President S Commission for Diversity
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President’s Commission for Diversity November 9, 2006 1:30-3pm Alumni Hospitality Room
Members attending: Charlotte Hardin (Co-Chair), Leslie Anderson, Bob Barnett, Drew Beisswenger, Jerry Chin, Casey Comoroski, Diane Elliott, Jill Murphy, Andrew Shaughnessy, Kristen Westerman, Lisa Searles (Executive Assistant).
Meeting started at 1:30pm. Co- chair Charlotte Hardin welcomed and thanked everyone for coming.
Priority Recommendations
Diversity Conference-3 yr commitment o Work with Public Affairs conference o Andrew will contact Ken Rutherford about Public Affairs Conference on Diversity o speaker E-Journal Diversity Workshop/Sensitivity Workshop, required by all employees Recruitment and Retention of Minority Faculty and Staff Major Administrator Extra money for academic programs-go through Provost office
Diversity Commission said to follow the Diversity Commission Final Report and make recommendation for a Major Administrator.
Casey knows Diversity Officer at University of California-Davis-get job description and other information
Charlotte will have her GA check at peer institutions, see if any have this position.
Recommend the position become an endowed position (long term).
Bob estimates total for salary, support staff and discretionary funds will probably be around $250-$300,000.
Charlotte and Jana will get a draft of the proposal out to the Commission before December 1.
*Lisa will email list of peer institution to Diversity Commission
Climate Survey
Casey emailed updated survey to Paul, but has not heard back yet.
Core Survey going out to campus in Feb (Mike Jungers)
1 Get ours out before Core Survey
Ours takes about 20 minutes Jerry Chin will still donate iPOD for survey (only for students?)
Diversity Dialogue
Monday, November 27 from 7-11pm in the Parliamentary Room Andrew to meet with Alison on Friday to discuss flyers Charlotte will look into having a Nacho Bar Andrew’s committee will facilitate dialogue and be the note takers When DVD comes in, contact him and also give him some comment cards for that night also. It was recommended that Andrew email all of the department heads about the Diversity Dialogue for the instructors to pass along to their classes.
Diversity Commission Reception for Minority Employees
Majority of Commission could make it on November 28, it will be from 3:30-5pm. Charlotte is still working on a place for it to be held (Kentwood Crystal Room, Juanita K Hammons Hall, Alumni Hospitality Room). President will speak at 4pm Refreshments Shuttle service to whichever place Send email to supervisors to give them a heads up about the reception and letting their people attend it.
Presentations to Diversity Commission by Deans and Vice Presidents
Chris Craig has already sent the word out that they (Deans and Vice Presidents) would be asked to present to the Commission on their diversity plans. Presentations would start in January Send them email with what exactly we are wanting, give them structure so it doesn’t seem we are attacking them.
Next Meeting
December 14, 1-3pm in the PSU 314
Questions, Concerns, Comments, and Announcements
MLK Diversity Dialogue, January 15, 1-5 o Diane Elliott o Kristen Westerman
*Lisa will send out email asking for volunteers to help that day.
Leslie spoke about the Provost group
2 o Belinda is wanting to know about action items o Bring some of our items to their attention
Bob announced that he will be taking a position at University of Memphis.
Graduate Scholarships might be coming to Diversity Commission.