NDSS and the National Buddy Walk Advisory Committee are proud to announce that we will be holding a nationwide contest for the Buddy Walk t-shirt design for the 2007 Buddy Walk season. This design will incorporate the Buddy Walk logo in a new and creative way so groups will have an alternate design option for their t-shirts. We hope that this will be an annual contest.

Designers submitting their artwork can be individuals with Down syndrome, parents, siblings, or friends. The winner will have their design worn on t-shirts at Buddy Walks across the country and even some Buddy Walks abroad. This artist will receive recognition on all NDSS BW promotional materials and on http://www.buddywalk.org/. Submission guidelines will be available from NDSS shortly. For more information on this contest, please email [email protected].

Designers across the country may submit their artwork by December 31, 2006 either by emailing [email protected] or mailing their work to: NDSS, Attn: Buddy Walk Design Contest, 666 Broadway, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10038. The winner will be announced by the end of January 2007. While the standard design may still be used for t-shirts, we encourage groups to utilize the new design each year. Please note that whatever design you choose to use, the BW logo must be featured prominently on the front of your t-shirts. It is important that this logo is a nationally recognized symbol of our unity.