Math 150 – Fall 2015

Project 1: Analyzing Data & Statistics Points: 40

Basic Instructions: Part I: You will be watching a video from the list given and taking notes using the guide given. You will need to stop the video every time a piece of data or statistic is given, write down the time stamp plus the data or statistic: NOT just the number but the units also. Part II: You will then TYPE up a written response to questions 1-8 either in essay form or question by question.

Your work should be titled and typed up with your name and file number clearly visible on the front page. You may include pictures and graphs if you so desire. Include both your video notes AND your written responses in the project turned in to me. I realize this is a writing assignment in a math class so I will not grade on grammar but your work must still be readable/understandable. My grading of your writing will focus on your explanation of your analysis of the data and statistics.

Part I: All of these movies are available either on Netflix or YouTube or If you don’t have a Netflix account, find a classmate who does and watch with them, or try Redbox or the online options.

Movie options: ∙ The Human Experiment (About chemicals, chemical companies and their products vs. consumer safety) ∙ WWII from Space (The story of WWII with data and statistics to show why the US made the choices they did with regard to the nuclear bombs.) ∙ Pump (about oil-fueled technology) ∙ Loose Change 9/11 (Regarding undisclosed information and data regarding the fall of the towers; available through Netflix DVD service) ∙ The True Cost (about clothing costs and the workers) ∙ Hungry for Change (food and nutrition) ∙ The World According to Monsanto (About a “farming” company, originally a chemical company, that is referred to in many of these other videos.) (This is on ∙ Food Inc. (Large Companies and their food products versus farmers) ∙ An Inconvenient Truth (Regarding global warming)

If you find a different documentary that you would like to use you need to have it approved by the instructor BEFORE you do the project. Any such requests should be discussed with the instructor by Sept 1.

Video Notes: A) Video Title: ______

B) Create a chart like this and fill it in. One line per time stamp. You will likely need 10 + rows. EVERY time you hear or see data or statistics during the video STOP the video and fill out a new line in the chart: Time Stamp Data Statistic/Parameter

C) If a graph is provided in the video, take a picture and paste it into your report.

D) Watch the credits and pause the video to write down any sources that are given for the statistics. Written Response: Answer the following thoroughly. I want to hear your “voice” (opinions, feelings, etc) AND I want to see the time and thought that you put into your responses. Be sure to refer specifically to any data or statistics. (i.e. Include the actual numbers, graphs, etc. that you are discussing. Do NOT state “refer to list above.”) Assume that the person reading your responses does NOT have access to your video notes.

1. What story do the data and statistics tell you? 2. What are the biases that the video described about the data/statistics they are refuting? 3. What are the biases that the video makers may have? 4. Were the sources of the data & statistics sufficiently provided? 5. What are your personal conclusions? Justify them. 6. How much and in what way did the data and statistics influence your conclusions? 7. Which additional statistics or data were not included that you think would have been helpful? Look up at least one of these online or elsewhere and include it in your written response along with reference to where it was from. 8. If there had been neither data nor statistics given would you have drawn the same conclusions? Why? 9. What have you learned from this with regard to trusting media, politicians, advertisements, etc….?

You may answer each question one by one, or you can compilate your responses into a seamless essay as long as you actually discuss all the points. Either way be sure to write complete sentences and assume the reader has no idea what questions you were asked (i.e. you must respond with complete sentences that specify precisely what you are answering.) For example, your response to #1 should not start as “It says that….” You should be referring specifically to the video name you watched and begin discussing from there.

Reminder: You MUST write up your OWN notes and your OWN responses. I will not accept work that is the same as another students’. That is called plagiarism and earns a zero for all involved

Grading Rubric

1) Video Title and Completed Chart (plus any pictures of graphs) _____ 10 pts

2) Sources written down _____ 5 pts

3) Written response – Readable. Thorough. Includes references to specific statistics. Additional data/statistic found and referenced. Personal conclusion stated and defended using data or statistics. _____ 25 pts

The instructor reserves the right to afford bonus points for exceptional work.

Total: ______40 pts