Reference Number: R13/2320 & R13/2325
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Reference number: R13/2320 & R13/2325
Site address: Boots Opticians Ltd, 11-12 Market Place, Rugby
Description : Display of 3no. non-illuminated folded aluminium fascia signs with non- illuminated lettering and Boots lozenge symbol.
Case Officer Name & Number: Nigel Reeves – 01788 533629
Site Description
No.11-12 Market Place occupies a site which has a frontage onto the west side of Market Place, close to where it divides into Sheep Street and High Street. The application property is a three-storey Georgian rendered building, which contains a double fronted shopfront with a central entrance door at ground floor level. The property is a Grade II listed building within the Rugby Town Centre Conservation Area.
A separate application for the proposed advertisements has also been submitted (R13/2320).
Proposal Description
The proposal is for listed building consent for the erection of three non-illuminated folded aluminium fascia signs between each of the shopfront pilasters and to be located above the existing windows and central doorway:
- Sign A measures 3.45m x 0.85m is painted blue and contains the words ‘opticians’ in white lettering - Sign B measures 1.15m x 0.85m is painted blue and contains the lozenge symbol ‘Boots’ in white lettering and will be located above the central doorway - Sign C measures 3.45m x 0.84m is painted blue and contains the words ‘hearingcare’ in white lettering
The proposal has been amended during the consideration of the application to include a third sign above the doorway.
Relevant Planning History
R98/0159/LB Display of illuminated double sided projecting sign Approved 23.4.1998 & R98/0160/A
R03/1068 Restoration of existing parapet and cornice Approved 14.4.2004
Technical Consultation Responses WCC Highways – no objection WCC Ecology – no objection
Relevant Planning Policies & Guidance:
Rugby Borough Core Strategy CS16 Sustainable Design Complies
National Policy and Guidance National Planning Policy Framework Complies (Chapter 7 – Requiring Good Design)
Other Documents Rugby Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal Complies
Report Sheet Assessment of Proposals
In the assessment of this application, the determining factors are: - the impact of the proposed development on the visual amenity of the streetscene, - the impact on the setting of the Listed Buildings and the character of the surrounding conservation area - highway safety.
Impact on the visual amenity of the street-scene, character of the Conservation Area and character and setting of the Listed Buildings Policy CS16 states that development will only be allowed where proposals are of a design that would not cause any material harm to the qualities, character and amenity of the areas in which they are situated. In addition, the National Planning Policy Framework states that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people. Furthermore, it states that poorly placed advertisements can have a negative impact on the appearance of the built and natural environment.
The proposal involves the ‘like for like’ replacement of two existing non-illuminated fascia signs above the two shopfronts in this building plus an additional sign above the central doorway.
The proposal has been amended during the course of the application as follows: - The fascia sign design has been changed to traditional frame containing a bevelled edge - The blue colour to be used for the sign background has been changed to a more muted and darker blue (RAL 5002) - The lettering has been reduced in size to a cap height of 168mm, which is considered to be a better proportion in relation to the size of the overall fascia sign - The new central sign contains a ‘Boots’ lozenge symbol with vinyl address numbers in the bottom corners - A section through the fascia has been provided, demonstrating that the sign will fit below and slightly behind the frontage of the existing cornice and pilasters
It is considered that the existing shop defined by the existing cornice and pilasters separating the central doorway from the identical shopfronts either side, creates an interesting rhythm in the design of the ground floor of this listed building, which thus makes an important contribution to its appearance as well as the character of the conservation area. The separate fascia signs, which respect this rhythm, ensure that that the advertisements will not represent visual clutter. In addition, the relatively neutral colour scheme of dark blue for the main fascias with white lettering, is considered to be in-keeping with the appearance of the listed building and thus the character of the Conservation Area, ensuring that it complies with the Rugby Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal.
Policy CS16 also states that new development should seek to complement, enhance and utilise where possible, the historic environment and must not have a significant impact on existing designated and non-designated heritage assets and their surroundings. As the proposal involves changes to a Grade II listed buildings, the effect of the proposed signage on their settings has been considered. Given the muted colour scheme and relatively traditional design of the proposed advertisements, it is not considered that they will have an adverse impact upon the appearance of the Listed Building. Furthermore, it is considered that the advertisements improve the visual amenity of the building and therefore enhances the setting of the conservation area.
It is therefore considered that the proposed advertisements comply with the contents of Policy CS16 of the Rugby Borough Council’s Core Strategy.
Impact on highway safety None of the proposed signage is illuminated, WCC Highways have been consulted on the application. No objection was raised and as such it is considered that the development will not have an adverse impact upon the safety of the public highway.
Recommendation: Approve (Listed Building Consent) subject to appropriate conditions
Report Sheet Report prepared by: Nigel Reeves 27/01/2014.
Report Sheet