The Atlantic Network (Ch. 20,19)

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The Atlantic Network (Ch. 20,19)

Interact: Ch20,19 Study Guide NAME: ______The Atlantic Network (Ch. 20,19) about exploring the societies most heavily influenced by the rise of Europe: Latin America and Africa. Conquest and the Atlantic slave trade result in the blending of three cultures to create entirely new societies in Latin America, while Africa experiences a reorganization.

Overarching Ideas:  Humans need to adapt to environments has necessitated technological innovation.  Cultures spread through syncretism.  Economic conditions and religion are key components in legitimizing or undermining government.  Ever intensifying trade is a powerful force for social and political change.  Social inequality is source of conflict yet ever-present in civilizations.

Objectives: 1. Evaluate the economic, demographic, and environmental impacts of the Columbian Exchange. 2. Analyze the impacts of new core-dependent economic relationships on labor systems. 3. Analyze the role of technology in African and Iberian expansion. 4. Describe the emerging social organizations in African and Latin America that resulted from increased trade contact. 5. Analyze methods used by rulers to legitimize power. 6. Compare the economic, political, and social development of Spanish America, North America, and Brazil. 7. Describe the impact of global interaction on Christianity. 8. Evaluate the extent to which European contact shaped African and Latin American societies.

Key Concepts: Explain the definition, role, and significance of… Factories Asante Iberian Peninsula Mita El Mina Dahomey Treaty of Tordesillas Haciendas Middle Passage Kongo West Indies Sugar Triangle Trade Fulani Hispanola Silver Royal African Company Zulu Encomienda Viceroyalties Chattel slavery Boers Columbian Exchange New Spain Cape Colony Conquistador Peru Shaka Zulu Hernan Cortes Potosí Francisco Pizarro Peninsulares Bartolome de Las Casas Creoles Castas Mestizos Mulattos Saltwater slaves Creole slaves Vodun Candomble Africa (Chapter 20)

Key Places: Locate on the maps… Madeira Islands Congo River Cape Verde Islands Slave Coast Asante Gold Coast Dahomey Sahara Desert Benin Sudanic grasslands/savanna Kongo Cape of Good Hope Luanda Cape Colony Lake Victoria Guided Timeline: Latin Africa Outside of Atlantic Slave Africa & Atlantic Slave Trade America Trade


1441 1450 1456


Conquest: 1492-1570




Colonization: 1570-1700



1713 1720

Reform: 1750 1700-1800

1790s 1815 1818 1833 1834 Latin America (Chapter 19)

Key Places: Locate on the maps… Caribbean Sea Andes Brazil Caribbean Mexican Plateau Brazilian West Indies Potosi Highlands Cuba Amazon New Spain Hispaniola Rio de la Plata Mexico City St. Domingue/Haiti Viceroyalty of Peru Lima Guided Timeline Spanish America Brazil


1492- 1492- 1570 1570

1570- 1570- 1700 1700


1700- 1700- 1800 1800

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