annual Action Plan. The data generated through various studies provide a scientific base for planning the development and management of ground water resources by the user agencies. Results of investigations carried out by the Board are documented as technical reports, scientific papers, atlases, map and manuals, which are published. In addition, the national compilations are also being published on various aspects of Ground water.

6.2 The various documents that are held by APSGWD or under its possession can be broadly categorized as

1i. Documents in electronic form 2ii. Documents in printed form

6.3 Documents in electronic form: The data/ information in electronic form can be further grouped under two categories. The first category of electronic data includes the materials included in the official website of the APSGWD which gives a brief account of the organizational structures as well as various activities and achievements of the APSGWD. Efforts are being made to bring all the relevant data and reports in electronic/ digital form.

The details regarding the information available in electronic form is provided separately in Chapter XIV.

6.4 Documents in printed form:

The documents in the printed form available with APSGWD can be broadly grouped under two categories.

1i. Unpublished Technical reports 2ii. Atlases/ Maps/ Manuals/Reports etc.

6.5 Unpublished Technical reports:

Under this category, the findings of various regular studies are compiled in the form of reports as discussed below.

(i) Report on Systematic Hydrogeological Surveys

Ground Water Department has completed the Systematic Hydrogeological Survey for the entire State in 1991 with an objective to provide first hand information regarding the occurrence, distribution and extent of ground water in space and time. The Dept has brought out reports on the surveys are brought out as unpublished reports. The reports consist of preliminary information regarding hydrogeological set up and availability of ground water in the study area. The findings are incorporated in various technical reports.

(ii) Report on Reappraisal Hydrogeological Surveys

Reappraisal Hydrogeological Surveys are carried out after every three to five years in the areas already covered under Systematic Survey. The objective of the study is to assess the changes in ground water regime in terms of quality and quantity and to provide essential information for taking up various activities related to development and management of ground water. The report consists of all aspects related to hydrogeology and ground water development potential of the

60 area.. An area of approximately 10 lakh. Sq. Km is covered in each five year plan. These reports are available in the library of respective District offices and few of them are also available in the Library of Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

(iii) Report on Ground Water Exploration

The ground water exploration is aided by drilling of exploratory wells to decipher aquifer geometry, estimation of hydraulic parameters and their yield potential to identify area suitable for ground water development. The various procedures, methodologies and observations during the construction of exploratory wells are compiled in the form of Basic Data Report. Time to time Board brings out state wise compilation of exploration data in the form of reports on Ground Water Exploration giving details of district wise number of wells drilled, location of wells, drilled depth, zones tapped and other aquifer parameters. The basic data reports are available in the District office records and in the Regional office library. The findings are summarized periodically for the state and made available to the State agencies; the copies are available at libraries of Regions and Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

(iv) Report on Ground Water Monitoring:

Ground Water monitoring is being done through a network of 4000 observation wells distributed throughout the A.P. State. Water level is monitored six times a year (Jan/March/May/July/Sept/Nov) and water samples are collected twice a year in the month of May and November for water quality analysis. The seasonal monitoring data of the Districts is analyzed and compiled at District Office level. Ground Water Year Book for each district is compiled and published, giving details of depth to water level and maps for each measurement. The reports are made available to the State administration for suitable action. The copies are available at libraries of District Offices and Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

(v) Report on Ground Water Statistics

APSGWD brings out Ground water statistics annually. It contains useful information on ground water resources at state and district levels, resources classification under basins, tribal & drought prone districts etc. It also contains state /district -wise status of hydrograph Network observation wells, state/district wise status of exploratory drilling and other related useful information. The copies are available at libraries of District Offices and Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

(vi) Report on Ground Water Resource Estimation

Based on the methodology for Ground Water Resource Estimation (1984,1997) ground water resources are estimated in consultation with state water related agencies and NABARD including Central Ground Water Board. The "Ground Water Resource of Andhra Pradesh” was published by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in 1985 and is being updated which gives a comprehensive and realistic picture of ground water resource availability in the state. The copies are available at libraries of District Offices and Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

(vii) State/ District Reports

The data/ information collected through various studies for the districts relating to ground water occurrence, distribution and development prospects are compiled in the form of District Reports. These reports provide a scientific base for planning and management of ground water development schemes by the user agencies. The copies are available at libraries of District Offices and Ground Water Directorate,Hyderabad.

61 (viii) Water Balance Study Project Reports

Between 1974 and 1985, APSGWD carried out detailed water balance studies through 16 pilot projects and 16 critical basins. Voluminous data was generated through such projects and the technology developed was provided to the State Ground Water related Organizations to help them prepare plans for scientific development and use of ground water resources for various purposes.

(ix) Short Term Water Supply Investigations

Water supply investigations are carried out to solve the immediate water supply problems of urban, rural and rehabilitation centers, and other public sector undertakings and industrial complexes and are generally confined to small areas. After completion of each investigation a report is submitted to the concerned agency recommending possible solutions for water supply problems.

(x) Report on Artificial Recharge Studies

The data/ information collated during implementation of the various area specific Artificial Recharge schemes are compiled in the form of reports giving details of feasibility studies completed and recommendations for construction of suitable artificial recharge structures. The impact assessment reports are available in the respective Regions.

(xi) Report on Feasibility studies for Conjunctive use of surface and ground water :

The feasibility studies for Conjunctive use of surface and ground water are being studied in four major project irrigation command areas through out the state. The results of these studies and reports have been made available to concerned state agencies for implementation. The reports data are also available at concerned District Offices and at Ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad.

6.6 (b) Atlases/ Maps/ Manuals

i) Hydrogeological Map of Andhra Pradesh & Districts

The Department has compiled the first hydrogeological map of the state in 1976 and has been revised in 1989 and 2002. The Department also published state hydrogeological Atlases which give a pictorial representation of the states total ground water scenario for use by planner. So far Department has published the Hydrogeological Atlases of Andhra Pradesh and the concerned 22 Districts These atlases are available for consultation at respective District offices and ground Water Directorate, Hyderabad. During the Fresh water Year 2003, District Ground Water User Maps have been prepared for nearly all the districts of the state depicting basic information regarding ground water

62 development possibilities in pictorial form. These maps are available with the respective District offices.

ii) Manuals / Guidelines

Based on the experiences gained through various studies and experiments in the field of ground water and considering the related problems and issues, the A.P. State Ground Water Department, has brought out number of manuals which serve as guidelines and reference material which are listed in Chapter V.

(iii) Reports



There is no direct representation of the public in formulation and implementation of departmental policies and no specific arrangement exists for consultation or representation by the public. However, suggestions and recommendations of the seminars / workshop conducted by APSGWD on various aspects of ground water development and management are given due considerations while formulating work programme. The public opinion emerging from mass awareness programme is also given cognizance. The suggestions received through State agencies / government, NGO’s & VO’s are also given due considerations in the policy planning.

Every Monday is declared as a Public Grievances Day. During that day any grievances received from the citizens will be received by the District Collector at District headquarters and the same will be forwarded to the concerned officials to take necessary action and report compliance.

Further, Zilla Parishad General Body Meetings will be held quarterly followed by Standing Council Meetings in which problems will be discussed in detail and action will be taken accordingly.




S.No. Name of the Committee/Board Representation of Category of the Ground Water representation Department in the cadre of 01 State Environmental Committee Director Member 02 High Level Task Force at State Director Member Level on Reviewing and Monitoring the drinking water supplies from Nagarjunsagar Canals 03 Regional Coordination Committee Director Member [National Institution of Hydrology] 04 State Level Coordination and Director Member Monitoring Committee for Clouding Operations for 2005 05 Technical Committee on Rain Director Member Water Harvesting Programme 06 State Hydrological Information Director Member System Coordination Committee 07 State Level Steering Committee Director Member 08 Committee to Examine issues Director Member related to non-functioning of DWLRs in different agencies procured under Hydrology Project-I 09 Hydrological Information System Director Member Management Groups [Technical- HP.II] 10 Hydrological Information System Director Member Management Groups [Institutional Strengthening and Training]-HP.II 11 Hydrological Information System Director Member Management Groups [Data

66 dissemination and Coordination] -HP.II 12 Hydrology Data Users Group Director Member 13 Single Window Clearance Director Special Invitee. Committee 14 A.P.Walta, 2002 and 2004 Director Member 15 National Bank for Agriculture and Director Member Rural Development’s Board Meeting 16 State Level Bankers Committee Director Member 17 A.P.State Remote Sensing Director Member Applications Centre

S.No. Name of the Committee/Board Representation of Category of the Ground Water representation Department in the cadre of 18 A.P.Scheduled Castes Cooperative Director Member Finance Corporation 19 Ground Water Estimation Director Member Committee 20 A.P.State Cooperative Bank Director Member Limited 21 National Geophysical Research Director Member Institute 22 National Remote Sensing Agency Director Member Project Participant 23 Geological Programming Board of Director Member Mines and Geology 24 State Level Water Quality Director Member Committee 25 AP WENEXA. Project-II Director Chairman. 26 A.P.State Cooperative Rural Director Member Irrigation Corporation Ltd., 27 State Level Groundwater Director Member/ Committee Convenor. 28 Bhima Lift Irrigation Project, Joint Director Member Mahabubnagar 29 Technical Coordination Committee Joint Director Member of Sriramsagar Project on conjunctive use 30 A.P.Water Vision Joint Director Liason Officer to Task Force.


68 Sl. Name of the Address Phone No. No District Cell No. 1. Head Office Sri Md.Imtiyaz, 9540-23223220 DIRECTOR 9948373796 1 Deputy Director, 958942-278739 Srikakulam Ground Water Department, H.No.2-3-185, Chinna Bondilipuram Palakonda Road, 9948373807 SRIKAKULAM – 532 001 2 Deputy Director, 958922-223827 Vijayanagaram Ground Water Department, Upstairs of District Employment office, Balaji Nagar, 9948373808 Vizianagaram – 531 203 3 Deputy Director, 95891-2539322 Visakhapatnam Ground Water department, H.No.6-15-37/1, Near Siridi Sai Baba Temple, East Point Conlony, 9948373809 Visakhapatnam – 530 017 4 Deputy Director, 95883-2469530 East Godavari Ground Water department, H.No.77-9-45/1, Gunuru Complex, Thadithota, 9948373810 Rajahmundry – 533 104 5 Assistant Director, 95884-2376482 Ground Water Department, H.No.8.22.31, Pattabhi Street, 9948373812 Gandhinagar, Kakinada-513 003. 6 Deputy Director, 958812-252972 West Godavari Ground Water Department H.No.24-A, 3-7, Sri Devi Nilayam, Thimmarusivari Street, 9948373813 Eluru 534 002 7 Deputy Director, 95866-2431578 Krishna Ground Water department, H.No.33-14/12/c-1 and C Kadiyalavari Lane, Sitharam Puram, 9948373814 Vijayawada – 520 002

69 8 Deputy Director, 95863-2230767 Guntur Ground Water Department 250930 1st Lane Ramannapet, Guntur – 522 007 9948373815

Sl. Name of the Address Phone No. No District Cell No. 9 Deputy Director, 958592-221434 Prakasam Ground Water Department, D.No.32-1-423, 2nd Lane, Ramnagar, ONGOLE 9948373816 Praksham District 10 Deputy Director, 95861-2327104 Nellore Ground Water Department H.No.15/92-C, Upstairs, Subedharpet, Near Kanakamahal Centre, 9948373817 Nellore – 524 002 11 Deputy Director, 958572-232837 Chittoor Ground Water Department, H.No.20-1/2-6, Naidu Building, Chittoor – 517 001 9948373818 12 Deputy Director, 958562-244076 Cuddapah Ground Water Department, H.No.6-721, Sankarapuram, Cuddapah – 516 001 9948373819 13 Deputy Director, 958554-278905 Anantapur Ground Water Department, Drought Prone Areas Programme Office, Ramnagar, Anantapur – 515 004 9948373821 14 Assistant Director, 958554-278141 Ground Water Department, Block A, Plot No.1, Coop.Central Bank Colony, Anantapur-515 004, 9948373822 Anantapur district. 15 Deputy Director, 958518-229467 Kurnool Ground Water Department, Plot No.8, Dhanareddy Complex, Opp: ITC Zinco Ltd., Chodeswara Nagar, 9948373823 Beside NH-7, B-Camp Post, Kurnool –518 002 16 Deputy Director, 958514-243035 Ground Water Department, Srisailam Right Branch Canal, H.No.29-195, Tekke, Nandyal, Kurnool district. 9948373824

70 Sl. Name of the Address Phone No. No District 17 Deputy Director, 958542-245509 Mahaboobnagar Ground Water Department, H.No.1-3-51/C, Dr.Vijayalakshmi House Complex, Near Shetty Complex, Rajendranagar, 9948373825 Mahaboobnagar – 509 001 18 Deputy Director, 9540-24732720 Hyderabad/Rang Ground Water Department, are Gaganvihar, 5th Floor, M.J.Road, dd Nampally, y HYDERABAD – 500 001. 9948373826 19 Deputy Director, 911-276387 Medak Ground Water Department, H.No.6-11-8/82, Near Old Bus Stand Sangareddy 9948373828 20. Deputy Director, 958462-238017 Nizamabad Ground Water Department, H.No.6.2.186, 1st floor, Subashnagar, 9948373829 Nizamabad. 21 Deputy Director, 958734-242190 Adilabad Ground Water Department, H.No.7-2-84/1 & 2, 1st Floor, Near China Gate, Nirmal – 504 106, ADILABAD. 9948373830 22 Deputy Director, 95878-2243483 Karimnagar Ground Water Department, H.No.2-10-734, 735 Joythi Nagar, Karimnagar–505 002 9948373831 23 Deputy Director, 95870-2577402 Warangal Ground Water department, H.No.1-8-181, Balasamudram, Near Canara Bank, Hanmakonda, Warangal – 506 001 9948373832 24. Deputy Director, 958742-223362 Khammam Ground Water Department, H.No.6.2.87, Jammibanda, Khammam. 9948373833 25. Deputy Director, 958742-224235 Nalgonda Ground Water Department, H.No.5.8.429/A, Besides ITI., Miryalaguda Road, Nalgonda.508 001, 9948373834



72 An amount of Rs.27,17,318/- is received from different agencies under A.P.WALTA, CLDP, DWMA during this year i.e., from 4/2006 to 8/2006 and out of which an amount of Rs.21,10,921/- is spent for the above works.


SL.NO. CATEGORY SCALES 1 DIRECTOR 23500-30765 2 Joint Director 15500-30000 3 Executive Engineer (M) 13390-28500 4 Deputy Director(Hydrology) 12385-27750 5 Deputy Director(Hydrogeology) 12385-27750 6 Deputy Director (Geophysics) 12385-27750 7 Deputy Director (Water Analysis) 12385-27750 8 Deputy Executive Engineer (M) 10845-25600 9 Asst.Director (Water Management) 10285-24200 10 Asst.Director(H) 10285-24200 11 Asst.Director(Gp), 10285-24200 12 Asst.Director (WA) 10285-24200 13 Asst.Director(Hg) 10285-24200 14 Asst.Director (HM) 10285-24200 15 Asst.Director (Statistics) 10285-24200 16 Administrative Officer 10285-24200 17 Asst.Hydrogeologist 9285-21550 18 Asst.Geophysicist 9285-21550 19 Asst.Hydrometeorologist 9285-21550 20 Asst.Chemist 9285-21550 21 Asst.Hydrologist 9285-21550 22 Asst.Accounts Officer 9285-21550 23 Asst.Statistician 9285-21550 24 Asst.Executive Engineer (M) 9285-21550 25 Tech.Asst.(Gp) 9285-21550 26 Tech.Asst.(Hg) 9285-21550 27 Tech.Asst.(Hydrology) 9285-21550 28 Asst.Engineer (C) 8815-20300 29 Drilling Supervisor 8815-20300 30 Superintendent 7770-18575 31 Analyst 7770-18575 32 Lab Asst. 6505-15025 33 Draughtsman Gr.I 6505-15025 34 Senior Assistant 6195-14175 35 Jr.Tech.Asst. 6195-14175 36 Asst.Driller 5470-12385 37 Draughtsman GR.II 5470-12385 38 Mechanic 5470-12385

SL.NO. CATEGORY SCALES 39 Operator for Pumpset 5200-11755

73 40 Asst.Mechanic 5200-11755 41 Driver (LV) 4595-10285 42 Driver (HV) 5200-11755 43 Tracer 4825-10845 44 Ammonia Printing & Roneo Operator 4260-9520 45 Blue Print & Xerox Operator 4050-9050 46 Helper 3850-8600 47 Technical bearer 3850-8600 48 Laboratory Attender 3850-8600 49 Junior Assistant 4825-10845 50 Typist 4825-10845 51 Telephone Operator 4825-10845 52 Junior Steno 4825-10845 53 Record Assistant 4260-9520 54 Attender 3850-8600 55 Watchman/ Mali/ Sweeper/ 3850-8600




2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

75 Sl. Schemes No Budget Expen- Budget Expen- Budget Expen- Budget BRO for 3 Expen- Allo- diture Allo- diture Allo- diture Allo- Quarter diture cation cation cation cation

Non- 585.00 564.01 639.00 638.89 1025.55 685.66 1402.72 523.16 448.95 plan

1 Special 112.50 99.42 121.50 114.60 217.75 167.82 294.36 133.74 44.50 Compon ent plan

Tribal 52.50 47.11 49.50 48.69 88.70 62.05 119.92 52.46 9.19 Sub-Plan

Total Plan 750.00 710.54 810.00 802.18 1334.00 915.53 1817.00 774.64 502.64

2 National 266.00 15.24 183.00 *70.00 4.77 Hydrolo gy Project (EAP)

3 CAD- 120.00 80.06 120.00 93.34 100.00 80.27 136.55 *38.68 46.34 Plan

4 Non- 896.52 928.79 949.21 1052.88 1184.67 1153.20 1321.43 651.06 662.84 Plan



77 The Department is not having any activity having subsidy and hence there is no information in this item.



113.1 Ground Water Department is not having any scheme which involves concessions, permits or authorizations. However, as, part of mandated activity, APWALTA undertakes the following measures 21. Regulation of ground water development and management in severely overexploited notified areas under APWALTA. In these notified areas, in view of acute water scarcity, limited permissions are accorded to government water supply agencies, schools, hospitals etc on case to case basis to meet the water requirement. 32. In such notified areas permission is also accorded for ground water recharge structures accorded on case to case basis based on scientific design considerations. 43. Regulation of ground water development by industries/projects in dark and over exploited non Notified Areas 4. Registration of drilling agencies.

79 To implement the directives of APWALTA, the District Collectors/District Magistrates of the concerned Notified areas have been directed under Section 5 of EPA, 1986 to take necessary action in case of violation of directives of APWALTA. NUMBER OF GEOLOGISTS/GEOPHYSICISTS REGISTERED WITH THE DEPARTMENT FOR TAKING UP INVESTIGATIONS AND RIGS REGISTERED FOR OPERATION

Sl. District Geologist/ Rigs registered No Geophysicist As on As on 31-12-07 31-12-07 1 Srikakulam 2 65 2 Vizianagaram 2 19 3 Visakhapatnam 3 26 4 East Godavari 1 80 5 West Godavari 2 203 6 Krishna -- 93 7 Guntur -- 13 8 Prakasam 5 6 9 Nellore -- 117 10 Chittoor 2 107 11 Kadapa -- 70 12 Anantapur 5 189 13 Kurnool 2 39 14 Mahabubnagar 3 59 15 Hyderabad/ 12 636 Rangareddy 16 Medak 2 6 17 Nizamabad -- 70 18 Adilabad 1 30 19 Karimnagar 3 89 20 Warangal -- 13 21 Khammam -- 64 22 Nalgonda 2 10 Total 47 2004



14.1 The information available in electronic form includes the materials included in the official website of the Board and the computerized scientific data available with District Data Storage centers of concerned District offices and State Ground Water Data Center (SGWDC) at Hyderabad.

14.2 Web Site : The address of web site is,. The information / data related to organizational structure, various activities and achievements of the department , as well as ground water profile of the AP state Ground Water Department is posted in web site in electronic form which is periodically updated. The information on the web site is broadly classified into following categories

1• Organizational Structure 2• APWALTA 3• Ground water Exploration 4• Ground water Monitoring 5• Ground water Resources 6• Water balance study Projects 7• Artificial Recharge 8• Conjunctive Use 9• Publications 10• Hydrology Project 11• About GEMS

81 12• Contact Addresses and About APSGWD 13• Ground water Profile of Districts

14.3 The scientific data related to ground water, such as details of wells monitored, time series of water level as well as historical data on ground water quality is available in electronic form in user friendly format. The scientific reports published in last few years are also available in electronic form in soft copies. Efforts are being made to computerize various historical data and reports.


S. NO OF * FROM To NO. OF DATA N DISTRICT PIEZOMETE POINTS AVAILABLE O R As on 31-12-07 1 Srikakulam 39 MAY-98 Dec-07 2524 2 Vizianagaram 32 MAR-98 Dec-07 3052 3 Visakhapatnam 47 JAN-98 Dec-07 4196 4 East Godavari 48 NOV-97 Dec-07 4880 5 West Godavari 32 NOV-98 Dec-07 3237 6 Krishna 42 MAY-98 Dec-07 3696 7 Guntur 52 NOV-97 Dec-07 4239 8 Prakasam 64 MAY-97 Dec-07 6339 9 Nellore 32 NOV-97 Dec-07 2621 10 Chittoor 60 MAR-98 Dec-07 5853 11 Kadapa 51 NOV-97 Dec-07 4926 12 Anantapur 71 NOV-97 Dec-07 7577 13 Kurnool 65 MAY-98 Dec-07 6940 14 Mahabubnagar 60 MAR-98 Dec-07 5813 15 Rangareddy 54 NOV-98 Dec-07 3941 16 Medak 40 MAR-98 Dec-07 4485 17 Nizamabad 42 MAR-98 Dec-07 2707 18 Adilabad 36 MAR-98 Dec-07 2909 19 Karimnagar 48 NOV-97 Dec-07 4716 20 Warangal 48 MAY-99 Dec-07 3599 21 Khammam 41 MAR-98 Dec-07 3479 22 Nalgonda 29 MAR-98 Dec-07 2645 * Start date of water level data available in the district, but this is not same for all the piezometer in the district

DISTRICT WISE TOTAL DATA POINTS OF GENERAL OBSERVATION WELLS, ANDHRA PRADESH Sl. Total data points No DISTRICT PERIOD As on 31-12-07 1 Srikakulam 1974 - 2007 9927 2 Vizianagaram 1991 - 2007 3827 3 Visakhapatnam 1974 - 2007 4546 4 East Godavari 1972 - 2007 19392 5 West Godavari 1973 - 2007 11671 6 Krishna 1973 - 2007 9178 7 Guntur 1979 - 2007 6188

82 8 Prakasam 1978 - 2007 8839 9 Nellore 1974 - 2007 20339 10 Chittoor 1979 - 2007 12300 11 Kadapa 1974 - 2007 16363 12 Anantapur 1985 - 2007 7923 13 Kurnool 1972 - 2007 10573 14 Mahabubnagar 1975 - 2007 7785 15 Rangareddy 1975 - 2007 7088 16 Medak 1990 - 2007 6158 17 Nizamabad 1990 - 2007 3746 18 Adilabad 1982 - 2007 13621 19 Karimnagar 1984 - 2007 6925 20 Warangal 1988 - 2007 11077 21 Khammam 1977 - 2007 7629 22 Nalgonda 1975 - 2007 5094 ANDHRA PRADESH 210189 Note: Data is updated upto November, 2007 .




15.1 The information in respect of APSGWD can be obtained in electronic form through the Official web site and Dedicated data dissemination programme i.e Water Informations and Data Online Management ( GWDES) . In addition , the published data can be consulted through scientific reports / Publications from the Library located at Ground Water Directorate,Hyderabad and District offices located through out the state. The details of facilities are discussed below :

15.2 Web Site : APSGWD is having its official website hoisted by Govt. of A.P. with links to various District Offices. The address of web site is ,. The site gives a brief account of the organizational structure, various activities and achievements of the Department as well as ground water profile of the districts. The site is accessible freely by the citizens.

115.3 Library : A.PState Ground Water Directorate has a library and reading room at its Headquarters, Hyderabad and in other District offices located at all District Head Quarters. These libraries have the collection of Scientific and Technical books mainly related to ground water. They also have unpublished technical reports from various Regional /other offices, selective National and International journals related to ground water. In addition to scientific and technical books, library is having collection of administrative books and selected Telugu books to promote use of Telugu in the official work. 2 15.4 Presently the Library facility is available to authorized users from various state and central organizations, research scholars of various universities and institutions and VOs/ NGOs, besides its own officers and officials during office hours. The facility is extended to the public with proper approval from the competent authority.

15.5 Working Hours : The Library located at AP Ground water Directorate,Hyderabad functions during the official hours, between 10.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on any working day. The timings of Libraries at other District offices are variable from 10.30 a.m. to 5.00p.m. with 30 minutes lunch break.

84 15.6 Procedure of obtaining data : The data / information available in the web site are freely accessible . The WSDOM software is accessible to authorized users , which provides the catalogue of ground water related data available with APSGWD. The user has to make a formal request of data using built-in online facility, which will be processed and authenticated at Ground Water Data Center, Hyderabad for onward transmission to concerned data centers for dissemination .

15.7 The dissemination of scientific data / documents / publications to the public will be made as per the provisions in the Right to Information Act - 2005, through concerned Public Information officers and Asstt. Public Information Officers with proper request. The request will be analyzed by respective Information/Asstt. Public Information Officers and a formal letter intimating the processing and reproduction cost , if any, with details of mode of payment shall be intimated . On receipt of the same, the data/ information will be provided subject to the restrictions imposed by the Department and Government from time to time.


85 The names of (26) Public Information Officers / Asstt.Public Information Officers and Appellate authority of Ground Water Department and their place of functioning are given below:

ANNEXURE TO CIRCULAR MEMO. NO. 85347/I&PR.II/A1/2005-7, DATED: 3.9.2005. FORMAT TO REPORT THE ACTION TAKEN FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF APIO'S, PIO'S AND THE APPELLATE AUTHORITY UNDER SECTION 19 (1) OF THE RIGHT OT INFORMATION ACT, 2005 Officers designated and appointments made as State Assistant Public State Public Information Officer to act as State Information Officer Officer Appellate authority under Section 19 (1)

I Secretariat Sri R.Venkataswamy Sri A. Satyanarayana Sri Sutirtha Battachary IAS Level Dy. Secretary to Governemnt Secretary to Government

Ground Assistant Public Public Information Officer to act as Water Information Officer Officer Appellate authority Department under Section 19 (1)

II HOD Level Sri D.Jaganmohan Rao Sri Rawoof Hashmi Sri Md.Imtiyaz, Deputy Director Deputy Director Director.

II District Level

1 Srikakulam Sri M.L.N Murthy Sri K.S.Sastry, Sri K. Ashalu Senior Assistant Asst.Director Deputy Director

2 Sri G.Srinivasa Rao, Sri R K M. Raju, Sri P. Prasada Rao, Vijayanagaram Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

3 Sri E. Sreedevi, Sri P. Someswara Rao Sri D. Bheema Sankara Rao, Visakhapatnam J r.Asst., Assistant Director Deputy Director

4 Rajahmundry Sri N.B.V.Reddy, Sri K. V. Krishna Mohan Sri R. Ramalingeswara Rao Asst.Geophysicist, Assistant Director Deputy Director

5 Kakinada Sri K. Venkateshwar Rao, Sri T.V.V. Sathyanarayana Sri M. Christopher Assistant Hydrologist Assistant Geophysicist Asst.Director)

86 6 Eluru Sri B.Srfinivas, Sri N.Ranga Rao Sri K. Obal Reddy, Assistant. Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

7 Vijayawada Sri G. Satyajeevan Rao Sri B. Chowdary Babu Sri D. K. V. Subha Rao, Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

8 Guntur Sri A. Sambasiva Rao, Sri G. Shashi Kumar, Sri B. Nagarajeswara Rao Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

9 Ongole Sri N.S.R. Murthy Sri M. Rama Prasad Sri B. NagaRajeswar Rao, Assistant Assistant Director Deputy Director Geophysieist

10 Nellore Sri C.H.Bethalu Sri M. Nagamalleswara Rao Sri D. Doraswami Naidu, Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

11 Chitoor Sri K. Srinivasulu Sri K.Laxma, Sri D. Doraswami Naidu, Superintendent Assistant Director Deputy Director

12 Kadapa Sri G. Veeranarayana Sri K. Thirupal Reddy Sri U. Ramachendrudu Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

13 Anathapur Sri M. Kariyappa Sri C.V. Ramanna Sri M.V. Pullaiah (DPAP) Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

14 CUFU, Sri M. Mallikarjuna Rao Sri K. Sannanna Sri M. John Satya Raju Anathapur Assistant Hydrologist Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director

15 Kurnool Sri S. Mastanvali Sri T.Pushothama Reddy Sri T.Govardhan Assistant Hydrologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

16 Nandyal Sri G. Vignaneswar Sri S. Mastanvali Sri K.Venugopal Assistant Assistant Director Deputy Director Hydrogeologist

17 Mahabubnagar Sri T. Narsimulu Sri G.Mohan Rao Sri S. Raghavendra Superintendent Assistant Director Charry, Deputy Director

18 Rangareddy Sri V .Radhakrishna Sri N. Sridhar, Sri P.Adi Reddy, Rao, Asst.Director, Deputy Director, Administrative Officer

19 Sangareddy Smt. G. Shanta Devi, Smt G. Kanaka devi, Smt G. Kanaka devi, Superintendent Deputy Director Deputy Director

20 Nizamabad Sri G.Venkateswara Rao, Sri N.Prabhakar Rao, Sri Sri V. Vijay Kumar, Superintendent Assistant Director Deputy Director

21 Adilabad Sri B. Muralikrishna, Work Sri B.Narender, Sri K. Manohar Reddy Inspector Assistant Geophysist Deputy Director

87 22 Karimanagar Sir N.Raji Reddy, Sri R.V. Venkateshwar Rao Sri R.V. Venkateshwar Rao Asst.Hydrogeologist, Deputy Director Deputy Director

23 Warangal Sri M.Srinivas Rao Sri P. Veerasomaiah Sri CH. Prasad Rao Assistant Geophysist Assistant Director Deputy Director

24 Khammam Sri D.Ramesh Kumar Sri A. Varaprasad Rao, Sri Sambaiah Assistant Hydrogeologist Assistant Director Deputy Director

25 Nalgonda Sri A. Chandra Reddy Sri Dr. P. Prasad Sri T.Dhanunjaya Assistant Geophysicist Assistant Director Deputy Director

IV Division Level This Department has only up to district level offices and there are no Division level, Mandal level and Village level offices V Mandal Level VI Village Level, if any

The designated officer or any other officer designated time to time as PIO/APIO by the Department shall be approached by the public for obtaining the desired information / data with the written request in person or through other communications. The needy persons will also be guided by the PIO/APIO for registering proper request. The PIO/APIO will process and register the request and forward to he concerned section / officer who is holding the said information. The concerned officer who is holding the information becomes the “ de-facto ’ information officer who will transmit the desired information to the PIO/APIO in prescribed time limit for onward transmission.



No information



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