Christian Education Committee

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Christian Education Committee

Christian Education Handbook 2010-2011

“Change the World… One Heart at a Time” 19”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” John 28: 19-20

West Chelmsford United Methodist Church 242 Main St. Chelmsford, MA 01863 Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give 978-251-4834 to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Mark 10:21 ARRIVAL / DISMISSAL POLICY Children should not arrive at Sunday school before 9:15 AM as there is not adequate supervision available before that time. ATTENDANCE / REGISTRATION Upon arrival at Sunday school, parents should walk children in Regular attendance at Sunday school is a powerful tool in preschool through 6 th grade to the Fellowship Hall for our developing faith and strongly encouraged. However, children Opening Assembly. All grades will be directed to their are welcome in Sunday school regardless of how often they are classrooms at the closing of assembly time which will be able to attend. Visitors are always welcome. For safety reasons approximately 9:30 AM. Dismissal time from Sunday school we ask that parents fill out a separate registration for each is 10:30AM. Class worship time is often planned for the end of child. These will be kept for confidential reference by teachers the lesson. For this reason we ask that parents arriving before in case of an emergency. A visitor registration form (available 10:30 AM please wait in the lobby area of the Christian Ed from teachers) must be filled out by a responsible adult before Building. If the 9:30 AM church service extends beyond visiting children can be left in the care of the Sunday school dismissal time, teachers will have additional activities planned staff. for the children until parents arrive. For safety purposes all students, in third grade or lower, must be picked up at their SAFE SANCTUARY classroom by a parent unless other arrangements have been communicated in writing from the parent to the teacher. On February 24, 2003 the Administrative Board of our church adopted an extensive Safe Sanctuary Policy regarding program staff, facilities, parental responsibilities and outside church ATTENDANCE AWARDS events. The policy also includes a response plan to suspected To promote weekly attendance in Sunday School there will be abuse and provision for yearly review. A copy of the Safe a series of awards given to the Sunday school classes with the Sanctuary Policy will be provided to parents when they register highest average weekly attendance. In addition the class with their child in the Sunday School Program and is also available the highest number of repeat visitors will be awarded a special in the Christian Education Office located off the Vestry area. surprise at the end of the school year. Certificates will be presented on Children’s Sunday for Opening Statement of our Safe Sanctuary Policy: children/youth with perfect or near perfect attendance. The The West Chelmsford United Methodist Church, as a Christian following are the criteria for that award: community of faith, upholds the resolution adopted by the 1. Students are allowed 3 absences from the Sunday General Conference of the United Methodist Church in April school year. 1996 which states “Children are our present and our future, 2. Students, who due to family circumstances can our hope, our teachers, our inspiration. They are full attend only every other week, will be marked participants in the life of our church and in the realm of God.” present if a parent or guardian notifies the teachers. In affirmation of this statement and the teachings of Jesus 3. Students who participate in the 9:30 service (choir, Christ, we adopt the Safe Sanctuary Policy with unwavering bell choir, servers) will be counted present. commitment to the physical and spiritual safety of our children 4. Students who attend church or Sunday school when and youth. the family travels on vacation, visiting relatives etc., should bring a bulletin from that church, so that the student will be marked as being present. FAMILY WORSHIP NURSERY CARE Family members of all ages are invited to our “kid friendly” Nursery care is available for infants and children age 3 or worship service at 11 AM on the third Sunday of the month younger in the nursery rooms just below the sanctuary. Parents beginning in October. The services feature the children’s can attend the 9:30AM worship service each Sunday with the choir, easy to understand Bible readings, a special children’s knowledge that our loving Nursery Staff is caring for their message, and lots of music. Come enjoy worship with your child. Safety and cleanliness are priorities in the nursery area entire family and discover again what it means to be a Child of and all Safe Sanctuary Procedures are carefully followed. God!

BIBLES CURRICULUM All second graders and their parents are invited to a mock sleepover on November 20, 2010 from 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm for Preschool and Elementary food and fun that will get the children excited about using their Students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 4 will start off the bibles. They are also invited to the 11:00 am family worship year working with the Hands-On Bible Curriculum which uses st service on November 21 where they will receive their bibles. fun, real-world objects to teach Bible stories and truths. The Any child/youth in second grade or older who would like to 5th/6th Grade class will be using Grapple, a curriculum designed receive a bible should contact Sarah Laflamme, Christian to engage pre-teens. In the winter and spring semesters, the Education Director. 1st/2nd grade through 5th/6th grade classes will be using rotation curricula to explore the stories of “Calling the Disciples,” “Washing Feet,” and “Pentecost”. SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERING We work with families encouraging children to share their gifts Jr. High and High School of time, talent and treasure. An offering is taken each week in Jr. High and High School youth will be using the digital the Sunday school classrooms. The monetary amount of the curriculum “LinC: Living In Christ.” Leaders for the offering is less important than the experience of children giving individual classes will strive to help the youth relate faith to to their church. When children attend worship they are real life in age appropriate ways using current events encouraged to put their offering into the plate as it is passed. discussion, games, activities, and devotional time. Both classes will also have opportunities to participate in other areas of Sunday School. MISSION PROJECT This year the children and youth of our Sunday school program will choose their mission project at our kick-off worship service on the first day of Sunday School. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Over the course of the year, Sunday School children and youth SPECIAL EVENTS will have the opportunity to attend the 9:30 service with their families. Families are invited to worship together following the schedule received on the first day of Sunday School. A Children’s Christmas Pageant worship schedule can also be found on the Christian Education This year we are planning to involve children in the Family page of the website. If for any reason you need an adult to Christmas Eve service. Contact Sarah Laflamme if you or your attend worship with your child, please speak with one of your children/youth are interested in participating. child’s teacher and they would be happy to worship with your child. We are continuing to provide worship bags and folders Spring Musical for children ages preschool through 6th grade which they can In lieu of a full Christmas pageant, we are planning a spring find at the stairs going into the sanctuary when they attend musical with a Christian theme. Rehearsal will begin after the worship. Christmas break and the musical will be presented in the spring. Contact Sarah Laflamme if you or your children/youth are interested. COMPUTER LAB Over the course of the year the preschool through sixth grade Memorial Day Field Trip th classes will have opportunities to take field trips to the May 29 is a special Sunday at West Chelmsford UMC. The Computer Lab. Computer software and DVDs that relate to the children and teachers of our church will climb aboard a school bible stories will be used to reinforce the traditional classroom bus for an outing to a local fun spot. The outing is intended to activities. emphasize and celebrate our Sunday school theme and it usually includes an ice cream treat! CONFIRMATION Children’s Sunday Service and Cookout All youth in grade eight and above are invited to participate in This is the perennial favorite event of our Sunday school year. the Confirmation Program. Confirmation classes provide an It’s a time for our children to show off all they’ve learned. th overview of the Christian faith and information on how our Bring your camera for this event on Sunday, June 12 . Your church works both locally and through our United Methodist child might be the star of the show! Following the service we Conference. Confirmation students are paired with an adult will celebrate the end of the school year with a church wide mentor from our church and participate in an overnight retreat cookout. Join us for the fun and fellowship! at Camp Aldersgate. Classes will begin after the Christmas holiday. If you know of youth who would like to be confirmed please contact Sarah Laflamme or Rev. Mack. U.M.ARMY Youth Minsitry United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission by Youth Jr. MYF Youth in grades sixth, seventh, and eighth are invited to share in activities at 6:30 PM on Friday evenings that will inspire Youth who have completed their first year of High School are them to live out their faith. Group building is stressed during invited to attend United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission the meetings and youth are encouraged to invite friends from by Youth in the summer of 2010. the community to share all activities. Parents and interested adults from the church are encouraged to participate as Participants of this week long experience will sleep and eat at a chaperones for events such as field trips, fundraisers and United Methodist church. Each day during the week they will mission projects. set out in small work teams to complete jobs for elderly and disabled people as well as families in need. The purpose of the program is to grow leadership skills in the young participants Sr.MYF and to help them understand that they can make a difference in High School youth are invited to meet on Sunday evenings at the world. Participants in the program are trained in proper tool 6:45 pm to share in fellowship and fun. Community building use and job safety so that the work can be completed to the best and leadership are stressed during these meetings and youth are of their ability. Just as important to the program is the way encouraged to invite friends to share all activities. participants are encouraged to understand the needs of their client. Often a smiling face and the knowledge that someone cares is more important than the actual work. Work teams Youth Council bring a lunch to share with their clients each day and one The Youth Council is a committee of youth representatives and evening during the week clients will be invited to an evening advisory adults who serve to coordinate the youth events of the meal with the entire group at the host church. Camp church. The council will meet regularly over the course of the participants will be motivated each day with devotional time year and can provide feedback and input into the Youth and uplifting worship. Fun activities are also planned each programs of the church. Youth Council will begin meeting in evening. October. For more information contact Sarah Laflamme, Christian Education Director OUR DEDICATED STAFF 5 th and 6 th Robin Orford 692-1087 Sunday School Superintendent Bob Hill Cathy Order 692-8206 Nola Burkhard Rebecca Markey Nursery Lisa Magnuson 251-1229

Roberta Stratton 251-7493 th th Elsie Wilson 7 and 8 Lisa Warren 250-1366 Terry McAlister 392-1274 Carolyn Higgins 846-2502 Mike Villareal 256-8273 Scott Davis 790-2189 Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Jennifer Weinbeck High School Kathy Clark 458-3749 Herb Mower 692-0835 Amy Story 496-1101 Jody Little Judy Harris Youth Ministry th th 1 st and 2 nd Grade Jr. MYF(6 through 8 Grade) Debbie Allen 251-4511 Jamie and Carolyn Elmore Jill Przybylowicz 256-1013 Greg and Gwen Burke Joan Bears 256-9427 Jill Przybylowicz

Andi Hoff 455-3005 th th Joanne Evans 692-8159 Sr.MYF(9 through 12 Grade) Scott Davis 3 rd /4 th Grade Tom Laflamme Beth Powers 256-8522 Patty Fidler Kim Trainor 692-4139 Jon and Leanne Cozad Harry Johnson Joseph/Jean Solodiuk Christian Education Committee Harry Johnson, Chairperson Computer Lab Kim Trainor Bill Clark 256-3778 Carolyn Higgins Carolyn Elmore Scott Davis Joanne Evans Amy Story Cathy Order, Sunday School Superintendent

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