Dictionry of Cut Spelngs
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A absurdities absurditis acknowledg(e)ment abundant abundnt aknolejmnt A-: for words not listd belo abusive abusiv acolyte+s aclyt+s beginng with prefix A-, se undr abysmal+ly abysml+y aconite acnite baseword; eg, for ‘aback’, se Abyssinian Abysinian acoustic+ally acustic+ly ‘back’. academically academicly acquaintance aquaintnce Aaron Aron academ+y,+ies acadm+y,+is acquainted aquaintd abandon+ed,+ing abandn+d,+ng accelerate accelrate acquiesce aquiesce abandonment abandnmnt accented accentd acquiesced aquiesd abasement abasemnt acceptable acceptbl acquiescent aquiesnt abashed abashd accept+ance,+ed accept+nce,+d acquire aquire abatement abatemnt accepting acceptng acquisition aquisition abattoir abatoir accessible accesbl acquisitive aquisitiv abbey+s abb+y,+is accessory accesry acquit+tal,+ted aquit+l,+d abbreviate abreviate accident accidnt acreage acreaj abdomen abdmn accidental+ly accidentl+y acrimonious acrmonius abdominal abdomnl acclaim+ed aclaim+d acrimony acrmny abduct+ed,+ors abduct+d,+rs acclamation aclmation act+ed,+er,+ing act+d,+r,+ng Aberdeen Abrdeen acclimatise/ize aclimatize actionable actionbl aberrant aberant accolade aclade active activ aberration abration accommodate acomodate activities activitis abett+ed,+ing abet+d,+ng accompanied acompnid actor actr abeyance abeynce accompany acompny actually actuly abhorr+ed,+ent abhor+d,+ent accompaniment acompnmnt actualise actulize abilities abilitis accomplice acomplice acupuncture acupunctur abnormal abnorml accomplish+ed acomplish+d adage adaj abolish+ed,+ing abolish+d,+ng accomplishing acomplishng adagio adajio abolition ablition accomplishes acomplishs Adam Adm abominable abomnbl accomplishment acomplishmnt adamant admnt abomination abomnation accord+ance,+ed acord+nce,+d adaptable adaptbl aborigin+al,+e aborijn+l,+e according acordng adapt+ed,+ing adapt+d,+ng abort+ed,+ive abort+d,+iv accost+ed acost+d adaptive adaptiv abound+ed,+ing abound+d,+ng accountable acountbl add+ed,+endum ad+d,+endm above abov account+ant,+ed acount+nt,+d addict+ed,+ive adict+d,+iv abrasive abrasiv accounting acountng adding adng abridge+d abrij+d accoutrements acutremnts additional+ly aditionl+y abroad abrod accredit+ed acredit+d additive aditiv abscess absess accretion acretion addled adld abseil+ed,+ing abseil+d,+ng accrue+d,+s acru+d,+s addressed adresd absent+ee accumulate acumulate addressing adresng (=not presnt) absnt+ee accura+cy,+te acura+cy,+t adduced aduced absent+ed accursed acursd Adelaide Adlaid (=to absent oneself) absent+d accuse acuse Adelphi Adelfi absolut+e,+ion abslut+e,+ion accustom+ed acustm+d adenoids adnoids absolve+d absolv+d achievable achevebl adequate adequat absorb+ed,+ent absorb+d,+nt achieve+ment acheve+mnt adhesive adhesiv absorb+er,+ing absorb+r,+ng Achilles Achiles adieu adiu abstain+ed,+ing abstain+d,+ng acknowledge+d,+s aknolej+d,+s adjacent ajacent abstemious abstemius acknowledging aknolejng adjective ajectiv abstinence abstnnce adjoin+ed,+ing ajoin+d,+ng abstract+ed,+ing abstract+d,+ng 2 CUT SPELNG Part III adjourn+ed ajurn+d aesthetic etc, se ‘esthetic’ ague agu adjournment ajurnmnt aetiology etiolojy aide aid adjudge+d ajuj+d affabl+e,+y afbl+y aid+ed,+ing aid+d,+ng adjudicate ajudicate affair afair ail+ing,+ment ail+ng,+mnt adjunct ajunct affect+ed,+ing afect+d,+ng aim+ed,+ing aim+d,+ng adjure ajure affectionate afectionat aimlessly aimlesly adjust+able,+ed ajust+bl,+d affective afectiv air+ed,+ing air+d,+ng adjust+er,+ing ajust+r,+ng affidavit afidavit aisle ile ajustment ajustmnt affiliate an afiliat aitch+es aich+s adjutant ajutnt to afiliate alabaster alabastr administer+ed administr+d affinity afinity alarm+ed,+ing alarm+d,+ng administering adminstrng affirmation afrmation album albm administrative administrativ affirm+ative,+ed afirm+ativ,+d alchemical alchemicl admirabl+e,+y admrbl+y affirming afirmng alder aldr admiral admrl affixed afixd Alderley Aldrly admiration admration afflict+ed,+ing aflict+d,+ng alderman aldrman admissible admisbl affluent afluent Aldermaston Aldrmastn admittance admitnce afford+able,+ed aford+bl,+d alert+ed,+ing alert+d,+ng admitt+ed,+ing admit+d,+ng affording afordng Alexander Alexandr admixture admixtur afforestation aforestation algebra aljebra admonished admonishd affront+ed afront+d Algeria Aljeria admonishing admonishng Afghan afgan Algerian aljerian admonition admnition aforementioned aformentiond alight+ed,+ing alyt+d,+ng admonitory admonitry aforesaid aforsaid align+ed,+ing alyn+d,+ng adolescent adlesnt aforethought aforthot alignment alynmnt adopt+ed,+ing adopt+d,+ng African africn alimony alimny adoptive adoptiv Afrika(a)ner afrikanr Alison Alisn adorable adorabl after aftr Alistair Alistr adoration adration afterthought aftrthot alkaline alkline adore+d,+ing,+s ador+d,+ng,+s afterward aftrwrd all al adorn+ed,+ing adorn+d,+ng agate agat Allah Ala adornment adornmnt age+ing aje, ajing Allan Alan adrenaline adrenlin agency ajency allay+ed alay+d adult+s adlt+s agenda ajenda allegation alegation adulterate adultrate agent ajent allege+d,+dly alej+d,+edly adulter+er,+ous adultr+r,+us agglomeration aglomration alleging alejng adultery adultry aggrandizement agrandizmnt allegiance alejance adumbrate admbrate aggravate agravate alleg+ory,+orical aleg+ry,+oricl advancement advancemnt aggregate an agregat allegro alegro advantage+d advantaj+d to agregate allerg+ic,+y alerj+ic,+y advantageous advntajeus aggressive agressiv alleviate aleviate adventitious advntitius aggressor agresr alley+s all+y,+is adventure+r adventur+r aggrieved agreved alliance aliance adventurous adventurus aghast agast allie+d,+s aly+d,+s adversary advrsry agile ajile alligator aligator advertisement advertismnt agitate ajitate Allison Alisn advisable advisebl agony agny allocate alocate adviser/or adviser agonise/ize agnize allot+ment,+ted alot+mnt,+d advocate an advocat agoraphobia agrafobia allow+able,+ance alow+bl,+nce to advocate agreeable agreeabl allow+ed,+ing alow+d,+ng Aegean Ejean agreement agreemnt alloy aloy aegis ejis agribusiness agribusness allude alude Aeneas Eneas agricultural agricultrl allure alure aeons eons agriculture agricultur allus+ion,+ive alus+ion,+iv Aeschylus Eschylus agrochemicals agrochemicls alluvial aluvial ally aly amplif+ied,+ier amplif+yd,+yr annunciation anunciation almighty almyty amplifying amplifyng anoint+ed,+ing anoint+d,+ng almond amnd Amsterdam Amstrdam anomal+ies,+y anoml+is,+y aloes alos amusement amusemnt anomalous anomlus alpha alfa anachronism anacrnism anonymity annymity alphabetical+ly alfabeticl+y anaemi+a,+c anemi+a,+c anonymous anonmus alpinist alpnist anaesthesia anesthesia anorak anrak already alredy anaesthetic anesthetic another anothr alright alryt anesthetise/ize anesthetize answer+able,+ed ansr+bl,+d altar altr analog/+ue anlog answering ansrng alter+ation,+ed altr+ation,+d analogy analojy antagonise/ize antagnize altercation altrcation analogous analogus antagonism antagnism altering altrng analyse/yze anlyz antelope antlope alternate alternat sides (he) analyses (he) anlyzs antenna+e,+s antena+s to altrnate (plural of ‘analysis’—no cut) anterior anterir alternative alternativ analytic+al,+ly anlytic+l,+ly anthem anthm although altho anarchy anrchy anthology antholojy altogether altogethr anathema anathma Ant(h)ony Antny aluminum aluminm anatomical+ly anatomicl+y anthropological anthroplojicl amalgam+ate amalgm+ate anatom+ist,+y anatm+ist,+y anthropomorphic anthropmorfic amassed amasd ancest+or,+ral ancestr+l ANTI-: for words beginng ANTI-not amateur+ish amatr+ish anchor+age,+ed ancr+aj,+d listd belo, se undr base word. amateurism amatrism anchoring ancrng antimony antmny amatory amatry anchoress ancress antique antiqe amazement amazemnt ancillary ancilry antithetical antitheticl amazon amazn Anderson Andrsn antler antlr ambassador ambassadr anemone anemne Antony Antny amber ambr angel+ic anjel+ic anvil anvl ambiguous ambiguus Angela Anjla anxious anxius ambitious ambitius Angeles Anjles ANY-: for words beginng ANY- not ambivalent ambivlnt anger+ed,+ing angr+d,+ng listd belo, se undr base word. ambl+e+d,+ing ambl+d,+ng angina anjina apartment apartmnt ambush+ed,+es ambush+d,+s angle+r angl+r apathetically apatheticly ambushing ambushng angling anglng aperture aprtur amelioration ameliration Anglican anglicn aphasia afasia amenable amenbl angrier angrir aphids afids amend+ed,+ing amend+d,+ng anguished anguishd aphorism afrism amendment amendmnt animal anml aphrodisiac afrodisiac American+ism americn+ism animate (=alive) anmat aplomb aplom amiable amiabl to anmate apocalypse apoclypse amicable amicbl animosity anmosity apocryphal apocryfl ammo amo anisette aniset apogee apojee ammonia amonia ankle ankl apolitical apoliticl ammonite amnite Ann+e,+a,+ie An+a,+ni Apollo Apolo ammunition amunition annals anls apology apolojy amoeba ameba annex(e)+ed anex+d apologetically apolojeticly amorous amrus annihilate anihilate apologise/ize apolojize amorphous amorfus anniversary aniversry apostle aposl amount+ed,+ing amount+d,+ng annotated anotated apostrophe apostrofe amperage amperaj announce+ment anounce+mnt appal+led,+ling apal+d,+ng amphetamines amfetmins annoy+ance,+ed anoy+nce,+d Appalachian aplachian amphibi+an,+ous amfibi+an,+us annoying anoyng apparatus apratus amphitheatre amfitheatr annual+ly anul+y apparel aparel ampicillin ampicilin annuity anuity apparent aparent ample ampl annul annul* apparition aprition 4 CUT SPELNG Part III appeal+ed,+ing apeal+d,+ng arch+ed,+ing arch+d,+ng artisan artisn appear+ed,+ing apear+d,+ng archer+y archr+y artistically artisticly appease+ment apese+mnt arches archs ascend+ant,+ed asend+nt,+d appellate apelat archetypal+ly archetypl+y ascending asendng appellation aplation archetype archetyp ascen+sion,+t asen+sion,+t appendage+s apendaj+s architecturally architectrly ascertain+able asrtain+bl appended apendd architecture architectur ascertained asrtaind appetising/izing apetizing ard+ent,+o(u)r ard+nt,+r ascetic asetic applaud+ed,+ing aplaud+d,+ng arduous arduus ash+en,+es ash+n,+s applause aplause are+n’t ar+nt ask+ed,+ing ask+d,+ng apple apl areolar areolr aspected aspectd appliance apliance Argentina Arjntina aspen aspn applic+able,+ant aplic+bl,+nt Argentine arjntine asphalt+ed asfalt+d applie+d,+s aply+d,+s argot argo aspir+ant,+ation aspr+nt,+ation apply+ing aply+ng arguable argubl aspirin asprin appoint+ed,+ing apoint+d,+ng argue+d,+s argu+d,+s assail+ant,+ed asail+ant,+d appointment apointmnt argument argumnt assassin+ate asasn+ate apportion+ed aportion+d argumentative argumentativ assault+d,+ing asalt+d,+ng apposite aposit aright aryt assemble+d,+s asembl+d,+s appraisal aprasal arisen arisn assembling asemblng appraise aprase Aristotle Aristotl assembl+age+s asembl+aj+s appreciable apreciabl arithmetical arithmeticl assembly asembly appreciat+e,+ive apreciat+e,+iv Arkansas Arknsa assent+ed asent+d apprehend+ed aprehend+d armadillo armadilo assert+ed,+ing asert+d,+ng apprehension aprehension Armageddon Armagedn assertive asertiv apprehensive aprehensiv Armagh Armah assess asess apprentice aprentice armament armmnt assessable asesbl apprised aprised arm+ed,+ing arm+d,+ng assessed asesd approachable aproachbl armies armis assessing asesng approach+ed,+es aproach+d,+s armo(u)r+ed armr+d assess+ment,+or ases+mnt,+r approaching aproachng armo(u)r+er,+y armr+r,+y assiduous asiduus approbation aprobation Arnold Arnld assign+ed,+ing asyn+d,+ng appropriate an apropriat reply arpeggio arpejio assignment asynmnt to apropriate arraign+ed,+ment arain+d,+mnt assignation asignation approv+al,+e aprov+al,+e arrange+ment aranje+mnt assimil+able,+ate asiml+bl,+ate approximate an aproxmat arrant arant assist+ant,+ed asist+nt,+d amount array+ed aray+d assisting asistng to aproxmate arrears arears assize asize appurtenance apurtnnce arrest+ed,+ing arest+d,+ng associate an asociat apropos apropo arrestment arestmnt to asociate aquifer aquifr arriv+als,+e ariv+als,+e associational asociationl arabesques arabesqs arrogant arognt associative asociativ arable arabl arrow aro assort+ed,+ment asort+d,+mnt Aragon Aragn arsenal arsnl assuage asuaje arbiter arbitr arson arsn assume asume arbitrary arbitry art-nouveau ar-nuvau assumption asumtion arbitrarily arbitrly artefact artifact assure asure arbo(u)r arbr artery artry Assyria Asyria archaeological archeolojicl artfully artfuly Assyrian asyrian archaeopteryx archeoptryx Arthur Arthr aster astr archaic arcaic article+d articl+d asthma asma archangel arcanjel articulate an articulat persn Aston Astn ARCH-: for words beginng ARCH- to articulate astonished astonishd pronounced ‘arch’ and not listd artificially artificialy astonishing astonishng belo, se undr base word. artillery artilry astonishment astonishmnt astound+ed,+ing astound+d,+ng audible audbl ay/aye y Astrakhan Astrakan auditor+y auditr+y ayah aya astringent astrinjnt Audrey Audry ayatollah ayatola astrologer astrolojr augmented augmentd Ayrshire Ayrshr astrological astrlojicl augmenting augmentng Azores Azors astrology astrolojy augur augr azure azur astronom+er,+y astronm+r,+y aunt+ie ant+i astronomically astrnomicly auspicious auspicius asunder asundr Aussie ausi B asymmetrical asymetricl Austin Austn Athenaeum Athneum authentically authenticly babble+d,+ing,+r babl+d,+ng,+r Athens Athns author+ess authr+ess babies babis athletically athleticly authorise/ize authrize babysitter babysitr Atkinson Atknsn authoritative authoritativ bacchanal bacnal atmosphere atmosfere autobiographical autobiograficl Bacchus Bacus atoll atol autobiographies autobiografis bachelor bachlr atom+ise/ize atm+ize autograph+ed autograf+d bacill+i,+us bacil+i,+us atonement atonemnt automatic+ally autmatic+ly BACK-: for words beginng BACK- atrocious atrocius automation autmation not listd belo, se undr base word. atroph+ied,+y atrof+id,+y automaton automatn back+ed,+ers bak+d,+rs attach+ed,+ing atach+d,+ng automobiles autmobiles backing bakng attachment atachmnt automotive autmotiv backbench+er bakbench+r attaches autonomic autnomic backbenches bakbenchs (= diplomats) ataches autonomous autonmus backgammon bakgamn (verb) he atachs autonomy autonmy backward bakwrd attack+ed,+er atak+d,+r autumn autm bacteriological bacteriolojicl attacking atakng autumnal autumnl bad-tempered bad-temprd attain+able,+ed atain+bl,+d auxiliary auxiliry bade bad attaining atainng avail+able,+ed avail+bl,+d badge+s baj+s attainment atainmnt avalanche+s avlanch+s badger+ed,+ing bajr+d,+ng attempt+ed,+ing atemt+d,+ng avaric+e,+ious avric+e,+ius badinage badnaj Attenborough Atnbro avenge+d,+r avenj+d,+r badminton badmntn attend+ant,+ed atend+nt,+d avenue+s avenu+s baffle+d,+ment bafl+d,+mnt attend+er,+ing atend+r,+ng average+d,+s avraj+d,+s baffling baflng attent+ion,+ive atent+ion,+iv averaging avrajng baggage bagaj attenuated atenuated avert+ed,+ing avert+d,+ng bag+ged,+ging bag+d,+ng attest+ed atest+d avoid+able,+ance avoid+bl,+nce Baghdad Bagdad attic atic avoid+ed,+ing avoid+d,+ng bah ba attire atire avow+al,+ed avow+l,+d bail+ed,+ing bail+d,+ng attitud+e,+inal atitud+e,+inl avuncular avunculr bailey baily Attlee Atlee await+ed,+ing await+d,+ng bailiff bailif attorney+s atorn+y,+is awaken+ed,+ing awaken+d,+ng baited baitd attract+ed,+ing atract+d,+ng award+ed,+ing award+d,+ng baize baze attractive atractiv awe+d,+some aw+d,+sm bakewell bakewel attributable atributebl awestruck awstruk balcony balcny attribute atribute awfully awfuly balding baldng attrition atrition awkward awkwrd balefully balefuly attune atune awning awnng Balkan balkn atypical atypicl awry ary balked balkd aubergine aubrjine axe ax ball+ed bal+d auburn aubrn axel axl ballad balad Auckland Aukland axes (plural of ‘axe’) axs ballast balast auctioned auctiond (plural of ‘axis’) axes ballerina balrina audacious audacius axillary axilry ballet balet Auden Audn axle+s axl+s ballistic balistic 6 CUT SPELNG Part III balloon+ed,+ing baloon+d,+ng barrow baro BE-: for words beginng BE- not ballot+ing balot+ng Barry se ‘Barrie’ listd belo, se undr base word. ballyhoo balyhoo barter+ing bartr+ng beck bek baloney balony bas-relief ba-relief beckon+ed,+ing bekn+d,+ng Baltimore Baltmor Basel Basl becom+e,+ing becom+ng bandage+d,+s bandaj+d,+s basement basemnt bed+ded,+ding bed+d,+ng bandaging bandajng bash+ed,+ing bash+d,+ng bedevilled bedevld bandanna bandana basically basicly Bedfordshire Bedfrdshr band+ed,+ing band+d,+ng basil basl bedouin beduin bandied bandid bask+ed,+ing bask+d,+ng bedraggled bedragld bang+ed,+er bang+d,+r Basque basq bedstead bedsted banging bangng bassett baset bee+s be+s bangle+s bangl+s bastard bastrd beeches beechs Bangor Bangr batch+es bach+s beetle beetl banish+ed,+es banish+d,+s bath+ed,+ing befitting befitng banishment banishmnt (from ‘to bath’) bath+d,+ng before befor banister banistr bath+e+d,+ing befriend+ed befrendd bank+ed,+er bank+d,+r (from ‘to bathe’) bath+ed,+ing befuddled befudld banking bankng baton+ing batn+ng beggar begr bankruptcy bankrupcy battalion batalion beg+ged,+ging beg+d,+ng bankrupted bankruptd bat+ted,+ting bat+d,+ng beginn+er,+ing begin+r,+ng ban+ned,+ing ban+d,+ng batten batn begotten begotn banner banr batter+ed,+ing batr+d,+ng begrudge+d begruj+d banns bans battery batry beguile+d begile+d banqueting banquetng Battersea Batrse behavio(u)r+al behavir+al banter+ing bantr+ng battl+ed,+ing batl+d,+ng beholden beholdn baptise baptize battlement batlmnt beige beij baptismal baptisml baubles baubls belayed belayd Barbara Barbra baulked se ‘balked’ belch+ed,+es belch+d,+s barbar+ism,+ous barbr+ism,+us bawl+ed,+ing bal+d,+ng belching belchng barbecue+s barbecu+s Baxter Baxtr beleaguered beleagrd barbed barbd baying bayng Belg+ian,+ium beljn, Beljm barber+ed barbr+d bayonet baynet believ+able,+e,+er beleve+bl,+r barbican barbicn bazaar bazar belittl+e+d,+ing belitl+d,+ng barbiturate barbiturat beach+ed,+es beach+d,+s bell+ing bel+ng bargain+ed,+er bargn+d,+r beaching beachng belle bel bargaining bargnng beacon beacn bellicose belicose barge+d,+s barj+d,+s bead+ed,+ing bead+d,+ng belligerent belijrnt barging barjng beagle+s beagl+s bellow+ed,+s belo+d,+s bark+ed,+er,+ing bark+d,+r,+ng beaked beakd belong+ed,+ing belong+d,+ng barley barly beaker beakr beloved (2 sylabls) belovd barnacles barnacls beam+ed,+ing beam+d,+ng below belo barney+s barn+y,+is bear+able,+er ber+abl,+r belt+ed,+ing belt+d,+ng barometer barometr bearing berng Belvoir Bevor baroque baroq bearded beardd bemoaning bemoanng barrack+ing barak+ng beastie beasti benches benchs barrage+s baraje+s beat+en,+er,+ing beat+n,+r,+ng bend+ed,+er bend+d,+r bar+red,+ring bar+d,+ng Beatles Beatls bending bendng barrel barel beau+x bau+s benefactor benefactr barren baren Beaujolais baujlai benefit(t)ed benefitd Barrett Baret Beaumont Baumnt benefit(t)ing benefitng barricade baricade beauteous buteus benevolent benevlnt Barrie Barri beaut+y,+ifully but+y,+ifuly benighted benytd barrier barir beaver beavr benign benyn barrister baristr Bennett Benet Bentley Bently bilateral bilatrl blending blendng bequeathed bequeathd bilberry bilbry Blenheim Blenm Berber berbr bilge bilj blessed (1 sylabl) blesd bereave+d bereve+d bilious bilius blessing blesng bereavement berevemnt bill+ed,+ing bil+d,+ng Bletchley Blechly Berkeley Berkly billet+ed bilet+d blight+ed,+er blyt+d,+r Berkhamsted Berkmsted billiard bilird blind+ed,+ing blind+d,+ng Berkshire Berkshr Billie Billi blink+ed,+ing blink+d,+ng Bernadette Bernadet billion+aire bilion+air blinker+ed blinkr+d Bernard Bernrd billow+ed bilo+d blissfully blisfuly Bertie Berti bind+er,+ing bind+r,+ng blister+ed,+ing blistr+d,+ng Bertrand Bertrnd binge binj blitzed blitzd Berwick Berik Bingham Bingm blizzard blizrd beryllium berylium binocular binoculr bloated bloatd beseeching beseechng BIO-: for words beginng BIO- not block+age+s,+ed blok+aj+s,+d besetting besetng listd belo, se undr baseword. blocking blokng besieged besejed biograph+er,+ical biograf+r,+icl blonde blond besotted besotd biography biografy blood+ed,+ied blod+d,+id bespectacled bespectacld biologist biolojist bloom+ed,+ing bloom+d,+ng Bessie Bessi biomorphic biomorfic bloomer bloomr bestowing bestoing bipedalism bipedlism Bloomsbury Bloomsbry Betelgeuse Beteljuse birches birchs blossom+ed,+ing blosm+d,+ng Bethel Bethl Birmingham Birmngm blotch+ed,+es bloch+d,+s betokened betokend bisected bisectd blot+ted,+ter blot+d,+r betrayal betrayl Bismarck Bismark blotting blotng betray+ed,+er betray+d,+r bitch+es,+ing bich+s,+ng blow+er,+ing,+s blo+er,+ing,+s betraying betrayng bitten bitn blown blown* better+ed,+ment betr+d,+mnt bitter+est bitr+st blubber+ing blubr+ng betting betng bivalves bivalvs bludgeon+ed blujn+d Bevan Bevn bivouac+ked bivuac+d blue+s blu+es bevel bevl bizarre bizar bluff+ed,+ing bluf+d,+ng beverage+s bevraj+s black+ed,+ing blak+d,+ng blunder+ed,+ing blundr+d,+ng Beveridge Bevrij black+er,+est blak+r,+st blunted bluntd Beverl(e)y Bevrly blacken+ed,+ing blakn+d,+ng blur+red,+ring blur+d,+ng Bevin Bevn blackguard blagrd blurry blurry bewigged bewigd blackish blakish blurt+ed,+ing blurt+d,+ng bewilder+ed bewildr+d bladder+wrack bladr+(-r)ak blush+ed,+es blush+d,+s bewildering bewildrng blah bla blushing blushng bewilderment bewildrmnt blanche+d blanch+d bluster+ed,+ing blustr+d,+ng bewitch+ed,+ing bewich+d,+ng blancmange blamanj blustery blustry bias(s)+ed,+es bias+d,+s blandishments blandishmnts boar bor biblical biblicl blanked blankd board+ed,+er bord+d,+r bibliography bibliografy blanket+ed,+ing blanket+d,+ng boarding bordng bicarbonate bicarbnat blaspheme blasfeme boast+ed,+ing boast+d,+ng bicentennial bicentenial blasphemous blasfmus boating boatng bicker+ing bikr+ng blasphemy blasfmy bob+bed,+bing bob+d,+ng bicycle+d,+s bicycl+d,+s blast+ed,+ing blast+d,+ng bobbin bobin bicycling bicyclng blazoned blazond bobble bobl bidd+en,+er,+ing bid+n,+r,+ng bleach+ed,+es bleach+d,+s bodied bodid biennial bienial bleaching bleachng bodyguard bodygard bier bir bleaker bleakr Boeing Boing bigamy bigmy bleat+ed,+ing bleat+d,+ng bogey+s bog+y,+is bigg+er,+est big+r,+st bleeding bleedng bogg+ed,+er bog+d,+r biggish bigish blemishes blemishs boggle+d bogl+d bigoted bigotd blend+ed,+er blend+d,+r boil+ed,+er,+ing boil+d,+r,+ng 8 CUT SPELNG Part III boisterous boistrus bourgeois+ie burjoi+si brick+ed brik+d bold+er,+est bold+r,+st bourne born bridge+d,+s,+ing brij+d,+s,+ng bollard bolrd boutique butiqe brief+ed,+er,+est brief+d,+r,+st bolshie bolshi bow (ryms with ‘low’) bo briefing briefng bolster+ed,+ing bolstr+d,+ng bowed (ryms with ‘load’) boed brigadier brigadir bolt+ed,+ing bolt+d,+ng bowing (ryms with ‘going’) brigand brignd bomb+ed,+er bom+d,+r boing brighten+ed,+ing brytn+d,+ng bombarded bombardd he bowed low he bowd lo bright+er,+est bryt+r,+st bombarding bombardng bowel bowl Brighton Brytn bombardment bombardmnt bower bowr Brigi+d,+t Briji+d,+t bombing bomng bowing low bowng lo brilliant briliant Bonaparte Bonapart bowl+ed,+er bol+d,+r brim+med,+ming brim+d,+ng bond+age,+ed bond+aj,+d box+ed,+er,+es box+d,+r,+s bringer bringr bonding bondng boxing boxng Brisbane Brisbn bonhomie bonomi boycott+ed,+ing boycot+d,+ng brisker briskr bonkers bonkrs bracken brakn bristle+d,+s,+y brisl+d,+s,+y bonnet bonet bracket+ed braket+d bristling brislng booed bood brackish brakish Bristol Bristl book+ed,+ing book+d,+ng Brad+bury,+ley Brad+bry,+ly Britain Britn bookie+s booki+s bragg+art,+ed brag+rt,+d Britannia Britania boom+ed,+ing boom+d,+ng bragging bragng britches brichs boost+ed,+er boost+d,+r braided braidd Brit+isher,+on brit+ishr,+n boosting boostng braille brail Brittany Britny booted bootd bramble brambl brittle britl booz+e,+ing booz+ng branch+ed,+es branch+d,+s broach+ed,+ing broach+d,+ng bopping bopng branching branchng broad+en+ed brod+n+d Bordeaux Bordau branded brandd broadening brodnng bordello bordelo brandished brandishd broadcasting brodcastng border+ed,+ing bordr+d,+ng brandishing brandishng broad+er,+est brod+r,+st bore+d,+dom bor+d,+dm brassiere brassier broccoli brocli boring borng brawling brawlng brochure brochur borne born braying brayng brock brok borough boro brazier brazir broderie broderi borrow+ed,+er boro+d,+er Brazil (surname) Brazl brogues broges borrowing boroing breach+ed,+es breach+d,+s broil+ed,+er broil+d,+r Borstal Borstl bread bred brokerage brokeraj bosom+y bosm+y breadth bredth bronze+d,+s bronz+d,+s Bosphorus Bosfrus break+able brek+bl brooches broochs boss+d,+ing bos+d,+ng break+age+s brek+aj+s brood+ed,+ing brood+d,+ng Boston Bostn breaker brekr brothel brothl botanical botanicl breakfast+ed brekfast+d brother brothr botan+ist,+y botn+ist,+y breakfasting brekfastng brought brot botch+ed boch+d breaking brekng Browne Brown bother+ed,+ing bothr+d,+ng breast+ed brest+d brown+ed,+er brown+d,+r bothersome bothrsm breath+lessly breth+lesly brownie browni bottl+e+d,+ing botl+d,+ng breathe brethe browning brownng bottom+ed botm+d breccia brecia bruise+r bruse+r bough bou Brecon Brecn brunette brunet bought bot breeches se ‘britches’ brush+ed,+es brush+d,+s boulder boldr breed+er,+ing breed+r,+ng brushing brushng boulevard bulevard breeze breze brusque brusqe boundary boundry breezy brezy Brussels Brusls bound+ed,+ing bound+d,+ng Breton bretn brutally brutaly bouquet buqet brew+ed,+er+y brew+d,+r+y bubbl+ed,+es,+y bubl+d,+s,+y bourbon (=wisky) burbn brewing brewng bubbling bublng buccaneer bucneer burgeon+ed,+ing burjn+d,+ng cabaret cabret Buchanan Bucann burger burgr cabbage cabaj buck+ed,+ing buk+d,+ng burgess burjess cabbie+s cabbi+s bucket buket burgh burh cabin cabn Buckingham Bukngm burgher burgr cabinet cabnet Buckinghamshire Bukngmshr burglar+y burglr+y cackle+d,+ing cakl+d,+ng buckle+d,+s bukl+d,+s burgle+d burgl+d cacophony cacofny buckling buklng burgundy burgndy cadaver+ous cadavr+us buckwheat bukweat buried burid cadd+ie+s,+y caddi+s bud+ded,+ding bud+d,+ng burlesque burlesq cadg+e,+ing caj+ng Buddh+a,+ism Bud+a,+ism Burmah Burma Cadillac cadlac budge+d buj+d burn+ed,+er burn+d,+r cadre+s cadr+s budgerigar bujrigar burning burnng Caesar Cesar budget+ary,+ed bujet+ry,+d burnished burnishd caffeine cafine budgeting bujetng burped burpd cage caje buff+ing buf+ng burr bur caissons caisns buffalo+es buflo+s burrow+ed,+er buro+d,+er calabashes calabashs buffer bufr bursary bursry calamitous calamitus buffet (a buffet, to buffet) bufet bursting burstng Calcutta Calcuta buffet+ed,+ing bufet+d,+ng Burton Burtn calendar calendr buffoon+ery bufoon+ry bus+es,+ing bus+s,+ng calib+er/re calibr bug+ged,+ging bug+d,+ng bushel bushl call+ed,+er,+ing cal+d,+r,+ng bugger+ed,+ing bugr+d,+ng bushes bushs Callaghan buggery bugry busi+ed,+er busi+d,+r Calahan/Calagn build+er,+ing bild+r,+ng business busness calligraphy caligrafy built bilt buskers buskrs callo(u)s+ed calus+d bulbous bulbus bussed busd callow calo bulge+d,+s bulj+d,+s bustard bustrd calm+ed,+er calm+d,+r bulging buljng bust+ed,+er,+ing bust+d,+r,+ng calmest calmst bulked bulkd bustle+d,+s,+ing busl+d,+s,+ng calming calmng bull+ock bul+ok butch+er+ed buch+r+d calori+e+s,+fic calri+s,+fic bullet bulet butcher+ing,+y buchr+ng,+y calvary calvry bulletin buletn butler butlr calves calvs bullied bullid butt+ing but+ng camaraderie camradri bullion bulion butted butd Camberwell Cambrwel bullrushes bulrushs butter+ed,+ing butr+d,+ng Cambridge+shire Cambrij+shr bulwark bulwrk buttery butry camel caml bumbl+e,+ing bumbl+ng buttock butok camera camra bump+ed,+er bump+d,+r button+ed,+ing butn+d,+ng Cameroon Camroon bumping bumpng buttress butress camionette camionet bumptious bumtius buttressed butresd camouflage+d camuflaj+d bunch+ed,+es bunch+d,+s buxom buxm campaign+ed,+er campain+d,+r bundl+e+d,+ing bundl+d,+ng buy+er,+ing by+r,+ng campaigning campainng bungalow bunglo buzz+ed,+er buz+d,+r Campbell Cambl bunged bungd buzzing buzng camp+ed,+er camp+d,+r bungled bungld buzzard buzrd camping campng bunker bunkr bye by camphor camfr bunnie bunni byre byr Canaan Canan bunting buntng Byrne Byrn Canberra Canbra buoy+ant boy+nt bystander bystandr cancellation cancelation burbl+e+d,+ing burbl+d,+ng Byzantine byzntine cancel(l)+ed,+ing cancel+d,+ng burden+ed,+some burdn+d,+sm cancerous cancerus burdock burdok candidate candidat bureau+x burau+s C candied candid bureaucracy buraucracy 10 CUT SPELNG Part III candle candl carelessness carelesness catarrh catar cando(u)r candr caressed caresd catastroph+e,+ic catastrof+e,+ic canister canistr caressing caresng catch+er,+es cach+r,+s canker cankr cargoes cargos catch+ing,+y cach+ng,+y canna cana Caribbean Caribean catchment cachmnt cannabis canabis caricature+d,+s caricatur+d,+s categorical+ly categoricl+y canned cand carillon carilon category categry cannery canry Carlisle Carlile categorise/ize categrize cannibal+ism canibl+ism Carlyle Carlyl cater+ed,+er cater+d,+r canning canng Carmen Carmn catering caterng cannon+ed cann+d carmine carmn caterpillar catrpilr cannot canot carn+age,+al carn+aj,+l Catherine Cathrin canon+ised/ized cann+ized carnival carnivl catholic cathlic canopied canopid carnivore carnivor cattle catl cantankerous cantankrus carnivorous carnivrus caught caut can’t cant carpent+er,+ry carpnt+r,+y cauliflower cauliflowr canted cantd carpet+ed,+ing carpet+d,+ng causal causl canter+ed,+ing cantr+d,+ng carping carpng caution+ary,+ed caution+ry,+d Canterbury Cantrbry carraway caraway cautious cautius cantilevered cantleverd carriage+s carrij+s caval+ier,+ry cavl+ir,+ry canton+ment cantn+mnt carr+ied,+y carr+id,+y cavern+ous cavrn+us Cantonese cantnese carrier carrir caviare caviar cantor cantr carrion carion cavil cavl canvass+ed,+ing canvas+d,+ng carrot carot cavorting cavortng cap’n capn carte cart caw+ed,+ing caw+d,+ng capable capabl cart+ed,+er,+ing cart+d,+r,+ng cease+lessly cese+lesly capacious capacius Carthage Carthaj ceasing cesing capacit+ance,+or capacit+nce,+r cartilage cartlaj ceiling ceilng caparisoned caparisnd cartilaginous cartlajnus celery celry caper+ed,+ing caper+d,+ng carton cartn celibate celibat capillary capilry cartridge+s cartrij+s cell cel capital+ise/ize capitl+ize carve+d,+r,+s carv+d,+r,+s cellar celr capitalism capitlism carving carvng cell+ist,+o cel+ist,+o Capitol Capitl casbah kasba cellophane celofane cap+ped,+ping cap+d,+ng casement casemnt cellul+ar celulr capricious capricius cash+ed,+ier cash+d,+ir cellul+oid,+ose celul+oid,+ose capsule capsul cashing cashng cement+ed,+ing cement+d,+ng captain+ed captn+d Cassandra Casandra cemetery cemetry capt+ive,+or capt+iv,+r cassava casava cenotaph cenotaf captur+e+d,+ing captur+d,+ng casserole casrole censor+ed,+ing censr+d,+ng carafe caraf cassette caset censorious censorius carbon+ate carbn+at cassock cassok censure+d censur+d carburet(t)er/or carbretr caste cast center+ed,+ing centr+d,+ng carcase+s/carcass carcas+es castellated castlated centrally centrly carcinogen carcinojn caster castr centralise centrlize carcinogenic carcinojenic casting castng centr+e+d,+ing centr+d,+ng carded cardd castle casl centrifuge centrifuje Cardiff Cardif castor castr centripetal centripetl cardigan cardign casually casuly cerebellum cerebelum cardinal cardnl catafalque catafalq ceremonially ceremonialy cardiovascular cardiovasculr catalog(ue)+(e)d catlog+d ceremonious ceremonius careen+ed,+ing careen+d,+ng cataloguing catlogng ceremony ceremny career+ed,+ing career+d,+ng catalyst catlyst certain+ties certn+tis carefully carefuly catapult+ed catapult+d certificate a certificat carelessly carelesly cataract catract to certificate certif+ied,+ying certify+d,+ng chauffeur+ed chaufr+d chorus+ed,+es corus+d,+s cervical cervicl chauvinism chauvnism chowder chowdr Ceylon Celon cheapen+ing cheapn+ng Chris Cris Ceylonese celonese cheap+er,+est cheap+r,+st Christ Crist chaff chaf cheat+ed,+ing cheat+d,+ng christen+ed,+ing crisn+d,+ng chagrined chagrind check+ed,+er chek+d,+r Christendom Crisndm chained chaind checking chekng christian cristian chaired chaird cheddar chedr Christine Cristine chalked chalkd cheeked cheekd Christmas crismas challenge+d,+s chalenj+d,+s cheer+ed,+fully cheer+d,+fuly Christopher Cristofr challeng+er,+ing chalenj+r,+ng cheering cheerng chrom+e,+ium crom+e,+ium chamberlain chamberlin cheese chese chromosome cromosome chamois (anml) chamoi cheetah cheeta chronic+ally cronic+ly (lethr) chami Cheltenham Cheltnm chronicle+d,+s cronicl+d,+s chamomile camomile chemical+ly chemicl+y chronicler croniclr champagne champane cheque+red,+s chek+rd,+s chronological+ly cronolojicl+y champers champrs cherish+ed,+es cherish+d,+s chronology cronolojy championed championd cherishing cherishng chrysalis cryslis championing championng Cheshire Cheshr chrysanthemum crysanthmm chancell+ery,+or chancel+ry,+r Chester Chestr Chrysler cryslr chandelier chandelir chew+ed,+ing chew+d,+ng chuck+ed,+ing chuk+d,+ng chandler chandlr Cheyenne Cheyen chuckle+d,+s chukl+d,+s change+able chanje+bl chicken+ed chikn+d chuckling chuklng changeling chanjelng chicory chicry chuffed chufd channel+(l)ed chanl+d chieftain chieftn chug+ged,+ging chug+d,+ng chanel(l)ing chanlng chiffon chifn churches churchs chant+ed,+ing chant+d,+ng chill+ed,+ing chil+ld*,+ng Churchill Churchl chaos caos chilli chili churn+ed,+ing churn+d,+ng chapel chapl Chilterns Chiltrns chutney+s chutn+y,+is chaperoning chaproning chimerical chimericl cigaret(te) cigret chaplain chapln chimney+s chimn+y,+is cinder+s cindr+s chap+ped,+pie chap+d,+pi chimpanzee chimpnzee Cinderella Cindrela chapter chaptr chinked chinkd cinema+tic cinma+tic character+ise/ize caractr+ize chipp+ed,+ing chip+d,+ng cinematographic cinmatografic characteristic caractristic Chippendale Chipndale cinnamon cinmn charge+able,+d charj+bl,+d chirping chirpng cipher+ed,+s cyfr+d,+s charge+r,+s,+ing charj+r,+s,+ng chisel chisl circl+e+d,+ing circl+d,+ng Charing Charng Chiswick Chisik circuitous circuitus charisma+tic carisma+tic chivalr+ous,+y chivlr+us,+y circular circulr charitable charitbl chlor+ide,+ine clor+ide,+ine circulatory circulatry charlatan charlatn chlorophyll clorofyl circumcise circmcise charleston charlstn chock chok circumference circumfrnce Charl+ey/ie,+otte Charl+i,+ot chocolate choclat circumscribed circmscribed charm+ed,+er charm+d,+r choir coir circumspect circmspect charming charmng choler+a,+ic colr+a,+ic circumstance circmstnce charred chard cholesterol colestrol circumstantial circmstantial chart+ed,+er+ed chart+d,+r+d chopp+ed,+er chop+d,+r circumvent+ed circmvent+d chasm casm chopping chopng cirrhosis cirosis chassis chasi choral choral* cirrus cirus chasten+ed,+ing chasen+d,+ng chord cord cistern cistrn chateau chatau chore chor citadel citadl Chatham Chatm chorea corea citizen citizn chat+ted,+ting chat+d,+ng choreographed coreografd civil+ise/ize,+ly civl+ize,+y chattels chatls choreographer coreografr civilisation/izationcivlization chatter+ed,+ing chatr+d,+ng chortled chortld clack+d,+s,+ing clak+d,+s,+ng 12 CUT SPELNG Part III cladding cladng clitor+al,+is clitr+l,+is coffee cofee claim+ant,+ed claim+nt,+d clitoridectomy clitridectmy coffer+ed,+s cofr+d,+s claiming claimng cloaked cloakd coffin cofin clamber+ed,+ing clambr+d,+ng clobber+ed clobr+d cogent cojent clammed clamd clock+ed,+ing clok+d,+ng cognisant/zant cogniznt clamo(u)r+ed,+ing clamr+d, clog+ged,+ging clog+d,+ng cognitive cognitiv +ng cloister+ed,+s cloistr+d,+s cohesive cohesiv clamo(u)rous clamrus clonked clonkd coil+ed,+ing coil+d,+ng clamp+ed,+ing clamp+d,+ng closeted closetd coin+age,+ed coin+aj,+d clandestine clandestin closure+s closur+s coining coinng clang+ed,+o(u)r clang+d,+r clot+ted,+ting clot+d,+ng coincidence coincidnce clanging clangng clouded cloudd coincidental+ly coincidentl+y clanking clankng clough cluf colander colandr clap+ped,+per clap+d,+r clouted cloutd Colchester Colchestr clapping clapng clowning clownng cold+er,+est cold+r,+st clarif+ied,+ying clarify+d,+ng cloying cloyng colicky coliky clarinettist clarinetist club+bed,+bing club+d,+ng collaborate colabrate clash+ed,+es clash+d,+s cluck+ed,+ing cluk+d,+ng collaborative colabrativ clashing clashng clue+s clu+es collage+s colaje+s clasp+ed,+ing clasp+d,+ng clump+ed,+ing clump+d,+ng collapse colapse classed clasd clumsier clumsir collaps+ed,+ing colaps+d,+ng classical+ly classicl+y cluster+ed,+ing clustr+d,+ng collapsible colapsbl classifie+d,+s classif+yd,+ys clutch+ed,+es cluch+d,+s collar+ed colr+d classifying classifyng clutching cluchng collat+e,+or colate+r clatter+ed,+ing clatr+d,+ng clutter+ed,+ing clutr+d,+ng collateral colatrl claustrophobia claustrofobia Clyde Clyd collation colation claw+ed,+ing claw+d,+ng Clytemnestra Clytmnestra colleague coleag clean+ed,+er clean+d,+r CO-: for words beginng CO- not collect+ed,+ive colect+d,+iv clean+est,+ing clean+st,+ng listd belo, se undr baseword. collecting colectng cleanliness clenliness coach+ed,+es coach+d,+s collectivise/ize colectivize cleanness cleaness coaching coachng collector colectr cleanse+d clense+d coalesced coalesd Colleen Coleen clear+ed,+er,+est clear+d,+r,+st coasting coastng colleg+e,+iate colej+at clearing clearng coarse corse collide colide cleavage clevaj coarsen+d corsn+d collie colli cleave+d,+r cleve+d,+r coast+al,+ed,+er coast+l,+d,+r collier+y colir+y clement clemnt coat+ed,+ing coat+d,+ng Collins Colins clench+ed,+ing clench+d,+ng coax+ed,+ing coax+d,+ng collision colision clergy clerjy cobber cobr colloquial+ly coloquial+y clerical clericl cobble+d,+r,+s cobl+d,+r,+s collude colude clever+er,+est clevr+r,+st Cobham Cobm collusion colusion click+ed,+ing clik+d,+ng cocaine cocane cologne colone cliff clif cock+ed,+er cok+d,+r colonel colnl climate climat cocking cokng colonise colonize climax+ed,+es climax+d,+s cockerel cokrl colonnade colonade climb+ed,+er climb+d,+r cockle cokl colo(u)r+ed color*+d climbing climbng cockney+s cokn+y,+is colo(u)ring colorng* clinch+ed,+ing clinch+d,+ng cockroaches cokroachs colossal colosl clinging clingng cocoa coco column+ed,+ist colum+d,+ist clinical+ly clinicl+y cocooned cocoond columnar columnr clink+ed,+er clink+d,+r coddled codld combat+ant,+ed combat+nt,+d clinking clinkng codeine codine combat+ive combat+iv clipp+ed,+er clip+d,+r codified codifyd combat(t)ing combatng clipping clipng codling codlng comb+ed,+ing comb+d,+ng clique cliqe coelacanth celacanth combination combnation combustible combustbl compacted compactd conceptually conceptuly come+ly,+r com+ly,+r company compny concern+ed,+ing concern+d,+ng comedienne comedien companionable companionbl concerted concertd comfortable comfrtbl comparabl+e,+y comprbl+y concierge concierj comfort+ed,+er comfrt+d,+r comparative comparativ conciliatory conciliatry comforting comfrtng comparison comparisn conclusive conclusiv comfrey comfry compartment compartmnt concoct+ed,+ing concoct+d,+ng comical+ly comicl+y compartmentalize concomitant concomitnt coming comng compartmentlize concorde concord comma comma* compass+es compas+es concourse concorse command+ed,+er comand+d,+r compassionate compassionat concupiscence concupisnce commanding comandng compatible compatbl concurred concurd commandant comndnt compell+ed,+ing compel+d,+ng concurrent concurent commandeered comndeerd compensation compnsation condemn+ed condem+d commandment comandmnt competent competnt condemning condemng commando comando competitive competitiv condensation condnsation commemorate comemrate competitor competitr condensed condensd commemorative comemrativ compilation complation condensing condensng commence+ment comence+mnt complained complaind condescend+ed condesend+d commend+able comend+bl complaining complainng condescending condesendng commended comendd complaisant complaisnt condiment condmnt commensurate comensurat complement+ed complmnt+d conditional+ly conditionl+y comment+ed coment+d complemental complmentl conditioned conditiond commenting comentng complementarity complmntarity conditioner conditionr commentary comntry complementary complmentry conditioning conditionng commerce comerce complexes complexs condom condm commercialised comercialized compl+ied,+ying comply+d,+ng condor condr commercially comercialy complimentary complmentry conducive conduciv commie commi complimented complmntd conduct+ed,+or conduct+d,+r commiseration comisration composite composit conducting conductng commissar comisar composting compostng confectionery confectionry commissary comisry composure composur confederate confedrat commission+aire comission+air compote compot confederation confedration commissioned comissiond compounded compoundd conference confrnce commissioner comissionr compounding compoundng conferment confermnt commissioning comissionng comprehended comprehendd confer+red,+ring confer+d,+ng commit+ment comitmnt comprehending comprehendng confessed confesd committ+al,+ed comit+l,+d comprehensible comprehensbl confessing confesng committee comitee comprehensive comprehensiv confessional confessionl committing comitng compressed compresd confessor confesr commod+e,+ious comod+e,+ius compressing compresng confetti confeti commodity comodity compressive compressiv confident confidnt commodore comodor compressor compresr confidentially confidentialy common+er,+est comn+r,+st compromise comprmise configuration configration commotion comotion comptroller controlr confinement confinemnt communal+ly comunal+y compulsive compulsiv confirm+ed,+ing confirm+d,+ng communards comunards compulsorily compulsrly confirmation confrmation commune+d comune+d compulsory compulsry conflict+ed,+ing conflict+d,+ng communicant comunicnt computable computebl conformed conformd communicative comunicativ computerised computerized conforming conformng communion comunion concatenation concatnation confounded confoundd communique comuniqe conceal+ed,+ing conceal+d,+ng confrontation confrntation communist comunist concealment concealmnt confronted confrontd community comunity conceited conceitd confronting confrontng commute comute conceiv+e,+able conceve+bl congeal+ed,+ing conjeal+d,+ng 14 CUT SPELNG Part III congenital+ly conjenitl+y conspiratorially conspiratorialy continuous continuus conger congr constable constbl contort+ed,+ing contort+d,+ng congeries conjris constabulary constablry contour+ing contur+ng congest+ed conjest+d constant constnt contraceptive contraceptiv conglomerate a conglomrat Constantinople Constantnople contract+ed,+or contract+d,+r to conglomrate constellation constlation contracting contractng conglomeration conglomration consternation constrnation contradicted contradictd Congolese conglese constitutional+ly constitutionl+y contradicting contradictng congressional congressionl constitutive constitutiv contradictory contradictry conical conicl constrained constraind contrapuntal contrapuntl conifer+ous conifr+us constrict+ed,+or constrict+d,+r contrary contry conjecture+d conjectur+d constricting constrictng contrast+ed,+ing contrast+d,+ng conjugal conjugl constructed constructd contributory contributry conjure+d,+or conjr+d,+r constructing constructng controllable controlbl conjuring conjrng constructional constructionl control+led,+ler control+d,+r conkers conkrs constructive constructiv controlling controlng Connally Conly construed construd controversially controversialy connect+ed,+ive conect+d,+iv consul consl controversies controvrsis connecting conectng consul+ar,+ate consul+r,+at conurbation conrbation Connecticut Coneticut consultant consultnt convalescent convlesnt con+ned,+ning con+d,+ng consultation consltation convalescing convlesng connexion conection consultative consultativ convector convectr Connie Conni consult+ed,+ing consult+d,+ng conventional+ly conventionl+y connivance conivance consummate consumat skil converge+d,+nt converj+d,+nt connoisseur conoser to consumate converging converjng connotation conotation consummation consmation conversant conversnt connubial conubial consumption consumtion conversation+al convrsation+l conquer+ed,+ing conqr+d,+ng consumptive consumtiv conversationally convrsationly conquer+or,+s conqr+r,+s contact+ed,+or contact+d,+r conversed conversd conscience concience contacting contactng conversing conversng conscientious concientius contagio+n,+us contaj+on,+us convert a convrt conscious concius contain+ed,+er contain+d,+r to convert conscripted conscriptd containing containng convert+ed,+er convert+d,+r consecutive consecutiv containment containmnt convertible+s convertbl+s consent+ed,+ing consent+d,+ng contaminants contamnnts converting convertng conservancy conservncy contaminate contamnate conveyance conveynce conservation consrvation contemplate contmplate convey+ed,+or convey+d,+r conservative conservativ contemplative contemplativ conveying conveyng conservatories conservatris contemporary contempry convicted convictd conserve+d,+s conserv+d,+s contempt+ible contemt+bl convolution convlution conserving conservng contemptuous contemtuus convulsed convulsd consider+able considr+bl contend+ed,+er contend+d,+r convulsive+ly convulsiv+ly considerate+ly considrat+ly contending contendng cooed cood consideration considration contented contentd cook+ed,+er+y cook+d,+r+y consider+ed,+ing considr+d,+ng contentious contentius cookie+s cooki+s considering considrng contentment contentmnt cooking cookng consign+ed consyn+d contents contnts cool+ed,+er,+est cool+d,+r,+st consignment consynmnt contest+ant,+ed contest+nt,+d coolie+s cooli+s consist+ed,+ent consist+d,+nt contesting contestng cooling coolng consisting consistng contiguous contiguus coolly cooly consolation conslation continent contnnt coop+ed,+er coop+d,+r consonant consnnt continental contnentl co(-)operate co-oprate consort+ed,+ing consort+d,+ng contingent continjnt co(-)operative+s co-oprativ+s conspicuous conspicuus continually continuly co(-)opt+ed co-opt+d conspirator conspiratr continue+d,+s continu+d,+es co(-)ordinate a co-ordnat to co-ordnate cott+age,+er cot+aj,+r cranberry cranbry copied copid cotton+ed cotn+d crank+ed,+ing crank+d,+ng copious+ly copiusly couch+ed,+es couch+d,+s crash+ed,+es crash+d,+s copped copd cough+ed,+ing cof+d,+ng crashing crashng copper+s,+y copr+s,+y could+’ve,+n't cud+’v,+nt cratered craterd coppice+d,+ing copice+d,+ing councillor councilr crawl+ed,+er crawl+d,+r coquettish coqetish counsel(l)+ed,+or counsl+d,+r crawling crawlng corded cordd counsel(l)ing counslng crazier crazir cordially cordialy count+ed,+ing count+d,+ng creak+ed,+ing creak+d,+ng cordon+ed,+s cordn+d,+s countenance countnnce cream+ed,+ing cream+d,+ng core+s cor+s COUNTER-: for words beginng crease crese coriander coriandr COUNTER- not listd belo, se undr creative+ly creativ+ly corked corkd baseword. creature creatur cormorant+s cormrnt+s counter+ed,+ing countr+d,+ng credible credbl corned cornd counterfeit+ing countrfit+ng creditable creditbl corner+ed,+ing cornr+d,+ng countermand countrmand credit+ed,+or credit+d,+r Cornwall Cornwal countervailing countrvailng credulous credulus corolla corola counties countis creep+er,+ing creep+r,+ng corollary corolry countr+ified,+y cuntr+ifyd,+y crescent cresnt coronary coronry coup cu crested crestd coroner+s coronr+s couple+d,+s,+t cupl+d,+s,+et crick crik corporal+s corprl+s coupling cuplng cricket+er,+ing criket+r,+ng corporate+ly corprat+ly coupon cupon cri+ed,+er,+es cry+d,+r,+s corporation corpration courage+ous curaj+us criminal+ly crimnl+y corps cor courgette corjet criminality crimnality corpuscles corpusls courier curir criminology crimnolojy corral+led corral*+d course corse crimped crimpd correct+ed,+ing corect+d,+ng coursed corsd crimson crimsn correctional corect+ionl coursing corsng cring+e+d,+ing crinj+d,+ng corrective+s corectiv+s court+ed,+ing cort+d,+ng crinkl+e+d,+ing crinkl+d,+ng correlate corelate courteous curteus crinoline crinlin correspond+ed corespond+d courtesan cortesan cripple+d,+s cripl+d,+s correspondent corespondnt courtesy curtesy crippling criplng corresponding corespondng courtier cortir crisp+ed,+er crisp+d,+r corridor coridr cousin cusn crisscrossed criscrosd corrie+s corri+s couturier cuturir critical+ly criticl+y corroborate corobrate coven covn criticise criticize corrode corode covenant covnnt critique critiqe corrosive corosiv Coventry Covntry croak+ed,+ing croak+d,+ng corrugated corugated cover+age,+ed covr+aj,+d crochet+ed,+ing crochet+d,+ng corrupt+ed,+ible corupt+d,+bl cover+ing,+let covr+ng,+let crock+ery crok+ry corrupting coruptng coveted covetd Cromwell Cromwel corsage corsaj covey+s cov+y,+is crooked (1 sylabl) crookd corseted corsetd cow+ard,+ed cow+rd,+d (2 sylabls) crooked Corsican corsicn cower+ed,+ing cowr+d,+ng croon+ed,+er croon+d,+r corvette+s corvet+s cowrie cowri crooning croonng cosi+er,+ly cozi+r,+ly coxswain coxn cropp+ed,+er crop+d,+r cosmological cosmolojicl crabbed crabd cropping cropng cosmopolitan cosmopolitn crack+ed,+er+s crak+d,+r+s croquet croqet cossack cossak cracking crakng croquette croqett* cosseted cossetd crackle+d,+s crakl+d,+s crossed crosd cost+ed,+ing cost+d,+ng crafted craftd crossing crosng costumier costumir cram+med,+ming cram+d,+ng crotch+ety croch+ety cosy cozy cramp+ed,+ing cramp+d,+ng crouch+ed,+ing crouch+d,+ng coterie+s coteri+s crampon crampn croupier crupir 16 CUT SPELNG Part III crow+ed,+ing cro+ed,+ing curling curlng damn+ed+est dam+d+st crowd+ed,+ing crowd+d,+ng currant curant damnabl+e,+y damnbl+y crown+ed,+ing crown+d,+ng currencies curencis damning damng Croydon Croydn current curent damp+ed,+en+ed damp+d,+n+d crucially crucialy curricul+ar,+um curicul+r,+um damp+ening,+er damp+nng,+r crucible crucibl curr+ied,+y curr+id,+y damping dampng crucif+ied,+ixes crucif+yd,+ixs cursed cursd damsel+s damsl+s crucifying crucifyng cursing cursng damson+s damsn+s cruel(l)+est,+ly cruel+st,+y cursor+ily,+y cursr+ly,+y dandelion dandlion cruise+r,+s cruse+r,+s curtail+ed,+ment curtail+d,+mnt dandified dandifyd crumb+s crum+s curtailing curtailng dandled dandld crumble+d,+s crumbl+d,+s curtain+ed curtn+d dandruff dandruf crumbling crumblng curts+ey,+ied curts+y,+id danger+ous danjer+us crumpl+e+d,+ing crumpl+d,+ng curvature curvatur dangle+d,+s dangl+d,+s crunch+ed,+es crunch+d,+s curve+d,+s,+ing curv+d,+s,+ng dangling danglng crunching crunchng Curzon Curzn Daphne Dafne crush+ed,+es crush+d,+s cushion+ed,+ing cushn+d,+ng dapper dapr crushing crushng cushiony cushny dappled dapld crusted crustd cussed cusd daren’t darent crutch+es cruch+s cussing cusng darken+ed,+ing darkn+d,+ng crying cryng custard custrd dark+er,+est dark+r,+st cryptically crypticly customarily custmrly darkling darklng crystal+line crystl+ine customry custmry darling darlng crystallise/ize crystlize customer custmr darn+ed,+ing darn+d,+ng crystallography crystlografy cuticle cuticl dart+ed,+ing dart+d,+ng cubicle+s cubicl+s cutler+y cutlr+y dash+ed,+es dash+d,+s cuckold cukld cutter+s cutr+s dashing dashng cuckoo cukoo cutting cutng daughter dautr cucumber cucumbr cyclamate cyclamat daunt+ed,+ing daunt+d,+ng cuddle+d,+s cudl+d,+s cyclamen cyclamn Davenport Davnport cuddl+ing,+y cudl+ng,+y cycl+e+d,+ing cycl+d,+ng Davey Davy cudgel cujl cyclical cyclicl Davies Davis cue+s cu+es cylind+er,+rical cylindr+icl dawdl+e+d,+ing dawdl+d,+ng cuff+ed,+ing cuf+d,+ng cymbals cymbls dawn+ed,+ing dawn+d,+ng culinary culinry cynical+ly cynicl+y dazzl+e+d,+ing dazl+d,+ng cull+ed,+ing cul+d,+ng cypher cyfr deacon deacn culminate culmnate cyrillic cyrilic dead+en+ed ded+n+d culpable culpbl czar+ist tsar+ist deadening dednng cultural+ly cultrl+y czech+oslovakczec+oslovak deadli+er,+est dedli+r,+est culture+d cultur+d deaf+en+ed def+n+d culvert culvrt deafening defnng Cumberland Cumbrland D deal+er,+ing deal+r,+ng cumbersome cumbrsm dealt delt cumbrous cumbrus dab+bed,+bing dab+d,+ng deanery deanry cumulative cumulativ dabbl+e+d,+ing dabl+d,+ng dear+er,+est,+ie dear+r,+st,+i cunning cunng dachshund dacsnd dearth derth cup+ped,+ping cup+d,+ng daemon daemn death deth curable curebl daffodil+s dafodil+s debacle debacl curate+s curat+s dagger dagr debarred debard curative curativ dahlia dalia debasement debasemnt curb+ed,+ing curb+d,+ng dallied dallid debatable debatebl curdl+e+d,+ing curdl+d,+ng damage+d,+s damaj+d,+s debauch+ed,+ery debauch+d,+ry curious curius damaging damajng Debora(h) Debra curl+ed,+ers curl+d,+rs dammed damd debris debri curlicue+s curlicu+s dammit damit debt+or+s det+r+s debut debu deflect+ed,+ing deflect+d,+ng demonstrative demonstrativ debutante+s debutant+s deflowered deflowrd demoralise demoralize decadent decadnt deformation defrmation demurred demurd decant+ed,+er decant+d,+r deform+ed,+ing deform+d,+ng denie+d,+s deny+d,+s decanting decantng defrosted defrostd denim denm decay+ed,+ing decay+d,+ng defying defyng denizens denizns decease+d decese+d degenerate a dejenrat man Dennis Denis deceive+r,+s deceve+r,+s to dejenrate denomination+al denomnation+l decelerating decelrating degeneration dejenration dent+al,+ure+s dent+l,+ur+s December decembr degradable degradebl dented dentd decentralise decentrlize dehumanising dehumanizing Denver Denvr deceptive deceptiv deified deifyd denying denyng deciduous deciduus deign+ed dein+d deodorant deodrant decimal deciml dejected dejectd depart+ed,+ing depart+d,+ng decipher+able decyfr+bl degeneration dejenration departure departur deciphered decyfrd Delaney Delany department departmnt decisional decisionl delay+ed,+ing delay+d,+ng departmental departmentl decisive decisiv delectable delectbl dependable dependbl deck+ed,+er dek+d,+r delegate a delegat dependant dependnt decking dekng to delegate depend+ed,+ent depend+d,+nt declaiming declaimng deleterious deleterius depending dependng declaration declration Delhi Deli depersonalized depersnlized declarative declarativ deliberate a delibrat act depict+ed,+ing depict+d,+ng decorate decrate to delibrate deplorable deplorabl decorat+ive,+or decrat+iv,+or delicate delicat deplore+d,+s deplor+d,+s decorous decrus delicatessen delicatesn deploring deplorng decrease decrese delicious delicius deploy+ed,+ing deploy+d,+ng decried decryd delight+ed,+fully delyt+d,+fuly deployment deloymnt decrying decryng delighting delytng deported deportd deduct+ed,+ible deduct+d,+bl deliquescent deliquesnt deportment deportmnt deduct+ing,+ive deduct+ng,+iv delirious delirius deposit+ed,+ing deposit+d,+ng dee de deliver+ance,+ed delivr+nce,+d depositor+y depositr+y deemed deemd deliver+ing,+y delivr+ng,+y depot+s depo+s deepen+ed,+ing deepn+d,+ng dell del depressed depresd deep+er,+est deep+r,+st Delphic delfic depressing depresng defamation defmation delphinium delfinium depressive depressiv defamatory defamatry deluge+d deluje+d derange+d deranje+d default defalt delv+e,+ing delv+ng derangement deranjemnt defeat+ed,+ing defeat+d,+ng demagogue+s demagog+s Derbyshire Derbyshr defect+ed,+ive defect+d,+iv demand+ed,+ing demand+d,+ng derisive+ly derisiv+ly defector defectr demean+ed,+ing demean+d,+ng derivative+s derivativ+s defend+ant,+ed defend+nt,+d demeano(u)r demeanr derogatory derogatry defend+er,+ing defend+r,+ng demented+ly dementd+ly derrick derik defens+ible,+ive defens+bl,+iv demesne demene dervishes dervishs deference defrnce democratically democraticly descend+ant,+ed desend+nt,+d deferential+ly defrential+y democratise democratize descending desendng deferment defermnt demographer+s demografr+s descent desent defer+red,+ring defer+d,+ng demographic demografic describable describebl defiant defynt demolished demolishd descriptive descriptiv defi+ed,+es defy+d,+s demolishing demolishng Desdemona Desdmona definable definebl demolition demlition desert a desrt definite defnit demonically demonicly to desert definition defnition demonology demonolojy desert+ed,+er desert+d,+r definitive+ly definitiv+ly demonstrabl+e,+y demnstrbl+y deserting desertng deflationary deflationry demonstrate demnstrate deserve+d,+s deserv+d,+s 18 CUT SPELNG Part III deserving deservng devil+ish devl+ish dilemma dilema desiccated desicated devious devius dilettante diletante design+ed,+er desyn+d,+r devolution devlution diligent dilijnt designing desynng devolve+d,+s devolv+d,+s dill dil desirable desirebl Devon+shire Devn+shr dimensional dimensionl desirous desirus devotional devotionl diminish+ed,+es diminish+d,+s desisted desistd devour+ed,+ing devour+d,+ng diminishng diminishng desolate a deslat place dexterous dextrus diminution dimnution deslated dhobi dobi diminutive diminutiv despair+ed,+ing despair+d,+ng dhoti doti dimm+ed,+er,+est dim+d,+r,+st despatch etc, se ‘dispatch’ dhow dow dimming dimng desperadoes desprados diabolical+ly diabolicl+y dimple+d,+s dimpl+d,+s desperate desprat diagonal+ly diagnl+y Dinah Dina despicable despicbl diagrammatic diagramatic dinghy dingy despoiled despoild dialectical+ly dialecticl+y dingle dingl despondent+ly despondnt+ly dial+(l)ed,+(l)ing dial+d,+ng dingy dinjy dessert+s desert+s dialogue+s dialog+s dinner dinr destabilise/ize destablize diameter diametr diocesan diocesn destination destnation diametrically diametricly diphtheria diftheria destine+d destn+d diamond diamnd diplomatic+ally diplmatic+ly destiny destny diaper diapr dipp+ed,+er dip+d,+r destroy+ed,+er destroy+d,+r diaphanous diafnus dipping dipng destroying destroyng diaphragm diafram direct+ed,+ing direct+d,+ng destructive+ly destructiv+ly diaphragmatic diafragmatic directional directionl desultory desltry diarrh(o)ea diarea direct+ive,+or direct+iv,+r detachable detachbl diaspora diaspra director+ate,+y directr+at,+y detach+ed,+ing detach+d,+ng dibber dibr dirge dirj detachment detachmnt dichotomy dicotmy dirti+ed,+er dirti+d,+r detail+ed,+ing detail+d,+ng Dick+ens Dik+ns DIS-: for words beginng DIS- not detain+ed,+ing detain+d,+ng dickie/(e)y+s dicki+s listd belo, se undr baseword. detect+able,+ed detect+bl,+d Dickson Dixn disablement disablemnt detecting detectng dictaphone dictafone disappointing disapointng detect+ive,+or detect+iv,+r dictionary dictionry disarm+ers,+ing disarm+rs,+ng detergent deterjnt dictum dictm disast+er,+rous disastr+us deteriorate deterirate didn't didnt disbelievingly disbelevingly determinant+s determnnt+s diesel diesl disbursed disbursd determinat+e,+ive diet+ary,+er diet+ry,+r disc disk determnat+iv dieting dietng discard+ed,+ing discard+d,+ng determine+d+ly determn+d+ly differ+ed,+ent difr+d,+nt discern+ed,+ible disern+d,+bl determining determnng differentiate difrentiate discerning disernng determinist+ic determnist+ic differing difrng disciple disiple deter+red,+rent deter+d,+ent difficult+y dificlt+y disciplinary disiplinry deterring deterng diffident+ly difidnt+ly discipline+d disiplin+d detest+able,+ed detest+bl,+d diffraction difraction disclaimer disclaimr detonate detnate diffus+e,+ing difus+e,+ing discomfiture discomfitur detractors detractrs digest+ed,+er dijest+d,+r disconcerting discncertng detriment detrmnt digest+ible,+ing dijest+bl,+ng disconsolate+ly disconslat+ly detrimental detrmentl digestive dijestiv discordant discordnt deuce duce dig+ger,+ging dig+r,+ng discotheque discoteq Deuteronomy Dutronmy digit+al dijit+l discounting discountng devalue+d devalu+d digitalis dijitalis discouraged discurajd develop+ed,+er develop+d,+r dignified dignifyd discouragement discurajmnt developing developng dignitar+ies,+y dignitr+is,+y discouraging discurajng development developmnt dike se ‘dyke’ discoursed discorsd developmental developmentl dilatory dilatry discoverable discovrbl discover+er,+y discovr+r,+y dispersing dispersng diurnal diurnl discrediting discreditng dispirited dispiritd diverge+d,+ent diverj+d,+nt discrepancies discrepncis displaying displayng diverging diverjng discretionary discretionry disposable disposebl diversified diversifyd discriminate discrimnate disproportionate disproportionat diversifying diversifyng discriminatory discrimnatry disquieting disquietng diversionary diversionry discursive discursiv disrupt+ed,+ive disrupt+d,+iv divert+ed,+ing divert+d,+ng discussed discusd disrupting disruptng diverticular diverticulr discussing discusng dissatisfaction disatisfaction divested divestd disdained disdaind dissatisfied disatisfyd dividend dividnd disdainfully disdainfuly dissect+ed,+ing disect+d,+ng divination divnation disease disese dissemble+d disembl+d divisible divisbl disembodied dismbodid disseminate disemnate divis+ional,+ive divis+ionl,+iv disembowel(l)ed dismbowld dissension disension divulge+d,+ing divulj+d,+ng disfiguring disfigurng dissent+ed,+er disent+d,+r Dixie Dixi disfigurement disfigrmnt dissenting disentng Dixon Dixn disgorge+d disgorj+d dissertation disrtation dock+ed,+er+s dok+d,+r+s disgruntled disgruntld disservice diservice docking dokng disguis+e,+ing disgis+e,+ing dissident disidnt docket doket disgusted+ly disgustd+ly dissimilar disimlr doctor+al,+ate doctr+l,+at disgusting disgustng dissimulation disimulation doctor+ed,+ing doctr+d,+ng disheartening dishartnng dissipate disipate doctrinaire doctrinair dish+ed,+es,+ing dish+d,+s,+ng dissociate disociate doctrine doctrin dishevel(l)ed dishevld dissolute dislute document+ed documnt+d disillusion+ed dislusion+d dissolution dislution documenting documntng disillusioning dislusionng dissolve+d,+s disolv+d,+s documentaries documentris disillusionment dislusionmnt dissolving disolvng documentation documntation disinfectant disnfectnt dissonance disnnce doddering dodrng disinfected disnfectd dissuade disuade dodge+d,+er,+s doj+d,+r,+s disingenuous disnjenuus distaff distaf dodgem dojm disjointed disjointd distant+ly distnt+ly dodg+ing,+y doj+ng,+y dismal+ly disml+y distemper distempr doe+s doe*+s dismantle+d dismantl+d distended distendd does+n’t dos+nt dismantling dismantlng distillation distlation doffing dofng dismay+ed,+ing dismay+d,+ng distill+ed,+ery distil+d,+ry dog-eared dog-eard dismember+ed dismembr+d distilling distilng dogged dogd by bad luk dismembering dismembrng distinctive+ly distinctiv+ly doged determnation dismemberment dismembrmnt distinguishable distinguishbl doggerel dogrl dismissal dismisl distinguished distinguishd dogmatically dogmaticly dismissed dismisd distinguishes distinguishs do-gooder do-goodr dismissing dismisng distinguishing distinguishng do(h) doh* dismissive dismissiv distort+ed,+ing distort+d,+ng do-gooding do-goodng Disney Disny distracted+ly distract+d dolefully dolefuly disoriented disorientd distracting distractng doll+ed dol+d disparage+ment disparaj+mnt distraught distraut dollar dolr disparaging disparajng distressed distresd dollop dolop disparate disprat distressing distresng dolphin dolfn dispatch+ed,+er dispach+d,+r distributional distributionl domestically domesticly dispatch+es,+ing dispach+s,+ng distrusted distrustd dominant+ly domnnt+ly dispell+ed,+ing dispel+d,+ng disturbance disturbnce dominate domnate dispensable dispensbl disturb+ed,+ing disturb+d,+ng domineering domneerng dispensation dispnsation ditch+ed,+es dich+d,+s Dominican dominicn dispensed dispensd ditching dichng domino+es domno+s dispensing dispensng dither+ing dithr+ng Donald Donld dispersed dispersd ditto dito done don 20 CUT SPELNG Part III donkey+s donk+y,+is dribbling driblng to duplicate don+ned,+ning don+d,+ng dri+ed,+es dry+d,+s duplicitous duplicitus donnish donish dri+er+est se ‘dryer, dryest’ durable+s durabl+s don’t dont drift+ed,+er drift+d,+r durational durationl doodle+d,+s doodl+d,+s drifting driftng Durham Duram doodling doodlng drill+ed,+ing dril+d,+ng dust+ed,+er,+ing dust+d,+r,+ng doomed doomd drily dryly Dutch duch door dor drink+able,+er drink+bl,+r dutifully dutifuly dormant dormnt drinking drinkng dwarf+ed,+ing dwarf+d,+ng dormer dormr drip+ped,+ping drip+d,+ng dwell+er,+ing dwel+r,+ng dormitory dormitry drivel drivl dwindle+d,+s dwindl+d,+s dorsal dorsl driven drivn dwindling dwindlng dosage dosaj drizzl+e,+ing drizl+ng Dwyer Dwyr dossier+s dossir+s droll+ery drol+ry dye+d,+ing,+r dy+d,+ng,+r dotage dotaj drool+ed,+ing drool+d,+ng dyes dys dot+ted,+ting dot+d,+ng droop+ed,+ing droop+d,+ng dyke+s dyk+s double+d,+s dubl+d,+s dropp+ed,+er drop+d,+r dynamically dynamicly doubl+et,+ing dubl+et,+ng dropping dropng dynamism dynmism doubt+ed,+er dout+d,+r dropsical dropsicl dynamite dynmite doubting doutng drought drout dynamo+s dynmo+s doubtfully doutfuly drown+ed,+ing drown+d,+ng dyne+s dyn+s douche duche drudge+ry druj+ry dysentery dysntry Dougal Dougl drug+ged,+ging drug+d,+ng dough+y doh*+y drumm+ed,+er drum+d,+r doughty douty drumming drumng E Douglas Duglas drunk+ard,+er drunk+rd,+r dove+s (=bird) dov+s drunken+ness drunkn+ess eager eagr dowager dowajr Dryden Drydn eagle+s eagl+s dowels dowls dry+er,+est dry+r,+est Ealing Ealng downed downd drying dryng earl erl downward+ly downwrd+ly dually dualy* earli+er,+est,+y erl+ir,+iest,+y dozen dozn dub+bed,+bing dub+d,+ng earn+ed,+er+s ern+d,+r+s draft+ed,+ing draft+d,+ng dubious+ly dubius+ly earnest ernest drag+ged,+ging drag+d,+ng duck+ed,+ing duk+d,+ng earning ernng dragon dragn duckling duklng earring ear(-r)ing drainage drainaj ducted ductd earth+ed,+en erth+d,+n drain+ed,+er drain+d,+r dudgeon dujn ease ese dramatically dramaticly due+s du+es easel easl dramatise dramatize duelling duelng easi+er,+est,+ly esi+r,+est,+ly drastically drasticly duff duf easiness esiness draught+y draft+y duffel dufl Eastbourne Eastborn draw+er,+ing draw+r,+ng duffer dufr Easter eastr drawl+ed,+ing drawl+d,+ng duffle se ‘duffel’ easter+ly,+n+er eastr+ly,+n+r dread+ed,+ing dred+d,+ng dukedom dukedm eastward+s eastwrd+s dreadful+ly dredful+y dull+ed,+er,+est dul+d,+r,+st easy esy dream+ed,+er dream+d,+r dullness dulness eat+able,+en,+er eat+bl,+n,+r dreaming dreamng dumb+est,+ly dum+st,+ly eating eatng dreamt dremt dumbfounded dumfoundd eaves eves dredge+d,+r drej+d,+r dump+ed,+ing dump+d,+ng ebb+ed,+s,+ing eb+d,+s,+ng dredging drejng dumpling dumplng ebony ebny drench+ed,+ing drench+d,+ng Duncan Duncn ebullient ebulient dressed dresd dungarees dungrees eccentrically eccentricly dresser dresr dungeon dunjn ecclesiastical eclesiasticl dressing dresng dunked dunkd echelon echlon dribble+d,+s dribl+d,+s duplicate a duplicat echo+ed,+es eco+d,+s eclipsed eclipsd elaborate very elabrat embellish+ed embelish+d ecological+ly eclojicl+y to elabrate embellishment embelishmnt ecology ecolojy Elaine Elain ember+s embr+s economical+ly ecnomicl+y elapsed elapsd embezzlement embezlmnt economies econmis elbow+ed elbo+d embitter+ed,+ing embitr+d,+ng econom+ise,+y econm+ize,+y eld+er,+est eld+r,+st emblazoned emblazond ecosystem ecosystm elderberry eldrbry emblem emblm ecstatically ecstaticly Eleanor se ‘Elinor’ embodied embodid ecumenical ecumenicl elect+ed,+ing elect+d,+ng embodiment embodimnt eczema eczma electioneering electioneerng emboldened emboldnd eddied eddid elective electiv embossed embosd Edgar Edgr elector+al+ly electr+l+y embroider+ed,+y embroidr+d,+y Edgbaston Ejbastn electorate electrat embroidering embroidrng edg+ed,+es,+ing ej+d,+s,+ng electrical+ly electricl+y embroiled embroild edgy ejy electrified electrifyd emerald emrld edible edbl electrifying electrifyng emerg+e+d,+ing emerj+d,+ng edifying edifyng electrolytes elecrolyts emergency emerjncy Edinburgh Ednburh electronically electronicly emerge+nt,+s emerj+nt,+s edit+ed,+ing edit+d,+ng eleemosynary eleemosnry emery emry editor editr elegant elegnt Emily Emly editorially editorialy eleg+iac,+y elej+iac,+y eminent emnnt Edmund Edmnd element elemnt emirates emrats educational+ly educationl+y element+al,+ary element+l,+ry emissary emisry educative educativ elephant elefnt emitt+ed,+ing emit+d,+ng Edward Edwrd elephantine elefantine Emmanuel Emanuel eerie eeri eleven+ses elevn+ses emoluments emolumnts eff ef elfin elfn emotional+ly emotionl+y efface eface elicit+ed,+ing elicit+d,+ng emotive emotiv effect+ed,+ing efect+d,+ng eligible elijbl emperor emprr effective efectiv Elijah Elija emphas+is,+ise emfas+is,+ize effectual efectul eliminate elimnate emphatic+ally emfatic+ly effemin+acy,+ate efemn+acy,+at Elinor Elinr empirical+ly empiricl+y effendi efendi Elisabeth Elizabeth employ+ed,+er employ+d,+r effervescent efrvesnt elixir elixr employing employng effete efete ell el employment employmnt efficacious eficacius Ellen Elen empowered empowrd efficient eficient El(l)iot(t) Eliot empti+ed,+er emti+d,+r effigy efijy ellip+se,+tical elip+se,+ticl empt+ily,+y emt+ily,+y efflorescence eflresnce elopement elopemnt enact+ed,+ing enact+d,+ng effluent efluent elsewhere elswher enactment enactmnt effort+lessly efrt+lesly Elsie Elsi enamel(l)+ed enaml+d effrontery efrontry elusive elusiv enamel(l)ing enamlng effusive+ly efusiv+ly elver elvr enamo(u)red enamrd egg+ed,+ing eg+d,+ng elves elvs encamped encampd Egham Egm emanate emnate encampment encampmnt egotistical egotisticl embalm+ed,+ing embalm+d,+ng encashment encashmnt egregious egrejus embankment embankmnt enchant+ed,+ing enchant+d,+ng Egypt Ejypt embargoes embargos enchantment enchantmnt egyptology ejyptolojy embark+ed,+ing embark+d,+ng encircl+e+d,+ing encircl+d,+ng eider eidr embarrass+ed embaras+d encirclement encirclmnt eiderdown eidrdown embarrassing embarasng enclosure+s enclosur+s eight+h,+y eit+h,+y embarrassment embarasmnt encompassed encompasd Eisenhower Eisnhowr embassy embasy encompassing encompasng either eithr embattled embatld encounter+ed encountr+d eject+ed,+ing eject+d,+ng embedded embedd encountering encountrng 22 CUT SPELNG Part III encourage+d,+s encuraj+d,+s enlarging enlarjng environmental environmentl encouraging encurajng enlargement enlarjmnt environmentally environmently encouragement encurajmnt enlighten+ed enlytn+d envisage+d,+s envisaj+d,+s encroached encroachd enlightening enlytnng envisioned envisiond encroaching encroachng enlightenment enlytnmnt enzyme+s enzym+s encroachment encroachmnt enlist+ed,+ing enlist+d,+ng epaulette+s eplet+s encrusted encrustd enlistment enlistmnt ephemera efemra encumbered encumbrd enlivened enlivend ephemeral efemrl encumbrance encumbrnce enmeshed enmeshd epilog(ue) eplog encyclical encyclicl ennoble+d enoble+d epiphany epifny encyclopaedia encyclopedia Enoch Enoc episcopal episcopl endanger+ed endanjer+d enormous enormus epistemological epistmlojicl endangering endanjerng enough enuf epistemology epistmolojy endear+ed,+ing endear+d,+ng enquire inquire epistle episl endearment endearmnt enrage+d enraje+d epitaph epitaf endeavo(u)r+ed endevr+d enraptured enraptur+d epitom+e,+ise/ize epitm+e,+ize endeavouring endevrng enrich+ed,+es enrich+d,+s epoch+s epoc end+ed,+lessly end+d,+lesly enriching enrichng eponymous eponmus enders endrs enrichment enrichmnt Epping Epng ending endng enrol(l)+ed,+ing enrol+d,+ng Epsom Epsm endive endiv enrol(l)ment enrolmnt equable equabl endocrine endocrin ensemble ensembl equalise equalize endorsed endorsd ensign ensyn equal(l)+ed,+ing equal+d,+ng endorsement endorsmnt enslavement enslavemnt equally equaly endorsing endorsng ensue+d,+s ensu+d,+es equidistant equidistnt endowed endowd entail+ed,+ing entail+d,+ng equipment equipmnt endowment endowmnt entangle+d entangl+d equipp+ed,+ing equip+d,+ng endurable endurebl entanglement entanglmnt equitabl+e,+y equitbl+y enema enma enter+ed,+ing entr+d,+ng equivalent equivlnt enemy enmy enterprise entrprise equivocal equivocl energetic+ally enrjetic+ly entertain+ed,+er entrtain+d,+r erasure erasur energy enrjy entertaining entrtainng ere er enfeebled enfeebld entertainment entrtainmnt erect+ed,+ing erect+d,+ng enfold+ed,+ing enfold+d,+ng enthrall+ed,+ing enthral+d,+ng erector erectr enforceable enforcebl enthronement enthronemnt ergonomics ergnomics enforcement enforcemnt enthusiastically enthusiasticly ermine ermn engage+ment engaje+mnt entitlement entitlemnt erogenous erojnus engender+ed,+s enjendr+d,+s entombed entombd erotically eroticly engine enjn entombment entombmnt err er engineer+ed enjneerd entomology entmolojy errand erand engineering enjneerng entourage enturaj erra+nt,+tically era+nt,+aticly Englander Englandr entrance (=entry) an entrnce err+ed,+ing er+d,+ng engorge+d engorj+d (=to bewich) to entrance erroneous eroneus engorgement engorjmnt entrants entrnts error err engrossed engrosd entrapment entrapmnt erupt+ed,+ing erupt+d,+ng engrossing engrosng entrapped entrapd escalation esclation engulf+ed,+ing engulf+d,+ng entrenched entrenchd escarpment escarpmnt engulfment engulfmnt entrepreneurs entrepreners eschew+ed,+ing eschew+d,+ng enhancement enhancemnt entrusted entrustd escort+ed,+ing escort+d,+ng enigmatically enigmaticly envelope envlope escritoire escritoir enjoined enjoind envelop+ed,+ing envelop+d,+ng eskimo+es eskmo+s enjoyabl+e,+y enjoybl+y enviable enviabl especially especialy enjoy+ed,+ing enjoy+d,+ng envi+ed,+es envi+d,+es espionage espionaj enjoyment enjoymnt envious envius esplanade esplnade enlarge+d,+s enlarj+d,+s environment environmnt espousal espousl esprit espri evident evidnt exhibit+ed,+ing exibit+d,+ng an essay an essay* evilly evily exhibitor exibitr (to) essay+ed (to) esay+d evocative+ly evocativ+ly exhilarate exilrate essence esnce evolution evlution exhort+ed,+ing exort+d,+ng essentially esentialy evolve+d,+s evolv+d,+s exhumed exumed establish+ed,+es establish+d,+s evolving evolvng exigencies exijncis establishing establishng ewe+s ew+s exiguous exiguus establishment establishmnt ewer ewr exist+ed,+ence exist+d,+nce esteemed esteemd Ewing Ewng existent existnt Esther Estr exact+ed,+ing exact+d,+ng existentially existentialy esthetically estheticly exaggerate exajrate existing existng estimate an estmat exaltation exltation exit+ed,+ing exit+d,+ng to estmate exalted exaltd exonerate exonrate estrange+d estranje+d examination examnation exorbitant exorbitnt estrangement estranjemnt examine+d,+r examn+d,+r exorcise exorcize estuary estury examining examnng expand+ed,+ing expand+d,+ng etcetera etcetra example exampl expansionary expansionry etch+ed,+ing ech+d,+ng exasperate exasprate expansive+ly expansiv+ly eternal+ly eternl+y Excalibur Excalibr expatriate an expatriat ethanol ethnol exceed+ed,+ing exeed+d,+ng to expatriate Ethel Ethl excel+led exel+d expectant expectnt ethical+ly ethicl+y excellent+ly exlnt+ly expect+ed,+ing expect+d,+ng ethnically ethnicly excelsior exelsir expeditionary expeditionry etholog+ical,+y etholoj+icl,+y except+ed,+ing exept+d,+ng expell+ed,+ing expel+d,+ng ethyl ethl exceptional+ly exeptionl+y expend+able,+ed expend+bl,+d etiquette etiqet excerpt exerpt expending expendng eucalyptus euclyptus excess+ive exess+iv expenditure expenditur eucharist eucrist exchange exchanje expensive expensiv Eugene Eujene exchequer excheqr experiment experimnt eulogy eulojy excise exise experimental+ly experimentl+y eunuch eunuc excitable exitebl experiment+ed experimnt+d euphemism eufmism excite+ment exite+mnt experimenter experimntr euphemistically eufmisticly exclaim+ed,+ing exclaim+d,+ng experimenting experimntng euphoria euforia exclamation exclmation expiration expration Euphrates Eufrates exclusive exclusiv explain+ed,+ing explain+d,+ng Euratom Euratm excommunicate excomunicate explanation explnation Europe Europ excrement excrmnt explanatory explanatry Euston Eustn excremental excrmentl explicable explicbl euthanasia euthnasia excrescence excresnce exploitable exploitbl eutrophication eutrofication excusable excusebl exploitative exploitativ evaluative evaluativ execrable execrbl exploit+ed,+er exploit+d,+r evanescent evnesnt executioner executionr exploiting exploitng evangelical evanjelicl executive executiv exploration explration evangelism evanjlism exemplar+y exemplr+y exploratory exploratry Evans Evns exemplifie+d,+s exemplify+d,+s explore+d,+r explor+d,+r evaporate evaprate exempt+ed exemt+d exploring explorng evasive+ly evasiv+ly exemption exemtion explosive+ly,+s explosiv+ly,+s evened evend exercise exrcise exponentially exponentialy evening evenng exert+ed,+ing exert+d,+ng exportable exportbl eventually eventuly Exeter Exetr export+ed,+er export+d,+r ever evr exhalation exlation exporting exportng Everest Evrest exhale exale exposure+s exposur+s Everett Evret exhaust+ed,+ible exaust+d,+bl expounded expoundd every evry exhausting exaustng expounding expoundng evicted evictd exhaustive+ly exaustiv+ly expressed expresd 24 CUT SPELNG Part III expressing expresng fallen falen favo(u)r+ed,+ing favor+d,+ng expressive+ly expressiv+ly fallible falibl favo(u)rite favorit exquisite+ly exquisit+ly fallopian falopian fawn+ed,+ing fawn+d,+ng extend+ed,+ing extend+d,+ng fallow falo fear+ed,+fully fear+d,+fuly extens+ive,+or extens+iv,+r falsetto falseto fearing fearng exterior+s exterir+s falsifiability falsifybility fearsome fearsm exterminate extermnate falsif+ied,+ying falsify+d,+ng feasible feasbl external+ise,+ly externl+ize,+y Falstaff Falstaf feast+ed,+ing feast+d,+ng extinguished extinguishd falter+ed,+ing faltr+d,+ng feather+ed,+ing fethr+d,+ng extinguisher extinguishr familiar+ise/ize familir+ize feathery fethry extinguishing extinguishng familiar+ly,+s familir+ly,+s featur+e+d,+ing featur+d,+ng extoll+ed,+ling extol+d,+ng family famly February febry extorted extortd famine+s famn+s feckless fekless extortionate extortionat famished famishd federal+ly fedrl+y extract+ed,+ing extract+d,+ng famous+ly famus+ly federate fedrate extractor extractr fanatical+ly fanaticl+y fee+s fe+s extraditable extraditebl fanci+ed,+er fanci+d,+r feeble+r,+st feebl+r,+st extraneous extraneus fancifully fancifuly feed+er,+ing feed+r,+ng extraordinarily extrordnrly fanged fangd feel+ers,+ing feel+rs,+ng extraordinary extrordnry fann+ed,+ning fan+d,+ng feign+ed,+ing fein+d,+ng extrapolate extraplate Fannie Fanni fell fel extravagant extravagnt fantasise fantasize fella fela exultant+ly exultnt+ly fantastical+ly fantasticl+y fell+ed,+ing fel+d,+ng exultation exltation farcical farcicl feller felr exult+ed,+ing exult+d,+ng farm+ed,+er farm+d,+r fellow felo eye+d,+ful y+d,+ful farming farmng fells fels ey(e)ing yng Faroes Faros felted feltd eye+lets y+lets farrow+ing farro+ing* feminine femnn eyrie+s yri+s fart+ed,+ing fart+d,+ng fend+ed,+er,+ing fend+d,+r,+ng farth+er,+est farth+r,+st fennel fenl farthing farthng Ferdinand Ferdnnd F fascia facia ferment in fermnt fascinate fasnate to ferment fabulous+ly fabulus+ly fascism facism fermentation fermntation facetious+ly facetius+ly fashion+abl+e,+y fashn+bl+y ferment+ed,+ing ferment+d,+ng facially facialy fashion+ed,+ing fashn+d,+ng ferocious+ly ferocius+ly factional factionl fast+ed,+ing fast+d,+ng ferret+ing feret+ng factory factry fasten+ed,+ing fasn+d,+ng ferried ferrid factually factuly fastens fasns ferrous ferus facture+d factur+d fast+er,+est fast+r,+st ferrule ferul faculty faclty fastidious+ly fastidius+ly fertile fertl faeces feces fatalistically fatalisticly fertilise/ize fertlize faerie faeri fatally fataly ferv+ent,+o(u)r ferv+nt,+r fagged fagd father+ed fathr+d fester+ed,+ing festr+d,+ng faggot fagot fathom fathm festival festivl fahrenheit farenheit fatigue+d,+ing fatig+e+d,+ing festive festiv fail+ed,+ing fail+d,+ng fatted fatd festooned festoond failure failur fatten+ed,+ing fatn+d,+ng fetch+ed,+es fech+d,+s faint+ed,+er,+est faint+d,+r,+st fatt+er,+est fat+r,+st fetching fechng fainting faintng fattish fatish fetish fetish fair+er,+est fair+r,+st fatuous fatuus fetter+ed,+s fetr+d,+s faithfully faithfuly Faulkner Falknr fettle fetl falcon+er,+s falcn+r,+s fault+ed falt+d feudal feudl fall+ing fal+ng favour favor feuding feudng fallac+ious,+y falac+ius,+y favo(u)rabl+e,+y favorabl+y fevered feverd few+er,+est few+r,+st flange flanj fluidised fluidized fibrous fibrus flank+ed,+er flank+d,+r flummoxed flumoxd fickle fikl flanking flankng flunked flunkd fictional fictionl flannel+ette flanl+et flunkey+s flunk+y,+is fictitious fictitius flapp+ed,+er flap+d,+r fluorescent fluoresnt fiddle+d,+r fidl+d,+r flapping flapng flush+ed,+es flush+d,+s fiddling fidlng flash+ed,+er,+es flash+d,+r,+s flushing flushng fiddly fidly flashing flashng fluster+ed flustr+d fidget+ed,+ing fijet+d,+ng flatten+ed,+ing flatn+d,+ng flutter+ed,+ing flutr+d,+ng field+ed,+er,+ing field+d,+r,+ng flatter+ed,+ing flatr+d,+ng fly+er+s,+ing fly+r+s,+ng fiery firy flatter+s,+y flatr+s,+y foam+ed,+ing foam+d,+ng fight+er,+ing fyt+r,+ng flattest flatst fobbed fobd figment+s figmnt+s flaunt+ed,+ing flaunt+d,+ng focus(s)+ed,+es focus+d,+s figurative+ly figrativ+ly flavo(u)r+ing flavor+ng focus(s)ing focusng figur+e+d,+ing figr+d,+ng flawed flawd fodder fodr filament+s filamnt+s flay+ed,+ing flay+d,+ng foe+s fo+s filched filchd flea+s fle+s foet+al,+us fet+al,+us fill+ed,+er,+ing fil+d,+r,+ng fleck+ed,+s flek+d,+s foible+s foibl+s fillet+ed filet+d fledg+ed,+ling flej+d,+lng foiled foild fillip filip flee+ing,+s fle+ing,+s foisted foistd film+ed,+ing film+d,+ng fleeting fleetng fold+ed,+er+s fold+d,+r+s filter+ed,+ing filtr+d,+ng Fleming flemng folding foldng finalise finalize flesh+ed,+ier flesh+d,+ir foliage foliaj finally finaly flex+ed,+ible flex+d,+bl folklore folklor financially financialy flex+ing,+or flex+ng,+r follow+ed,+er folo+d,+er financier financir flick+ed,+s,+ing flik+d,+s,+ng fomented fomentd finches finchs flicker+ed,+ing flikr+d,+ng fond+er,+est fond+r,+st find+er,+ing find+r,+ng flier se ‘flyer’ fondl+e+d,+ing fondl+d,+ng finger+ed,+ing fingr+d,+ng flies flys fondue fondu finick+ing,+y finik+ng,+y flight+y flyt+y fool+ed,+ery fool+d,+ry finish+ed,+es finish+d,+s flinch+ed,+ing flinch+d,+ng fooling foolng finishing finishng flinging flingng footage footaj Finn+ish fin+ish flipp+ancy,+ant flip+ncy,+nt footballer footbalr firmament firmmnt flipp+ed,+er flip+d,+r foot+ed,+ing foot+d,+ng firm+er,+est firm+r,+st flipping flipng foppish fopish fiscal fiscl flirtatious flirtatius forag+ed,+ing foraj+d,+ng fish+ed,+er,+ing fish+d,+r,+ng flirt+ed,+ing flirt+d,+ng forbade forbad fish+ery,+es fish+ry,+s flit+ted,+ting flit+d,+ng forbearance forberance fissile fisl float+ed,+er,+ing float+d,+r,+ng forbear+ing,+s forber+ng,+s fissure+d fissur+d flock+ed,+ing flok+d,+ng forbidd+en,+ing forbid+n,+ng fitfully fitfuly flog+ged,+ging flog+d,+ng forbore forbor fitt+ed,+er,+est fit+d,+r,+st flood+ed,+ing flod+d,+ng forcefully forcefuly fitting fitng floor+ed,+ing flor+d,+ng forcible forcebl Fitzgerald Fitzjerald flop+ped,+ping flop+d,+ng fore for fix+ed,+er,+es fix+d,+r,+s flot+illa,+sam flot+ila,+sm FORE-: for words beginng FOR- fixing fixng flounder+ed,+ing floundr+d,+ng not listd belo, se undr baseword. fixture fixtur floured flourd foreboding forboding fizz+ed fiz+d flourish+ed,+es flurish+d,+s foreign+er foren+r fizzled fizld flourishing flurishng foreseeable forseabl flabbergasted flabrgastd flout+ed,+ing flout+d,+ng forestalling forstalng flagellation flajlation flow+ed,+ing,+s flo+ed,+ing,+s forest+ed,+er forest+d,+r flag+ged,+ging flag+d,+ng flower+ed,+ets flowr+d,+ets forfeit+ed,+ing forfit+d,+ng flagon flagn flower+ing,+y flowr+ng,+y forfeiture forfitur flail+ed,+ing flail+d,+ng flue+s flu+es forg+ed,+er+y forj+d,+r+y flamboyant flamboynt fluff+ed fluf+d forging forjng 26 CUT SPELNG Part III forgett+able,+ing forget+bl,+ng freight+ed,+er freit+d,+r fulsome fulsm forgivable forgivbl French french fumbl+e+d,+ing fumbl+d,+ng forgiv+en,+ing forgiv+n,+ng frenzie+d,+s frenzi+d,+s functional+ly functionl+y forgotten forgotn frequented frequentd functionary functionry fork+ed,+ing fork+d,+ng fresco+ed,+es fresco+d,+s functioned functiond formal+ise,+ly forml+ize,+y freshen+ed,+ing freshn+d,+ng functioning functionng form+ative,+ed form+ativ,+d fresh+er,+est fresh+r,+st fundamental+ly fundmentl+y former formr fret+ted,+ting fret+d,+ng fund+ed,+ing fund+d,+ng formidable formidbl friable friabl funerary funery forming formng frictional frictionl fungal fungl forthcoming forthcomng Friday friday funnel funl forthright forthryt fridge+s frij+s funnier funnir fortified fortifyd fri+ed,+es fry+d,+s furious furius fortnight fortnyt friend+lier frend+lir furled furld fortuitous fortuitus Friesian frisian furnish+ed,+es furnish+d,+s fortunate fortunat frieze freze furnishing furnishng forward+ed,+ing forwrd+d,+ng frigate frigat furniture furnitur fossil+ise fosl+ize frigging frigng furore furor foster+ed,+ing fostr+d,+ng fright+en+ed fryt+n+d furred furd fought fot frightening frytnng furrow+ed furo+d foul+ed,+ing foul+d,+ng frightfully frytfuly further+ance,+ed furthr+nce,+d found+ed,+ing found+d,+ng frigid frijid furthering furthrng founder+ed,+ing foundr+d,+ng frill+ed,+s fril+d,+s furthest furth+st foundling foundlng fringe+d,+s frinj+d,+s furtive furtiv fountain fountn frisked friskd fuselage fuselaj foursome foursm fritillary fritilry fussed fusd fourteen forteen fritter fritr fussing fusng fowler fowlr frivolous frivlus futile+ly futil+y foxes foxs frizzed frizd futur+e,+ologist futur+olojist foyer foyr frizzled frizld fractional+ly fractionl+y frock frok fract+ious,+ure fract+ius,+ur frolic+ked,+king frolic+d,+ng G fragile frajl frontage+s frontaj+s fragility frajility frontal+ly frontl+y gabbl+e+d,+ing gabl+d,+ng fragment a fragmnt front+ed,+ing front+d,+ng gadget+ry gajet+ry to fragment frontier frontir gaff gaf fragmentary fragmntry frontispiece frontispece gaffe gaf fragmented fragmentd frost+ed,+ing frost+d,+ng gage+s gaje+s frailer frailr froth+ed,+ing froth+d,+ng gag+ged,+ging gag+d,+ng Franciscan franciscn frown+ed,+ing frown+d,+ng gaggle gagl frangipani franjipani frugally frugaly gain+ed,+er,+ing gain+d,+r,+ng franker frankr fruit+fully,+ing fruit+fuly,+ng gainfully gainfuly frankfurters frankfurtrs frying fryng Gainsborough Gainsbro frantically franticly fuck+ed,+er,+ing fuk+d,+r,+ng gaiter+ed,+s gaitr+d,+s fraternal fraternl fuddled fudld Gaitskell Gaitskl fraught fraut fudg+e,+ing fuj+ng gall+ed,+ing gal+d,+ng fray+ed,+ing fray+d,+ng fuel(l)+ed,+ing fuel+d,+ng gallant+ry galant+ry frazzled frazld fugitive fujitiv galleon galeon freaked freakd fugue fuge gallery galry freckle+d,+s frekl+d,+s Fulbright Fulbryt galley+s gall+y,+is Fred+die,+erick Fred+i,+rik fulfil(l)+ed,+ing fulfil+d,+ng gallic galic free+dom fre+dm fulfil(l)ment fulfilmnt gallon galon free+ing,+ly fre+ing,+ly full+er,+est ful+r,+st gallop+ed,+ing galop+d,+ng Freemantle Fremantl full+y ful+y gallows galos freeze+r,+s freze+r,+s fulminating fulmnating Gallup galup galoomph galoomf gel jel gerbil jerbl galore galor gelatine jelatn geriatric jeriatric galoshes galoshs gelatinous jelatnus germ jerm galvanise galvnize gelding geldng Germaine Jermain gamble+d,+r gambl+d,+r gelignite jelignite German jermn gambling gamblng gem jem germane jermane gambolled gambld gendarme+rie jendarm+ri germanic jermanic gamma gama gender jendr Germany Jermny gammon gamn gene jene germinate jermnate Ganges Ganjes genealogical jenealojicl gerontology jerontolojy gangling ganglng genera jenra Gerry Jerry gangrenous gangrenus general+ise,+ly jenrl+ize,+y gestation jestation gangster gangstr generalissimo jenrlismo gesticulate jesticulate gaol+ed,+er jail+d,+r generality jenrality gestural jestural garage+d,+s garaj+d,+s generate jenrate gestur+e+d,+ing jestur+d,+ng garbage garbaj generational jenrationl Gethsemane Gethsemne garbled garbld generative jenrativ getting getng garden+er,+ing gardn+r,+ng generic jeneric geyser geser Gardner Gardnr genero+sity,+us jenr+osity,+us Ghana Gana gargled gargld genesis jenesis ghastly gastly garlanded garlandd genetic+ally jenetic+ly ghetto+es geto+s garment garmnt Geneva Jeneva ghost gost garner+ed garnr+d Genevieve Jenveve ghoul goul garnished garnish+d Genghis Gengis giant jiant garret garet genial+ly jenial+y gibber+ing,+ish jibr+ng,+ish garrison garisn genie+s jeni+s gibbet jibet garrulous garulus genital jenitl gibbon gibn garter gartr genius+es jenius+s gibe jyb Gascoigne Gascoin Genoa Jenoa giblets jiblets Gascon gascn genocide jenocide Gibraltar Jibraltr gaseous gaseus genre jenre gifted giftd gash+ed,+es gash+d,+s genteel+ly jenteel+y gigantic+ally jigantic+ly Gaskell Gaskl gentian jentian giggl+e+d,+ing gigl+d,+ng gasometer gasometr gentile jentile giggly gigly gasp+ed,+ing gasp+d,+ng gentility jentility gigolo jigolo gas(s)+ed,+es gas+d,+es gentle+r,+st jentl+r,+st Gilbert Gilbrt gas(s)ing gasng gentry jentry gild+ed,+ing gild+d,+ng gateau gatau genuflected jenuflectd Giles Jiles gather+ed,+er gathr+d,+r genuine jenuin gill fishs gils gathering gathrng genus jenus jils of wisky Gatwick Gatwik Geoff+rey Jefry Gillian Jilian gauge+d,+s gaje+d,+s geograph+er,+y jeograf+r,+y gimcrack jimcrak gauging gajing geographical+ly jeograficl+y gimmick gimik gauging gajing geological+ly jeolojicl+y ginger+ly,+y jinjr+ly,+y Gaulle Gaul geolog+ist,+y jeoloj+ist,+y gingham gingm gauze gauz geometric+al+ly jeometric+l+y gin jin gavel gavl geometry jeometry ginseng jinseng gawping gawpng geomorphological jeomorfolojicl gipsy jipsy gay+er,+est gay+r,+st geophysical jeofysicl giraffe+s jiraf+s gazelle gazel geopolitical jeopoliticl gird+ed,+er,+ing gird+d,+r,+ng gazette gazet Georg+e,+ia Jorj+a girdle+d,+s girdl+d,+s gear+ed,+ing gear+d,+ng Georgie Jorji girlie girli gee jee geothermal jeotherml giro jiro geese gese Gerald Jerald gist jist Gehenna Gehena geranium jeranium give+n,+r,+ing giv+n,+r,+ng 28 CUT SPELNG Part III glacier glacir golden goldn grant+ed,+ing grant+d,+ng glamo(u)r+ous glamr+us Golding Goldng Grantham Granthm Glasgow Glasgo golf+er,+ing golf+r,+ng granular granulr Glastonbury Glastnbry Gomorrah Gomora graph+ical+ly graf+icl+y Glaswegian glaswejan gondola gondla graphite grafite glaucous glaucus gone gon grapple+d,+s grapl+d,+s gleam+ed,+ing gleam+d,+ng goodbye goodby grappling graplng glean+ed,+er glean+d,+r gooey gooy grasp+ed,+ing grasp+d,+ng glee+fully gle+fuly goofed goofd gratefully gratefuly Glencoe Glenco gooseberry goosbry gratif+ied,+ying gratify+d,+ng glimmer+ed,+ing glimr+d,+ng Gorbals Gorbls gratuitous gratuitus glimpsed glimpsd Gordon Gordn gravel(l)+ed,+ly gravl+d,+y glint+ed,+ing glint+d,+ng gore gor gravitational gravitationl glisten+ed,+ing glisn+d,+ng gorge+d,+ous,+s gorj+d,+us,+s gray etc, se ‘grey’ glitter+ed,+ing glitr+d,+ng gorging gorjng grayling graylng glittery glitry gorgon gorgn greas+e,+ing gres+e,+ing gloaming gloamng gorilla gorila great+er,+est,+s gret+r,+st,+s gloat+ed,+ing gloat+d,+ng gosling goslng greave greve globally globaly gospel gospl Greece Grece globular globulr gossamer gosmr Greek greek globule globul gossip+ed,+ing gossip+d,+ng green+er+y,+est green+r+y,+st gloried glorid gotten gotn greening greenng glori+fied,+ous glori+fyd,+us gouache guache Greenhalgh Greenhalj glossary glosry goug+e+d,+ing gouj+d,+ng greenness greeness glossed glosd goulash gulash Greenwich Grenich glottal glotl gourd gord greet+ed,+ing greet+d,+ng Gloucester+shire Glostr+shr gourmet gormet gregarious gregarius glove+d,+r glov+d,+r govern+ed,+ing govrn+d,+ng Gregory Gregry glow+ed,+s glo+ed,+s governess govrness grey+ed,+er,+ing grey+d,+r,+ng glower+ed,+ing glowr+d,+ng government govrnmnt griddle gridl glue+d,+s glu+ed,+es governmental govrnmentl grievance grevance glutinous glutinus governor govrnr grieve+d,+s greve+d,+s glutted glutd Gower Gowr griev+ing,+ous grev+ing,+us glutton+ous,+y glutn+us,+y gowned gownd griffin grifn glycerine glycerin grab+bed,+bing grab+d,+ng Griffiths Grifiths glycogen glycojn gracefully gracefuly grill+ed,+s,+ing gril+d,+s,+ng gnarled narld gracious gracius grimmer grim+r gnashing nashng gradually graduly grind+er,+ing grind+r,+ng gnat nat graduate a graduat grinned grinnd* gnaw+ed,+s naw+d,+s to graduate grinning grinng gnawing nawng Graeco-roman greco-roman grip+ped,+ping grip+d,+ng gnom+e,+ic nom+e,+ic graffiti grafiti gristl+e,+y grisl+y goaded goadd graft+ed,+ing graft+d,+ng grit+ted,+ting grit+d,+ng gobbet gobet grained graind grizzled grizld gobbl+e+d,+ing gobl+d,+ng Grainger Grainjr groan+ed,+ing groan+d,+ng gobbling goblng grammar gramr groom+ed,+ing groom+d,+ng goddamned godamd grammatical+ly gramaticly groove+d,+s groov+d,+s goddess godess gramme gram Grosvenor Grovenr Godfrey Godfry gramophone gramofone grotesque grotesq Godley Godly granary granry grotto+es groto+s goes gos grand+er,+est grand+r,+st ground+ed,+ing ground+d,+ng Goethe Goete grandeur grandur group+ed,+ing group+d,+ng goggle+d,+s gogl+d,+s grange granje grovel(l)+ing grovl+ng goggling goglng granite granit grow+er+s gro+er+s goitre goitr grannie+s granni+s growl+ed,+ing growl+d,+ng growth groth guzzl+e+d,+ing guzl+d,+ng hanker+ed,+ing hankr+d,+ng grub+bed,+bing grub+d,+ng gymkhana jymkana Hannah Hana grudge+d,+s gruj+d,+s gymnas+ia,+tic jymnas+ia,+tic Han(n)over Hanovr grudging grujng gyn(a)ecologist gynecolojist haphazard haphazrd gruel(l)ing gruelng gypsy se ‘gipsy’ happen+ed,+ing hapn+d,+ng gruesome grusm happier happir gruff gruf H harangue+d,+s harang+d,+s grumble+d,+r grumbl+d,+r haranguing harangng grumbling grumblng habitable habitbl harass+ed,+ing haras+d,+ng grunt+ed,+ing grunt+d,+ng habitually habituly harassment harasmnt Guadeloupe Guadloup hack+ed,+ing hak+d,+ng harbinger harbinjr guarant+ee,+or garant+ee,+r hackles hakls harbo(u)r+ed harbr+d guard+ed,+ian gard+d,+ian Hackney Hakny harbo(u)ring harbrng guarding gardng hackneyed haknid harden+ed,+ing hardn+d,+ng gudgeon gujn haddock hadok hard+er,+est hard+r,+st guelder geldr hadn’t hadnt hardier hardir guer(r)illa gerila haemo- se ‘hemo-’ Harding Hardng Guernsey Gernsy haggard hagrd Hargreaves Hargreves guess gess haggis hagis haricot harico guessed gesd haggle+d,+ing hagl+d,+ng hark+ed,+ing hark+d,+ng guessing gesng Hagley Hagly harm+ed,+ing harm+d,+ng guest gest Hague Hage harmlessly harmlesly guff guf Haigh Haig harmony harmny guffaw+ed gufaw+d hail+ed,+ing hail+d,+ng harmonious harmonius Guiana se ‘Guyana’ hair+ed,+ier hair+d,+ir harmonise/ize harmnize guidance gidance half-witted half-witd harnessed harnesd guide gide halfpenny hapeny harnessing harnesng guild gild hall hal Harper Harpr guile gile hallelujah aleluia harping harpng guillotine gilotine Halley Hally harpsichord harpsicord guilt gilt hallo se ‘hullo’ harri+ed,+er+s harri+d,+r+s guinea ginea hallowe(’)en haloeen harrow+ed,+ing haro+d,+ing guinness giness hallow+ed,+s hallo*+d,+s harsh+er,+est harsh+r,+st guise gise hallucinate halucinate harvest+ed,+er harvest+d,+r guitar gitar halt+ed,+ing halt+d,+ng harvesting harvestng gull gul halter haltr Harvey Harvy gullet gulet halve+d,+s,+ing halv+d,+s,+ng hashed hashd gulley+s gull+y,+is hamburger hamburgr hasn’t hasnt gullible gulibl Hamilton Hamltn hassle+s hasl+s gulp+ed,+ing gulp+d,+ng hammer+ed,+ing hamr+d,+ng hassock hassok gummed gumd hammock hamok hasten+ed,+ing hasen+d,+ng gumption gumtion hamper+ed,+ing hampr+d,+ng hatch+ed,+ery hach+d,+ry gunn+ed,+er+y gun+d,+r+y Hampshire Hampshr hatch+es,+ing hach+s,+ng gunning gunng Hampstead Hamsted hatchet hachet gunwale gunl Hampton Hamtn hatted hatd gurgle+d,+s gurgl+d,+s hamster hamstr Hattersley Hatrsly gurgling gurglng hand+ed,+ing hand+d,+ng haught+ily+y haut+ily,+y gurkha gurka handicapped handicapd haulage haulaj gush+ed,+ing gush+d,+ng handkerchief hankrchif haul+ed,+ing haul+d,+ng gust+ed,+ing gust+d,+ng handle+d,+r,+s handl+d,+r,+s haunches haunchs gutted gutd handling handlng haunt+ed,+ing haunt+d,+ng gutter+ing gutr+ng handsome+st hansm+st have+n’t,+s hav+nt,+s guttural gutrl hangar hangr having havng guy gy hang+ed,+er hang+d,+r haversack havrsak Guyana Gyana hanging hangng Hawaiian hawaian 30 CUT SPELNG Part III hawk+ed,+er hawk+d,+r herald+ed,+ing herald+d,+ng historical+ly historicl+y hazard+ed,+ous hazrd+d,+us herbaceous herbaceus history histry he’ll he’l herb+age,+al (h)erb+aj,+l hitch+ed,+es hich+d,+s head+ed,+er hed+d,+r Herbert Herbrt hitching hichng head+ing,+y hed+ng,+y herbivore herbivor hither hithr heal+ed,+er,+ing heal+d,+r,+ng herbivorous herbivrus hitting hitng Healey Healy herd+ed,+ers herd+d,+rs Hitler Hitlr health+ier helth+ir herding herdng Hittite hitite heap+ed,+ing heap+d,+ng hereditary hereditry hoar+y hor+y heard herd Herefordshire Herefordshr hoard+ed,+ing hord+d,+ng hear+er+s,+ing hear+r+s,+ng heretical hereticl hoarse horse hearse herse heritage heritaj hobble+d,+s hobl+d,+s Hearst Herst hermaphrodite hermafrodite hobbling hoblng heart+ed,+en+ed hart+d,+n+d hermetically hermeticly hock hok heartening hartnng hermitage hermitaj hockey hocky hearth harth hero+es,+ically hero+s,+icly hoe+ing,+s hoe*, hoing, hoes* heat+ed,+er,+ing heat+d,+r,+ng heroine heroin hogging hogng heathen heathn herring herng hoist+ed,+ing hoist+d,+ng heather hethr Hertfordshire Hertfordshr hold+er,+ing hold+r,+ng Heathrow Heathro hesitant hesitnt holidaying holidayng heave+s heve+s heterogeneity hetrojeneity holier holir heaven+ward hevn+wrd heterogeneous hetrojeneus Holland Holand heav+ier,+y hev+ir,+y heterosexual hetrosexul holler+ed,+ing holr+d,+ng heck hek heterosexuality hetrosexuality Holliday Holiday heckle+d,+r hekl+d,+r hexagon+al hexagn+l hollow+ed holo+d heckling heklng hiccup+ping hicup+ng hollyhock hollyhok hector+ing hectr+ng hick hik holster+ed+s holstr+d,+s hedge+d,+s,+ing hej+d,+s,+ng hickory hikry homage homaj heed+ed,+ing heed+d,+ng hidden hidn homestead+er homested+r heel+ed,+ing heel+d,+ng hideous hideus homeward+s homewrd+s heft+ed,+ier heft+d,+ir hierarchical hirarchicl homily homly hegemony hegemny hierarchy hirarchy homogeneity homojeneity heifer hefr hieroglyph+ics hiroglyf+ics homogeneous homojeneus heigh-ho hei-ho higgledy-piggledy higldy-pigldy homogenise homojnize height+en+ed,+s hyt+n+d,+s highjacking hyjakng homogenous homojnus heightening hytnng high-waisted hy-waistd honest onest heinous heinus high+er,+est hy+r,+est honey+ed hon+y,+id heir+ess er+ess hijack+ed,+er hijak+d,+r honeys honis helical helicl hilarious hilarius honk+ed,+ing honk+d,+ng helicopter helicoptr Hilary Hilry hono(u)r+able onr+bl hell hel hill hil honorary onry Hellenic helenic hillock+s hilok+s hono(u)r+ed,+s onr+d,+s hello se ‘hullo’ hinder (=obstruct) hindr hono(u)ring onrng helmeted helmetd (=rear) hinder hooded hoodd help+ed,+er,+ing help+d,+r,+ng hinder+ed,+ing hindr+d,+ng hoodlum hoodlm helpfully helpfuly hindrance hindrnce hookah hooka helplessly helplesly hinge+d,+s,+ing hinj+d,+s,+ng hook+ed,+er hook+d,+r helplessness helplesness hint+ed,+ing hint+d,+ng hooking hookng helter-skelter heltr-skeltr hinterland hintrland hooligan hoolign Hemingway Hemngway hippie+s hippi+s hoop+ed,+er hoop+d,+r hemisphere hemisfere hippocratic hipocratic hoopoe+s hoopo+s hemispherical hemisfericl hippodrome hipodrome hoot+ed,+er hoot+d,+r hemlock hemlok hippopotamus hipopotmus hooting hootng hem+med,+ming hem+d,+ng hissed hisd hoover+ing hoovr+ng hemorrhag+e,+ing hemraj+ng hissing hisng hooves hoovs hopefully hopefuly humorous humorus identifying identifyng hopelessly hopelesly hump+ed,+ing hump+d,+ng ideological+ly ideolojicl+y hopelessness hopelesness humph humf ideolog+ies,+ist ideoloj+is,+ist hopp+ed,+er hop+d,+r Humphrey Humfry ideologue+s ideolog+s hopping hopng hunch+ed,+es hunch+d,+s ideology ideolojy horde hord hunching hunchng idiotically idioticly horizontal horizontl Hungary Hungry idolatrous idolatrus horned hornd hunger+ed,+s hungr+d,+s idolise idolize horrendous horendus hungrier hungrir idyll idl horri+ble,+d hori+bl,+d hunkers hunkrs idyllic idylic horrific horific hunt+ed,+er,+ing hunt+d,+r,+ng ignominious ignminius horrif+ied,+ies horif+yd,+ys Huntingdonshire Huntngdnshr ignominy ignmny horrify+ing horify+ng hurdle+s hurdl+s ignorant ignrnt horror horr hurl+ed,+ing hurl+d,+ng ignore+d,+ing ignor+d,+ng horticulture horticultur hurrah hura ill il hosanna hosana hurricane huricn illegal+ity,+ly ilegal+ity,+y hospit+able,+al hospit+bl,+l hurried hurrid illegible ilejbl hospitalise hospitlize hurting hurtng illegitima+cy,+te ilejitma+cy,+t Hospitaller hospitlr hurtl+e+d,+ing hurtl+d,+ng illiberal ilibrl hostage hostaj husband+ed,+ry husbnd+d,+ry illicit ilicit host+ed,+el+ry host+d,+l+ry husbanding husbndng Illinois Ilinoi hostile hostl hushed hushd illiterate ilitrat hotchpotch hochpoch hussar husar illness ilness hoteliers hotelirs hustle+d,+r,+ing husl+d,+r,+ng illogical+ly ilojicl+y hottentot hotntot hutch huch illuminate iluminate hotte+r,+st hot+r,+st Huxley Huxly illumine+d ilumin+d Houghton Hotn, Houtn hyaena hyena illusion ilusion hounded houndd hydrangea hydranja illustrat+e,+ive ilustrat+e,+iv Hounslow Hounslo hydrant hydrnt illustrious ilustrius hour our hydrogen hydrojn IM-: for words beginng IM- not hovel hovl hydrological hydrolojicl listd belo, se undr baseword. hover+ed,+ing hovr+d,+ng hygiene hyjene image+ry imaj+ry howitzer howitzr hymen hymn imagin+able,+ary imajn+bl,+ry howl+ed,+ing howl+d,+ng hymn hym imaginative imajnativ hubbub hubub hyper hypr imagine+d imajn+d huckleberry huklbry hyperbole hyperble imaging imajng Huddersfield Hudrsfield hyphen hyfn imagining imajning huddle+d,+ing hudl+d,+ng hypnopaedic hypnopedic imbroglio imbrolio hue hu hypnotise hypnotize imbue+d imbu+d huff+ed huf+d hypochondria hypocondria imitative imitativ huge huje hypocrit+e,+ical hyocrit+icl immaculate+ly imaculat+ly hug+ged,+ging hug+d,+ng hypothesise hypothesize immanent imnnt Hugh+es Hu+es hypothetical hypotheticl immaterial imaterial hulking hulkng hysterectomy hystrectmy immature imature hull hul hysterical+ly hystericl+y immeasurable imesurabl hullabaloo hulabloo immediate imediat hullo hulo I immemorial imemorial humanise humanize immense imense humble+d,+r humbl+d,+r I+’ll,+’ve I+’l,+’v immerse imerse humbl+est,+ing humbl+st,+ng icicles icicls immersed imersd humidifier humidifyr iconography iconografy immersing imersng hum+med,+ming hum+d,+ng ideal+ise,+ly ideal+ize,+y immigrant imigrnt hummock humok identical+ly identicl+y imminent imnnt humo(u)r+ed humor+d identifi+able,+ed identify+bl,+d immobile imobil humo(u)ring humorng identifi+er,+es identify+r,+s immoderate imodrat 32 CUT SPELNG Part III immodest imodest impregnable impregnbl incumbent incumbnt immolate imlate impressed impresd incurable incurebl immoral imoral impressing impresng incurr+ed,+ing incur+d,+ng immortal+ise,+s imortl+ize,+s impressionable impressionbl indebted indetd immovable imovebl impressive impressiv indecipherable indecyfrbl immun+e,+ity imun+e,+ity imprinting imprintng indefatigable indefatigbl immunise/ize imunize imprison+ing imprisn+ng indefensible indefensbl immured imured imprisonment imprisnmnt indefinable indefinebl immutable imutabl impromptu impromtu indelible indelbl impacted impactd improvement improvemnt indented indentd impair+ed,+ing impair+d,+ng impulsive impulsiv independent independnt impairment impairmnt IN-: for words beginng IN- not indescribable indescribebl imparted impartd listd belo, se undr baseword. indestructible indestructbl impartially impartialy inaccuracy inacuracy indeterminate indetermnat impassable impasbl inadmissible inadmisbl indexed indexd impassioned impassiond inadvertent inadvertnt indicative indicativ impeached impeachd inalienable inalienbl indictable indictbl impeachment impeachmnt inanimate inanmat indictment indictmnt impeccable impecbl incalculable incalculabl indigenous indijnus impecunious impecunius incandescent incndesnt indigent indijnt impediment impedmnt incarnate a fiend indigestible indijestbl impell+ed,+er impel+d,+r incarnat indignant indignnt impelling impelng to incarnate indiscriminate indiscrimnat impending impendng incendiary incendiry indispensable indispensbl impenetrable impenetrbl incensed incensd indisputabl indisputebl imperative imperativ incentive incentiv indissoluble indisolubl imperceptible imperceptbl incessant incesnt indistinguishable indistinguishbl imperfection imprfection incestuous incestuus individualise individulize imperilled imperild inching inchng individually individuly imperious imperius inchoate incoate indivisible indivisbl impersonate impersnate incident incidnt indolent indlnt impertinent impertnnt incidental+ly incidentl+y indomitable indomitbl imperturbable imperturbbl incinerate incinrate indubitable indubitbl impervious impervius incisive incisiv inducement inducemnt impetuous impetuus incitement incitemnt inductance inductnce imping+e+d,+ing impinj+d,+ng inclination inclnation induct+ive,+or induct+iv,+r implacable implacbl inclusive inclusiv indulge+d,+nt indulj+d,+nt implanting implantng incoming incomng indulging induljng implement+ed implmnt+d incommunicado incomunicado industrialise industrialize implementing implmntng incomparable incomprbl industrially industrialy impli+ed,+es imply+d,+s incongruous incongruus industrious industrius implor+e+d,+ing implor+d,+ng inconsequentially ineffable inefbl implying implyng inconsequentialy ineluctable ineluctbl imponderable impondrbl inconsolable inconsolebl ineradicable ineradicbl important importnt incontinent incontnnt inescapable inescapebl import+ed,+er import+d,+r incontrovertible incontrovertbl inestimable inestmbl importing importng incorporate incorprate inevitable inevitbl importunate importunat incorrigible incorijbl inexhaustible inexaustbl impossible imposbl incorruptible incoruptbl inexorable inexrbl impost+er/or,+ure impost+r,+ur increase increse inexplicable inexplicbl impotent impotnt incredible incredbl inexpressible inexpresbl impounded impoundd incredulous incredulus inextricable inextricbl impoverish+ed impovrish+d increment incrmnt infam+ous,+y infm+us,+y impoverishing impovrishng incremental incrmentl infant+ile infnt+l impoverishment impovrishmnt incriminate incrimnate infantry infntry infect+ed,+ing infect+d,+ng inner inr intend+ed,+ing intend+d,+ng inference infrnce inning+s inng+s intensifi+ed,+es intensify+d,+s inferior inferir innocent inocent intensifying intensifyng infernal infernl innocuous inocuus intensive intensiv inferr+ed+ing infer+d,+ng innovat+e,+ive inovat+e,+iv intentional+ly intentionl+y infested infestd innuendo+es inuendo+s INTER-: for words beginng INTER- infidel infidl innumerable inumerabl not listd belo, se undr baseword. infiltrate infltrate inoperable inoprbl inter- (=prefix with E pronounced infinite infnit inoperative inoprativ shwa) intr- infinitesimal infnitesml inordinate inordnat inter (=bury) inter infirmary infirmry inquisit+ive,+or inquisit+iv,+r intercede intrcede inflammable inflambl insatiable insatiabl intercept+ed,+ing intrcept+d,+ng inflammation inflmation inscrutable inscrutabl intercom intrcom inflammatory inflamatry insectivore insectivor interdiction intrdiction inflatable inflatebl inseparable inseprbl interest+ed,+ing intrest+d,+ng inflationary inflationry insert+ed,+ing insert+d,+ng interfere intrfere inflict+ed,+ing inflict+d,+ng insidious insidius interim intrim inflorescence inflresnce insist+ed,+ent insist+d,+nt interior interir informant informnt insisting insistng interjected intrjectd information+al infrmation+l insolent inslnt interlocutor intrlocutr informative informativ insolvent insolvnt interloper intrloper inform+ed,+er inform+d,+r inspect+ed,+ing inspect+d,+ng interlude intrlude informing informng inspector+ate inspectr+at intermediary intrmediry infrastructure infrastructur inspiration+al inspration+l intermediate intrmediat infring+e+d,+ing infrinj+d,+ng instal(l)+ed,+ing instal+d,+ng interminable intermnbl infringe+ment infrinj+mnt installation instlation intermittent intrmitnt ingenious injenius instalment instalmnt internal+ise,+ly internl+ize,+y ingenu injnu instant+aneous instnt+aneus international+ly intrnationl+y ingenuity injnuity instead insted internecine intrnecine ingenuous injenuus instil(l)+ed instil+d intern+ed,+ment intern+d,+mnt ingested injestd instinctive instinctiv Interpol Intrpol ingle ingl institutional+ise institutionl+ize interpretative interpretativ ingrained ingraind instruct+ed,+ing instruct+d,+ng interpret+ed,+er interpret+d,+r inhabit+ant,+ed inhabit+nt,+d instructional instructionl interpreting interpretng inhabiting inhabitng instruct+ive,+or instruct+iv,+r interred interd inhalation inlation instrument instrmnt interrelate intr(-r)elate inheritance inheritnce instrumental instrmentl interrogate interogate inherit+ed,+or inherit+d,+r instrumentation instrmntation interrogative introgativ inhibit+ed,+ing inhibit+d,+ng insubordination insubordnation interrupt+ed,+ing intrupt+d,+ng inhibitory inhibitry insufferable insufrbl intersect+ed intrsect+d inhospitable inhospitbl insular insulr intersperse intrsperse inimical inimicl insult+ed,+er insult+d,+r interspersed intrspersd inimitable inimitbl insulting insultng interstellar intrstelr iniquitous iniquitus insuperable insuperabl interval intrvl initial(l)+ed,+ly initial+d,+y insupportable insuportbl intervene intrvene initiative initiativ insurable insurebl intervention intrvention inject+ed,+ing inject+d,+ng insurgent insurjnt interview+ed,+er intrvew+d,+r injur+e+d,+ing injr+d,+ng insurmountable insurmountbl interviewing intrvewng injury injry insurrection insrection intestine intestn injurious injurius integr+al,+ative integr+l,+ativ intimacy intmacy inked inkd intellect+ually intlect+uly intimate very intmat inkling inklng intellectuality intlectuality an intmat inn in intelligent intelijnt to intmate innards inrds intelligentsia intelijentsia intoler+able,+ant intolr+bl,+nt innate inate intelligible intelijbl intonation intnation 34 CUT SPELNG Part III intractable intractbl irremediable iremediabl Japanese japnese intransigent intransijnt irreparable ireprbl jargon jargn intravenous intravenus irreplaceable ireplacebl jar+red,+ring jar+d,+ng intricate intricat irrepressible irepresbl Jarrow Jaro intrigu+e,+ing intrig+e,+ing irreproachable ireproachbl jasmine jasmn intrinsically intrinsicly irresistible iresistbl jasper jaspr introductory introductry irresolute ireslute Javanese javnese introject+ed,+ive introject+d,+iv irrespective irespectiv javelin javlin introspective introspectiv irresponsible iresponsbl jazz jaz introverted introvertd irretrievable iretrevebl jazzy jazzy* intrusive intrusiv irreverent irevrnt jealous+y jelus+y intuit+ed,+ive intuit+d,+iv irreversible ireversbl Jeanne Jan IN-: for words beginng IN- not irrevocable irevocbl Jeannie Jeani listd belo, se undr baseword. irrigate irigate jeer+ed,+ing jeer+d,+ng invasive invasiv irrit+able,+ant irit+bl,+nt Jeff+rey Jef+ry invective invectiv irritate iritate Jefferson Jefrsn inveigled inveigld Isaac Isac Jehovah Jehova invent+ed,+ing invent+d,+ng Isabel Isabl Jekyll Jekl inventive inventiv Isaiah Isia jellied jellid inventor inventr island+er iland+r Jennifer Jenifr inventory invntry isle+t ile+t jeopard+ise,+y jeprd+ize,+y Inverness Invrness isn’t isnt Jericho Jerico invertebrate invertebrat issue+d issu+d jerk+ed,+ing jerk+d,+ng invert+ed,+ing invert+d,+ng it’ll it’l jerkin jerkn invest+ed,+ing invest+d,+ng Italian italian jersey jersy investigative investigativ Italy Itly Jessie Jessi investiture investitur itch+ed,+es,+ing ich+d,+s,+ng jest+er,+ing jest+r,+ng invest+ment,+or invest+mnt,+r itchy ichy jetsam jetsm inveterate invetrat itinerant itinrnt jetted jetd invidious invidius itinerary itinry jettison+ed,+ing jetisn+d,+ng invigorate invigrate jewel+(l)ed,+(l)er jewl+d,+r invincible invincibl jewel(le)ry jewlry inviol+able,+ate inviol+abl,+at J jibes jybs invisible invisbl jab+bed,+bing jab+d,+ng jig+ged,+ging jig+d,+ng involuntarily involuntrly jabber+ing jabr+ng jiggle+d,+ing jigl+d,+ng involuntary involuntry Jack Jak jilted jiltd involv+e+d,+ing involv+d,+ng jackal jakl Jimm+ie,+y Jimmi involvement involvmnt jackaroo jakroo jingl+e+d,+ing jingl+d,+ng invulnerable invulnrbl jack+ed,+ing jak+d,+ng jitter+s,+y jitr+s,+y inward inwrd jacket+ed jaket+d Joanna Joana irascible irasbl Jackie Jacki jobbing jobng iridescent iridesnt Jackson Jaksn Jock Jok irk+ed,+some irk+d,+sm Jacqueline Jaqlin jockey+ed jock+y+id iron+ed,+ing iron+d,+ng Jacques Jaq jockeys jockis ironical+ly ironicl+y jacuzzi jacuzi jocular joculr ironmongery ironmongry Jaffa Jafa jodhpurs jodprs Iroquois iroquoi jagged jaged Joe Jo irrational+ly irationl+y jail+ed,+er,+ing jail+d,+r,+ng jog+ged,+ger jog+d,+r irreconcilable ireconcilebl Jamaican jamaicn jogging jogng irredeemable iredeembl jamb jam John+nie/ny,+son Jon+ni,+sn irreducible ireducebl jamboree jambree join+ed,+er+y join+d,+r+y irrefutable irefutebl jam+med,+ming jam+d,+ng joining joinng irregular+ly iregulr+ly jangl+e+d,+ing jangl+d,+ng jointed jointd irrelevant irelevnt janitor janitr jolt+ed,+ing jolt+d,+ng irreligious irelijus January janury Jonath+an,+on Jonathn Jordan Jordn kernel kernl knock+ed,+er nok+d,+r Joseph+ine Josef+ine Kerr Ker knocking nokng Josiah Josia kestrel kestrl Knole Nole jostl+e+d,+ing josl+d,+ng ketch kech knoll nol jot+ted,+ting jot+d,+ng ketchup kechup knot+ted,+ty not+d,+ty joule jule kettle+s ketl+s knotting notng journal jurnl key+ed ke+ed know no journey+ed,+eys jurn+y,+id,+is khaki kaki knowable noabl jovially jovialy Khan Kan knowed noed joy+fully,+ous joy+fuly,+us kibbutz kibutz knowledge+able nolej+bl Judaea Judea kick+ed,+er,+ing kik+d,+r,+ng known nown Judaeo-Christian judeo-cristian kid+ded,+ding kid+d,+ng Knox Nox Judah Juda kidnap(p)+er,+ing kidnap+r,+ng knuckle+s nukl+s judge+d,+ing juj+d,+ng kidney+s kidn+y,+is krill kril judg(e)ment jujmnt kill+ed,+er,+ing kil+d,+r,+ng judici+ally,+ous judici+aly,+us Kilmarnock Kilmarnok juggernaut jugrnaut kilogramme kilogram L juggl+er,+ing jugl+r,+ng kilowatt kilowat label(l)+ed,+ing label+d,+ng jugular jugulr kind+er,+est kind+r,+st laboratory laboratry juice juce kindergarten kindrgartn labo(u)r+ed,+er labor+d,+r Julie Juli kindle+d,+s kindl+d,+s labo(u)ring laborng jumble+d jumbl+d kindling kindlng laborious laborius jump+ed,+er jump+d,+r kingdom kingdm labyrinth labrinth jumping jumpng Kingsley Kingsly lack+ed,+ing lak+d,+ng juncture junctur Kipling Kiplng lackadaisical lakadaisicl jungle+s jungl+s kippers kiprs lackey+s lack+y,+is junior junir kissed kisd laconically laconicly juniper junipr kissing kisng lacquer+ed laqr+d Jupiter Jupitr Kissinger Kisnjr lacrosse lacross justifiable justifybl kitchen+ette kichn+et ladder ladr justif+ied,+ies justify+d,+s Kitchener Kichnr laddie laddi justifying justifyng kitsch kich lager lagr jut+ted,+ting jut+d,+ng kitted kitd laggard lagrd juvenile juvenl kitten+ish kitn+ish lag+ged,+ging lag+d,+ng klaxon klaxn lamb+ing lam+ng knack nak lamentable lamntbl K knacker nakr lamentation lamntation knapsack napsak lament+ed,+ing lament+d,+ng kaffir kafr knave nave laminated lamnated Kaiser Kaisr knead+ed,+ing nead+d,+ng lampooned lampoond kaleidoscope kalidoscope knee ne lamprey+s lampr+y,+is kangaroo kangroo kneel+ed,+ing neel+d,+ng Lancashire Lancashr Katerina Katrina knell nel Lancaster Lancastr Kath+arine,+erine Kathrin knelt nelt land+ed,+ing land+d,+ng kedgeree kejree knew new landward+s landwrd+s Keeble Keebl knick-knacks niknaks language+s languaj+s Keegan Keegn knickerbockers nikrbokrs languished languishd keen+er,+est keen+r,+st knickers nikrs languishing languishng keening keenng knife nife languor+ous langr+us keenness keeness knight+ed nyt+d laniard se ‘lanyard’ keep+er,+ing keep+r,+ng knit+ted,+ting nit+d,+ng lantern lantrn Kellogg Kelog knitwear nitwer lanyard lanird kennel kenl knives nives lapidary lapidry Kenneth Keneth knob+bed nob+d Lapp lap Kensington Kensngtn knobbly nobbly* lap+ped,+ping lap+d,+ng 36 CUT SPELNG Part III lapsed lapsd leant lent Lester Lestr lapsing lapsng leap+ed,+ing leap+d,+ng lethally lethaly larches larchs leapt lept lethargic letharjic lard+ed,+er lard+d,+r learn+ed,+er lern+d,+r lethargy lethrjy large+r,+st larj+r,+st learn+ing,+t lern+ng,+t letter+ed,+ing letr+d,+ng largesse larjess lease+d,+s lese+d,+s letting letng larval larvl leasing lesing lettuce letuce laryngitis larynjitis leather+ette,+y lethr+et,+y leuk(a)emia lukemia lascivious lasivius leave+r leve+r level+(l)ed,+(l)er levl+d,+r lash+ed,+es,+ing lash+d,+s,+ng leavened levnd level(l)ing levlng last+ed,+ing last+d,+ng leaves he leves lever+age,+ed levr+aj,+d latch+es lach+s green leavs levering levrng latchkey lachke leaving leving Leviathan Leviathn lateral+ly latrl+y Leban+ese,+on Lebn+ese,+n levied levid lather+ed lathr+d lecher+ous,+y lechr+us,+y Levitical leviticl Latin latn lect+ern,+or lect+rn,+r lexic+al,+on lexic+l,+n latter+ly latr+ly lecture+d,+er lectur+d,+r liable liabl lattice latice lecturing lecturng liais+e,+ing lias+e,+ing laudable laudbl ledge+r,+s lej+r,+s libel(l)ous libelus laudanum laudnm leeches leechs liberal+ise,+ly librl+ize,+y laud+atory,+ed laud+atry,+d leer+ed,+ing leer+d,+ng liberat+e,+or librat+e,+or laugh+able,+ed laf+bl,+d lee+s le+s libert+arian,+y librt+arian,+y laugh+ing,+ter laf+ng,+tr leeward lewrd libertine librtine launch+ed,+er launch+d,+r left-hander lefthandr libidinous libidnus launch+es,+ing launch+s,+ng leftward leftwrd library libry launder+ed,+ing laundr+d,+ng legal+ise,+ly legal+ize,+y libretto libreto laund(e)rette laundret legate legat licence license laureate laureat legend+ary lejnd+ry licens+ed,+ing licens+d,+ng lavatory lavatry leg+ged he legd it licentious licentius lavender lavndr thre-leged lichen lichn lavished lavishd legging+s legng+s lick+ed,+s,+ing lik+d,+s,+ng lawlessness lawlesness legible lejbl licorice licrice Lawrence Laurence legion+naire lejon+air lidded lidd lawyer lawyr legislat+e,+ive lejislat+e,+iv liege leje laxative+s laxativ+s legislature lejislatur lieu lu layer+ed,+ing layr+d,+ng legitimate a lejitmat lieutenant leutennt laying layng claim lift+ed,+ing lift+d,+ng Lazarus Lazrus to lejitmate ligament ligmnt lea le legitimise lejitmize light+ed,+en+ed lyt+d,+n+d leach+ed,+ing leach+d,+ng Leicester+shire Lestr+shr light+ening,+ning lytnng lead led pencil leisure+d lesur+d light+er,+est lyt+r,+st to lead lemming lemng lighting lytng lead+ed,+en led+d,+n lemon lemn lik+able,+ened like+bl,+nd leader leadr lend+er+s,+ing lend+r+s,+ng Lillie Lilli leading lengthen+ed,+ing lengthn+d,+ng Lilliput Liliput (from th metl ‘led’) ledng lenten lentn lilting liltng (from ‘to lead’) leadng lentil lentl limb lim leaf+age,+ed leaf+aj,+d Leominster Lemstr limber+ing limbr+ng leafing leafng Leonard Lenrd limerick limrik leafleting leafletng leopard leprd limit+ed,+ing limit+d,+ng league+d leag+d leper+s lepr+s limousine limosine leak+ed,+ing leak+d,+ng Leslie Lesli limp+ed,+ing limp+d,+ng Leamington Lemngtn lessen+ed,+ing lesn+d,+ng Lincoln+shire Lincn+shr lean+ed,+ing lean+d,+ng lesser lesr linden lindn leaner leanr lesson lesn Lindsay Linsy lineage lineaj log+ged,+ger log+d,+r luggage lugaj linen linn logging logng lug+ged,+ging lug+d,+ng linger+ed,+ing lingr+d,+ng logic+al+ly lojic+l+y lugubrious lugubrius lingerie linjri logistic+al lojistic+l lullab+ies,+y lulab+ys,+y linguistically linguisticly loiter+ed,+ing loitr+d,+ng lull+ed,+s,+ing lul+d,+s,+ng linkage linkaj loll+ed,+ing lol+d,+ng lumbar lumbr link+ed,+ing link+d,+ng London+er Londn, londnr lumber+ed,+ing lumbr+d,+ng linnet linet lone+lier,+some lone+lir,+sm luminescence luminesnce lintel lintl long-sleeved longsleved luminous luminus Lionel Lionl long+ed,+er,+est long+d,+r,+st lump+ed,+ing lump+d,+ng lipped lipd longing longng lunch+ed,+eon lunch+d,+n liqueur liqer longitudinal longitudinl lunch+es,+ing lunch+s,+ng liquidise liquidize look+ed,+ing look+d,+ng lunge+d,+ing lunj+d,+ng liquor+ice licr+ice loom+ed,+ing loom+d,+ng lurch+ed,+er,+es lurch+d,+r,+s Lisbon Lisbn looney loony lurching lurchng list+ed,+ing list+d,+ng loop+ed,+ing loop+d,+ng lurk+ed,+ing lurk+d,+ng listen+ed,+er lisn+d,+r loosen+ed,+ing loosn+d,+ng luscious luscius listening lisnng loot+ed,+er,+ing loot+d,+r,+ng lusher lushr litany litny lop+ped,+ing lop+d,+ng lustr+e,+ous lustr+us liter+acy,+al+ly litr+acy,+l+y loquacious loquacius Luxemburg Luxmbrg liter+ary,+ate litr+y,+at lore lor luxurious+ly luxurius+ly literature litratur lorgnette lorgnet lychgate lichgate litigious litijus Lorraine Lorain lye ly litter+ed,+ing,+s litr+d,+ng,+s lottery lotry lying lyng little+r,+st litl+r,+st loud+er,+est loud+r,+st lymph lymf littlun litlun loudhailer loudhailr lynch+ed,+ing lynch+d,+ng littoral litrl Loughborough Lufbro Lynn Lyn liturgical liturjicl Louis+a,+e Lui+sa,+se lyrical+ly lyricl+y liturgy litrjy Louisiana Luisiana live to liv lounge+d,+r,+es lounj+d,+r,+s a live performnce lounging lounjng M liv+e+d,+ing liv+d,+ng louvre luvre livelier livelir lovable lovbl macabre+ly macabr+ly liver+s livr+s love+d,+r,+s lov+d,+r,+s macaque+s macaq+s liver+ied,+y livr+id,+y loveli+er,+est lovli+r,+est macaroni macroni Liverpool Livrpool loving lovng Maccabee macabee Livingstone Livngstn low-ceilinged lo-ceilngd Macdonald Mcdonld lizard lizrd low+ed,+er,+est lo+ed,+er,+est Machiavellian machiavelian Lizzie Lizzi lower+ed,+ing,+s machinations machnations Lloyd Loyd (dark clouds ‘lower/lour’) mackerel makrl load+ed,+er,+ing load+d,+r,+ng lour+d,+ng,+s mackintosh+es makntosh+s loafer loafr (‘make loer’) Madagascar Madagascr loaned loand lo+er,+erng,+ers madam madm loath+e,+some loth+e,+sm low+ing,+s lo+ing,+s madden+ed,+ing madn+d,+ng loaves loavs low+liest,+ly lo+liest,+ly madder madr lob+bed,+bing lob+d,+ng loyal+ly,+ty loyl+y,+ty Madeleine Madln lobb+ied,+y lobb+id,+y lozenge+s loznj+s mademoiselle madmoisel lobster+s lobstr+s lubricious lubricius Madge Maj localise localize Lucifer Lucifr madonna madona locally localy luck luk madrigal+s madrigl+s lock+ed,+er,+ing lok+d,+r,+ng luckier luckir Magdalene Ma(g)dln locomotive+s locomotiv+s lucky lucky* magenta majenta lodge+d,+r,+s loj+d,+r,+s lucrative lucrativ Maggie Maggi lodging lojng Luddite ludite maggot magot loft+ed,+ier loft+d,+ir ludicrous ludicrus magic+al+ly majic+l+y 38 CUT SPELNG Part III magisterial majisterial mandolin mandlin marooned maroond magistrate majistrat maneuver+ing maneuvr+ng marquee marqee magnanimity magnnimity manfully manfuly marque+s marq+s magnanimous magnanmus manganese mangnese marquetry marqetry magnetise magnetize manger manjer marquise marqise magnified magnifyd mangle+d mangl+d marram maram magnifying magnifyng mangoes mangos mar+red,+ring mar+d,+ng magnum magnm mangy manjy marriage+able marrij+bl maharajah+s maharaja+s Manhattan Manhatn marr+ied,+y marr+id,+y mahogany mahogny maniacal maniacl marrow+s maro+s maiden maidn manifested manifestd Marseilles Marseil mail+ed,+er,+ing mail+d,+r,+ng manilla manila marshal(l)+ed marshl+d maim+ed,+ing maim+d,+ng manipulable manipulabl marshal(l)ing marshlng Maine Main manipulative manipulativ Marshall Marshl maintained maintaind manna mana marshes marshs maintaining maintainng man+ned,+ing man+d,+ng marten martn maintenance maintnnce manner+ed,+ism manr+d,+ism Martinique Martniqe maisonette maisnet mannish manish martin martn maize maze manoeuvre etc, se ‘maneuver’ martyr+dom,+ed martr+dm,+d majestically majesticly manor+s manr+s marvel(l)+ed,+ing marvl+d,+ng majorities majoritis manque manqe marvel(l)ous marvlus MAL-: for words beginng MAL- not mantelpiece mantlpece masculine masculin listd belo, se undr baseword. mantle+s mantl+s mash+ed,+ing mash+d,+ng malaise malase manually manuly mask+ed,+ing mask+d,+ng Malcolm Malcm manufactured manufacturd masque+rade,+s masq+rade,+s malefactor malefactr manufacturer manufacturr Massachusetts Masachusets malevolent malevlnt manufacturing manufacturng massacre+d,+s massacr+d,+s malicious malicius map+ped,+ing map+d,+ng massage+d massaje+d malign+ed malyn+d marabout marabu massaging massajing malignant malignnt marathon+er,+s marathn+r,+s masse mass malingering malingrng marauder+s maraudr+s massed masd mall mal marauding maraudng massive massiv mallard malrd marble+d,+s marbl+d,+s mastectomy mastectmy malleable maleabl march+ed,+er march+d,+r master+ed,+ing mastr+d,+ng mallet malet march+es,+ing march+s,+ng mastery mastry mallow malo marchioness marchness masturbate mastrbate Maloney Malony Margaret Margret match+ed,+es mach+d,+s malt+ed,+ing malt+d,+ng margarine marjrine matching machng Malvern Malvrn marge marj material+ise,+ly material+ize, mamma mama Marghanita Margnita +y mamm+al,+ary mam+l,+ry margin+al+ly marjn+l+y maternal maternl Mammon Mamn marginalise marjnlize mathematical+ly mathmaticl+y mammoth mamoth marguerite margerite mathematics mathmatics manacle+d,+s manacl+d,+s marijuana mariuana matins matns manageable manajbl mariner+s marinr+s matriarch+al matriarc+l manage+d,+s manaj+d,+s marionette marionet matriarchy matriarchy* managing manajng marital maritl matrimony matrimny manage+ment,+er manaj+mnt, marjoram marjrm matt mat +r Marjorie Marjri mat+ted,+ting mat+d,+ng manageress manajress mark+ed,+ing mark+d,+ng matter+ed matr+d managerial manajerial marketer marketr Matthew Mathew Manchester Manchestr market+able,+ed market+bl,+d mattock matok mandarin mandrin Marlborough Marlbro mattress matress mandatory mandatry Marlowe Marlo Maude Maud mandible+s mandbl+s marmalade marmlade maudlin maudln Maugham Maum melt+ed,+ing melt+d,+ng methanol methnol mauled mauld member+s membr+s methodical+ly methodicl+y maundering maundrng mementoes mementos methodological methodolojicl mauve mauv memorabilia memrabilia methodology methodolojy maverick+s mavrik+s memorable memrbl methylated methlated maxim maxm memoranda memranda meticulous meticulus maximal+ly,+ise maxml+y,+ize memorandum memrandm metrical metricl maximum maxmm memorise/ize memrize metropolitan metropolitn mayonnaise mayonase memory memry mettle metl mayor+s mayr+s Memphis Memfis mew+ed,+ing mew+d,+ng meadow medo menage+rie menaj+ri Mexican mexicn meager/re meagr mend+ed,+ing mend+d,+ng Michael Mical meander+ed,+s meandr+d,+s meningitis mennjitis Michaelmas miclmas meandering meandrng menopausal menopausl Michelangelo Michelanjlo mean+er,+est mean+r,+st mental+ly mentl+y Michigan Michign meaning+fully meanng+fuly menthe mente Mickey Micky meanness meaness mentioned mentiond microbiology microbiolojy meant ment mentioning mentionng microorganisms microorgnisms measles measls mentor mentr microphone microfone measurable mesurabl mercantile mercntile microprocessor microprocesr measure+d,+ing mesur+d,+ng mercenary mercenry microscopically microscopicly measurement mesurmnt merchandise som merchndise midday miday mebbe mebe to merchndize midden midn Mecca Meca merchant merchnt middle+s,+ing midl+s,+ng meccano mecano mercifully mercifuly midge mij mechanic+al+ly mecanic+l+y mercilessly mercilesly midget mijet mechanise mecnize meretricious meretricius MID-: for words beginng MID- not medal(l)+ist medl+ist merge+d,+r,+s merj+d,+r,+s listd belo, se undr baseword. medallion medalion merging merjng midriff midrif meddl+e,+ing medl+ng meringue mering midwifery midwifry mediaeval se ‘medieval’ merit+ed,+orious merit+d,+orius miffed mifd medical+ly medicl+y merri+er,+ment merri+r,+mnt might+’ve,+n’t myt+’v,+nt medicaments medicmnts Mersey Mersy might+ier,+iest myti+r,+est medicinal+ly medicinl+y Merton Mertn migraine migrane medicine medcin meshed meshd mild+er,+est mild+r,+st medieval medeval mesmerise mesmrize mileage mileaj meditative+ly meditativ+ly message messaj militant+ly militnt+ly Mediterranean Meditranean messenger mesnjr militar+ily,+ism militr+ly,+ism medlar medlr messed mesd militar+ist,+y militr+ist,+y medley+s medl+y,+is messing mesng milk+ed,+ing milk+d,+ng meeting meetng Messiah Mesia mill+ed,+ing mil+ld*,+ng megalomania+cal messianic mesianic millenni+a,+um mileni+a,+um metabolism metablism miller+s milr+s meglomania+cl metal metl millet milet megalopolis megloplis metallic metalic milliard miliard megaphone megafone metallurgy metalrjy Millicent Milicent megawatt megawat metamorphosis metmorfosis Milligan Milign Meissen Meisn metaphor metafr milligram/me+s miligram+s melancholi+a,+c melancoli+a, metaphorical+ly metaforicl+y millilitre mililitre +c metaphysical metafysicl millimetre milimetre melancholy melancly metasignal+s metasignl+s million+aire,+th milion+air,+th Melbourne Melbrn metatarsal metatarsl millipede milipede mellifluous melifluus meteorological meteorolojicl mimeograph+ed mimeograf+d mellow+ed melo+d meteorology meteorolojy mimic+ked,+king mimic+d,+ng melodious melodius metered meterd minaret minret 40 CUT SPELNG Part III minatory minatry mobile mobil monosyllable+s monosylabl+s mind-boggling mind-boglng mobilise mobilize monoton+ous,+y monotn+us,+y mind+ed,+er mind+d,+r mocca moca Monroe Monro minding mindng moccasin mocasn monsieur mosieu mineral minrl mock+ed,+ery,+s mok+d,+ry,+s monster monstr mingl+e+d,+ing mingl+d,+ng mocking mokng monstrous monstrus miniature+s miniatur+s model(l)+ed,+ing modl+d,+ng montage montaj minimal+ly minml+y moderate a modrat success monument monumnt minimise minmize to modrate monumental monumentl minimum minmm modern+ise modrn+ize mooched moochd minister+ed,+ing ministr+d,+ng modicum modicm moon+ed,+ing moon+d,+ng Minneapolis Mineaplis modif+ied,+ies modify+d,+s moor+ed,+ing moor+d,+ng Minnesota Minesota modifying modifyng mooted mootd minnow+s mino+s modular+ism modulr+ism mop+ped,+ping mop+d,+ng minster minstr module modul moraine morane minted mintd Mohammed Mohamed moralise moralize minute one minut Mohammedan mohamedn morally moraly quite minute moisten+ed,+ing moisn+d,+ng mordant mordnt mirac+le,+ulous mirac+l,+ulus moist+er,+ure moist+r,+ur more mor mirage+s miraj+s mold+ed,+er mold+d,+r Morgan Morgn mirror+ed,+ing mirr+d,+ng mold+ing,+y mold+ng,+y morgue morg MIS-: for words beginng MIS- not molest+ed,+er molest+d,+r moribund moribnd listd belo, se undr baseword. moll mol Mormon+s mormn+s miscegenation misejnation Mollie Molli morning mornng miscellaneous mislaneus mollif+ied,+y molify+d Moroccan+s morocn miscellany miselany mollusc molusk Morocco Moroco mischie+f,+vous mischi+f,+vus moloch moloc morphine morfine miser+able,+y misr+bl,+y molten moltn morphology morfolojy misread I hav misred momentarily momentrly Morris Moris to misread momentary momentry morrow moro missal misl momentous momentus morsel+s morsl+s missed misd momentum momentm mortal+ly mortl+y missing misng momma moma mortar+ed mortr+d missile misl monarch+s monrc+s mortgage+d,+s morgaj+d,+s missionary missionry monarchical monarchicl mortgag+ing,+or morgaj+ng,+r missioner missionr monarchies monrchis mortif+ied,+ying mortify+d,+ng Mississippi Misisipi monastery monastry Mortimer Mortmr missive missiv Monday monday mortuary mortury Missouri Misuri monetar+ism,+y monetr+ism,+y Moscow Mosco misspelt mispelt money+ed,+s mon+y,+id,+is Moselle Mosel misted mistd monger mongr Moslem moslm mister mistr mongol+s mongl+s mosque+s mosq+s mistletoe mislto monitor+ed,+ing monitr+d,+ng mosquito+(e)s mosqito+s Mitchell Michl monkey+s monk+y,+is mother+ed,+ing mothr+d,+ng mitochondria mitocondria monochrome monocrome motion+ed,+ing motion+d,+ng mitten mitn monoculture+s monocultur+s motive motiv mitt mit monofilament monofilamnt motley motly mitzvah mitzva monogamous monogmus motor+ed,+ing motor+d,+ng mix+ed,+er,+es mix+d,+r,+s monogamy monogmy motorise motorize mix+ing,+ture mix+ng,+tur monogrammed monogramd mottl+e+d,+ing motl+d,+ng mizzen mizn monograph monograf motto+es moto+s mnemonics nemonics monolog(ue)+s monlog+s mould etc, se ‘mold’ moan+ed,+ing moan+d,+ng monopolise/ize monoplize mouldering moldrng moated moatd monopol+ist,+y monopl+ist,+y moult+ed,+ing molt+d,+ng mob+bed,+bing mob+d,+ng monosyllabic monosylabic mountain+eering mountn+eerng mountainous mountnus muscl+e+d,+ing musl+d,+ng natterjack natrjak Mountbatten Mountbatn muscular musculr natural+ise,+ism natrl+ize,+ism mount+ed,+ing mount+d,+ng musculature musculatur natural+ist,+ly natrl+ist,+y mourn+ed,+er+s morn+d,+r+s mushroomed mushroomd nature+d natur+ed mourn+fully mornfuly mushrooming mushroomng naught+y naut+y mourning mornng musical+ly,+s musicl+y,+s nauseous nauseus mousse mouss Muslim muslm nautical nauticl moustache etc, se ‘mustache’ mussed musd navigational navigationl mouth+ed,+ing mouth+d,+ng mussel+s musl+s neandert(h)al neandrtal mov+able,+ement move+bl,+mnt mustache+d,+s mustach+d,+s Neapolitan neapolitn movie movi Mustapha Mustafa near+ed,+er,+est near+d,+r,+st mow+ed,+er mo+ed,+er mustard mustrd nearing nearng mowing moing muster+ed,+ing mustr+d,+ng neat+er,+est neat+r,+st mown mown* mustn’t musnt nebulous nebulus Mozambique Mozambiqe must’ve must’v necessar+ily,+y necesr+ly,+y muck+ed,+ing muk+d,+ng mutagenic mutajenic necessities necessitis mucous mucus mutin+ied,+ous mutin+id,+us neck+ed,+ing nek+d,+ng muddied muddid mutter+ed,+s mutr+d,+s neckerchief nekrchif muddle+d,+s mudl+d,+s muttering mutrng nectar nectr muddling mudlng mutton mutn Neddie/y+s Neddi+s muezzin muezn mutually mutuly need+ed,+ing need+d,+ng muff+ed,+s muf+d,+s muzzle+d muzl+d needlessly needlesly muffing mufng myopically myopicly needle+d,+s needl+d,+s muffin+s mufn+s myrrh myr needling needlng muffle+d,+r+s mufl+d,+r,+s myrtle myrtl needn’t neednt muffling muflng mystery mystry nefarious nefarius mug+ged,+ger+s mug+d,+r+s mysterious mysterius negative+ly,+s negativ+ly,+s mugging mugng mystical+ly mysticl+y neglect+ed,+ing neglect+d,+ng Muhammad Muhamad mystif+ied,+ying mystify+d,+ng negligee neglijee mulatto mulato mystique mystiqe negligent+ly neglijnt+ly mulberry mulbry mythical mythicl negligible neglijbl mull+ed,+ing mul+d,+ng mythological mythlojicl negotiable negotiabl mullet mulet mythology mytholojy negroes negros multifarious multifarius neighbo(u)r+ing neibr+ng multilateral multilatrl N neigh+ed,+ing nei+d,+ing multinational multinationl Neill Neil multiple+s multipl+s nab+bed,+bing nab+d,+ng neither neithr multipl+ied,+ier multiply+d,+r nacreous nacreus Nell Nel multiplies multiplys nag+ged,+ging nag+d,+ng Nelson Nelsn multiplying multiplyng nail+ed,+ing nail+d,+ng neoclassical neoclassicl multitudinous multitudinus nann+ie/y+s nanni+s neophyte neofyt mumble+d,+s mumbl+d,+s napalmed napalmd Nepalese neplese mumbling mumblng nap+ped,+ping nap+d,+ng nephew+s nefew+s mummified mummifyd nappie/y+s nappi+s nerve+d,+ing nerv+d,+ng mumsie mumsi narrat+ed,+ive narat+ed,+iv nervous nervus munch+ed,+ing munch+d,+ng narrator narator nerve-racking nerv-rakng Munich Munic narrow+ed,+er naro+d,+er nest+ed,+ing nest+d,+ng municipal+ise municipl+ize narrow+est,+s naro+est,+s nestl+e+d,+ing nesl+d,+ng murder+ed,+er murdr+d,+r narwhal narwal nether nethr murderess murdress nascent nasent Netherlands Nethrlands murder+ing,+ous murdr+ng,+us nasopharyngeal nasofarynjeal net+ted,+ting net+d,+ng Murdoch Murdoc nastier nastir nettle+d,+s netl+d,+s murmur+ed,+ing murmr+d,+ng Natalie Natli neural nural murmurous murmrus national+ise,+ly nationl+ize,+y neuralgia nuralja Murphy Murfy native+s nativ+s neurological nurolojicl 42 CUT SPELNG Part III neurones nurone noncommittal+ly noncomitl+y nutritional+ly nutritionl+y neurophysiologist nurofysiolojist none non nutriti+ous,+ive nutriti+us,+v neuros+es,+is nuros+es,+is nonetheless nonthless nutter nutr neurosurgery nurosurjry nonplussed nonplusd nuzzle+d,+ing nuzl+d,+ng neurotic+ally nurotic+ly nonsense nonsnse nymph+s nymf+s neuter+ed,+ing neutr+d,+ng nonsensical nonsensicl neutral+ly neutrl+y noodle+s noodl+s O neutralise neutrlize Norfolk Norfok never+theless nevr+thless normal+cy,+ly norml+cy,+y oaken oakn Neville Nevl Norman normn oar+s or+s new-fangled newfangld normative normativ obdurate obdurat Newbury Newbry Northamptonshire Northamtnshr obeisance obeisnce Newcastle Newcasl norther+ly,+n+er northr+ly,+n+r obelisk+s oblisk+s newel newl Northumberland Northumbrland obey+ed,+ing obey+d,+ng new+er,+est new+r,+st northward northwrd obituary obitury Newton Newtn Norwegian norwejan object+ed,+ng object+d,+ng Niagara Niagra Norwich Norich objectionable objectionbl nibble+d,+s nibl+d,+s nostalg+ia,+ically nostalj+a,+icly object+ive,+or object+iv,+r nibbling niblng notable+s notebl+s obligatory obligatry niche nich notch+ed,+es noch+d,+s oblige+s oblije+s Nic(h)olas Niclas noticeable noticebl oblique obliqe Nichol(l)s Nicls notif+iable,+ied notify+bl,+d obliterate oblitrate nick+ed,+ing nik+d,+ng notifying notifyng oblivious oblivius nickel+s nikl+s notional notionl obnoxious obnoxius niece+s neces notorious notorius oboe obo Nigel Nijel Nottingham+shire Notngm+shr obscene obsene Nigeria Nijeria nought+s se ‘naught’ obscenity obsenity Nigerian nijerian noumenal noumnl obsequious obsequius niggardly nigrdly nourish+ed,+es nurish+d,+s observabl+e,+y observbl+y nigger+s nigr+s nourishing nurishng observant observnt niggling niglng nourishment nurishmnt observation+al obsrvation+l nigh ny nouveau nuvau observatory observatry night+ingale nyt+ngale novel+ist,+ty novl+ist,+ty observe+d,+r observ+d,+r nighttime nyt(-t)ime November novembr observes observs nihilist niilist noxious noxius observing observng nimble nimbl nozzle+s nozl+s obsessed obsesd nip+ped,+per nip+d,+r nubile nubil obsessional obsessionl nipping nipng nudge+d,+s,+ing nuj+d,+s,+ng obsessive obsessiv nipple nipl nugget nuget obsole+scent,+te obsle+snt,+te nissen nisn nuisance nusance obstacle+s obstacl+s nitrogen+ous nitrojn+us null+ified nul+ifyd obstetrical obstetricl Nixon Nixn nullify+ing nulify+ng obstinate obstnat Noah Noa numb+ed num+d obstructed obstructd nobble nobl number numbr (= numeral) obstructing obstructng noblesse nobless numr (= mor num) obstructive obstructiv nocturnal nocturnl number+ed,+ing numbr+d,+ng obtain+able,+ed obtain+bl,+d nod+ded,+ding nod+d,+ng numbing numng obtaining obtainng noggin nogn numbly numly obtrusive obtrusiv noisome noism numerical+ly numericl+y obvious obvius nomenclature nomenclatur numerous numerus occasion+al+ly ocasion+l+y nominal+ism,+ly nomnl+ism,+y numinous numinus occasioned ocasiond nomin+ate,+ee nomn+ate,+ee nunnery nunry occlude oclude NON-: for words beginng NON- not nurs+ed,+ing nurs+d,+ng occult ocult listd belo, se undr baseword. nurtur+e+d,+ing nurtur+d,+ng occupant ocupnt nonchalant+ly nonchlnt+ly nutriment nutrimnt occupational+ly ocupationl+y occup+ied,+ier ocupy+d,+r onward onwrd organis/zational orgnizationl occupies ocupys oomph oomf organise/ize orgnize occupy+ing ocupy+ng ooze+d,+s ooz+d,+s organ+ism,+ist orgn+ism,+ist occur+red,+rence ocur+d,+ence oozing oozng org+iastic,+y orj+iastic,+y occurring ocurng opalescent opalesnt orient+al+s,+ed orient+l+s,+d ocean+ographic ocen+ografic opaque opaqe origin+al+ly orijn+l+y ochre ocre open+ed,+er open+d,+r originality orijnality o'clock oclok opening openng originat+e,+or orijnat+e,+or octagon+al octagn+l openness openess Orkneys Orknis octave+s octav+s opera+tic opra+tic ornament+ation ornmnt+ation octogenarian octojnarian operat+e,+ional oprat+e,+ionl ornamented ornmntd odalisque odlisq operative+s oprativ+s ornamental ornmentl odd+er,+est,+ity od+r,+st,+ity operator oprator ornithological ornithlojicl oddment odmnt Ophelia Ofelia ornithology ornitholojy odious odius opossum+s oposm+s orphan+age+s orfn+aj+s odorous odorus opponent oponent orphaned orfnd odour odor opportune oprtune Orpington Orpngtn odyssey+s odys+y,+is opportunity oprtunity orthopaedic orthopedic oedema edema oppos+e,+ite opos+e,+it Oscar Oscr oedipal edipl opposition+al oposition+l oscillate oslate Oedipus Edipus oppressed opresd ossified ossifyd off off* oppresses opresses ossuary ossury offal ofl oppressing opresng ostensible ostensbl offence se ‘offense’ opressive opressiv ostentatious ostntatius offend+ed,+er ofend+d,+r oppressor+s opresr+s ostracise ostracize offending ofendng opprobrium oprobrium ostriches ostrichs offens+e,+ive ofens+e,+iv opt+ed,+ing opt+d,+ng Oswald Oswld offer+ed,+ing ofr+d,+ng optical opticl Othello Othelo office ofice optimal+ly optml+y other othr official+dom,+ly oficial+dm,+y optimism optmism Ottawa Otawa officiate oficiate optimist+ically optmist+icly otter otr offic+io,+ious ofic+io,+ius optimum optmm Otto Oto offing ofng optional optionl ottoman otmn often ofn oracle+s oracl+s ought+n’t ot+nt Ogden Ogdn orally oraly ourselves ourselvs oh o orange+ade,+ry oranj+ade,+ry oust+ed,+ing oust+d,+ng oil+ed,+er,+ing oil+d,+r,+ng oranges oranjs OUT-: for words beginng OUT- not ointment+s ointmnt+s orator+s,+y oratr+s,+y listd belo, se undr baseword. old+en,+er,+est old+n,+r,+st oratorical oratoricl out+er,+ing out+r,+ng Oldham Oldm orbit+al,+ed,+er orbit+l,+d,+r outlaw+ed,+ing outlaw+d,+ng olfactory olfactry orbiting orbitng outrage+ous,+s outraje+us,+s olive+s oliv+s orchard orchrd outspokenness outspokeness Oliver Olivr ordained ordaind outward outwrd omelette+s omlet+s order+ed,+ing ordr+d,+ng outwit+ted,+ting outwit+d,+ng ominous omnus orderl+y,+iness ordrl+y,+iness ouzo uzo omitt+ed,+ting omit+d,+ng ordinal ordnl oven ovn omnipotent omnipotnt ordinance ordnnce OVER-: for words beginng OVER- omnipresent omnipresnt ordinar+ily,+y ordnr+ly,+y not listd belo, se undr baseword. omniscient omnisient ordination ordnation overjoyed overjoyd omnivorous omnivrus ordnance ordnnce overrate over(-r)ate oncoming oncomng ore+s or+s overreact over(-r)eact onerous onrus Oregon Oregn override over(-r)ide onlooker onlookr organ orgn overrule over(-r)ule onslaught onslaut organdie orgndi overrun over(-r)un ontological ontlojicl organically organicly overture overtur 44 CUT SPELNG Part III overweening overweenng Oxford+shire Oxfrd+shr pantomime pantmime overwhelm+ed overwelm+d oxygen+ate oxyjn+ate panzer panzr overwhelming overwelmng oyster oystr papered paperd overwrought over(-r)ot parable+s parabl+s owe+d,+s o+ed,+es paradigm paradym owing oing P paradoxes paradoxs own+ed,+er,+ing own+d,+r,+ng paradoxical+ly paradoxicl+y pacif+ied,+ying pacify+d,+ng Oxbridge Oxbrij paraffin parafn pack+age+d,+s pak+aj+d,+s oxen oxn paragon+s paragn+s packaging pakajng paragraph paragraf pack+ed,+er,+s pak+d,+r,+s parallel+(l)ed paralel+d packet+ed paket+d paralleling paralelng packing pakng paralyse+d paralyze+d pad+ded,+ding pad+d,+ng paralyses polio paralyzes Paddington Padngtn multipl paralyses paddle+d,+s padl+d,+s parameter+s parametr+s paddling padlng paramilitary paramilitry paddock+s padok+s paranormal paranorml padlock+ed,+s padlok+d,+s paraphernalia parafrnalia paediatric pediatric paraphrase parafrase page paje paratrooper+s paratroopr+s pageant+ry pajnt+ry parcel(l)ed parceld pain+ed,+fully pain+d,+fuly parched parchd paint+ed,+er+ly paint+d,+r+ly parchment parchmnt painting paintng pardon+able,+ed pardn+bl,+d pair+ed,+ing pair+d,+ng parent+age,+al parent+aj,+l Paisley Paisly parenting parentng PALAEO-: for words beginng pariah paria PALAEO- not listd belo, se undr parish+es,+ioner parish+s,+nr baseword. park+ed,+er+s park+d,+r+s palaeo- paleo- parking parkng palais palai parley parly palat+able,+e+s palat+bl,+s parliament parlamnt palaver palavr parliamentary parlamentry palette palet parlo(u)r parlr pall+ed pal+d parodied parodid Palladian palad+ian parquet parqet pallet palet parried parrid palliative+s paliativ+s parrot parot pall+id,+or pal+id,+r parsimonious parsmonius palpable palpbl parsimony parsmny Pamela Pamla parsley parsly pamper+ed,+ing pampr+d,+ng parson+age parsn+aj pamphlet pamflet part+ed,+ing part+d,+ng pan-africanism pan-africnism partially partialy pander+ed,+ing pandr+d,+ng participant participnt panegyric panejyric participative participativ panel(l)+ed,+ing panl+d,+ng particle+s particl+s pangolin panglin particular particulr panic+ked,+king panic+d,+ng partisan partisn panicky paniky partitioned partitiond pannier+s panir+s partner+ed,+ing partnr+d,+ng panorama panrama partridge+s partrij+s pant+ed,+ing pant+d,+ng passable pasbl panther panthr passage passaj pass+ed,+er pas+d,+r pedal+oes,+s pedl+os,+s peremptory peremtry pass+enger,+ing pas+njr,+ng pedantry pedntry perennial+ly perenial+y passionate passionat peddle+d,+rs pedl+d,+rs perfect+ed,+ing perfect+d,+ng passive passiv pedestal+s pedestl+s perfidious perfidius pastel+s pastl+s pediment+s pedmnt+s perforate perfrate pasteurise pasturize pedlar+s pedlr+s performance performnce pastor+al pastr+l pee+ing,+s pe+ing,+s perform+ed,+er perform+d,+r pasture+s pastur+s peek+ed,+ing peek+d,+ng performing performng patch+ed,+es pach+d,+s peel+ed,+er,+ing peel+d,+r,+ng perfunctorily perfunctrly patching pachng peep+ed,+ing peep+d,+ng perfunctory perfunctry patent+ed,+s patnt+d,+s peepul peepl perilous perilus paternal+ism,+ly paternl+ism,+y peerage+s peeraj+s perimeter perimetr paternoster patrnostr peer+ed,+ing peer+d,+ng periodical+ly periodicl+y pathetically patheticly peeve+d peve+d peripher+al,+y perifr+l,+y pathogens pathojns peg+ged,+ging peg+d,+ng perish+able,+ed perish+bl,+d pathological+ly pathlojicl+y pejorative pejrativ perishing perishng patholog+ist,+y patholoj+ist,+y pekinese peknese perjur+ed,+ry perjr+d,+y patois patoi pelagic pelajic perked perkd patriarch+al patriarc+l pelican+s pelicn+s permanent permnnt Patrick Patrik pell-mell pelmel permanganate permangnat patroll+ed,+ing patrol+d,+ng pellagra pelagra permeable permeabl patron+age,+ise patron+aj,+ize pellet pelet permed permd pat+ted,+ting pat+d,+ng pellucid pelucid permissible permisbl patten+s patn+s pelt+ed,+ing pelt+d,+ng permissive permissiv patter+ed,+ing patr+d,+ng penalty penlty permitt+ed,+ing permit+d,+ng pattern+ed,+ing patrn+d,+ng penance pennce pernicious pernicius Patterson Patrsn pencil(l)ed pencild pernickety pernikety Paulette Paulet pendant+s pendnt+s peroration perration pauper+ism,+s paupr+ism,+s pending pendng perpendicular perpndiculr pauperize pauprize pendulous pendulus perpetually perpetuly pavement pavemnt penetrable penetrbl perplex+ed,+ing perplex+d,+ng paw+ed,+ing paw+d,+ng penicillin penicilin perquisites perquisits pawn+ed,+ing pawn+d,+ng penitent penitnt Persephone Persefne pay+able,+er+s pay+bl,+r+s penitentiary penitentiry persimmon persimn pay+ing,+ment pay+ng,+mnt penknife pen(-n)ife persist+ed,+ent persist+d,+nt peace+able,+fully pece+bl,+fuly pennant+s pennt+s persisting persistng peaches peachs penned pend person+able,+age persn+bl,+aj peacock+s pecok+s Pennsylvania Pensylvania personal+ly persnl+y peanut penut pensionable pensionbl personality persnality peaked peakd pension+ed,+er pension+d,+r personalise/ize persnlize peal+ed,+ing peal+d,+ng pensive+ly pensiv+ly personified personifyd pear per pentagon pentagn personifies personifys pearl+ed perl+d penultimate penultmat personnel persnel peasant pesnt people+d,+s peple+d,+s perspective perspectiv pease pese pepper+ed,+ing pepr+d,+ng perspicacious perspicacius pebble+s pebl+s peppery pepry perspiration perspration peccadilloes pecadilos perceive+s perceve+s persuasive+ly persuasiv+ly peck+ed,+ing pek+d,+ng percentage percentaj pertaining pertainng peckish pekish percept+ible,+ive percept+bl,+iv pertinent pertnnt pectoral+s pectrl+s perch+ed,+es perch+d,+s perturbation pertrbation peculiar peculir Percival Percivl perturbed perturbd pecuniary pecuniry percolate perclate pervasive pervasiv pedagogic+al pedagojic+l percussive percussiv pervert a pervrt pedagog(ue)+y pedagog+y peregrine peregrin to pervert pedal(l)+ed,+ing pedl+d,+ng peremptorily peremtrly perverted pervertd 46 CUT SPELNG Part III pessimism pesmism phooey fooy pinafore+s pinafor+s pessimist+ically pesmist+icly phosphate fosfate pinch+ed,+er,+es pinch+d,+r,+s pester+ed,+ing pestr+d,+ng phosphorescent fosfresnt pinching pinchng pestle pesl phosphorus fosfrus pinged pingd petal+s petl+s photisms fotisms pinioned piniond Peterborough Peterbro photo+genic foto+jenic pinker pinkr petered peterd photographed fotografd pinnacle+d pinacl+d petition+ed,+ing petition+d,+ng photographer fotografr pin+ned,+ning pin+d,+ng petrif+ied,+ying petrify+d,+ng photographing fotografng pioneer+ed,+ing pioneer+d,+ng petrochemical petrochemicl photo+n,+stat foto+n,+stat pious+ly pius+ly pet+ted,+ting pet+d,+ng photosynthesis fotosynthesis pippins pipns pewter pewtr photovoltaic fotovoltaic piquan+cy,+t piqan+cy,+t phalan+gist,+x falan+jist,+x phrase+d,+ology frase+d,+olojy pique+d piqe+d phall+ic,+us fal+ic,+us phrasing frasing pirate+d,+s pirat+d,+s phantasm+agoria phrenology frenolojy pirouette piruet Phyllis Fylis pisces pises fantasm+agoria physical+ly fysicl+y piss+ed,+ing pis+d,+ng phantom+s fantm+s physic+ality,+s fysic+ality,+s pistol pistl pharaoh+s faro+s physiocrats fysiocrats piston+s pistn+s pharisees farisees physiognomy fysionmy pitch+ed,+er,+es pich+d,+r,+s pharmaceutical+s farmaceuticl+s physiological+ly fysiolojicl+y pitching pichng pharmac+ist,+y farmac+ist,+y physiolog+ist,+y fysioloj+ist,+y piteous+ly piteus+ly phase fase physiotherapy fysiotherapy pitiable pitiabl pheasant fesnt physique fysiqe pitied pitid phenomen+a+l fenomn+a+l Piccadilly Picadily pitifully pitifuly phenomenological fenomnlojicl piccol+i,+o picl+i,+o pittance pitnce phenomenon fenomnn pick+ed,+ers pik+d,+rs pit+ted,+ting pit+d,+ng pheromones feromones picking pikng Pittsburgh Pitsburg phew few picket+ed,+ing piket+d,+ng pituitary pituitry phial fial pickl+e+d,+ing pikl+d,+ng pivot+al,+ed pivot+l,+d Philadelphia Filadelfia picnickers picnicrs pivoting pivotng philanthropic filanthropic picnicking picnicng pizza+s piza+s philharmonic filrmonic pictur+e+d,+ing pictur+d,+ng placement+s placemnt+s Philipp+a,+ine+s Filip+a,+ine+s picturesque+ly picturesq+ly placental placentl philistine filistine piddling pidlng plagiarism plajirism philistinism filistnism pidgin pijn plague+s,+ing plage+s,+ing Phillip se ‘Philipp’ piece+d pece+d plaice place philology filolojy piecing pecing plaid+s plad+s philosopher filosofr pier pir plain+er,+est plain+r,+st philosophical+ly filosoficl+y pigeon pijn plainness plainess philosophy filosofy piggery pigry plaint+iff,+ive plaint+if,+iv phlebitis flebitis pigment+ation pigmnt+ation plait+ed,+ing,+s plat+d,+ng,+s phlegm flem pilasters pilastrs planetary planetry phlegmatic flegmatic Pilate Pilat plangent planjnt phloem floem pilchard+s pilchrd+s planking plankng phlox flox pilgrimage+s pilgrimaj+s plankton planktn phob+ia,+ic fob+ia,+ic pill pil plan+ned,+er plan+d,+r Phoebe Febe pillage+d pilaj+d planning planng Phoenician fenician pillar+ed pilr+d plantar plantr phoenix fenix pillion pilion plant+ed,+er+s plant+d,+r+s phone fone pillor+ied,+y pilr+id,+y planting plantng phonetic+ally fonetic+ly pillow pilo plaque+s plaq+s phon(e)y fony piloting pilotng plaster+ed,+er plastr+d,+r phonograph fonograf pimpernel pimprnl plastering plastrng phonolog+ical,+y fonoloj+icl,+y pimple+s pimpl+s plateau+s platau+s platinum platnm point+ed,+er+s point+d,+r+s porter portr platitudinous platitudinus pointing pointng porticoes porticos platter+s platr+s Poirot Poiro portrait+ure portrit+ur plausible plausbl poison+ed,+er poisn+d,+r portray+al+s,+ed portray+l+s,+d play+ed,+er,+ing play+d,+r,+ng poison+ing,+ous poisn+ng,+us portraying portrayng playfully playfuly polarise polarize Portuguese portugese playwright+s playryt+s polemical polemicl posited positd plea+s ple+s Polish polish position+al,+ed position+l,+d plead+ed,+ing plead+d,+ng polish+ed,+es polish+d,+s positioning positionng pleasant+er,+est plesnt+r,+st polishing polishng positive positiv pleasantry plesntry political+ly politicl+y possessed posesd pleas+e,+ing ples+e,+ing politicking politicng possesses posesses pleasurable plesurabl poll+ed,+ing,+s pol+d,+ng,+s possessing posesng pleasure+s plesur+s pollen+s polen+s possessive posessiv pleated pleatd pollutant+s polutant possessor posesr pledge+d,+s plej+d,+s pollute+d,+rs polute+d,+rs possibility posbility pledging plejng polluting poluting possible+s posbl+s plentifully plentifuly poltergeist poltrgeist possum posm plethora plethra polyester polyestr post-mortem postmortm pleurisy plurisy polyethylene polyethlene post+age,+al,+ed post+aj,+l,+d pli+able,+ed,+es ply+bl,+d,+s poly+gamy,+gon poly+gmy,+gn poster postr plight plyt poly+graph,+mer poly+graf,+mr posterior posterir plimsolls plimsls Polyphemus Polyfmus postgraduate+s postgraduat+s plod+ded,+der plod+d,+r polyphonic polyfonic posthumous+ly postumus+ly plodding plodng polyphony polyfny postillion postilion plonk+ed,+ing plonk+d,+ng Polytechnic Polytecnic posting postng plop+ped,+ping plop+d,+ng pomegranate+s pomegranat+s postponement postponemnt plot+ted,+ters plot+d,+rs pompous+ly pompus+ly postulate a postulat plotting plotng ponder+ed,+ing pondr+d,+ng to postulate plough etc, se ‘plow’ ponderous+ly pondrus+ly postur+e,+ing postur+ng plover plovr pontifical pontificl pot-bellied potbellid plow+ed,+s plow+d,+s poodle+s poodl+s potatoes potatos plowing plowng Poole Pool potentate+s potntate+s pluck+ed,+s pluk+d,+s pool+ed,+ing pool+d,+ng potentially potentialy plucking plukng pooped poopd pott+ed,+er,+ing pot+d,+r,+ng plug+ged,+ging plug+d,+ng poor+er,+est poor+r,+st potter+ed,+ing potr+d,+ng plumage plumaj poplar+s poplr+s pottery potry plumb+ed,+er plum+d,+r poppado/um popadm pottering potrng plumbing plumng popp+ed,+er pop+d,+r pouch+ed,+es pouch+d,+s plummet+ed,+ing plumet+d,+ng popping popng poultice poltice plump+ed,+er plump+d,+r popular+ise/ize populr+ize poultry poltry plunder+ed,+ing plundr+d,+ng populous populus pound+ed,+ers pound+d,+rs plunge+d,+r,+s plunj+d,+r,+s porbeagle porbeagl pounding poundng plunging plunjng porcelain porcelin pour+ed,+ing por+d,+ng plunked plunkd porches porchs pout+ed,+ing pout+d,+ng plying plyng por+ed,+es,+ing por+d,+s,+ng poverty povrty pneumatic numatic pornography pornografy powder+ed,+ing powdr+d,+ng pneumon+ia,+ic numon+ia,+ic porous porus powdery powdry poach+ed,+er+s poach+d,+r+s porphyry porfry Powell Powl poaching poachng porpoise porpos power+ed,+fully powr+d,+fuly pocked pokd porridge porij powering powrng pocket+ed,+ing poket+d,+ng portable portbl powerlessness powrlesness podgy pojy portal+s portl+s practicable practicbl poetical+ly poeticl+y portcullis portculis practical+ly,+s practicl+y,+s poignant poignnt portentous+ly portentus+ly practice+d practis+d 48 CUT SPELNG Part III practicing practisng presage+d,+s presaj+d,+s probationary probationry practise+d practis+d presbytery presbytry problem+atic+al problm+atic+l practising practisng prescience presience procedure procedur practitioner practitionr prescriptive prescriptiv proceed+ed,+ing proceed+d,+ng pragmatically pragmaticly present a presnt process+ed,+ing proces+d,+ng Prague Prag to present processional processionl prairie+s prairi+s present+able,+ed present+bl,+d processor+s procesr+s praise prase presentations presntations proclaimed proclaimd pray+ed,+er,+ing pray+d,+r,+ng present+er,+ing present+r,+ng proclaiming proclaimng PRE-: for words beginng PRE- not presentiment presentmnt proclamation proclmation listd belo, se undr baseword. preservation presrvation proconsul proconsl preach+ed,+er preach+d,+r preservative+s preservativ+s procrastinating procrastnating preach+es,+ing preach+s,+ng preserve+d,+r preserv+d,+r proctor proctr preamble preambl preserving preservng procurement procuremnt precarious precarius president presidnt prod+ded,+ding prod+d,+ng precautionary precautionry press+ed,+ing pres+d,+ng prodigal prodigl precedent+s precednt+s pressure+d pressur+d prodig+ious,+y prodij+us,+y precious precius prestig+e,+ious prestij+e,+us productive+ly productiv+ly precipitate precipitat haste Preston Prestn profess+ed,+ing profes+d,+ng to precipitate presumably presumebly professional+ly professionl+y precipitous+ly precipitus+ly presumption presumtion professor profesr precis preci presumptuous presumtuus professorial profesorial precocious precocius pretend+ed,+er pretend+d,+r proffer+ed,+ing profr+d,+ng precursor+s precursr+s pretending pretendng profit+able,+ed profit+bl,+d predator+y predatr+y pretentious pretentius profiting profitng predecessor predecesr prettier prettir profligate profligat predicament+s predicmnt+s pretzels pretzls progenitor projenitr predicate a predicat prevail+ed,+ing prevail+d,+ng progeny projny to predicate prevalent prevlnt program(me)+d program+d predict+able,+ed predict+bl,+d preventable preventbl program(m)able programbl predict+ing,+ive predict+ng,+iv preventative preventativ program(m)atic programatic predictor predictr prevent+ed,+ing prevent+d,+ng program(m)er programr predilections predlections preventive preventiv program(m)ing programng pre-empt+ed,+ive pre-emt+d,+iv previous previus progressed progresd preen+ed,+ing preen+d,+ng prey+ed,+ing prey+d,+ng progressing progresng prefecture prefectur prick+ed,+ing prik+d,+ng progressive+s progressiv+s prefer+able,+ence prefr+bl,+nce prickle+d,+s prikl+d,+s prohibit+ed,+ing prohibit+d,+ng preferr+ed,+ing prefer+d,+ng prickl+ing,+y prikl+ng,+y prohibitive+ly prohibitiv+ly prefixes prefixs pri+ed,+es pry+d,+s project+ed,+ing project+d,+ng pregnant pregnnt priggish prigish projective projectiv prelates prelats primate primat projector projectr preliminary prelimnry primitive+s primitiv+s proliferate prolifrate premarital premaritl principal+ly,+s principl+y,+s prologue prolog premier premir principle+d principl+d prolong+ed,+ing prolong+d,+ng premise+s/premiss+e premis+es Pringle Pringl promenade promnade premonition premnition print+ed,+er print+d,+r prominent promnnt premonitory premonitry printing printng promiscuous promiscuus preparation prepration prison+er prisn+r promise+d promis+d preparatory preparatry private+s privat+s promising promisng preponderance prepondrnce privatise privatize promontory promntry preposterous prepostrus privilege+d,+s privlej+d,+s promotional promotionl preppie+s preppi+s prix pri prompt+ed,+er promt+d,+r Pre-raphaelite pre-raflite probabilistic probblistic prompting promtng prerequisite+s prerequisit+s probability probbility promulgate promlgate prerogative+s prerogativ+s probable probbl pronged prongd pronouncement pronouncemnt PSYCHO-: for words beginng purlieu+s purliu+s proofed proofd PSYCHO- not listd belo, rite SYCO- purloined purloind propel+led,+ler propel+d,+r and se undr baseword. purple+s purpl+s propelling propelng psycho syco purport+ed,+ing purport+d,+ng proper propr psychological+ly syclojicl+y purposefully purposefuly propert+ies,+ty proprt+is,+y psychology sycolojy purposive purposiv prophecy profecy psychopathology sycopatholojy purr+ed,+ing pur+d,+ng prophesied profesyd psychosis sycosis pursing pursng prophesy+ing profesy+ng psychosomatic sycosmatic pursue+d,+r,+s pursu+d,+r,+s prophet+ically profet+icly ptomain(e) tomain purveyor+s purveyr+s prophylactic proflactic pubescent pubesnt push+ed,+er,+es push+d,+r,+s prophylaxis proflaxis publican+s publicn+s pushing pushng propitious propitius publicise publicize putative putativ proportional+ly proportionl+y publish+ed,+er publish+d,+r putrefying putrefyng proportionate proportionat publish+es,+ing publish+s,+ng putsch puch proportioned proportiond puck puk putt put propositioned propositiond pucker+ed pukr+d puttees putees propounded propoundd pudding pudng putter+s putr+s prop+ped,+ping prop+d,+ng puddle+s pudl+s putting putng propriet+ary,+or propriet+ry,+r pudgy pujy puzzle+d,+ment puzl+d,+mnt proscenium prosenium puff+ed,+ing puf+d,+ng puzzl+es,+ing puzl+s,+ng proselytise proslytize puffin pufn pygmy pigmy prospecting prospectng pugnacious pugnacius pyjamas pajamas prospect+ive,+or prospect+iv,+r pull+ed,+ing pul+d,+ng pyramidal pyramidl prosper+ed,+ing prosper+d,+ng pulley+s pull+y,+is pyre pyr prosperous prosprus pulmonary pulmnry pyrotechnics pyrotecnics protagonist protagnist pulped pulpd python+ess pythn+ess protect+ed,+ing protect+d,+ng pulsar pulsr protective protectiv puls+ed,+ing puls+d,+ng protector+ate protectr+at pulverise/ize pulvrize Q protege+e,+s proteje+e,+s pummel(l)+ed,+ing puml+d,+ng protestant+ism protestnt+ism pump+ed,+ing pump+d,+ng quack+s,+ing quak+s,+ng protest+ed,+er/or protest+d,+r pumpernickel pumprnikl quadrangle+s quadrangl+s protesting protestng pumpkins pumpkns quadrant quadrnt prototype+s prototyp+s punch+ed,+es punch+d,+s quadrille quadril protracted protractd punching punchng quailed quaild proud+er,+est proud+r,+st punctilious punctilius qualif+ied,+ies qualif+yd,+ys provenance provnnce punctually punctuly qualifying qualifyng provident providnt puncture+d,+s punctur+d,+s qualitative+ly qualitativ+ly providentially providentialy pungent punjnt quandary quandry province+s provnce+s punish+able,+ed punish+bl,+d quantifiable quantifybl provisional+ly provisionl+y punish+es,+ing punish+s,+ng quantified quantifyd provocative+ly provocativ+ly punishment punishmnt quantitative+ly quantitativ+ly prowl+ed,+ing prowl+d,+ng punitive punitiv quarrel(l)+ed,+ing quarel+d,+ng prying pryng punted puntd quarrelsome quarelsm psalm salm puppet pupet quarried quarrid PSEUDO-: for words beginng purchase+d purchas+d quarter+ed,+ing quartr+d,+ng PSEUDO- not listd belo, rite SUDO- purchasing purchasng quashed quashd and se undr baseword. purdah purda quaternary quaternry pseudo sudo purgatory purgatry quaver+ed,+ing quaver+d,+ng pseudonym+s sudonm purge+d,+s,+ing purj+d,+s,+ng quay qy psyche syche purif+ied,+ying purify+d,+ng Queensberry Queensbry psychic+al+ly sychic+l+y puritan puritn queer+er queer+r puritanical puritanicl quell+ed,+ing quel+d,+ng puritan+ism,+s puritn+ism,+s quenched quenchd 50 CUT SPELNG Part III queried querid raisin+s raisn+s reaching reachng querulous+ly querulus+ly rajah raja reacting reactng questing questng Raleigh Rali reactionary reactionry questionable questionbl rallied rallid read+able,+er read+bl,+r questioned questiond Ralph Ralf reading readng questioner+s questionr+s ramble+d,+r,+s rambl+d,+r,+s read+ied,+ily,+y red+id,+ily,+y questioning questionng rambling ramblng Reagan Regn questionnaire+s questionair+s ram+med,+ming ram+d,+ng realisable/izable realizebl queue+d qu+ed rampage on th rampaj realise realize queu(e)ing quing to rampaje realistically realisticly quibbl+e,+ing quibl+ng rampant rampnt really realy quick-witted quikwitd ramshackle ramshakl realm relm quick+en+ed quik+n+d ranch+er+s,+es ranch+r+s,+s realtor realtr quicken+ing,+s quikn+ng,+s ranching ranchng reap+ed,+er,+ing reap+d,+r,+ng quick+er,+est quik+r,+st ranco(u)r rancr rear+ed,+ing rear+d,+ng quickie+s quicki+s Randall Randl rearward rearwrd quiescent quiesnt Randolph Randolf reason+able,+ed reasn+bl,+d quiet+ed,+en+ed quiet+d,+n+d random+ly randm+ly reasoning reasnng quiet+er,+ing quiet+r,+ng range+y ranje+y Rebecca Rebeca quill+s quil+s rank+ed,+ing rank+d,+ng rebel a rebl quilted quiltd rankled rankld to rebel quinquennial quinquenial ransack+ed,+ing ransak+d,+ng rebell+ed,+ing rebel+d,+ng quintessence quintesnce ransom ransm rebell+ion,+ious rebel+ion,+ius quintessential quintesential rant+ed,+ing rant+d,+ng rebuff+ed rebuf+d quip+ped,+ping quip+d,+ng rapacious rapacius rebuttal rebutl quitting quitng Raphael Rafael recalcitrant recalcitrnt quiver+ed,+ing quivr+d,+ng rapier+s rapir+s receipt+ed,+s receit+d,+s quizz+ed,+es quiz+d,+s rap+ped,+ping rap+d,+ng receive+rs receve+rs quizzical+ly quizicly rapport rapor receptacle+s receptacl+s R rapprochement raprochmen recept+ive,+ors recept+iv,+rs raptur+e+s,+ous raptur+s,+us recessed recesd rabbi+nical rabi+nicl rarefied se ‘rarified’ recessive recessiv rabbit rabit rari+fied,+ty rari+fyd,+ty reciprocal+ly reciprocl+y rabble rabl rascal+ly,+s rascl+y,+s reckless rekless rack+ed,+s,+ing rak+d,+s,+ng rashers rashrs recklessly reklesly racket+eers,+ing raket+eers,+ng rashes rashs recklessness reklesness racquet raket raspberry rasbry reckon+ed,+ing rekn+d,+ng radical+ise,+ly radicl+ize,+y rasp+ed,+ing rasp+d,+ng reclaimed reclaimd radioactive radioactiv ratchet rachet reclamation reclmation radiocarbon radiocarbn rather rathr recognisable/izable radio+ed,+logical radio+d,+lojicl ratified ratifyd recognizebl radishes radishs rational+lise,+ly rationl+ize,+y recognise recognize raffia rafia ration+ed,+ng ration+d,+ng recoiled recoild raffish rafish rattan ratan recoilless recoil(-l)ess raffle+s,+rs rafl+s,+rs ratted ratd recollect+ed,+ing reclect+d,+ng rage raje rattle+d,+s,+ing ratl+d,+s,+ng recommend+ed recmend+d ragged (singl sylabl) ragd raucous raucus recommending recmendng (two sylabls) raged ravage+d,+s ravaj+d,+s reconnaissance reconasnce raid+ed,+er+s raid+d,+r+s ravaging ravajng reconnoitre recnoitr raiding raidng raven+ing,+ous ravn+ng,+us record+ed,+er record+d,+r rail+ed,+ing rail+d,+ng ravish+ed,+ing ravish+d,+ng recording recordng raiment raimnt Raymond Raymnd recounting recountng rainbow+s rainbo+s RE-: for words beginng RE- not recouped recoupd rain+ed,+ing rain+d,+ng listd belo, se undr baseword. recover+able,+d recovr+bl,+d raise+r rase+r reach+ed,+es reach+d,+s recovering recovrng recover+s,+y recovr+s,+y refurbished refurbishd relinquishment relinquishmnt recreational recreationl refurbishing refurbishng relish+ed,+es relish+d,+s recrimination recrimnation regally regaly relishing relishng recrudescence recrudesnce regard+ed,+ing regard+d,+ng reluctant reluctnt recruit+ed,+ing recruit+d,+ng regeneration rejenration relying relyng recruitment recruitmnt regent rejent remain+der,+ed remain+dr,+d rectal rectl reggae regae remaining remainng rectang+le,+ular rectang+l,+ulr Reggie Reji remanded remandd rectif+ied,+ying rectify+d,+ng regicide rejicide remark+able,+ed remark+bl,+d rector+y rectr+y regime rejime remarkng remarkng rectum rectm regimen rejmn Rembrandt Rembrant recumbent recumbnt regimentation rejmntation remedied remedid recurr+ed,+ent recur+d,+ent regimented rejmntd remember+ed remembr+d recurring recurng regimental rejmentl remembering remembrng recycling recyclng Reginald Rejnld remembrance remembrnce redden+ed,+ing redn+d,+ng region+al+ly rejon+l+y remind+ed,+er remind+d,+r redd+er,+ish red+r,+ish register+ed,+ing rejistr+d,+ng reminding remindng redeem+able,+ed redeem+bl,+d registration rejistration reminisced remnisd redeemer+s redeemr+s regressive regressiv reminiscent remnisnt redeeming redeemng regretfully regretfuly reminiscing remnisng redemption redemtion regrett+able,+ed regret+bl,+d remitt+ance,+ed remit+nce,+d redemptive redemtiv regretting regretng remnant remnnt rediffusion redifusion regular+s regulr+s remonstrance remnstrance redistributive redistributiv regulatory regulatry remonstrate remnstrate redolent redlnt regurgitate regurjitate removable removebl redoubt+able redout+bl rehearsal rehersl remunerative remunerativ reductive reductiv rehearse reherse renaissance renaisnce redundant redundnt rehears+ed,+ing rehers+d,+ng Renard Renrd reek+ed,+ng reek+d,+ng reign+ed,+ing,+s rein+d,+ng,+s Renault Renau reel+ed,+ing reel+d,+ng reimbursement reimbursmnt render+ed,+ing rendr+d,+ng refectory refectry reimbursed reimbursd rending rendng referee refree reined reind renew+able,+al renew+bl,+l reference refrnce reinforcement reinforcemnt renew+ed,+ing renew+d,+ng referend+a,+um refrend+a,+m reinstatement reinstatemnt rennet renet referral+s referal+s reinvestment reinvestmnt renowned renownd referr+ed,+ing refer+d,+ng reiterat+e,+ing reitrat+e,+ing rent+al,+ed,+er rent+l,+d,+r refinement+s refinemnt+s reiteration reitration renting rentng reflect+ed,+ing reflect+d,+ng reject+ed,+ing reject+d,+ng repair+ed,+ers repair+d,+rs relective reflectiv rejoinder rejoindr repairing repairng reflector reflectr rekindle+d rekindl+d reparation repration reflex+es,+ive reflex+s,+iv relational relationl repealed repeald reflexology reflexolojy relative+s relativ+s repeat+ed,+er repeat+d,+r reformation refrmation relax+ed,+es relax+d,+s repeating repeatng reformatory reformatry relaxing relaxng repell+ed,+ent repel+d,+ent reform+ed,+er reform+d,+r relay+ed,+ing relay+d,+ng repelling repelng reforming reformng release relese repent+ant,+ed repent+nt,+d refract+ed,+ory refract+d,+ry relent+ed,+ing relent+d,+ng repert+oire,+ory reprt+oir,+ry refrain+ed,+ing refrain+d,+ng relentlessly relentlesly repetit+ious,+ive repetit+ius,+iv refresh+ed,+ing refresh+d,+ng relevant relevnt replaceable replacebl refreshment refreshmnt reli+able,+ed,+es rely+bl,+d,+s replacement replacemnt refrigerate refijrate reliant relynt replenished replenishd refuelling refuelng relieve+s releve+s replenishing replenishng refuge+s refuje+s religio+n,+us relij+n,+us replenishment replenishmnt refugee refujee relinquished relinquishd repli+ed,+es reply+d,+s refund+able,+ed refund+bl,+d relinguishing rtelinquishng replying replyng 52 CUT SPELNG Part III reportable reportbl resonding resoundng returning returnng report+ed,+er report+d,+r resource resorce Reuben Ruben reporting reportng respectable respectbl Reuters Reutrs repository repositry respect+ed,+er respect+d,+r revamped revampd reprehensible reprehensbl respectfully respectfuly reveal+ed,+ing reveal+d,+ng representational representationl respecting respectng revel+ling revl+ng representative representativ respective+ly respectiv+ly revelation revlation represented representd respiration respration revelatory revlatory representing representng respirator resprator revel(l)+ed,+ers revl+d,+rs repressed represd respiratory respratry revel(l)+ing,+ry revl+ng,+ry repressing represng resplendent resplendnt revenge+d revenj+d repressive repressiv respond+ed,+ent respond+d,+nt revenue+s revnu+s reprieve+d repreve+d responding respondng reverberate reverbrate reprimand+ed reprmand+d responsibility responsbility reveren+d,+t revrn+d,+t reproach+ed,+es reproach+d,+s respons+ible,+ive respons+bl,+iv reverie+s revri+s reproachfully reproachfuly restaurant restran reversal reversl reproaching reproachng rest+ed,+ing rest+d,+ng reversed reversd reproductive reproductiv restive restiv reversible reversbl republican republicn restlessly restlesly reversing reversng repugnant repugnnt restlessness restlesness revert+ed,+ing revert+d,+ng repulsed repulsd restoration restration review+ed,+er+s revew+d,+r+s repulsive+ly repulsiv+ly restorative restorativ reviewing revewng reputable reputebl restore+d,+s restor+d,+s revitalise revitalize request+ed,+ing request+d,+ng restoring restorng revolt+ed,+ing revolt+d,+ng requirement requiremnt restrain+ed,+ing restrain+d,+ng revolution revlution requisite+s requisit+s restrict+ed,+ing restrict+d,+ng revolutionary revlutionry requisitioned requisitiond restrictive restrictiv revolutionise/ize revlutionize rescind+ed resind+d restructuring restructurng revolve+d,+r,+s revolv+d,+r,+s rescue+d,+r,+s rescu+d,+er,+s result+ant,+ed result+nt,+d revolving revolvng research+ed,+er reserch+d,+r resulting resultng revue+s revu+s research+es,+ing reserch+s,+ng resumption resumtion rev+ved,+ving rev+d,+ng resemblance resemblnce resurgent resurjnt reward+ed,+ing reward+d,+ng resemble+d,+s resembl+d,+s resurrect+ed,+ion resrect+d,+ion Reynolds Renlds resembling resemblng retail+ed,+er retail+d,+r rhesus resus resent+ed,+fully resent+d,+fuly retailing retailng rhetoric+ian retric+ian resenting resentng retain+ed,+er+s retain+d,+r+s rhetorical+ly retoricl+y resentment resentmnt retaining retainng rheumat+ic+oid rumat+ic,+oid reservation resrvation retaliatory retaliatry rheumy rumy reserv+ed,+ing reserv+d,+ng retarded retardd Rhine Rine reservoir resrvoir retch+ing rech+ng rhinoceros rinoceros resident residnt retentive retentiv Rhoda Roda residue+s residu+s retinal retnl Rhodes Rodes resign+ed,+edly resyn+d,+edly retinue+s retnu+s Rhodesian rodesian resign+ing,+s resyn+ng,+s retirement retiremnt rhododendron+s rododendron+s resin+ous resn+us retooling retoolng rhubarb rubarb resistant resistnt retorted retortd rhyme+d,+s,+ing rym+d,+s,+ng resist+ed,+or+s resist+d,+r+s retract+ed,+ors retract+d,+rs rhythm+ical+ly rythm+icl+y resisting resistng retreat+ed,+ing retreat+d,+ng ribald+ry ribld+ry resolution reslution retrenchment retrenchmnt rib+bed,+bing rib+d,+ng resolve+d,+s resolv+d,+s retrieval retreval ribbon+ed ribn+d resolving resolvng retrieve retreve Richard+son Richrd+sn resonant resnnt retrofitt+ed,+ing retrofit+d,+ng rich+er,+es,+est rich+r,+s,+st resonate resnate retrogressive retrogressiv Richmond Richmnd resort+ed,+ing resort+d,+ng retrospective+ly retrospectiv+ly rick+s rik+s resounded resoundd return+able,+ed return+bl,+d ricket+s,+y riket+s,+y rickshaw riksha right+fully,+ing ryt+fuly,+ng root+ed,+ing root+d,+ng ricochet(t)ed ricochetd rigid+ity rijid+ity Rosalind Roslind riddance ridnce rigmarole rigmrole roseate roseat ridden ridn rigo(u)r+s rigr+s rosette+s roset+s ridding ridng rigorous rigrus riddle+d,+s,+ing ridl+d,+s,+ng rimmed rimd ridge+d,+s,+ing rij+d,+s,+ng ring+ed,+er+s ring+d,+r+s ridicul+e,+ing ridicul+ng ringing ringng ridiculous ridiculus rinsed rinsd riesling rieslng rinsing rinsng riffl+ed,+ing rifl+d,+ng riot+ed,+er,+ing riot+d,+r,+ng riffraff rifraf riotous riotus rig+ged,+ging rig+d,+ng ripen+ed,+ing ripen+d,+ng right+ed,+eous ryt+d,+eus riposte ripost ripp+ed,+er rip+d,+r ripping ripng ripple+d,+s ripl+d,+s rippling riplng risen risn risk+ed,+ier,+ing risk+d,+ir,+ng ritually rituly rival(l)+ed,+ing rival+d,+ng riven rivn river rivr rivet(t)+ed,+ing rivet+d,+ng roam+ed,+ing roam+d,+ng roar+ed,+ing ror+d,+ng roast+ed,+ing roast+d,+ng Robb Rob robb+ed,+er+y rob+d,+r+y robbing robng Robert Robrt robin robn Robinson Robnsn rock+ed,+er rok+d,+r rocking rokng rocky rocky* rocket+ed,+ing roket+d,+ng Rodgers Rojrs Rodney Rodny roe+s ro+s Roger+s Rojr+s rogue+s roge+s roguish rogish roll+ed,+er,+ing rol+d,+r,+ng romanesque romanesq romantically romanticly romanticise romanticize romp+ed,+ing romp+d,+ng Ronald Ronld roof+ed,+ing roof+d,+ng rookie+s rooki+s room+ed,+ing room+d,+ng roommate room(-m)ate roost+er+s,+ing roost+r+s,+ng 54 CUT SPELNG Part III Rosie Rosi Russell Rusl ruthlessly ruthlesly roster+ing rostr+ng Russian russian ruthlessness ruthlesness rotational rotationl rust+ed,+ing rust+d,+ng rut+ted,+ting rut+d,+ng rot+ted,+ten rot+d,+n rustl+e+d,+ing rusl+d,+ng rye ry rotting rotng roubles rubles rouge+d,+s ruje+d,+s S rough+age,+ed ruf+aj,+d roughened rufnd Sabbath sabath rough+er,+est,+s ruf+r,+st,+s sabbatical+s sabaticl+s roulette rulet sabotage+d,+ing sabotaj+d,+ng Roumania Romania saboteur+s saboter+s round+ed,+er round+d,+r saccharin(e) sacrin rounding roundng sack+ed,+ing sak+d,+ng rout+e+d,+ing (=to send on a sacrament+s sacrmnt+s route) rout+ed, rout+ing sacramental sacrmentl rout+ed,+ing (to put to flyt) sacrileg+e,+ious sacrlej+us rout+d,+ng sadden+ed,+ing sadn+d,+ng routine rutine sadd+er,+est sad+r,+st row+ed (=a line, to scul) ro+ed saddle+d,+s sadl+d,+s (=dispute) row+d Sadducees Saducees rowan+s rown+s sadistically sadisticly royal+ist,+ly,+s royl+ist,+y,+s Sadlers Sadlrs royalty roylty saffron safron rub+bed,+bing rub+d,+ng sagacious sagacius rubber+s,+y rubr+s,+y sage+ly,+s saje+ly,+s rubbish+y rubish+y sag+ged,+ging sag+d,+ng rubble rubl sail+ed,+ing,+or sail+d,+ng,+r rubella rubela sainted saintd ruck+ed,+s ruk+d,+s salamander+s salamandr+s rucksack+s ruksak+s salar+ied,+y salr+id,+y rudder rudr saleable salebl rudimentary rudimentry Salisbury Salsbry rudiments rudimnts sallied sallid Rudolph Rudolf sallow salo rue+d,+s ru+ed,+es salmon+ella salmn+ela ruing* ruing salt+ed,+ing salt+d,+ng ruefully rufuly salubrious salubrius ruffians rufians salvage+d,+ing salvaj+d,+ng ruffle+d,+s,+ing rufl+d,+s,+ng salve salv ruffs rufs salver salvr rugged ruged salvo+es salvo+s rugger rugr Samaritan+s samaritn+s ruin+ed,+ing ruin+d,+ng samphire samfire ruinous ruinus sample+d,+r sampl+d,+r rumble+d,+s rumbl+d,+s sampling samplng rumbling rumblng Samson Samsn rummage+d,+ing rumaj+d,+ng sanctified sanctifyd rumo(u)red rumor+d sanctimonious sanctmonius rumple+d rumpl+d sanctioned sanctiond runnels runls sanctuary sanctury run+ner,+ning run+r,+ng sanctum sanctm rupture+d,+s ruptur+d,+s sandal+(l)ed,+s sandl+d,+s rush+ed,+es rush+d,+s sanded sandd rushing rushng sandwich+ed,+es sanwich+d,+s sanguin+ary,+e sanguin+ry scarred scard screw+ed,+ing screw+d,+ng sanitary sanitry scarves scarvs scribble+d,+r,+s scribl+d,+r,+s sapling saplng scatter+ed,+ing scatr+d,+ng scribbling scriblng sapp+ed,+er sap+d,+r scavenge+d,+r+s scavnj+d,+r+s script+ed,+ure+s script+d,+ur+s sapping sapng scavenging scavnjng scroll+ery scrol+ry sapphire+s safire+s scenario senario scrounge+d,+r scrounj+d,+r Sarah Sara scen+e,+ic sen+e,+ic scrounging scrounjng sarcastically sarcasticly scent+ed,+ing sent+d,+ng scrub+bed,+bing scrub+d,+ng sarcophagus sarcofagus sceptical etc, se ‘skeptical’ scruff scruf sardonically sardonicly sceptre septr scrunched scrunchd Sargent/Sarjent Sarjnt schedule schedul* scrupulous+ly scrupulus+ly sartorially sartorialy scheduling schedulng scrutinise scrutinize sashes sashs schema+tically scema+ticly scud+ded,+ding scud+d,+ng Saskatchewan Saskachewan scheme+r sceme+r scuff+ed,+ing scuf+d,+ng satchel sachl scherzo scerzo scuffl+e+d,+ing scufl+d,+ng satellite satlite schism sism scullery sculry satin+s,+y satn+s,+y schizophrenia scizofrenia sculpt+ed,+ing sculpt+d,+ng satirical satiricl schnapps shnaps sculptor sculptr satisfactorily satisfactrly scholar scolr sculpture+d sculptur+d satisfactory satisfactry scholastically scolasticly scurried scurrid satisfi+ed,+es satisfy+d,+s school+ed,+ing scool+d,+ng scurrilous scurilus satisfying satisfyng sciatica siatica scuttle+d,+s scutl+d,+s Saturday satrday science sience scuttling scutlng Saturn Satrn scientifically sientificly Scylla Syla saturn+alia,+ine satrn+alia,+ine scientology sientolojy scyth+ed,+ing syth+d,+ing satyr+s satr+s scimitar simitr sea+s se+s Saunders Saundrs scion+s sion+s seal+ed,+ing seal+d,+ng saunter+ed,+ing sauntr+d,+ng scissor+ing,+s sisr+ng,+s seam+ed,+er+s seam+d,+r+s sausage+s sausaj+s scoff+ed,+ing scof+d,+ng search+ed,+ers serch+d,+rs savage+d,+ry,+s savaj+d,+ry,+s scold+ed,+ing scold+d,+ng search+es,+ing serch+s,+ng savaging savajng scones scons sear+ed,+ing sear+d,+ng savanna(h)+s savana+s scoop+ed,+ing scoop+d,+ng seasonable seasnbl Saville Savl scoot+ed,+er+s scoot+d,+r+s seasonal+ly seasnl+y savio(u)r savir scorch+ed,+er scorch+d,+r season+ed,+ing seasn+d,+ng savo(u)r+ed savor+d scorching scorchng seat+ed,+ing seat+d,+ng savo(u)r+ing,+y savor+ng,+y scor+ed,+er,+ing scor+d,+r,+ng Seattle Seatl saw+ed,+ing saw+d,+ng scorn+ed,+fully scorn+d,+fuly seaward sewrd sawyer+s sawyr+s scotch scoch second+arily secnd+rly saxifrage saxifraj scottie/y scotti secondary secndry Saxon+s saxn+s Scottish scotish to second (=suport th proposer of saxophone saxofone scour+ed,+ing scour+d,+ng a reslution) Sayers Sayrs scourg+ed,+ing scurj+d,+ng +ed,+er secnd+d,+r saying sayng scouting scoutng to second (=transfer temprly to scabbard scabrd scowl+ed,+ing scowl+d,+ing anothr job) scabbed scabd scrabbl+e+d,+ing scrabl+d,+ng +ed second+d scaffold+ing scafld+ng scramble+d,+r scrambl+d,+r secretary secretry scald+ed,+ing scald+d,+ng scrambling scramblng secretive+ly secretiv+ly scallop+ed,+s scalop+d,+s scrap+ped,+ping scrap+d,+ng sectional sectionl scalp+el,+ing scalp+l,+ng scratch+ed,+es scrach+d,+s sector sectr scamper+ed,+ing scampr+d,+ng scratch+ing,+y scrach+ng,+y secular+ise/ize seculr+ize scandal+ise/ize scandl+ize scrawled scrawld sedative+s sedativ+s scandalous scandlus scream+ed,+ing scream+d,+ng sedentary sedntry scann+ed,+er scan+d,+r scree scre sedge+s sej+s scanning scanng screech+ed screech+d,+ng sediment sedmnt Scarborough Scarbro screen+ed,+ing screen+d,+ng sedimentary sedmentry 56 CUT SPELNG Part III seditious seditius separation sepration sharpen+ed,+ing sharpn+d,+ng seductive+ly seductiv+ly separatism sepratism sharp+er,+est sharp+r,+st see+s se+s September septembr shatter+ed,+ing shatr+d,+ng seed+ed,+ing seed+d,+ng sepulchral sepulcrl she’ll she’l seedling seedlng sepulchre seplcr shear+ed,+er shear+d,+r seek+er+s,+ing seek+r+s,+ng sequentially sequentialy shearing shearng seem+ed,+ing seem+d,+ng sequestered sequestrd sheathe shethe seep+age,+ed seep+aj,+d sequinned sequind sheaves sheavs seeping seepng sergeant serjnt shedding shedng seethe+d sethe+d serialise serialize sheet+ed,+ing sheet+d,+ng segment a segmnt serious serius Sheffield Shefield to segment Serjeant Serjnt sheikhs sheiks segmentation segmntation sermon sermn Sheila/Shelah Shela segmented segmentd serpent+s serpnt+s shell+ed,+ing shel+d,+ng seize+s seze+s serrated serated shelter+ed,+ing sheltr+d,+ng seizure+s sezur+s serried serrid shelve+d,+s shelv+d,+s seldom seldm servant servnt shelving shelvng select+ed,+ing select+d,+ng serv+ed,+er,+ing serv+d,+r,+ng shenanigans shenanigns selective selectiv serviceabl servicebl shepherd+ed sheprd+d selector+s selectr+s servile servl shepherding sheprdng self-effacing self-efacing sessional sessionl Sheppard Sheprd sell+er,+ing sel+r,+ng sett+s set+s sherbert sherbrt sellotape selotape settee+s setee+s Sheridan Sheridn selves selvs setter+s setr+s sheriff+s sherif+s semantically semanticly setting setng shi+ed,+es shy+d,+s semaphore semafor settl+e+d,+ing setl+d,+ng shield+ed,+ing shield+d,+ng semblance semblnce settlement setlmnt shift+ed,+ing shift+d,+ng semester semestr settle+rs,+s setl+rs,+s shilling shilng seminal semnl seven+s,+ty sevn+s,+ty shimmer+ed,+ing shimr+d,+ng seminar semnar sever+ance,+ing sevr+nce,+ng shimmied shimmid seminary semnry several sevrl shingle+d,+s shingl+d,+s semolina semlina sever+ed,+ing sevr+d,+ng shinning shinng senat+e,+or senat+r Severn Sevrn shipment+s shipmnt+s send+er,+ing send+r,+ng sew+age,+er+age sew+aj,+r+aj ship+ped,+ping ship+d,+ng Senegalese seneglese sew+ed,+er,+ing sew+d,+r,+ng shirked shirkd senior senir sex+ed,+es,+ier sex+d,+s,+ir Shirley Shirly sensational+ly sensationl+y sexton sextn shitting shitng sensed sensd sexually sexuly shiver+ed,+s shivr+d,+s sensible sensbl Seymour Semor shiver+ing,+y shivr+ng,+y sensing sensng shabbier shabbir shock+ed,+ing shok+d,+ng sensitive sensitiv shack+ed,+ing shak+d,+ng shone shon sensor+s,+y sensr+s,+y shackle+d,+s shakl+d,+s shooed shood sensually sensuly shadow+ed,+ing shado+d,+ing shoot+er,+ing shoot+r,+ng sensuous+ly sensuus+ly shadowy shadowy* shopp+ed,+er+s shop+d,+r+s sentence sentnce Shah+s Sha+s shopping shopng sentencing sentncing Shakespeare Shakespear shore+d,+s shor+d,+s sententiously sententiusly shall shal short-sleeved shortsleved sentiment sentmnt shallots shalots shortage+s shortaj+s sentimental+ly sentmentl+y shallow+er,+ly shalo+er,+ly shorten+ed,+ing shortn+d,+ng sentimentalise/ize sentmentlize shamble+d,+s shambl+d,+s short+er,+est short+r,+st sentinel+s sentnl+s shambling shamblng shorting shortng sepals sepls shamefully shamefuly shortsighted shortsytd separable seprbl shamelessly shamelesly shotting shotng separate a seprat word shan’t shant should+’ve,+n’t shud+’v,+nt to seprate shank+ed,+ing shank+d,+ng shoulder+ed,+ing sholdr+d,+ng shouted shoutd signif+ies,+ying signify+s,+ng (derived from ‘sky’) sky+d,+r,+s shov+ed,+es shov+d,+s signing synng skil(l)+fully,+ed skil+fuly,+d shoving shovng Sikh+s sik+s skim+med,+ming skim+d,+ng shovel(l)+ed,+ing shovl+d,+ng silage silaj skimped skimpd shovels shovls silhouette+d,+s siluet+d,+s skin+ned,+ner skin+d,+r show+ed sho+wd* silicon silicn skinning skinng show+ing,+s sho+ing,+s silken silkn skipp+ed,+er skip+d,+r showy showy* sill+s sil+s skipping skipng shower+ed,+ing showr+d,+ng sillier sillir skirmishes skirmishs shrapnel shrapnl silt+ed,+ing silt+d,+ng skirmishing skirmishng shred+ded,+ding shred+d,+ng silver+ed,+y silvr+d,+y skirt+ed,+ing skirt+d,+ng shrewdest shrewdst similar simlr skitter+ed,+ing skitr+d,+ng shriek+ed,+ing shriek+d,+ng similarity simlarity skittish skitish shrill+ed,+er shril+d,+r simmer+ed,+ing simr+d,+ng skittles skitls shrilling shrilng Simmonds Simnds skulduggery skuldugry shrilly shrilly* simper+ed,+ing simpr+d,+ng skulk+ed,+ing skulk+d,+ng shrimping shrimpng simple+r,+st simpl+r,+st skull skul shrink+age,+ing shrink+aj,+ng simpleton+s simpltn+s Skye Sky shrivel(l)+ed,+ing shrivl+d,+ng simplif+ied,+ie simplify+d,+s skyward+s skywrd+s Shropshire Shropshr simplifying simplifyng slack+en+ed slak+n+d shrouded shroudd simplistically simplisticly slackening slaknng shrubbery shrubry simultaneity simltneity slack+er,+ly slak+r,+ly shrug+ged,+ging shrug+d,+ng simultaneous simltaneus slam+med,+mer slam+d,+r shrunken shrunkn Singapore Singapor slamming slmng shucks shuks singed sinjd slander+ed,+ous slandr+d,+us shudder+ed,+s shudr+d,+s sing+er,+ing sing+r,+ng slant+ed,+ing slant+d,+ng shuddering shudrng Singh Sing slap+ped,+ping slap+d,+ng shuffle+d,+ing shufl+d,+ng single+d,+s singl+d,+s slash+ed,+es slash+d,+s shun+ned,+ning shun+d,+ng singling singlng slashing slashng shunt+ed,+ing shunt+d,+ng singular singulr slatted slatd shush+ed,+ing shush+d,+ng Sinhalese Sinlese slatternly slatrnly shutter+ed,+s shutr+d,+s sinister+ly sinistr+ly slaughter+ed,+ing slautr+d,+ng shutting shutng sink+er,+ing sink+r,+ng slaying slayng shuttle+d,+ing shutl+d,+ng sinn+ed,+er sin+d,+r sleazy slezy shyer shyr sinning sinng sledge+s slej+s sibilant siblnt sinuous sinuus sleep+er,+ing sleep+r,+ng sibling siblng sinusoidal sinusoidl sleeve sleve sibyl sibl sioux siu sleigh slei sick+en+ed,+ing sik+n+d,+ng siphon etc, se ‘syphon’ sleight slyt sicker sikr sip+ped,+ping sip+d,+ng slender slendr sickle+s sikl+s sister+ly sistr+ly sleuth sluth Sidney Sidny sit+ter+s,+ting sit+r+s,+ng slewed slewd siege+s seje+s situational situationl slick+ed,+er slik+d,+r sierra siera siz(e)able sizebl slight+ed,+est slyt+d,+st sieve+d siv+d sizzle+d,+ing sizl+d,+ng slim+mer,+ming slim+r,+ng sift+ed,+ing sift+d,+ng skelet+al,+on skelet+l,+n slinging slingng sigh+ed,+ing sy+d,+ng skeptical+ly skepticl+y slinking slinkng sight+ed,+ing syt+d,+ng sketch+ed,+es skech+d,+s slipp+ed,+er+ed slip+d,+r+d signal(l)+ed,+ing signl+d,+ng sketch+ing,+y skech+ng,+y slipping slipng signally signly skewed skewd slipper+s,+y slipr+s,+y signatory signatry skewer+ed skewr+d slither+ed,+ing slithr+d,+ng signature signatur skid+ded,+ding skid+d,+ng sliver+s slivr+s sign+ed,+er+s syn+d,+r+s skiddoo skidoo slobber+ed,+ing slobr+d,+ng significant significnt ski+e+d,+r,+s sloe+s slo+s signifi+ed,+er signify+d,+r (derived from ‘ski’) ski+ed,+r,+s slog+ged,+ging slog+d,+ng 58 CUT SPELNG Part III slop+ped,+ping slop+d,+ng snatch+es,+ing snach+s,+ng Solihull Solihul sloppy sloppy* sneak+ed,+ers sneak+d,+rs solitary solitry slosh+ed,+ing slosh+d,+ng sneaking sneakng Solomon Solomn slotted slotd sneer+ed,+ing sneer+d,+ng soluble solubl slouch+ed,+ing slouch+d,+ng sneeze+d,+s sneze+d,+s solvable solvbl slough slou of despond snicker+ed,+ing snikr+d,+ng solve+d,+nt,+s solv+d,+nt,+s snakes sluf ther skins sniff+ed,+s,+ing snif+d,+s,+ng solving solvng sloughed slufd sniffling sniflng somber/re+ly sombr+ly slovenly slovnly snifter sniftr some+one+’ll som+one+’l slow+ed,+er slo+ed,+er snigger+ed,+ing snigr+d,+ng somersault+s somrsalt+s slowest sloest snipp+ed,+ets snip+d,+ets Somerset Somrset sludge sluj snipping snipng some+what som+wat slugged slugd snivelling snivlng somewhere somwher sluggish slugish snobb+ery,+ish snob+ry,+ish somnolent somnlnt sluice+s sluce+s snooker snookr sonnet+s sonet+s sluicing slucing snooping snoopng sonofabitch sonofabich slumber+ed,+ing slumbr+d,+ng snooze+d snooz+d sonorous sonrus slump+ed,+ing slump+d,+ng snore+d,+s,+ing snor+d,+s,+ng soon+er,+est soon+r,+st slurped slurpd snort+ed,+ing snort+d,+ng soothsayer soothsayr slurred slurd snow+ed,+s sno+ed,+s Sophi+a,+e Sofia, Sofi sluttish slutish snowy snowy* sophist+s sofist+s smack+ed,+s smak+d,+s snubbed snubd sophisticate sofisticat smacking smakng snuck snuk sophisticated sofisticated small+er,+est,+s smal+r,+st,+s snuff+ed,+ing snuf+d,+ng Sophocles Sofocles Smalley Smally snuffl+e+d,+ing snufl+d,+ng sophomore sofmor smart+ed,+en smart+d,+n snuggl+e+d,+ing snugl+d,+ng sorcerer+s sorcerr+s smart+er,+est smart+r,+st soak+ed,+ing soak+d,+ng sore sor smarting smartng soaped soapd sorghum sorgm smash+ed,+er smash+d,+r soar+ed,+s,+ing sor+d,+s,+ng sorrel sorel smash+es,+ing smash+s,+ng sob+bed,+bing sob+d,+ng sorrow+fully soro+fuly smattering smatrng sober+ed,+ing sober+d,+ng sorrowing soroing smear+ed,+ing smear+d,+ng soccer socr sort+ed,+ing sort+d,+ng smell+ed,+ing smel+d,+ng sociable sociabl sortie+s sorti+s smelly smelly* socialise socialize sou’wester souwestr smelt+ed,+er+s smelt+d,+r+s socially socialy soughing souing smelting smeltng societal societl sought sot smirk+ed,+ing smirk+d,+ng sociological+ly sociolojicl+y soul sol smithereens smithreens sociology sociolojy sounded soundd smitten smitn sock sok sound+er,+est sound+r,+st smock+s smok+s socket soket sounding soundng smolder+ed,+ing smoldr+d,+ng sod+den,+ding sod+n,+ng soundlessly soundlesly smooth+ed,+er smooth+d,+r Sodom Sodm souped-up soupd-up smoothing smoothng sodomy sodmy source sorce smother+ed,+ing smothr+d,+ng soften+ed,+er,+s sofn+d,+r,+s sour+ed,+ing sour+d,+ng smoulder etc, se ‘smolder’ softening sofnng Southampton Southamtn smudge+d,+s smuj+d,+s soft+er,+est soft+r,+st southerly suthrly smudgy smujy soil+ed,+ing soil+d,+ng southern+er southrn+r smuggle+d,+r,+s smugl+d,+r+s sojourn sojrn southward+s southwrd+s smuggling smuglng solder+ed,+ing soldr+d,+ng Southwark Suthrk snack snak soldier+ing,+y soldir+ng,+y Southwell Suthl snagged snagd solemn solem souvenir suvenir snap+ped,+ping snap+d,+ng solicit+ed,+ing solicit+d,+ng sovereign+s sovren+s snappy snappy* solicit+or,+ous solicit+r,+us sow to so snarl+ed,+ing snarl+d,+ng solider solidr a sow snatch+ed,+er snach+d,+r solidif+ied,+ying solidify+d,+ng sow+ed,+er,+s so+ed,+er,+s spacious spacius spirited+ly spiritd+ly squash+ed,+es squash+d,+s spaghetti spageti spiritually spirituly squashing squashng spangled spangld spitefully spitefuly squatt+ed,+er squat+d,+r Spaniards spanirds spit+ted,+ting spit+d,+ng squatting squatng spank+ed,+ing spank+d,+ng spitt+le,+oons spit+l,+oons squawk+ed,+ing squawk+d,+ng spann+ed,+er+s span+d,+r+s splash+ed,+es splash+d,+s squeak+ed,+ing squeak+d,+ng spanning spanng splashing splashng squeal+ed,+er squeal+d,+r spark+ed,+ing spark+d,+ng splatter+ed,+ing splatr+d,+ng squealing squealng sparkle+d,+r,+s sparkl+d,+r,+s splayed splayd squeeze+s squeze+s sparkling sparklng splendo(u)r+s splendr+s squelch+ed,+ing squelch+d,+ng sparring sparng splinter+ed,+ing splintr+d,+ng squiggles squigls sparrow sparo splitting splitng squint+ed,+ing squint+d,+ng Spartan+s spartn+s splotched splochd squirm+ed,+ing squirm+d,+ng spasmodically spasmodicly splurge+d splurj+d squirrel squirel spatially spatialy splutter+ed,+ing splutr+d,+ng squirt+ed,+ing squirt+d,+ng spatter+ed,+ing spatr+d,+ng spoil+age,+ed spoil+aj,+d stab+bed,+bing stab+d,+ng spawn+ed,+ing spawn+d,+ng spoil+er,+ing spoil+r,+ng stabilise stabilize spay+ed,+ing spay+d,+ng spong+e+d,+s sponj+d,+s staccato stacato speak+er,+ing speak+r,+ng spong+ing,+y sponj+ng,+y stack+ed,+ing stak+d,+ng spear+ed,+ing spear+d,+ng sponsor+ed,+ing sponsr+d,+ng staff+ed,+ing staf+d,+ng specialise specialize spontaneous spontaneus Stafford+shire Stafrd+shr specially specialy spooked spookd stage staje species speces spoon+ed,+ing spoon+d,+ng stagger+ed,+ing stagr+d,+ng specifically specificly sporadically sporadicly stagnant stagnnt specifi+ed,+es specify+d,+s spore+s spor+s stain+ed,+ing stain+d,+ng specifying specifyng sport+ed,+ing sport+d,+ng staithes stathes specimen specimn sportive sportiv stalk+ed,+ing stalk+d,+ng specious specius spot+ted,+ting spot+d,+ng stall+ed,+ing stal+d,+ng speck spek spotty spotty* stallion+s stalion+s speckled spekld spout+ed,+ing spout+d,+ng stalwart+s stalwrt+s spectacle+d spectacl+d sprained spraind stamina stamna spectacular spectaculr sprawl+ed,+ing sprawl+d,+ng stammer+ed,+ing stamr+d,+ng specter/re+s spectr+s spray+ed,+ing spray+d,+ng stamp+ed,+ing stamp+d,+ng spectr+al,+um spectr+l,+m spread-eagled spredeagld stanchion stanchn speculative+ly speculativ+ly spread+ing spred+ng standard+ise/ize standrd+ize speeches speechs sprigged sprigd standing standng speed+ed,+ier speed+d,+ir sprightly sprytly Stanley Stanly speeding speedng springing springng starboard starbrd speedometer speedometr sprinkle+d,+r+s sprinkl+d,+r+s starch+ed,+es starch+d,+s spell+ed,+ers spel+d,+rs sprinkling sprinklng stardom stardm spelling spelng sprint+ed,+er+s sprint+d,+r+s starkest starkst spender+s,+ing spendr+s,+ng sprinting sprintng starling starlng spew+ed,+ing spew+d,+ng sprout+ed,+ng sprout+d,+ng starr+ed,+ing,+y star+d,+ng,+y sphagnum sfagnm spurge spurj start+ed,+er,+ing start+d,+r,+ng spher+e,+ical sfer+e,+icl spurious spurius stationing stationng sphincter sfinctr spurned spurnd startle+d,+s startl+d,+s sphinx sfinx spurred spurd startling startlng spies spys spurt+ed,+ing spurt+d,+ng starv+ed,+ing starv+d,+ng spill+ed,+s spil+d,+s sputter+ed,+ing sputr+d,+ng starveling starvlng spilling spilng spying spyng stashed stashd spindle+s spindl+s squabble+s,+ing squabl+s,+ng statement statemnt spinn+er,+ing spin+r,+ng squall+s,+ing squal+s,+ng Staten Statn spinney+s spinn+y,+is squalor squalr station+ary,+ed station+ry,+d spinster spinstr squander+ed squandr+d stationer+s,+y stationr+s,+y spiral(l)+ed,+ing spiral+d,+ng squandering squandrng statistical+ly statisticl+y 60 CUT SPELNG Part III statu+ary,+es statu+ry,+s stocking+ed stokng+d strict+er,+est strict+r,+st statu+esque,+ette statu+esq,+et stocky stocky* stricture+s strictur+s stature statur stodgy stojy string+ed,+ing string+d,+ng statutory statutry stoical+ly stoicl+y stringent strinjnt staunch stanch stomach stomac stripp+ed,+ers strip+d,+rs stay+ed,+ing stay+d,+ng stomp+ed,+ing stomp+d,+ng stripping stripng steadi+ed,+er,+y stedi+d,+r,+y Stonehenge Stonehenj striven strivn steak stek stooge+s stooj+s stroganoff strognof stealing stealng stoop+ed,+ing stoop+d,+ng stroll+ed,+ers,+s strol+d,+rs,+s stealth+ily,+y stelth+ily,+y stopp+age,+ed stop+aj,+d strolling strolng steam+ed,+er+s steam+d,+r+s stop+per,+ping stop+r,+ng strong+er,+est strong+r,+st steaming steamng stor+age,+ed stor+aj,+d struck struk steeled steeld stor+es,+ing stor+s,+ng structurally structrly steep+ed,+er,+est steep+d,+r,+st storm+ed,+ing storm+d,+ng structured structurd steeple+d,+s steepl+d,+s stout+er,+est stout+r,+st structuring structurng steer+ed,+ing steer+d,+ng stow+ed sto+ed struggle+d strugl+d stellar stelr straddle+d,+ing stradl+d,+ng struggling struglng stem+med,+ming stem+d,+ng straggle+d,+r stragl+d,+r strummed strumd stencil(l)ed stencild straggling straglng strumming strumng stenographer+s stenografr+s straggly stragly strut+ted,+ting strut+d,+ng Stephanie Stefni straight+en+ed strait+n+d strychnine strycnine Stephen Steven straighten+ing,+s straitn+ng,+s stub+bed,+bing stub+d,+ng Stepney Stepny straight+er,+s strait+r,+s stubbl+e,+y stubl+y steppe+s step+s strain+ed,+er strain+d,+r stubborn+ness stubrn+ess step+ped,+ping step+d,+ng straining strainng stucco stuco stereotype+d,+s stereotyp+d,+s stranded strandd stuck stuk sterotyping stereotypng strange stranje studded studd sterilise sterilize strangle+d,+r strangl+d,+r studied studid sterling sterlng strangling stranglng studious studius sterner sternr strap+ped,+ping strap+d,+ng stuff+ed,+s stuf+d,+s sternness sterness Strasbourg Strasbrg stuffing stufng sternum sternm stratagem+s stratajm+s stultif+ied,+ying stultify+d,+ng stetson stetsn strategic+ally stratejic+ly stumble+d,+s stumbl+d,+s steward stewrd strategy stratejy stumbling stumblng Stewart Stewrt stratified stratifyd stump+ed,+ing stump+d,+ng stew+ed,+ing stew+d,+ng stratosphere stratosfere stunn+ed,+er stun+d,+r stick+er,+ing stik+r,+ng stratum stratm stunning stunng sticky sticky* strawberry stawbry stunted stuntd stickler stiklr stray+ed,+ing stray+d,+ng stupef+ied,+ying stupefy+d,+ng stiff+en+ed,+ing stif+n+d,+ng streak+ed,+er streak+d,+r stupendous stupendus stiff+er,+est stif+r,+st streaking streakng stupidest stupidst stiletto stileto stream+ed,+er+s stream+d,+r+s sturdier sturdir still+ed,+s stil+d,+s streaming streamng stutter+ed,+er stutr+d,+r stilted stiltd strengthen+ed strengthn+d stuttering stutrng stilton stiltn strengthening strengthnng stye sty sting+er,+ing sting+r,+ng strenuous+ly strenuus+ly stygian styjn sting+iness,+y stinj+iness,+y streptococcal streptococl styl+ed,+es,+ing styl+d,+s,+ng stink+er,+ing stink+r,+ng streptococcus streptococus stylistically stylisticly stippled stipld stressed stresd stymied stymid Stirling Stirlng stressful stresful SUB-: for words beginng SUB- not stirr+ed,+ing stir+d,+ng stressing stresng listd belo, se undr baseword. stirrup+s stirup+s stretch+ed,+er strech+d,+r subaltern subltrn stitch+ed,+es stich+d,+s stretching strechng subbing subng stitching stichng stretches strechs subdue+d subdu+d stock+ade,+ed stok+ade,+d stricken strikn subject+ed,+ing subject+d,+ng subjective subjectiv suit+able,+ed suit+bl,+d suppressive supressiv sublimate sublmate suit+ing,+or suit+ng,+r suppurating supurating subliminal+ly sublimnly sulfur+ous sulfr+us surcharge+s surcharj+s submarine submrine sulk+ed,+ing sulk+d,+ng surfeit surfit submerge+d submerj+d sullen+ness sulen+ess surf+er+s,+ing surf+r+s,+ng submerging submerjng sullied sullid surg+ed,+ing surj+d,+ng submissive submissiv Sullivan Sulivn surgeon surjn submitt+ed,+ing submit+d,+ng sulph+ate,+ide sulf+ate,+ide surgery surjry subordinate a subordnat sulphur etc, se ‘sulfur’ surges surj+s to subordnate sulphuric sulfuric surgical+ly surjicl+y subpoena+ed subpena+d sultan sultn surmounted surmountd subsidence subsidnce summarily sumrily surmounting surmountng subsidiary subsidiry summar+ise/ize,+y sumr+ize,+y surpassed surpassd subsidise subsidize summ+ation,+ed sum+ation,+d surpassing surpasng subsist+ed,+ence subsist+d,+nce summer+y sumr+y surreal+ism sureal+ism substance substnce summing sumng surrender+ed surendr+d substantially substantialy summit+s sumit+s surrendering surendrng substantive substntiv summon+ed,+ing sumn+d,+ng surreptitious+ly sureptitius+ly subterfuge+s subtrfuje+s summonses sumnses Surrey Surry subterranean subtranean sumptuous+ly sumtuus+ly surrogate+s surogat+s subtle+r,+st,+ty sutl+r,+st,+ty Sunday sunday surround+ed suround+d subtly sutly sunken sunkn surrounding suroundng subtract+ed,+ing subtract+d,+ng sunning sunng surveillance surveilance suburban suburbn SUPER-: for words beginng SUPER- survey+ed,+or+s survey+d,+r+s subversive subversiv not listd belo, se undr baseword. surveying surveyng subvert+ed,+ing subvert+d,+ng superannuation superanuation Susannah Susana succeed+ed,+ing succeed+d,+ng supercilious supercilius susceptible suseptbl successfully succesfuly superficially superficialy Susie Susi successive successiv superfluous superfluus suspect+ed,+ing suspect+d,+ng successor succesr superintendent superintendnt suspend+ed,+er suspend+d,+r succo(u)r sucr superior superir suspending suspendng succubus sucubus superlative+ly superlativ+ly suspicious suspicius succulent suculent supernaturally supernatrly sustain+able,+ed sustain+bl,+d succumb+ed,+ing sucum+d,+ng supernumerary supernumery sustaining sustainng suck+ed,+er+s suk+d,+r+s superstitious+ly superstitius+ly sustenance sustnnce sucking sukng supp+ed,+er+s sup+d,+r+s Sutcliffe Sutclif suckle+d,+r sukl+d,+r supplant+ed suplant+d Sutherland Suthrland suckling suklng supple supl suttee sutee sudden+ness sudn+ess supplement+ation suplmnt+ation Sutton Sutn sue+d,+s su+ed,+es supplemental suplmentl swaddl+ed,+ling swadl+d,+ng suffer+ance sufr+nce supplementary suplmentry swagger+ing swagr+ng suffer+ed,+er,+s sufr+d,+r,+s supplemented suplmntd swallow+ed swalo+d suffering sufrng supplementing suplmntng swamped swampd suffice+d,+s sufice+d,+s suppli+ant,+cant supli+ant,+cnt swapped etc, se ‘swopped’ sufficiency suficiency supplication suplication swarm+ed,+ing swarm+d,+ng suffix sufix suppl+ied,+ier suply+d,+r swashbuckling swashbuklng suffocate+d sufocate+d supplies suplys swatch swach suffocating sufocating supply+ing suply+ng swat etc (=study hard)+ted Suffolk Sufok support+ed,+er suport+d,+r swot+d suffrage+tte+s sufraj+et+s support+ing,+ive suport+ng,+iv swat etc (=squash insect) suffuse+d sufuse+d suppose+dly supose+dly swat+ted,+ting swat+d,+ng sugar+ed,+y sugr+d,+y suppositions supositions sway+ed,+ing sway+d,+ng suggest+ed,+ible sujest+d,+bl suppository supositry swear+s,+ing swer+s,+ng suggesting sujestng suppressed supresd sweat+ed,+er swetd+r suggestive+ly sujestiv+ly suppressing suppresng sweating swetng 62 CUT SPELNG Part III sweat+s,+y swet+s,+y syndical+ism syndicl+ism tantalising/izing tantlizing sweeper+s sweepr+s syndicate a syndicat tantamount tantmount sweeping sweepng to syndicate taper+ed,+ing taper+d,+ng sweeten+ed,+er sweetn+d,+r synonym synnm tap+ped,+ping tap+d,+ng sweetening sweetnng synonymous synonmus tappet+s tapet+s sweet+er,+est sweet+r,+st synthesise synthesize target+ed,+ing target+d,+ng sweetie sweeti syphilis syflis tariff tarif swell+ed,+ing swel+d,+ng syphon+ed,+ing syfn+d,+ng tarnished tarnishd sweltering sweltrng syringe+s syrinj+s tarot taro swerve+d,+s swerv+d,+s system+atically systm+aticly tar+red,+ring tar+d,+ng swerving swervng tarry a tary tobaco swift+er,+est swift+r,+st to tarry swig+ged,+ging swig+d,+ng T tartan+s tartn+s swill+ed,+ing swil+d,+ng tableau+x tablau+s tartar tartr swimmer+s swimr+s taboo tabu tarted tartd swimming swimng tabular tabulr Tarzan Tarzn swindle+d,+r swindl+d,+r tachograph tacograf tassel(l)+ed,+s tasl+d,+s swindling swindlng tack+ed,+s,+ing tak+d,+s,+ng tastefully tastefuly swinger+s swingr+s tackle+d,+r,+s takl+d,+r,+s tatter+ed,+s tatr+d,+s swinging swingng tackling taklng tattoo+ed,+ing tatoo+d,+ing swirl+ed,+ing swirl+d,+ng tactfully tactfuly taught taut swish+ed,+ing swish+d,+ng tactical+ly tacticl+y taunt+ed,+ing taunt+d,+ng switch+ed,+es swich+d,+s tactile tactl tautened tautnd switching swichng taffeta tafeta tautological tautlojicl Switzerland Switzrland tag+ged,+ging tag+d,+ng tautology tautolojy swivel(l)ed swivld tail+ed,+ing tail+d,+ng tavern+s tavrn+s swivel(l)ing swivlng tailor+ed,+ing,+s tailr+d,+ng,+s tax+able,+ed,+es tax+bl,+d,+s swollen swolen tainted taintd taxied taxid swoon+ed,+ing swoon+d,+ng talcum talcm taxing taxng swoop+ed,+ing swoop+d,+ng talented talentd Taylor Taylr swop+ped,+ping swop+d,+ng talisman+s talismn+s Tchaikovsky Chaikovski sword sord talk+ative,+ed talk+ativ,+d teach+able,+er teach+bl,+r swore swor talk+er,+ie,+ing talk+r,+i,+ng teach+es,+ing teach+s,+ng Sybil Sybl tall+er,+est,+ish tal+r,+st,+ish tea+cup,+s te+cup,+s sycamore sycmor tallied tallid teamed teamd sycophan+cy,+t sycofan+cy,+t tallow talo teammates team(-m)ates Sydney Sydny tambourine+s tambrine+s tear to ter ones hair syllable+s sylabl+s Tamil+s taml+s tears in ones ys syllabus+es sylabus+s Tammany Tamny tearfully tearfuly syllogism sylojism tamp+ed tamp+d tearing terng sylvan sylvn tamper+ed,+ing tampr+d,+ng tease+r+s,+s tese+r+s,+s Sylvester Sylvestr tampons tampns teasingly tesingly symbiotically symbioticly tandem tandm technical+ly tecnicl+y symbol+ise/ize symbl+ize tangent+s tanjnt+s technicality tecnicality symbolically symbolicly tangential+ly tanjential+y technicolor tecnicolor symmetrical+ly symetricl+y tangibl+e,+y tanjbl+y technique tecniqe symmetry symetry Tangier Tanjir technological+ly tecnlojicl+y sympathetically sympatheticly tangle+d,+s tangl+d,+s technology tecnolojy sympathise sympathize tankards tankrds technostructure tecnostructur symphonic symfonic tanker+s tankr+s tedious tedius symphony symfny tann+ed,+er+s tan+d,+r+s tee+ing,+s te+ing,+s symptom+atic symtm+atic tanning tanng teem+ed,+ing teem+d,+ng synagogue+s synagog+s tannery tanry teenage+r teenaje+r synchronise/ize syncronize tannin tann teeter+ed,+ing teetr+d,+ng synchron+ous,+y syncron+us,+y tannoy tanoy teetotaller teetotalr Teheran Teran terrestrial terestrial there+after,+fore ther+aftr,+for telecommunication terrible teribl Theresa Teresa terrier+s terir+s thermal therml telecomunication terrific+ally terific+ly thermochemical thermochemicl telegraph+ed telegraf+d terrif+ied,+ying terify+d,+ng thermometer+s thermometr+s telepathically telepathicly terrine terine they+’ll,+’re they+’l,+’r telephone telefone territorial teritorial they’ve they’v tele+printer,+type tele+printr, territory teritry thicken+ed,+ing thikn+d,+ng +typ terror+ise/ize terr+ize thick+er,+est,+et thik+r,+st,+et tell+er,+s,+ing tel+r,+s,+ng terrorism terrism thickness thikness temperament temprmnt tessellated teslated thieve+ry,+s theve+ry,+s temperamental+ly temprmentl+y test+able,+ed,+er test+bl,+d,+r thigh thy temper+ance,+ate tempr+nce,+at testament testmnt thimble thimbl temperature tempratur testicle+s testicl+s think+er,+ing think+r,+ng temper+ed,+ing tempr+d,+ng testicular testiculr thinn+ed,+er thin+d,+r tempestuous tempestuus testifi+ed,+es testify+d,+s thinness thiness templar templr testifying testifyng thinning thinng template templat testimony testmny this’ll this’l temple+s templ+s testing testng thistle+s thisl+s temporal temprl testosterone testostrone thither thithr temporar+ily,+y tempr+ly,+y tetchy techy Thomas Tomas temptation temtation tether+ed,+ing tethr+d,+ng Thompson Tomsn tempt+ed,+ing temt+d,+ng tetrachloride tetracloride thorough thoro tenable tenbl Teutonic tutonic Thorpe Thorp tenacious+ly tenacius+ly Texan+s texn+s though tho tenancy tenncy textile textl thought+fully thot+fuly tenant+ed,+ry tennt+d,+ry texture+d,+s textur+d,+s thousand+th+s thousnd+th+s tend+ed,+ency tend+d,+ncy Thackeray Thakry thrall thral tendentious tendentius Thai tai thrash+ed,+ing thrash+d,+ng tender+ed,+est tendr+d,+st thalidomide thalidmide thread+ed thred+d tending tendng Thames Tams threading thredng tendon tendn thank+ed,+fully thank+d,+fuly threat+en+ed,+er thret+n+d,+r tenement+s tenmnt+s thanking thankng threatening thretnng Tennessee Tenesee thankyou thanku three+s,+some thre+s,+sm tennis tenis that’ll that’l threshed threshd Tennyson Tenysn thatch+ed,+er thach+d,+r thrill+ed,+er,+s thril+d,+r,+s tenor+s tenr+s thatching thachng thrilling thrilng tensed tensd thaw+ed,+ing thaw+d,+ng throb+bed,+bing throb+d,+ng tensile tensl the th throes thros tensing tensng theater/re+s theatr+s throng+ed,+ing throng+d,+ng tentacles tentacls theatrical+ly,+s theatricl+y,+s throttle+d throtld tentative tentativ thee the through thru tented tentd their+s ther+s throw+er+s thro+er+s tenterhooks tentrhooks themselves themselvs thrumming thrumng tenuous+ly tenuus+ly thenceforward thenceforwrd thrushes thrushs tenure tenur Theodore Theodor thrusting thrustng termed termd theologian theolojan thud+ded,+ding thud+d,+ng terminal+ly termnl+y theological theolojicl thumb+ed,+ing thum+d,+ng terminate termnate theology theolojy thump+ed,+ing thump+d,+ng terminology termnolojy theoretical+ly theoreticl+y thunder+ed,+ing thundr+d,+ng terminus termnus theorise theorize thunder+ous,+s thundr+us,+s terrac+e,+ing terac+e,+ing theosophical theosoficl thundery thundry terracotta teracota therapeutic theraputic thwart+ed,+ing thwart+d,+ng terrain terain there+’ll,+’re ther+’l,+’r thyme tym terrapin terapn there’ve ther’v Tibetan tibetn 64 CUT SPELNG Part III tick+ed,+er,+s tik+d,+r,+s topographical topograficl tragic+ally trajic+ly ticking tikng topp+ed,+er top+d,+r trail+ed,+er+s trail+d,+r+s ticket tiket topping topng trailing trailng tickle+d,+s,+ing tikl+d,+s,+ng topple+d,+s,+ing topl+d,+s,+ng train+ed,+er+s train+d,+r+s tidi+ed,+er tidi+d,+r torah tora training trainng tier+ed tir+d torches torchs traipse+d trapse+d tighten+ed,+ing tytn+d,+ng tore tor trait trai tight+er,+est tyt+r,+st torment+s severe tormnts traitor traitr till+ed,+s,+ing til+d,+s,+ng he torments trajectory trajectry tilt+ed,+ing tilt+d,+ng torment+ed,+or torment+d,+r tramp+ed,+ing tramp+d,+ng timber+ed timbr+d tormenting tormentng trampl+e+d,+ing trampl+d,+ng timorous timrus tornadoes tornados trampolines tramplines tincture tinctur torpedo+ed,+es torpedo+d,+s tranquillity tranquility tinder tindr torpor torpr tranquillise/ize tranquilize tinge+d tinj+d torque torq transacted transactd tingl+d,+ing tingl+d,+ng torrent+ial,+s torent+ial,+s transactional transactionl tinier tinir torrid torid transcend+ed transend+d tinker+ed,+ing tinkr+d,+ng tortillas tortilas transcending transendng tinkl+e+d,+ing tinkl+d,+ng tortoise tortos transcendent transendnt tin+ned,+ning tin+d,+ng tortuous tortuus transcendental transndentl tinsel tinsl torture+d,+r,+s tortur+d,+r,+s transfer a transfr tint+ed,+ing tint+d,+ng torturing torturng to transfer tip+ped,+ping tip+d,+ng tossed tosd transferable transfrbl tiresome tiresm tossing tosng transference transfrnce tissue+s tissu+s total(l)+ed,+ing total+d,+ng transferred transferd titchy tichy totally totaly transferring transferng titillate titlate tot+ted,+ting tot+d,+ng transfiguration transfigration titter+ed,+ing titr+d,+ng Tottenham Totnm transfigured transfigrd titular titulr totter+ed,+ing totr+d,+ng transfixed transfixd toast+ed,+er toast+d,+r touch+ed,+es tuch+d,+s transformation transfrmation toasting toastng touching tuchng transformed transformd tobacco tobaco tough+en+ed tuf+n+d transformer transformr toboggan+ing tobogn+ng toughening tufnng transforming transformng toddle+r+s todl+r,+s tough+er,+est tuf+r,+st transgressed transgresd toddling todlng tour+ed,+ing tour+d,+ng transistor transistr toffee tofee tournament+s turnmnt+s transitional transitionl together togethr tourniquet turniqet transitory transitry toil+ed,+ers,+ing toil+d,+rs,+ng tousled tousld translatable translatebl toler+able,+ant tolr+bl,+nt tout+ed,+ing tout+d,+ng transmitt+ed,+er transmit+d,+r toler+ate tolr+ate tow+ed,+ing tow+d,+ng transmitting transmitng toll+ed,+ing,+s tol+d,+ng,+s towel+(l)ing towl+ng transnational+s transnationl+s Tolpuddle Tolpudl tower+ed,+ing towr+d,+ng transom transm tomatoes tomatos toxicology toxicolojy transplant+ed transplantd Tommie/y Tommi tox+in toxn+s transplanting transplantng tomorrow+s tomoro+s toy+ed,+ing toy+d,+ng transport+ed,+er transport+d,+r tonal+ly tonal+y traceable tracebl transporting transportng tongue tong Tracey Tracy trap+ped,+ing trap+d,+ng tonn+age,+e ton+aj trachoma tracoma trappist trapist tonsil+litis,+s tonsl+itis,+s track+ed,+er trak+d,+r travel(l)+ed,+er travl+d,+r tonsure tonsur tracking trakng travel(l)ing travlng tool+ed,+ing tool+d,+ng tract+able,+or tract+bl,+r travelog(ue) travlog toot+ed,+ing toot+d,+ng traditional+ly traditionl+y traversed traversd toothed toothd Trafalgar Trafalgr traversing traversng topiary topiry traffic+ked,+king trafic+d,+ng trawl+er+s,+ing trawlr+s,+ng topical topicl tragedy trajedy treacher+ous,+y trechr+us,+y treacle treacl trophy trofy tutelage tutelaj tread+le,+s tred+l,+s tropical tropicl tutor+ed,+ing tutor+d,+ng treading tredng trott+ed,+er+s trot+d,+r+s tuxedoed tuxedod treason+able treasn+bl trotting trotng twaddle twadl treasure+d,+r,+s tresur+d,+r,+s troubadour+s trubador+s twanging twangng treat+ed,+ing treat+d,+ng troubl+e+d,+ing trubl+d,+ng tweaked tweakd treatment treatmnt troublesome trublsm tweezers twezers trebl+e+d,+ing trebl+d,+ng trough+s trof+s twelfth twelth tree+s tre+s troupe trupe twelve twelv trek+ked,+king trek+d,+ng trouser+ed trousr+d Twickenham Twiknm trellis trelis trowel trowl twiddl+e+d,+ing twidl+d,+ng tremble+d,+s trembl+d,+s truanting truantng twill twil trembling tremblng truck+ing truk+ng twinge+s twinj+s tremendous tremendus truckle trukl twinkl+e+d,+ing twinkl+d,+ng trem+or,+ulous trem+r,+ulus trudg+e+d,+ing truj+d,+ng twirl+ed,+ing twirl+d,+ng trenchant trenchnt true tru twist+ed,+er twist+d,+r trenches trenchs truffle+s trufl+s twisting twistng trespass+ers,+ing trespas+rs,+ng trumped trumpd twitch+ed,+es twich+d,+s trestle+s tresl+s trumpet+ed,+er trumpet+d,+r twitching twichng Trevor Trevr trumpeting trumpetng twitter+ed,+ing twitr+d,+ng triang+le,+ular triang+l,+ulr truncheon+s trunchn+s two-storied two-storid tributary tributry trundl+e+d,+ing trundl+d,+ng twosome twosm trick+ed,+ery trik+d,+ry trussed trusd tying tyng trick+ier trickir* trust+ed,+ing trust+d,+ng tympanum tympnm tricking trikng truthfully truthfuly Tyne Tyn tricky tricky* trying tryng typ+e+d,+ing typ+d,+ng trickle+d,+s,+ing trikl+d,+s,+ng trysting trystng typhoid tyfoid trickster trikstr tubular tubulr typhoon tyfoon tricolor triclr tuck+ed,+s tuk+d,+s typhus tyfus tricycle+s tricycl+s tucking tukng typical+ly typicl+y trie+d,+r,+s try+d,+r,+s tufted tuftd typifi+ed,+es typify+d,+s trigger+ed,+ing trigr+d,+ng tug+ged,+ging tug+d,+ng tyrann+ical,+y tyran+icl,+y trigonometry trignometry tulle tule tyre+s tyr+s trill+ing,+s tril+ng,+s tumble+d,+r,+s tumbl+d,+r,+s trillion+s trilion+s tumbling tumblng U trilogy trilojy tumescent tumesnt trimm+ed,+er trim+d,+r tumour+s tumor+s ubiquitous ubiquitus trimming trimng tumultuous tumultuus udder+s udr+s tripl+e+d,+ing tripl+d,+ng tungsten tungstn Ugandan ugandn triplicate in triplicat tunnel+(l)ing tunl+ng ugh uh to triplicate tuppence tupnce uglier uglir tripp+ed,+er+s trip+d,+r+s tupperware tuprware Ukraine Ukrain tripping tripng turban+ed,+s turbn+d,+s Ulster Ulstr Tristan Tristn turbocharger turbocharjr ulterior ulterir triumph+al,+ant triumf+l,+nt turfed turfd ultimate ultmat triumphed triumfd turgid turjid Ulysses Ulyses triumvirate triumvrat turkey+s turk+y,+is umbelliferate umblifrat trivially trivialy turn+ed,+er+s turn+d,+r+s umbels umbls trodden trodn turning turnng umbilical umbilicl troglodytes troglodyts turpentine turpntine umbrage umbraj troll+s trol+s turret+ed turet+d umbrella umbrela trolley+s troll+y,+is turtle+s turtl+s umph umf Trollope Trolop tusker tuskr umpteen+th umteen+th troop+ed,+er+s troop+d,+r+s tussle tusl UN-: for words beginng UN- not trooping troopng tussocks tussoks listd belo, se undr baseword. 66 CUT SPELNG Part III unalterabl+e,+y unaltrbl+y unnamed un(-n)amed utensils utensls unanimous unanmus unnerved un(-n)ervd utilise utilize unassailable unasailbl unnerving un(-n)ervng utterance utrnce unassuming unasuming unnoticed un(-n)oticed utter+ed,+ing utr+d,+ng unbeatable unbeatbl unprecedented unprecedntd uxorious uxorius unbeknownst unbenownst unprepossessing unpreposesng unblemished unblemishd unprincipled unprincipld unbridgeable unbrijbl unprintable unprintbl V uncle+s uncl+s unprovable unprovebl uncongenial unconjenial unquenchable unquenchbl vacationing vacationng unconscionable unconcionbl unravel(l)ed unravld vaccines vaccins unconscionably unconcionbly unravel(l)ing unravlng vacillating vacilating uncouth uncuth unreachable unreachbl vacuous vacuus unctuous unctuus unread unred vagina+l,+s vajina+l,+s undaunted undauntd unrelieved unreleved vague+r,+st vage+r,+st undeniable undenybl unremitting unremitng valedictory valedictry UNDER-: for words beginng unrolling unrolng Valerie Valri UNDER- not listd belo, se undr unseeing unseing Valhalla Valhala baseword. unshak(e)abl+e,+y unshakebl+y Valkyrie+s Valkri+s under undr unsightly unsytly valley+s vall+y,+is underlings undrlngs unstinting unstintng valo(u)r valr underneath undrneath unstoppable unstopbl valuable valubl understandable undrstandbl untouchable+s untuchbl+s value+d,+s valu+d,+s undiscovered undiscovrd untrammel(l)ed untramld valve+s valv+s undoubtedly undoutdly unusable unusebl vandal+ise,+s vandl+ize,+s unearthly unerthly unutterabl+e,+y unutrbl+y vanguard vangard uneasiness unesiness unveiling unveilng vanilla vanila unemployable unemploybl unwitting unwitng vanish+ed,+es vanish+d,+s unequivocally unequivocly unwonted unwontd vanishing vanishng unerring unerng UP-: for words beginng UP- not vanquished vanquishd uneventfully uneventfuly listd belo, se undr baseword. vantage vantaj unexceptionable unexeptionbl upbraided upbraidd vapo(u)r+ous vapor+us unexpectedness unexpectdness upheaval upheval vari+able,+ed,+es vari+abl,+d,+s unexplainable unexplainbl upholster+ed,+y upholstr+d,+y variegated varigated unfathomable unfathmbl upp+ed,+er,+ity up+d,+r,+ity various varius unfrocked unfrokd uproar+ious+ly upror+ius+ly varnished varnishd ungentlemanly unjentlmanly uproot+ed,+er uproot+d,+r vascular vasculr ungovernable ungovrnbl upsetting upsetng vasectomy vasectmy unif+ied,+ying unify+d,+ng upward upwrd vaseline vaslin uniformed uniformd urban+ise/ize urbn+ize vassal vasl unilateral+ly unilatrl+y urchin+s urchn+s vaster vastr unimpeachable unimpeachbl urg+ed,+es,+ing urj+d,+s,+ng Vatican Vaticn uninhabitable uninhabitbl urgent urjnt vaudeville vaudvil unionise unionize urinary urinry Vaughan Vaun unique uniqe us’ll us’l vault+ed,+ting valt+d,+ng unison unisn usable usebl vaunted vauntd unitary unitry usage+s usaj+s Vauxhall Vauxl universal+ly universl+y usefully usefuly vector+s vectr+s unkempt unkemt uselessly uselesly veer+ed,+ing veer+d,+ng unknowable un(-n)oabl uselessness uselesness veg vej unknowing un(-n)oing usher+ed,+ing ushr+d,+ng veget+able,+arian vejt+bl,+arian unknowns un(-n)owns usually usuly vegetat+ed,+ive vejetat+ed,+iv unleash+ed,+ing unleash+d,+ng usurp+ed,+er usurp+d,+r vehement vehemnt unmentionable unmentionbl usurping usurpng vehic+le,+ular vehic+l,+ulr unmistak(e)abl+e unmistakebl Utah Uta veil+ed,+ing veil+d,+ng veined veind victorious victorius volunteered volunteerd vellum vellum* Vienna Viena volunteering volunteerng vendetta+s vendeta Viennese vienese voluptuous+ly voluptuus+ly vend+ing,+or+s vend+ng,+r+s Vietnamese vietnmese vomit+ed,+ing vomit+d,+ng vener+able,+ate venr+bl,+ate view+ed,+er vew+d,+r voracious+ly voracius+ly venge+ance,+ful venj+nce,+ful viewing vewng votive votiv venison venisn vigil+ant vijl+nt voucher+s vouchr+s venom+ous,+ly venm+us+ly vigilante+s vijlante+s vow+ed,+ing vow+d,+ng vent+ed,+ing vent+d,+ng vignette vignet vowel+s vowl+s ventilate ventlate vigo(u)r+ous vigr+us voyage+r+s,+s voyaj+r+s,+s ventricle+s ventricl+s vilified vilifyd Vulcan Vulcn ventricular ventriculr villa vila vulgar+ly vulgr+ly venture+d,+r ventur+d,+r village+r,+s vilaj+r,+s vulgate vulgat venturing venturng villain+ous,+y vilan+us,+y vulnerabl+e,+y vulnrbl+y venue+s venu+s vindictive vindictiv vulture+s vultur+s verandah+s veranda+s vinegar vinegr vying vyng verbal+ise/ize,+ly verbl+ize,+y vineyard+s vinyard+s W verbiage verbiaj vint+age,+ners vint+aj,+nrs verdant verdnt Virgil Virjl wad+ded,+ding wad+d,+ng verge+d,+s verj+d,+s virgin+al,+s virjn+l,+s waddl+e+d,+ing wadl+d,+ng verger verjr Virginia Virjinia waffle+s wafl+s verging verjng Virginian+s virjinian+s waft+ed,+ing waft+d,+ng verifi+able,+ed verify+bl,+d virginity virjinity wage waje verisimilitude verismilitude virile viril wager wajer veritable veritbl virtually virtuly wag+ged,+ging wag+d,+ng verjuice verjuce virtue+s virtu+s waggl+e+d,+r,+s wagl+d,+r,+s vermin vermn virtuous+ly virtuus+ly waggling waglng Vermonters vermontrs visage visaj waging wajing vermouth vermuth viscera+l visr+a,+l wag(g)on wagn vernacular vernaculr viscount+cy vicount+cy wail+ed,+ing wail+d,+ng vernal vernl viscous viscus wait+ed,+er,+ing wait+d,+r,+ng versed versd visible visbl waive+d wave+d vertebr+al,+ate vertebr+l,+at visionary visionry wakened wakend vertical+ly verticl+y visit+able,+ed visit+bl,+d walk+ed,+er+s walk+d,+r+s vertiginous vertijnus visit+ing,+or visit+ng,+r walkie-talkie+s walkitalki+s verve verv visored visord walking walkng vespers vesprs visual+ise,+ly visul+ize,+y wall+ed,+ing wal+d,+ng vessel vesl vitally vitaly wallah wala vestal vestl vitamin vitmn wallet+s walet vested vestd vivacious+ly vivacius+ly wallop+ed,+ing walop+d,+ng vestig+e+s,+ial vestij+s,+l viviparous viviprus wallow+ed,+ing walo+d,+ing vestment+s vestmnt+s vivisector vivisectr Walter Waltr vetch vech vixen vixn waltz+ed,+es waltz+d,+s veteran vetran vocabulary vocablry waltzing waltzng veterinarian vetrinarian vocally vocaly wander+ed,+er+s wandr+d,+r+s veterinary vetrinry vocational vocationl wandering wandrng vetoed vetod vociferous+ly vocifrus+ly wangle+d wangl+d vet+ted,+ting vet+ng vogue voge wanna wana vex+ed,+ing vex+d,+ng volatile volatl want+ed,+ing want+d,+ng viable viabl volcanoes volcanos wanton+ly wantn+ly vicar+age,+s vicr+aj,+s volley+s voll+y,+is Wapping Wapng vicarious+ly vicarius+ly voltage+s voltaj+s warbl+er+s,+ing warbl+r+s,+ng vicious vicius voluble volubl ward+ed,+ing ward+d,+ng victim+ise victm+ize voluminous voluminus warden wardn victor+s,+y victr+s,+y voluntar+ily,+y voluntr+ly,+y warder+s wardr+s 68 CUT SPELNG Part III warm+ed,+ing warm+d,+ng welcome+d,+s welcm+d,+s whippy wippy* warm+er,+est warm+r,+st welcoming welcmng whir(r)+ed,+ing wir+d,+ng warn+ed,+er warn+d,+r weld+ed,+er weld+d,+r whirl+ed,+s,+ing wirl+d,+s,+ng warning warnng welding weldng whirr etc, se ‘whir’ warp+ed,+ing warp+d,+ng well wel whisk+ed,+ing wisk+d,+ng warrant+ed,+s warant+d,+s wel-intentioned wel-intentiond whisker+ed,+s wiskr+d,+s warranty waranty well-wishers welwishrs whiskery wiskry warren waren well+ed,+ing wel+d,+ng whisk(e)y+(ie)s wisk+y,+is warring warng wellington+s welngtn+s whisper+ed,+ing wispr+d,+ng warrior warir welter weltr whist wist Warwick+shire Warik+shr Wembley Wembly whistle+d,+r,+s wisl+d,+r,+s wash+able,+ed wash+bl,+d wenches wenchs whistling wislng wash+er+s,+es wash+r+s,+s were+n't wer+nt whit wit washing washng Wesley Wesly Whitby Witby Washington Washngtn westerly westrly white+n+ed,+ing wite+n+d,+ng wasn’t wasnt western+er+s,+s westrn+r+s,+s Whitehall Witehal wastage wastaj westernise/ize westrnize white+st,+y wite+st,+y wastefully wastefuly Westminster Westminstr whither withr watch+ed,+er wach+d,+r Westmor(e)land Westmrland whitish witish watch+es,+fully wach+s,+fuly westward westwrd Whitsun witsn watching wachng wether+s wethr+s Whittaker Witakr water+ed,+ing watr+d,+ng wett+ed,+er wet+d,+r whittl+e+d,+ing witl+d,+ng watery watry wetting wetng whiz(z)+ed,+ing wiz+d,+ng Watson Watsn whack+ed,+ing wak+d,+ng who+’ll,+’re ho+’l,+’r watt wat whale wale who’ve ho’v wattle+s watl+s wham wam whoa woa waver+ed,+ing waver+d,+ng wharf warf whoever hoevr wax+ed,+en,+es wax+d,+n,+s what+’ll,+’re wat+’l,+’r whole+s hole+d waxing waxng what’ve wat’v wholeheartedly holehartdly wayward waywrd wheat+s weat+s wholesaler+s holesaler+s we+’ll,+’re,+’ve we+’l,+’r,+’v wheedl+e+d,+ing weedl+d,+ng wholesome holesm weaken+ed,+ing weakn+d,+ng wheel+ed,+er+s weel+d,+r+s wholly holy weak+er,+est weak+r,+st wheeling weelng whom hom weakling weaklng wheez+e+d,+ing wez+e+d,+ing whoop+ed,+ing woop+d,+ng wealth+ier welth+ir whelks welks whooping-cough hoopng-cof wean+ed,+ers wean+d,+rs when wen whoops woops weaning weanng whence wence whoosh woosh weapon+ry wepn+ry where+’ve wher+’v whopping wopng wear+er+s,+ing wer+r+s,+ng wherefore wherfor whore+s,+ing hor+s,+ng weari+ed,+some weari+d,+sm whet+ted wet+d whorl+ed,+s worl+d,+s weasel weasl whether wethr whose hos weather+ed,+ing wethr+d,+ng whey wey why+s wy+s weave+d,+r,+s weve+d,+r,+s which wich Whyte Wyt web+bed,+bing web+d,+ng whicker wikr wick wik wed+ded,+ding wed+d,+ng whiff wif wicked+ly wiked+ly wedge+d,+s wej+d,+s Whig Wig wicker wikr wedging wejng while wile wicket wiket Wednesday wensday whilst wilst widen+ed,+ing widen+d,+ng wee we whim+sical,+sy wim+sicl,+sy widow+ed,+er wido+d,+er weed+ed,+ing weed+d,+ng whimper+ed,+ing wimpr+d,+ng wield+ed,+ng wield+d,+ng weeping weepng whine wine Wigan Wign weevil+s weevls whing+e+d,+ing winj+d,+ng wiggl+e+d,+s wigl+d,+s weigh+ed,+ing wei+d,+ing whinn+ied,+y winn+id,+y Wight Wyt weight+ed,+ier weit+d,+ir whiny winy wild+er,+est wild+r,+st weighting weitng whip+ped,+ping wip+d,+ng wilderness wildrness wil(l)fully wilfuly wooll+en,+y wool+en,+y Wilkinson Wilknsn Woolwich Woolich will+ed,+ing wil+ld*,+ng Worcester+shire Worstr+shr William Wiliam word+ed,+ing word+d,+ng X Willie Willi wore wor xenophobia xenofobia willow+y wilo+wy* work+able,+ed work+bl,+d Wilson Wilsn work+er,+ing work+r,+ng wilt+ed,+ing wilt+d,+ng worm+ed,+ing worm+d,+ng Wiltshire Wiltshr worri+ed,+er worri+d,+r Y Wimbledon Wimbldn worsen+ed,+ing worsn+d,+ng yacht+s yat+s wimple wimpl worship(p)+ed,+er worship+d,+r yachting yatng winched winchd worshipping worshipng yank+ed,+ng yank+d,+ng Winchester Winchestr worsted worstd yapping yapng wind+ed,+ing wind+d,+ng Worthing Worthng yardage yardaj window+s windo+s would+’ve,+n’t wud+’v,+nt Yardley Yardly Windsor Winsr wound+ed,+ing wound+d,+ng yarrow yaro windward windwrd wrack+ed rak+d yawn+ed,+ing yawn+d,+ng wing+ed,+er+s wing+d,+r+s wraith raith yearn+ed,+ing yern+d,+ng winging wingng wrangl+e,+ing rangl+ng yell+ed,+ing yel+d,+ng wink+ed,+ing wink+d,+ng wrap+ped,+per rap+d,+r ye’ll ye’l winkle+s winkl+s wrapping rapng yellow+ed,+ing yelo+d,+ing win+ner,+ning win+r,+ng wraps raps yellowy yelowy* winnow+ing winno*+ing wrasse rass yelp+ed,+ing yelp+d,+ng winsome winsm wrath+fully rath+fuly Yemen Yemn winter+ing,+s wintr+ng,+s wreak+ed reak+d Yemeni+te yemni+te wisdom wisdm wreath reath yeoman+ry yoman+ry wish+ed,+es wish+d,+s wreathe+d rethe+d Yeovil Yovil wishing wishng wreck+age,+ed rek+aj,+d yesterday yestrday witch+es,+ing wich+s,+ng wreck+ers,+ing rek+rs,+ng Yiddish yidish withdrawal+s withdrawl+s wren ren yield+ed,+ing yield+d,+ng withdrawing withdrawng wrench+ed,+es rench+d,+s yog(h)(o)urt yogrt wither+ed,+ing withr+d,+ng wrenching renchng yonder yondr withholding withholdng wrest+ed,+ing rest+d,+ng yore yor witnessed witnesd wrestle+d,+r resl+d,+r yorker+s yorkr+s witnessing witnesng wrestling reslng Yorkshire Yorkshr wizard+ry,+s wizrd+ry,+s wretch+ed,+es rech+ed,+s you+’ll,+’re,+’ve u+’l,+’r,+’v wizened wiznd wriggle+d,+s rigl+d,+s young+er,+est yung+r,+st wobbl+e+d,+s wobl+d,+s wriggling riglng youngster yungstr wobbling woblng wright ryt your+s,+self yr+s,+self wobbly wobly wring+ing ring+ng yourselves yrselvs woe+begone wo+begon wrinkl+e+d,+s rinkl+d,+s yous u’s woe+fully,+s wo+fuly,+s wrinkling rinklng youth yuth wolf+ed,+ing wolf+d,+ng wrist rist yowling yowlng Wolverhampton Wolvramtn writ+s rit+s yucca yuca wolves wolvs write rite Yvette Yvet woman+ish,+ly womn+ish,+ly writhe+d,+s rithe+d,+s Yvonne Yvon women* women written ritn won’t wont wrong+ed,+fully rong+d,+fuly Z wonder+ed,+ing wondr+d,+ng wrote rote wonderful+ly wondrful+y wrought rot Zachary Zacry wonderment wondrmnt wrung rung Zealander+s zealandr+s wondrous wondrus wry+ly ry+ly zealot+s zelot+s wood+ed,+en wood+d,+n Wuthering Wuthrng zealous+ly zelus+ly woodpecker+s woodpekr+s Wye Wy wooed wood 70 CUT SPELNG Part III zigzagg+ed,+ing zigzag+d,+ng zombie+s zombi+s zephyr zefr zipp+ed,+er+ed zip+d,+r+d zoolog+ical,+ist zooloj+icl,+ist zeppelin zeplin zoology zoolojy zeroed zerod zoom+ed,+ing zoom+d,+ng zipping zipng