UF Libraries’ Research Gateway

These Research Gateway function tabs display near the top of each screen:

Function What can you do? Is it new? CrossSearching – Search several library research databases at the same time!  Using a simple, Google-like search box, start your research by New! QuickSearch checking a few databases pre-selected by UF librarians.  If logged on, you may also save lists of databases into “My Space” (see below) and have them included as personal QuickSearch sets.  More options to identify the databases you want to search together. New! CrossSearch  See more subject sets and databases than are in QuickSearch.  You may select several library databases and the UF Libraries’ Catalog to be searched together. Even include Google Scholar.  So you can either use what librarians have selected to help you get New! started with QuickSearch, or identify more library-recommended databases to search together with CrossSearch. You may also search any sets you have previously selected and saved to My Space. Search Results  Click SFX to check for full text or local library availability. New! CrossS  Save records to personal eShelf (see My Space below) earch  (Sometimes) connect directly to a record in the provider’s interface. Or  Sort records by rank, year, database, title, or author. QuickSearch  Email records or save records to your desktop. Find Database – To connect to, to search within Research Gateway, or save in My Space (for future use). Titles  Search for a known database by its name. Connect to any database to Finding/connecting search using the native interface (in a new window), search within through Research the Research Gateway (where possible), or add to My Space. Gateway is a substitute  Choose Starts With to browse the entire A-Z list of available for the Database Locator and other UF Libraries’ resources by name (primary name only). Move anywhere in the list Web page links. easily by typing any first letter(s).  Choose Contains to search using any word in the database name, an alternate name or abbreviation. Enter partial words with * at the end. Searching within  You can also click a letter to browse a list of all databases having Research Gateway’s names (primary name only) starting with A, B, etc. common user interface is Advanced  Find a database by combining several keyword search terms. New! By Subject  List research databases by subject recommended by UF librarian subject specialists. Find e-Journal – To connect to or save in My Space.  List e-Journals alphabetically or search using title (“Starts with” or Substitute for E- “Contains”), or ISSN. Enter partial words with * at the end. Journal Locator  Connect to the e-Journal in a new browser window.  Click SFX to see if print version in UF Libraries.  Uses the SFX knowledge base of e-Journals instead of the E-Journal Locator (Serials Solutions). Cannot list e-Journals by subject. My Space My Databases  Save lists of databases you want to use again in the future. New!  Create as many folders as you want (e.g. to keep projects separate). My e-Journals  Save a list of e-Journals you want to connect to again in the future. New! eShelf  Save records from CrossSearch or QuickSearch results for future use. New!  Create as many folders as you want (e.g. to keep projects separate). History  Save searches you enter for re-use in the future. New! Alert  Set up any saved search to run the search automatically and alert you New! by email when it finds that there are any new results.

Connecting Off-Campus? If not connecting using the UF VPN, first log on through the Library Proxy.

DRAFT - 5/25/2006 - RB