Trinity Hall Chapel

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Trinity Hall Chapel

‘ And Jesus saith unto him, the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.’ Matthew 8:20

Stanley Spencer The foxes have holes (1939)

Trinity Hall Chapel Lent Term 2015 Welcome to the Chapel

The chapel exists for every member of Trinity Hall and is available for private prayer, or simply quietness and reflection, any hour of the day or evening outside service times.

Services are according to the rites of the Church of England, but all members of Trinity Hall and their guests are welcome to attend services. Anyone who receives communion in their own church, whether they are Anglican or not, is invited to receive communion in chapel. There is no dress code and it is not necessary to wear a gown.

The Revd Dr. Stephen Plant is the Dean. As well as charge of chapel, he has pastoral responsibility for the whole college (irrespective of belief) and teaches theology and ethics in the Divinity Faculty. The Dean is available at any time by appointment. You are welcome to raise any matter of personal concern with him in the strictest confidence - he provides a safe, non-judgmental environment in which specific issues can be aired.

His room is C3, his network phone is 332548, and his email is [email protected] For contact in an emergency, his mobile ‘phone number is 07824 835199.

Sunday Services

9am Eucharist (Holy Communion), followed by breakfast, this term in the Leslie Stephen Room.

6pm Choral Evensong, followed by drinks in Room C3

Sunday morning Holy Communion services will take place on the ten successive Sundays, beginning with January 11th and ending with March 15th.

Sunday evening services will take place on the eight Sundays of full term beginning on January 18th and ending on March 8th.

Weekday Services 8:30-8:45 am The chapel is set aside for morning prayer Monday to Thursday. 8.00 am Friday prayers with Christian Union 6.30pm Thursdays: Sung Choral Evensong on the following dates: 22/01/15, 29/01/15, 5/02/15, 12/02/15, 5/03/15.

An Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion will be held on February 18th at 6:30 pm.

There will be a sung service of Compline at 9:00 pm on the 26th February. Preachers at Sunday Evensong

January 18th The Dean

January 25th The Rt. Revd, Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

February 1st Commemoration of Benefactors The Rt. Revd. Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry February 8tth The Revd. Anna Matthews, Vicar St. Benedict, Cambridge

February 15th Mr Paul Gismondi (TH 2014)

February 22nd The Revd. Canon Dr Leslie Nathaniel, Archbishop of Canterbury’s Ecumenical Secretary & Europe Secretary, Council for Christian Unity.

March 1st Revd. Neil Thorogood, Principal, Westminster College, Cambridge

March 8th Lenten Carols The Dean

Insert chapel music list from separate document Chapel Notes

Director of Chapel and College Music: Andrew Arthur (aa373) Senior Organ Scholar: Seb Gillott (sg653)

Ordinand on attachment: Paul Gismondi (Westcott House)

Sacristans: Gino Engle (ge247); Rob Sing (rjs234); Lea Benk (lzb21); Victor K.Y. Chu (vkyc2) Chapel Treasurer: Audrey Sebatindira (ajws2) Chapel Council Secretary: Sophie Wastcoat (scw60)

The Christian Union is an independent student group which consists of Christians in college who meet regularly to study the Bible, pray together and enjoy fellowship with each other. Its members seek to explain the Christian faith to members of college.

A number of charities are supported each term by collections taken during chapel services. We support an international charity, a national charity, and a local charity each term. We are always willing to consider suggestions for suitable beneficiaries who are registered UK charities; please contact the chapel council secretary of the Dean of you wish to make a suggestion.

Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage: If you are thinking about seeking one of these, please contact the Dean.

The Director of Music welcomes enquiries at any point during the year from any member of College interested in joining the chapel choir.

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