2785 Pacific Coast Highway, #124, Torrance, CA 90505-7066 RELEASE FORM Phone 1-310-547-5440

Owners Name: Owners Address: Owners daytime phone number: Owners evening phone number: Owners email address

Dog name

How old is your dog? Please include the exact date of birth if known Is your dog male or female? How long have you had your dog? What is your vet name, address, and phone number? Please contact your vet and give them permission to release all vet records to us.

Is your dog house trained? Is your dog crate trained? Is your dog an excessive barker? How long is your dog used to being alone through the day? How does your dog react to grooming? (brushing, nail clipping, bathing…)

What does your dog currently eat, how much and how often?

How does your dog react to new people?

Has your dog shown any aggression? (Growl, snarl, nip, bite…) What were the circumstances?

Does your dog have any issues/fears we should know about including like and dislike?

Do you understand that when you turn your dog over to our volunteers, you will be required to sign legal custody of the dog over to Whiskers & Tails Foundation?

SIGNATURE ______DATE ______